the following two clips are found from internet, on British BBC Radio 4's exploring the race relations in Malaysia.. i think this is rather a highly controversial issue, but being [1-Malaysia] citizens we really ought to seriously take a look..
"... 我哋馬來人應該得到呢啲特權, 因為馬來人係呢片土地上土生土長嘅族群.. 基本上我哋享有特權係因為我哋畀咗其他非馬來人(華裔同印裔)國家公民, 所以佢哋得到公民嘅回報, 就係馬來人可以享有教育, 獎勵, 貸款同買土地擁有上嘅特權"
[backward conservative]
"... the Malay should have the special rights, because basically the Malays are the son of the soil of this country.. and basically we are given this type of rights because we have given up the citizenships to the non-Malays, the Chinese and the Indian, and for that in exchange, we get the privilege of such as education, scholars, loan from the bank and some land for the Malay reserve"
"... 我哋馬來人應該得到呢啲特權, 因為馬來人係呢片土地上土生土長嘅族群.. 基本上我哋享有特權係因為我哋畀咗其他非馬來人(華裔同印裔)國家公民, 所以佢哋得到公民嘅回報, 就係馬來人可以享有教育, 獎勵, 貸款同買土地擁有上嘅特權"
[backward conservative]
"... the Malay should have the special rights, because basically the Malays are the son of the soil of this country.. and basically we are given this type of rights because we have given up the citizenships to the non-Malays, the Chinese and the Indian, and for that in exchange, we get the privilege of such as education, scholars, loan from the bank and some land for the Malay reserve"
"... 特權唔應該同族群背景有任何關係.. 我最近學識閱讀可蘭經同埋先知嘅生活守則.. 我而家認為族群唔應該係規劃人民嘅一個課題, 老實講, 如果要以族群背景去看待一個人, 我覺得係非常之唔公平嘅一件事, 就係咁簡單"
[forward thinking]
"... privileges should not be based on your ethnicity.. i've just learned to read the Quran and the practices of the Prophet.. now i believe that race should not be an issue from one man to another, it's unfair honestly a person to be based on their racial background, as simple as that"
"... 特權唔應該同族群背景有任何關係.. 我最近學識閱讀可蘭經同埋先知嘅生活守則.. 我而家認為族群唔應該係規劃人民嘅一個課題, 老實講, 如果要以族群背景去看待一個人, 我覺得係非常之唔公平嘅一件事, 就係咁簡單"
[forward thinking]
"... privileges should not be based on your ethnicity.. i've just learned to read the Quran and the practices of the Prophet.. now i believe that race should not be an issue from one man to another, it's unfair honestly a person to be based on their racial background, as simple as that"