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20.08.2008 | 新官上任

噚日澳洲總公司個CEO帶咗東南亞區(SG, MY, HK)個新MD, 同埋兩個新加坡老細過嚟, 大家齊齊見個面兼食餐晏.. 其實呢個職位係之前都冇嘅, 因為CEO同新加坡老細(呢兩位係公司元老)覺得公司規模逐漸變大, 而且業務都逐漸擴充, 所以覺得係時候要請返個MD嚟管理operations上嘅事務.. 呢個東南亞新MD係澳洲總公司個新MD推薦畀CEO嘅, 睇個樣卅幾歲都幾後生, 佢會base喺新加坡, 管理本區域SG,MY,HK三個分公司..

晏晝一落機就去同大家一齊食晏, 跟住就返公司開個會啦梗係, CEO同MD輪流致詞, 都係啲公司動向例牌嘢囉.. 話是話, 喺呢間公司做咗兩年幾, 噚日都係第一次見個CEO, typical鬼佬阿伯個人幾nice喎.. 散會之後緊接management meeting, 升職以嚟嘅第一次, 同我之前開啲會截然不同, 有啲 唔習慣.. 新官上任三把火, 當然有嘢會改革, 當然會有新政策, 當然會有過渡期, 以後做嘢就唔會好似而家咁求其喇.. 下個月新官會過嚟一個星期逐個見, 唔好行差踏錯, 要醒醒定定喇喂..
the CEO from Sydney HQ brought the new MD for SEA region (SG, MY, HK) and two SG bosses over yesterday, to have lunch and meet up with all of us.. the new MD position was new recently, seeing that the company and business is growing more corporate, the CEO and SG boss (the two very pioneer for the company) both think it's time to get a new MD to manage the operations of the company, which is never the expertise for the two sales oriented guys.. the new SEA region MD was actually recommended to the CEO by the new Australia MD, in his 30s and looks young, will be base in SG office and overseeing the three offices in SEA region..

they arrived in the afternoon and headed straight for lunch with us, after lunch back to office for a meeting on company's direction (and all those typical debriefing you know).. and hmm, yesterday was my first time to meet with the CEO after more than 2 years joining this company, kind of a nice guy he is.. following the meeting is another management meeting, my first time since the promotion last month, totally a different meeting from what i have been attending all the while, not used to it.. new MD, for sure there will be changes, new policies and transition period, will not be working as relaxed again i guess.. and new boss will be in town for a week next month, to talk in person with each one of us, hmmm, gotta be working wiser~~


  1. 學你話齋﹐醒醒定定啦日後。。

  2. Wah!! Promoted last month!! must buy us dinner to celebrate..

    Thank you!!!

  3. 新官上任三把火, you be careful loh.

  4. mynicole:
    haha, 見完官之後你好似話冇事喎.. 不過我就有啲驚驚地喇..

    aiyaa, just a little promotion, nothing much to shout about lor..

    yeah, really gotta be 醒醒定定 cannot 行差踏錯 now..

  5. 你甘趣致可爱、敦敦厚厚、白白净净、肥头得意、聪明伶俐,你的新官肯定中意你到“腩”住你离锡,噢,sayang。。。。


  6. 记得保重啦...

  7. fookong:
    係, 你講得一啲都冇錯啊, 我雖然係可爱+敦厚+白净+聪明+伶俐, 不過你以為家陣細路哥玩泥沙咩?? MD助理?? 哈哈, 人家高高在上, 下一世都未輪到我呢個九品芝麻職位..

    多謝關心, 我會好好保重 :p

  8. Compared to American, I feel that Australian are punctual,esp when come to the time to call a day. Recently, I have noticed and heard about the common characteristic of our 2 regional top finance leaders(an American & an Australian)--powerful memory. Perhaps this made them whom they are today -CFO and FD of AsiaPac. On top of that, they have nice personality and made you feel free of pressure to deal with.

  9. well, i don't know what the difference between American and Australian, the only thing i know is that we are typically staying a lot later after work.. that is bad huh?? :(
