[Volume 9 Issue 9, #1943] |
How DEEP is my blog?? |
今日個重點係, 我呢個blog其實就好似佢個主人咁「深..藏..不..露」!! 哈哈, 先唔好講我自己啦, 相信大家都應該有留意到, 我呢個blog其實唔係一般普通嘅blog.. 因為我鍾意不時(懶醒)放好多互動元素落去, 係都要讀者呢度click下嗰度click下, 係都要搞到大家頭暈暈先睇到啲絕密東西!! 呵呵.. 所以為了大家著想, 今日就同大家解釋一下, 我個blog其實應該點樣去欣賞~~ :p [特別教學] 首先, 請由呢個button開始 冇錯喇!! 你先頭所㩒嘅BUTTONS (當然我轉咗個新theme之後會唔同樣啦), 就係我經常都會用嚟顯示貼文隱藏段落嘅互動元素喇.. 我其實唔喜歡我篇貼文望落去過份長篇, 所以我喜歡將相關段落隱藏起嚟, 咁篇貼文睇落就乾淨利落好多.. 接下來, 請按下面圖片前進: ![]() 係喇, 另一個我經常用嚟顯示貼文隱藏段落嘅互動元素就係圖片喇!! 咁如果你想知道一張圖片究竟係唔係一個互動元素, 好簡單, 只需要將鼠標喺圖片上: (1) 如果鼠標變成手指嘅話, 表示你可以click入去; (2) 如果鼠標依然係個箭咀, 就表示唔會有事發生.. 同樣一個道理適宜用在其他互動元素上, 等大家慢慢發掘.. 所以大家睇唔睇到下面, 有兩個互動元素, 同埋一個非互動元素呢?? :) 從頭開始 | 返前一步 希望到目前位置, 大家都仍然跟得到啦.. 咁其實除咗顯示隱藏段落之外, 我有時候都會俾讀者選擇權利嘅.. 舉個例子, 大家可以由左至右, 按下面三個小圈圈, 選擇以不同配色顯示呢個段落.. 再次溫馨提示, 記唔記得鼠標手指呀?? :) 請顯示: 暗色主題 亮色主題 下一步 相信大家已經非常之精通喇!! 另外一個大家經常都會見到嘅, 尤其最近日本北海道之旅, 就係本人最經典嘅互動電子相簿, 按號碼一張相一張相逐張睇, 而唔係要scroll嘅.. 不如我哋就搵兩篇真正嘅貼文嚟實習下啦, 好唔好??
係因為後面兩個小框框代表跳出視窗, 兩個貼文鏈接有, 下一步鏈接冇, 唔信可以返去再睇下.. 有咗呢個提示, 你可以預計自己會有幾多個視窗(尤其你老細失驚無神企喺你後面嘅時候), 呵呵.. 好喇, 我覺得大家已經識晒我啲秘技喇.. 完結前我有一樣嘢想(重複再)講嘅.. 如果一篇貼文有超過200條留言, 而你有發覺好似見唔到其中一部份留言嘅話, 請按留言版底部個"Load more.."按鈕, 咁就可以顯示全部留言喇.. 呢個係Blogger嘅標準功能, 不過佢有時得有時又唔得, 所以大家請俾啲耐心!! 最後我要聲明, 你嘅留言可能喺其他部落俾人篡改或刪除, 但係我保證喺我呢個部落, 我絕對冇篡改或刪除你嘅留言!! |
today's topic of focus is, this blog of mine is exactly as "D-E-E-P" as its owner!! haha, let's not talk about my first but i believe many actually noticed that, my blog is not just another ordinary blog.. because i always like to (show-off and) put in interactive elements into my posts, die-die also want my readers to click here and click there, die-die also want to make my readers feel giddy before they could see the hidden good stuffs!! hehe.. hence i think for the sake of everyone (especially newcomers), perhaps i should explain a little how's best to enjoy reading my blog~~ :p [TUTORIAL] first, click this button to start right!! BUTTONS like what you clicked just now (though they will look different if i change the theme) is the element i use most often to show hidden sections that consist of photos or contents.. i just dislike my post to grow too long, hence i usually hide optional sections so that the post looks a lot neater.. Next, click on the image below to continue: ![]() yes, another element i use to show hidden contents is IMAGE!! and to find out if an image is an interactive element, move your mouse cursor over: (1) click for something to happen if your cursor turns into a FINGER (2) forget it if your cursor stays as an arrow.. this principle applies to all other elements, of which you can slowly explore.. so now, can you spot two interactive elements and one non-interactive element below?? :) Start Over | Previous hope you are fine up to this step!! so, besides showing or hidding sections of contents, i also sometimes allow OPTIONS for my readers to choose from.. for example, click on each of the small circles below from left to right to change the theme of this section.. again, click where the finger cursor is, remember?? :) Show Me: Dark Theme Bright Theme The Next Step now, i guess you are already an expert!! what you will also see very often, especially in the recent Hokkaido trip series, is my very signature PHOTO ALBUM, for which you can browse through the photos one by one by clicking the numbers (yes, no scrolling).. let us try on two real published posts rather than on this tutorials, shall we??
that's because the two little boxes mean a pop-up window, the posts popped-up but the next step did not, go back and see again if you don't believe me.. with this, you may be more prepared about the number of windows you are working on (just in case your boss is standing behind you), haha.. okay, i guess that's all you need to know, but before we end, one final thing i would like to (repeatedly) say is that, If a post has more than 200 comments and you do not see some of the comments, please click the "Load more.." button at the bottom of the comment threads to show all at once. This is a Blogger feature, sad to say, it sometimes works but sometimes doesn't, so be patient with them!! FYI, your comments may have been deleted/edited in some other blogs, rest assured I WILL NOT delete/edit your comments at all here in this blog!! |
Morning morning bloggers and happy Friday..
ReplyDeleteEh, SK, I thought you want to give tutorial and teach us how to make our blogs as canggih as yours la..
Wah, "tit ngan keng" wor, I'm the first wor..
DeleteI like BUTTONS.. Don’t kow how to explain, but I just like it.. Makes things very easy, just click and see the descriptions liao.. Or maybe “sum lei jok yung”, the button is small, so just click on it, won’t bother me that much kua..
DeleteOk, next, IMAGE.. Ermm, I’m ok on image also, but not always.. I’m very straightforward one.. Sometimes I just prefer to read everything in front of me, don’t ask me click this click that la..
DeleteIf got time, yes, will definitely click on the image and see what’s it’s about..
If no time, and just wana faster comment for the sake of commenting, aiyo, lazy wana click on the image lor..
Errrm, am I too straightforward? Will you filter this comment ahh?
Ok, next comes the OPTION.. I paling LOVE options.. I feel that you are very meticulous and very understand your readers..
DeleteSometimes maybe some people don’t wana read too much, so you will give options like “Bikini see thru version” or “Full version”.. This one, I like, memang I tell you, I like..
Like I said, when we are bz, we just wana faster scroll and see what’s the post about, so maybe we will choose the “simplified version”.. Instead of us clicking on the image, bla bla bla..
Lastly, I wana talk about links.. Honestly, and very straight forwardly, I don't like links in blogs.. Again, sorry ahh, same thing.. If free, then ok la, I will layan a bit and click on the link.. If no free ahh, I tell you, MOST of the time I don't click on the links one..
DeleteLike if you link your post with here, here and here, I almost never click on those links..
But I have to admit, in my post, I use links too.. Especially if I quote another blogger, have to show respect and manners, and link the blogger and her/his post also.. But I try not to do that often la.. I believe not many people will click on the links especially if there are too many here, here, here and here..
Ok, now gostan balik.. Since I've types all the main points.. Now can kau-kau-chan a bit and gostan a bit..
DeleteSame like Sheta, initially when I see this post, I was like "wah, today's post so short only, very easy la".. Timm chii, wah, so long and click so many buttons and so complicated one wor.. I read twice to understand the post..
I thought you wana teach us how to insert all these canggih stuffs into our blogs la.. Haha..
But of course, let me add here before I finish, this is your blog.. So your blog, your like, your sukak! This is yours, you can use any method you like.. We readers, will support and still click on your buttons/options/image, nomatter what type you use..
DeleteSK, lei hou geng!
Pssst, errr, I still actually prefer one whole post without having to click here there, this that, can ahh? hehehehehe
DeleteThe links are meant to be optional, in case you want to know more about something la, no need to click if you are not interested :D
Deleteoh Princess Ribbon, of course i like frank comments and am always ready for feedback good of bad.. i can joke in everyone's blog as well as take in the retaliation lah, no worries.. but sometimes, beat around the bush a little lah, too straightforward can hurt also geh, haha.. we all are clever people, so you hint hint a bit, then can understand jor geh, draw dolls no need draw also the intestines mah, right?? haha.. but okay lah, i think you are just being frank and i am not upset at all, in fact, THANK YOU for telling me your opinions.. i know what i am going to do next.. :)
DeleteBUTTONS & IMAGES - i always use this trick lah, because it's simple and i really sometimes think some long-winded description from me should be hidden away, only those who doesn't mind can click and read on lor..
LINKS - haha, frankly, i also don't click the links when i go elsewhere lah, unless they interest me.. but one thing i would like to say, if you want to put links, please put it as "additional info" for example you told the story and any additional info you want the reader to know, ask them to refer to the website.. i don't like those that explains nothing, but ask you to click here and here and here and here to find the answer yourself.. and one more thing, all my links are pop-ups, because if you load the link onto the same page, after i read, i'll just close and don't bother to come back to your post anymore, hahaha!! so want to use link, also use them wisely (like me) lah~~ :)
OPTIONS - because i am trying to please more groups of readers mah, then must have options lor.. full version for those who will appreciate my effort in putting up all the facts and stories in words, and short version for those that may not understand how not easy it can be to write an informative travelogue.. :)
yeah yeah, i know i know, most readers will prefer one long post that they can scroll scroll scroll instead of click click click.. and the shorter the post the sweeter mah.. i know what to do next.. thanks for the feedback :)
Good afternoon Princess Ribbon,
DeleteSik jor fan mei? (hahahaha, when I say this, I think of Realgunners post). Cham lor, Realgunners "owned" this phrase now so when others greet me this way, Realgunners image will appear in my brain, LOL! :D
Congrats! Congrats! You are no. 1 here today. Today also SK replies to comments so early too. Miss his round 1, dunno when he will come here to reply round 2.
Have a good weekend, ok? This weekend your two little boys will have mommy all the time. So happy for them.
Take care!
Afternoon to everyone here, and Mun too.. Yep you are right, I "tit ngan keng" two times liao today.. First, coz I was the first here, and second, coz SK replied such a LONG comment and also he replied early today.. I'm so happy to see SK here..
DeleteYep, I just eaten, now back to office liao.. Went to eat at food court only today.. Spaghetti. And soya bean.. Haha, detailed?
Wow, I like SK's reply.. His favourite phrase: Draw dolls no need draw intestines.. I wana laugh everytime he says like this.. And as I'm reading his reply, his face will pop into my mind la..
Happy weekend to all the readers too.. The boys will stuff their nose on my ABC soup again :)
Yours OK what SK... links, pop ups and whatnot. If I want to read, I click. No need to scroll down so long like my post to get to the conclusion.
DeleteWhat I believe is, we blog and read to improve and entertain ourselves. And learn new stuff too.
Pity if all of us want or prefer to be stuck in a rut.
Go on forward SK. We are right behind you!
Learn more Experience more. Jangan be proud to be a katak di bawah tempurung. Hehehe
Apa ini makcik talking la???? Muahaha
thanks Lina for the encouraging words!! now that makes me still feel good even if many don't care to appreciate what I did.. and I love that statement "don't be proud to be a katak bawah tempurung", this is inspiring, inspiring us to learn new things, experience new things and move ahead.. surely not nice to stay in our comfort zone and stuck ourselves with only what we are comfortable huh?? :)
DeleteThat said... I really must belajar from SK and do all those links. I know, I know... you shared it with us dy...
DeleteMust go make effort and be as resourceful, creative and innovative like Ah boy. :P
having that said, we must also be ourselves, if you know you will not like it, then let it be, haha!! or you probably may know yourself better and find a way to surprise others with something even better!! :)
Deleteme too learning from SK la. I recall SK last time nearly every friday will teach us how to do scripts. Still remember the comic script? hahaha...think i have to dig out and let J play that now. Now he know a bit about computer. Can help him learn more la
DeleteAt first I thought is a short post, then click click and see, wah...so long...
ReplyDeleteActually I like the hidden image one more, like the 1, 2, 3 picture one, the one long short a bit, the long long one always have to scroll scroll and find just now read until where...(that's why sometimes hard to use phone to comment, end up typed wrong or forgot I was saying already, I guess use pc is better, can open two windows, so can scroll together, don't need comment one time then scroll up and down to find again)
But but but anyway, I know people would say this's people blog, he can write anything anyway he likes la, you're just reader please don't complain so much and just read and stop complaining...(that's why I put "but"), I'm just giving my opinion saying which one I like only not complaining, and and and the most important thing one, content is the most concern one and which we all know you've some lots of time to write!!
Deletehahaha, maybe after writing the travelogue, i am used to be more long-winded and write long post jor!! muahahaha.. okay okay, thanks for the feedback and i know what to do next.. but cannot totally say it's my blog and my like lah, because i am also writing for readers to read, so also gotta take care of their feelings geh.. unless this is just a private blog and only i read it myself lah, then i can do whatever i like.. else, the readers are my 米飯班主 of course i listen to feedback and try my best to please more groups of people lor~~ :D
DeleteGood afternoon Sheta,
DeleteYes, I think feedback and opinions are accepted because like SK says unless it is a locked and private blog, the writer also has to consider the audience readers too.
Have a good weekend!
If SK blogs commercially... then yes.
DeleteBut if he isn't... why not he blogs how he likes. It's hard to please ALL readers anyway.
We can't all write the same way. Definitely not to please the mass especially when it has no gain for us, just satisfaction.
well, being a nice guy (vomit!!), even this is a personal blog, I still care about my readers lah, afterall only having something interesting or different may attract more interests.. you rately see me keep on blogging about the same topic or stuffs, show photos of similar things again and again right?? at least that's to think on behalf of my readers, as I'll also feel bored if I keep on reading the same piece of stuff (even if they are all presented differently) also.. :)
Deleteand for that SK, I am eternally thankful to you.
DeleteThose who keeps posting same stuff over and over seems to be scared they have nothing else to write about lah. LOL
But cannot complain also. Other's blog, other style.
actually that's also because me myself tak boleh tahan writing the same old stuffs again and again!! hahaha.. once is good, twice is showing you enjoy and appreciate, but three or more is probably a little too much.. that's why before I bore my readers, I make sure I don't bore myself first!! :D
DeleteSK is a very gentle person always accept what people said, let's think like this, when people giving compliment or negative feedback or anything, we can take it or leave it, people comment or talk about it is "their" people mouth, if we found something good that we can learn from then we take it, if we found something not like things we acceptable just leave it then!!
DeleteThat's what we learn in life, you can't change how people look at us, talking about us, but what we can do is change our own perspective!! SK always very politely to take the feedback, I believe he's very appreciate and happy he has new task to learn and new thing to challenge!!
That's why I know how this would goes, and also why I put "BUT"!!! Not about complaining is about discussion thing and also learning thing!! We can't stop what people thinking and what people want to say, no matter they said good or bad just depends how you look at it and honestly I always hoping negative feedback which means I still have space far to learn and keep going on!!!
That's why SK say he is a DEEP person. This post like doing strips tease...reveal sikit sikit here and there. LOL
DeleteKinda nice la to see the tricks he reveals. When spamming sometimes I dont really notice all the buttons and images...but now come to think of it...a lot of work involved in each of SK blog post leh. not easy
Hahaha, 2 words can sum up what I want to say. You are SUPER PRO BLOGGER!
ReplyDeleteI truly agree that SK is the only blogger in this whole universe who uses all the self invented Hi-tech HTML buttons and layout with 2 languages! He would have added Tamil too if he had not being expelled from the slum dog college in motherland Chennai for playing truant and rode cows to cyber cafés to play games! Muahahahaha
DeleteThat is what makes him the SUPER PRO BLOGGER!
well, maybe being too advanced ahead of the majority is not necessarily a good thing also.. if others cannot follow and you are too far ahead, there's a gap~~
DeleteI agree with RealGunners here, SK is a super pro blogger. Sorry ah TM, tak brapa paham apa u cakap wor.
DeleteMun, no need to understand. Let the two talk tamil with themselves. LOL
DeleteBTW, I can never spell itu "thirucipalli" ke apa correctly. Muahaha
அவன் என் சகோதரன் Avaṉ eṉ cakōtaraṉ!!! We never get enough to jibe each other, so need to throw in Tamil vulgarities! Now he has started lecturing me with Mandarin idioms pula. I am sweating already.
DeleteHey, this Lesson One today, have you all clicked and observe? Nanti got examinations.
When I see Anay and Thambee's camaraderie, it reminds of that movie Three Idiots. Did you guys study at the Imperial College of Engineering? XD
Deletemuahaha!! and it will surely makes many amazed that Anay and Thambee actually made friends through blogging and tslking CB stuffs in each other's blog!! of course, this friendship is always treasured.. :)
DeleteI sokong...yup...SK really Super Profreesional Blogger. Not sticking to the normal rut. But always finding ways to improve
DeleteYour blog always have special "button" to click in, very high tech!
ReplyDeletehaha, yalor, so "high-tech" i don't think you ever clicked them hor?? :p
DeleteHigh tech is the word! :D
Deletehaha.. being too high-tech may not necessarily be a good thing huh?? hihihi :p
DeleteNo meh? I thought everyone wants to be high-tech. Like having a usb port in your neck to direct connect devices to your brain. Or direct access internet through our specs. Eeeee, think of all these sci-fi stuffs creep me out. I think the future will be like in the movie "Surrogate" starring Bruce Willis.
Deletehaha, not exactly everyone wants to be high-tech.. two types I can think of:- (1) those that are tunnel-visioned and never want to move on; (2) those that have gone too far and see things beyond, and want to go back to the basics.. haha!! :)
DeleteGood Morning Bloggers. I thought Thambee must be hitting at Anay who whined about being giddy after dropping many comments. Well I was being frank but I do enjoy always, the thrills to spam so many comments. Only you alone knows, how much trouble I put in with my well thought comments after reading your line by lines many times.....before posting them.
ReplyDeleteI do enjoy and admire all your buttons in blogs which were sometimes more than the buttons on my office shirts!!! After clicking and ooh aahs at your lovely photos, it was time to type and spam. OH Gawd....I had to click back again one by one as your comment box is always far below that needs scrolling and scrolling for miles as your total comments have hit 200! That's the price for Anay to pay for spamming after 200 hits. I guess I should join those Early Birds Catches The Worms.
Good morning TM, how's the weather over at your side today? TM is early today, hehe....
Deletewell, of course i know how much trouble it is, because that is exactly the same thing i am going through when i am spamming your posts also lah CCB!! 20+ photos and paragraphs that i read every single word and spam comments on each of them.. but then Thambee is more cleber than Anay dei, when i am spamming your blog, i always open two windows, one for reading and one for commenting, and that makes life super easier dei~~
Deleteand thanks for the feedback on the way i write my post.. i know what i shall do next~~ :p
Good afternoon Twilight Man,
DeleteSik jor fan mei? (Oops, I see Realgunners again, LOL).
You are always so creative, now you link SK's post's buttons with buttons on your shirts.
Have a good weekend!
What the... hahaha I'm glad I am so influential :D
DeleteMun - Sik jor fan mei? I just makan Nasi Ulam with heaps of spicy hot sambal belacan! Now can you see smoke hovering in this comments?
DeleteSK and I always talk craps and exchange rubber bullets until today. அவன் என் சகோதரன் Avaṉ eṉ cakōtaraṉ!!!
What the hell Thambee? You thought you more cleber kah than Anay? Anay ate more garam than you la. No need open 2 windows and read so gila babi dei. I just copy your whole text and paste them to my text page and start commenting la. If forget, then look back the photos again and spam. Now my CB secrets leaked out already!
DeleteYes, yes, RealGunners. :D Wah, TM spicy hot sambal belacan. Geng! I cannot eat hot spicy food like you. Oh, another clever way to comment long long.
Deletehaha.. comment longer means the chance to get extra score is higher.. but then have to make sure you don't talk crap also.. this is one strategy you know?? hehe..
Deletewow, Anay copies the whole post and then paste somewhere to read and comment offline?? how clever!! no wonder he can comment each paragraph, if I had click-through album probably he can't do this, because he would need to click buttons for each paragraph to appear.. so long scrolling layout is more preferable huh??
Darn it...no wonder la SK disable the right click command...now cannot just " copy your whole text and paste them to my text page" for his travelogue post liao...Yesterday i click setengah mati dei....then die die have to type out those long strings of name what hakodate shoku...something something la...then i give up at the last paragrapgh on the restaurant name liao.
DeleteYou're good at these things, i dare not try out, scare wait my whole blog gone, then i will starts to sobsssss liao...
ReplyDeletehahaha, if there's already a wall built then really it will be difficult to progress ahead.. :p
DeleteGood afternoon Sharon,
DeleteSik jor fan mei? Hope you are feeling better today.
SK is a super pro blogger, not easy for normal casual bloggers like us to dare out what he is doing because once gone, no used crying over split milk.
Have a good weekend!
why not?? many have tried and able to do it.. there are a few documents you can download from the "[FAV: favorite & useful links]" sidebar that you can use the scripts I have shared.. it's not about whether you can or not, but all about whether you care to or not and want to do it or not.. where there's a will there's a way, agree??
DeleteYours is something different from the norm and certainly love the style especially the 'hiding' part when there is a quiz. Apart from "showing off" your HTML scriptease skill you are also very generous and willing to share. Salute to our scriptease sifu.
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon இ Baŋäŋaz இ,
DeleteSik jor fan mei? Hope you are feeling good today.
You are as creative as Mr. Twilight Man. He likens the post's buttons to his shirt's buttons, you think of scriptease as opposed to striptease.
Sure there is lots of Javascript - teasing here.
SK is Javascript sifu.
I like the quiz too.
Have a good weekend!
Hi mun இ sik jor lor thor cheh. At this hour hope nei also sik jor. Bananaz prefer Medan than Java kakaka. Oh yeah one more new term -- Javascript sifu..cool
DeleteI am no Sifu la.. but interactive blogging workshop?? awww, that is very interesting I would say.. nice idea, Bananaz!! so how much shall I charge per person?? muahahaha~~ :p
DeleteYou accept cash, credit card or a container of bananas?
Deletecash would be nice.. a container of bananas will become "rotten banana" (ooopsss don't link to the Hokkien here) cos I can't consume that many in time :D
DeleteSK... yes, only you can do that.. among all the blogs I hop into daily, no clicking buttons here and there... as for myself, don't even think of it... anything new, I am blur blur, even Small Kucing is so much better than myself.. hahahaa...
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon Claire,
DeleteSik jor fan mei? Hope you are feeling superb today.
I agree with you on that point that only SK can do this. Other blogs I also seldom see all these interactive UI items.
Hehehe, when mamarazzi comes back from school holidays, she will say, eh? I so keng meh until Claire wants to use me as the benchmark for blogging, hehehehe.
Have a good weekend! Any roadtrips this week?
I think many out there can also do the same stuffs, probably just this SK likes to show off only, muahaha!! anyway, whatever it is, I actually enjoy putting up all these interactive stuffs, I don't care if you enjoy it, it's more "shyiok sendiri" kind of thingy I guess, hahaha!!! :D
DeleteI also learn from SK one leh, Claire. Tu big IT sifu here. Faster go find Chinese Tea and pai si.
DeleteNah...you tarak show off la. Just that perfectionist la SK. Tarak suka blog look messy. Dare to try new things. Me have to thank you also la for teaching so much. Though i dont incorporate the scripts in my blog but now through you i learn or at least agak agak know la a tiny bit about html and those < and> ....Must have both or it wont work ...at least something goes wrong in my blog i can look see and see what is missing then ask for help lo
So... when can I get my PhD certificate?
ReplyDeleteWhere's the graduation ceremony?
Ah, now SK is thinking to accept your challenge or not.
Deletehaha, you want cert ke?? just do a print screen lor, muahahaha!!! xD
Deleteeh print screen tarak syok leh...Must have a touch of SK tender care and cert mah then baru got the "feel" of getting PhD here.
DeleteGood afternoon SK and everyone,
ReplyDeleteSik jor fan mei? Now that I have two browsers open, time for serious comments to begin.
Thank you for this tutorial, now all newbies like me will not miss out on anything.
At first, I did not know about clicking here and there so I always miss out on some photos and text. Later on when I sussed it out, it is really fun, like being in a theme park, must explore here a bit, there a bit.
But of course must have the time for it. If in a hurry then cannot really enjoy all these nice intricate features, just like in a hurry also cannot all the attractions in the theme park.
In particular I look forward to the monthly theme change. The creative banner where we must spot SK embedded in the picture. All nicely integrated. So cool. SK must have spent a lot of time on this so we must give ample appreciation and scrutinize the banner.
Yes, thumbs up for SK!
DeleteOops wrong place.
Deletehmmm, I guess this is something that will receive extremes responses huh?? either you enjoy exploring or you "tsk" all the time about having to click here and there?? haha..
Deleteoh, I've made it a point to change the theme and banner on a monthly basis.. looking at the same thing all the time bores me, we need something to refresh ourselves too agree?? :)
Good that you have made a point to do that for people who gets bored easily. Yes.
Deletethe first of those would be me myself!! muahahaha :D
DeleteWhat an interesting and fun and of course, interactive post SK!
Your blog is special. That's why we love coming here again and again.
Instead of being a mindless zombie reading banal posts everyday, yours made us think and made us interact. *thumbs up*
Yes, thumbs up for SK. Ah, this is the correct place.
Deleteawww, feel so flattered with this, haha!! thank you a stadium load of nasi lemak for these encouraging words.. but I guess not only my blog is unique, in fact everyone's blog IS unique, everyone has their own style and be proud of it.. we are all better than those who had given up blogging, hehehe~~ ooppppsss!!! no offence~~ :)
Delete1. Buttons: Buttons online are fun for me to click and click. Buttons on clothes, not so fun because once one button drop off and roll away, it is difficult to find a similar replacement button to sew back on our clothes so most likely bye bye clothes with one missing button. Buttons on your post I seldom miss out. Must click click click.
ReplyDelete2. Image: Ah, this one I often miss out cos my mouse wait, wait also don't want to turn and give me the finger so I often miss this one lor. Sometimes the image no link also I move my mouse over it like crazy just to want it to show me the finger.
3. Options: Hehehe, this I must confess, I seldom click to change the themes because I am a person who prefers to wear uniforms to work so that I don't have to decide on what to wear and I also do not own any make up. So if the content is the same, I don't have a need to view the same content under a different theme.
BUT. Sometimes when I am bored and nothing to surf online anymore I will cliick to see the other themes. SK put in effort to do it so must at least see what colour coordination that he has done.
OR. when I have time, I will click the option to enjoy the different themes.
ooopsss!!! I just realized I posted the reply at the wrong thread.. please refer to my reply in the following comment thread :p
ReplyDeleteWow, this answer is deep too.
Deletehaha, actually the options to change the layout theme is just an example for the sake of the tutorial only.. in fact my never have options for readers to change the theme of my blog ever.. what you would see is probably options to display contents, eg: full or short version..
Deleteand I guess Mun now understands more about my interactive elements huh?? hope you enjoy exploring in the future, of course only when you are free and in the mood, don't force yourself else you'll hate this blog, hahaha!! :D
Yes, understood the interactive elements d but old d so eye sight is not so good so occasionally will miss a button here and there, hehehe.
Deletecome on, who's old here?? we are all YOUNG, at least at heart, muahaha~~ :p
Delete你當然係眾多讀者之中最年輕嗰個啦, 哈哈!! :D
Delete4. Photo Album: This is good. No need to scroll long long down to see the photos but sometimes got floating caption boxes and sometimes don't have so when don't have, I don't know whether it is my browser problem or really don't have captions.
ReplyDeleteAnother one is eh, I remember got one photo I want to see again but forgot is it 3 or 5 or 7 so I main tikam tikam go click this one or that one because lazy to click all again and in the end also have to click all one by one again to find the one photo because the tikam tikam fail.
Ah, so the two little boxes at the end of the links mean they are images, right? Oooops, wrong, the little boxes mean a new instance of browser will be launched for the link. Ok, OK, I get it now.
ah, this is something that put me into a difficult situation.. some likes this click through photo, but some prefer the conventional long-scrolling layout.. so in order to strike a balance between these two extremes, I compromised to have long scrolling style for my Japan travelogue posts, and within the long layout, slot in the click-through photos.. ah, it sure is not easy to please all.. but I tried..
Deleteyes, the two little boxes besides the link means there will be a pop up window or tab.. if a link does not have the boxes, it would be purely some scripting I have for interactive purpose ;)
Hello SK,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your reassurance that no comments will be deleted. I know in one of your previous post, I was asking where are my comments because my understanding was wrong about the "Load More" thingy.
I thought "Load More" only applies to comments made later after the long list of comments and not to those comments made later but in reply to the first comment. But now I know those comments made later but in reply to the first comment (meaning that comment will appear near top, not near bottom) will only appear after I press "Load More".
I hope others can understand what I am writing here.
At first I thought "Load More" loads the comments by the order it appears on the comment section but this is not the case. "Load More" actually loads the comments in order of the time the comments are made. I think lah.
err, I'm rather made confused by your comments actually, hahaha!! but nvm, I think you get it by observation that it is based on the time factor..
Deleteand I don't see why the need to delete or edit comments here, some even did this without informing the readers.. be open minded and take feedback, that's how we improve, right?? unless the comment is of very serious offence, then that's another story, but i guess my readers here are rational people who will not go over the board, so no big issue to me.. :)
Hahaha, so your kepala pening also by my comments about Load more. Nevermind as long as I understand now. :)
Deletehaha yeah the process is not important here, as long as the end result is you understand how it works.. :)
DeleteErm, I actually feel confused on what mun is trying to say, hehe, but anyway never mind, as long as doubts are cleared ;)
DeleteHello SK,
ReplyDeleteJust one question. For android handphones, which browsers do you recommend that we use to get the full experience of your interactive blog?
Have a nice weekend!
haha, I really have no idea about this at all.. if you really want an answer, probably desktop would be give so better experience than mobile, though it should work cross-browsers, haha!!
DeleteDolphin works quite well for me, it automatically re-adjusts website layouts to suit the screen, most of the time.
Deletethanks RealGunners!! I'm using Apple so have no idea about Android.. hmm, now makes me wonder if my scripts and interactive elements work as they should be in different devices..
DeleteOk, will try it on Dolphin. Thanks RealGunners. Good idea SK, maybe you can load your blog on your friend's android phone to test it out.
Deletehuhuhu!! I think I have no time to test on all platforms and browsers!! whoever has problem then please report and I'll try to resolve, this way better lah~~ :D
DeleteOh Dolphin, first time heard about this, but me same like SK, using Apple, so not so familiar about Android.
DeleteOf course i love buttons, links, radio buttons, checked boxes, images, colour changed and etc. These are part of my life now, I am doing screen, form and report everyday at work. But then, I do not have the time to my blog as good as SK, and definitely I am not as good as SK too. I tell many times, my boss will love SK if he has a staff as talented as SK. Yannie only does what user requested for business needs and operation changed.
ReplyDeleteClap, clap and clap to SK, he makes his blog so unique and interesting. I like la! In fact I don't like long winded posts one. I love sweet and short posts with more images. Different people has different preference, not a problem at all.
DeleteHappy Friday everyone and Happy weekend too.
Oops! School break is over soon, exam mode one. Sweat!
One last point, how I wish I am as good in programming as SK, then I can show off in front of my stupid boss. He will sure be impressed and salute me for my great scripting skills. Dream on Yannie.
DeleteWow Yannie wanna try scripteasing! Don't dream make it happen. Yes you can, just never give up. Sure SK would be more than happy to assist you or perhaps conduct a scriptease class for all of us. What say you SK plzzzzzzzz!!!!!
DeleteWow, so cool that Yannie is also doing web based applications.
DeleteI guess probably only those who knows a little programming will understand what I'm doing here better huh?? but small scale simple ones I'm still okay lah, come to large scale sophisticated organizational level, then I'm as tiny as an ant!! haha..
Deletescriptease class?? wooo!!! that would be super interesting!! I like the idea very much, probably not about learning but more about interacting with each other huh?? :)
Yannie, yea I thought of that before too, my ex boss sure likes employee like SK, creative, plus he is still single, sure very 'flexible' (you know what I mean xD).
DeleteSure he'll be impressed with SK's ideas.
But you are a good employee also la Yannie, from the way I see you work, and your efficiency, really. It's just my ex boss doesn't know how to appreciate and feel contented, and keep on demanding for more >.<
That's what I can't tolerate and left the company 3 years ago.
So for you ladies who are still there, bravo bravo! At least you got better EQ and higher patience than I am ;))
Sometimes I too lazy to explore
ReplyDeleteno problem at all, those are all optional.. :)
DeleteLOL.... you should make this as a simple guide to your blog for beginners.
ReplyDeleteyeah, good idea, maybe should put this link at the sidebar~~ :p
DeleteAnyway...well done with all these controls. I'm sure it makes your blog looks more special and different from other blogs (which already it is)
ReplyDeleteyeah, i actually like all these controls but then not all readers would like that.. anyway, just for "shyiok sendiri" only~~ :p
DeleteI was real busy lately , didn't really blog hop. Glad I find time tonight to blog as well as to blog hop. Keep your blog going man!
ReplyDeletehope you will get through this and come back full force!! all the best~~ :)
DeleteYour blog is definitely the most canggihest blog of all! Very very interactive and fun! Click here, click there, every where click click :D
ReplyDeletehaha, most canggihest of all also no use lah, no sponsors and no business and no laku here also~~ :D
DeleteHaha, SK, 'laku' among us can already la! See you got us your loyal readers who come and spam kao kao everytime, 真心朋友几个就够了 ^^
DeleteI believe we all blogging for so long, we for sure learn a lot from it, like we always start from a simple simple one, then until we add in more widgets to make it a bit more interesting, then few more months later, we started to take down partly slowly coz it takes long time to load......
ReplyDeleteIs just like part of learning process, start from we know nothing then a bit then more and more expert in it!! =]
True true, this is called 进步!
DeleteI realize when I first started blogging (in 2008 if not mistaken), my blog was very plain and simple one, of course that time those embedded functions of Blogger were limited also la, then slowly more functions available, and I can put in more things to make my blog more interesting already, like those anniversary/countdown calender, marquees, advertisements, followers, links and etc.
Agree, just like a learning process, and we all learning to become better =)
Good morning SK
ReplyDeletewakakaka sorry ah i cant help laughing at the first paragrapgh...the way your describe is so funny.
True enough...your blog have so many thousand huidden elements and I confess that sometimes i missed clicking or tapping or sliding sometimes and then i would be blur on what the heck the rests are talking about in the comments
or at times i bang my head on the laptop *can claim insurance ka?* coz the blog hard to load or certain script cannot see coz connection too slow .
It's like having a love and hate relationship with your blog la
Yes...i think you better put this TUTORIAL post as one of those what you call it pin-up or something post permenantly on top of your blog with big red warning to newcomers to read the instructions becoe start commenting or else they will blur sotong like me.
ReplyDeleteButtons on top on side at bottom...all have to click..okay got it.
ReplyDeleteIt does make the post look much neater la and then readers also tarak feel bored scrolling endless sets of photos.
Ya my blog is guilty of long endless photos. But then I malas make buttons . Mainly because am frighten of techical issues. I know your instruction very clear but am quite slow to catch up. Remember the last time I tried making slides. Kept have to kacau you on why my slide tak jadi .
. I think you have the instructions at your side bar right?
Same here, I also just post the photos like that, no any interesting interactive elements one, very bosan I know :p
DeleteBut Mamarazzi yours ok la, at least your words not many, plus your witty way of blogging actually din't make your blog boring la~
Eh...image...aiyak i think i know liao....eerr...maybe i dont...i wonder if the same principle applies for the hidden items or those compare two photos and find the missing item script you have got in the past.
ReplyDeleteHahaha if it applies then i can curi ayam instead of using the hint...but my race against time will be bad liao lo.
wei....but in my laptop the cursor if i put on the text it is not an arrow wor..it's and "I"..but if i pull from the text to other part of the blog it become arrow la.
Yes,....i found the finger
Sobs............ why tarak back option??? I clicked liao the dark theme and the bricht theme then i blur sotong click next....now am in another screen jor. can't go "gostan" leh.
ReplyDeleteI demand a "gostan" option. *evil grinz*
Actually hor...next time do put in the dark or light theme option ...will be nice la coz sometimes i read read cannot read. Like if got contrast theme for the said paragraph then i know where i stop. (coz i open two tab , comment para by para)
The photo album is nice . Yes it is a good idea having number coz there were so many photos there. sure people might get bored and just skip to last paragrapgh and comment.
ReplyDeleteThese number and some have description is nice leh. I can go back and fro to see the photos and think about it
Ya if got lots of photos then best is have them numbered.
DeleteBut for me, sometimes lazy :p, so I don't put number.. Unless if a lot la~ But usually my style is, won't be more than 10 photos per post, unless travelogue....
I dont understand what is the function of the two boxes. Coz if i click on link and click on the boxes are the same...maybe am missing something
ReplyDeletehahaha...okay...ignore my above question...I just clicknext step and found out the answer. But then your post always open to new tab for me so i cannot detect the difference la...mine is open to new tab. I select Pop up not allowed.
DeleteOh you always set pop up blocked ar? Like that won't be inconvenient meh? Sometimes some browser must allow pop up one, like some people set their comment section is a new window one, if block pop up then cannot comment lo?
Load more feature very darn troublesome. I know not you la but it's from Mr B la.
ReplyDeletecoz instead of loading the next 200 comments sekaligus...it load one by one...if your post have 300 comments means i have to click load more 100 times leh. Wish Mr B will do something about it
Yalo, but this thing sometimes it works on its own wo, sometimes even over 200 comments already it will show all by itself, no need click load more. But sometimes cannot pula~
DeleteWell, instead of wishing Mr B to solve this, we must first report to him, anyone did that already? Hehehe!
also my wish is Mr B do incorporate a system where we can bann certain email adddress from commenting. Yea i know you say you wont delete or edit people comments in your blog no matter if it is negative comments or what but for me i will delete a comment if it is hamsap one. You know there are sometimes SPAM comments. Those that advertise their product ...or link to some porno site. That's why i use comment moderation.
ReplyDeleteOh yaya, I agree with you Mamarazzi, I face that often too! Don't know what account/who came comment and spam with long irrelevant useless comments one, I never even bother to read it or click into it, but I when I knew 'this people' came and kacau again, I just feel irritated! I don't need their comments to increase the total comments la, ish ish~
DeleteI know we can set who can comment, but the options is limited and not so friendly to me, either we set to public (where everyone out there can comment) or we only limit to people who has Blogger account. Once I did set to the latter, but I realize I do have silent reader and readers who doesn't have Blogger account but still care to leave a comment wo! If I block them then they cannot comment already, aiseh, ‘hou mao dun' ar! (feeling miserable)
now that i have Permanent head Damage from SK0617 Blog...can continue spamming liao la...right? kekeke
ReplyDeleteeh...sk i think you have forgotten one or two more thing leh....what about drop down list ...that one you tarak mention...another was the sliding one....some times image need to be slide instead of click
ReplyDeleteInteresting for an IT specialist to show us how to incorporate those tactics. Those surely make your post suitable for all types of people. Bravo, SK!
ReplyDeleteHmm, being your loyal readers for months already, memang sudah tahu you punya pattern la! Most posts sure got surprises, sure got canggih canggih stuff punya :p
ReplyDeleteTo me its a good thing la, at least help me to know what scripts can do to our blogs ma, and how canggih it can be, its an eye opener~
And you are being generous, share the links on how to create those elements at your side bar, I tried once the photo thingy, but failed in the end, so I thought I better just stick to my own simple style, sorry la I am very impatient one, hehe! Plus I always prefer short, simple and straight to the point style ;)
Buttons, I guess this is the most straight forward most traditional kinda element lo! Can be seen everywhere~
Image, no surprise too! But in my blog, when someone click on the image, it'll only become larger la, nothing else, LOL!
Yes, I learn about that when I was in University, a 'finger cursor' works, if it's an arrow then nothing special.
The 'Next' link, also something common~
Options, well it's good for you to include options buttons in your blog, we can play play at the same time, though it doesn't help much in reading your whole post la honestly, hehe!
Photo album, ya, memang your signature style, instead of the traditional long queues of photos, you incorporated your own style, this one must give you a big LIKE!
Oh ya those little boxes at the end, I think I saw something similar before this at a blog, that was when I first learn about the difference of it, hehe~
'(just in case your boss is standing behind you)', LOL! You are quite smart ma! Well I guess most employees face this situation la, I was like that when I was still working that time, so ngam my monitor is facing boss's room so must be super careful, cannot maximize the browser window one, all must shrink and place at the corner, where my CPU might be able to block the view a bit, when I heard/realize my boss is coming out, then at least I got time to quickly minimize that broswer and open up my program ma! Wahaha!
Like Ah Hua and Yannie they all lucky, sitting facing boss's room, what behind them is the wall, and no CCTV at our office one, so they can surf net and open anything as they like, even if boss call/walks to their workstation, they got plenty of time to close those windows, hehehe!
Yala yala, I remember you won't delete/edit any comments we left, it's the Blogger issue la, I hate it leh! So mafan!
But it's also a good thing for you, it means your blog traffic is high! More than 200 comments wo! 不是普通人可以有的~不过当然,你的部落也不是普通的部落所以要看到200留言,sap sap sui 啦!!:p
Hi SK! I am here to catch up on what I missed. Ah, yes, your blog is very unique lah. Press here, press there, got picture come out or got new paragraph come out. I think it is very neat lah so you can "fold" your posts. My head is still hazy but I can follow this post and I as already used to your "tekan-tekan" style :D