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28.06.2010 | 三蚊六毫
星期六同朋友去咗星山廣場嘅「3.6下午茶促銷」, 四間參與餐廳精選餐牌上所有項目一律定價RM3.60.. 去到嘅時候已經有好多人排緊隊, 稍等15分鐘後入場.. 我哋四人一口氣豪點14道食品加6杯飲品, 賣單不過RM82.80.. 整體上水準參差, 如此價錢實在不可挑剔, 不過既然係促銷志在吸引食客, 我覺得好多地方可以做得更有誠意..
went to starhill gallery for their "3.6 afternoon tea promotion" last saturday.. 4 participating restaurants, RM3.60 for all items on the selected menu.. already quite a long queue when we arrived, but just waited for 15 minutes to be seated.. four of us ordered 14 dishes and 6 drinks all together, and the bill came at just RM82.80.. overall there're good and bad, can't really complain much with this price, but i guess since this is a promotion to attract more people, i somehow think there are quite some areas that could be done better..
went to starhill gallery for their "3.6 afternoon tea promotion" last saturday.. 4 participating restaurants, RM3.60 for all items on the selected menu.. already quite a long queue when we arrived, but just waited for 15 minutes to be seated.. four of us ordered 14 dishes and 6 drinks all together, and the bill came at just RM82.80.. overall there're good and bad, can't really complain much with this price, but i guess since this is a promotion to attract more people, i somehow think there are quite some areas that could be done better..
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[星山廣場3.6下午茶促銷] 每日下午三至六, 促銷至6月30日.. 不過唔駛驚, 7月10日後有新一浪~~ [3.6 afternoon tea promotion @ starhill gallery] 3pm-6pm daily, promotion ends 30th June.. but no worries, there'll be another round after 10th July~~ |
25.06.2010 | 國旗游戲
今日同上兩個星期一樣, 週末唔想折磨你眼力, 就同大家玩吓呢個認國旗游戲吧啦.. 玩法非常簡單, 於國旗下空格填上你嘅答案(請以英語作答), 然後按國旗檢查, 綠色表示正確, 紅色表示錯誤.. 祝大家週末愉快~~ :)
similar to the post two weeks ago, don't feel like torturing your eyes today, so let's just play this flag recognizing quiz.. it's simple, just type your answer in the box under each flag, then click on the flag itself to verify your answer, green is bingo, red is uh-uh.. happy weekend everyone~~ :) | |||
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23.06.2010 | 生日之後
話咁快, 生日都過咗成個星期咁耐.. 首先多謝各位朋友咁不辭勞苦用各種不同管道幫我祝賀, 多謝大家咁有心!! 由呢個名單睇嚟, 可以知道而家同人賀壽嘅趨勢喎~~ :)
in just a blink of eye, my birthday has already passed a week.. i would like to take this chance to thank all who have wished me happy birthday through different channels, this is truly appreciated!! from the list, we can see the trend of birthday greetings channel nowadays, don't we?? :)
大家都好奇(或者循例問吓)我生日點過, 其實今年生日冇乜點慶祝, 就係同朋友食餐晚飯咁囉同埋自己買禮物畀自己寵吓咁囉.. 橫掂之前個sling bag用咗六年, 條牛仔褲著咗五年, 兩者都穿晒窿, 都係時候換新架喇..
many are curious (or just courteously asking) about how i spent my birthday, actually i didn't really celebrate but just had dinner with friend, and also bought myself birthday presents to pamper myself.. since the sling bag that i've been using for more than 6 years and the jeans that i've been wearing for more than 5 years, have both got holes everywhere, guess it's the right time to get myself new ones..
in just a blink of eye, my birthday has already passed a week.. i would like to take this chance to thank all who have wished me happy birthday through different channels, this is truly appreciated!! from the list, we can see the trend of birthday greetings channel nowadays, don't we?? :)
感謝名單 people to thank: | 部落 Blog | 面卜Facebook | 短訊 SMS |
大家都好奇(或者循例問吓)我生日點過, 其實今年生日冇乜點慶祝, 就係同朋友食餐晚飯咁囉同埋自己買禮物畀自己寵吓咁囉.. 橫掂之前個sling bag用咗六年, 條牛仔褲著咗五年, 兩者都穿晒窿, 都係時候換新架喇..
many are curious (or just courteously asking) about how i spent my birthday, actually i didn't really celebrate but just had dinner with friend, and also bought myself birthday presents to pamper myself.. since the sling bag that i've been using for more than 6 years and the jeans that i've been wearing for more than 5 years, have both got holes everywhere, guess it's the right time to get myself new ones..
20.06.2010 | 精悍簡短
早前同大家介紹過用scripting砌出嚟嘅"點擊相簿", 對啲懶人嚟講, 都仲係要click好多次.. 今日將個scripting變化一下, 砌番個"自動播放相簿"出嚟.. 有播放/暫停/停止掣人你駛, 仲可以自行調整速度添喎.. 希望大家會鐘意啦.. :)
in an earlier post, i demonstrated a click-through "photo album" using scripting, but somehow still requires a lot of mouse-clicks for the lazy ones.. today i'll enhance the scripting to turn it into a "slide show" with play/pause/stop buttons at your fingertips, and even adjustable speed buttons for your pleasure.. hope everyone likes this.. :)
in an earlier post, i demonstrated a click-through "photo album" using scripting, but somehow still requires a lot of mouse-clicks for the lazy ones.. today i'll enhance the scripting to turn it into a "slide show" with play/pause/stop buttons at your fingertips, and even adjustable speed buttons for your pleasure.. hope everyone likes this.. :)
再次非常懷念我的2009歐洲遊.. 我要再去旅行~~ miss my 2009 europe trip again.. i want to go travel again~~ [-] [+] powered by [SK]'s javascripts |
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17.06.2010 | 生日快樂
每年呢一日我都會喺度大事渲染呢個大日子架喇.. 知唔知點解我將我呢個blog叫做[SK/0617]吖?? 咪就係咁簡單囉, 哈哈~~ 過往歷年嘅今日: [2006] [2007] [2008] [2009] on this day every year, i'll certainly shout out loud in my blog without failure.. and now you know why i name my blog [SK/0617]?? it's just that simple, hahaaha~~ previous years in history: [2006] [2007] [2008] [2009] |
14.06.2010 | 寫博之道
最近有個博友問我寫博心得, 突如其來其實都好難回答呢個問題.. 雖然在下寫博都有段頗長日子, 但係未至於去到傳授心得呢個階段.. 又或者同大家分享我一向嚟嘅習慣同偏好啦, 不過唔好以為我故意影射其他人, 每個人都有自己嘅style架嘛, 冇話對或錯嘅~~
- 寫得太過簡短, 讀者好難畀回應, 通常我就會湊埋啲短topic, 通常都係三個湊成一個雜記囉..
- 寫得太過長篇大論, 讀者實冇耐性睇, 通常我就會發揮我嘅scripting本領, 畀讀者揀讀摘要或詳情..
- 同一個post我絕對唔貼太多相, 因為會令到loading好超慢.. 個人認為至少要一張(因為全文字好悶), 四張係我嘅極限(用scripting分享嘅例外)..
- 同一個topic我絕對唔分幾次寫, 尤其遊記我儘量一個地點一鋪搞掂.. 個人認為一個遊記要寫十篇span幾個月, 對讀者耐性係一種磨煉..
- if a post is too short, readers will find it difficult to comment.. hence i would always combine few (normally three) short topics into one random post..
- if a post is too lengthy, readers will sure loose their patience to continue reading.. this is when i'll "show-off" my scripting skills to allow readers to choose either reading only summary or full details..
- i try not to post loads of photos within one post, as this will definitely slow down the loading.. i personally think there must be one (pure wordings would be too dull), and four is my maximum (except those shared using scripting)..
- i try not to split one topic into several posts, especially travelogue i attempt to get it done in one post per destination.. i personally think it's a challenge to the reader's patience if a destination is kept mentioned in 10 posts spanning few months time..
11.06.2010 | 標誌游戲
話咁快又週末喇!! 今日冇乜嘢寫, 週末都唔想折磨你眼力, 就淨係同大家玩呢個認標誌游戲啦.. 玩法非常簡單, 於標誌下空格填上你嘅答案, 然後按標誌檢查, 綠色表示正確, 紅色表示錯誤.. 如果需要提示, 請將鼠標置標誌上.. 祝大家週末愉快~~ :)
it's weekend again!! nothing special to write about for today and don't feel like torturing your eyes, so let's just play this logo game.. it's simple, just type your answer in the box under each logo, then click on the logo to verify your answer, green means bingo, red means uh-uh.. if you need hints, just roll your mouse pointer over the logo itself.. happy weekend everyone~~ :) | |||
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09.06.2010 | 放假後感
07.06.2010 | 電話禮儀
相信我哋每日都會用電話架啦, 除咗啲白撞嘅電話促銷我極討厭之外, 其實我發覺世間存在著以下呢幾種人, 實在令我啼笑皆非嘅..
- 打電話畀某某, 對方接電話後居然粒聲唔出, 仲expect你先開聲.. 係唔係覺得有啲唔妥先?? 我認為一般人接電話後, 應該要喂一聲先架嘛, 唔係咁架咩??
- 接電話之後, 對方第一句就問「你邊位啊??」.. 我覺得冇禮貌噃咁樣, 打去搵人梗係要好禮貌咁, 「請問劉華喺唔喺」「我想搵朱淇」諸如此類架嘛, 啱唔啱??
- 接到通打錯嘅電話, 對方死都唔認係自己打錯.. 唔肯話自己係邊位想搵邊位, 十問打咩號碼九唔肯透露, 仲要查家宅咁問你九千幾條問題.. 正一混吉, 好扯火架囉~~
- you're calling somebody, and after pick-up the receiver remains silent and expects you to give a response first.. don't you think this is a bit not right?? i supposed when you pick up a call, you should immediately give a response to the caller, am i not right??
- you pick up a call and the caller straight away ask "whom am i speaking to??".. i actually find this quite impolite, i'd expect the caller ask something like "may i speak to XXX??" instead.. that question is only appropriate at the end of the call if XXX is not around..
- you are sure somebody dialled the wrong number, but the caller keeps denying.. never willing to tell who he/she is, who he/she is calling and what is the number he/she is calling, but instead tries to ask 1001 questions on yourself.. don't you think this is very absurd??
04.06.2010 | 簡短精悍
以前我想要同大家分享相片嘅時候, 會全部癡埋一張, 結果畀人話太細睇唔到.. 冤枉啊, 我其實唔想大家怨我搞到page load龜速咁慢, 跟著要scroll成分鐘先scroll到底咋.. 所以啲post我儘量保持簡短, 因為寫太長冇人有耐心去逐張相逐隻字睇架囉.. 呢兩日靈機一觸, 其實可以毫無影響之下, 同樣分享好多相片架喎.. 用少少scripting就可以整成嘅"相簿", 係唔係同大家喺面卜睇相冇分別呢?? :)
when i wanted to share photos, i combined them all into one, and thus many complained they are too small to be seen.. i didn't mean that, but just that i don't want to post too many photos and cause turtle-speed page load, having to scroll for minutes before you can reach the bottom.. that is why i always try to keep my posts short, because nobody will be patient enough to read every word and see every photo if they are too lengthy.. i had a flash of good idea recently, still able to share lots of photos without performance issue.. just a little scripting to build this "photo album", ain't it just like what you see in FB?? :)
when i wanted to share photos, i combined them all into one, and thus many complained they are too small to be seen.. i didn't mean that, but just that i don't want to post too many photos and cause turtle-speed page load, having to scroll for minutes before you can reach the bottom.. that is why i always try to keep my posts short, because nobody will be patient enough to read every word and see every photo if they are too lengthy.. i had a flash of good idea recently, still able to share lots of photos without performance issue.. just a little scripting to build this "photo album", ain't it just like what you see in FB?? :)
02.06.2010 | 試飲試食
我係個鐘意逛超市嘅人, 見到咁大嘅空間全部都係食物, 我會好開心.. 有時仲會格吓價「嘩!! 呢間貴嗰間成五毫咁多喎!!」過吓師奶仔癮, 都幾好玩架.. :p
超市通常都有試飲試食, 尤其週末人流多嘅時候, 可以話係百花齊放.. 我通常都會(懶)清高, 不屑一顧, 尤其係啲hardsell auntie, 我更係藐一眼就行開嗰隻..又之不過, 我偶然間癡咗條筋嘅時候, 又會大開殺戒, 成個試食鬼見愁咁喎.. 記唔記得谷中城某間土產店, 開大門任人入去試食架?? 有時覺口淡淡, 入去轉個圈, 就可以兩手空空非常滿足行出嚟, 呵呵!!
人哋話雙子座有雙重性格, 難道我對於試飲試食嘅清高同癲喪, 係人格分裂症??!! -_-"
i consider myself one who likes supermarkets, as i'll feel very happy to see such a big space all filled up with food.. sometimes i will even compare prices, "oh, it's 50-sen more expensive here than there!!", just like a thrity housewife, but it's fun~~ :p
you know there are always food sampling booths setup in supermarket, especially during weekends you find even more of them.. normally i'll (act) high-class and never bother to try any, especially to those hardselling aunties, my eyes will just sweep and i walk away with a contempt..however, i do sometimes get crazy over those food samples, try whatever i could stuff in without feeling embarrassed.. remember that shop in MV selling tidbits, welcoming you to sample anything you like?? for "some" reasons, i'll just get in and then come out empty handed, but contented, haha!!
we heard about the dual-personality of a gemini, so do i call my two extreme attitude towards food sampling, a kind of dissociative personality disorder??!! -_-"
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