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28.08.2009 | 百無禁忌

陰曆七月, 百無禁忌.. 詭異事情你都應該聽唔少, 但係你又有冇親身經歷過呢?? 大概15年前呢一件事, 我仍然都歷歷在目, 當時好似都係陰曆七月期間..

一向都係臨時抱佛腳嘅我, 因為第二朝有個歷史測驗, 所以前一晚就通頂啃書.. 當我正在好用心揹書嘅時候, 忽然聽到屋外有班小朋友喺度玩, 應該有五六個啦, 而且仲係嘻哈大笑嗰隻.. 照咁睇本應唔覺有問題, 但係疑點重重:
  • 當時係凌晨三點幾喎, 呢個時候點會有班小朋友可以喺屋外玩啊??
  • 咁大聲, 隔離鄰舍都應該有人聽到, 但係就冇一戶人家大聲呼喝喎..
  • 維持有5分鐘咁耐, 聽到有架車經過, 然之後就完全無聲無息, 一切恢復深夜安寧..

嗱嗱嗱, 你係唔係覺得有啲嘢咁呢?? 我其實都驚驚地架, 但係就儘量逼自己專注揹書, 好彩菩薩保祐我時運高, 都係驚嚇一陣, 冇事冇事~~
it's the seventh month in the lunar calendar, according to the chinese custom, it's the month of hungry ghost.. i think you've heard many spooky stories before, but have you really experience it before?? i really mean, on yourself.. something happened about 15 years ago, and it's still clearly kept in my mind, and i remember it was somewhere during this month also..

i normally did my last minute revision just the night before exam, because i'm a short-term memory kind of person.. there was a night when i was struggling for the history exam on the next day, while i was very much concentrating on my books, i suddenly heard a group of kids (around 5 or 6 i think) playing, shouting and yelling happily outside.. well, seems like nothing's wrong for kids to play around right?? but, it was strange because:
  • it was 3 plus in the morning, and it's so not making sense that a group of kids were playing out there in such wee hour right??
  • they were loud, but none of the neighbours have heard them and then yelled at them to stop making noise..
  • it lasted like 5 minutes, i heard a car passed by and soon after this everything went back to the normal silence a deep night should be..

well well well, and i supposed you think there must be something behind there right?? i was actually freaked out then, but i forced myself to only concentrate on the textbooks.. anyway, i was lucky, thank to god, it was just a freaking 5 minutes and nothing bad has happened on me~~

26.08.2009 | 藍天白雲

好耐都唔見藍天白雲同埋艷陽高掛喇.. 上兩個月每一日都係煙霾籠罩, 個天時時刻刻都係灰矇矇, 搞到個心情都好似跟住moody咁.. 週末開始呢幾日, 天空突然一片晴朗.. 我鐘意見到太陽, 鐘意見到藍藍的天空, 感覺朝氣蓬勃, 個人都開朗啲..

好似夜空觀星一樣, 我會鐘意睇雲, 由雲嘅形狀聯想其他物體.. 的確係幾好玩嘅想象力游戲, 但係而家已經好耐都冇做過咁嘅事喇.. 係心態, 係成長, 係好多因素, 你認為呢??
it's the long lost fine day with bright sun, blue sky and white clouds.. for the past two months, it has been hazy all the time, and somehow made us feel moody as well.. but starting last weekend, the weather has a total change, it's clear weather for these few days.. i like seeing the sun and seeing the blue sky, they make me feel more vibrant and happy..

like watching stars at night, i like to look at clouds, and from the different shapes of the clouds i will link them to some other objects.. it's kind of interesting imagination games, but i have not done that for a long time now.. perhaps it's mentality, it's growing up, it's lots of factors, what would you think??

23.08.2009 | 重遇閱讀

之前話過自己開始有返啲閱讀嘅興趣, 但係就唔知要由邊度開始.. 噚日終於踏出咗第一步, 一口氣買咗兩本書, 有啲沾沾自喜添.. 都係同探討生命有關嘅兩本書, 最近對呢一類書頗有興趣.. 兩本都係全球暢銷作品, 算係多年前舊作, 現已譯成多國語言.. 就係以下呢兩本喇, 喜歡閱讀嘅朋友, 大概都對呢兩本作品有所認識吧??
i mentioned earlier that i started to have (gained back) some interest in reading, but just do not know where to start.. yesterday i finally made the first step out, i bought two books in one shot, both talking about positive life, am actually quite interested in these type of books lately.. both books are international bestsellers, they are actually not new anymore, being translated into multi languages.. so these are the two books i have bought, if you like reading, i supposed you briefly heard about them??

[1] 保羅•科爾賀《煉金術士》 [2] 米治•艾爾邦《在天堂遇見的五個人》
[1] Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist" [2] Mitch Albom "The Five People You Meet In Heaven"

今日開始睇第一本, 一頁一頁慢慢咁睇, 竟然有令我想一路繼續睇落去嘅衝動!! 原來閱讀嘅感覺係如此美好, 至少我而家嘅心情係咁樣認為..
started reading the first book today, i slowly read it page by page, and surprisingly i somehow got that urge to continue reading it all the way long!! never knew reading could be so fulfilling, at least now that my mood is telling me so..

21.08.2009 | 國家代表

雪櫃啲乳酪食晒未添置, 所以今日早餐可以食其他嘢.. 突然間好想食好耐好耐好耐都冇食嘅nasi lemak, 所以今朝唔駛多諗, 即刻去買咗包.. 我最鐘意就係加魷魚, 仲係要魷魚鬚嗰個.. 嘩, 好好味啊, 好似好耐都冇食咁豐富嘅早餐喇..

have finished consuming my yoghurt in the fridge but not yet replenish, so i can have something different for breakfast today.. suddenly craving for nasi lemak, something i have not been eating for a very very very very long time.. so without any hesitation, i just went to buy a packet as my breakfast.. i always like to add on the sambal sotong, and it has to be the tentacles to be specific.. wow, this is really delicious, i think i have not had such a scrumptious breakfast for quite a while already..
其實我覺得nasi lemak係一種好馬來西亞嘅食物, 如果首選國家食物, 我會話係佢囉.. 如果要你揀一樣食, 你又覺得邊樣可以代表馬來西亞呢??

i think nasi lemak is a very signature alaysian food, if i were to choose one kind of food to represent our country, it will sure be the chosen one.. if you were to choose one kind of food, which do you think best represents malaysia then??

19.08.2009 | 窩心便當

我有個朋友話佢好叻煮嘢, 曾經整過佢嘅撚手蝦子飯帶去某個聚會, 最後得佢份嘢係掃清光, 食到大家lam-lam脷.. 佢成日都引以為榮, 某日我就半開玩笑咁話:「咁叻不如你煮畀我食睇吓點~~」

結果頭先佢突然打畀我話:「一陣你唔好出去食飯喇, 我送個飯盒過嚟!!」嘩, 我真係好驚訝囉, 專程送個飯盒過嚟, 從來冇人對我咁好架!! 哈哈.. 接過飯盒一刻, 真係好受寵若驚, 個飯盒仲係暖笠笠架喎.. 揭開一睇, 嘩, 原來就係傳聞中嘅蝦子飯, 做得好豐富好靚囉!!

我一啖一啖咁食, 覺得好窩心, 不消十分鐘就講整個飯盒幹掉!! 軟稔嘅飯中帶有蝦子卜卜脆嘅口感, 實在太好味喇, 真係要贊!! 多謝呢位咁有心嘅朋友, 抵啜嘅!! :p
a friend of mine is always proud of his own cooking, there was once he cooked his ebiko rice for a potluck party, ended up only his cooking was cleared up and everyone seemed to like that so much.. he has been so proud of that, and once i jokingly told him: "well, cook for me and let's see~~"

and he caught me by surprise by calling me up just now, "don't go for lunch today, i'll send you a lunchbox later".. i was like, wow, purposely drop by to give me a lunchbox, no one has ever treated me so well before, haha!! the moment i received the lunchbox i was thrilled, and the lunchbox was still kept warm.. i opened it, hey isn't this his "legendary" ebiko rice?? topped with varieties of sides, it looked so nicely done really..

i could feel the heartiness for every mouth i take, and i got the whole thing done in less than 10 minutes!! that was really something delicious, i must give credit!! thanks to this friend of mine, you deserve a muacks!! :p

17.08.2009 | 豬原肉潤

我記得七八年前嚟過呢間瑞士-德國餐廳一次, 當時係食餐甸拿嘅心情去, 加上事隔多年, 所以已經印象模糊.. 噚晚心血來潮再次光顧, 發覺範圍擴大咗, 而且比較試正同埋光猛, 唔似得以前咁噏遝..
i remember dining in this swiss-german restaurant 7-8 years ago, was just bringing with me a having-dinner mood that time, furthermore it was so long ago, thus my impression on it has already gone blurred.. went there again last night, i found out they have extended an outdoor section and somehow the renovation looks more appealing, not as run down as last time..
食物方面, 首先presentation大有改善, 唔似得以前求其一pat嘢豪邁上桌.. 附送每人餐包一個, 另外點咗煙肉煎薯餅(rösti)一份, 唔錯喎, 不過略嫌薯仔切得太幼細缺少嚼勁..
food wise, the presentation is more refined as compared to the butch style they served when i first visited.. each one of us was served a complimentary dinner roll, and we ordered a potato rösti with bacon, quite nice, but i think the potato is too finely cut, a coarse texture would be better..

友人JY點咗呢個招牌菜德國鹹豬手, 伴碟有薯蓉同埋德國酸菜(sauerkraut), 我好似第一次見佢食嘢食得如此開心囉.. 事後, 佢竟然話皮脆肉嫩非常好食, 注意佢好少用到『非常』呢個字眼.. :p
friend JY ordered roast pork knuckles, served with mashed potato and sauerkraut.. i think this was the first time i've ever seen him eating so happily.. he commented on the crispy skin and tender juicy meat was very nice, and noticed he mentioned the term "very" that he rarely use.. :p

友人CY對於餐牌上嘅呢個燒腩卷一見鐘情, 五花腩肉卷住香腸質地嘅肉塊再拎去燒, 果然食到佢神魂顛倒.. 最後見佢淨番一大舊皮原封不動, 仲以為佢怕肥, 點知係要將最好嘅留到最尾先食!! :p
friend CY saw this rolled stuffed pork belly ont he menu and without hesitation he has decided to have this into his stomach.. a whole piece of tender belly roasted to perfection, absolutely heaven for him.. we saw him leaving the entire piece of crispy skin aside, thought he might be afraid of the greasiness, but according to him, he's just saving the best for last!! :p

我自己就因為花多眼亂, 又想試呢樣又想試嗰樣, 衰貪心, 點咗呢個拼盤.. 一網打盡令人流晒口水嘅香腸/火腿/豬手, 而且仲有spätzle(德國煎年糕??)同rotkohl(紅椰菜), 所以你話我有咩理由唔滿足至得架?? :p
because there are too many choices, i can't decide but wanted to try a bit of everything, i ordered this platter.. you got all the succulent sausage/kassler ham/pork knuckles in a plate, plus the german spätzle with bacon and rotkohl (red cabbage), how could i ever deny being very satisfied with this?? :p

呢一餐甸拿, 我好滿足啊, 網上好多blog都有呢間餐廳review, 我唔多講喇.. 埋單每人平均RM40, OK喎.. 我講明會再幫襯架, 因為難以取舍情況之下, 我放棄咗我的至愛香腸呀, 下次要個香腸main dish~~ :p
i was very satisfied with the dinner, loads of reviews of this restaurant from blogs everywhere, so i'm not going to further comment.. the bill came up to average RM40 per person, i think it's reasonable.. i will certainly come back, as under the situation of deciding after can't-decide-what-to-eat, i dropped my favourite sausages, it will be my main dish next time~~ :p

14.08.2009 | 同事與我

噚晚睇返自己啲相嘅時候, 從中摷到幾張同事大合照.. 2005年12月我加入宜家呢間公司, 都就快要4個年華喇.. 人來人去, 喺度同大家分享代表每一年嘅一張相啦..
was looking back at my photos last night, and found these group photos taken with colleagues.. joined the current company in Dec 2005, and wow, it has been nearly 4 years.. people come and people go, let me share with you one photo for each of the year here..

[2006] 被派去香港公司工作, 住咗成年咁耐, 一個好難得嘅經驗累積.. 香港同事, 你哋好嗎??
[2006] was sent to HK office to work on a project, staying almost a year there, it was a good experience.. hi all HK colleagues, how do you do??

[2007] 好難得嘅一次company trip, 中港星馬所有同事齊齊去泰國玩, 好開心喎..
[2007] a very rare occasion that all CN/HK/SG/MY colleagues went on a company trip to Thailand, it was a very happy one..

[2008] 年年例牌都會有聖誕交換禮物架喇, 呢一年應該係最鼎盛嘅一年.. 奈何我只係非常夠運地抽中曲奇餅乙包 :(
[2008] we have christmas gift exchange every year (ritual), this year should be the year with most people around.. but unfortunately i only got a bag of cookies :(

[2009] 最近勞師動眾再影低嘅一副齊齊整整大合照.. 覺得自己越來越老喇, 不過我要再次同某位朋友重申一點, 年紀最大嘅唔係我~~
[2009] a recent group photo we took rather cumbersomely.. really think i'm getting a lot older, but i'd like to to stress once again to someone, i'm not the eldest one here~~

12.08.2009 | 隨口亂噏

因為有慣例寫blog嘅原因, 我都會先諗好一個題材, 然後再慢慢落手寫.. 通常係搭車嘅時候有靈感, 不過好多時候返到屋企, 就已經醒唔起頭先諗緊要寫乜!! 難道係年事已高, 導致記憶衰退嘅跡象?? 雖然經過一番努力之後會記返起, 但係今日例外, 點都記唔返喎.. 所以今日呢篇post, 就好似我想同大家講嘅呢個故事一樣, "巧"精簡架, 希望大家鐘意..

個故事係咁嘅: 從前有個小朋友, 佢好唔聽話.. 第二日, 佢死咗~~ [完] °﹎°"
because i have a habit of updating my post constantly, i will always plan for a topic before i start to blog about in my post.. normally the idea come while i was commuting from/to work, but most of the time soon i reach home/office, i have already forgotten what i've planned to write about!! could this be the weakening memory due to aging?? however i managed to remember the topic after rounds of recalling, but today is an exception, i just cannot recall no matter how hard i tried.. so, this post for today will be as simple as the story below that i am going to tell you now, hope you'll like it..

the story begins: once upon a time, there was a little boy, a very naughty boy indeed.. the next day, he died~~ [the end] °﹎°"

10.08.2009 | 開卷有益

細個時候作文或者填表, 大家其中一個嗜好應該會係寫「閱讀」.. 我覺得當時閱讀係一個好學生嘅標準活動, 不過實質上有幾鐘意, 我就已經唔記得喇.. 我只可以講, 除咗讀書時候要睇教科書同埋一啲(規定)故事書之外, 我之後係未完完整整咁睇過一本書囉..

不過人會老亦會變, 最近發覺自己漸漸鐘意逛書店, 尤其城中城間「紀伊國」書店.. 雖然唔會好似「書癡」咁呆上一日, 但係隨意拎幾本書翻兩翻, 就好似我鐘意逛超市咁百無厭倦.. 呢一排似乎對於清朝歷史甚感興趣, 係睇得劇集多嘅緣故?? :p

好想買啲書返去睇, 古有云「開卷有益」, 除咗可以增強知識同文學修養, 最緊要一樣嘢係--可以扣稅添喎!! 呵呵.. 大家有咩好書要介紹咁呢??
do you remember back in your schooldays, one of the items you wrote about your hobbies must have been "reading"?? i think that was pretty a standard model especially for good students, but if you were to ask whether i was really fond of reading, i don't think i can remember that.. what i can tell here is, other than textbooks and some story books i used to (or rather have to) read in school, i don't think i have really completely read up a book since then..

but people change (especially as you age), i started to find myself liking to hang round in bookstores, especially Kinokuniya in KLCC.. though i won't be spending a whole day in the bookstore like bookaholics, but flipping though books is almost as interesting as myself surfing in supermarkets (which i love to do).. recently am especially interested in the history of Qing dynasty, perhaps have been watching too much of those drama series?? :p

i've recently wanted to get myself some books, the ancient chinese says "you are benefited once you open a book", yes you got knowledge as well as literately refined, but more important is -- you can get tax rebate from books!! haha.. so any good books (of any type) that you would like to recommend??

07.08.2009 | 失而復得

前日咗呢間I超市, 買咗三件物品一共RM12.40.. 畀錢嘅時候, 因為自己得RM50同RM1紙, 為咗方便個收銀找錢(其實係自己唔想袋咁多RM1紙), 所以我畀佢RM53.. 之後佢就找返RM0.60畀我, 我接過銀角一手放落褲袋, 然之後就滿載而歸返屋企..

咪住, 你有冇發覺唔妥啊??冇錯喇, 佢應該找返RM40.60畀我吖嘛, 點解找少我RM40架?? 不過我就係懵惺惺, 一路到上咗輕鐵之後先發現找少錢!! 點啊?? 冇理由兜返去嘈架?? 當時諗, 唉, 算吧啦, 當自己黑仔, RM40當做日行一善啦.. 係好鬼肉赤嘅日行一善~~

返到屋企, 其實仲係耿耿于懷架, 之後覺得我畀RM52.40買呢三件嘢, 咁我食一舊朱古力咪燒我RM5??!! 唔得, 為免自己食到背脊骨落, 我決定上網send封email去客務部反應一下.. 封email真係寫得字字鏗鏘, 企到硬要返錢架喇..
[episode opening]
went to this I supermarket the day before and bought myself three items at RM12.40.. because i have only RM50 and RM1 notes, so to round up my change, i gave RM53 to the cashier to pay for the goods.. she then gave me back RM0.60 change, i grabbed the coins, dumped into my pocket and then happily left for home..

but wait, did you realised something not right?? yes, she should have given me RM40.60 change instead, why is there a RM40 shortage?? but i was so negligent and blur, not until i stepped into the train that i realised the shortage!! so how?? i just won't go back and argue for that right?? that moment i was thinking, well forget it, i'm unlucky today, just imagine my RM40 has just been donated to the charity.. a very painful donation indeed..

i reached home, still thinking about my painful shortage of change, and i thought by paying RM52.40 for that three items, that would mean i'll burn my RM5 for every piece of chocolate i bite!! oh no, i think i just could not bear that, i immediately go online and send an email to their customer service.. a real standing-tough email i sent to them, enthusiatically asking for my money back..


結果點樣呢?? 究竟我拎唔拎得返我嗰RM40呢?? 請按
so what happened next?? did i get my RM40 back?? Click

05.08.2009 | 高不勝寒

攀高望遠, 睇到嘅嘢會多啲, 好嘅唔好嘅都盡入眼帘.. 同樣地, 自然更容易成為焦點, 或者係擊中點.. 要學識點樣去前進, 要學識點樣去避免.. 高處風狂雨大, 可以依靠嘅不及低處多, 自然嘅會顯得脆弱, 要站得住腳, 就要睇根基有幾穩, 睇你有幾多支柱.. 登得更高, 向上嘅斜度會更陡峭, 進退兩難, 一朝跌落嚟會受到更嚴重嘅傷害, 所以舉步為營..

when you climb higher you see further, and of course you are able to see more things, everything good and bad at a glance.. but never forget at the same time, you get more easily spotted, focused or striked.. it's about learning how to advanced, learning how to avoid and back-off.. most of the time rain is heavier and wind is stronger at higher ground, more exposed than lower land, you hence appear to be more vulnerable.. in order to stay strong, it really depend how steady your base is, and how much support you are able to get.. the higher you set, the more slanted the way climbing up, you are stuck between going up and going down, falling off from higher point cause more deadly injuries, that is why you take every precaution..蘇軾《水調歌頭》裡有句「高處不勝寒」, 字面上講嘅係孤單造成嘅無助, 其實我覺得不寒而慄呢種感覺來得更加具體, 更加真實, 更加可怕..

the ancient chinese poet Su-Shi (not sushi, but pronounced Soo-Tsih) had this in his famous poem of all time - "one can't fight the chill at higher ground".. literally the chill caused by being alone and helpless, but i would also say the chill caused by fears is actually more substantial, more real, more frightful..

03.08.2009 | 數你罪狀

早前去咗J超市買嘢, 遇到三件令我好唔滿意嘅事, 我竟然忘記咗要投訴.. 都過咗一排, 算啦, 就當我大發慈悲, 係咁意喺度噏吓算數喇..
went to J supermarket days earlier, and encountered three unpleasant experience.. strange is i've forgotten to lodge a complaint, but since it's quite some time already, i think i'll just show my mercy and casually rant about here anyway..


[罪狀一: 不懂變通]
唔知幾時設立咗個長者與孕婦優先收銀處, 我見其他counter排晒隊得呢一個冇人, 梗係直接行過去畀錢啦.. 個收銀竟然拒絕服務, 話係長者或孕婦先可以過嚟.. 嘩!! 想點啊?? 係長者與孕婦優先, 唔係專用喎, 其他counter排滿隊, 係得你一個冇嘢做企定定喺度.. 佢個腦梗係塞咗, 講唔通囉..[wrongdoing 1: inflexible service]
i have no idea when there is a "priority lane for elderly, handicapped and pregnant women" at the cashier, and since i see no one is queuing there, instinctively i just proceed to that lane.. but the cashier just refused to service me, "sorry but this lane is for elderly, handicapped and pregnant women only" she said.. but i thought this is so wrong, priority does not mean dedicated, while other cashiers are busy and you're there standing idly, is there any wrong that you service other customers?? her brain must have been stuffed with only operating manuals, totally inflexible!!


[罪狀二: 策劃有問題]
好, 費事拗, 我排第度.. 原來其他counter全部都係實習收銀, 個個手腳都慢過你阿嬤, 唔怪之得全部都大排長龍啦.. 我嚟幫襯, 仲要我嘥時間排隊送錢畀你咩, 咩天理啊?? 邊鬼個篇嘅更表啊, 點解會全部實習收銀架, 明知禮拜日人客多架啦..[wrongdoing 2: inefficient roster]
ok, i gave up, i'll go to the normal queues.. and i realised that all counters are manned by trainee cashiers, they are doing things at ultimate grandma pace, no wonder the long queues were created.. i can to bring you business, and yet i have to waste time queuing to make payment, isn't this ridiculous?? and i really wonder who plan the roster table, knowing weekends must be packed with customers, i have no idea why there isn't a single experienced cashier to help speed up the queuing time??


[罪狀三: 多餘要求]
等咗成15分鐘先輪到我, 雖然我顯得好唔耐煩, 但係我唔係怪新人手腳慢, 我明每個人都有起步嘅時候.. 不過呢個收銀, 當我畀錢嘅時候, 佢竟然問我有冇散紙!! 喂, 大姐, 我有就一早畀咗你啦, 駛你問?? 就算我鐘意畀大鈔你, 你都應份要找錢啦, 乜找錢好勞煩你咩?? 真係問嚟都多鬼餘..[wrongdoing 3: inappropriate request]
finally my turn after 15-minutes of waiting.. i'm very impatient at cashier queues, but that does not mean i'm mad with the trainee cashiers, i know everyone has a slow start, i just blame the one who did the roster.. but this trainee cashier, when i tender my payment, she asked "do you have smaller notes?".. i was like immediately gone mad, if i had the smaller notes you asked for i would have given it to you earlier!! and even if i purposely give you a big note, it's your obligation to give me the exact change, does that make a difference?? and please, don't even ask this stupid question again, it's just so inappropriate and a nonsense..