如果唔係因為政府強徵五十蚊信用卡服務稅, 我就唔會cut晒我啲信用卡.. 如果唔係因為要cut晒我啲信用卡, 我就唔會去用積分換禮物.. 如果唔係因為要用積分換禮物, 我就唔會有以下呢八張現金禮帣.. 哇哈哈哈(請以梅超風氣量笑出)~~ :D
2009年冇任何升官發財或者橫財就手, 不過年關將至嘅今日, 至少仲有呢四百蚊慰勞一番.. 冇橙得個桔都好啦!! 而家諗緊呢四百蚊, 應該點樣去敗得痛快呢?? 唔好諗住要打劫我啊警告你, 哇哈哈哈(請以梅超風氣量笑出)~~ :D
if not because of the mandatory RM50 service tax the government imposed for every credit card, i would not have gone to cancel off my cards.. if not because of cancelling my cards, i would not have gone to redeem my rewards points.. if not because of the rewards point redemption, i would not have had these eight pieces of cash vouchers.. muahahaha~~ :D
the year of 2009 did not bring my any huge prosperity, but approaching the end of the year, at least i have a consolation prize of RM400 richer.. half a loaf is always better than none right?? so i'm now thinking deep, how should i spend this money, to make myself happy?? warn you, don't ever think of robbing me ok?? muahahaha~~ :D
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27.12.2009 | 肉球天使
今日個標題似乎三級情慾咗啲, 唔好意思呀各位伯虎, 其實我所指嘅係呢一味「免治豬肉球天使麵」啫, 哈哈!!
冇錯喇, 呢味就係在下另一親手下廚之作喇!! 我煮嘢唔叻, 但係呢味都叫做食得吓人.. 其實我覺得煮意粉, 只要花點心思, 都好難會煮得唔好食囉.. 各位朋友, 為大家介紹, 免治豬肉球配黑椒蛋白汁嫩蘆筍天使麵.. 簡簡單單, 但係滿足感十足..
today's post title literally translate to "meaty angel", a little R-rated i think, but ooops.. i am refering to this "meatball angel hair" actually, haha!!
yes!! you are right, this was another dish that i cooked myself!! i'm certainly not a good cook, but this pasta was at least not too bad.. to me, as long as you put in some heart, i would think it's quite impossible that you could cook your pasta inedible.. hi there everyone, let me introduce pork meatballs on angel hair with baby asparagus in light creamy egg-white sauce with crushed black peppercorn.. a very simple, yet very satisfactory dish..
冇錯喇, 呢味就係在下另一親手下廚之作喇!! 我煮嘢唔叻, 但係呢味都叫做食得吓人.. 其實我覺得煮意粉, 只要花點心思, 都好難會煮得唔好食囉.. 各位朋友, 為大家介紹, 免治豬肉球配黑椒蛋白汁嫩蘆筍天使麵.. 簡簡單單, 但係滿足感十足..
today's post title literally translate to "meaty angel", a little R-rated i think, but ooops.. i am refering to this "meatball angel hair" actually, haha!!
yes!! you are right, this was another dish that i cooked myself!! i'm certainly not a good cook, but this pasta was at least not too bad.. to me, as long as you put in some heart, i would think it's quite impossible that you could cook your pasta inedible.. hi there everyone, let me introduce pork meatballs on angel hair with baby asparagus in light creamy egg-white sauce with crushed black peppercorn.. a very simple, yet very satisfactory dish..
23.12.2009 | 愛不釋手
話說上星期公司搞交換聖誕禮物, 預先聲明唔可以買朱古力呀曲奇餅之類, 結果皆大歡喜.. 我就抽到呢隻馬騮仔, 在此為我玩具王國呢個新成員, 正式改名為Fing-Fing啦!! 係唔係好靚仔呢?? :p
it was our company's xmas gift exchange last week, a rule was set to ban any kind of chocolates and cookies as gift, hence everyone happily got themselves something more "tangible".. i got myself this chimpanzee plush toy, another new member to my toy kingdom, and let me officially name him Fing-Fing!! nice name for such a handsome dude huh?? :p
last year i gave a little christmas gift to every colleague as an appreciation for working well together, hence there is no reason for not doing so this year.. instead of junk load, this time i got each a mini decorative bonsai, a piece of cookies, and then i handmade the greeting card and transparent gift bag (with nice ribbons ok?).. put everything together, wow, i just have to say i was impressed!! the gift looks really cool and even myself love them so much till reluctant to give away~~ :D
it was our company's xmas gift exchange last week, a rule was set to ban any kind of chocolates and cookies as gift, hence everyone happily got themselves something more "tangible".. i got myself this chimpanzee plush toy, another new member to my toy kingdom, and let me officially name him Fing-Fing!! nice name for such a handsome dude huh?? :p
去年我為公司每位同事準備小小聖誕禮物一份, 當係一份心意.. 開咗個頭, 今年梗係不可赦免啦.. 今次唔再一堆垃圾喇, 而係每人一個小型盆栽擺設, 加聖誕曲奇一個, 自己再親手做賀卡同個透明禮物袋(with絲帶架)包起嚟.. 嘩!! 我又唔得唔再次讚嘆我自己嘅心思囉, 出嚟效果好鬼靚, 連我自己都愛不釋手囉~~ :Dlast year i gave a little christmas gift to every colleague as an appreciation for working well together, hence there is no reason for not doing so this year.. instead of junk load, this time i got each a mini decorative bonsai, a piece of cookies, and then i handmade the greeting card and transparent gift bag (with nice ribbons ok?).. put everything together, wow, i just have to say i was impressed!! the gift looks really cool and even myself love them so much till reluctant to give away~~ :D
20.12.2009 | 年度盛事
每一年嘅年終, 公司都例牌會搞個聖誕晚餐同交換禮物.. 我哋公司仔, 唔似得大公司咁大排筵席搞晚宴同幸運抽獎.. 之不過簡簡單單咁, 都叫做係每個人都looking forward嘅年度盛事, 大家樂也融融咁, 都好開心架..
it has been a ritual for our company to organise a xmas dinner & gift exchange every year end.. we are a small company, hence we do not have ball & dance dinner and lucky draw like large organisations.. but instead we have simple ones that everyone is looking forward to, kind of our annual big event where everyone gets along happily..
it has been a ritual for our company to organise a xmas dinner & gift exchange every year end.. we are a small company, hence we do not have ball & dance dinner and lucky draw like large organisations.. but instead we have simple ones that everyone is looking forward to, kind of our annual big event where everyone gets along happily..
[交換禮物] 每年肯定有一次, 但係我突然驚覺: 咁快又一年喇??
[gift exchange] though compulsory every year, i just realised how fast it's another year again..
[聖誕晚餐] 今年大家似乎食得好斯文喎, 可能係太多肉啦, 哈哈!!
[xmas dinner] everyone was surprisingly modest this year, perhaps too much meat?? haha!!
[聖誕狂歡] 今年首次有第二場, 呢間SkyBar氣氛唔錯.. 不過大家返咗成日工, 捱唔過12點添!!
[chill out] the first year we have a second round, nice ambience in this SkyBar, but maybe because of the long day, we just can't stay past 12am!! what a shame..
[gift exchange] though compulsory every year, i just realised how fast it's another year again..
[聖誕晚餐] 今年大家似乎食得好斯文喎, 可能係太多肉啦, 哈哈!!
[xmas dinner] everyone was surprisingly modest this year, perhaps too much meat?? haha!!
[聖誕狂歡] 今年首次有第二場, 呢間SkyBar氣氛唔錯.. 不過大家返咗成日工, 捱唔過12點添!!
[chill out] the first year we have a second round, nice ambience in this SkyBar, but maybe because of the long day, we just can't stay past 12am!! what a shame..
16.12.2009 | 好寶里活
你知唔知生產最多電影嘅, 唔係荷里活, 而係印度嘅寶里活?? 咁你又有冇睇過寶里活嘅「必屬佳品」?? 點樣為之佳品呢又?? 我觀察之下, 就係俱備以下四個特點喇..
do you know the most movies produced are not from hollywood, but the indian's bollywood?? have you ever watched any masterpiece from bollywood then?? how do you regard one as a good bollywood movie?? it's the four characteristics of a masterpiece under my observations..
do you know the most movies produced are not from hollywood, but the indian's bollywood?? have you ever watched any masterpiece from bollywood then?? how do you regard one as a good bollywood movie?? it's the four characteristics of a masterpiece under my observations..
13.12.2009 | 無心睡眠
話說我平時十一點幾就瞓架喇, 不過如果第二日唔駛返工嘅話, 我經常都會唔捨得去瞓囉!! 咪住, 我絕對唔係個浦人, 所以唔好誤會我會喺出邊浦天光呀.. 我就係留喺屋企, 萬分深閨咁, 上網/睇書/煲劇/玩game, 總之就係冇事搵事做, 唔到三四點(有時甚至五點)都唔去瞓..
就係覺得話, 聽日又唔駛返工, 咁早就瞓好似嘥咗個良宵咁囉.. 之但係第二朝又唔會瞓到太陽曬屁股喎, 最遲十點幾就自動醒架喇.. 你話喇, 有得瞓都唔去瞓, 係唔係怪癖吖嗱?? 我知, 其實咁樣對身子唔好嘅~~
i normally goes to bed at 11 plus at night, but if the next day is not a working day, i will often like to stay up late, real late!! but chup, i gotta say i am not a midnight-ranger, so please don't mistaken me that i'll be hanging out clubbing outside.. infact i'll just stay at home, surfing net/read books/ watch drama/ play games, just to find something to do, and won't retire before 4 (or sometimes even 5)..
i just think that, since i don't have to work the next day, it's just kind of wasting the young night by going to bed so early.. but still i won't sleep till the sun crawls to the other side the next day, by 10 plus latest i will automatically wake up.. so what say you?? refuse to go to sleep while i can sleep soundly, isn't this something very odd about me?? i know, this is just not healthy~~
就係覺得話, 聽日又唔駛返工, 咁早就瞓好似嘥咗個良宵咁囉.. 之但係第二朝又唔會瞓到太陽曬屁股喎, 最遲十點幾就自動醒架喇.. 你話喇, 有得瞓都唔去瞓, 係唔係怪癖吖嗱?? 我知, 其實咁樣對身子唔好嘅~~
i normally goes to bed at 11 plus at night, but if the next day is not a working day, i will often like to stay up late, real late!! but chup, i gotta say i am not a midnight-ranger, so please don't mistaken me that i'll be hanging out clubbing outside.. infact i'll just stay at home, surfing net/read books/ watch drama/ play games, just to find something to do, and won't retire before 4 (or sometimes even 5)..
i just think that, since i don't have to work the next day, it's just kind of wasting the young night by going to bed so early.. but still i won't sleep till the sun crawls to the other side the next day, by 10 plus latest i will automatically wake up.. so what say you?? refuse to go to sleep while i can sleep soundly, isn't this something very odd about me?? i know, this is just not healthy~~
10.12.2009 | 獅城一遊
平時去親新加坡出差都係來去匆匆, 呢幾日過咗去一趟, 算係有比較多時間可以約朋友食吓飯逛吓街..
my usual trips to singapore are short and rush, am now here again but this time round i have more time to spend in meeting up with friends..
[住] 呢間叫做Hotel 1929嘅精品酒店, 我差不多每次都選擇入住.. 唔係咩星級大酒店, 但係我鐘意呢啲走型格路線嘅contemporary design多于浮誇嘅富麗堂皇.. 加上員工態度友善, 我覺得幾滿意..
[STAY] this is the boutique Hotel 1929 that i have been staying, and infact i have been choosing to stay here most of the time.. it's not star-graded grand hotels, but what makes me like it is the vogue contemporary design instead of those traditional larger-than-life design.. and one more thing to highlight, the staffs are all very friendly, which makes the stay very cosy..
[食] 噚晚同幾位朋友去呢間Mag's Wine Kitchen晚餐, 我叫咗鴨胸沙律, 香煎黑豚里脊扒, 朱古力暖心蛋糕+香草雪糕, 食物味道唔錯, 不過小店用上開放式廚房, 通風系統有待改善.. 其實最重要係可以同朋友聚一聚, 埋單每人承惠S$64, 多謝ML同BP請客!! :)
[EAT] dinner with friends in this little restaurant called Mag's Wine Kitchen yesterday.. i had coffee bean and tea leaves infused duck breast salad, pan fried kurobota pork loin, chocolate fondant with vanilla ice cream.. the food taste good, but the concept of open kitchen in a tiny shop is not a good idea, need to invest a much better ventilation system.. anyway, the best part is actually catching up with friends over the dinner, the bill came to S$64 per person, thanks ML and BP for the treat!! :)
[看] 烏節係新加坡重點吸引遊客嘅購物區, 每年聖誕燈裝都引人話題.. 今次有機會可以親眼目睹呢一個火樹銀花嘅街景, 都真係幾靚架.. 不過唯一遺憾的是, 淨係可以齋睇但係就冇錢買, 唉.. :(
[SEE] orchard is singapore's biggest (shopping) attraction to tourists, and every year the christmas lightings is sure a topic.. i finally have a chance to see the blings blings on the streets, not bad at all, but how saddening that i can only see but have no extra cash to do shopping.. :(
my usual trips to singapore are short and rush, am now here again but this time round i have more time to spend in meeting up with friends..
[住] 呢間叫做Hotel 1929嘅精品酒店, 我差不多每次都選擇入住.. 唔係咩星級大酒店, 但係我鐘意呢啲走型格路線嘅contemporary design多于浮誇嘅富麗堂皇.. 加上員工態度友善, 我覺得幾滿意..
[STAY] this is the boutique Hotel 1929 that i have been staying, and infact i have been choosing to stay here most of the time.. it's not star-graded grand hotels, but what makes me like it is the vogue contemporary design instead of those traditional larger-than-life design.. and one more thing to highlight, the staffs are all very friendly, which makes the stay very cosy..
[食] 噚晚同幾位朋友去呢間Mag's Wine Kitchen晚餐, 我叫咗鴨胸沙律, 香煎黑豚里脊扒, 朱古力暖心蛋糕+香草雪糕, 食物味道唔錯, 不過小店用上開放式廚房, 通風系統有待改善.. 其實最重要係可以同朋友聚一聚, 埋單每人承惠S$64, 多謝ML同BP請客!! :)
[EAT] dinner with friends in this little restaurant called Mag's Wine Kitchen yesterday.. i had coffee bean and tea leaves infused duck breast salad, pan fried kurobota pork loin, chocolate fondant with vanilla ice cream.. the food taste good, but the concept of open kitchen in a tiny shop is not a good idea, need to invest a much better ventilation system.. anyway, the best part is actually catching up with friends over the dinner, the bill came to S$64 per person, thanks ML and BP for the treat!! :)
[看] 烏節係新加坡重點吸引遊客嘅購物區, 每年聖誕燈裝都引人話題.. 今次有機會可以親眼目睹呢一個火樹銀花嘅街景, 都真係幾靚架.. 不過唯一遺憾的是, 淨係可以齋睇但係就冇錢買, 唉.. :(
[SEE] orchard is singapore's biggest (shopping) attraction to tourists, and every year the christmas lightings is sure a topic.. i finally have a chance to see the blings blings on the streets, not bad at all, but how saddening that i can only see but have no extra cash to do shopping.. :(
07.12.2009 | 最後衝擊
我應該係屬於個last minute嘅人, 好多嘢唔到最後一分鐘都唔會著緊, 硬係鐘意拖到火燒眼眉先會急過熱鍋上的螞蟻.. 嗯, 呢一點唔好, 需要認真改善:p
年尾喇(咁快又年尾!!), 當務之急就有兩樣嘢要做嘅.. 趁機會順便喺度提醒大家啦都~~
i think i can be considered as a last minute kind of person, i won't get too anxious about things until the very last minute.. most of the time i'd procrastinate, and only get as worry as ants on the hot pan when time ticks.. hmmm, this is something not good, i think i should improve on this :p
it's year end (oh!! that quick!!), and there are two things i need to accomplish urgently.. maybe this could be a reminder to everyone too..
年尾喇(咁快又年尾!!), 當務之急就有兩樣嘢要做嘅.. 趁機會順便喺度提醒大家啦都~~
- 最近開始培養睇書習慣, 而且買書可以扣稅, 所以應該嗱嗱聲買多幾本, 明年扣稅有幾多就得幾多.. 呢種「寧益自己唔益人」嘅心態, 係為勢所逼, 唔好怪我市儈..
- 政府規定明年開始每張信用卡徵收RM50服務稅, 明屈之下, 我慎重考慮後決定cut咗其中三張.. 而家忙于度積分換禮物, 之後要搞自動轉帳事宜, 然之後先可以取消.. 搞掂咗兩張, 仲有一張進行中..
i think i can be considered as a last minute kind of person, i won't get too anxious about things until the very last minute.. most of the time i'd procrastinate, and only get as worry as ants on the hot pan when time ticks.. hmmm, this is something not good, i think i should improve on this :p
it's year end (oh!! that quick!!), and there are two things i need to accomplish urgently.. maybe this could be a reminder to everyone too..
- i've been cultivating a reading habit recently, and since buying books can enjoy tax relief, i should try to buy as many books as i can afford, so that i can get as much tax relief possible next year.. well, don't blame me for being so "kiasu", i'm sure you'd already know why we have to do so??
- the government imposed a compulsory RM50 charge for every credit card starting next year, under such circumstances i just have to cancel off three of my cards.. am now busy with rewards redemption, and then coordinating on the auto-debit payment before i can finally cancel the cards.. have got two cards done, and now still working on the remaining one..
04.12.2009 | 喜惡分明
01.12.2009 | 捨不得說
成個幾星期冇寫blog喇, 大家可以放心, 我尚健在.. 上星期屋企確實係發生咗一啲事, 但係我唔會刻意喺度詳敘, 有啲嘢始終係輕描淡寫比較恰當, 有一種思念擺喺心底係最好嘅.. 多謝關心同慰問我嘅朋友, 現時我腦海中正在浮現呢一首歌, 心情卻係平靜嘅.. :)
have not been updating my blog for more than a week, no worries everyone, i'm still in a piece here.. yes, something has happened to my family over the week, but i think i'm not gonna write in details about that incident, afterall there are things that should be better kept simple, there are times you best keep things in your heart.. thanks for everyone who have sent me their warm regards, i now have this (mandarin) song playing in my mind, but i am really staying calm and fine here.. :)
have not been updating my blog for more than a week, no worries everyone, i'm still in a piece here.. yes, something has happened to my family over the week, but i think i'm not gonna write in details about that incident, afterall there are things that should be better kept simple, there are times you best keep things in your heart.. thanks for everyone who have sent me their warm regards, i now have this (mandarin) song playing in my mind, but i am really staying calm and fine here.. :)
林憶蓮《捨不得說再見》... 還來不及說再見淚已搶先 把傷感加在牽強的笑臉 從此妳離我好遠 我捨不得眨眼 說再見 ...
Sandy Lam "Reluctant to bid Goodbye" ... my tears flow before i can say goodbye .. it's sadness on my farfetched smiling face .. you're now far away from me .. i'm reluctant to even blink .. and then say goodbye ...
Sandy Lam "Reluctant to bid Goodbye" ... my tears flow before i can say goodbye .. it's sadness on my farfetched smiling face .. you're now far away from me .. i'm reluctant to even blink .. and then say goodbye ...
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