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30.03.2009 | 瞓瞓食食

肚餓嘅時候你會唔會選擇去瞓覺, 而且會瞓得著?? 又或者瞓瞓下覺突然間覺得肚餓, 你會繼續瞓, 定係起身食嘢呢?? 我通常就會唔理個肚, 瞓覺事大.. 不過都有試過實在頂唔順, 爬起身食嘢嘅, 印象深刻有三次:
  • 有次天氣好熱覺得好渴, 所以去雪櫃拎咗個橙搣嚟食, 冰冰凍凍咁, 大快人心!!
  • 有次應該係(想減肥)skip咗食晚餐, 瞓得囉囉攣, 結果半夜起身煮個即食麵, 食飽再打個長burp之後即刻好好眠!!
  • 噚晚忽然起身拆開之前買咗嗰包曲奇餅, 就咁眼光光坐喺床上望住道牆, 食晒一排曲奇.. 之後就好滿足咁倒頭大眠..

我知瞓瞓下覺突然間起身食嘢係就係騎喱, 不過我絕對唔會食食下嘢突然間瞓著喎又, 哈哈~~ :D
when you are feeling hungry, will you choose to go to sleep instead, and able to sleep well indeed?? when you suddenly feel hungry while sleeping, will you continue to sleep or wake up to eat?? i normally will ignore my stomach, because sleep is more important to me.. but still there were couple of times i remember well that i woke up to eat, because i just couldn't stand the hunger:
  • there was one night i felt very thirsty because of the warm weather, just went to the fridge and get an orange, peeled it and ate it, it was so cooling and refreshing, felt so good about that!!
  • another night i think i skipped dinner (maybe intended to go on diet) and didn't sleep well, finally got up from bed and cooked myself a pipping hot bowl of instant noodles, slurped them and have a long loud burp before i went back to sleep.. that was heaven!!
  • woke up in the middle of last night and opened my pack of chocolate cookies bought few days earlier, sitting on my bed looking at the walls i finished one straight row, and then went back to sleep after feeling satisfied..

i know it's kind of weird to wake up in the middle of the night to eat, but never will i fall asleep when eating anyway, hahaha~~ :D

27.03.2009 | 怪我犯賤

唔覺意, 真係一次純粹嘅唔覺意.. 因為特價關係, 所以唔覺意買咗呢舊朱古力同買呢包*豪華裝*朱古力曲奇餅咁囉.. 相信你都聽講過stressed(壓力)倒轉嚟讀就係desserts(甜品), 所以甜品係有抗壓作用(de-stress), 尤其朱古力就更加被證實含有冇些食咗令人開心啲嘅成份..

it's accident, it's purely an accident this time.. because of the special promotion, i accidentally bought this block of chocolates and this pack of *deluxe* chocolate cookies (only).. i believe you have heard about stressed when spelt backwards is desserts, that is why dessets is also known as something that can de-stress, especially chocolates which has been proven to contain certain elements that could make you feel happier after eating..無可厚非, 食緊嘅時候真係有減低壓力嘅功效.. 不過對於我呢一類人嚟講, 食完之後就會變成食後壓力(post-stress)囉.. 點解呢?? 已經明知自己條褲子越嚟越窄, 啲衫越嚟越貼身, 仲要食呢啲咁肥死人嘅嘢, 唔壓力先奇啦.. 唉, 真係冇眼睇啊, 呢啲咪叫做犯賤囉~~ :(

undoubtedly, it is really kind of de-stressing the time you have them melted in your mouth.. but for myself, i would say it creates some kind of post-stress after eating, why?? i am already feeling my pants getting tighter and tigher, my shirts getting more and more hugging, and yet i am still craving for this kind of fattening food, not a surprise i'm getting stressed out of it.. haiz, i have nothing to say, just know i am sinning myself to perdition~~ :(

25.03.2009 | 慘絕人寰

每朝返工硬係覺得條褲子窄窄地, 啲衫又好似越嚟越貼身, 塊鏡就嚟照唔晒我成個面喇.. 多兩個星期就放長假去玩喇, 真係唔想處處留底呢個【肥】倩影囉~~

因為某些原因公司幾位同事要離開, 其中有同我幾close嘅, 好唔開心.. 祝福佢哋, 希望佢哋一帆風順, 前途似錦.. :)

最近屋企上唔到網, 同網絡公司溝通過之後, 懷疑應該係自己啲硬件有問題, 但係又遲遲未有時間去處理.. 所以喺屋企已經整個星期冇得上網, 確實係百般無聊兼些少唔方便, 總之係閉翳啦!!
wake up every morning, feel like my pants is tighter, my shirts are getting more hugging, my face mirror slowly has no space for my whole face.. it's another two weeks for my long vacation, i really don't wish to snap myself 【FAT】in the photos~~

because of some reasons a few colleagues have to leave the company, amongst are some who are close to myself, quite upset on this.. anyway, my best wishes to them, hope they will have a brighter future.. :)

having internet connection problem at home, have liaised with the provider and suspect it could most probably be my own hardware problem, but still cannot find time to settle things.. hence i have not been able to surf net for almost a week at home, it's like so inconvenient and so boring, it's just so D*MN!!

23.03.2009 | 一品香味

廿幾年老友記CY由倫敦回馬度假, 一眾人原本壯志雄心打算晨早去行山郁動筋骨, 誰不知臨尾陰溝裡翻船, 最後淪落到去「品香」食brunch然之後唱K, 就咁度過咗一日囉.. 想話健康唔成, 反而就吃喝玩樂, 唔怪之得今朝條褲子覺得窄窄地啦..

my friend CY whom i've known for more than 20 years was back from London for break, we a whole gang initially planned to go hiking early in the morning (yeah, was very ambitious before that), but the plan was totally changed the very last minute, we ended up having brunch at Pan Heong and wrapped up the day in karaoke.. wanted to stay healthy, but ended up eating and singing, no wonder i felt my pants a little tighter this morning..

米粉(兩人份RM15)吸收晒扣肉味道, 一啖落口有種升仙嘅感覺, 不過可能係咁就略嫌扣肉唔夠肉汁油水..
the beehoon (RM15 for 2 pax) totally absorbed the taste from the pork, it was heavenly, and maybe because of this, i think the pork was slightly dry and less juicy..

粥(兩人份RM12)煮得夠香夠滑, 而且魚片同皮蛋都落得頗重手..
the congee (RM12 for 2 pax) was cooked with the right mashed and slimy texture, the fish slices and century eggs were quite abundant too..

呢碟炸肉(標準份量RM12)贏盡友人喜好, 外皮炸得酥脆但係裡頭肉汁仍然保住, 肉質鬆軟入味.. 原來可以要雞翼, 我相信會好食啲, 下次必試..
this deep fried pork (RM12 standard size) was voted best by friends, the outside was crispy but inside was still juicy, the pork was tender and well marinated.. didn't know we can have wings for this, i believe should taste better, must try for my next visit..

呢碟擊鈴炒麵(一人份RM5)係兩個意外.. 見隔離檯有叫所以意外加咗味落自己張檯, 結果係意外地好味喎..
this indian fried noodles (RM5 for 1 pax) is two accidents.. we accidentally saw the table next to us ordered this and we decided to go for a try, and it was accidentally (i mean surprisingly) delicious actually..

品香茶室[位置地圖] 8am-3pm.. 每個月有兩個不固定休息日, 通常係weekdays, 以免向隅最好事先撥個輪喎.. 星期日會爆棚, 最好預先訂位..

Restoran Pan Heong [Location Map] 8am-3pm.. closes on any two random weekdays every month, so it's better to call in before you bring your hungry stomach over.. sundays are always full, it's wise to make a reservation earlier..

20.03.2009 | 光速聲速

唔知你仲記唔得科學老師講過, 每道光線都係以一秒鐘300,000公里嘅速度前進, 就連聲音都唔夠光線快.. 呢一個科學論證最好嘅例子就係先見閃電, 幾秒鐘之後先聽到打雷.. 但係我想問哩, 有啲人, 未見其人, 先聞其聲, 呢樣嘢又點解釋呢??
do you still remember your science teacher taught you one thing, that is light travel 300,000km in one second, and even sound is not as fast as light.. the best example for this scientific fact is that you always see lighting before hearing thunder.. but i'm rather curious here, how do we explain some kind of people, you hear their voice before you see them coming??

上個週末同友人喺個健身中心, 正好就畀我哋遇到呢位「違反自然科學論證」嘅朋友.. 呢個話題應該都幾有趣啊吓, 哈哈!!
was in the gym with a friend last weekend, and we bumped into this "anti-scientifc-fact" guy, pretty interesting huh?? haha..

18.03.2009 | 伴手禮物

香港同事愛子嚟吉隆坡公干, 佢除咗幫我將留低喺香港啲嘢儘量帶晒返嚟之外, 仲有手信添.. 有同事JC送嘅杏仁餅一盒, 我自己托佢買嘅側田精選CD, 仲有個意想不到嘅開心牛油包(幾可亂真軟綿綿公仔一個但係唔食得架)添!! 佢梗係覺得似我所以先買架喇, 趣緻到哩, 哈哈!! 真係唔話得, 多謝晒喇, 感激不盡..

my HK colleague Aiko came for a week posting in KL office, she not even helped me to bring as much of my leftover stuffs in HK, but also brought me some gifts.. i got a box of almond cookies from JC, the justin lo greatest hits collection CD i ordered, and surprisingly a little happy butter bun (it's an almost-so-real plush toy but not edible though).. i supposed she must think that the bun assembles my face, and so she bought that, it is really a cute one, haha!! many many thanks for the help, am really grateful and appreciate a lot..

16.03.2009 | 囂高波士

半年前貪玩寄咗份雜誌上贏取香水嘅參賽表格, 一路嚟都冇聲冇息, 上個星期竟然收到信話我中獎喎!! 真係好驚喜囉, 咁啱我支Bvlgari Aqva Marine又用晒, 呢一支來得正是時候.. 之前週旋於Bvlgari同埋呢支囂高波士Boss Pure, 最後買咗前者, 估唔到上天咁眷顧我, 半年後竟然畀我單一價錢雙雙擁有!! 今日轉用新香水, 第一嘢嘅味道永遠係最好嘅, 所以我覺得今日自己好鬼香囉, 哈哈!! 我鐘意~~
was just trying my luck to send in a contest form from a magazine to win a fragrance 6 months ago, no news all the while, when suddenly last week i received a letter from the authority notifying that i am the winner!! this really came as a pleasant surprise, and so coincident that my Bvlgari Aqva Marine has just finished, this one really comes at the right time.. i was wandering between Bvlgari and this Hugo Boss Pure when i wanted to get a fragrance last time, and never did i expect 6 months later i have them both, for the price of one of course!! using the new fragrance today, and i always think the first spray is always the best, that is why i think i smell so good today, haha!! i like it, really~~

13.03.2009 | 三年滋養

噚日發貼懶神秘咁話有嘢要向全世界宣佈, 大家個心有冇囉囉攣咗成日咁哩?? 究竟乜嘢咁大件事哩??
trying to be mysterious in yesterday's post hinting that i'll have something to announce today, so did you get looking forward to?? what is going to happen today??
係咁嘅, 2006年3月13日下午4點27分我開始咗呢一個blog, 登登登登!! 其實我要宣佈嘅係, 今日我呢個[SK/0617]™ 三週年紀念日啊!! 哈哈, 就係咁啫.. 真係要恭喜自己, 祝我呢個部落格生日快樂, 多謝大家支持, 希望能夠繼續為大家帶來精神上嘅娛樂.. :)
well, on 13th March 2006 @ 4:27pm, i started this blog, taah-daah, and what i would like to announce is that my [SK/0617]™ is now 3 years old!! haha, just that simple.. i think i should congratulate myself, and wishing my blog a happy anniversary.. thanks to everyone, hopefully i will be able to keep on entertaining all my readers out there.. :)邊個估中嘅, 請畀自己鼓勵的掌聲啦, 呵呵!!
whoever made the correct guess, please applaud for yourself, hehehe!!

12.03.2009 | 倒數計時

有好多時候真係會被自己一路以嚟嘅熱忱, 堅持同埋努力所感動.. 現在呢一刻開始倒數計時, 聽日下晝4點27分(馬來西亞時間), 我有嘢要喺呢度向全世界宣佈..

sometimes i am impressed and touched by my own passion, determination and hardship.. counting down the time from this moment onwards, tomorrow at 4:27pm (malaysian time), i have something to announce to the world right here..

11.03.2009 | 圖文並茂

我開始呢個blog嘅時候, 完全係純文字出擊, 完全唔打算貼上任何圖片.. 就咁寫咗好耐開始覺得有點枯燥, 所以開始間中貼上啲珍貴照片.. 直到去年七月開始, 因為雙語出擊嘅原因, 圖片已經變做一個必需品, 因為係用圖片嚟間開中英文兩部份.. 直到最近幾日, 學人玩cutesy, 將自己啲玩具影低跟住落手落腳加鹽加醋.. 我懷疑自己有玩上癮嘅趨勢, 所以先有最近幾篇稍為色彩繽紛, 睇落冇咁悶嘅blog, 哈哈!!

when i started off with this blog, it's a 100% word blog, i have never planned to post any photos onto my posts.. and so i survived through with this style and finally found it boring, and hence occassionally i just put some rare photos to some of the posts.. till last july when i started to write in two languages, the photos became very essential as they serves as a divider for the two language parts.. and the recent few days, i have another style of doing things, which is somehow (pretend to be) cute, took photos of my toys and did some artwork touch-up.. suspectedly addicted to this, you find a more colorful and flambuoyant blog i have, most probably less boring huh, haha!!
actually i gotta admit the photos really spice up the posts, especially when your photos can also tell the stories, just curious why i didn't do so earlier?? anyway hope it's not too late now.. so is everyone getting excited to see more photos here?? hehe~~

其實我覺得圖片確實係增加不少閱讀樂趣囉, 尤其圖文並茂, 點解當初我唔咁樣做呢?? 有心唔怕遲, 而家算係仲嚟得切啩.. 各位朋友鐘唔鐘意我加多啲片啊?? 哈哈~~

10.03.2009 | 不由自主

今日雖然就唔係星期一, 但係都叫做係一個長週末過後嘅第一個工作日.. 嘢係有做嘅, 但係唔知點囉, 成個人好似唔受自己思維控制咁, 簡單嚟講就好比一副行屍走肉咁.. 我覺得哩, 今日喺公司應該係似晒下邊隻熊仔咁嘅樣, 冇厘神氣, 連數目都會數錯囉.. 好鬼悶啊, 好想放大假啊~~

it's not a monday today, but it's the first working day after a long weekend anyway.. am working like normal but just don't know why, feel like my mind is actually not able to control my body, put it simple i mean i am like a zombie.. i think today i must have been looking like the toy bear below, so souless so spiritless, most probably will make mistakes even by just counting the numbers.. ah, so tired of work, i really need a break so badly~~

09.03.2009 | 韓餐大使

又去食韓國餐, 又係去同一間韓國餐廳, 不過今次就係帶唔同人去.. 帶咗幾位blog友一共七人去品嘗, 我覺得老闆娘應該頒個咩「韓國餐大使」獎畀我囉, 咁幫襯不特止, 而且仲要成日介紹人去幫襯喎.. 不過老闆娘到而家始終都唔認得我, 唉..

went for korean again, went to the same korean restaurant again, but this time with different people.. bringing few other blogger friends, a total 7 of us, to savour the cooking of the old korean granny.. i think the owner should awarded me something like "ambassador of korean food", for being such a regular customer of hers, and most importantly always recommend friends to pay a visit.. but the sad thing is, she doesn't even recognise me at all, haiz..

可能係去得太多次嘅關係, 今日食得完全冇驚喜, 冇啲驚艷嘅感覺, 反而覺得有退步嘅嫌疑囉, 而且好似冇人(好似我第一次嘅時候)猛咁贊好食喎.. 不過仍然好滿意佢哋嘅誠意, 仍然都係好慷慨咁畀咗好多款式嘅小菜, 埋單每人只要RM22, 個個朋友都好驚訝咁抵食.. :p

maybe because of dining there too frequent, i realised that i no longer feel impressed or fascinated by the food, i even suspect the standard has dropped actually, and the fact was that none of us gave praise to the food (like what i did during my first visit).. anyway still very happy with the sincere and generous service they offered, still huge load of appetizer.. ended up only paying RM22 per person, i supposed this is the greatest piece of news to the other first-time bloggers huh?? :p

相關舊貼/ Older Post: [1] [2] [3]

08.03.2009 | 週日兩端

一個慵懶嘅星期日, 十點幾起身但係就喺張床上懶到接近中午時分, 成朝昏昏睡睡咁, 好鬼hea囉..[first half]
a lazy sunday, woke up 10 plus in the morning but was lazing on the bed till near noon, feeling so drowsy for the whole morning, oh that was so indolent of me..


懶夠之後, 下晝出門去gym跟住行吓街, 見到呢張Jason Mraz改版專輯, 2CD+1DVD(再送限量版T恤一件)單價發售, 之前聽過電臺幾首熱播歌曲覺得都唔錯, 於是就買咗返屋企, 而家一邊寫blog一邊聽, 首首歌都好開心咁, 搞到心情都好啲咁喎..[sedond half]
after enough being lazy, went out in the afternoon to gym and a little window shopping.. saw this new edition of Jason Mraz album, 2CD+1DVD (plus a free limited edition tee) selling at normal price, have listened to some of the songs from radio and thot they are not bad, so i bought that back.. am listening to the CD while blogging now, all the songs sound so happy, hence am actually feeling quite good a mood now too..

07.03.2009 | 一個週六

噚日向大家介紹我公司檯面幾隻玩具之後, 屋企啲竟然醋意大發話我偏心喎!! 好啦好啦, 我一向都一視同仁, 今日就讓屋企啲朋友仔向大家彙報我今日做過啲乜啦..
after introducing some of my toys on my office desk, those in my house felt so envious and scolded me for being so bias!! ok ok, i am always a fair person, so i'll just let these little friends in my house to tell everyone about what i did today then..

成個星期冇去gym之後, 今日嘅workout真係有點難度..
我諗我頭先應該就係咁嘅一副尊容, 失禮晒啊真係~~
went to gym after being lazy for a week, found it a bit tough to catch up, guess this is how i look like when lifting the weights.. UUURRRGGGHHH, just very softly and not what you are thinking ok??
gym完之後同友人JY去晚餐, 但係碟碟餸嘅份量都比我哋想像中龐大好多..
兩人作人生最大努力啃晒全部餸, 結果返到屋企仍然覺得就嚟飽死咁滯囉~~
went dinner with friend JY after gym, but the dishes came in more gigantic portions than we expected.. tried our best of the best to finish all dishes, and ended up feeling so bloated throughout the whole night~~

呢兩日嘅貼都用咗截然不同嘅呈現方式, 比較生動鬼馬, 唔知大家覺得點樣呢??
have been using a totally different presentation style for the blogs these couple of days, trying to be more catchy and mischievous, wonder what you think about them??

06.03.2009 | 又一週五

又係一個美麗的星期五, 我集齊公司檯面幾隻玩具, 同大家講個關於星期五嘅故事..
it's another beautiful friday today, i've gathered some of the toys on my working desk, telling everyone a story about friday..

鴨仔率先登場同大家打聲招呼, 並提醒各位今日係星期五喎..
Rubber Duckie is first to say hi, and reminds everyone that today is Friday..

Voodoo娃娃第一個聽到, 即刻覺得週身精力充沛噃~~
Voodoo Dollie heard that and suddenly feel so energetic..

塔斯魔怪聽見Voodoo娃娃話精力充沛, 轉過頭即刻約埋佢今晚去蒲喎!! 嘿嘿~~ 講到去蒲, 我就好自然聯想起我呢位空少朋友啦, 哈哈!!
Evil Taz heard Voodoo, and sinfully invite him to go clubbing together tonight!! Hehehe~~ talking about clubbing, i just automatically thought of this air-steward friend of mine, haha!!

突然間, 米奇老鼠見大家咁開心, 竟然情不自禁咁咀咗老死唐老鴨一嘢!!
out of a sudden, Mickey Mouse, seeing everyone so happy, gave Donald Duck an unexpected kiss!!

純情牛奶仔畀見米奇老鼠咁猖狂, 嚇咗佢一陣添!!
the innocent milkboy saw the passionate Mickey Mouse, and was shocked for a second..

不過陳巧樺小朋友見到咩都一於懶理, 淨係想好好瞓番一覺咋喎..
but little Ryan Chan is not affected at all, all he wanted to do is to sleep over the weekend..

祝大家有個愉快嘅週末啦!! :)
wishing everyone a happy and joyous weekend ahead!! :)

05.03.2009 | 加央加央

記得細個嘅時候, 媽媽經常都會買成盒呢啲加央角同埋加央瑞士卷返嚟.. 我每次見到都好開心架, 下午茶固之然唔會放過, 第二日一定帶啲去學校當lunch食.. 我都唔明點解我會咁鐘意食, 如果有剩我可以日日都食唔厭架囉..

頭先去銀行, 突然醒起呢檔嘢喺附近, 食慾振起買咗啲返公司孝敬同事們.. 由細個到而家應該賣咗30年, 見到個大嬸已經變成婆婆喇.. 同細個比較, 價錢起咗而且都相對細件咗(唔出奇啦), 食落去亦都好似冇以前咁好味喇.. 不過一啖咬落去, 有嘅係以前嗰種幸福嘅感覺, 對我嚟講已經足夠.. :)
i still remember when i was a kid, mum used to often buy these kaya puff and kaya swiss roll back home.. i was sure the most happy one to know that, never missed out having them for tea, and also to bring some to school the next day for lunch.. i still don't understand why i love them so much, even till i didn't find it a problem to have them for few days continuous..

went to bank just now and suddenly remembered that stall selling these kaya pastry, tastebuds stimulated and i bought some back to office to share with colleagues.. since i was a kid till now, the owner has changed from an auntie to now a granny over these 30 years.. compared to those i had during childhood, it's comparatively more expensive and smaller in size (not surprised anyway), the taste was not as nice as i can remember having them back in the naive old days.. but one thing for sure is that, the bite still brings back the same blissful feelings, to me this is actually more than enough already.. :)

04.03.2009 | 貧民富翁

唔係話我馬後炮人家得最佳影片我先有興趣, 其實奧斯卡之前我就已經好想睇呢齣戲架喇, 係安排唔到時間啫.. 上個週末想話去睇, 不過竟然撲唔到飛, 果然係山雞變鳳凰啊吓, 唯有前日網上購票今日去睇囉..

我覺得個故事構思係幾好架, 而且拍得好真實.. 我最欣賞嘅, 游戲節目上每問一條問題就交代主角嘅生命階段, 同埋小演員自然逼真嘅演繹.. 導演功力頗深厚, 最後無厘頭咁以一場大型歌舞埋尾, 算係幽了寶里活一默吧?? 哈哈..

整體上嚟講係一齣頗好睇嘅電影, 至於話點解得到最佳影片喇喎, 我就覺得好似當年《臥虎藏龍》咁, 因為脫離一貫荷里活嘅格式, 外國人未見過所以覺得好咁咋囉, 就係咁簡單..
not that i am out or behind, i have always wanted to watch this movie even before it won best picture in the Oscar, just that i couldn't manage to have a chance to watch it till last weekend.. but due to the overwhelming response (after winning big in the Oscar), i couldn't even get a ticket during weekend, like the chinese say "rooster turned phoenix", so i made an online purchase two days prior to tonight's session..

i think the storyline is good and the way it was screenplayed is close to real.. what i like most from the movie, using each question from the game show to tell the audience the different stages of his life, and needless to say the promising acting from the little actor.. the director has done a great job too, the sing & dance scene in the end of the movie should be kind of a tease to the classic bollywood style movie huh?? haha..

overall a good movie this is, but if you were to ask me why best picture, i would say similar to the movie "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" years back, it's not something classical hollywood, and i think the winning factor is the eye-opener to the indian slum to the judges, just that simple..

03.03.2009 | 幸運抽獎

經濟不景咁嘅時勢, 各商家當然係要現金唔要囤貨啦, 所以最近四週圍都係大減價.. 為咗刺激銷量同買撼低同行, 跳樓價拋售不特止, 往往都仲有啲咩「憑是日累積收據超過XXX大元就有機會參加送房車送洋樓送獎金幸運大抽獎」嘅游戲..

嘩嘩嘩, 獎品咁豐厚喎, 係唔係突然間覺得人生又再次充滿希望, 喪咗咁買完又買為, 咗就係爭咁份合格參賽表格啊?? 其實有冇懷疑過呢啲都可能係marketing gimmicks啊?? 商家話有大抽獎嚟激勵你洗多啲錢啫, 但係有冇聽聞過佢哋公佈得獎者啊??

我覺得哩, 極有可能層樓係屬於CEO個三姨太嘅, 部車係四姨太個茨菇錠嘅21歲生日禮物囉.. 幾時輪到我哋咁幸運中獎吖??
due to the very upset economy downturn, merchants would prefer cash flow rather than good stock, and hence you see big sales everywhere you go.. to encourage more sales and be competitive, besides huge price slashes, most of the time there will be some kind of "enter our lucky draw with purchase of RMXXX in the same day to win luxury car, bungalow and cash" contest..

wow wow wow, and you thought life is again full of hope when you see the prizes right?? and you become very optimistic again to spend more in order to get an entry form for the lucky draw right?? but wait a second, have you ever wonder all these being just marketing gimmicks from the merchant?? you are told to spend more to win prizes, but have you really heard of them announcing the winners so far??

hmmm, i would rather think this way, the bungalow might most probably belongs to the CEO's third mistress, the car might most probably be the 21st birthday present for the only son of the CEO's fourth mistress.. we are just not so lucky to be able to win FREE prizes really..

02.03.2009 | 稱呼學問

我平時出街都係一身T恤+及膝短褲+波鞋打扮, 就係因為呢一身睇落都幾「青春」嘅打扮, 我試過有兩次被人稱呼得連自己都覺得尷尬..
  • 超市買乳酪, 年屆40推售員: 「Adik nak flavour apa, makcik boleh tolong campur ya
  • 茶餐室外買糕點, 中年老闆娘: 「阿Boy, auntie做到踢晒腳, 你要咩就自己拎啦..」

相隔數月之後, 遇到同樣嘅人, 又再發生同樣嘅事件..
  • 超市買乳酪, 同樣一位年屆40推售員: 「Adik kalau beli 6 boleh dapat satu tupperware free lah
  • 茶餐室外買糕點, 今次輪到個樣貌比我成熟啲嘅朋友, 中年老闆娘對住佢話同樣一句說話: 「阿Boy, auntie做到踢晒腳, 你要咩就自己拎啦..」

分析以上嘅兩次經歷, 我可以肯定以下結論, 都係一句稱呼啫, 實在係毋須要擺喺個心度囉..
  • 我都三張幾啦, 就算著得再青春都好, 都唔會有忽似個細路啦..
  • 就好似逢男人就稱呼靚仔, 逢女人就稱呼靚女嘅道理一樣.. 呢兩位朋友, 應該係叫慣口, 禮多人不怪吖嘛..
  • 人都係鐘意聽奉承嘅話.. 叫你靚仔/靚女/細路你話唔定會開心, 但係如果叫你uncle/auntie/大叔/大姑/師奶嘅話, 我肯定你即刻掉頭走囉.. 除非你真係一名囉, 哈哈!!

i will normally dress up in my tees + bermudas + sneakers during weekends, and maybe because of this "young" look, i have experienced being addressed something that even myself feel embarrassed about..
  • in a supermarket buying yoghurt, the near 40 year old promoter: "Adik nak flavour apa, makcik boleh tolong campur ya"
  • outside a coffee shop getting some kuih, the mid-age lady owner: "Ah-Boy, auntie is not free to serve you, just help yourself with whatever you want lah"

after a couple of months, i met the same people and experienced the same situation..
  • in the supermarket buying yoghurt, the same near-40-year-old promoter: "Adik kalau beli 6 boleh dapat satu tupperware free lah"
  • outside the coffee shop getting some kuih, this time around it was my slightly-little-bit-more-mature-looking-than-me friend who was told by the owner: "Ah-Boy, auntie is not free to serve you, just help yourself with whatever you want lah"

i kinda think back what has actually happened, and i got the following my result of analysis, just something people address you, and there's just nothing wrong..
  • come on, i am already in my 30s, no matter how young looking i dress up to be, i just won't look like a kid right??
  • likewise addressing any man leng-chai and any woman leng-lui, it's just a courteousy of them to address their customers in a more "polite" way (at least they think so)..
  • we prefer listenings to things more flattering.. you might (or might not) be happier to be addressed leng-chai/ leng-lui, but i can be very sure that you feel pissed off if somebody addressed you uncle/ auntie/ ah-pek/ ah-soh.. right?? unless you are actually one, haha!!

01.03.2009 | 寶刀未老

我成日都覺得自己呢一把年紀, 好多事都會力不從心.. 不過呢一兩日, 反而覺得自己原來仲係寶刀未老喎, 以下兩個實例當中, 確實係有跡可尋, 冇呃你架.. 哈哈哈哈!!

前晚同噚晚因為週末關係, 所以一連兩晚都喺度煲無記港劇, 毫無後顧之懮煲到三四點先捨得去瞓.. 第二朝十點幾起身, 跟住就同平時週末一樣咁活動, 好似仲係精力旺盛, 絲毫唔覺得攰喎.. 唔錯啊呵??

最近晚晚都落大雨, 由輕鐵站到我屋企大概係150米路程, 不過週末因為用另外一個休閒戴, 通常都唔會帶遮, 所以呢兩日都要雨中狂奔返屋企.. 九秒九速度狂奔之後, 竟然面不改容, 絲毫唔覺氣喘喎.. 幾得噃吓??i always think that because of my this-amount-of age, there are just a lot of things i wanted to do but physically unable to accomplish.. but these few days, because of the two incidents below, i somehow feel that i am still not that old and rusty as what i have always think of myself.. at least some proof for myself, hahaha!!

[incident 1.. not so old]
considering that it's weekend, i have been watching a HK drama series for two consecutive nights, and did not just go to bed before 4am.. woke up at 10-ish the next morning, and have my regular weekend activities, surprise enough i feel like so energetic, not even a little tired because i stayed up late the night before.. not bad at all huh??

[incident 2.. not so rusty]
it has been raining heavily for the past few nights, my house is about 150m away from the train station, and because i am using another leisure bag on weekends, i would not have bought along umbrella with me, and thus i had to run back home in the rain for these two days.. it's like the speed of 9.9 seconds, surprise enough i did not feel any exhausted or short of breath when i reached home.. quite impressive huh??