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31.12.2008 | 告別零捌

2008年第366日, 再過幾個時辰之後, 就要嚟個送舊迎新, 同2008講聲拜拜, 然之後同2009講聲哈囉喇..

呢個時候嘅你, 係擁擠於人群之中狂歡倒數, 定係安坐於家中靜待新年來臨?? 我唔鐘意一殺那狂歡之後, 突然間需要調適情緒嗰種失落感, 所以寧願選擇平平淡淡咁度過.. 見人見智囉, 你有你瘋狂, 我有我恬然, 哈哈!!

呢一年來, 所有喜怒哀樂, 一切得失起落, 都要於呢一刻嚟個終結.. 我覺得都無需要去在乎過去喇, 能夠健全活著每一日其實已經係生命中一大樂事.. 總括嚟講, 呢一年我過得算係開心充實, 但願新嘅一年, 一切都會更美好, 凡事都會更順心..

祝大家2009新年快樂!! :)
it's the 366th day of year 2008, few more hours later, we are going to send off year 2008 and welcome year 2009..

what are you doing at this moment?? tightly packed in the crowd for new year countdown, or staying at home waiting for the new year to come peacefully?? i personally do not like that abrupt feeling of cooling off after a surge of mere excitement, that is why i always choose to pass my time in a rather quiet way.. anyway, it's just persoanl preference, of course while i am enjoying my serenity, you enjoy your fun out there, haha!!

for the whole year 2008, all the ups and downs, gain and loss, happiness and sadness, they should all come to end an at this point.. let bygones be bygones, i think it make no sense to review and to care about what has already happened.. more importantly is to appreciate being able to stay alive for each day of the year, that's the greatest thing in life.. in short, it's considered a happy and meaningful year 2008 for me, so let's look forward to a better, happier and smoother new year..

wishing everyone a great new year 2009!! :)

30.12.2008 | 色彩繽紛

之前席卷全城嘅冬甩熱潮, 呢幾日觀察下, 仍然都有排住隊等買「傳奇冬甩」嘅人龍, 不過熱潮已經大大減退.. 各商家見呢股熱潮所帶嚟嘅可觀營利, 紛紛隨波逐流, 求新求變.. 結果除咗企穩陣腳嘅彩色冬甩, 最近就冒起彩色包點同埋彩色忌廉泡芙, 以雷同嘅手法嘗試分去冬甩一杯羹.. 一次Pavilion之旅, 你就可以試食呢三樣色彩繽紛, 猛咁喺度嗌「食我啦!! 你行埋嚟食我啦!」嘅東西..
  • 色彩冬甩之前提過啦, 得個靚字, 咪就係冬甩一件咁囉, 唔足以大費周章排晒大隊去買.. 所以你見人龍大大縮短啦..
  • 色彩包點, 我覺得好唔錯囉, 雖然皮較厚餡較少, 但係睇得出係落咗心機同誠意去整嘅.. 有鹹有甜, 幾十種選擇迎合不同口味, 我仲想試埋其他款喎..
  • 色彩忌廉泡芙嘅話哩, 一睇就覺係擺明抄人哋條橋.. 我覺唔係咁好食囉, 餅皮好韌忌廉超濟, 而且一咬落去裡頭啲忌廉就必晒出嚟, 搞到周身邋遢十分狼狽, 我下次會避而遠之..
remember the donut heat that stroke the city gone wild like a year ago? my observation these few days was that, still people queuing to buy the "legendary donuts" but already uncomparable with its past glory.. and now's the time people started to follow the same profitable track, for something else different and new.. and hence, other than the pioneer donuts, we now have the colorful steam buns and the colorful cream puffs.. a day in the Pavilion and you get to try all these three stuffs, colorfully and attractively shouting "eat me!! eat me!!" on their display shelves (even the photo looks appealing right??)..
  • donuts, not going to mention much as i have already blogged this way time ago.. just colorful and just a piece of donut they are actually, not really worth wasting the time to queue for them.. no wonder you see there is less people in the queue already..
  • steam buns, i'm gonna say this is very creative and i see heart and sincere in preparing them.. i personally think they taste quite good (though the pastry is a bit too thick and filling a bit too little), sweet or savoury fillings in more than 20 flavours to fulfill different taste, i think i still want to try the other flavours that i have not tried, yum yum..
  • cream puffs, well once you see them you will think it's an obvious copycat.. i don't think it taste nice, supposed to be chewy but turns out soggy rubber, what's more the cream filling just drip out from the pastry once you bite it (no matter how careful you are), it's just so embarrassing to get it all over your hands and clothes.. i would choose to stay away actually..

29.12.2008 | 保羅史密

嗱嗱嗱, 睇真啲, 呢個「保羅史密夫」係唔係有啲怪怪地?? 我唔係名牌奴隸, 唔會崇尚名牌, 更加唔會捨得洗錢喺一身名牌上.. 各位眼見嘅係「保羅史密夫」嘅老翻細佬「保羅史密」, 哈哈..

今日去金河廣場, 無意中見到呢對鞋, 覺得幾唔錯, 而且折後只係69蚊, 好平喎都.. 我十幾年前做仔嘅時候, 都有喺呢間商場買嘢嘅, 不過之後漸漸同佢疏遠喇.. 呢度已經變成年輕[啦啦]嘅天堂, 我自覺自己嘅品味同佢差距甚遠, 加上見到週圍[海鮮]我就覺頭暈, 所以而家會去金河廣場都係止於裡頭一間唱片鋪..

今日難得買到呢對鞋, 都應該慶幸自己仲young啦, 不過畀錢嘅時候, 見到個售貨員拎出呢個「保羅史密」鞋盒.. 噢賣葛, 我竟然老貓燒鬚買老翻!! 不過踩喺腳下, 又冇大大隻字喺對鞋度話佢係保羅史密夫, 而且佢其實都幾靚仔吖, 應該唔算太差係嘛??

well well well, look carefully and have you noticed the "Paul Smith" is a little weird looking?? i'm not a branded slave, i won't purposely go for branded stuffs, and most importantly i won't be generous enough to spend on buying branded stuffs too.. what you saw is a fake "Paul Smith" actually, hahaha..

was hanging around in Sungei Wang Plaza this afternoon, where i accidentally bumped into this pair of shoes, quite nice looking and after discount it's just RM69, kind of cheap.. i remember the last time i have ever bought clothings from this mall was more than 10 years ago, but never since then.. this mall has been directed to become youngsters' paradise, well if you understand the slang la-la for them that actually describe precisely what i wanted to say.. just feel that my taste is actually very different from what the mall can provide, and furthermore i feel dizzy seeing seafood (that's pun and not really mean seafood, if you understand what la-la means) all around me..

surprisingly being able to get myself a pair of shoes from this mall, i should feel young again, haha.. but when i went to pay for the shoes, stunned to see the sales guy bringing out this "Paul Smith" box to pack the shoes for me.. urrggh, and i thought OMG, finally i am buying fake!! anyway, it's just a pair of shoes without any tell-people-i-am-paul-smith kind of flambuoyant design, somemore it actually look decent and good, not really that bad yeah??

28.12.2008 | 夜景晚餐

聽聞Ampang Look-out Point呢個地方已久, 今日終於都鏟上去見識見識一番喇.. 呢個地方可以鳥瞰吉隆坡景色, 而且仲有幾間餐廳畀你一邊食嘢, 一邊欣賞吉隆坡景色.. 揀咗夜晚上去食晚餐, 其實唔係帶住好大嘅期望, 所以去到嘅時候, 一眼無遺見到吉隆坡夜景, 加上今晚天氣涼爽, 陣陣微風吹起, 確實係有少少嘅驚喜.. 當然唔可以同香港山頂相提並論, 始終呢度都仲係新, 尚未高度發展成旅遊景點, 不過以馬來西亞一向經營傳統, 還要放長雙眼睇睇呢個地方以後嘅命運..

晚餐方面, 都係一般普通消費餐廳, 揀咗呢間Gasoline加油站連鎖, 叫咗黑椒炒烏冬(幾唔錯), 瑤柱絲炒飯(友人彈話淡牟牟喎), 鮮榨果汁(貪好玩叫咗大嘅, 結果送到時幾乎嚇親, 成750毫升最後飲淨四分一咁多).. 其實同普通晚餐冇咩分別, 不過係多咗個夜景可以欣賞, 所以心情都零舍唔同啲.. 算係吉隆坡一個新景點, 尚係新鮮, 可以帶外地朋友嚟甸拿嘅.. :)

heard of Ampang Look-out Point for quite some time ago, finally made my way up there for a visit today.. it's a place where you can have a bird's eye view of KL, and there are restaurants setup whereby you can have your meals while enjoying the nice KL view.. choosed to go there at night for dinner, actually didn't set high expectation on things.. reached there and saw quite a breathtaking night view of KL, in addition the nice weather today brought us chilly breeze, kind of a pleasant surprise actually.. anyway don't ever expect to compare with HK's Victoria Peak, this is nothing close as it's still very new, not really expansively developed yet, or i should say seeing how we malaysians maintain things, i'd rather say let's see the fate of this so-called new tourist attraction in town..

as for the restaurants, no worries no fine dining there but just normal restaurants you can find in town.. picked the Gasoline Cafe chain, ordered black pepper udon (kind of nice but a bit too hot for me in the end), fried rice with shredded scallop (tasteless according to friend), freshly squeezed fruit juice (we ordered large ones, only to got a shocked when served, it's not large but HUGE actually, ended up manage to finish only about three quarters of the 750ml).. frankly, just a normal dinner, but with that extra night scene of KL just in your view, the whole ambience and feelings is quite enjoyable actually.. a new and (still) fresh spot to hangout in KL, perhaps a good place to bring your foreign friends for a nice dinner.. :)

27.12.2008 | 廿年變化

晏晝行商場時申請信用卡, 畀咗身份證同車牌個銀行職員睇, 佢見到證件上嘅我即刻想笑出嚟, 因為證件相應該係好多年前影低嘅.. 頭先摷返以前啲相嚟睇, 噢賣葛, 真係慘不忍睹囉, 真係唔想認係自己.. 以下揀咗廿年嚟一啲想, 見大家辛苦咗成日, 好攰定喇, 所以娛樂一下大家, 從來冇人好似我咁勇敢將自己啲醜樣公諸於世架喇, 盡情喪笑啦, 我真係冇所謂喎, 嘩哈哈哈哈!!!
  • 1988年小學五年班, 都OK啦個樣, 仲係趣緻小學生一名..
  • 1995年中六, 攪咩啊我?? 笑成咁架?? 好似帶小妹妹去睇金魚啲叔叔咁
  • 1996年大學一年, 呢個回眸含笑look, 你覺得點?? 好師奶囉我自己覺得..
  • 1998年大學畢業, 成個發水麵包咁, 加埋個唔知咩髮型, 好鬼薯囉~~
  • 2001年呢張我覺得自己似肥版王家衛囉.. 其實我睇返, 好像柄自己囉!!
  • 2004年, 開始似而家個樣喇, 著恤衫打領呔, 成個OG款咁, 幾得啦係嘛??
  • 2006年同2008年, 冇乜嘢好講, 因為就係而家嘅我.. 或者你有嘢要投訴??
was applying for new credit card at a shopping mall this afternoon, showed the bank officer my ID and driving license.. he almost burst into laughter after seeing me on the IDs (but of course he can't do that, so he didn't), because the photo i used on the IDs are really old photos i took many years ago.. so i went and looked for my old photos back home, OMG, really unbearable!! choosen a few photos along these 20 years, i know everyone has a tired day, so let me entertain you with all these photos, nobody will be as generous as me showing my ugly faces to the world, i don't mind if you laugh like hell there actually, hahaha!!
  • 1988 primary grade 5, look decent and just an ordinary student, a bit geek..
  • 1995 high school form 6, why the hell i was laughing like that?? i just look so blardy disgusting!!
  • 1996 fresh in university, what about that friendly smile you think?? i personally think that smile, in fact the whole look, was just so auntie..
  • 1998 graduated from university, look at my bloated fluffy puffy fleshy face!! together with that WTF hairstyle, errr, that wasn't me lah!!
  • 2001 do i look like Wong Kah Why the HK director, fat version of course.. but when i saw this photo, i feel like punching myself on the face..
  • 2004 start to look like the current me, wearing shirt and tie, professional OG look, not bad at all huh??
  • 2006 and 2008, nothing much to comment, they are just the current me.. or you have anything to complain about?? :p

26.12.2008 | 直腸直肚

噚日去城中某商場行街飲茶, 週圍都係人潮, 所以如果講嘢稍為大聲啲, 週圍實有人聽得到.. 就咁非常之唔覺意之下, 聽到以下兩段談話, 直腸直肚, 畀著係我嘅話真係唔知畀咩反應好..

路人甲:「呢間商場個聖誕樹, 白曬曬成舊塗滿忌廉嘅大蛋糕咁, 都唔知邊鬼個設計嘅, 真係核鬼突!!」如果你係個設計師, 畀比你聽到有個路人咁樣嚟彈你件作品, 你會去即刻搵個窿捐, 定係直頭鬧佢唔認識欣賞件藝術品呢?? [注: 大家應該知道我講緊邊間商場啦呵?? 估中冇獎..]

咖啡室內顧客甲剛到步, 佢個朋友顧客乙未等佢坐低, 就先同佢握手大聲諷刺話:「好耐唔見噃, 喺MSN度delete咗我哩??」霎時間顧客甲所有朋友(包括乙自己)都已經笑到趴喺度, 唯獨顧客甲一臉錯愕兼尷尬地半企半坐姿勢維持數秒之久.. 呢個故事教訓我哋, 除非自莫為, 所以唔好隨便delete你仲有可能見面嘅朋友囉, 畀人問到口啞啞, 幾咁難堪呢?? 哈哈~~

was shopping and having drinks in one of the mall in town yesterday, was really packed with people then, if you talk slightly louder, for sure there will be somebody who can overhear you.. and as such, i overheard two conversations below, rather straight to the point and mean i would say, so mean that it will be too tough to handle..

[straight to the point 1]
shopper A: "i really have no idea who designed this christmas tree, all in white but just look like a big cake with cream all over, very ugly indeed lor" (not forgetting the very malaysian style closing word lor to emphasize) if you were the designer and you overheard that from a shopper, would you quickly find a hole to bury your face into the ground, or would you criticize him for not being artistic enough to accept this masterpiece of yours?? [note: guess you should know which shopping mall i'm refering to right?? no prize for the bingos though..]

[straing to the point 2]
in a cafe, patron A was fashionably late and before he could actually sit down, his friend patron B quickly shook hand with him and cynically say out loud: "long time no see, how's thing going? deleted me from MSN hor??" (not forgetting the very singaporean style closing word hor to emphasize).. all his friends (including patron B himself) suddenly burst out into laughters, poor patron A was so ashamed and guilty, until he kept still with his half-stood and half-seated pose for few seconds.. this taught us a good lesson, don't do it if you don't wish people to know, if you think you still have chance to meet up a friend, don't delete him/her off from MSN.. it just get so embarrassed when asked why they have been deleted.. haha!!

25.12.2008 | 聖誕快樂

云云經典聖誕歌曲之中, 我最中意嘅就係呢一首《Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas》.. 唔係一般大路慶典式開開心心嘅曲風, 由Judy Garland於電影《Meet Me In St Louis》內原唱嘅版本稍為傷感, 之後Frank Sinatra稍改歌詞再翻唱, 變得溫馨窩心更受歡迎.. 為大家貼上Sinatra嘅版本, 祝各位聖誕快樂, 開開心心過番個溫馨快樂嘅聖誕..

amongst all those classic christmas songs, my favourite is still "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas".. it's difference from those common happy and merry genre type you overhear in shopping malls, originally sung by Judy Garland in the movie "Meet Me In St Louis" this song was a little sad, but Frank Sinatra later on modified a little of the lyrics, and this version that he sang became more warm-hearted indeed and more commonly heard.. posted Sinatra's version here, a merry christmas to all, wish everyone has the joyous day ever..

have yourself a merry little christmas / let your heart be light / next year our troubles will be out of sight / have yourself a merry little christmas / make the yule-tide gay / from now on our troubles will be miles away / once again as in olden days / happy golden days of yore / faithful friends who are dear to us / will be us once more / someday soon we all will be together / if the fates allow / hang a shining star upon the highest bough / so have yourself a merry little christmas now

24.12.2008 | 我懷念的

噚晚無意中畀我摷到中學時候嘅成績表, 嘩, 都十幾年喇.. 記得當時一年會派兩次成績表, 年中一次不過尚未總結成績, 年尾嗰次先決定生死(生即升班, 死即留級).. 當然我從來都唔駛擔心會留級呢個問題(因為我係有讀書吖嘛), 我比較在乎分數同名次囉.. 除咗有兩年鬆懈落嚟, 畀其他努力百倍嘅同學有機會迎頭趕上之外, 其餘四年都算係名列前茅, 嘿嘿, 叻仔一名嚟架我.. 大家見到下邊我兩副相個薯頭樣, 就可以肯定我係個讀書人啦, 哈哈!!

我逐頁咁翻, 逐欄去睇, 的確帶出好多中學時候嘅回憶, 諗返好多以前啲嘢.. 雖然當時每日都有一大堆功課要做, 三兩日就有一個測驗, 放學後經常要留低搞活動, 訓導老師成日監督我哋嘅儀俵(所以你明白我哋點解一副薯頭樣啦), 不過而家諗返起反而覺得好開心囉, 懷念過去與一般同學無懮無慮嘅日子.. :) found my high school academic report books last night by accident, wow, that was more than 10 years ago man.. i still remember we were given academic results twice every year, once during mid-year but that did not conclude, once during year-end and it was the one that decides to heaven or hell you go.. heaven means you passed and proceed to next grade, hell means you failed and detained at the same grade for the next academic year.. anyway of course i never have to worry about being detained (because i studied hard ok!!), what i have been more concern is the overall score and the ranking.. i would say i have been doing rather well, other than the two years being a bit relaxed and left behind, the remaining four years was always within the top 10.. i was actually quite a smart guy you know?? by looking at my two geekiest looking photos above, i supposed you have already figured that out right?? hehe..

i flipped every page and read every column, that really brought me back lots of memories during high school time.. although there were loads of homework to be done everyday, although there were tests after tests every couple of days, although always required to stay back to participate in events, although the discipline master kept spying on our outlook (and that explains why we look so geek back then).. but thinking back the good old days, i do find them happy days, really missed those days with my gang of classmates.. :)

23.12.2008 | 媳婦難為

頭先同個朋友MSN, 傾吓傾吓傾到佢同老爺奶奶啲嘢, 我覺得好搞笑, 尤其朋友嘅形容, 果真係一針見血.. 我可以想像到佢係有幾嬲爆囉, 不過真係針拮到肉唔知痛, 我係覺得搞笑成份多啲囉.. :p
  • 奶奶把聲高幾度, 講嘢仲要大大聲, 我一聽見佢把聲就覺煩..
  • 老爺成日鬼食泥咁把聲, 成日都聽唔到佢講乜, 都short short地嘅..
  • BB不時會同奶奶笑, 奶奶就話畀全世界人知BB係同佢至親, 不知所謂..
  • 老爺成日一食完嘢就要錫BB, 成嘴油就咁啜落BB塊面度, 點頂啊??
  • 老爺奶奶個個週末風雨不改, 晨早9點鐘就過嚟睇BB, 喂大佬, 你哋唔駛瞓我都要瞓架..
哈哈, 對唔住喇呢為朋友, 拎咗你嘅故事擺你上檯添, 為人媳婦受盡委屈果然唔易做啊.. 不過冇有怕, 呢度唔會有人知你係邊個嘅.. :)was on MSN with a friend just now, and suddenly our conversation went on to gossip about her parent in-law.. i find the conversation really amusing, especially how she described her in-laws was indeed straight to the point and absolutely biased.. i can imagine how frustrated she was when facing her in-laws, but sorry because i am out of sight what actually happen, so i just think this is rather funny :p
  • MIL's voice is a few pitch higher than ordinary people and yet she always like to talk loud, i really feel uncomfortable whenever i hear her voice talking..
  • FIL's voice is as if he is always having a mouthful of sand, i could hardly hear what he is talking about, i think he has some problem actually..
  • my baby boy just smile whenever sees my MIL, and there she tells the whole family that my baby boy is closest to her, so ridiculous!!
  • FIL always like to kiss my baby boy after meals, without caring about hygiene he just smacks his oily mouth onto my baby boy's delicate cheeks, i just could not take it!!
  • FIL and MIL never failed to drop by every weekend mornings at 9am sharp to visit their grandson, wonder why they don't understand that i need more sleep on my non-working days..
haha, i really gotta apologize to this friend in advanced, for taking her story and blog it down right here.. it's really not easy to be a daughter in law, that's what i see.. anyway, you will always stay anonymous here and nobody will know that is you.. :)

22.12.2008 | 一口雞腸

幾日前通過朋友JY認識一位新朋友EL, 因為我同JY一向嚟都習慣用英文溝通, 所以EL都因此用英文同我講嘢.. 噢, 其實佢都知我都識中文, 不過唔明點解偏要同我講英文?? 點解我覺得佢「硬係」呢?? 因為聽得出佢英文唔係咁好, 之不過又可以滔滔不絕咁講得好流暢喎.. 呢, 嗰啲好流暢, 但係文法用詞就八成唔啱嗰啲哩.. anyway, 唔係批評人家, 不過我其實好鐘意呢種人架, 因為肯講肯學唔怕瘀, 通常呢類人係一啲架子都冇, 好友善兼冇心機囉我覺得.. :)

講到講英文, 我都自覺退步咗, 因為工作環境都係用中文多.. 你知啦, 同啲同事甚至啲客開始用係英文, 但係熟落之後咪又全部講中文?? 講返自己語言點都close啲吖嘛, 啱唔啱?? 唯一用英文溝通嘅MSN, 都用埋晒啲broken english, 一句裡頭有時八成係用拼音拼出中文添, 搞笑!! 所以諗諗下, 我都係繼續同啲用英文溝通嘅朋友用返英文溝通好喇, 保持水準吖嘛, 哈哈~~knew a new friend EL through another friend JY, since i am used to communicate with JY using english, and hence EL followed and talked to us in english.. well, i knew he actually knows i can speak chinese, but no idea why he kept speaking in english with me?? and why did i use the word "kept"?? that's because you can hear that his english is not that good, but still he can speak rather fluently and smoothly.. well you know?? those fluent and smooth talk, but 80% in a sentence the grammar and vocabulary are not correct.. anyway, i'm not criticising on him, but actually quite enjoy talking, because i really like this kind of people.. they are not afraid of getting wrong but dare to speak and willing to learn.. i personally think this kind of people are sincere and friendly, approachable and kind hearted though.. :)

mentioning about speaking in english, i actually think i'm a bit behind now, because just lack of english speaking environment.. you know, you normally converse in english with your friends colleagues or clients, but as you get closer you tend to speak in your mother tongue instead, correct?? even in MSN, we tend to use broken english, and sometimes we could even use english to spell chinese while chatting, funny enough yeah?? so, i think it's better for me to keep communicating in english with those whom i've always been doing with, just to keep myself up with the level of proficiency, haha!!

21.12.2008 | 冬至快樂

又係一年一度冬至日, 今年都有收到幾個朋友send嘅祝賀短訊, 好窩心.. 我哋每年都會秉承傳統, 屋企會自己搓湯圓, 老人家話食過湯圓就長大一歲, 而且幾多歲就要食幾多粒湯圓.. 嘩, 我驚啊, 因為華人歲數要加一, 冬至大一歲又再加一, 咁我碗湯圓咪豈不是成座山咁高?? {=_=}"

不過今年冇食到湯圓, 因為週末兩日都掛住「爛」街, 係唔係唔駛老多歲啊咁?? 呵呵.. 喂, 唔係喎, 醒起去超市嗰陣貪小便宜, 試食咗件紅豆沙湯圓添!! 之後覺得非常好味, 再厚住面皮行返去整多件黑芝麻餡嘅添!! 嘩哈哈哈哈, 小師奶貪小便宜, 食過返尋味啊.. :p

祝大家冬至快樂啦~~it's winter solstice again, and i have received a few SMS from friends wishing me dong zhi kuai le, kind of sweet of them.. it's a chinese tradition to have tang yuan (glutinous rice balls cooked in sweet clear soup) for this festive, and according to the seniors eating the tang yuan symbolises that you are another year grown-up, also you eat as much tang yuan as your age counts.. kind of scary for me, because the way chinese calculate age is one more year older, plus another year older for this solstice, means i will have a "mountainful" heap of tang yuan in my bowl.. {=_=}"

anyway i didn't manage to had any tang yuan this year, because was busy hanging out with friends over the weekend, so does that mean i don't have to grow up another year older?? hehe.. wait, i recall, i recall having some tang yuan sampling in the supermarket, like taking little advantages from the sampling stalls i tried the red bean paste tang yuan!! that was quite nice indeed, and i didn't feel embarras to return back and had another helping of the black sesame paste tang yuan, haha!! oh my, i was just so cheapskate~~

anyway, happy winter solstice dong zhi kuai le to everyone..

20.12.2008 | 認人功力

年尾大減價, 全城人傾巢而出去濕平, 今日行街就一連幾次遇到熟人.. 當中最令我驚喜嘅係被兩位blog友認出, 擦身而過隱約聽到背後有人嗌我SK, 其實唔習慣人哋咁叫我, 因為SK只不過係我個initials(再次澄清我唔係叫做小強!!).. 轉身一望, 有兩位年輕壯男企喺度, 真係熟口熟面但係霎時間又認唔出係邊位, 場面一度尷尬, 之後介紹原來係~LeuMas~(倒轉讀Samuel先係真名)同無比膏(如果冇認錯嘅話)兩位blog友.. 嘩, 呢個世界真係細..

老實講, 我認人嘅功力真係麻麻地囉, 素未謀面你淨係畀張相我睇, 跟住要我認出一個迎面而來嘅人, 我實肥佬定.. 再加上我一般上行路都少有地眼目斜視, 一行起路我就一支箭咁勇往直前, 有個同事甚至話我係行路小旋風添.. 所以就咁畀咗一個不友善嘅錯覺人, 其實我係睇唔到, 睇到又未必認得到.. 所以大家見到我嘅話, 不如體諒我呢個弱點, 直接同我say hi啦, 嘻嘻~~it's year end sales in town and all people are going downtown to do their shopping, as such i bumped into known people for few times in the same mall today.. but what was most surprising was being recognised by two blogger friends, walked passed each other and i heard people calling me SK from behind.. well, actually i wasn't that used to being called SK as this is just my initials (and to clarify my name is NOT siu keong!!).. turned back to find out two young looking guys standing there, they really look familiar but within a sudden i just could not recognise them.. was once embarrassed but after introducing himself, aahh they are ~LeuMas~ (read backwards and Samuel is his real name) and Ooby (i supposed if i have not mistaken) the bloggers.. what a small world it is!!

to be frank, i am truly a dumb in recognising people, especially those whom i have not met in person and by just looking at photos, i would never succeed in recognising even walking towards each other face to face.. furthermore most of the time i don't really look around while i'm walking, and when i started to walk i'm fast (no joke, real fast).. hence this really make people misunderstood that i'm arrogant and unfriendly, but the fact is i just didn't see and if i saw i might not recognise also.. so, please, if you see me then kindly excuse this vice of mine and just come to say hi to me, hehe~~

19.12.2008 | 聖誕聚餐

噚日交換禮物之後, 一眾同事打鑼打鼓咁去食今年嘅year-end dinner, 揀咗呢間La Bodega食西班牙tapas.. 我哋一棚16人墟墟撼撼咁佔據咗餐廳一個角落, 話是話都相當顯眼.. 例牌地每次都係由我負責點菜(我好想問點解?? 唔通我一副食家相??), 呢次真係有難度, 因為唔係自己點自己嗰份, tapas都係叫一大堆全部人share先過癮, 再加上16人份, 份量的確好難估計.. 當然最後點咗成檯嘢, 一輪二輪三輪之後終於都喂飽各位同事們喇.. :)

服務唔錯, 負責serve我哋個侍應都幾專業.. 不過食物方面就未如我理想中好味, 而且當中有某幾樣睇得出係做得相當敷衍, 比較能令我贊賞嘅係個羊肉丸/ 雞肉串燒/ 海鮮燴飯(呢樣應該係鎮店之寶, 必試), 其他嘅我就覺得可以做得更好囉.. 埋單總共1250大元, 其實都OK冇嚇親我, 不過就覺得飲品好貴, 佔咗成張單三成咁多呢!!

不過我覺得同事都好似食得頗拘謹未夠盡興, 下次係唔係應該食餐buffet就算喇?? 話晒夠晒大眾化, 而且又可以任大家依個人喜好自由發揮..after the gift exchange yesterday, we went off straight for our year-end dinner, having spanish tapas at La Bodega this year.. total 16 of us in this huge gang, we were arranged to be seated at a table spanning the entire corner, was quite obvious of us actually.. like a ritual i am the one who is responsible to order (sometimes i really wonder why, since i don’t look like a gastronome right??), but this time it came a bit challenging for me, as i need to order food for 16 people, the amount is just so difficult to estimate.. tapas is best to be shared amongst us, so really have to take care of everyone.. we had food all over our long table for sharing, one round two rounds three rounds, and i finally able to stuff everyone’s stomach to heaven.. :)

the service was not bad, especially our dedicated waiter (well seeing our number of pax, we just deserved one right??) was quite professional.. anyway food was not as good as what i had expected, can see some were prepared rather simply, among the food the ones that i think was good – lamb meatball, chicken toriyaki allioli (fusion??) and seafood paella, whereas others i think could be done better.. the total bill came up at around 1250, not a surprise for me and i kind of expected that for this gang, but drinks were a little expensive as it took up one third of the bill..

just noticed some of us were a bit reserved and didn’t really enjoy the food too much, perhaps next time we can just go for buffet instead?? more common but most importantly it can suite everyone’s appetite and just go on their own way..

18.12.2008 | 晶高啤路

晶高啤路, 晶高啤路, 晶高柯德惠.. 又快到聖誕喇, 一早吩咐所有同事事先買份禮物擺喺(由KL全權負責設計嘅)棵聖誕樹下, 今日集齊人馬(獨欠尚喺新加坡為公司仆心仆命嘅MO)搞搞交換禮物..

年年例牌一人抽一個冧把, 對號換禮物, 為咗唔抽到自己, 所以大家一共抽咗四輪, 前後抽中靚冧把都一一錯失咗.. 最後兩次同樣抽中7號, 果然係命中註定, 上天仿彿已經安排我抽中我至least preferred嘅7號--朱古力曲奇餅一包(都應該多謝LF買呢份禮物嘅)!! 最後開封, 與眾多同事一齊分享, 開心好運通通食晒落肚, 一世跟住我哋.. :)

睇吓大家都有份禮物, 個個都笑得幾開心啊.. 聖誕快樂~~jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle all the way.. it's christmas time and today we (except poor MO who is still stranded in SG) had the gift exchange in office.. got everyone to buy a present beforehand and secretly place them under the christmas tree (decorated by dear KL), looking forward this evening for a surprise of what we are going to get..

as usual we have to draw a number each and match with the number on the present, in order not to get back the number representing our own present, we had in total re-drawn four times.. kept missing out nice numbers (i mean attractive looking present) and at last i got number 7, for the last two consecutive times, really predestined for that number i guess.. as if god has already arranged me to draw that number, the number i least preferred, that lead me to a pack of chocolate cookies (still thanks to LF who bought it anyway)!! had the cookies shared with everyone in the office anyway, all the happiness and good luck gone into our stomach, and be with us forever.. :)

look at everyone smiling happily with a nice present each.. merry christmas to all~~

17.12.2008 | 食之乏味

噚晚與同事(TL, ST)去izzi食晚餐, 每次經過呢間嘢見到裡頭嘅裝璜都幾class, 餐牌上啲嘢又唔錯喎, 所以其實想試好耐, 再加上有個二五折優惠, 實在諗唔到有咩理由唔去食佢一餐囉.. 入到去冇咩人(可能係平日關係啦), 好快就有人serve, 任選座位坐低之後, 二五折優惠有指定邊幾樣, 不過選擇都算頗多.. 見到折後價錢, 完全冇後顧之懮, 三人盡情點菜.. 可能係行低價政策, 所以儘量避免不必要開銷, 於是問題就逐漸浮現喇..

注: 今日呢篇寫得奇特的長, 如冇耐性, 即可直跳總結部份.. :)

___[服務] ___
適應係社會新鮮人, 用英語問佢嘢佢竟然講不出口, 最後唯有用我半鹹淡馬來語交談, 不過十問九唔知, 最後都係要勞煩高級適應.. 唔識英文嘅新鮮人應該係平啲??

___[上菜] ___
竟然毫無次序地上菜, 面包 → pizza → 意粉→ 沙律→ 餐湯.. 而且係全部陸陸續續上菜, 搞到最後成檯都係嘢, 結果食完沙律, pizza意粉都涼晒, 頂.. 係唔係廚師人工依食物計, 而唔係時間計, 所以嗱嗱聲搞掂可以睇報紙啊??

___[食物] ___
點咗以下組圖嘅食物, 睇落幾正啊呵?? 面包還好, 沾蒜蓉牛油(唔係, 應該係廚師偷懶, 所以變蒜粒牛油)幾唔錯.. 過後沙律都尚好啦, 唔駛煮齋撈嘅嘢好難整得唔好食啩?? 之後pizza同意粉, pizza毫無味道, 餅皮稔糯, 芝士好似食緊麵粉團好無咬勁.. 我個海鮮意粉就最衰, 一陣青口腥味實在難以入口, 邊有人整海鮮意粉係用唔新鮮青口同意粉落埋一齊煮架?? 兩位同事試過我個意粉, 佢哋自己兜意粉, 原本淡淡無味都變成好味..

___[總結] ___
一肚苦水, 好彩埋單只係60大元!! 唯一可取嘅係環境真係好唔錯, 服務都過得去, 而且二五折優惠都仍然冇偷工減料(好唔好食係另一回事), 絕不欺場靚靚上座.. 不過至於話會唔會再幫襯?? 好坦白, 如果係好食幾貴都有人食, 如果唔好食就算去到一折都好難搵鬼喉囉..went dinner with colleagues TL and ST at izzi restaurant yesterday, wanted to try this for a long time, since everytime walking passed the restaurant, i saw cosy interior deco and decent menu, and furthermore there is a 75% discount promotion, so really there is no reason why we should not give it a try.. not many people last night (perhaps due to weekdays), served almost immediately and we were allowed to choose anywhere to sit.. only selected items are available under the promotion but there are quite a lot of choices actually and after seeing the price, we got carefree and just order whatever we would like to have.. maybe because of the low price strategy, and hence cut cost i would mostly supposed, problems started to surface..

note: surprisingly a long post today, if you're impatient to read on, just jump to the conclusion section will do.. :)

___[service] ___
welcome freshie to serve us, but we had problem communicating in english as he just could not converse in his alien language.. so i had to communicate with him in malay (which is somehow ET to me), but came out he could not answer 9 of 10 questions we asked.. no choice but to get a more senior waiter to help serve us.. cost cutting rule #1: get labour with lower wages..

___[serve] ___
the food we ordered was served randomly without the normal course sequence but in this bread → pizza → pasta→ salad → soup sequence, and they are served one after another till our table is full of food in the end.. before we could even finished our salad, the piping hot pizza and pasta have already turned cold.. cost cutting rule #2?? could the chef be employed based on number of dishes and not by hours?? he just had to rush everything and there he can enjoy his coffee break..

___[food] ___
we ordered the food shown in the picture above, look tasty yeah?? the doughball was not bad with the garlic butter spread on (maybe the chef wanted to save time, and it just turned out to be butter garlic instead).. salad was quite good also, but i would say it’s more difficult to have salad that is not edible at all right?? and then the pizza, the dough was totally soggy and tasteless, the mozzarella cheese was not cheesy at all, i wonder if it was just flour dough with cheese flavouring.. finally the pasta, i would say my seafood marinara was the worst i have ever had, the whole thing was just full of the fishy smell from the unfresh mussels, how could a chef use unfresh mussels and cook it together with the pasta at the same time?? my two colleagues had some of mine, and their actually tasteless and oily pasta suddenly ended up not bad at all.. cost cutting rule #3: use third grade ingredients in cooking..

___[conclusion] ___
complaints and complaints, but luckily the bill is just only RM60!! the only thing that we thought good were the cosy environment, service was not bad, full portion of food and nice presentation (whether it’s nice is another issue).. will i ever go there again?? frankly, if the food is delicious, there will always be patrons no matter how expensive it is.. if the food is lousy, even if they promote it at 90% off, it’s just so impossible to get people to buy in..

16.12.2008 | 我的熒幕

有冇計過一日之內, 你有幾多個鐘頭係對住個電腦熒幕架?? 我就平均每日返工9至7, 跟住夜晚喺屋企上網10至12, 所以加埋我每日平均對住個mon有12個小時, 係足足半日呢!! 再扣除8個小時睡眠時間, 咁一日之內, 原來我只係得4個小時係唔睇電腦!! 噢賣葛, 好可怕的數據哦~~ {^o^}"

工作時間來來去去都係睇嗰幾個screen, email啦, word啦, excel啦呢幾個用得最多, 其中email每日都如雨後春筍咁轟炸我.. 好喇好喇, 我誠實啲, 咁當然間中都有MSN同買上網(搵質料)嘅.. 返到屋企, 我會儘量唔理工作啲嘢, 所以扣除所有工作上嘅screen, 我竟然只係得一個blog可看!! 哈哈!! 所以空閑之余, 我嘅熒幕就係[SK/0617]同[SK/0617]同[SK/0617], 好無聊哦.. 所以大家話我點解成日咁得閑寫blog, 事出是此因喇~~ :phave you ever calculated how many hours are you looking at your monitor in a day?? for me in an average day, working from 9 to 7, and then online back home from 10 to 12, so in a day i will be looking at my monitor for a total of 12 hours, exactly half the time of a day!! minus off 8 hours of sleep, that means i will only have a mere 4 hours a day that i am not looking at my monitor!! OMG, quite a scary statistics that is~~ {^o^}"

at work the three most frequent screens i am looking at are email, word and excel, and amongst all, email is the most frequent since i have got heaps of emails received everday.. ok ok, let me get a little honest, of course intermittently MSN and internet browser (for information searching) too.. while at home at night, i will try to avoid all work, and hence minus off all those screens from work, surprisingly i only left blogs to read!! haha!! and so during leisure, my screens shows [SK/0617] after [SK/0617] after [SK/0617], quite pathetic right?? anyway, that explains why you wonder i am having so much time to do my blogging everday~~ :p

15.12.2008 | 小小心意

聖誕就快到, 諗咗好耐噚日終於靈機一觸, 畀我諗到要送啲咩畀眾多同事們喇.. 登登登登, 就係呢個聖誕八寶杯喇!! 一開始係得個靈感, 不過個八寶杯裡頭要裝啲咩呢?? 於是噚日下晝就成間商場行勻晒, 又要平又要靚又要有心思, 顧住自己個budget又唔可以顯得寒酸, 原來買聖誕禮物的確唔容易.. {=_=}"

最後決定買啲朱古力呀, 糖果呀, 聖誕飾物咁囉, 不過最開心就係無意中畀我見到嘅Hi-5手板拍, 好盞鬼, 而且正好可以用嚟放我張自制聖誕賀卡.. 就係咁買咗幾樣嘢, 都唔知到時要點樣整個八寶杯, 有點擔心囉其實.. 頭先食晏時間開工搞個杯, 結果好順利咁畀我整晒全部12個八寶杯, 個效果出嚟係幾正喎, 霎時間覺得好有成就感, 原來我與生俱來啲藝術細胞都仲喺度, 哈哈!!

各位同事一人一個(唔好爭), 小小心意答謝大家一路以嚟嘅幫忙同支持, 希望大家鐘意啦~~ 其實我都幾心思細密如塵啦呵?? :) christmas is coming soon, have been thinking hard what to buy for my colleagues, yesterday a brilliant idea just came across my mind.. taah-daah, yes and i am gonna do my very own creation of christmas goodies mug for each of them!! anyway that was just an idea, but i still have no idea on what to put in the mug.. hence shop all over every corner of the mall to see what i can get for the goodies mug, i need something not expensive yet nice, something decent yet not simply, something within my budget but cannot be petty.. urrggh, getting christmas presents is really no simple task.. {=_=}"

finally decided to get some chocolates, candy canes and christmas ornaments.. but what i found by accident and really made my day was the hi-5 palm clapping toy, that was really cute and i bought them without hesitation, just nice to hold my hand made christmas cards.. anyway, i just bought those goodies without knowing how to arrange them yet, kind of worry actually.. start working on it lunch time just now, thank god it just went unexpectedly smooth, and i had all 12 christmas goodies mug ready for all my colleagues.. the outcome is rather satisfying and lovely, feel proud of myself, and hey my artistic sense is still with me!! hehe..

one for each of my dear colleagues, just a little token from myself for being helpful and supportive all the way, hope they like the goodies mugs~~ actually i'm kind of a sweet guy eih?? :)

14.12.2008 | 阿伯跳舞

呢個星期健身院所有跳舞班都一致用咗Britney Spears嘅新歌Womanizer做主題, 噚日錯失咗我至欣賞導師嗰堂, 見佢哋當時條得鬼咁有型鬼咁興奮, 所以今日個class點都要上架喇.. 不過今日係個代班導師, 非常之唔能夠適應佢嘅教法囉, 要上咗成半堂先開始捉摸到佢個style..

硬係覺得唔多順暢咁囉, 感覺上佢排嘅steps同個音樂孖唔埋咁.. 平時記熟晒啲steps之後, 我會唔數拍子自己跟住個音樂跳, 不過今日完全唔掂, 完全協調唔到囉.. 真係跳得好差啊今日, 臨尾一次跳跳吓竟然仲腦袋一片空白, 傻罡罡咁停咗喺度唔知做乜好.. 長話短說, 原本以為呢一堂可以喪玩, 點知就唔enjoy, 仲搞到阿伯我而家腰酸骨痛添, 唉!! :(all the dance classes in my gym for this whole week are themed with Britney Spear's new song "Womanizer", i missed the one by my favourite instructor yesterday, saw the class dancing like mad, real cool and fun.. hence i told myself i must join the class today anyhow.. but too bad, it was a replacement instructor for today's class, i kind of find it difficult to follow her style, until half of the time has gone that i started to cope up with her..

i still feel not really a smooth dance today, the steps that the instructor has chereographed didn't seem to match with the music.. normally after remembering all the steps, i would not count but just dance following the music, however today was a total mess i couldn't even do a proper synchronisation between the music and the moves.. i would say a very bad dance today, i even got blanked and just stood still half way dancing for the last time before class end, stood still and didn't know how to continue.. in short, i thought i would be having great fun dancing Womanizer today, but it ended up i didn't enjoy the class, and what's more this OLD FART (that is, me!!) is feeling so backache right now.. sigh!! :(

13.12.2008 | 雷霆戰狗

最近一連睇咗三齣動畫片, 繼早前嘅《馬達加斯加2》同埋《多啦A夢》之後, 今日行行吓街好即興咁就去咗睇呢齣《雷霆戰狗》(立體版).. 忽然間覺得自己多咗兩錢童真, 隻狗仔真係好得意囉, 呵呵..

我覺得呢個動畫故事都寫得十分唔錯, 係有度過橋畀心機去寫架, 有別與我哋所熟悉迪士尼一般嘅動畫片.. 如果三片作比較, 我會覺得呢一齣最好睇, 係鬼咁enjoy喎.. 雖然立體效果做得非常普通(其實我認為可以只睇普通版), 不過CG係做得非常之出色囉.. 畫得好真實好逼真, 角色表情舉動全部都拿捏得當, 三片中要數佢第一喇.. 本人誠意推薦, 如果想要令到自己開心嘅話, 就不妨去睇《雷霆戰狗》啦..

watched three animation movies consecutively recently.. after "Madagascar 2" and "Doraemon" weeks ago, went for "Bolt" (3D version) today rather impromptu while doing shopping in pavilion.. suddenly feel myself getting more kiddish because of watching all these movies, but that dog is really cute, hehe..

i personally think that the storyline of this animation is very good indeed, can see that it's actually well planned and wittily written, unlike the common Walt Disney animation we have always been watching.. compared to the former two, i would say this one is the best, i really enjoyed the movie very much.. little imperfection is that the 3D effect was not impressive (i think it will be absolutely fine to watch only the normal 2D version), but i would admit that the CG is indeed jaw-dropping gorgeous, accurate and precise drawing, every character is presented with absolute lively expressions and movements.. i would happily recommend this movie, if you want to make yourself happy, then just go and watch "Bolt"...[故事大綱]
一開始Bolt就係一隻超級無敵保鏢狗, 可以能人所不能, 撼低所有壞人保護主人.. 後來故事漸漸發展落去, 原來佢不過係某電視台真人show嘅主角, 以各種特技去捧佢上天.. 同時間亦都將Bolt矇騙在內, 等佢仲以為自己真係隻超級狗, 完全喪失真正狗性.. 後來陰差陽錯之下離開咗電視城, 終於見識外邊真正嘅世界, 後來遇上Mittens貓同埋Rhino葵鼠, 令佢終於醒覺自己其實只不過係隻普通狗.. 當然最後三位好朋友渡過重重難關一齊返回電視城, Bolt最後一擊, 憑其本能智慧同勇敢, 於火海中救出主人, 大團圓結局..

Bolt is "programmed" to be a super-dog capable of all stunts that human kind are unable to do, being the bodyguard of his master, he has never failed to defeat all dangers in order to save his master.. however, never would one know that this is just the gimmick of a television reality show, where the stunts effects are all pre-planned and pre-designed to market Bolt as the super-dog.. at the same time, Bolt has been deceived and brought up to think that he is really a super-dog and hence lost all his genuine characteristics a dog should have.. one day Bolt left the studio by accident, only to see the real world outside, and there he met Mittens the jaded housecat and Rhino the tv-obsessed hamster, whom helped him to realise his true inner-self.. of course, the three good friends, after overcoming all obstacles, finally got back to the studio, where Bolt finally show off his instinct wisdom and courage to save his master from fire.. and since then they all lived happily ever after..

12.12.2008 | 唔準笑啊

打開報紙成日都會睇到啲打劫呀偷竊呀殺人嘅事件, 我住嗰區其實已經係出晒名嘅搶劫黑區..

噚晚返到屋企, 我家姐八畀我知, 話對面屋個「靚女師奶」下晝殘遭搶劫, 而且仲搞到喺條街度扑親添(如果扑街唔係解作粗口, 我覺得呢個詞其實好適合用于呢個動作上, 嘿嘿!!).. 對面位「靚女師奶」雖則個人係幾nice, 之不過其實係個八通街嘅中年少婦, 所以我哋都對佢冇乜好感.. 但係知道佢殘被洗劫, 仲要四腳貼地咁扑親之後, 都戥佢唔抵, 可憐佢嘅遭遇囉..

當我個心戥佢閉翳之際, 家姐忽然繼續話我知, 佢其實係畀人搶走一蚊咁多!! 係呀, 係一蚊, one dollar, satu ringgit, jit koh, 你冇睇錯.. 煞時間我毫無防備, 覺得好搞笑, 好想笑出嚟但係死忍.. 人哋咁不幸遇劫, 我如果仲悲中生樂, 似乎唔係幾有人性呀呵?? 所以話, 你哋睇完都唔準笑啊!! :)you are flipping the newspaper pages, everyday you see robberies, buglaries, suicidal etc news.. and the area that i'm living now is actually one of the notorious robbery active area..

went home last night when my sis told me that the "pretty auntie" staying opposite was robbed in the afternoon, and fell down on her face flat on the street.. that "pretty auntie" opposite us is actually quite a nice person, but she is also one gossiper near-middle-age housewife, that is why we don't really fond of her actually.. however having known how unfortunate she was to be robbed and fell flat on her face, i did feel rather sorry for her..

when my heart was kind of sad for her, my sis continued with the amount of money she was robbed.. it was one ringgit!! uh uh uh, you read it exactly correct, it was ONE ringgit, satu ringgit, jit koh no joke.. i was so unprepared for this sudden "information bomb" i found it so sacarstic and really wanted to burst into laughter, but i just didn't.. she was so unfortunate, and if i still laugh on her mishap, i would be very inhumane indeed.. so, after reading this, my readers, please DO NOT laugh or giggle also!! :)

11.12.2008 | 模糊邊界

今日係雪蘭莪州屬假期, 之不過吉隆坡呢個位於雪州內嘅城市就冇份.. 所以今朝返工嘅時候, 眼見大半喺雪州返工嘅街坊, 唔駛返工喺度晨運嘆早茶, 認真羨慕佢哋星期一啱啱放完假, 今日又再有假放囉.. 其實只不過係幾米距離之差, 我要返工不過佢哋就唔駛~~

其實我覺得住喺邊界會更加有趣噃, 可唔可以話看風駛舵, 呢邊有著數就跟呢邊, 嗰邊有著數就跟嗰邊呢?? 咁州界唔會有太大差別嘅, 但係如果係國界嘅話, 一腳踏入隔離屋就好似變成出國探親咁, 我覺得好盞鬼囉.. 我又喺度諗呢, 會唔會真係有人正正住喺條國界上, 跟住同時間屬於兩國公民架?? 到時兩個國家一係就爭蹦頭, 一係就當波咁踢嚟踢去喎.. :)it's a state holiday for selangor today, but not for kuala lumpur although the city is contained within this state.. went to work as usual this morning, but saw almost half of the neighbourhood (they work in selangor instead of KL) enjoying their morning stroll and breakfast, really envious on that as they have a day off today soon after the public holiday on monday.. actually it's just few metres distance away, but i gotta work today while they don't have to~~

i am actually thinking it would be more interesting for those who stay near borders, will they be allowed to choose which to follow depending on the situation?? well, perhaps state borders does not make much difference, but what about country borders?? hopping over to visit your neighbour at their house would actually mean yourself "out of the country" already?? that's rather interesting i think.. and could there really be anybody that live exactly on the border, belong to both citizenships of two countries at the same time?? huh, i supposed either both countries will fight for them, or just merely push them away to each other.. :)

10.12.2008 | 簡單是美

我每日都會抽時間寫blog同埋回復讀者留言.. 同樣地會睇其他朋友嘅blog, 有時候呢度link吓嗰度link吓, 一整晚就喺度不停咁睇blog.. 因為屬於遊覽式閱讀, 所以決定是否繼續閱讀某blog嘅先決條件, 就係速度.. 如果個blog要花好長時間嚟load嘅話, 我通常唔會等囉..

發覺有啲人都鐘意上載一大堆勁大filesize嘅photo, 係, 咁樣會令到個blog內容豐富啲, 不過太多photo會load好耐.. 呢樣嘢好難避免嘅, 所以儘量精簡啲囉.. 再嚟就係個blog擺埋一大籮好無謂唔等駛嘅得意widget, 噢埋葛, 知唔知有時就係呢啲widget搞到成個page都hang埋架, 唔該?? 所以奉勸各位, 冇咩需要就儘量簡單啲囉, blog就係寫啲嘢畀人睇, 唔駛搞咁多花臣嘅.. 並冇針對任何人, 因為人各有志, 只不過係小小意見, 簡單就是美吖嘛~~i spent time everyday blogging and also replying my readers' comments.. similarly i spent time to read other blogs, sometimes with all the links, i ended up reading loads of random blogs for the whole night.. because of the browsing style of blog reading, the ultimate factor to get me decide whether to read on that blog is the loading speed.. if a blog needs minutes to load, i will often skip it and choose to go to the next one..

i found out there are some bloggers who like to upload mountain-high of huge filesize photos to share with their readers, yes i admit this actually makes the content richer, but too much photos means more loading time too.. anyway i understand this is inevitable, but just try to minimise if possible i would say.. next would be those really unnecessary cutie-tuttie widgets all over the blog.. OMG, and most of the time i realised those widgets that hang the page loading, truly a no no for me.. my little opinion is that, try to keep your blog clean and simple, you are writing to share with the readers, there is actually not necessary to makeup your blog till over-fancy but impractical right?? not particularly pin-pointing anyone, since everybody has their own style, but just my two cents: simplicity is beauty..

09.12.2008 | 隔空傳訊

噚日同朋友由PD返嚟KL, 可能午餐食得太多, 所以喺商場行行吓忽然間感到有便意, 於是就去健身院借個方便.. 其實健身院除咗健身之外, 每次濕平嘅時候若果人有三急, 我都會不厭其煩登門造訪, 因為比起公廁, 佢係衛生好多而且又冇閑雜人等囉.. 話說回頭, 咁啱我同朋友同時感到有便意(唔通會傳染??), 於是兩人就齊齊去如廁, 坐正廁格兩隔離.. 忽然之間, 我好抵死咁拎起部手機SMS隔離位朋友(因為大聲講嘢好鬼麻甩吖嘛), 交談內容大致如下:

我: 朋友, 打攪晒, 你順唔順啊?? :)
友: 超順.. 頭先見你飛奔入廁所, 好急咩?? :D
我: 都唔係嘅.. 我尚有頗多喎, 你搞掂喺出邊等我啦.. :)
友: 你得架喇你.. :p

雖然係好自然嘅一回事, 但係我覺得此情此景係好搞笑囉(又或者你覺得核突呢??), 哈哈!! 我其實鐘意不拘小節嘅朋友, 可以同我一齊講笑而且癲得又玩得嘅朋友我更加喜歡..back to KL from PD yesterday, was shopping with a friend when i suddenly felt like going for a poo (maybe lunch was too heavy i supposed), and hence went to the gym to borrow some convenience.. besides working out in the gym, whenever i feel like taking a convenient break while shopping, i will always go to the gym without feeling any hassle, as the restroom is a lot more hygiene and less "patrons" compared to the public ones.. back to the poo-poo, so coincidently my friend felt the same too, so we both went to the restroom together, occupying two adjacent stalls.. i suddenly became mischievous and started to SMS him (as it's too gross to shout and talk in such situation and location), our conversation happened to be something like this..

me: ello my friend, are you smooth?? :)
him: hehe yeah.. saw you rushing just now, very tight?? :D
me: not really.. i still have more to go, wait for me outside when you're done :)
him: oh god, you are super!! :p

although it's something very natural, but i still think it's rather funny for us to converse in such a situation (or you think that was disgusting??), hahaha!! anyway i actually like friends who are easy going and humorous, especially those who can make jokes together and also take up jokes..

08.12.2008 | 雨天假期

今日係公共假期, 所以上個週末長假同朋友JY/HS/YU去咗波德申一遊.. 其實幾個月前去過, 覺得呢個地方真係冇乜嘢玩.. 不過呢次既然HS/YU興致勃勃由南北上, 而且又係去個海灘樂園渡假村, 所以不妨再次一遊啦..

噚日食完晏(應該係HS/YU有生以來食得最漲飽10次嘅其中一次, 哈哈!!)之後就驅車直去, 途中竟然開始落起雨嚟.. 呢一場雨都算係長命囉, 一落竟然落咗兩日!! 所以原本以為陽光與海灘, 最後變成落雨再落雨, 結果整個假期就係喺酒店房內休息睇電視.. 而家望出去窗外竟是一片風和日麗, 心中不禁酸溜溜.. 算啦, 學JY話齋, 咪當去咗個極度庸懶嘅假期囉, 而且個所謂嘅海灘(其實係人造咋)園又唔係咁令人開胃喎.. anyway, 充晒電又係開心嘅~~

不過間酒店房竟然有小強!! 超大隻, 我想整死佢不過最後佢好彩走甩.. 小強之外, 間酒店房甚至餐廳都仲有小英(即係烏蠅啊)!! 噢埋葛, 收費仲唔平添, 你話豈有此理?? 我一於ban咗呢間所謂嘅海灘樂園渡假村~~it was a public holiday today, and hence went to Port Dickson with JY/HS/YU for the long weekend holiday.. went to PD before few months back, and found out there's really nothing much there.. but since HS/YU came purposely from south, and this time we are going to stay in a beach resort with water park, so i think no harm to try out something new..

we drove straight to PD from KL after lunch yesterday (guess that would be one of the top 10 biggest lunch for the lifetime of HS/YU, haha).. but it started to rain on the way to our holiday destination, and what's more it rained for a complete two days during our stay there!! thought to get some sunshine and beach fun, but it turned out rain after rain, so there's nothing much we can do but just stayed inside the hotel room for tv and rest.. i'm looking out of the window now, and it's super fine sunny day, WTF.. well, maybe should listen to JY to just forget it, treat it as a super luxurious rest & relax holiday then, and furthermore the so-called water park was just not interesting at all.. anyway, after being recharged and refreshed and rejuvenated by the holiday, i do feel good and energetic..

and one more thing!! there are cockcroaches in the hotel room!! a huge one i wanted to kill but unluckily it escaped (lucky for it), duuuhhh.. not just that, the hotel room and even the hotel restaurant has flies flying all around, disgusting and disgusting!! OMG, and the room was not cheap at all, that is just so unbearable!! i AM gonna ban this so-called beach resort with water park, for now and forever~~

07.12.2008 | 風水面相

香港二人組合農夫年前有首作品《風生水起》, 搵咗風水師父麥玲玲幫手rap咗一段同風水有關嘅嘢, 擺咗喺個mp3 player內好耐, 最近又再聽返.. 其中有幾句係講面相嘅, 我覺得非常有趣, 雖然係首流行曲中嘅rap詞, 但係我覺得既然可以由個著名風水大師口中rap得出嚟嘅話, 應該冇花冇假, 可以作實囉.. 如果你有以下嘅特徵, 睇睇究竟佢講得啱唔吖..

[1] 鼻頭好有肉, 內心就冇毒
[2] 眼睛水汪汪, 桃花運暢旺
[3] 眉尾散, 儲錢難
[4] 上唇厚重情, 下唇厚比較重性:pthe HK pop duo group Fama has a rather interesting song a year ago titled "feng shui blooming", which they got a popular guru Mak Ling Ling to rap for them on the feng shui part.. i have this song in my mp3 player for quite some time and have been listening to it again recently.. i found a verse relating to physiognomy which is very interesting, though it could be just a rap part of a pop song, but since it's from the feng shui guru, i think the message brought out must be something real indeed.. if you have the following characteristics, perhaps you could verify how true she is, hehe..

[1] big fleshy nose means very kind hearted
[2] teary eyes means frequent luck in love affairs
[3] untidy eyebrow end means difficulty to save money
[4] thicker upper lips means relationship focused
[5] thicker lower lips means sexually focused :p

06.12.2008 | 多啦A夢

今日做咗件好童真嘅事, 就係去睇咗《多啦A夢: 魔界大冒險》呢齣電影.. 印象中我比較捧場嘅卡通人物, 除咗老夫子同蠟筆小新之外, 叮噹(我其實比較鐘意稱呼佢做叮噹多過多啦A夢)算係一路以嚟都常駐心中嘅一個經典卡通人物..

戲院內其實係得幾個小朋友架咋, 試問而家有幾多個小朋友會識得叮噹吖?? 入得嚟捧場嘅, 可以講清一色係同我一個年代嘅大細路, 大家應該都係為咗回味當年嘅童年回憶啩.. 講真, 我覺得好睇囉, 成齣戲有兩個小時咁長, 卡通電影中佢嘅誠意算係爆晒燈啦.. 而且成個故事都好solid架, 再加上編排得出奇地好, 間中又加插咗啲殺你一個措手不及嘅笑料, 我覺得係掂喎.. 仲有仲有, 技安同牙擦仔竟然冇再蝦大雄, 而且仲共同進退一齊毀滅魔界拯救地球, 實屬難得, 哈哈..

睇完好開心.. 叮噹啊, 誰都喜歡你, 小貓也自豪~~watched the movie "Doraemon: Great Adventure into the Underworld" today, and i gotta say that was something quite kiddish yet very happy.. if i'm not mistaken, besides Old Master Q and Crayon Shinchan, Doraemon is the one cartoon character that is always unforgettable in my heart, forever classic and evergreen..

just very few kids inside the theater, not surprising as i don't expect kids nowadays to know who Doraemon is.. i would say the patrons were all about the same age as i am, most probably trying to cherish all the good memories we had during the good old days.. and frankly, i do think the movie is an excellent one, a mere 2-hour animation movie is perhaps the longest one i have ever watched, that is something quite sincere i'd comment.. furthermore the storyline is solid, also the whole plot has been impressively good, not to mention those few sudden jokes added to the lines that caught you really out of surprise.. and what's more, Gian and Suneo did not bully Nobita already but instead they worked together to save dear Earth from the power of the Underworld..

walked out satisfactorily happy from the theater.. ang ang ang, totemo daisuki, doraemon~~

05.12.2008 | 色即是空

佛經《般若波羅密心經》有句無人不曉嘅「色不異空, 空不異色, 色即是空, 空即是色」.. 講嘅其實就係萬物本在心, 心有則有, 心無則無.. 不過而家卻被濫用於色情慾念上, 實屬可悲.. 我一向嚟都覺得呢一句嘢好禪, 雖然係有啲刁鑽, 不過如果諗深一層, 其實係頗有道理喎..

我突然間寫啲咁深嘅題材, 有冇嚇親啊?? 其實靈感來自「大嘴巴」, 哈哈:pthe buddist "Prajna Paramita" mantra has a very famous yet rather deeply philosophic statement which says "substance does not differ from emptiness and emptiness does not differ from substance, substance is equal to emptiness and emptiness is equal to substance".. could be a little twisted but if you can ever think deeper, it actually makes sense.. the meaning behind is that, everything is in our heart, if we think it exists then it will exist, if we think it does not exist then it will not exist.. i find this rather cool...

shocked by this sudden philosophical post from me?? inspired by "the big mouth" actually, haha :p

04.12.2008 | 痛恨小強

我非常非常之憎恨小強, 畀我見親我都會要置佢於死地.. 喺戶外, 我會一腳就踩死佢, 然之後再扭多兩扭腳板, 確定將佢磨到血肉模糊先會罷休.. 喺室內, 我會用紙巾捉住佢, 然之後將佢劈入廁所一嘢沖佢落屎坑, 見到佢搏命游上水面掙扎嘅樣, 好鬼心涼囉..

諗起多年前, 有隻小強趁我瞓著之後, 失驚無神咁捐入我個耳朵入邊, 我就好懷恨在心!! 係, 你冇睇錯, 真係由我個耳窿捐咗入去!! 結果出唔到去, 猛咁喺入邊掙扎, 捐上捐落, 我真係畀佢折磨到發晒癲架喇!! 最後向潮州嫂求助, 佢幫我滴咗兩滴藥油入耳仔, 隻小強hi到藥油驚啦, 就一嘢沖入耳道內, 呢嘢最痛喇!! 好彩最終佢都畀藥油殺死, 我就用支籤慢慢撩佢出嚟.. 撩佢出嚟已經係分晒屍架喇, 不過砌返之後真係頗大隻囉, 都唔明佢點樣(同點解)捐入去, 好彩我個耳膜吉人天相咋..

阿彌陀佛, 我為我呢個殘酷嘅殺生手段讖悔, 不過大家明白點解我同小強如此深仇大恨啦?? 順便一提, 我個名簡稱SK, 不過我唔係叫做小強噃, 澄清一下..i hate cockroaches, whenever i see one i will do my best to bring it to death.. when outdoor, i will just step hard on it, twist my foot a little to make sure that i have crushed it till mashed before i let go my foot.. when indoor, i'll use paper to catch it and throw it into the toilet, one flush and let it go down the drain, looking at how it struggles for life, i really feel good..

i still remember many years ago, a cockroach crawled into my ear while i was sleeping deeply.. no joke and you got it right.. that creature just crawled into my ear from the hole, get caught inside and struggling to escape from INSIDE my ear!! that was really an excruciating experience, that bloody creature crawling aimlessly inside my ear and i almost gone crazy then!! so helpless that i just gotta get help from mum, she dropped two droplets of medicated oil into my ear.. the moment she dropped was the moment i felt greatest pain, as the creature crawled even deeper into my ear to avoid the oil.. fortunately the medicated oil killed the cockroach at last, and i used a stick to dig the shit corpse out.. by the time i digged it out, the creature was already into few pieces, getting them back together and i realised how big it actually was!! i really had no idea how (and why) it got into my ear, but luckily my ear drum was not hurt at all or else i'm half deaf now..

i gotta confess for being that cruel to cockroaches, but then because of that incident you can understand why i hate cockroaches so much as if they are my past life enemies.. and ooh, my name is abbreviated as SK, but i am not Siu Keong (a humanised name for cockroaches) actually, just to clarify..

03.12.2008 | 擊鈴數字

首先解釋吓「擊鈴」即係代表印度人.. 傳說中啲印度人鐘意帶腳鏈, 腳鏈上通常會有銅鈴之類嘅裝飾, 所以行起路上嚟實「鈴鈴鈴」咁響, 遠處聞聲未見人, 所以俗稱「擊鈴人」..

晏晝見完客返公司, 順便落底層買包「擊鈴」飯上公司食.. 拎咗一肉一蛋兩樣餸啫, 個「擊鈴」老闆竟然收我四蚊, 我覺得貴.. 因為前邊同樣有個「擊鈴」人拎咗同我一樣嘅餸, 我聽到老闆只係收佢三個半!! 大細超囉, 我不過係淋多羹咖喱汁啫, 唔係咁大差別係嘛?? 我懷疑個「擊鈴」老闆計錯數, 話是話, 你有冇發覺其實一般賣「擊鈴」飯嘅「擊鈴」老闆都成日冇個standard會計錯數啊?? 我有懷疑過哩, 可能係因為「擊鈴」語發音太長, 佢哋未嚟得切up完個數字, 個腦就已經計錯數喇.. 所以你話我識得咁諗, 唔係冇道理噃~~

點解我又會覺得「擊鈴」語發音太長?? 話說某日我唔覺意聽到兩個「擊鈴」大嬸喺度交換電話號碼, 大嬸甲up咗成十秒鐘咁長, 大嬸乙竟然只係入咗半個號碼.. 跟住大嬸甲再繼續up多十秒鐘, 大嬸乙終於成功地將整個號碼入咗個電話度.. 所以你話我識得咁分析, 唔係冇道理噃~~

[後記: 以上純屬個人陳述, 絕對不含任何歧視或攻擊]went out to meet customer this morning, back to office during lunch time and hence i just went down to the basement canteen to pack some food to bring up to office as lunch.. bought indian rice with dishes, picked a meat dish plus an egg dish that's it, but the boss charged me RM4 for that, i think that was rather expensive.. because i noticed the indian guy in front of me had the same dishes but only paid RM3.50!! that was so terrigibally unfair, i had some extra curry gravy on my rice the most, but that doesn't deserve such a difference right?? i started to suspect the boss did the wrong maths, in fact do you also think that a lot of indian bosses do not have a proper standard and always make wrong calculations?? i suspect it could be that tamil pronunciation is too long, such that the maths was already done wrongly in their mind before they could even finish pronouncing the numbers.. hmmm, not exactly invalid for my thinking right??

and why do i think tamil pronunciation is long?? there was once i bumped into two indian ladies in the train, they were exchanging numbers then.. X spoke for like 10 seconds and Y, surprisingly, could only key in half of the numbers into her phone.. X then continued with another close-to-forever 10 seconds, only after that Y could finally have the complete number keyed into her phone.. hmmm, not exactly invalid for my analysis right??

[p/s: this post is purely personal observation and opinion without any discriminations]

02.12.2008 | 鐵柱成針

我今年為自己訂下一個目標, 就係要為呢個blog做到每日一貼, 唔會多亦唔會少.. 轉眼間已經去到最後30日嘅衝刺, 先唔好諗埋啲咩年尾回顧或者新年期望, 至少呢一年嚟我的確好enjoy寫blog呢家玩意.. 不過永遠都係嗰一句啦, 大家嘅支持係我無限嘅動力..

寫寫吓好似唔覺意識到好多blog界嘅朋友, 仲同其中幾個見過面添(應該會陸續有來啩??), 我覺得幾好喎, 可以識多啲新朋友(雖然我比較慢熱).. 綜合意見話我知, 大家都覺得我好鬼得閑, 因為每日都有源源不絕嘅靈感同題材, 而且仲過份到中英雙語出擊添.. 哈哈, 唔好意思, 其實大家見到嘅係個成果, 背後有啲時候嘅難處大家睇唔到啫.. anyway老土地講句: 「只要有恆心, 鐵柱都可磨成針」, 我會繼續加油~~set myself a goal this year, that is to have a new entry per day for this blog, not more and not less.. time flies within a wink and i'm now left with the remaining 30 days to fight with, just not to think about any year-end review or new year resolution yet, at least for this entire year i have been enjoying the game of blogging very much.. as i always say, the support from all of you out there is the major motivation for me to keep going..

without myself realising i think i've been making quite some blogger friends all the way, and even have the chance to meet up some of them recently, and i supposed there are more to come, that is kind of nice to know more new friends (although it might take me sometime to get closer).. gathering comments from others, it tells me that most of the people are impressive that i'm able to blog everyday with ideas and topic without fail, and what's more impressive is the bilingual entries in English and Chinese!! haha, well, what you see is the result, what you don't see is some difficulties i might be facing sometimes.. anyway as the old chinese proverbs says, a bar of iron continually ground becomes a needle, as long as you hold the patience and perseverance..

01.12.2008 | 跌破眼鏡

嗰日同幾位blogger朋友見面, 大家都跌晒眼鏡咁問我, 點解咁靜唔多講嘢?? 佢哋話睇過我寫嘅blog, 同我MSN傾過偈, 都以為我會係個開籠雀, 其實唔係架.. 可能當時有鐵拿先生喺度, 所以相對之下我變成咗一個暱埋一二角嘅箴默者囉, 哈哈.. 令大到家大失所望, 真係罪過..

老實講, 我真係個比較慢熱比較被動嘅人嚟架, 我唔會同人見面就一見如故咁孖埋一齊噃.. 寫嘢我可能可以天花龍鳳(可能有時間可以鋪陳思考), 不過如果去到面對面嘅話, 我好大可能會係第二個人, 唔通係雙子座雙重性格影響?? 除非真係好close好投緣, 我覺得我係需要啲時間先可以同人熟絡上嚟, 所以咪就係畀人一種好唔友善嘅錯覺囉.. 其實我係好友善好nice嘅一個人, 你需要認識我耐啲咁啫.. :)met up with few blogger friends the other day, everyone was surprised why i was so quiet throughout the whole session.. they have seen the way i write my blog, they have chatted with me through MSN, and the first impression they have on me is that i would be a happy chatter, but not really i would say.. maybe mr tagnan was there and hence i comparatively became a very quiet person hiding in a corner, haha.. sorry for disappointing guys, i know i know..

frankly, i see myself as someone rather passive and might get a little longer to get close to, i won't be overzealously tagging along with somebody after just few casual conversations.. i might be very enthusiastic with words (perhaps that is because i have enough time to think and organise??), but when it comes to face-to-face, i most probably would be another person, rather shy and a bit reserved, could this kind of "split personality" because i'm a gemini?? unless i have known the person for long enough and really close with, i really need time to get close and personal with him or her, and that is why people always mistaken that i am unfriendly and protective.. tell you what, i am actually a very friendly and nice person, just that it may takes time to realise this..