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26.03.2007 | 屎氣逼人

今日小年send咗幅相畀我, 係佢喺婺源影低小慧由公廁「逃出生天」嘅情景.. 初時仲未知道發生咩事之前, 就諗極都諗唔通點解冇啦啦會影埋小慧喺間爛臭公廁旁.. 就覺得小慧好似落荒而逃咁, 相內只見佢用件褸遮住塊面, 一邊褲腳還半吊腳踝上, 狀態極之狼狽.. 於是就問小年究竟發生咩事啦.. 原來佢哋一大半朋友一齊去婺源同橫店玩, 咁人有三急當然就係搵間廁所方便下啦.. 點知因為間廁所「遍地黃金,屎氣逼人」, 所以搞到小慧需要屏息作戰兼用最短時間解決.. 咁幅相捕捉到嘅情景, 就係小慧完事之後, 匆忙逃跑為爭取一口新鮮空氣以求保命嘅情景.. 勁搞笑!! 其實齋咁講咧, 都可以imagine當時係幾咁狼狽, 但係你知幅相不便在此公開(唔係實畀人殺死啊), 如果唔係, 圖文並茂就更加歷歷在目啦..


  1. SH is going to kill me when she knows I sent you the picture ha ha ha ha ha

  2. Jordan....i am going to kill u soon! But, i really dun mind if u guys want to post the photo in the blog to show that how DIRTY is the toilet. SK mentioned that the toilet outside is crappy, but i can assure you, inside is 10000000 time crappy than outside view! I dare not see the "content" in the longkang but i still remember that my friends keep on saying...."there is a lot of blood!!!!!" I want to vomit now!

  3. ha ha ha ha thanks. i have already posted your beautiful picture lah :D

  4. hahaha, there's nothing fishy about the photo.. you are not the focus, and yet we cannot see your face from the photo.. you are right, the first impression was that the toilet is totally a crap from outside and i already expect it's million times crappier inside.. hahaha!! and about the "contents", it is really disgusting.. yaks!!
