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17.01.2008 | 信用卡積分禮物

用咗咁多年信用卡, 儲咗咁多積分, 今次都係第一次兌換禮物.. 平時都係懶得做呢啲瑣碎嘢, 不過啲積分就expired, 所以迫不得己兌換啲嘢返嚟.. 左揀右揀, 中意嘅又唔夠分, 夠分嘅又唔中意, 而且仲要加埋僅僅夠用埋啲expiring積分, 其實都好傷腦筋..
limited choices情況之下, 結果揀咗50毫升香水一支仲有積分淨, 求其搭多個黑色皮革cardholder.. 三個星期前上網redeem, 放完假後都冇咗件事, 結果嗰日病完返工, 見到兩袋速遞先醒起.. 食咗我三萬幾積分, 算係咁啦呵??


  1. haha, guess what I used so many years but never redeem, then my girl friend 1 time redeem all my points.. if not mistaken around 100000 points....

  2. wow!! that is a lot.. can get travel vouchers already.. did she used up all the points for herself instead?? haha..

  3. I always redeem just before they change the catalogue. As they always increase the points for redemption on same goods right after that.

  4. does it smell good,the dunhill?

  5. bryan: perhaps i should do like you always do.. my thought is that i want to accummulate more points for better redemption.. but end up points for redemption keeps increasing and the gap is always there and never closed..

    michelle: hmmm, not bad lorr.. but it's kind of "free" so take it or leave it.. perfume is something very subjective..
