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31.12.2012 | 回顧一二

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1645]
0 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
我的2012 | my year 2012
今日係2012年最後一日, 循例我都會為一年來所有post作一個總結.. 今年為自己訂下一日一post呢個目標, 好開心自己能夠堅持, 2012年嘅366個post, 任務終於完成!! 為大家精挑細選每個月一個故事, 有興趣嘅朋友可按上面個「播放」按鈕欣賞我的故事, 希望大家會喜歡, 亦都希望大家嘅2012年係過得充實嘅!! :)
today is the last day of year 2012, i usually will summarize all posts for the whole year on this day.. i've set myself a "one post a day" target earlier on, i am very happy to be persistent, 366 posts for year 2012 and finally mission accomplished!! carefully picked a story for each month, just click the "Play" button above if you are interested to read my story, hope you will like it, and also hope that everyone has their year 2012 spent meaningfully too!! :)

30.12.2012 | 再見馬騮

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1644]
五月廿一日fing-fing重見天日再首次亮相本blog之後, 七月八日打後每個星期日我都會叫fing-fing出下嚟同大家見下面.. 見埋今次係第27次喇, fing-fing唔厭, 大家睇到都厭啦, 係唔係?? 今日係2012年最後一個星期日, 所以今日係fing-fing最後一次以慣性姿態同大家見面.. 2013年fing-fing爸爸會減產, 唔會日日都寫blog㗎喇, 所以fing-fing都只會偶然出嚟同大家見面, 等佢可以好好休息, 到時俾大家驚喜, 呵呵!! 大家同2012講再見嘅同時, 都同fing-fing講聲再見啦~~ :)
since fing-fing was lost and found on 21st May and made his very first appearance on this blog, he was featured every sunday starting 8th July.. today is his 27th post here, i guess even fing-fing isn't tired, everyone is tired seeing fing-fing right?? today is the last sunday of 2012, hence it is also the last time fing-fing will see everyone regularly.. in year 2013, fing-fing's daddy will be cutting down his posts, thus fing-fing will also appear once in a blue moon to see everyone.. better let fing-fing rest more so that he can give more pleasant surprise to everyone?? hehe.. while you are sending off year 2012, maybe you also want to bid farewell to fing-fing?? :)

29.12.2012 | 本週金榜

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1643]
第52週留言排行榜 Comment Chart for Week 52
[22.12.2012 - 28.12.2012]
#(#)博客 Blogger留言 Count實得分
1(2)MEcoy @ I am MEcoy9815.8-1.0
2(1)lina @ Life In My Own Backyard7313.8-0.5
3(3)Yan @ Blog with Yan5613.3+0.7
4(4)yvonne @ From Taiping with L♥ve4111.9+0.8
5(5)Twilight Anay @ TWILIGHT ZONE4511.3-0.2

HappySurfer @ From where I am
wenn @ Experiences
7(-)suituapui @ Still Crazy All The Years117.8-0.3
8(18)Kian Fai @ kianfai87 on PlayRole297.5-0.4
9(9)海市蜃樓 @ 海市蜃樓77.0-0.7
10(8)Hayley @ Hayley and Herself286.7-2.1
十二月最新走勢 Latest standing for December
(得分累積截至 Score accumulated up to: 00:10AM 29.12.2012)
#1. MEcoy [56.7]...  #2. lina [53.4]...  #3. Yan [52.2]...  #4. yvonne [47.5]...  #5. Twilight Man [44.0]...  #6. wenn [33.5]...  #7. Hayley [30.1]...  #8. Bananazஇ [29.5]...  #9. HappySurfer [28.5]...  #10. 海市蜃樓 [28.0]...  
十二月最後一個週榜, 本年度最後一個週榜!! 十二月剩下最後三個post, 2012年剩下最後三個post!! 大家係唔係有一種莫名嘅興奮同焦慮, 有點百感交集咁呢?? 下個星期即將有兩項既隆重又令人期待嘅事情發生..
  • 十二月份留言排行榜 ★ 2013年1月3日(星期四)
  • [SK/0617] 年度博客大賞2012 ★ 2013年1月4日(星期五)
恭喜晒呢個星期所有榜上題名嘅讀者, 剩下最後三個post, 大家若果想在最後關頭扭轉乾坤嘅話, 記得喺排行榜公佈前, 多多努力留言喇!! 哈哈.. 祝大家有個開心又愉快嘅週末~~ :)
the very last weekly chart for the month, the very last weekly chart for the year!! three more posts left for the month, three more posts left for the year!! do you feel a little excited, and at the same time a little nervous?? two long-awaited milestone events are going to happen next week..
  • december monthly chart ★ 3rd jan 2013 (thurs)
  • [SK/0617] annual blogger awards 2012 ★ 4th jan 2013 (fri)
congratulations to all who made it to the chart this week, three more posts left and if you wish to change the final results, remember to spam as much comments as you can before the chart is announced!! haha.. hope everyone has a happy and enjoyable weekend~~ :)

28.12.2012 | 假可亂真

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1642]
大家見到嘅其實唔係真食物, 而係假可亂真嘅食品模型!! 其實我一向來都非常著迷於呢啲食品模型㗎, 甚至可以企住喺度仔細欣賞每一個細節之處(就好似男人昅女人胸部同女人研究男人激凸一樣), 讚嘆模型做得多麼地逼真.. 個人覺得日本食肆最常見呢啲食物模型, 我認為係一個吸引食客入座非常之好嘅方法.. 其實初初我係愚蠢到以為呢啲食物模型, 係真食物經過多重防腐措施製成嘅, 後來先知道其實全部都係人造膠嚟嘅啫, 哈哈!! 我真係想真心講一句, 齋睇都覺得佢非常好味, 好神奇好一級棒呀.. :)
nope, these are not real food mind you, but just food model display that look like real!! i am always fascinated by these food models, and i can even stand there admiring every detail (like men looking at a lady's boobs and women examining a man's bulge), awed by how real they are made to look.. i think these are more common in japanese restaurants, and i really like the idea of display such food models to attract people going in to dine.. initially i was so dumb to think that those are real food very well preserved with layers of anti-perish coatings, haha!! but later i realized they are just mostly plastics mold and colored to look so similar to the real thing.. even looking at them i will drool, really amazing and thumbs up i'd say.. :)

27.12.2012 | 神偷手錶

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1641]
收到香港朋友寄來的一份禮物, 本來唔係聖誕禮物, 不過因為timing關係, 而且我又冇乜人送聖誕禮物, 所以就當佢係份聖誕禮物啦, 哈哈!! 個故事係咁嘅, 因為加入麥當當麥樂會, 加HK$35就可以得到呢隻漢堡神偷手錶, 不過朋友個仔仔不懂得欣賞, 朋友知道我喜歡漢堡神偷, 所以就轉送俾我.. 而家啲小朋友邊會喜歡呢啲呀?? 都係七八十後嘅先會喜歡嘛.. 所以嚴格嚟講, 唔係我蝦小朋友喎, 係我獨具慧眼懂得欣賞呢個咁骨子嘅卡通啫, 哈哈!! 其實隻錶好精緻㗎, 不過阿伯我當然唔會戴啦, 釘喺partition塊板上當時鐘睇啦就~~ :)
got this gift from a friend from HK, not actually a christmas gift but since i don't have many christmas gift and because of the timing, i shall treat it as a christmas gift for myself, haha!! the story is that, each kid will get this watch at HK$35 when they join the McD Fun Club.. but my friend's boy didn't like this watch at all, and since my friend knows i like Hamburglar hence she gave this watch to me instead.. kids nowadays won't like all these cartoons like those born in the 70s or 80s right?? hence to be exact, i didn't bully the kid at all but it's because of my discerning taste that i got this watch, haha!! it's indeed a very nice watch, but of course uncle can't wear it, i guess i would just pin it on the partition as a wall clock~~ :)

26.12.2012 | 多此一舉

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1640]
未係關於聖誕慶祝活動住先, 哈哈.. 數日前收到呢則短訊, 「XXX送BonusLink積分, 請發短訊至2000」.. 我覺得呢則短訊好多此一舉, 既然係要送出, 就大大方方自動credit入大家嘅戶口, 跟住發則短訊知會聲咪得囉.. 反正聖誕佳節, 都係送禮㗎啦, 何不做到皆大歡喜呢?? 係都要搞到短訊發來發去, 有冇再麻煩啲呀?? okay, 或者我應該客觀啲, 可能係考慮到受賄問題?? 咁有邊位唔喜歡免費積分呢?? 不如話邊位唔想要, 先回短訊咪仲過好?? 純屬個人意見.. :)
nothing about christmas celebration yet, haha!! received this SMS few days ago, saying "XXX is giving out BonusLink points, SMS to 2000".. i think this SMS is rather redundant, if they are giving out then why not generously and automatically credit the points into our accounts, and then only notify us with an SMS?? afterall it's christmas and everyone is giving away something, why not make this even merrier?? why must get things more complicated with SMS flying around?? okay, maybe i should be more objective, perhaps this is to avoid bribery issues?? but who doesn't like free points right?? why not just ask those who do not want the free points to reply SMS instead?? purely my personal opinions.. :)

25.12.2012 | 聖誕快樂

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1639]
今日係喜慶日子, 點可以少咗fing-fing出嚟同大家見面呢?? 想唔想知道fing-fing準備如何同大家祝賀呢?? click一click上面嘅圖片啦~~ :)
祝各位 聖誕快樂!!
today is a special day, how could we just ditch fing-fing hiding himself in one corner right?? want to know how fing-fing is going to greet you on this festive?? just click him on the photo above~~ :)
wishing everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

24.12.2012 | 生肖運程

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1638]
每年年尾, 啲風水師父就肯定排山倒海企晒出嚟講十二生肖運程, 亦都收到好多熱心人士不停forward嘅電郵短訊.. 以前我都會稍為睇一睇, 但係依家我連睇都懶得睇囉.. 老實講, 唔係話我唔信, 不過呢啲所謂嘅生肖運實在過於general, 天下間幾千萬人同你一樣生肖啦, 難道大家都同樣命運咩?? 我就覺得要睇運程, 就係需要persoanlized啲, 至少有個生辰八字或者睇掌紋先會準囉.. 所以大家如果要forward呢啲生肖運程嘅話, 我係非常樂意你將我例外㗎, 哈哈!! :D
ever year by year end, all the fengshui masters will come out and talk about their predictions for the 12 chinese zodiacs, and many people will also keep forwarding the related emails and messages.. i used to briefly read all those articles, but not now anymore.. frankly, not that i do not believe in predictions, but i think all these predictions for the 12 chinese zodiacs are just too general, millions of people in this world share the same zodiac, and does that mean they will all have the same fate?? to me, in order to predict more accurately, at least the measures have to be personal, for example your date and time of birth or even your palm.. hence if anyone is forwarding those zodiac predictions, i really don't mind if you exclude me from the recipients list, haha!! :D

23.12.2012 | 無聊馬騮

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1637]
咩事呢?? 點解fing-fing今日睇落好似無精打采咁嘅?? 梗係學校假期放得太悠長喇, 在家中百無聊賴, 有掛住班同學仔定喇!! 時隔多年, 其實大家有冇諗返起以前漫長學校假期係點過㗎呢?? 我家境非富, 所以唔似其他同學可以去旅行, 每日呆在家中, 又冇電子游戲玩, 其實我非常好奇係點樣過時日㗎呢??!! 可能小朋友比較易滿足, 時間通常比較容易過啩, 哈哈!! :D
why fing-fing seems not in a high spirit like he usually does today?? hmmm, must be the long school holidays, he has been so idle at home doing nothing, and also missing all his friends at school!! after so many years, have you wondered how yourself have spent the long school holidays back then?? i don't come from a rich family, so i never travel like other classmates did, just stayed at home, didn't even have electronic games to play, so i am really curious how i spent my day??!! perhaps kids are easier to feel satisfied, and their time is often easier to pass too, haha!! :D

22.12.2012 | 本週金榜

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1636]
第51週留言排行榜 Comment Chart for Week 51
[15.12.2012 - 21.12.2012]
#(#)博客 Blogger留言 Count實得分
1(5)lina @ Life In My Own Backyard7915.2+0.3
2(1)MEcoy @ I am MEcoy8214.4-0.8
3(3)Yan @ Blog with Yan5312.7+0.4
4(2)yvonne @ From Taiping with L♥ve3010.6+0.6
5(4)Twilight Anay @ TWILIGHT ZONE299.90.0
6(12)HappySurfer @ From where I am228.8-0.4

wenn @ Experiences
Bananazஇ @ BananazஇPeople
8(8)Hayley @ Hayley and Herself367.9-2.7
9(10)海市蜃樓 @ 海市蜃樓77.0-0.7
10(6)Simple Person @ Simple Life296.9-1.0
十二月最新走勢 Latest standing for December
(得分累積截至 Score accumulated up to: 00:03AM 22.12.2012)
#1. MEcoy [40.7]...  #2. lina [39.4]...  #3. Yan [38.2]...  #4. yvonne [35.6]...  #5. Twilight Man [32.7]...  #6. wenn [25.1]...  #7. Hayley [23.4]...  #8. Bananazஇ [23.0]...  #9. 海市蜃樓 [21.0]...  #10. HappySurfer [20.1]...  
嗱嗱嗱.. 世界尚未末日喎, 我們大家依然存在, 所以又繼續在每個星期六為大家公佈呢個留言週榜喇!! 大家噚晚食過湯圓, 快高張大喇嘛?? 呵呵.. 睇嚟呢個月嘅週幫都下下新鮮, 每個星期都有一個新冠軍, 而且大家嘅位置都有調動.. 咁樣先叫做刺激, 有競爭有進步嘛, 哈哈!! 嚟到年尾喇, 希望大家多多努力, 卯足全力多多留言, 可能可以改寫結局㗎噃.. 多謝各位嘅支持, 恭喜晒各位榜上有名嘅朋友, 祝各位有個開心愉快嘅週末!! :)
well well well.. the world has not ended yet, so we shall continue to have this weekly chart on every saturday!! so everyone had their glutinous rice balls last night, and growing up healthily?? haha.. it seems the weekly chart for this month is rather interesting, we have a new champion every week and the rankings are also fluctuating for everyone.. i think this reflects real competition and hence more fun right?? hehe.. coming to the end of the year, hope everyone will work harder to put more comments, one final strive and you could change the ending.. thank you all for the support, congratulations to the chart toppers, and finally wishing everyone a happy and enjoyable weekend~~ :)

21.12.2012 | 世界末日

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1635]
最近有關於21.12.2012世界末日嘅談論, 可謂甚囂塵上.. 我其實多日前已經將呢篇寫好, 唔係因為末日嘅關係, 而係習慣將幾日後嘅post都預先寫好咁啫.. 其實我相信呢一日絕對唔係世界末日, 就儘管放長雙眼睇下係咩門路啦!! 如果以瑪雅人日曆到呢一日結束而定論, 我覺得其實代表一個新嘅週期要開始.. 又或者預言中嘅末日, 係代表一場浩劫災難, 呢一個我比較能夠接受.. 無論如何, 如果真係沒有明天, 咁大家就此道別啦.. 如果明天仍然要繼續, 我哋理所當然馬照跑, 舞照跳, 仍然要繼續為生活而籌謀.. :p
the doomsday on 21.12.2012 has been a hot topic recently.. i've already written this post few days before, not because of the doomsday but because it's my habit to get posts for the next few days scheduled couple of days earlier.. i actually believe the world would not end on this day, so we shall wait and see what's going to happen huh?? if this is based on the end of the mayan calendar, i can only say the end is the beginning of a new cycle.. or perhaps the doomsday as predicted actually means some disaster, this is indeed more acceptable to me.. anyway, if there is no tomorrow, then we shall bid goodbye here.. if tomorrow continues, of course we still have to live a life and continue to be busy earning a living.. :p

20.12.2012 | 知書識禮

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1634]
當人人都雀躍萬分地講緊呢個書展嘅時候, 見到呢個報導, 我不禁暗地裡笑了一笑.. 我哋先唔去確認是否真有所事, 但係呢個一前一後嘅對比, 確實係反映咗我心目中馬來西亞人醜陋嘅態度.. 中文有一個成語叫做「知書識禮」, 我哋正好用呢種態度為呢個成語作一個反面教材.. 啲人大量閱讀係「知書」, 但係將啲書隨意亂擺, 將個場地搞到一片滿目瘡痍, 就叫做「不識禮」喇.. 大家「知書」之余, 亦都應該懂得「惜書」先係嘛.. 好似我咁, 將一本書睇到有一丁點巢, 我都會心痛㗎.. 點都好, 人各有志, 我只不過係有感而發, 無意暗示任何事物.. :)
when everyone was excitedly talking about this books sales, i saw this report from the paper but cannot help laughing deep in my heart.. let's not verify if this is the real situation, but the before and after comparison really reflects what i thought about the malaysian ugly attitude in my mind.. the chinese says "educated and well-mannered", this best shows the negative side of this idiom.. the people may seem very "educated" with all the books they are grabbing, but simply replacing the books at their convenience and making a big mess of the hall shows how "not well-mannered" they are.. it really needs a person to love the books beside just merely own the books.. just like me, even if i make a little wrinkle to my book, i do feel a bit upset.. anyway, everyone has their own way of doing things, i am just expressing my views but not hinting anything.. :)

19.12.2012 | 留言天王

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1633]
收到博客wenn寄來的禮物, 有一套好傳統懷舊嘅月曆, 同埋一隻我好喜歡嘅Lego鎖匙扣, 多謝晒!! 而且佢又咁啱揀咗呢個國王造型嘅俾我, 一定係暗示我係留言天王喇, 呵呵!! 其實我都好有興趣知道, 究竟係邊位博客發動呢種留言嘅方式, 即係將要回應嘅嘢分成多個留言, 術語叫spamming?? 其實大家千其唔要以為係我呀, 哈哈!! 因為有spamming, 所以留言就比較互動, 因而blog就順應變成聊天室一樣, 至少我個blog已經係咁樣囉, 呵呵.. 不過我個人認為咁樣都唔錯喎, 我哋唔應該局限博客嘅無限創造力, 係唔係先?? 而且我覺得因為有呢啲互動, 博客之間嘅距離更加拉近囉~~ :)
received the gifts sent by blogger wenn, there are a very retro and traditional monthly calendar, and a very nice Lego keychain i love so much, thanks a bundle!! and she chose this King keychain for me, i guess she must have recognized me as the King of Comments Spammer, haha!! actually i am very curious to know who is the blogger that started all these comments spamming trend, nope it's not me that you have always thought, hehe.. with all the spamming, i think the comment panels in blogs now has become more interactive like a chatroom?? at least that is what happen to my blog, haha.. i like this actually, we should not limit the creativity of bloggers online right?? furthermore, in a way this brings the bloggers more closely together.. :)

18.12.2012 | 一卡心意

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1632]
距離聖誕仲有一個星期, 大家已經準備就緒大事慶祝狂歡一番未?? 哈哈.. 幾日前去買聖誕卡送俾朋友, 大家有冇發覺其實賀卡呢樣嘢已經買少見少喇?? 過年過節, 你有幾耐冇送過賀卡俾人, 有幾耐冇收過賀卡?? 其實與時並進, 大家都好少可送賀卡啦, 有facebook有whatsapp有SMS, 呢幾個管道送上祝賀更加快捷方便.. 不過我點都覺得一卡在手比較實在, 所以有卡收, 應該係物以稀為貴, 我會覺得好warm, 更加珍而重之㗎.. 所以大家應立即行動, 送卡俾我啦, 哈哈!! :D
[註] 呢篇係因為收到一位博客寄來的聖誕卡而有所啟發嘅.. 多謝晒你張卡!!
it's one week to christmas, are you well prepared to have a big celebration and have great fun?? haha.. went to buy some christmas card few days ago, and have you realized greeting cards are getting rare?? when festive comes, how long have you not sent someone a card, how long have you not received a card?? progressing with time, i would say we rarely send greeting cards, because we have facebook, whatsapp and SMS which seems to be more effective and convenient channels to send out greetings.. anyway, i still think a card is more substance, the rarer the warmer it makes us feel and the more we appreciate right?? so everyone come send me cards, haha!! :D
[note] this post is inspired by the christmas card i received from a blogger.. thank you so much for the card!!

17.12.2012 | 請君小心

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1631]
隨著社會同科技嘅進步, 現時好多工作崗位都已經由機械取代.. 就好似最近城中四處可見嘅呢啲「交通指揮機械人」, 每日廿四小時風雨不改, 毫無怨言揮動雙手指揮交通.. 其實我覺得馬路邊忽然突出一個「人」喺度揚下揚下咁, 稍為不留神都好容易俾佢嚇親.. 日頭都尚好, 你話夜黑風高嘅晚上, 你突然間見到佢一張毫無血色又毫無表情嘅臉, 再加上街燈同車燈照射效果, 你都唔好話唔恐怖!! 分分鐘因為佢而發生更多車禍添~~ @_@"
with the ever advancing society and technology, many jobs are now performed by robots.. just like these "traffic instructing robots" that we (more and more) often see in town recently, regardless sunny or rain or day or night, they are there to wave and instruct the traffic without fail.. i actually think it can shock us with "somebody" suddenly standing by the road waving at you, especially when you are not really alert.. still quite okay during daytime, but imagine at night when you see this purely white and emotionless face, with the effects from the car and street lighting, i would say it can be rather creepy!! most probably there will be more accidents because of these robots~~ @_@"

16.12.2012 | 扮嘢馬騮

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1630]
見到fing-fing包到密密實實咁, 呢一身所謂嘅造型, 真係令人捧腹大笑!! 究竟佢係想扮木乃伊, 定係扮初生嬰兒, 又或者扮一條蟲, 定係扮緊仙女?? 嗯, 其實睇睇下每個都似, 哈哈!! 其實fing-fing爸爸以前細個時候, 都鐘意拎條毛巾包住自己喺度扮鬼扮馬㗎.. 相信大家應該都曾經咁樣玩過啦, 係唔係先?? :p
it really cracks me up when i see fing-fing being wrapped up like this!! i wonder if fing-fing is trying to disguise as a mommy, a new-born baby, a worm or a fairy?? hmmm, he actually looks like all of them when look closely, haha!! actually when fing-fing's daddy was a kid, he also like to wrap himself in towels and trying to be somebody or something else.. i am pretty sure everyone has played this stupid game before, correct?? :p

15.12.2012 | 本週金榜

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1629]
第50週留言排行榜 Comment Chart for Week 50
[08.12.2012 - 14.12.2012]
#(#)博客 Blogger留言 Count實得分
1(2)MEcoy @ I am MEcoy6813.5-0.3
2(3)yvonne @ From Taiping with L♥ve5412.8+0.4
3(6)Yan @ Blog with Yan5212.5+0.3
4(4)Twilight Anay @ TWILIGHT ZONE5511.1-1.4
5(1)lina @ Life In My Own Backyard5410.9-1.5

Simple Person @ Simple Life
Bananazஇ @ BananazஇPeople
7(8)wenn @ Experiences228.2-1.0
8(7)Hayley @ Hayley and Herself306.9-2.1
9(5)Small Kucing @ SMALL KUCING156.6+1.1
10(9)海市蜃樓 @ 海市蜃樓66.0-0.6
十二月最新走勢 Latest standing for December
(得分累積截至 Score accumulated up to: 00:06AM 15.12.2012)
#1. MEcoy [26.3]...  #2. yvonne [25.0]...  #3. Yan [24.5]...  #4. lina [23.9]...  #5. Twilight Anay [22.8]...  #6. Small Kucing [17.0]...  #7. wenn [16.4]...  #8. Hayley [15.5]...  #9. Bananazஇ [14.3]...  #10. 海市蜃樓 [13.0]...  
你相信唔相信12月21日嘅世界末日?? 如果真係有世界末日, 咁呢個就係最後一個週榜喇, 呵呵!! 不過我當然係唔相信呢個世界末日論啦, 12月21日之後, 馬照跑, 舞照跳!! 講返呢個星期嘅週榜啦, 好開心呀, 我哋有一個全新嘅冠軍人馬.. 多謝大家在最近一片冷清中仍然繼續捧場, 恭喜晒所有榜上題名嘅讀者, 祝各位有個開心又愉快嘅週末!! :)
do you believe that the coming 21st December will be the doomsday?? if that is true then this will be the last weekly chart ever, haha!! however i don't believe this saying, hence after 21st December, we are still going to live like we are now!! back to the weekly chart, this week we have a brand new champion, something worth to be happy huh?? thank you everyone for dropping by albeit of the quietness recently, congratulations to all who have made it to the chart, and finally wishing everyone of you a happy and enjoyable weekend!! :)

14.12.2012 | 標誌游戲

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1628]
話咁快又係星期五喇!! 今日冇乜嘢寫, 又唔想折磨你嘅眼力, 就淨係同大家玩呢個認標誌游戲, 折磨你嘅腦力啦, 哈哈.. 玩法非常簡單, 於標誌下空格填上你嘅答案, 然後按標誌檢查, 綠色表示正確, 紅色表示錯誤.. 如果需要提示, 請將鼠標置標誌上.. 我預先知道邊幾位讀者會玩呢個游戲, 邊幾位讀者係絕對唔會玩嘅, 哈哈!! :)
thank goodness it's friday again!! nothing special to blog about today and don't feel like torturing your eyes, so let's just play this logo game and torture your brain, haha.. it's a very simple game, just type your answer in the box under each logo, then click on the logo to verify your answer, green for a correct answer and red for a wrong answer.. if you need hints, just roll your mouse pointer over the logo itself.. i can already predict who will be playing and who will not be playing this game, haha!! :)

13.12.2012 | 愛惜自己

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1627]
相信大家對 "que sera sera, whatever will be will be" 呢首歌唔會感到陌生, 喺youtube睇到嘅一個泰國保險廣告短片, 我要俾好多好多個LIKE佢.. 開始見到一班天真無邪嘅小朋友喺度唱歌, 會覺得係好平常, 不過去到1:00之後, 我相信故事急轉直下, 你應該會非常感動甚至流淚.. 唔需要多講, 大家睇完呢個短片, 自動會心領神會.. 個訊息係: 我哋可能一出世就與眾不同, 不過切記每個人都應該盡力愛惜自己, 活得開心..
i'm sure everyone is very familiar with the song "que sera sera, whatever will be will be", found a very nice thai insurance advertisement clip on youtube and i must give it many LIKEs.. starting with a group of naive children singing and you may find it normal, but after 1:00 i do believe the sudden twist will make you feel touched and perhaps weep.. i don't think i need to elaborate further but i guess we will have the same thought after watching the clip.. the message it is trying to bring: though we are born different, everyone should do their best to stay happy and to love themselves as much as possible..

12.12.2012 | 柯利奧餅

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1626]
最近玩緊呢個好得意嘅游戲, 畫面同效果都非常逼真, 雖然唔係咩娛樂性豐富嘅游戲, 但係我都同樣樂在其中.. 如果你係oreo餅乾嘅粉絲, 肯定會喜歡.. 玩緊嘅時候, 我有個突發奇想, 如果玩呢個游戲可以換取真正嘅oreo餅乾, 相信會大受歡迎, 成為城中一時佳話呀.. 譬如話累積5000個金幣, 就可以去任何一間超市換取一包oreo餅乾, 呢個市場策略, 值得考慮喎, 呵呵!! :p
■ ■ [後註] 今日係12.12.12, 大家有咩搞作??
have been playing this game recently, the graphics and effects are nice and realistic, though not a once-in-a-lifetime game i actually quite enjoy playing it.. if you are a fans of oreo you will sure like it.. while playing i suddenly had a brilliant idea, how nice if we can redeem some real oreo cookies with this game, i am sure this will stir up a heat trend.. for example earning 5000 coins allows you to redeem a packet of oreo from any supermarket, i do think this marketing strategy is something worth a thought, haha!! :p
■ ■ [ps] it's 12.12.12 today, are you doing something special??

11.12.2012 | 鹹人聚會(II)

[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1625]
聖誕提早咗?? 睇下我收到幾多禮物??
christmas comes early?? so many things from the bloggers!!
繼噚日講到同一班鹹濕博客聚會, 今日繼續同大家分享當日大家互相交換嘅禮物.. 本來事先大家講好唔好帶禮物, 不過到最後都仍然係逃不過呢個博客世界內不成文嘅傳統!! 除咗上面相片中嘅嶄獲, 亦要多謝呢位博客慷慨請客.. 幸好我知道呢班友仔籠嘢, 其實都預先準備好小小禮物送俾大家, 如果唔係嘅話, 又食又拎, 我都真係會覺得唔好意思囉.. 收到咁多禮物, 感覺好似聖誕提早來臨添~~ :)
from the post yesterday on the "hamsap" bloggers gathering, i shall continue to share what we have for the gift exchange.. initially we have all agreed not to bring any gifts, but in the end it seemed like we couldn't get away with this unstated tradition in the blogsphere, haha!! besides the loots in the photos above, many thanks to this blogger who generously paid the bill for the dinner.. fortunately i knew them so well that i have actually prepared little cheapo gifts to be given to each of them, else i will feel super paiseh to eat and bring home so many things all for free.. with so many presents, it makes me feel like christmas comes early.. :)