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22.11.2009 | 議論紛紛

網上睇到英國BBC Radio 4越洋嚟到馬來西亞, 探討族群課題嘅兩個專訪.. 我覺得呢個課題雖然係個甚俱爭議性嘅話題, 不過身為[一個馬來西亞]公民嘅我哋一定要認真睇一睇..

the following two clips are found from internet, on British BBC Radio 4's exploring the race relations in Malaysia.. i think this is rather a highly controversial issue, but being [1-Malaysia] citizens we really ought to seriously take a look..

"... 我哋馬來人應該得到呢啲特權, 因為馬來人係呢片土地上土生土長嘅族群.. 基本上我哋享有特權係因為我哋畀咗其他非馬來人(華裔同印裔)國家公民, 所以佢哋得到公民嘅回報, 就係馬來人可以享有教育, 獎勵, 貸款同買土地擁有上嘅特權"

[backward conservative]
"... the Malay should have the special rights, because basically the Malays are the son of the soil of this country.. and basically we are given this type of rights because we have given up the citizenships to the non-Malays, the Chinese and the Indian, and for that in exchange, we get the privilege of such as education, scholars, loan from the bank and some land for the Malay reserve"

"... 特權唔應該同族群背景有任何關係.. 我最近學識閱讀可蘭經同埋先知嘅生活守則.. 我而家認為族群唔應該係規劃人民嘅一個課題, 老實講, 如果要以族群背景去看待一個人, 我覺得係非常之唔公平嘅一件事, 就係咁簡單"

[forward thinking]
"... privileges should not be based on your ethnicity.. i've just learned to read the Quran and the practices of the Prophet.. now i believe that race should not be an issue from one man to another, it's unfair honestly a person to be based on their racial background, as simple as that"

20.11.2009 | 十四年前

無意中摷到呢一副陳年舊相, 十四年前高中三時候嘅班照.. 上一回講到私隱呢個話題, 見今日星期五大家懷著週末心情, 我掙扎良久, 決定豁出去, 同大家分享我以前副(不堪入目嘅)尊容!! 搵下睇我喺邊?? 哈哈, 不過唔準笑啊!!

found this old photo by accident, this Form 6 class photo was taken some 14 years ago.. i've blog about personal stuffs in my previous post, in view that it's friday and everyone is in the weekend mood, after some struggles i decided to go no-care but to share with everyone my (unbearable) look back then!! try to find where i was, but you are not allowed to laugh, ok??!!
[按照片放大] [click photo to enlarge]

搵唔到?? 好好好, 畀小小提示大家啦.. 不過呢個提示唔可以咁張揚, 我怕大家肚痛!! [提示]
can't find?? ok ok, let me give a little hint here.. but i'm not gonna show it explicitly here or else you'll get stomachache!! [HINT]

仲係搵唔到?? 放棄喇?? 好啦, 就公佈答案啦!! [答案]
still no luck at all?? gave up already?? ok, then let's reveal the answer!! [ANSWER]

18.11.2009 | 不愛曝光

曾經有個朋友話, 我寫嘅題材已經逐漸趨向「大眾化」, 唔似得以前咁帶有私人情感..

係架, 我覺得一旦有嘢寫上去, 就一定會有人睇(包括你老闆在內!!), 就代表你已經赤裸裸地向世界表白自己.. 而當越多人睇嘅時候, 我就覺得唔好去得太深入同太私隱, 唔好太高姿態, 唔好涉及太敏感嘅話題囉.. 所以我覺得應該點到即止有所保留, 始終呢個所謂嘅私人部落格, 其實係處於一個大眾平台上..

可能大家唔認同, 話到底都係我自己嘅風格啫.. 其實越係私隱嘅blog我越係鐘意睇, 因為八卦係人嘅本性嘛, 哈哈~~ :Da friend told me previously that the topics i'm writing in my blog has gone more and more "common interest" now, unlike my older posts that touches a little more on my personal feelings and emotions..

well, i guess he was right, because i think as long as you have something posted, there will be people who read (including your boss!!), and that means you have already exposed yourself to the world.. when there are more and more people reading your blog, i would rather not go too deep into details and be too personal, don't be loud, and of course avoid talking about sensitive issues.. hence, i think being moderately and wittily reserved would be the best, we have to know that despite this is our personal blog, it is still sitting on a public platform..

you might not agree on this, but this is my style of blogging anyway.. actually i like to read very personal posts, well, many of us (by nature) loves gossips right?? hahaha~~ :D

16.11.2009 | 食你落肚

最近有個習慣, 就係會拎起部相機影低眼前食物, 儲埋都有好多美食相噃.. 我其實要伸冤啊!! 我係鐘意影多過鐘意食囉, 大家唔好睇到相就認定我係食家至得架.. 為咗唔再令人誤會, 所以最近儘量避免寫美食為妙.. 以下一次過同大家分享, 琳琅滿目之中, 你而家最想食嘅係邊一樣呢?? 呵呵~ :p

i have a little habit recently to snap the food i'm having, hence i found quite a number of food photos in my harddisk.. actually i wanted to appeal!! i'm more interested with taking photos than eating the food, haha, so please do not see my photos and think that i'm a gastronome ok?? in order not to make people misunderstand me, i try to avoid writing food posts recently.. here i'll share with you in one go some of the photos, amongst the various which do you think is the one you feel like eating the most now?? hehe~ :p
如果見到想試嘅, 歡迎查詢相關食肆喎, 我絕對樂意同大家分享.. :)
if you see something you would like to try, welcome to ask for the place to go, i'd be very happy to share information.. :)

13.11.2009 | 健康午餐

繼早前不斷喪食麥當當之後, 上個星期嘅午餐我幾乎日日都係雜菜飯盒, 諗返起都覺得自己十分之「麻甩」.. 痛定思痛之後, 呢個星期決定要開始節食, 踏出(講咗N年要減肥嘅第N次)第一步, 谷糧飲品+芝士麵包+蘋果.. 雖然份量上尚係大堆頭, 不過慢慢嚟啦, 至少(我覺得咁樣)係健康啲嘛..

後記: 其實食咗呢四片麵包之後, 我個肚爆漲!! 太高估自己食量喇, 結果個蘋果原封不動擺返入雪櫃.. :D
after that crazy period of walloping McD meals like no business, i have been craving for chap-fan (rice with dishes) and having it for lunch everyday last week.. suddenly i feel myself being so sleazy with all those eating habbit.. after giving myself a good thought, i've decided to slowly go into lunch diet, finally having my (Nth) first step (after N years of talking about on diet) out this week, cereal drink + bread with cheese + apple for lunch.. ok ok, i know the portion could be still huge, but i'm doing it slowly, at least i think they are healthy to me..

post-note: after walloping that four slices of bread, my stomach got super duper bloated!! over-estimated the capacity of my stomach, i gave up the apple and bring it back to fridge at last.. :D

11.11.2009 | 繼續雜碎

無心插柳之下用咗呢個方式寫blog, 估唔到竟然有好多讀者話鐘意.. 開心之余, 我都猶豫緊是否繼續呢個方式.. 最後決定, 見好就收囉, 所以今日寫多次完成三部曲就算喇,下期回復正常 :p

wrote my blog in this new style by accident, but never expected readers to respond with good comments.. while getting excited, i wonder if i should continue with this.. and the final decision is, stop before everyone gets bored.. so i'll just complete the trilogy with today's post, and back to my usual style next post.. :p
最近電台每隔一段時間就狂轟林小姐啲歌, 原本我應該好enjoy, 但係啲歌又令我諗起佢兩個星期後嘅演唱會.. 似乎係要提醒我, 喂, 你仲未買飛喎!! 唉, 我知, 我仲猶豫緊, 一就索性唔去, 一就一支公去.. 超可憐啊~~ :(

the radio is bombarding Ms Lam's songs every now and then, should be enjoying the songs actually, but somehow they reminded me about her concert two weeks later.. telling me "hey, you've not got your tickets!!" ok, i know i know, i'm still deciding - either i don't go at all, or i'll go all alone.. so pity~~ :(
週末去咗睇呢部電影, 睇完之後先發覺佢同一般娛樂性豐富嘅卡通片唔同.. 成齣戲係有一個非常鮮明嘅訊息帶畀觀眾, 就係探討綠色革命呢個話題.. 其實都幾有教育性質架, 仲上映緊喎, 大家不妨去捧場喎..

watched this movie last weekend, and realised it is very different from the conventional cartoons.. the whole movie has a clear message to the audience, that is about going green and protecting our planet Earth.. it's actually a very educational cartoon, still showing in cinemas, why not go and watch it??
係係係, 我知, 一定會有人話我核突, 不過我真係要講放屁喎!! 最近個腸胃應該係好唔健康, 時時放屁連連, 而且仲可以好清脆響亮添喎.. 其實我鐘意咁樣, 覺得好舒服, 毫無拘束, 當然就唔係大庭廣眾之前啦, 哈哈..

alright, i know i know, i'm sure many will think i'm disgusting, but i'm really going to talk about farting here!! i think my stomach is not so healthy recently, have bee farting so frequently, and could be crispy clear and loud too.. anyway, i like it as i feel so comfortable and relax, of course not in front of anyone though, i do it privately in my room, haha..

08.11.2009 | 瑣碎雜談

聽聞有啲人一日唔飲過咖啡, 就會週身唔自在.. 我就完全相反, 只要我午後一飲咖啡, 跟住我就會成晚眼光光瞓唔著架喇!! 可見咖啡因(嘅傷害)對我幾咁有效..

i've heard people who feel uneasy if they have not had coffee for the day.. but for me, once i have any coffee after noon time, i will certainly stay awake at night and never sleep well!! this is how effective caffeine can be (stimulating) on me..
以前返學嘅時候, 曾經作過好傻嘅一件事: 每朝會專登早40分鐘起床, 然後去梳洗, 跟住再返去瞓多30分鐘先真正起身!! 因為感覺上係瞓得比較耐, 比較有瞓飽嘅滿足感囉!! 哈哈..

i've done something quite silly when i was in school: purposely wake up 40 minutes earlier, go wash up, and then go back to sleep for another 30 minutes before i really wake up for the day.. because in this way i felt like i have slept longer, and the crave to sleep is fully satisfied.. haha!!
最近啲歌手翻唱成風, 一個跟住一個毫無顧忌地推出口水碟.. 當中我覺得最出色嘅, 當然係呢位方先生啦.. 由《紅豆》開始, 一波接一波到《狂潮》同《月亮代表我的心》, 果然係波波好歌, 正到哩..

it seems like a trend recently that many singers are doing covers of the past classic songs.. the one that i think who did more outstandingly is Mr Fong with his latest cover album "Timeless".. just love the R&B and Jazzy style he renders those golden oldies, cool!!
突然間好懷念秋吉路嘅「天涯客」板麵.. 廿幾年前, 當板麵尚未普遍嘅時候, 我就經常去幫襯架喇.. 我覺得同而家啲板麵略為唔同, 係偏向家鄉傳統嘅味道, 真係僅此一家.. 十幾年冇去喇, 唔知仲喺唔喺度呢??

i suddenly miss the pan-mee in Chow Kit.. over 20 years ago while pan-mee was still not popular, i've already been patronising that stall very often.. quite different from the pan-mee we normally have, this is more to the homestyle tradition, definitely one and only.. missed it for more than 15 years, i wonder if it's still there??

05.11.2009 | 有碗話碗

每次見到呢則廣告上嘅呢位洗衫板型男, 我就即刻有股衝動, 想要簽購佢哋嘅減肥修身配套!! 25次療程RM1699, 你話我好唔好行動呢??

everytime i see this washboard guy in this advertisement, i immediately have an urge to sign-up for their body sculpting package, 25 sessions at RM1699, do you think i should go for it??

每次見到呢位女士騷首弄姿, 我想話, 唔駛下下都要提醒他家架喎, 乳牛有時都會腰酸背痛啦係嘛??

everytime i see this lady posing in her photos, i would like to say, really don't have to keep everyone reminded all the time, even a milk cow will sometimes feel backache right??

每次收音機聽到呢位仁兄唱歌, 我會即刻轉台, 跟住好想嗌出口, 其實作曲咁叻, 不如專注幕後發展, 唔駛出嚟拋頭露面, 你辛苦我又辛苦.. [演唱實錄]

everytime i hear him singing on air, i will switch to another channel immediately, and then i just wanna say loud, why not just concentrate backstage since you can compose so well?? rather than going forestage and get toiled while i get toilsome too?? [watch the video]

每次見到呢則廣告, 天啊, 仲有三個星期, 我仲未買飛呀!! 冇人同我一齊去睇喎, 唔通自己一個人戇居居入場咩?? 唉, 真係好大機會要錯過喇~~

everytime i see this advertisement, oh my, another three weeks to go, and yet i have not grabbed my ticket!! well, nobody is going with me, i am just not going to watch that alone, so dumbly, right?? sigh, looks like i'm gonna miss this already~~

02.11.2009 | 一張五十

政府公佈2010年財政預算案, 相信有一項措施係人人都會話「有冇搞錯啊?」嘅.. 明年起, 每擁有一張信用卡就要繳付50大元服務稅, 附屬卡25大元!! 國家銀行指出, 目前市面上有980萬張信用卡同130萬張附屬卡, 咁豈不是不費吹灰之力就平平安安穩袋5億2250萬?? 果然係天文數字啊..


  1. 收費係為咗控制個人信用卡數量, 從而減低負債率.. [星洲日報報導]
    如果要控制, 國行大可以由現有數據庫落手, 每人只限兩張卡.. 卡數問題嚴重?? 關我叉事啊?? 我從來都唔賒卡數, 呢個理由對我好唔公平喎..

  2. 如果呢樣唔收, 嗰樣又唔收, 咁國家去邊度搵錢嚟建設同發展啊?? [星洲日報報導]
    嘩嘩嘩, 果然係金句, 夠晒攞命囉!! 我冇嘢講啦咁.. 仲夠膽問去邊度搵錢負擔財政支出喎, 不如問吓去邊度摷返晒啲錢出嚟仲好??
i am very sure there is one item in the recently announced financial budget for year 2010 that make everyone says "what the hell??".. next year onwards, every credit card is subjected a RM50 service tax, and supplementary card RM25.. WTF!! according to Bank Negara, there are now a total of 9.8 million credit cards and 1.3 million supplementary cards in the market, having to say, this will give an easy income to the government at a sumptuous amount of RM522.5 million!! gosh, tell me this number is not astrological..

actually what's more entertaining is to read from the paper the reasons behind given to this policy:

  1. the charges is to limit card application and hence promote prudent spending and cut down debts.. [The Star reports]
    but i thought our dear Bank Negara would already have details of all the cardholders?? how difficult is that to limit two credit cards per person from the system?? cut down debts?? funny!! i never failed to pay my bills, this is just a lame and unfair excuse to me..

  2. if we don't charge this and we don't charge that, who will fund our nation's development?? [The Star reports]
    wow wow wow, another quote of the century i'm hearing here!! well, what can i say then?? you hear that "where can we find fund"?? why not just say where can we go dig out back the funds instead??