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30.09.2008 | 柒佰伍拾

大概八個幾月前為自己定下呢個目標, 努力咗好耐, 每日一個entry, 今日終於累積到750喇!! 呢個數字得來唔易啊, 有靈感嘅時候當然可以寫得行雲流水, 不過有時腦袋一片空白要諗個題材嚟寫就就相當艱辛喇.. 點都好, 寫blog其實已經成為我每日生活一部份, 目前為止仍然都仲有呢個熱衷嘅.. 為750呢個數字喝彩, 之後再為自己定下1000篇嘅目標, 加油喇!! 如果你或你太太發現剛剛受孕, 咁再多八個幾月後, 好可能本blog去到1000嗰一日就係你BB出世嘅日子, 呵呵~~

不如大家畀吓面, 喺度留言祝賀我, 當係畀個鼓勵, 畀個動力我吖?? **出晒面啦**
i still remember i've set a target for myself more than 8 months ago, after some consistent effort to write an entry for a day, i finally reach the 750 mark for my blog!! not an easy task though, it could be simple when i'm inspired to write something, but there could be times where my brain just goes blank and yet need to think of something to write about.. anyway, blogging has become part of my daily routine, and no problem i'm still passionate about blogging.. cheers to 750, and i'm going to set another milestone for myself - 1000!! and if you or your wife has just conceived, after 8+ months, the day when my blog reaches 1000 entries might be the day your baby is born, hehe!!

why not give me face, leave a message here to congratulate me, to encourage and to motivate me for more entries?? **so obvious**

29.09.2008 | K歌名單

最近好似隔冇耐就去咗兩次K, 跟住落嚟應該都仲會有機會, 我開始懷疑難道我身邊啲朋友同事都好似我咁, 咁鐘意唱歌?? 哈哈.. 原來去K所點唱啲歌, 會有一個勢, 我會喺某段時間特別鐘意唱某幾首歌, 再過一段時間個名單又完全翻新.. 曾經試過瘋狂到同一首歌同一個唱K時段, 重複唱咗3次都依然意猶未盡!! 真係服咗我.. 我最近嘅必唱歌曲名單, 冠亞季殿依序係:
  1. 張敬軒《櫻花樹下》: 首歌越唱越正囉.. 實不相瞞, 唔係賣花贊花香, 其實覺得自己唱呢首歌嘅時候, 個高低音都轉得幾好喎, 嘿嘿..
  2. 陳奕迅《演唱會》: high到爆燈嘅一首歌, 舊年專輯一推出, 呢首個就即刻喺我個list中脫穎而出, 一氣呵成咁唱晒成首歌, 實在係痛快人心!!
  3. 林峰《愛不疚》: 當人人都在討論家好月圓嘅劇情, 呢首片尾曲應該都係街知巷聞啦, 冇可能唔唱喎, 而且林生啲歌唔難拿捏, 幾好唱架..
  4. 李克勤《傻女》: 李生某個拉闊演唱會翻唱陳慧嫻嘅經典舊作, 其實我唔鐘意唱李生自己啲歌, 不過佢翻唱其他女歌手啲歌, 我又好受落喎..
have been to the karaoke quite frequently recently, and i supposed there are still few sessions in the near future, i started to wonder if all my friends and colleagues are indeed karaoke lovers like me?? hehe.. i found out there is a trend for the songs i'm singing in the karaoke, there are those few songs i always sing for a period, and after that i will have a new list again.. the craziest thing i've done was the same song being sung for 3 times in the same karaoke session, and still feel not enough, i should really salute myself, haha!! my recent list of hits, the first four ranking:
  1. Hins Cheung "Under the Cherry Blossom Tree": the more i sing the more i love this song.. frankly and not over-praising myself, i think i can sing this song quite well, with the low and high pitch carried just as nice as i should, hehe..
  2. Eason Chan "Concert": a very exciting song.. as soon as i heard it from the album, it has already stood out from my list of favourites, singing this song from beginning to end just simply brings out the joy and excitement in you..
  3. Raymond Lam "Love, No Regrets": while everyone is talking about the series Moonlight Resonance and being one of the theme song, this song just get very popular and furthermore it's not difficult to handle at all, so there's just no reason for me not to sing it..
  4. Hacken Lee "Silly Girl": covering the classic from Priscilla Chan in one of his Live concert, i don't really fancy Lee's own songs, but when it comes to covering other female artistes' songs, i like to sing them instead..

28.09.2008 | 香水香味

年頭用信用卡積分換取嘅香水, 歷經九個月終於都用晒喇, 其實只不過係麻麻地鐘意咋, 所以真係千辛萬苦先等到佢用晒, 可以歸入我嘅香水歷史冊喇, 咁我又再有理由再買過支新架啦.. 之前話過下一個目標會係Bvlgari Aqua, 所以噚日趁同JC與CT一齊行街, 就把握機會借借佢哋嘅鼻.. 原來呢個香水系列最近推出咗個新版本Bvlgari Aqua Marine, 味道更加清新醒神感覺仲young啲囉(都話明係Marine啦, 咁梗係要清新啲啦).. 最終就梗係買咗呢個新版本啦, 個sales都話啱我啦, 嘿嘿..

試香水嘅時候發生咗件趣事.. 話說拉埋JC同CT一齊去, 咁去試香水就梗係叫個sales噴啲喺張咭仔度試聞啦.. 結果我因為成大半日未上廁所, 唔覺意咁放咗幾篤陰屁, 都幾臭架其實(可能前一晚食太多豬肉所致!!).. 以為靜靜雞轉個位就神不知鬼不覺啦, 點知嗅覺敏銳嘅JC忽然間問我:「點解呢隻香水陣味怪怪地咁嘅??」, 佢之後見我面有瘀色, 就挑通眼眉知道原來係什麼一回事喇.. 朋友, 你真係了解我喎, 哇哈哈哈!! **寫呢段嘅時候, 自己都笑到碌地**
redeemed a bottle of fragrance using credit card reward points beginning of the year, and finally finished using it after 9 months.. i don't really fancy it anyway, so it has been quite a tough time for me to wait till it goes empty, proudly goes into my history fragrance collection and then i will have a good reason to buy a new one.. i mentioned my new target would be Bvlgari Aqua, and since i was shopping with JC and CT, i just grabbed the chance to borrow their nose to give advice.. this series of fragrance has just launched a new version Bvlgari Aqua Marine, smells fresher and younger (as the name Marine suggest, it should be fresher anyhow).. at last i have bought the new version of course, the salesman agreed that it suits me too, hehe..

a funny incident happened when we were trying the fragrance.. as i brought JC and CT to try the smell, of course we asked the salesman to spray a little onto the sampling cards.. i have not gone to the toilet for the whole morning, and hence i secretly farted a little, oops i admit they were really smelly (i guess i ate too much pork the night before!!), thinking to stay quiet and shifted to another corner, nobody should have realised.. but JC suddenly turned back and asked me: "why does this fragrance smell weird as if..", he saw the embarrassed expression on my face and noted instantly what actually happened.. friend you really know me well, hahahaha!! **i just can't stop laughing when i'm writing this**

27.09.2008 | 莫來欺壓

友人SH同JC由上海返嚟渡假, 於是一早講定齊齊去唱K, 順便幫SH慶祝生日, 約埋CT同GL一行5人實行唱個盡興.. 噚晚打電話book咗5個人12點, 點知頭先興致勃勃去到, 先發覺個職員幫我哋落咗2個人11點, 結果櫃面話我哋遲晒大到, 間房已經讓畀其他人喇.. 當時真係莫明其妙, 火都嚟埋啦, 不過我冇發爛咋仍然好有風度(真架), 只係語氣帶點倔同佢哋理論, 完全唔畀面企硬, 仲大使「顧客永遠是對的」權利, 最終我方勝訴, 佢哋即刻開間房畀我哋..

我其實係個頗隨和嘅人, 除非我真係覺得好唔應該, 否則我通常都係個冇乜所謂嘅人.. 多一事不如少一事, 我唔會大事小事都要吓吓擊鑼打鼓搞到街知巷聞.. 不過一旦我覺得我嘅權益被侵犯, 我會私底下先部署反擊, 之後冷靜理論+有理投訴, 通常都係勝利者.. 我係隨和冇脾氣, 不過唔係好欺負, 所以唔好踩過頭.. 驚未?? 哈哈!!SH and JC came back from Shanghai for holidays, already planned to go to karaoke when we meet in town and at the same time to celebrate SH's birthday, got CT and GL to join us together for the wonderful event.. i booked a room for 5 at 12pm last night, reached there excitedly on time just now, only to find out that the booking staff did my booking for 2 at 11pm.. the reception claimed that we were too late and our room has already been offered to other patrons.. i was puzzled at how things ended up, feeling heated up of course.. anyway, i did not get fussy (frankly) but instead i was being gentleman enough to talk to them what went wrong, and with valid reasons and rights as a customer.. i stood firmly for my rights and finally we won, they just get us a room at last..

i can be an easy going person, unless i found things offending else i would just let go of things.. to avoid arguments is always better than starting one, and i am not a dramatic person, never like to fuss over anything and trying to high-profilely make things exaggerated.. however, if i ever found being badly offended, i would first plan for a strike back, confront calmly and complain reasonably, and most of the time i win back what i'm supposed to have.. i may be an easy and soft tempered guy, but never somebody to be bullied and blamed, so don't play a fool too much over me.. feeling threatened?? haha!!

26.09.2008 | 豬豬饗宴

抑制自己唔寫食物好耐喇, 今晚呢餐比較特別, 所以就好樂意同大家分享嘅.. 今日係同事SG最後一日, 所以全體同事合共15人, 全部畀足面齊齊去食呢餐farewell dinner.. 千就萬揀之後, 終於決定去本人介紹嘅呢間El Cerdo: At Werner's Place.. 聽聞呢間餐廳以豬作主要烹調料理嘅, 而且睇過唔少對於佢嘅上好評價, 一直都好想去試, 今日終於一賞心願喇..

去到時候已經滿座, 幸好一早訂咗位, 一坐低就即刻落柯打喇(大家出去食嘢, 通常都係我負責點菜, 唔知點解??).. 叫咗好多嘢啊, 因為個侍應係咁攻略性介紹, 而我又樣樣都想食, 結果一共叫咗6樣--全部都係豬--佢哋咪就係賣豬出名之嘛!! 結果人人贊好, 連平時prefer中餐嘅大老細都讚不絕口, 大家食得開心, 我當然安心啦.. 個人覺得最好味嘅就係個烤黑豬排骨[7], 整得肉汁鮮味好香口, 我食啜咗兩支.. 個哈蜜瓜火腿拼盤我都幾鐘意.. 烤乳豬比中式嘅乳豬嚟得更肥膩, 平時都唔掂乳豬嘅我, 呢味絕對唔係我杯茶..

環境食物服務都係中上水準, 不過冇乜喜慶大日子我唔會嚟, 因為價錢實在唔係一般人可以負擔得起.. 我哋15人一共食咗大老細1500蚊, 今餐真係好豪啊~~
[1] El Cerdo the restaurant; [2] Soup of the day (tomato soup with ham and bacon); [3] Jamón Serrano with Rock Melon; [4] Complimentary house bread; [5] Homemade German Sausage Platter (with Sauerkraut, Mashed Potato & Potato Salad); [6] Coselaw; [7] Oven Roasted Iberico Pork Ribs; [8] German Crispy Bacon Knuckle; [9] Bacon Potato; [10] Roasted Suckling Pig "Cochinillo Al Estilo Segoviano"; [11] Winter Vegetable with Mustard & Beer Suace; [12] Spanish Paella with Seafood, Chicken, Chorizo Sausage & Pork

have been prohibiting myself from writing about food, but the dinner tonight is a little special and satisfying, so just thought of sharing it out.. it's the last day for SG, and hence all 15 of us went to have a farewell dinner for her at the restaurant El Cerdo: At Werner's Place.. have been hearing how good this restaurant is for their pork specialities, and have always wanted to give it a try, today was really a fulfillment..

was almost full house when we got there, but luckily we have made reservation, sat down and immediately start ordering food (i'm always the one deciding what to eat most of the time, i just don't know why).. ordered a hell lot of food, mainly because the waiter kept recommending *aggressively* and i just wanted to have a try of as much as possible, ended up 6 main pork dishes - and yes, they are famous for pork!! felt relieved because everyone think the food was nice, even for the big boss who is somehow more pro chinese food.. personally i love the pork ribs the most, roasted just juicy and fragrant, i had two ribs in a straight row.. also love the serrano ham with rock melon too.. but don't fancy the suckling pig at all, it's even fatter than the chinese style, i don't even like the chinese style, not to mention this fatter version..

environment, food and service are all good quality, but i would not possibly come on any casual day, because the price is not something quite affordable for me.. our bill came out to be RM1500 settled by the big boss, and i think this time we were really a bit too "generous"..

25.09.2008 | 是但亂噏

放咗個長假之後, 今日係返回工作崗位嘅第一日.. 今朝專登早起, 早啲返公司, 因為知道實有一大堆電郵要讀要回嘅.. 果然冇錯, 拎咗三日假, 總共有86封電郵合共28MB, 用咗大半日時間慢慢消化慢慢回覆, 俗稱「電郵馬拉松」.. 其實都唔係可以完全專注電郵嘅, 因為人在公司, 梗係有其他同事有嘢同你傾, 梗係有顧客偶然打個電話嚟問候你, 所以係斷斷續續咁, 俗稱「電郵障礙馬拉松」..

今日處理太多電郵喇, 有啲神志不清, 所以求其是但噏一噏, 罪過罪過.. 呵呵!!it's the first day back to work after a long vacation.. purposely woke up and left home for office a little earlier this morning, because i knew there would be heaps of emails awaiting for me in the mail server.. and bingo i was absolutely right, three days away, and i've got a total of 86 new emails counting to a size of 28MB!! and so there i went reading and replying, clearing and deleting, for a good half of a day, this i simply call it "email marathon".. however i can hardly sit still and focus on reading emails, because as long as i'm in the office, there would sure be discussions with colleagues, and adhoc phone calls with customers, thus it's kind of interrupted and that i simply call it "email steeplechase marathon"..

maybe dealt with too many emails today, a bit sluggish i am now, and hence might have been talking nonsense, thousand apologies.. haha!!

24.09.2008 | 我還記得

  • 呢間屋企我住咗13年.. 仲記得當時連續幾日放學後, 要返舊屋搬嘢過新屋..
  • 呢份工我做咗2年9個月.. 仲記得當時可以離開舊公司(甩難)嗰種興奮心情..
  • 呢部相機我用咗5年.. 仲記得當年因為要去尼泊爾, 買得有點衝動嘅..
  • 呢隻錶我戴咗5年.. 仲記得當時將隻舊錶留咗喺gym, 第一時間去商場買嘅..
  • 呢部手機我用咗1年.. 仲記得某日搭電動火車慘遭扒手, 第二日即買嘅..
  • 呢部電腦我用咗5個月.. 仲記得自工作以來, 前前後後用嘅第8部手提電腦..
  • have been staying in this house for 13 years.. i still remember for consecutive few days, i gotta go back to the old house after school to help move things to the new house..
  • have been with this company for 2 years and 9 months.. i still remember the excitement when i got the offer (meaning i can shred off suffering in the old company)..
  • have been using this digital camera for 5 years.. i still remember i bought it because of the nepal trip, kind of spontaneous i did..
  • have been wearing this watch for 5 years.. i still remember i left the old one in the gym locker, lost it, and went to get a new one almost immediately then..
  • have been using this handphone for 1 year.. i still remember the old one got picked-pocket in the train, and i bought this new one the next day after a whole night's research..
  • have been using this laptop for 5 months.. i still remember since i started working, this is the 8th laptop that i have been using..

23.09.2008 | 吳哥悠遊(4)

去到最後一日, 下晝機返吉隆坡, 其實得番嗰半日時間確實係冇乜可以做.. 於是就喺旅店個花園餐廳度, 叫咗份餐牌上最貴嘅早餐(再搭多杯鮮搾青檸水), 享受早上和暖嘅陽光, 望住花園啲花草樹木, 心情都開朗啲.. 食完之後好得閑, 就去附近個中央市場(Center Market)揀手信..

退房之後就直接去機場喇, 今日中午時份天氣炎熱, 所以篤篤車上一路沙塵滾滾, 好唔容易先捱到去機場.. 機場唔大, 不過應該係新建嘅, 所以睇落好乾淨好企理.. 當大家開開心心入閘時候, 職員叫我哋去畀機場稅, 大喇喇US$25, 真係食水好深囉, 駛唔駛咁貴啊?? 心口狠狠地畀插上一刀, 好痛, 柬埔寨畀我嘅第三個壞印象!!

喺候機大廳苦悶等待一個幾小時, 真係悶到抽筋, 因為細細機場一眼望晒冇咩店可以逛, 無無聊聊唯有玩自拍.. 幸好提早半個小時登機, 所以班機MH763順利地提早半個小時抵達吉隆坡.. 返到自己嘅屋子, 張床好舒服啊~~

~~暹粒四日遊之第四日, 完了就是完..it's the last day of the trip, taking afternoon flight back to KL, nothing much can be done for the short half day time.. had breakfast in the hotel's garden restaurant and ordered the most expensive breakfast set (with a glass of icy cold freshly squeezed lime juice), enjoyed the warm morning sun and had a great view of the plants in the garden.. after the nice and relaxed breakfast, went to the Center Market nearby to pick up some souvenirs home, and at the same time to kill the idle time before heading home..

after checked-out we headed straight to the airport, this afternoon was hot and the tuk-tuk trip to airport was extremely dusty, not easy to suffered through and finally arrived at the airport.. the airport is small, supposed to be a new one, because it looked so clean and tidy.. when we were happily entering the waiting lounge, we were asked to pay for airport tax, and no joking it's US$25 per person, damn expensive for such a small airport.. the third bad impression i had on Cambodia!!

waiting boringly in the lounge before we can board the plane for more than an hour, nothing much to shop about in this airport really, so just gotta be a "cam-whore" to kill time.. luckily we were boarding 30min earlier, and hence flight MH763 touching down KL 30min earlier too.. back to own sweet home, my bed is the best bed on earth i have ever slept on, haha..

~~end of day 4 of 4 in Siem Reap, FULLSTOP..

22.09.2008 | 吳哥悠遊(3)

暹粒呢個地方係因為吳哥窟而聞名, 所以噚日搞掂咗吳哥窟之後, 基本上就當係任務完成.. 今日去另外一個所謂嘅旅遊點, 柬國最大內陸湖兼主要糧食來源, 洞裡薩湖(Tonle Sap).. 其實最主要係睇睇水上人家, 之不過去到湖村入口, 有關當局(我其實懷疑係真定假)竟然向我哋每人徵收US$20費用, 嘩, 唔好去搶?? 不過肉俎砧板上, 唯有乖乖就範, 柬埔寨畀我嘅第一個懷印象.. 結果成兩小時嘅trip就係坐喺個漁船度, 遙望水上人家, 都冇畀機會我哋作更進一步接觸, 呃錢!! 跟住又苦苦哀求我哋行善捐贈當地小朋友, 不過一支鉛筆叫價US$0.50, 一本薄切切簿仔叫價US$1, 你要人做善事都唔駛劏人一頸血係嘛?? 我哋梗係唔憤氣, 直頭say no啦, 柬埔寨畀我嘅第二個懷印象..

呃錢洞裡薩湖遊之後, 下晝冇細藝可做, 所以返旅店瞓晏覺, 呵呵.. 傍晚時分就開始去享受人生, 先去做massage, 好平啊, 不過我個師傅手勢唔好, 未能盡興.. 之後就梗係去食晚餐啦, 今晚突然好想去食啲特別啲嘅嘢, 結果見到舊街市有烤肉(包括蟒蛇肉同鱷魚肉), 所以鼓起勇氣, 人生短短數十載, 就去食喇.. 蟒蛇肉好似嚼煮到過老嘅魷魚, 鱷魚就似雞肉, 開始第一啖有啲驚, 不過食食落口唔去諗佢就冇事啦.. 不過始終都係覺得豬肉係最好食囉, 哈哈..

之後就去當地嘅吧街(Pub Street), 呢個地方梗係鬼佬聚集嘅地方啦, 周圍鬼聲鬼氣, 不過都係普通酒吧, 氣氛都係麻麻.. 最後喺旅店附近搵到間好正嘅酒店Hotel De La Paix, 裡頭有個餐廳同買酒吧, 餐廳要打烊所以就去酒吧, 間酒吧有個型爆命叫做Teardrop, 成個裝璜令人感覺好舒服, 中間一排四張類似舒發床嘅物體任由顧客左躺右瞓, 一坐上去我即刻變成冇腰骨, 好自在囉.. 嘢飲OK而且氣氛唔錯, 埋單每人US$5, 我覺得唔貴喎.. 橫掂最後一晚, 我唔介意稍微奢侈啲嘅..

~~暹粒四日遊之第三日..Siem Reap is known to the world because of Angkor Wat, hence after the visit to Angkor Wat yesterday it was like mission accomplished for this trip.. went to another so-called attraction today, the biggest lake and the food source for the Cambodian, the lake Tonle Sap.. was expecting to see the floating village and people, but when we arrived at the checkpoint, the authority (i somehow suspect if they are official) asked US$20 from each of us, that was utterly ridiculous but anyhow we just gotta pay since we were there, the first bad impression i had on Cambodia.. the boat trip ended up with a 2-hour onboard experience watching the floating village from far, we were not given any chance to get closer encounters, con!! also the so-called tour guide pleaded us to make donations for the children, but a pencil for US$0.50 and a think booklet for US$1, should they want tourist to do charity, they should not have tag such unreasonable price, right?? of course we were not dumb, we would rather say no, the second bad experience i had on Cambodia..

after the half-a-day Tonle Sap con trip, there was nothing much to do, and hence we were back to the hotel for afternoon nap, haha.. became active again in the evening to pamper ourselves on this final night in Cambodia (we know we certainly not going to come back again), went for full body massage, an hour for only US$6 kind of cheap, but my masseur was not very good and so i did not really enjoy to the maximum.. dinner after that, and we suddenly feel like trying something special and exotic, and there we saw some BBQ shops selling python and crocodile meat.. life is just too short and there we went and gave it a try, python taste like overcooked squid, crocodile taste just like chicken, was a bit eerie the first bite, but later on was getting better when i did not think about what i was eating.. anyway, i still find that pork is the most delicious meat.. haha!!

wrapped up the night with pubbing, went to the Pub Street where foreigners gather.. not really the ambience we were looking for, and so we went back to a luxury hotel nearby ours, the Hotel De La Paix.. there's a restaurant and a pub in that hotel, the restaurant is closing and hence we headed straight to the pub.. the pub has a cool name called "Teardrop", the ambience is so cosy and relax, there were four sofa bed kind of seats in the middle row, customers can just sit or lie or sleep on them.. we got one and popped-on, and immediately i got boneless, it was feeling so free.. the drinks were OK and the atmosphere is relaxing, paying US$5 per person, i think that's just not expensive at all.. afterall i really don't mind spending a bit more to enjoy the last night being there..

~~end of day 3 of 4 in Siem Reap..

21.09.2008 | 吳哥悠遊(2)

今日清晨4點就起身(係晨咁早嗰隻), 因為要去吳哥窟(Angkor Wat)睇日出.. 到步之後就抹黑行入寺廟範圍, 由西門到寺廟前需要經過城河, 因為昨晚落雨關係所以凹凸石橋上都係水灘, 加上天色昏暗, 所以真係步步為營.. 10分鐘後終於抵達觀看日出嘅最佳位置, 遊客亦都逐漸聚集, 不過非常之可惜, 是日陰天所以睇唔到日出, 個天就係咁霎時間亮起咗, 早知真係唔駛挨眼瞓咁早嚟扑空啦.. 不過陰天都未曾唔係好事, 至少可以逃過烈日暴晒呢一劫..

今日嘅行程主要係遊覽吳哥窟, 大吳哥城(Angkor Thom)同埋塔彭寺(Ta Phrom).. 吳哥窟相信大家都耳熟能詳, 呢個聯合國世界遺產係柬國嘅標誌同驕傲, 亦都係泰國嘅遺憾.. 呢個眾寺之母, 建築構造相當完善宏偉, 由大石建成嘅寺廟巧奪天工, 係令人驚訝當時啲人係點樣建築呢嘅古蹟囉..

大吳哥城嘅面積比吳哥窟大好多, 應該有四倍啦, 城內有幾個大大小小寺廟, 個概念就有點似北京故宮咁樣.. 相比吳哥窟, 大吳哥城內嘅寺廟風格就相對地原始, 其中最出名嘅巴戎寺(Bayon Temple)我覺得佢好靚過吳哥窟囉, 寺內每個塔頂四面都雕有佛面, 而且個個都栩栩如生, 非常之震撼人心..

塔彭寺係另外一個較有個性嘅寺廟, 應該係建於樹林中嘅.. 有個性唔係話佢嘅建築, 因為相當普通而且有三成已為廢墟, 有個性嘅係裡邊啲盤根纏寺嘅百年老樹, 見到樹根左穿右穿, 確實係耐人尋味.. 順便一提, 電影古墓奇兵(Lara Croft: Tomb Raider)就係喺呢度取景架喇..

有人話可以用三日時間逐間寺廟去考查, 不過我哋五人幫唔駛一日就全部主要經典搞掂晒, 其實都係走馬看花, 最主要都係擺靚款影靚相囉, 哈哈!! 結果下晝就結束是日路程, 返去舊街市食晏, 今次係去咗間好親民嘅地道茶餐廳解決, 環境點樣你可以想象, 不過味道唔錯價錢又公道, 得啦..

woke up at 4am this morning (that's excruxiatingly early) purposely to see the sunrise at Angkor Wat.. gotta walk in total darkness from the west gate across the molt into the temple area, and because of the rain last night, the uneven rock bridge was patched with water, we just gotta be very careful with each step we took so as not to wet our feet.. after 10min of walking+hopping, we finally reached the best spot to view the sunrise, and tourists were getting more and more waiting to see the sunrise too.. however, luck was not on our side because of the cloudy weather we could not see the sunrise at all.. the sky just got bright in seconds while we were still hoping to see the sunrise.. anyway, it's not any bad for a cloudy day, as we just don't have to get burnt under the sun for the day..

the main itinerary for the day was to visit Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom and Ta Phrom.. i think i don't have to introduce more about Angkor Wat as this world heritage of UNESCO is so well known for being the pride of the Cambodians (something sourish for the Thai though).. the mother of all temples, architecturely complete and grand, was built up solely with stones (and i don't see any nails and brackets or what-so-ever), it is really amazing how the ancient people can build up such a wonder..

the Angkor Thom is a lot bigger in area than Angkor Wat, about four times the size i think, and there are quite some temples within the compound, it can be seen as a self-contained city enclosing temples within just like the concept of the Forbidden City in Beijing.. compared to Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom is more natural and raw in terms of the built-up, and the more famous Bayon Temple is more attractive to me in person.. each facade of the stapula built was carved with a Buddha's face, they look real and very impressive indeed..

the Ta Phrom is relatively more personality, not in terms of the construction and design because it is nothing much different from the Angkors and somemore 30% of it has turned ruins, the personality lies on the old trees with roots entangling the temples.. it's rather spectacular to see the roots overlaying on and wrapping all over the temples, no wonder the movie "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" chose to shot in this temple..

heard that one needs three good days to closely see every temples they have in the Angkor area, but the gang of 5 just did it in less than a day.. well, i gotta admit we were just not into details, as long as we've been there seen it and taken photos of it, we were satisfied.. and there we ended our itinerary for the day just before late afternoon, back to the Old Market for lunch.. this time we had it in a down-to-earth local restaurant, you can imagine how's the environment, but well the food came out quite good and the price, more importantly, is reasonable..

~~end of day 2 of 4 in Siem Reap..

20.09.2008 | 吳哥悠遊(1)

班機MH762於早上11時10分飛往柬埔寨, 喺金邊短暫停留之後, 中午時分抵達目的地暹粒(Siem Reap).. 到步之後即刻入住旅店The Villa Siem Reap, 稍作小休之後, 就向旅店職員了解當地環境好去處, 於是我哋一行五人就此展開呢個為期四日嘅吳哥之旅喇..

由旅店步行10分鐘左右就可以抵達市中心, 不過人生路不熟, 行到半路竟然覺得好lost, 於是就同街邊一位篤篤車司機(其實係其中一位向我哋招攬嘅司機)講掂數, 以US$8包佢一個下晝, 接送去舊街市(Old Market)同埋去吳哥窟(Angkor Wat)附近嘅巴肯山(Bakheng Hill)睇日落..

市中心地帶以舊街市為中心, 裡頭各式各樣貨品服務應有盡有, 當地人嘅衣食文化盡入眼帘, 較令我哋呢五個大鄉里嘆為觀止嘅係疑是蛇肉嘅條狀物體(結果查證其實係魚嚟啫), 同埋一列嘅街市美髮攤位同車衣攤位, 的確係好平民好懷舊, 不過有染髮有離子燙, 都幾摩登架.. :)

喺舊街市溜踏片刻至傍晚時分, 會合司機李奇(Rithy)出發前往巴肯山睇日落.. 上巴肯山需要入門票, 包括在吳哥窟嘅入門票裡頭, 每日下午五時之後賣票, 門票係第二日生效不過可以免費睇日落, 大嗱嗱US$20通行證算係咁啦.. 由山腳步行上山大概30分鐘, 身水身汗抵達山頂一個寺廟, 原來已經擠滿等待日落嘅遊客, 真係人潮洶湧囉.. 不過當時多雲, 見唔晒成個咸蛋黃, 有點遺憾..

入夜後再返回市中心晚膳, 柬埔寨菜其實都冇咩特別, 可能受泰越文化影響, 所以夾喺中間唔特出.. 食完之後就行路去附近嘅夜市(Night Market), 呢個夜市係專售賣手工藝品嘅, 要買咩手信, 呢個地方係最適合不過喇, 但係當然要先考量自己嘅殺價能力啦.. 其實我覺得柬埔寨人真係獅子擘大口, 見你係遊客就可以喪失理智咁開天價, 當我哋遊客係傻架??

flight MH762 took off at 11:10am towards Cambodia, stopped over at Phnom Penh for an hour, and finally we were there in Siem Reap in the afternoon.. upon arrival, we we transferred to our hotel The Villa Siem Reap, after check-in and a little rest, we seeked advices from the hotel staffs about the where-about around the area, soon after that, the group of 5 set of our 4D3N Siem Reap trip from there..

it's a 10min walk from hotel to the city centre, however being new to this town, we got lost half way en route, hence we just gotta hire a tuk-tuk driver to send us to places we wished to go for the second half of the day.. we got a deal with Rithy (one of the tuk-tuk touts) with US$8 for bringing us to the Old Market as well as seeing sunset at Bakheng Hill nearby Angkor Wat..

the city center area is developed with the Old Market as heart, one can just find any goods and services he named in the market.. what made 5 of us astonished were the snake look-alike objects hanging high at the meat stalls (only to found out they were just fish in the end), the market-style beauty salon and seamstress stalls.. they are really down-to-earth and retro, but one can get hair dying and rebonding there, which somehow make the stalls kind of up to the trendy fashion beat.. :)

after spending some time in the market, we were off to Bakheng Hill with Rithy the driver.. entrance pass is required for the spot and it is included in the entrance pass for Angkor Wat.. purchasing the pass after 5pm entitles you to have the ticket effective the next day but still earn a free entry for the sunset viewing at Bakheng Hill, US$20 for a 1-day pass, well they should have this flexibility to please the patrons, agree? walking up brings you to a monestry ruin on the top of the hill and takes you a good 30 (sweaty) minutes, we arrived there and found out that the place was already flooded with tourists waiting for the sunset.. too bad it was cloudy that evening, could not see the perfect sunset though, a waste..

after sunset we went back to the city center area for dinner, frankly Cambodian food is not unique enough as her counterpart Thailand and Vietnam, perhaps assimilating both her neighbours that make the Cambodian food nothing about signature.. after dinner, we headed to the Night Market nearby, a place built up specially for selling handicrafts to tourists, the best place to get some souvenirs back if you need some, however be good in bargaining is the ultimate weapon.. i sometimes think the cambodians are a little too much, they will just set the price so heavenly as long as they know you are a tourist, but just don't forget we tourists are no dumb either..

~~ end of day 1 of 4 in Siem Reap..

19.09.2008 | 浦飛因緣

記得生平第一次食浦飛係小六嗰一年, 嗰日畢業典禮之後, 三五知己因為唔捨得所以留返喺學校談天說地, 之後有人提議去hi-tea.. 當時呢家嘢其實非常唔普遍, 我哋幾個黃毛丫頭竟然膽大心細, 走咗去學校附近間酒店hi-tea, 我記得當時13歲以下兒童收費只係七蚊, 好扺食囉.. 就咁見識到浦飛原來就係擺咗一大堆食, 任由你攞任由你食, 食物有添冇減嘅一回事..

之後升上中學, 依稀記得就係得嗰一次班上搞嘅活動就係hi-tea, 冇乜印象.. 不過升上學院, 大學畢業, 踏入社會工作初期, 應該係食浦飛得最多嘅階段.. 當時有個同樣好喜歡食浦飛嘅朋友, 時不時都約埋一齊去大開殺戒, 我覺得全城大大小小酒店嘅浦飛都差唔多畀我哋食勻晒架喇..

我鐘意浦飛呢家嘢, 其實係因為有多種類食物可以一次過品嘗, 其次係鐘意個氣氛, 大家可以好relax咁不停一邊食嘢一邊傾偈.. 雖然而家已經冇當年咁勇, 食少好多(通常第三round已經開始飽喇), 不過我仍然係好鐘愛浦飛囉, 哈哈..
still remember the first buffet meal in my lifetime was back in my primary 6, on that day after the graduation, a few of the closer us stayed up late chit chatting in school, when someone suggested to continue the session to a hi-tea.. the buffet style dining was not really that popular back then, but yet we few kids just ran into the hotel nearby and paid for our own hi-tea.. still remember it was only RM7 for children below 13, kind of cheap.. and that was when i learnt that buffet is something about unlimited food supply and eat as much as you can for just a little amount of money to pay for..

went up to high school later, and i remember there was only once, a hi-tea session organised as a class event.. moving on to college, university and then being fresh grads, that period would be the stage in my lifetime that i have had the most buffet in my life.. remember about a friend who likes buffet as much as i do, we would always get along to go for buffet dinner and crave for unlimited supply of food.. if i was not mistaken, we have invaded more than half of the hotels in town really..

i love buffet, mainly because there is a vast variety of food that i can get a taste of, and secondly it's because of the atmosphere, everyone can just eat and chat non-stop, being so laid back and relaxed.. now i gotta admit that i am not as good as before, could just easily get filled up after the third round, but anyway i'm still a buffet lover no doubt, hehehe..

18.09.2008 | 失驚無神

今日晨早返工就收到CEO封電郵, 宣佈一單令眾同事都十分吃驚嘅消息.. 話說一個月前來咗個新官上任三把火, 結果都未同個新官真真正正合作過, 仲未睇見新官有咩政策上嘅大改革, 今朝就收到CEO消息話佢已經離開公司!! 係好突然囉, 入咗公司一個月, 個個都等住睇佢有咩表現, 點知失驚無神咁就話消失喎.. 霎時間整個辦公室內佈滿著疑惑嘅問號--發生咩事??

其實大家對於呢位新官都非常之陌生, 未能適應佢嘅處事方式, 覺得同佢溝通上有些問題, 結果搞到人心惶惶.. 最後CEO一句佢未能融入我哋一路以嚟嘅culture, 就咁新官從此消失無影無蹤.. 我唔知背後究竟發生幾多內情, 只係覺得好吃驚, 忽然間覺得佢好可憐囉.. 話晒都叫做賓主一場(雖然得一個月咁耐), 祝佢一帆風順啦..
received a sudden email from the CEO early this morning at work, announcing a really shocking news to everyone of us.. if u have followed my blog, you should recall that our Regional MD reported to work a month ago.. having not really working together with him yet, having not seen the changes he is going to make yet, we got the CEO's message that he has already left the company!! it was a shock to everyone, for just a month with the company, everyone was waiting to see how well he can perform, but in the end things caught us all by surprise, he just gone missing in action.. the office space was instantly filled with question marks everywhere -- what has happened actually??

actually we just are a bit distant with the new MD, not yet adapted ourselves with his style of management, also perhaps finding it difficult to communicate, and thus people started to get worry.. finally the CEO explained that he cannot fit into our culture, and there he go leaving the company.. i do not know what's happening behind the scene, just feel rather shocked about the news, and suddenly thinks he's quite a pity.. anyway, since we've been so-called working together albeit for just a month, he has anyhow been our boss though, just like to wish him all the best out there..

17.09.2008 | 火速接棒

某位拍檔同事終於都決定遞信燉老細冬菇.. 其實真係好噩然, 因為估唔到佢會選擇呢一步, 而且仲要走得滾水漉腳, 月尾之前就要鬆人..

佢一走, 首當其衝嘅人就係我, 好多嘢都要接手.. 佢遞咗信之後各有各忙, 好難就到時間可以坐埋一齊傾接手嘅嘢, 禮拜一見火燒眼眉於是嗱嗱聲plan一plan, 先發覺其實都好多事幹要搞..又鬼咁啱一早已經計劃好呢個月攞長假去旅行, 計計吓今日之後得返四日咁大把要做晒全部handover, 所以真係是日無多, 搞到非常倉促咁.. 所以佢未到last day眾同事們都會竭盡所能將佢搾乾搾淨, 誓要佢「鞠躬盡瘁」到最後一分鐘, 將全身功力通通不留余地咁傳授畀我哋.. 佢走咗之後, 仲會時不時奪命電話追蹤, 哈哈..

其實講得認真啲, 好多嘢都係擺喺個心裡邊, 唔透露並唔代表唔在乎, 只不過係選擇用另外一種方式來表達.. a colleague who works closely with me finally tendered her resignation.. was pretty shocked by the news because it was of the least expected, furthermore she is planning to leave very soon, real soon before end of this month..

following her resignation, i should be the one brought with the most impact, a lot of things to handover to me.. however soon after her resignation, we were too busy with each other's work to sit down together to seriously talk on the handover exercise, until monday that we see how tight time has been that we finally make an effort to discuss and plan accordingly, only to realised that it is never a small session.. what's more, i've already planned a long holiday for this month, and giving it a count, there will be only four days left after today, kind of rush and short of time to have everything properly handed over.. hence, before she can survive to her last day, all of us shall try our very best to "squeeze" her out for everything she knows, and to pass all her knowledge to everyone till the very last minute.. and after she has left, we shall constantly give her phone annoying rings regularly, hahahaha!!

to be a little more frank and serious, there are just too much put aside in heart, never spoken out does not mean that we don't care, just that i may like to choose to use another method to express myself..

16.09.2008 | 只可會意

有時都好佩服傳媒界人士嘅創意頭腦, 可以嚴肅, 可以誇張, 可以搞笑, 可以煽情, 只要顧客想要咩效果, 都可以朝著咩方向去向大眾傳達訊息.. 尤其是某些難以啟齒嘅訊息, 通常都會用搞笑方式表達, 要做到明確但係又唔可以露骨, 好多時候都係「只可會意, 不可言傳」, 但求你明我明, 點到即止囉.. 好似以下呢個短片, 大家覺得功力如何?? **陰陰嘴笑**

sometimes we just gotta pay salute to the media for their creative imagination.. from serious, exaggerate, humorous to emotional, as long as the customers request, they could just follow the direction to effectively convey the message to the public.. especially for some not so convenient messages, most of the time humorous alternatives are choosen, to make clear the message but not obvious, often subtly stops at the point where you get what i meant, just comprehend at heart but do not shout it loud.. so, what do you think about how "well" the message is carried out in the short clip below then?? **giggling**

15.09.2008 | 雙贏局面

工作上往往遇到拗撬, 尤其係我呢行, 好多時候都要同顧客展開拉鋸戰.. 通常都會先企硬, 儘量利用一大堆explanation同埋black & white嚟protect自己, 可免則免啦.. 首先探吓個客嘅風聲, 如果好堅決咁就唯有退一步尋求alternatives囉.. 雙贏局面最終都係最重要嘅一個守則, 要儘量做到顧客滿意, 但係另一方面又要顧全公司與同事嘅利益, 呢方面嘅customer handling唔容易啊..

記得以前經驗尚淺, 個客話要咁樣我就九成九都話OK, 事事都以客為先, 跟住就自己煩惱點算好(有苦知己知).. 其實都好唔健康, 所以而家隨著經驗嘅累積, 我會用另外一個角度嚟睇, 因為做嘅人唔係個客, 所以應該以自己為大前提, 顧慮能力範圍之內辦唔辦到, 連自己都唔protect自己就冇其他人可以幫你.. 其實只要稍為諗深一層再同個客解釋清楚, 我會儘量推掉不必要嘅要求, 所以每次send email前都會再三檢查字句, 要好聲好氣, 唔可以得罪但係又要冧掂顧客..

職場就如戰場, 呢句話一啲都冇錯.. 所以我通常都會先同顧客打好關係, 萬一第時有咩拗撬, 大家都有偈傾囉.. 工作上要做到內應外合+面面俱全+雙贏局面, 其實我都仲有好多嘢要學..there are always arguments you faced in work, especially for my industry, it's a tug-of-war between customer and ourselves.. most of the time i would first stand firm on my own interest, try to get as many reasonable explanations and black & white to protect myself, avoid things that can be avoided.. it's just like testing the temperature of the customer, if they are very keen then it would be a step backward to look for alternatives.. anyhow, win-win situation is always a good principle to handle things, try the best to satisfy the customer, while on the other hand to protect the interest of the company and colleagues, this kind of customer handling is never easy i'd say..

i still remember when i was less experienced and not so exposed to deal with customers, i will 99% agree with what the customer requested, just say OK and back home to worry how to deliver what has been committed.. i realised this is actually not healthy, hence as i gained more experience, i started to think the other way round.. customer is important, but the one doing is ourselves, so considerations should be made first based on our own ability and interest, not the customer.. sorry to say, if you are not protecting yourself, nobody can do that for you.. anyway, as long as we think positively and explain reasonably, it's just fine to reject the customer for unnecessary things.. that is why i spend time on drafting communications to customers, it has to be very careful, friendly and strong at points to support yourself, and ultimately able to convinced the customer on the reasons..

work is like battle, this is never wrong.. for me, i would always build up good relationships with customer, just in case there are arguments in the future it won't be too bad.. to gain win-win situation + good rapport + all rounder inside out, i still have a lot to learn about..

14.09.2008 | 中秋狂想

又係一年一度嘅八月十五, 先祝各位朋友中秋快樂!!

其實對於中秋節冇乜特別嘅感覺, 因為真係普通不過嘅一日, 冇假放架, 雖然某個華人團體口口聲聲話向政府爭取將中秋列為公假, 聽咗幾年咪又係咁?? 都費鬼事講喇, 中秋節, 我會想起三樣嘢:
  • [圓月] 八月十五嘅月亮係最大最圓, 可能係氣候嘅關係.. 點都好, 月圓代表團圓, 一家人齊齊整整一齊聚首係一大樂事.. 我喺度諗, 第時人類如果居住喺月球, 到時係唔係會望住地球「賞月」呢??
  • [月餅] 應該係發源自明朝嘅月餅, 嚟到今時今日已經係變化萬千, 食月餅係中秋一個必要動作, 而月餅口味嘅創新又逐漸變成熱潮.. 我喺度諗, 可能5年後我哋中秋節食嘅已經唔再係叫做月餅喇..
  • [花燈] 真係唔知花燈同埋燈謎嘅有來, 記得以前啲燈籠真係用紙做真係用蠟燭點亮架, 不過而家本末倒置, 小朋友係拎住個有造型有聲響嘅燈膽通街走囉.. 我喺度諗, 以後會唔會進展到玩遙控飛天燈籠呢??
it's mid-autumn festival again, would like to wish everyone a HAPPY MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL!!

well, i don't actually have any special feelings towards this festival, partly because it's just a normal day to me, no holidays at all, although have been hearing rumours that a chinese congress party is persuading the government to set this day as a national public holiday.. well after years and years of the rumours, it is still a rumour but anyway, i've gave up about this already.. to me, the mid-autumn festival reminds me of three things:
  • [full moon] the mid-autumn moon is believed to be the biggest and roundest, but i supposed it's the weather that caused this belief.. anyway, full moon to the chinese means complete, and it's a tradition to have all members of the family to gather together that day as a sign of completeness.. i'm thinking, if ever human are going to dwell in the moon, will we then celebrate the earth festival then??
  • [mooncake] from the Ming Dynasty i believe mooncake is originated, and up till this moment, there are thousands of varieties of mooncakes in the market.. mooncake is a must item for the mid-autumn celebration, and the innovative mooncakes has already become a trend nowadays.. i'm thinking, perhaps 5 years later the things that we had for mid-autumn can never be called a mooncake..
  • [lantern] no idea the origin of lantern for the mid-autumn festival, but i can still recall those lantern i had during childhood were made of papers and were lit by real candles, unlike those carried by kids nowadays that are made of anything, battery operated and lit by light bulbs and even changing color LEDs.. i'm thinking, will kids be using remote control to play flying lanterns in the future??

13.09.2008 | 再添一員

話說噚日喺公司玩游戲成為大贏家, 獨贏「豐厚獎品」一份, 令各位同事羨慕不已.. 有同事話評判偏心喎, 不過之後個馬拉松接字游戲, 我憑著超強記憶力同埋臨危不懼嘅精神, 以狂風掃落葉嘅勝利者姿態, 一人砌低其他九位同事連續兩輪(冇錯!! 係連續兩輪!!), 成為當之無愧嘅游戲之王, 問大家服未??

得戚嘅我當場拆開份獎品, 四萬咁嘅口, 個錢罌仔好鬼得意, 我好鐘意啊.. 牛奶仔個頭四四方方, 雙手仲可以郁添架, 骨子啊哩?? 係啊, 我已經幫佢改好名叫做牛奶仔架啦(好明顯佢係個朱古力牛奶仔), 好聽嗎?? 牛奶仔嘅出現, 我檯上嘅朋友仔又再添一員喇, 樂也融融咁, 平時做得辛苦, 望望檯面幾個朋友仔, 見每個都傻罡罡個樣, 心情都會輕鬆啲架..remember i mentioned that i won a prize during yesterday's game session?? got that "big prize" and somehow make other colleagues envy, and some even blame the judge for being bias on me, haha.. anyway the work link game that followed just show them how good i was, with my super memory and being calm enough, i beat the other 9 colleagues for two round of the games, yes no joking, it's TWO rounds.. obviously i was the king of games yesterday, everyone just gotta admit i was good, hehehe..

the proud me unwrapped the prize on the spot, and it was a coin bank in the shape of a robot figurine, really cute and i really like it very much.. Milkie has a square head and both his arms are swingable, doesn't he just look adorable?? oh yeah, i've already given him the name Milkie (obviously a chocolate milk he is), nice?? with Milkie, there comes another new member to the toy collection on my work desk, they get along with each other happy, and whenever i feel tense during work, i will take a look at them, and by seeing how silly they look, i will get a little more cheer up..

12.09.2008 | 齊慶中秋

今日喺公司搞咗個小型中秋慶典, 仍然好清楚記得一年前都同樣有個咁嘅搞作, 眨吓眼話咁快又一年喇喎..

中秋梗係例牌掛燈籠食月餅啦, 不過今年似乎勝過舊年囉.. 大門佈置有IV出馬, 結果幾靚啊.. 而且除咗月餅之外, 仲有其他好嘢食(美味鹽焗雞, MY愛心核桃鬆餅, 炸蝦餅, 炸春卷, 咖哩角).. 游戲方面, 今年KL自願攬起策劃, 結果個猜圖像游戲高潮迭起, 之後再接再厲玩馬拉松接字游戲(獎門人嗰啲哩).. 經過一輪激鬥過後, 最終SK(即係本人)成為大贏家, 贏得豐厚獎品趣緻錢瓔一個, 呵呵..

睇睇最後嗰張相, 又係同樣位置同樣排陣影副大合照喎(可惜GC同MO唔喺度).. 嗱嗱嗱, 埋嚟睇吓大家幾咁開心~~ it's timesharing session for the month again, we had a small mid-autumn celebration in office just now.. i can still remember clearly we did the same thing a year ago, just realised how quickly time has slipped away..

it's a tradition during mid-autumn festival to have mooncake and decorate dwelling with lantern, and i should say this year is done better than last year.. the office entrance was decorated very nicely with IV's idea, and food wise we had besides mooncake other delicious local food - salt-baked chicken, handmade walnut cookies from MY, fried shrimp pancake, fried spring roll, curry puff.. games wise, KL volunteered to take charge and we had picture guessing game, everyone was totally involved in excitement.. we later on ended up the session with word link game, and finally SK (that is me, excuse me) won the big prize a nice little coin bank!! hohoho~~

take a look at the last photo above, the same location and the same position for a group photo (but too bad GC and MO were not around).. see, everyone was simply so happy..

11.09.2008 | 三連飯局

呢三日連續放工之後都有飯局, 本來應該係去健身中心報到嘅, 但係相反地讓身上啲卡路裡變成「有入冇出」, 覺得有點罪惡感, 不過飯局嘅引誘力的確係比做運動強勁得多喎.. 肥!肥!!肥!!!
  • 前日星期二, 新加坡兩位大老細過嚟巡視業務數日, 例牌都會夾埋SG同DV帶佢哋去食飯架喇.. 而且好興去食韓國菜, 唔知點解, 大家都對呢間韓國餐廳非常之有好感.. 其實事先都諗住唔去架喇, 不過最後始終難敵同事慫恿, 所以就下海喇..
  • 噚日星期三, TB由愛爾蘭返嚟, 約埋FN同CY一齊飯局, 去返前日去嘅韓國餐廳, 連續兩日食返八成同樣嘅嘢, 不過仍然食得好開心, 因為實在都有一段時間冇見面喇.. 同之前餐比較, 呢餐係為咗聚舊, 食咩反而成為其次..
  • 今日星期四, 友人之前托我喺屋企附近買DVD(認識我嘅朋友, 都知我住嗰區賣DVD係賣到出晒名啦), 佢等唔切要睇所以就約咗放工後兜去我公司攞.. 咁橫掂都嚟到咯, 咪就順便一齊去食飯囉.. 放心喎不過, 今日唔係去食韓國菜, 呵呵..
out having dinner with colleagues and friends for consecutive three days, was supposed to drag myself to gym to burn out calories, but indeed i have them only input but no output at all.. feel a little guilty about it, but then how could i resist food when i'm to choose within food and workout?? fat! fat!! fat!!!
  • tuesday, two big bosses from SG came down to visit our office, and normally will tag along SG and DV to bring them for dinner after work.. it's like a norm that we will be going to THAT korean restaurant, i don't know why, everybody seems to like that food there very much.. was thinking not to join this time earlier, but just could not do away with colleagues persuasion and hence there i went..
  • wednesday, TB came back from ireland for some family events, and we got FN and CY to join for dinner together.. went to the same restaurant and had 80% similar food, but still enjoyed the dinner very well.. mainly because it's more of a gathering with some old friends and get updated with each other's recent getting-on, the food has indeed become of secondary importance really..
  • thursday, a friend of mine asked me to get him some DVDs from a shop near my house (those who know me should have know how famous the DVD shops are at my area).. can't be patient anymore to wait, he set an appointment to meet me up at office after work to pick up the discs.. and since we were meeting up, spontaneously we decided to go dinner together, but no worries it's not korean again, hehehe..

10.09.2008 | 老友相聚

頭先放工同幾位老朋友聚一聚, TB由愛爾蘭返嚟有搞作, 所以約埋FN同CY一齊飯局.. 係啊, 又係去嗰一間韓國餐廳啊, 噚日已經高調事先聲明啦, 不過唔會覺得悶, 因為都係志在同好耐冇見嘅老友相聚啫..

TB係中四認識嘅同班同學, 坐埋兩隔離, 開始都好friend架, 但係呢, 記得當時曾經發生某些誤會(不過又真係唔記得發生咩事喇), 之後竟然唔秋唔睬當對方透明, 一直到大學之後先逐漸自自然然咁冰釋前嫌.. 而家呢, 雖然少聯絡, 不過佢每次返嚟都一定會約我出嚟見吓面嘅..

FN係小五就認識嘅同班同學, 數數吓今年係第20年喇, 嘩, 真係唔講都唔覺囉.. 上一次喺商場撞見佢係四個月前嘅事, 當時見佢孕味十足(佢嗰時係未知自己有咗), 今日再見已經係5個月身紀.. 做老友嘅梗係戥佢呢個準媽媽開心啦, 不過見到佢仲著住對三吋高跟鞋, 我真係忍唔住要話吓佢..

CY係中二認識嘅同班同學, 如果要數同我一齊參與活動同埋一齊去旅行次數最多嘅老友, 應該就係她莫屬喇.. 好記得每次朋友間有啲咩旅行項目, 佢都一定有份嘅, 我哋每次都會同對方講「喂, 我哋又一齊旅行喇」, 覺得好鬼搞笑囉..

went to meet up some old friends after work just now, TB was back from Ireland for some family event, and hence we got FN and CY to join us together for dinner.. went to THAT korean restaurant again, as i have high profilely announced yesterday.. was nothing wrong, as the main reason behind the dinner was to gather everyone for some updates..

knew TB since form 4 in high school, and we were sitting beside each other.. was very close until suddenly we got distant because of some misunderstanding (well, i have absolutely forgotten what was the cause), not until during university time that we got closer back again.. we seldom keep in touch, but when he is back home, he will for sure ask me out for a meet up..

knew FN since grade 5 in primary school, giving the years a count, this will be the 20th year i've known her.. wow!! never realised if never count for it.. last bumped into her in a shopping mall 4 months ago and she looked a bit mommy (though she didn't know she's pregnant that time).. today she was pregnant for the 5th month, but i was shocked to still see her stepping on her 3-inch heels, can't help but i really talked to her about this..

knew CY since form 2 in high school.. if i were to choose a friend that joins me for activities and trips for the most number of times, she would definitely be the person undoubtedly.. i still remember whenever there are trips organised amongst friends of ours, she would sure be participating, and we would always tell each other "look, we are going on trip together again", funny isn't it?? hehehe..

09.09.2008 | 瑣碎雜記

幾日前有個朋友話無聊嘅時候去google查詢"food delivery"字樣, 之後查詢結果list咗我呢個blog出嚟.. 嘩哈哈哈!! 難道我呢個blog真係同食物撇唔開關係?? 我諗我需要盡力為呢個blog洗脫美食blog呢個罪名..

噚日做做吓嘢, 收音機傳來一把番唱鄧麗君《我只在乎你》嘅聲, 嘩!! 係超難聽囉, 好似瞓緊覺咁成首歌由頭拖到尾.. 於是就問auntie MY呢位女歌手係乜水, 可以折埋從此唔駛出嚟唱歌.. 佢唔知, 不過聽到最後我發現好似係把男人女聲, 結果DJ公佈答案時, 真係啊!! 係某台灣樂隊SD綠, 外稱「雌雄同體」嘅男主音!! 噢埋葛!! 係嚴重難聽, 好鬼想星佢兩巴真係, 唔好侮瀆呢首歌啦唔該..

今日渾渾噩噩就咁過咗去, 朝早做自己嘅嘢, 中午開始就連開兩個短會+兩個長會, 一波接一波都未有時間發現自己咁忙, 開完會成7點鐘, 天色已經開始昏暗.. 其實忙都有忙嘅好, 時間過得快啲, 你未有時間去胡思亂想..

頭先放工同幾位同事去食飯, 又係韓國菜啊, 又係嗰間囉(如果你有跟我嘅blog實知係邊啦).. 本來都唔出奇啦, 一餐飯啫, 不過弊就弊在聽日會同朋友再去囉.. 聽日係預先plan好嘅, 今日係即興嘅, 計埋聽日, 係我今年第七次去幫襯喇..

[Misc 1]
couple of days ago, a friend told me he googled "food delivery" and got my blog in the search result list.. and i thot wow, that was pretty interesting, my blog is so gracefully linked to food, haha!! anyway, i think i should seriously consider to try to uplift the impression that my blog is a food blog..

[Misc 2]
overheard a voice from radio yesterday covering Teresa Teng's classic "I Just Care About You".. i thot that was very lousily sung, as if the singer is drousy and dragging the whole song from start till end.. so i asked auntie MY if she knows who the singer is, and that she can actually go back home and not sing in her whole life anymore.. didn't get an answer from auntie, but i actually found out later that the voice is actually from a guy, maybe he just has a woman's voice.. and bingo! when the DJ announced her (or rather his) name, it was what i had in mind earlier.. the lead singer from a taiwanese group called "SD Green".. OMG!! that was an absolute awfully sung song, feel like slapping HIM actually, do not insult this song please..

[Misc 3]
today just passed as if i did not know what had happened.. was doing my work in the morning, and later on from noon onwards, i was in two brief meetings and two long meetings, one after another till i have not had time to realised how busy i was.. it was 7 when everything was over, come to think of it, sometimes being busy isn't any bad, at least you have no time to think too much nonsense..

[Misc 4]
went dinner with colleagues after work just now, had korean food, and was THAT korean restaurant again (yeah, you are right if you have been following my blog).. actually there's nothing wrong about it, but things get worse when i am supposedly to go there again for dinner with some friends.. tomorrow's dinner was planned, today's was a spontaneous invitation.. including the visit tomorrow, it will be the 7th visit for me this year..

08.09.2008 | 齋戒聖月

每年回歷九月係回教徒齋戒之月, 呢個時候全球回教徒都要守齋一個月, 日出之後日落之前係唔可以有嘢落肚, 而且齋戒月要儘能力佈施幫助有需要嘅人.. 我唔係回教徒, 所以係袖手旁觀喇, 食晏時間可以唔駛人逼人鬆動好多架, 呵呵..

講到齋戒月, 其實最開心嘅就係啲臨時檔攤(Bazaar Ramadhan), 一般都係賣食物飲品.. 我唔知其實呢個傳統係因何誕生, 可能餓咗成日, 冇力落廚煮飯, 兼忍唔住要儘快開餐, 所以就索性出邊買現成嘅?? 對於非回教徒嚟講, 見到週圍琳琅滿目嘅傳統食物, 你都好難可以置之不理啦係嘛?? 我尤其鐘意啲傳統糕點, 每次經過, 各式各樣嘅糕點就好似同我招手咁, 我又於心何忍唔理佢哋吖.. 行去搭車嘅時候, 買幾件嚟食, 行到車站剛好食晒, 咁樣好滿足呢, 哈哈~~
it's the 9th month of the islamic calendar, all muslims from around the globe shall be fasting for the whole month now.. no food and no drinks are allowed after sunrise and before sunset, and furthermore they are advised to do more charity donation as far as their affordability allows to help those in need.. i am not a muslim, so i am not bound to this religious rule, and so i don't have to get caught up in crowd during lunch time, hehe..

when it comes to the fasting month, i certainly won't miss out the Bazaar Ramadhan, temporary hawker stalls selling all kinds of traditional food and drinks.. i have no idea the reason behind this traditional practice, perhaps people get too tired and too hungry to cook and can't wait to eat first thing in the evening after a long day of fasting, so they just bother to buy readily cooked?? to non-muslims, the bazaar is just as tempting with the huge varities of mouth-watering food, it's just simply irresistible i say.. for me, i love those traditional kuih muih the most, everytime i walk past for sure they are like waving their hands and begging me to buy them, so how could i just walk away ignoring them?? hehe.. i would have bought a few on my way to the station, and would have finished eating the moment i reach the station, it's pretty satisfying actually, hahaha!!

07.09.2008 | 桃色名單

暑假黃金時段已過, 最近都冇乜勁片可看.. 週末想話睇場戲消磨時間, 不過唔想(係極度唔願意)睇《錢不夠用2》同《大四喜》, 所以揀咗呢齣《桃色名單》.. 經過上個星期睇到嘔血嘅《巴比倫紀元》重大打擊之後, 其實都唔敢有太大期望, 雖然知道Ewan McGregor通常都唔會立亂揀套戲嚟演..

故事其實都頗簡單, 一貫驚悚懸疑片模式, 電檢局今次剪得都OK啦, 雖然好多F字都剪晒(搞到對白都有啲斷斷續續), 不過仍然保留某些纏綿鏡頭(真係劇情需要架其實).. 成兩個小時嘅戲, 眨下眼之後就散場, 劇情雖然冇乜大起大跌, 我反而就覺得一氣呵成拍得幾唔錯囉.. 都睇得人架, 總算係冇浪費張戲飛..since the summer holiday blockbusters timeslot was just over, there are not much movie to watch recently.. feel like going for a movie during weekend, but don't feel like (or rather reluctant) watching "Money Not Enough 2" and "The Luckiest Man", so finally end up with "Deception".. after a massive disappointment with the yaakss "Babylon A.D." last week, i don't dare to have high expectation on this movie, despite knowing that Ewan McGregor will normally choose good movies to play an act..

simple storyline and kind of expected plots for the thriller movie, the cencorship board actually did not do so badly this time, though all the F-words are being cencored (that makes the lines a bit dodgy in the cinema), but most of the "passionate" scenes (as needed in the storyline) are kept with the movie.. almost 2-hour long, but i really didn't feel that long, it's like you go in enjoy the movie and there it ends.. no big ups and downs, but instead i feel the continuity of the entire movie, somehow this is quite well directed.. not a bad movie at all, it is worth (or at least not wasting) the tickets you pay for actually..

06.09.2008 | 敬軒變奏

原來張敬軒個偶像係林憶蓮, 同我一樣喎, 呵呵.. 剛才入youtube無意中發現佢上個月《叱吒903拉闊變奏廳》音樂會嘅精華片段, 整個音樂會佢清一色唱咗二十首歌林小姐嘅經典金曲.. 林小姐嘅演繹同唱功, 眾所週知係公認嘅毋庸質疑, 平時都已經罕有人夠膽公開番唱(全民K歌《至少還有你》例外), 軒仔呢次果然係信心十足, 姑且勿論佢唱成點, 單係呢份勇氣就非常之值得敬佩, 而且仲少有地展開舞動嘅一面.. 網上有fans上載當晚其中幾首嘅演繹, 聽落我覺得軒仔其實都唱得幾好囉, 當然要撇開珠玉在前同埋唔可以與神檯前輩比較.. 我都相當之欣賞軒仔, 如果當晚音樂會有出CD嘅話, 我會買架.. 喂係噃, 唔知K會唔會有得點唱呢?? 哈哈..

i just found out Hins Cheung is a big fans of Sandy Lam, just like me, hehe.. was surfing youtube just now and accidentally found video clips from his performance for "HKCR 903 Live Show" last month, paying a tribute to Lam by singing 20 of her classic songs for the entire show.. many of us just knew Lam is undoubtedly a pop diva for the HK music industry, there are rarely other artistes who dares to cover her songs in public (except the overwhelmingly popular "At Least I've Got You").. put aside how well Hins performed that night, his act of covering songs by Lam was just a bravo, and he managed to show the audience the other side of his usual melancholic image.. there are fans who uploaded some of the songs performed that night, i've listened to them and thought, wow, Hins did really quite a good job (of course it's just unfair to compare how he can sing against diva Lam).. if the record company would publish a CD for the performance that night, i would get a copy of it for sure.. hmm, wait, do you think those songs are available in karaoke?? hehehe..

05.09.2008 | 九十年代

繼早前寫過一篇關於[八十年代]嘅香港樂壇之後, 今日嚟個九十年代嘅延續..

九十年代香港樂壇陽盛陰衰, 有個頗不健康嘅壟斷現象.. 四大天王[黎明/張學友/劉德華/郭富城]稱霸整個樂壇, 瓜分七成樂壇豬肉獎.. 淨返兩成分配畀當時順應而生, 有能力抗衡嘅四大天后[當年葉蒨文/林憶蓮/王菲三人塵埃落定, 最後一席位子周慧敏/關淑怡二人當中始終未能定誰屬].. 最後一成就係其他有實力嘅歌手[小天王李鄰居當然係其中一個]爭蹦頭嘅余額.. 樂隊方面, Beyond同草蜢各擁唔同階層fans而旗鼓相當.. 當時仲吹起一股過江龍風, 台灣歌手[當中佼佼者有林志穎/周華健/庾澄慶/吳奇隆]如旋風般席卷香港樂壇, 曾經都引起小風波架.. 九十年代, 正是我成長嘅年代, 講到當時個勢, 我當然係瞭如指掌啦, 哈哈!!

coming back with the 90s, a sequel to the previous post on the HK music industry in [The Eighties]..

the HK music industry in the 90s has quite an unhealthy monopoly situation whereby the male artistes were stronger than the females.. the so-called Heavenly Kings [Leon Lai, Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau, Aaron Kwok] have grabbed 70% of all awards distributed.. the next 20% went to the guys-have-it-so-girls-have-it-too Heavenly Queens [Sally Yeh, Sandy Lam, Faye Wong, and another one indecisive between Vivian Chow and Shirley Kwan].. the remaining 10% were regarded as lucky draw for other capable ones [or course our Neighbour Lee was one of them].. for group bands, they have Beyond and Grasshopper, of different genre and fans community, both having same level of popularity then.. i also remember back then there were some taiwanese artistes who got popular in HK [Jimmy Lin, Wakin Chow, Harlem Yu, Nicky Wu were the more successful ones], and they really got big recognition from the HK industry.. the 90s was my growing up decade, that is why i know so much about the industry back then, hahaha!!
  • [張學友] 而每過一天每一天這醉者, 便愛妳多些再多些至滿瀉..
  • [劉德華] 有你有我有情有天有海有地..
  • [黎明] 行近我又怕驚動妳, 我又怕心難死, 立定決心以後分離..
  • [郭富城] 對你愛愛愛不完, 我可以天天月月年年到永遠..
  • [葉蒨文] 難怪曾說出不能成為知己的怎麼可能相戀, 這晚我認真聽見..
  • [林憶蓮] 知不知一開始, 已發覺愛你不可止, 我早已為你, 為你瘋了..
  • [王菲] 情難自禁, 我卻其實屬於極度容易受傷的女人..
  • [周慧敏] 不要自作多情去做夢, 給我盡獻殷勤管接送..
  • [關淑怡] 一些戀愛變恨, 更多戀愛故事動人, 劃上了絲絲美感..
  • [李克勤] 當年相戀意中人, 大家性情近, 早種愛根極親蜜, 心心相印互信任..
  • [Beyond] 原諒我這一生不羈放縱愛自由, 也會怕有一天會跌倒..
  • [草蜢] 一起森巴舞, 撥走不滿, 發洩發洩你苦悶..
  • [林志穎] 不是每個戀曲, 都有美好回憶, 用完傷心, 只有分離..
  • [周華健] 就請你給我多一點點時間再多一點點問候, 不要一切都帶走..
  • [庾澄慶] 讓我一次愛個夠, 給你我所有, 讓我一次愛個夠, 現在和以後..
  • [吳奇隆] 深深地祝福妳, 最親愛的朋友, 祝妳一路順風..

04.09.2008 | 屬於我的

  1. [我的茶杯] 喺公司每日都會用佢嚟食早餐, 偶爾都會飲吓綠茶..
  2. [我的銀包] 當然係隨身之物, 用嚟放幾張(真係得幾張咋)銀紙同埋身份證信用咔..
  3. [我的手錶] 記得4年前忽然唔見咗隻錶, 當機立斷之下買咗佢返嚟嘅, 都係返工時候戴囉..
  4. [我的座位] 我的座位一角, 冇乜特別啦, 都係一般辦公室用品同私人物件..
  5. [我的會所] 加州健身中心, 可唔可以開多幾間club分散啲會員啊?? 逼爆人喇..
  6. [我的電腦] 我的搵食工具, 每日都會睇住佢做嘢, 入邊裝有大量公私檔案同智慧財產..
  7. [我的公司] 一個星期有5日必到嘅地方, 每日至少9小時, 至今都有2年8個月喇..
  8. [我的手機] 一年前畀人扒咗個手機之後, 即刻買返落嚟嘅6300, 用嚟影相多過打電話..
  9. [我的收藏] 部份音樂CD收藏, 全部都係托朋友喺香港買返嚟嘅, 其實擺喺度都好少聽..
  1. [my mug] using it everyday to have my breakfast in the office, sometimes for my green tea too..
  2. [my wallet] to put my few pieces (yes, i've only got few pieces) of notes and also ID and credit cards..
  3. [my watch] bought this watch 4 years ago when i lost the previous one, only wearing it for work..
  4. [my seat] a corner of my seat in the office, nothing special just some office equipments and personal belongings..
  5. [my gym] california fitness, wonder would there be more clubs to disperse the ever increasing members, the clubs are really too packed especially the afterwork hours..
  6. [my laptop] my tools for a living, using it for work (and of course leisure) everyday, contains tons of files (work and personal) and intellectual properties in it..
  7. [my company] a place i will go 5 times a week, and at least 9 hours a day, have been doing this for 2 years and 8 months..
  8. [my phone] bought this phone a year ago after being picked-pocket, have been using this 6300 to take random photos more frequently than making calls..
  9. [my CD] a small part of my music CD collections, all bought from HK with help of a friend, just for the sake of collection and seldom listen to them though..

03.09.2008 | 變幻可測

古人有雲天氣變化無常, 變幻莫測.. 不過呢佢嘢可能唔係咁適合用於我國氣候, 尤其係最近嘅天氣, 見個天色就估都估到佢想點, 毫無驚喜(呵呵!!).. 一早起身擘大眼, 窗外一望就係藍天白雲, 艷陽高掛天空, 一副天高氣爽嘅感覺.. 中午打後, 天就開始陰沉起嚟, 烏雲開始密佈天空, 一副世界就快末日嘅感覺.. 傍晚時分, 一定就係開始落雨架喇, 尤其係最鐘意臨放工前呀, 驚死你吞卜想早走咁喎..

我係一個討厭雨天嘅人, 極度唔鐘意雨天所帶嚟嘅不變同埋狼狽..我鐘意見到陽光, 晴天就係我最鐘意嘅天氣, 係唔係同我夏天出世有關呢?? 總係覺得藍天白雲艷陽係朝氣嘅象征, 代表希望, 天氣晴朗我個人嘅心情都會跟著開朗..

the ancient has a saying that weather is always unpredictible, but i think this saying is not suitable for our country's climate at all.. especially recently the weather became so regular that it's almost predictible, you see the sky and you know what's going to happen next, no surprise at all (hehe!!).. early in the morning, you wake up to see white clouds on clear blue sky under the sun, a very optimistic feeling.. late in the afternoon, the sky starts to get darker, dark clouds gathers as if the doomsday is near.. in the evening, it will certainly start to rain, and especially just before you can knock off for the day, as if the sky disallows you to leave early..

i am a person who dislike rainy days, and especially hate the inconvenience and embarrassment caused by raining days.. i like to see the sun, hence sunny days are always my favourite weather.. could it be because i was born in summer?? i always think whenever i see white clouds + blue sky + high sun, i feel hope and get happy.. whenever the sky gets sunny, i get a little more merry..

02.09.2008 | 週末食乜

國慶日呢個長週末, 唔打算去邊, 因為城中游子都返晒家鄉, 城中忽然少咗四成人路上一路順暢, 所以最後就係留返低享受安靜.. 週末長假懶洋洋, 民以食為天, 沒有山珍海味沒有高檔餐廳, 只有家常美食, 哈哈..
  • [豉油王炒烏冬] 烏冬配以簡單嘅芽菜仔+菜心+豬肉, 秘訣就係個獨家秘製豉油王, 好鬼好味!!
  • [海鮮豬肉粉] 覺得麻麻地, 湯頭過淡, 海鮮同豬肉少少唔新鮮, 結果就係食咗就算喇..
  • [生炒糯米飯] 豬腩肉+背脊肉+冬菇+爆香蝦米, 飯上再落蛋絲, 糯米炒得夠稔夠香, 超好味, 一人啃落兩大碗後動彈不得, 呵呵..
  • [鮮蚶叻沙] 碩大鮮蚶能夠增加我對一碗叻沙嘅好感, 呢碗叻沙係普普通通, 都冇乜料, 不過如果一碗叻沙個湯頭可以煮得濃郁嘅話, 都好難唔好食囉..
  • [點心] 食叻沙時候外叫嘅點心, 一般水準, 但係唔明點解人頭洶湧, 等位嘅人絡繹不絕..
  • [炒板麵] 唔錯啊, 板麵炒得煙煙韌韌而且仲入晒味, 特別之處係發現個大嬸放埋炸菜一並落去炒, 難道係箇中翹妙?
it's the merdeka long weekend, didn't plan to go anywhere, as people are back to their respective hometowns, so the town shall be less packed and the traffic less congested.. manage to have some nice food, though not any fine dinning and exquisite delicacies, they are good too, haha..
  • [fried udon in superior soy sauce] just simple udon with pork + vege + beansprouts, but already very delicious.. i think the miracle lies in the secret recipe superior soy sauce, very nice indeed!!
  • [seafood pork noodles] just not very satisfy with this, the soup was a bit tasteless, the pork and seafood was a bit not fresh.. just have it fill up the stomach and go..
  • [hand fried glutinous rice] pork belly + back bacon + fragrant mushroom + dried shrimps, shredded eggs to garnish, the glutinous rice was cooked to perfectly soft, i had two big bowls of them without failed (but failed to move after eating), haha!!
  • [laksa with fresh cockles] i always add points to laksa that comes with fresh cockes.. this is just a normal one and not much condiments given, anyway if the laksa soup is cooked to taste, it can hardly deviate too far from how it should taste..
  • [dim sum] side orders for the laksa, very common standard and nothing to shout about.. just wonder why the restaurant was so packed with patrons, and people queuing for seats..
  • [fried pan mee] this was not bad at all, the pan mee was cooked al dante and the taste of the frying sauce was totally absorbed.. surprisingly to find sichuan pickles in there, could that be the secret indeed?

01.09.2008 | 週末睇乜

國慶日呢個長週末, 唔打算去邊, 因為城中游子都返晒家鄉, 城中忽然少咗四成人路上一路順暢, 所以最後就係留返低享受安靜.. 週末長假懶洋洋, 睇咗兩齣戲同埋一個經典劇集, 都算係比眼睛一個好旅行, 哈哈..
  • 《決勝21點》根據Ben Mezrich真人真事暢銷小說改編.. 講一班高材生組成嘅小團體, 利用天賦聰明去到賭城豪賭, 憑著破解程式嘅方法喺賭城大賺一筆.. 突然擁有大筆金錢與奢華生活嘅佢哋, 好快就被贏返嚟啲榮華富貴衝昏頭, 卻混然不知經已大禍臨頭.. 覺得啲破解程式好有趣, 難道係真?? 齣戲幾好睇架, 夠晒刺激..
  • 《巴比倫紀元》根據Maurice G. Dantec暢銷小說改編.. 一名越戰退役老兵搖身一變受僱為外籍傭兵, 接下由俄羅斯護衛一名女子到德國嘅艱苦差事, 卻未知呢位女子原是一名宗教領袖, 企圖將基因改造的有機體栽種在彌賽亞.. 戲份頗重嘅楊紫瓊, 竟然好唔英雄咁死喺亂槍之下喎, 奧埋葛.. 齣戲麻麻地都幾悶, 中途其實都唔覺意瞌咗幾陣囉..
  • 《神雕俠侶》無記1983年經典作品, 楊過劉德華與小龍女陳玉蓮問世間情為何物, 相信都唔駛我多介紹啦.. 重睇25年前嘅作品, 劇中每個人都好後生啊, 有好多劇情都唔記得, 不過卻有唔少經典場面係歷歷在目, 番睇嘅時候的確好過癮.. 一共24集, 不過時間有限煲唔晒, 仲有啊, 原來以前一集戲係一個小時多啲啲架, 唔似而家得45分鐘.. 一句: 果然經典, 好好睇啊~~
it's the merdeka long weekend, didn't plan to go anywhere, as people are back to their respective hometowns, so the town shall be less packed and the traffic less congested.. manage to catch up some movies and series over the weekend, rather good fulfilment for my eyes yeah, haha..
  • [21] from Ben Mezrich's novel, this movie features few smart MIT math whiz gambling in the Vegas and winning incredibly lots of money with their card-counting formula tactics.. the sudden rise of riches had greatly impact the students, while still enjoying the lush of it, they didn't realised they have actually involved in a deadly consipracy.. i enjoyed the movie a lot, found the card-counting interesting and wonder if they are real..
  • [Babylon A.D.] Toorop's new assignment has him escorting a nun and a girl from a convent in Central Asia to New York City.. it will take all of his mercenary skills to get his “package” through militarized zones, fight clubs, gang wars, and packs of religious zealots.. the mighty Michelle Yeoh starred in this movie, but was OMG died quietly under bullets without her normally great bang.. quite boring movie, i fell asleep few times in the theatre actually..
  • [The Return of The Condor Hero] the touching love story of Yang Guo and Xiao Long Nu, needless me to introduce any more, this 1983 classic from HKTVB is still a gem even watching it again after 25 years.. everyone just look so young back then (haha!!).. although most of the storyline has been forgotten, but still there were some classic scenes that seemed so familiar, and those are what make the re-watch so enjoyable.. didn't have enough time to finish the whole series though, but conculsion is: classic is always excellent..