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30.11.2008 | 週末濕平

今日同友人HS瘋狂咁濕平, 喺短短三個小時內就已經血濺城中兩間商場.. 其實每年例牌都會有個大型減價活動叫做「Mega Sales」, 不過最近因為全球經濟低糜, 有關當局超搞笑地將佢改名叫做「Savings Sales」, 雖然個名呢就一啲都唔grand, 不過勝在夠晒一針見血囉, 哈哈..

話就係話經濟低糜, 不過眼見商場內依然係人潮洶湧, 人民處處熱心助長國家經濟, 此等愛國精神可見一斑啦.. 喺毫不受經濟低糜情緒影響之下, 今日本人狀態大勇, 一口氣買咗綠色直線條恤衫一件(四折), 海藍色白橫間polo tee一件(七折), 乳白色短褲一件(四折), 斯文運動型鋼腕手錶一隻(六折).. 跟住連supermarket都唔放過, 掃咗香薰啫哩四罐(八折)同埋迷你餅乾四包(五折).. 雖然洗咗唔少錢, 不過有好多折頭喎, 都甚有滿足感架~~went shopping with friend HS today, in just only 3 hours we were already drop-dead in two shopping malls in town.. actually there is always a ritual sales event every year-end by the name of "Mega Sales", but perhaps due to the economy downturn recently, it's being renamed to something i think is rather funny, "Savings Sales" that is.. totally a very not glamorous name but well, at least kudos to the authority for being straight to the point, haha!!

having said the economic downturn, but the shopping malls are still packed with shoppers, i can see everyone contributing to the country's economy good faith.. of course not being affected by the downturn, i was surprisingly in the mood to shop today.. got myself one shot, a green mono-stripes working shirt (at 60% off), a blue polo tee with white horizontal stripes (at 30% off), an off-white bermudas (at 60% off), a metal wrist smart sports watch (at 40% off).. and of course i did not miss out the supermarket as well, efficiently grabbed four tubs of scented gel air freshener (at 20% off) and four tubes of mini biscuits (at 50% off).. though spent quite some money, but look the other way round that i actually SAVED a lot, feeling satisfied actually~~ hehe :p

29.11.2008 | 博客朋友

今日同咗幾位blogger朋友見面, 同佢哋喺個blog世界「筆交」多時, 都係第一次見面, 有啲似以前同筆友見面嗰種情形囉.. 赴約時其實都有啲緊張架, 話晒自己係嗰種比較怕醜又慢熱嘅人, 驚到時個情況會好唐突, 不過幸好最後都無驚無險, 愉快收場.. 以下為見面後所留下嘅印象(如有得罪請唔好扑我呀各位~~), 排名跟名字英文字母序, 一句講晒, 大家都好nice..

Chris [黑色空間] 空少一名, 同佢筆交多時之後, 關係好奇妙地去到稱兄道弟地步(當然我係大, 佢係細).. 仲以為空少會準時, 點知足足遲到一個半鐘.. 見佢永遠都係嗰一副未瞓醒嘅尊容, 職業病性嘅招牌笑容同埋自我嘅樸素打扮.. 啊, 頭先唔記得多謝佢幫我喺台北買嘢返嚟, 仲收少我錢添, 唔好意思..

Danny [The Big Mouth] 舞蹈導師一名, 以前一齊去gym嘅跳舞班, 不過當時佢係高級組我係低能組, 所以都只不過係點頭之交, 人家已經係導師喇, 我仲係隻河馬學跳舞.. 今日終於開口同佢傾偈, 原來呢位導師都係傻傻地嘅.. 原來佢笑嘅時候, 我先了解到點解佢個blog係如此命名~~

Tagnan [鐵拿小記] 原來係同一間gym嘅會員.. 呢位朋友由未坐低就一輪嘴同Danny同Chris講嘢講到天花龍鳳+七情上面+ 手腳兼用, 而且扮嘢又惟妙惟肖, 好犀利囉真係, 我其實好欣賞呢種乜都可以講一輪嘅人架, 聽佢哋講嘢我其實都覺得娛樂性十足囉, 有佢喺度絕無冷場..

Yee [樂閱blog之旅] 相對於其他三位, 佢算係比較箴默, 聽多過講嘅, 應該係屬於低調行事, 唔鐘意譁眾取寵嘅一個人.. 所以印象真係到此為止, 真係失禮喇, 哈哈..met up with a few blogger friends this afternoon, have been communicating via blog comments all the while, and today is the first time meeting them up.. you know, it just feels like you were meeting your pen pals?? haha.. was a bit nervous though, as i am actually quite a shy and less outgoing person, would worry about awkward situation later, anyway thank god the whole meet up turned to be a very pleasant one, thanks guys for making it.. briefly jotting down my impression on them, in alphabetical order, just don't come and beat me if you find anything offensive (that i don't actually intend to) ok?? in short, i would say everyone is very nice indeed..

Chris [黑色空間] an air-steward, exchanging blog comments with him for quite some time, and magically we turned out as "brothers" (of course i'm elder he's younger).. i thought air-steward always practice punctuality, but today he was late for a good one and a half hour.. always seeing him as someone with a just-out-of-bed look, commercially signature smile and down to earth outfit.. and yeah, i forgotten to thank him for getting me the CD from taipei and i think he has charged me less (ooops, that's embarrassing)..

Danny [The Big Mouth] a dance instructor, we actually joined the same dance class in gym last time, he belongs to the advanced group and i belong to the dummy group, hence we just knod and smile when we bumped into each other.. and now he's already an instructor and i'm yet a hippo learning to dance, haha.. finally have the chance to talk to him, and found out he is just another jolly person.. also, i finally understood the reason he named his blog whenever he laughs~~

Tagnan [鐵拿小記] he was the gym i've been seeing all the while in the gym, officially know him today.. this friend is quite a chatterbox, he just started chatting with Danny and Chris before he sat down, and to heaven and earth the can make a topic to talk about, full of facial expression and body language.. i really admire such kind of person who can talk basically everything, i actually realised by only listening to him it's already very entertaining enough, there is sure no boredom whenever he's around..

Yee [樂閱blog之旅] is relatively a quiet person compared to the other three, perhaps he is just somebody who is subtle and do things in low profile, not comfortable to be the center of focus.. and hence that's my only observation on him, a bit too little right?? what a shame on me, haha..

28.11.2008 | 我的同事

公司個CD架上有幾個相架, 係放同事們啲相嘅.. 眼見啲相已經係咸豐年前影低嘅, 而且大半人都已經冇做喇, 所以就決定換晒啲相去, 擺啲比較近期嘅大合照, 咁大家都比較有共鳴囉.. 揀咗以下呢四張相, 再加啲搞笑嘢上去, 睇落個感覺的確係幾開心喎.. [點擊圖片下的日期, 可連接關於該事項嘅舊貼]

there are few photo frames on the software CD rack in my office, for displaying our photos of course.. but the photos displayed are actually taken quite some time ago and most of the people in the photos has already left the company, hence i decided to change all them, to put more recently taken group photos instead, that i supposed new photos should bring better resonance.. selected the four photos below and added some funny touch-up onto them, i think they do look happy right?? [click on the dates below each photo to read-on past entries on the events]

[2007.08.18] 攝於甲洞森林保護去, 行山前先嚟個大合照..
[2007.08.18] photo taken before we started the trekking at FRIM Kepong..

[2007.10.26] 公司旅行去咗泰國近桂河橋(死亡地鐵)嘅一個宿營地..
[2007.10.26] regional company trip to Kanchanaburi by the River Kwai, Thailand..

[2008.06.24] 每個月儘量有啲活動, 當日去碌齡順便慶祝同事生日..
[2008.06.24] monthly activity, went bowling and celebrated colleagues' birthday..

[2008.09.12] 中秋節派對, 大家圍埋一檯齊齊食月餅玩游戲..
[2008.09.12] mid-autumn celebration, gathered to savour mooncake and play games..

27.11.2008 | 今日簡報

今日公司一共停電三次咁多, 每次有成五分鐘咁耐, 搬嚟呢度兩年半都係第一次停電, 搞咩啊?? 影響工作不特止, 仲有啲電腦, 殛吓殛吓好易壞架嘛..

今日買咗個蛋糕幫頂頭老細慶祝遲來的生日, 點蠟燭嘅時候畀打火機辣親拇指, 輪盡!! 好彩有多塊蛋糕食, 補返數, 不過係芝士蛋糕, 肥死!!

今日臨放工個天忽然黑晒, 跟住就落咗場滂沱大雨, 本來好想早走去gym, 但係落雨就唯有作罷, 結果畀老細擝去一齊做嘢, 因為八點鐘又再停電所以先能夠鬆人..

今日有位朋友忽然間發咗個短訊過嚟, 話我今日有啲怪.. 我真係拗爆頭都唔明解我今日究竟有幾怪呢?? 又唔係好似平時咁?? 我反而覺得佢怪喇, 哈哈.. 不過都多謝關心, 我很好呀..today.. a total of three black-outs in the office, each time for about 5 minutes long, the very first time we have black-outs after moving to this building since 2.5 years ago, what happened??!! it really disrupt work, and what's more it's really harmful to the PCs being forced switched-off without proper shutdown..

today.. bought a cake to celebrate our big boss's belated birthday, my thumb got burnt by the lighter while liting up the candles, how clumsy!! anyway, got an extra piece of cake for me to compensate, but it's a cheesecake, how fattening!!

today.. it rained pussies and bitches (eh, gross feminine terms!!) just before knock-off time, planned to go gym but couldn't make it because of the rain.. ended up working on something together with my direct boss, until 8pm when there's a black-out again that we decided to call off for the day..

today.. got an sms from a friend who suddenly told me that i was acting a bit weird today.. i was really puzzled by that statement, was i being weird today?? hmmm, i think he was funny instead, haha!! anyway, thanks for the concern, i am totally fine and normal.. :)

26.11.2008 | 籮柚吐氣

最近發覺自己有啲過份頻密地放屁, 不過講到臭唔臭, 就要睇情況嘅, 哈哈!! 尤其夜晚自己一個人喺間房度, 梗係毫無拘束, 肆無避忌, 狠狠地放佢一個又響又亮, 我覺得咁樣係非常之痛快囉.. 不過如果唔係自己一個人, 明白係要控制住嘅, 如果唔係會好尷尬囉.. 就好似噚日咁, 同個同事企住喺度傾公事, 可能掛住講嘢, 分心唔到控制屁股括約肌, 所以就咁清脆嘅「缽」一聲放咗小屁一篤.. 更好笑嘅係, 兩個人都詐唔知當冇事發生, 依然若無其事繼續傾公事.. 我忽然間覺得, 我哋兩人其實都非常之專業, 臨危不亂, 真係好大體, 壓得住場呀, 換著其他人實反檯都似啦, 哇哈哈哈哈!!

如果你覺得放屁係好核突一件事, 唔好意思, 不過我其實覺得係好正常吖, 只係想當個笑話嚟講畀大家睇, 畀大家開心吓咋囉(即係核突當有趣).. 可能最近腸胃唔係咁健康~~i realised i have been farting a little too often recently, whether they smell stinky or not, just gotta depend on situation, haha!! especially when i'm alone in room at night, i would always care for nothing to let go the gas from my body as LOUD as it could be, no worries at all and i just feel rather relieved on doing that.. but of course when i'm with somebody elses, be it strangers or someone i know, i understand that i just gotta control myself to avoid any embarrassment.. and it was yesterday when i was discussing something with a colleague, perhaps concentrating on the thinking and talking till i could not focus on controlling my arse, and out of a sudden without warning my pity colleague, i just let go the fart in a crispy sharp clear sound of "boooot".. and i thot OMG i did that in front of her?? but surprisingly funny to find out we both could act as if nothing has happened and continued with the discussion.. i suddenly realised how professional and steady we were for being able to still stay calm under such situation, if for other people i would be sure some arguments are gonna happen, hahaha :p

sorry if you find this entry disgusting, but i would say it's actually quite normal and that's not my intention though, i just thought of telling this as a joke to make everyone laugh.. maybe my intestinal systems is not that healthy recently~~

25.11.2008 | 食乜冇乜

星期日下晝突然間好想食亞三叻沙, 於是心血來潮不如話去茨廠街啦.. 當時細雨紛飛, 正在考慮應唔應該去嘅時候, 輕鐵到站, 就咁抵抗唔住食慾, 離站冒雨行去茨廠街喇.. 當時個腦內只有亞三叻沙嘅畫像, 啊, 仲有我要將佢影低, 再send畀小春等佢羨慕吓我, 哈哈~~

可能我滿腦子壞主意要整蠱小春, 所以冒雨去到茨廠街, 個麵檔竟然唔見咗添!!原先個檔攤竟然變成個冒牌香水檔攤!! 噢埋葛, 好晴天霹靂囉係.. 唔緊要, 冇咗亞三叻沙, 不如去食漢記靚粥啦, 我都幾鐘意喎, 再冒雨行去對面街, 喂, 乜事啊?? 又冇咗嘅?? 我唔信邪未氣餒, 食唔到漢記咁我就再行多幾步路, 去食老友記靚粥啦不如.. 雨好似落大咗啲, 去到老友竟然休息喎, 我啋, 唔通下雨天風濕病發咩?? 最後希望就係對面頌記牛肉麵, 呢次一眼望過去, 逢星期日休息, 受咗四重打擊, 我真係有口難言欲哭無淚囉..

搞咩啊?? 想食乜就冇乜, 咩日子我時運咁低啊?? 嬲起上嚟結果去食漢堡王算喇(買Whopper Jr套餐有新地送噃, 呵呵), 以後都唔專登去茨廠街搵嘢食喇!!suddenly craving for asam laksa very much on sunday, hence have a thought of dropping by Petaling Street to savour this all time favourite.. was drizzling then, and while still deciding whether to go for it, the train reached the station and i just instinctively got off and walked towards Petaling Street, that's the power of food craving perhaps.. i only could see the picture of a bowl of piping hot asam laksa in my mind, and yeah i also wanted to take a snap of it, post it to CSWS's facebook and let her drool, haha~~

maybe it's karma, instead of making CSWS drool, it was a real shocked that i saw no asam laksa stall but the faked fragrant stall when i reached there, in the rain.. OMG, how disappointing!! anyway, why not go opposite for porridge since i have been thinking of that too.. cross the street, in the rain again, and i just couldn't find the shop selling nice porridge.. that was the second disappointment, the rain got heavier but i wasn't cratered yet, why not go further for another stall selling porridge that i'm always a fans of since college days?? reached there and only to found out the stall was not opening!! hey boss, you are suffering from arthritis on rainy day again?? third disappointment, the last alternative was the beef noodles just opposite, i need not go there but just a taking a glance across the street, this shop is always closed on sundays.. four times of disappointment, i was like so despondent so deprived..

can somebody tell me what's happening?? i just couldn't eat anything i feel like eating!! feeling so bereft of nice food, i gave up and just popped in to Burger King for a Whopper Jr meal (and surprise surprise, free sundae with that, hehe), i told myself i will never go to Petaling Street purposely for food anymore~~

24.11.2008 | 聞歌起舞

最近聽開幾首快歌, 節奏的確令人聞歌起舞, 如果你見到遠處有個類似河馬嘅物體喺度輪盡起舞, 嗰個人極之可能就係我喇.. 教人跳舞嘅「大四喜」哥哥, 我係鐘意跳舞, 不過唔代表我會跳得好架, 失敬晒, 哈哈.. 以下全部都係得令女歌手, 最近係唔係女將當道呢?? 我自己就覺得女人唱起呢類舞曲比較容易入耳, 搖擺身軀姿態性感撩人, 加上可以比較放同潑辣, 所以容易感染別人同佢哋一齊血脈沸騰囉.. 喺度同大家分享一下, 係唔係覺得全身都郁下郁下咁呢?? 哈哈~~

am listening to a few fast beat songs recently, really feel like dancing together with the music, and should you see some object that looks like a hippo dancing clumsily from far, that could most probably be me, haha!! so sorry to embarrass myself in front of Mr ALL-4-BIG the hiphop instructor :p.. all the above are hot female artistes, wonder if the ladies are being more powerful recently with the music?? no doubt, i do think ladies are better in delivering such kind of dance beat songs, swaying their sexy body with sexy pose, so influencing and contagious to the audience to dance along with them, being hot and ranchy and saucy and sexy.. you gotta move it move it, enjoy and HAVE FUN~~

Rihanna: Disturbia

Britney Spears: Womanizer

Janet Jackson: So Much Betta

Beyonce: Single Ladies

23.11.2008 | 十一分鐘

我可以老老實實同大家講, 我絕對唔係個鐘意睇書嘅人, 小說太多字唔在講, 長篇漫畫太多頁其實我都冇耐性睇晒.. 所以以前老師問我嗜好係咩, 我答閱讀其實係有欺騙成份囉, 哈哈!! 不過最近睇緊一本書, 應該算係短篇小說, 朋友飛びたい豚極力推薦嘅呢本《Eleven Minutes 》(十一分鐘).. 用咗我三四個月嘅時間, 今日終於畀我啃晒成本書喇, 忽然覺得好有成就感.. 該燴咯, 其實人家最多咪三四日就可以搞掂??

作者Paulo Coelho係根據一名妓女嘅真實故事而編寫嘅呢本書, 講述女主角瑪利亞點樣由一個巴西小鎮村姑, 渴望到大城市見識世界賺錢養家, 結果漂洋過海到咗瑞士從事賣身事業, 看盡天下男人世態炎涼, 最後(經過多次情傷)終於覓到真愛, 而家係細兩個小朋友嘅媽咪喇.. 幾鐘意作者嘅文筆同寫作手法, 用詞簡單直接又真實, 所以我睇得毫無壓力, 而且都相當enjoy.. 故事裡頭當然走唔甩需要描寫到性愛情慾, 不過我覺得作者呢點處理得很好, 真係劇情需要而且一啲都唔低俗..

點解點題叫做十一分鐘呢?? 因為以一個妓女嘅經驗, 佢發覺平均每個顧客都係用咗十一分鐘就完事, 由尋求快感到達到目的, 前序裡頭有一段專門解釋.. 呢本書我覺得唔錯, 大家不妨睇睇架..i can be very frank to tell that i am not a reading fans, not to mention novels with tons of words, in fact even long comics with long stories are of a challenge to my patience.. so when my teachers asked what was my hobby and i answered reading, you know that was something not really truthful, haha!! anyway, have been reading a book recently, a short one i supposed, strongly recommended by a friend 飛びたい豚 (literally, the pig dreaming of flying), titled "Eleven Minutes".. i've spent about four months on the book and finally i managed to finish it today, and suddenly am so proud of myself for making it.. well, but that's very embarrassing though as people would have spent the most four days to finish it, you see!!

the author Paulo Coelho has written the book based on the true story of a prostitute named Maria, on how the little girl from a small town in Brazil, dreaming of going to big cities to see the world and to earn more money to help the family, but ended up as a prostitute in Switzerland, having seen all kinds of men and all kinds of things, anyway lucky enough to find her true love (after being hurt so many times) and now a mum of two lovely children.. i do like the way the author wrote the book, he did not use pompous words but indeed used simple words and straight forward approach and honest way to tell the story, hence i actually find it effortless and really enjoyed the reading.. and inevitably there are love and sexual scenes he described in the story, but i really didn't find them disgusting or low class as i think he handled this quite well..

you might ask why "Eleven Minutes" then?? it is explained in the forewords that, from the observation of a prostitute, her customers in average spent only 11 minutes to get things done from the search of excitement to the fulfillment of their excitement.. i would think this is quite a nice book to read on, perhaps you can have a go on it..

22.11.2008 | 兩張精選

今日一口氣買咗兩張精選專輯, 因為我係一個專門靜心等候歌手出精選集先支持佢哋嘅人, 所以之前收到消息已經好期待.. 喺度同大家介紹分享..

[Josh Groban, A Collection]
因為佢喺處境劇集《Ally McBeal》入邊唱咗一首《To Where You Are》, 令我非常之鐘意呢首歌, 覺得好感動好有feel.. 當然佢一把令人聽落好舒服嘅歌聲, 亦係我喜歡呢位歌手嘅原因.. 聽佢唱歌, 可以好舒服, 有啲classical+gospel咁, 唔似一般流行歌曲處處澎湃激情嘅壓迫感.. 除咗英文歌之外, 佢都仲有唱西班牙文歌架, 個格當堂昇高咁喎(哈哈!!)..

[Christina Aguilera, A Decade of Hits]
當年同佢嘅死對頭Ms Spears同一時間出道, 雖然風頭唔夠撼, 但係一首《Genie In A Bottle》卻令我留意到呢位細細粒, 但係歌聲充滿爆發力嘅歌手.. 之後都一路有佳作而且漸趨成熟, 一首經典之作《Beaufitul》更能見證佢嘅實力, 因此憑呢首歌而獲獎無數.. 十年嚟嘅佳作一次過收錄於一張專輯內, 再另加收錄以上兩首歌嘅全新演繹版本, 而家正在聽緊, 果然係精彩連連..bought two greatest hits albums one shot this afternoon, as i am one who will only wait to buy greatest hits, and hence when i knew these two artists are going to released their greatest hits compilation, i have been really looking forward to.. shall introduce and share them here in this entry..

[Josh Groban, A Collection]
because of the song "To Where You Are" he sung in the series "Ally McBeal", i got so touched by the song and started to love it so much.. of course his vocal is also one reason why i like him, just feel so relax and comfortable when you hear him sings.. a little classical and gospel (maybe??) blended into his singing technique, it's totally different from the pressure you got from those ubiquitous pop rock hiphop R&B etc genre.. and mr groban, besides singing english, also sings spanish songs, which kind of make me feel a little more classy (haha!!)..

[Christina Aguilera, A Decade of Hits]
coming into the scene together with Ms Spears almost at the same time, though not as limelight-snatching like her counterpart, a song "Genie In The Bottle" she sung has already make me noticed this petite lady who yet possesses a very powerful voice.. thereafter she always brings us good songs and getting more matured in singing, the classic "Beautiful" just about there to show how well she has been doing and won her numerous musical awards.. a decade of hits compiled into a single album, plus the remake versions of the above two songs, am listening to them right now, i would say a very spectacular album it is..

21.11.2008 | 逃往非洲

星期三放咗自己一日假, 去咗睇動畫片《馬達加斯加2:逃往非洲》.. 可能係學校假期關係, 入到戲院坐低, 週圍都係小朋友.. 未開場前, 啲小朋友已經坐唔安企唔樂, 一輪嘴向家長發問連串古靈精怪嘅問題, 鬼咁天真活潑, 聽見都真係唔知好嬲定好笑..

延續第一集個氣勢, 呢個續集其實並冇令人失望喎, 原班人馬再加多幾個新角色, 呢次比較注重劇情發展.. 同上一集比較, 我會較為懷念少咗嘅爆笑場面同埋大型歌舞場面, 尤其係King Julian忽然淪為大配角, 我非常之懷念佢嘅古怪拉丁口音同埋歌唱舞蹈, 呢點有少少失望.. 反而加咗成班紐約人類入去, 尤其個老太婆嘅戲份甚多, 我就覺得好無謂囉..

總括嚟講, 笑料係貫穿整齣戲嘅, 睇完都會好開心咁笑住出嚟嘅.. 其實我興趣知道會唔會有第三集, 交待長頸鹿Melman同埋河馬Gloria呢段跨種戀情, 跟住佢哋嘅仔仔囡囡到底會係生成咩樣呢?? 睇完呢場戲, 你一定會識得唱i like to move it move it架喇, 哈哈~~got myself a day off on wednesday and went to watch "Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa".. most probably it was school holidays, and that was why we were surrounded by kids anywhere in the theatre.. before the show started, the kids were already very excited indeed and kept asking their parents head-scratching questions, really innocent and jovial of them, am sure you'll be confused between fuss and fun when you overhear their conversations..

a continuation from the heat of previous one, this sequel was not any disappointing at all, full original cast and of course new characters being added, but this time focused more on the storyline.. compare to the previous one, i do miss the hilarious and the grand sing-and-dance scenes, especially King Julian suddenly being cut out a lot, i really miss his quirky Latin accent together with his singings and dancings, a little disappointed at this point though.. also, there was a sudden surge of human characters into this sequel, and especially the Nanny being quite focused, i thought this was actually quite unnecessary..

overall you still laugh from the start till the end, and ended up leaving the theatre in a happy mood.. i'm actually very interested to know if there will be a next sequel to talk about what's gonna happen to Melman the giraffe and Gloria the hippo, on their cross-breed love and perhaps how would their babies look like??!! ascertain you that once you left the theatre, you will know how to hymn the song "i like to move it move it", hahaha~~

20.11.2008 | 最愛水果

記得四年班有次作文題係《我最喜愛的水果》, 點解我咁記得?? 應該係講點解我咁耿耿于懷?? 其實講開有段古嘅..

話說當時老師出咗個題目, 之後就舉咗個例教大家點樣寫, 教教下佢成篇作文寫咗喺個黑板上囉.. 咁佢個例係榴槤, 我不嬲就至憎食榴槤架嘛, 所以咪冇跟(嚴格嚟講我應該用個抄字)囉, 就甚有骨氣地憑自己嘅實力, 以一顆赤子之心落筆寫西瓜, 我真係好鐘意食西瓜架.. 結果兩日後老師批閱完畢, 發現隔離同學對住個黑板原原本本抄返嚟嘅我最喜愛的水果是榴槤, 竟然得個A等.. 而我篇我最喜愛的水果是西瓜竟然得C等!! 嘩, 係有些少錯漏, 不過我覺得自己篇原著作文都寫得頗好喎, 唔係咁唔畀面係嘛?? 你知唔知你嚴重打擊我弱小嘅心靈架??

個老師一定係憎恨我冇抄佢嘅範例, 要佢嘥精神批閱.. 而且我覺得佢一向嚟都偏袒隔離同學架囉, 唔係點解抄襲鬧都唔鬧就畀個A等人啊?? 正大細超!! 都唔知隔離同學畀咗咩迷藥佢.. 定係有次老師結婚翌日, 頂住個超搞笑黑到閃嘅大波卷髮返學, 畀佢見到我喺度偷笑添呢??!!i still remember there was once a composition titled "my favourite fruit" in my grade 4, but why the hell i can remember thatso well?? there was a story behind actually that i'm gonna share now..

the story starts with the teacher writing the composition title on the board, and then she started to explain how we should structure and write about the favourite fruit, and as she explained she wrote down the whole contents of the composition on the board.. the example she used was durian, and that king of fruits is actually out of my like list and to my greatest dislike actually, hence i didn't follow what she has written (or more precisely i should use the word copy huh??) and started off with my own composition on my all time favourite watermelon.. two days later, i found out that the guy next to me got an A for his composition, that was totally and blindly a copy from the contents on the board.. whereas my watermelon, i admit albeit some mistakes it was quite beautifully written, but what i was given with the sincere effort was a C!! hello, you bl**dy hell, that was original and not plagiarism, i deserve such a humiliating grade?? didn't you know that would hurt my little heart a lot??

the teacher must be mad at me for not "following" her example, and gave her extra effort to mark my composition, else that would not result in a plagiarism getting an A and an original getting a C, agree?? furthermore i always think she was bias to the guy next to me, wonder what has he given her in advantage?? hmmm, that was just so unfair!! or perhaps there was one day, the next day after her wedding i guessed, when she came into the class with a super funny shinning black big curl wavy hair, and she saw me giggling (secretly of course) at my seat??!!

19.11.2008 | 日式意粉

本部落格第800篇貼子.. 好耐都冇寫關於美食喇, 今日同JY有個飯局, 嗰種拎起相機猛影食物嘅習慣又再捲土重來.. 今日揀咗谷中城呢間新開嘅「パスタ三昧」(Pasta Zanmai), 算得上係日本×意大利fusion, 因為用日式料理整意大利粉.. 其實店名用咗pasta, 不過說實在餐牌上清一色都係spaghetti, 係唔係應該"老實"啲叫做「スピギ一テイ三昧」呢?? 哈哈..

選擇頗多, 而且仲有分類(沙律類, 辣味類, 湯面類, 海鮮類, 肉類等等), 兩人點咗和風大蜆雜菌湯意粉同埋三文魚生魚子意粉.. 蜆菌意粉個湯底好清甜, 大蜆新鮮又唔腥, 加入雜菌係畫龍點睛.. 三文魚意粉用咗秘製醬汁, 加入蘿蔔蓉同三文魚子一齊撈嚟食, 好有特色.. 兩者都出奇地好味, 而且意粉係煮成我一向鐘意嘅al dante, 話時話真係好鬼得囉~~

埋單一共RM60我覺得唔貴, 食物掂presentation得, 環境清潔舒適, 服務都唔錯, 我會再次光臨試埋其他款式嘅意粉, 其中有個墨魚墨汁意粉我其實好想試架..
the 800th entry for my blog.. have not been writing about food for quite a while, had dinner with JY today and the habit of taking photos of food suddenly came back.. went to Pasta Zanmai newly opened in MV, should be considered as japanese and italian fusion, as they cook pasta in the japanese style.. actually the restaurant name is pasta, but throughout the menu we can only find spaghetti, i think they should be more "honest" to name their restaurant Spaghetti Zanmai instead?? haha..

quite a number of choices from the menu, and all conveniently categorised (salad, soup, seafood, spicy, meat etc), we ordered short-neck clam and japanese mushroom spaghetti in wafu soup and salmon sashimi spaghetti with ikura (salmon roe).. the clam mushroon spaghetti came in a nice clear soup, the clams were fresh and the mushrooms pieces just added a promising touch to the overall taste.. the salmon sashimi spaghetti was eaten with a special sauce to blend, mixed well with mash raddish and ikura, very japanese style indeed but just uniquely.. both were surprisingly good, and furthermore the spaghetti was cooked al dante the way i always prefer, thumbs up~~

the bill came at RM60 and i think it's not expensive, food taste good so as the presentation, clean and cosy environment, service was satisfactory.. will go there again to try out other items in the menu, and there was a squid ink spaghetti that i really wanna give it a kick..

18.11.2008 | 廬山面目

噚日同某位朋友食飯, 終於都集返齊晒上兩個月去柬埔寨啲相喇.. 再睇返啲相, 點解人哋部相機比我自己部相機影得好睇咁多架?? 都係時候換過部新相機喇.. 籍口:p

我以前從來都唔貼相片上呢個blog嘅, 後來慢慢開始貼圖片, 但係始終都唔會將自己個廬山真面目赤裸裸地公諸於世嘅.. 所以有朋友曾經話過我, 好心就唔好貼埋晒啲背影側面矇查查嘅相啦, 難道你真係咁唔見得人咩??

所以今日我豁晒出去喇, 就畀唔識我嘅朋友, 睇真啲我個樣啦(如果你有興趣知道我媽生成我咩樣嘅話).. 為大家揀嚟有正面有側面有背面, 有嚴肅有嬌俏有自然有擺款.. 希望我冇嚇親大家, 並祝大家今晚可以瞓得安穩啦, 哈哈!!

Click to see original size[點擊上圖放大] [click image to see original size]

went dinner with a friend yesterday, and finally gathered all the photos taken during my cambodia trip two months ago.. looking at the photos, i wondered why those from other cameras came out a lot better than my own ones, most probably it's time for me to get myself a new camera then.. excuse :p

frankly, i had never posted any photos onto this blog when i started it, and later i started some but still i didn't really post clear photos of myself.. friends came to complain asking me to post my own (clear and visible) photos to show them, because i am just not somebody that is not supposed to be seen right??

and so today i am carefree, just got some photos from cambodia posted in this entry.. should you not know me and are interested to know how my mum actually born me to look like, here you go.. i've got you front, side and back angles, natural and acting poses, subtle and (pretending to be) cute poses.. hope i have not scared you and wish you can sleep tight tonight anyway, hahaha!!

17.11.2008 | 罪過罪過

可能好多人都同我一樣, 鐘意用公司廁所第一個廁格, 所以搞到個沖水柄有點負荷唔到.. 上個星期如廁後一拉, 結果個柄棘住咗係度(!!), 啲水係咁沖係咁沖個不停!! 好彩攪咗一陣最後終於將個柄整返好, 真係一額汗.. 其實見到啲水洪洪而沖, 你都唔好話唔會嚇親囉..

不過人衰起上嚟真係有個款, 頭先又再發生同樣情況.. 我自問唔係個粗魯暴力唔憐香惜玉嘅人吖, 點解一個小小沖水柄會連續兩次毀于我隻手上呢?? 真係撞鬼囉.. 今日就冇咁好彩喇, 個柄真係棘住係度點救都救唔返.. 眼見廁水猛咁沖, 個心都覺得非常肉赤囉.. 回過神後先醒起打畀管理處, 叫人上嚟整, 啱啱再去廁所探個究竟, 已經有人將佢整好喇, 謝天謝地.. 嘩!! 真係無啦啦浪費咗幾百公升淨水囉, 罪過罪過~~maybe there are just too many people who like to use the first stall of the toilet like me, causing the flush handle a bit too loaded to handle anymore pressing.. last week after my business in that stall, i pressed to flush, but the handle just god-d*mn-it got stuck there (!!) and water just flushed non-stop!! luckily i managed to fixed it after a while, sweating out of freak, and it really makes you feel bad watching the water flushing like no end..

and sometimes bad luck just doesn't seem to stop bugging you.. and ooops, i did it again!! i don't really think i'm such a rough and violent person, but why the hell the same spoilt handle kept haunting me?? not lucky today, as no matter how hard i try to fix it, the handle just got stuck and not back to action, i was like OMG looking at the non-stop flushing water.. after recovered from the shock, i realised i can actually call the Building Management to get somebody to fix it, went to check again just now, and thank god it was already fixed, phew.. a huge waste of hundreds litres of clean water i've unintentionally caused, that was really quite a sin i've did~~

16.11.2008 | 雨過天晴

有位朋友早前好迷失好失落, 導致態度有點惡劣, 結果搞到我哋之間發生咗一啲誤會.. 後來知道佢因為陷入人生一個低潮, 又好似刻意封閉自己咁樣, 所以都覺得唔開心.. 自己能力範圍內幫唔到佢啲乜嘢, 唯有發啲短訊, 用輕鬆但係不失勉勵嘅口吻嚟鼓勵佢囉..

今日終於約到佢出來見面, 喺個僻靜嘅咖啡廳同佢攤開心扉傾咗一個小時, 知道佢呢段時間內諗通咗好多嘢, 已經接受目前環境所發生嘅事實, 知道自己下一步應該點樣行.. 都有提到我哋之間嘅誤會, 大家好平靜咁拋開成見講出心底話, 其實個心覺係得好舒服, 好似甩開千斤重嘅負擔, 好似解開纏繞嘅心鎖..

其實係約埋佢睇戲架, 不過因為大塞車搞到佢遲晒大道.. 今日雖然錯過咗場戲睇唔成, 係有點可惜, 不過我覺可以將一個朋友拉返嚟, 唔係應該更加難能可貴嗎?? 係度誠心祝福呢位朋友..a friend of mine has been very lost and down for a past moment, causing him to be quite fussy and frown of anything, and that also somehow created some misunderstandings between us both.. soon later i found out that he has been going through a big turmoil in his life, and kind of locking things to himself, i started to feel unhappy for him.. really there isn't much in my ability i can do to help, so what i did was to send him sms, trying to use relaxed yet motivating tone to give him mental support..

finally able to meet him up today, and we have spent a good hour in a quiet cafe to talk.. he told me he has used the past week to think about things, thoroughly, and has now accepted the fact that the current situation has brought to him.. we did talked about the misunderstandings we have had too, being opened and from the bottom of our hearts we talked, i just feel very relieved, as if shredded off tons of burden, as if untied thousands of strangling knots..

actually we were supposed to watch a movie, but due to the massive traffic jam, he was very late for the movie.. though we have missed the movie (and that was quite a waste), i would say nothing is more precious that gaining a friend back to your life, agree?? sincerely wishing him all the best..

15.11.2008 | 時光飛逝

噚日同某位朋友MSN, 因為臨放工時間, 所以心情都頗輕鬆.. MSN嘅時候, 忽然間講到以下內容, 當然以下唔係原裝內容, 我哋係慣性用半鹹唔淡嘅英文溝中文, 係得我哋自己睇得明咋囉..

我: 話咁快又到星期五, 呢個星期都過得好快囉..
友: 你都唔好話, 醒唔醒起已經係十一月中近年尾喇??
我: 咁下次我同你感慨時間飛逝, 應該會係2009嘅事喇喎!!
友: 嘩!! 你都唔好提添啦, 我真係有啲驚架..
我: 吓?? 2009你有咩好驚啊??
友: 驚囉~~

佢一句驚老噠埋嚟, 其實真係擊中要害, 夭住個心同肺囉.. 係喎, 唔講又致可, 一講我又開始諗起好多嘢, 就快大多一歲, 點解我好似都仲原地踏步咁嘅?? {-_-}" 應該要積極進取喇..was chatting over MSN with a friend yesterday, it was about time to call for the day, and hence was feeling relax with the casual chat.. here comes part of our conversation where we suddenly talked about time, and of course these are not the original contents, as we are too used with our very proprietory broken english-chinese mixture of language that only we both understand..

me: it's friday, and how quickly the week has passed..
friend: and didn't you realised it's already mid november now??
me: oh yeah, and i think the next time i shout to you would be 2009 already!!
friend: come on, don't mention, i'm a bit freak off..
me: freak off?? what's so freaky about 2009??
friend: freak of getting OLD~~

a good "freak of getting old", that really hit me out of nothing and i just got stunned for a moment.. it's true that i have not realised that, and when i recovered from that stun, i started to have some thoughts.. getting another year older, and why am i still stepping on the same ground?? {-_-}" should be more proactive and motivated for progress..

14.11.2008 | 雙重誘惑

我唔係個特別鐘意或者特別抗拒快餐嘅人, 不過有時的確會畀快餐吸引, 跟住就好短暫嘅幾日愛上咗佢, 呵呵!! 噚日就見到麥當當順應《馬達加斯加2》而推出嘅雙層麥香雞同雞柳包, 係雙層啊冇錯.. 嘩, 當時口水即刻一吞, 好吸引囉.. 以前都試過推出雙層麥香雞, 雙層魚柳包同埋雙層巨無霸, 我都試過(歹勢喇!!), 兩塊肉餅一齊嚼, 我係個鐘意大啖大啖肉食嘅人, 所以真係好滿足囉!!

唔好意思都要話大家知喇, 其實我已經打算週末去滿足一下自己嘅食慾, 暫且放低減肥計劃兩日(至多跑多十分鐘跑步機囉), 當係獎勵吓自己呢五日辛勤工作啦.. 有冇人尚個面, 一齊去享受美食哩?? 哈哈..
i'm not particularly addicted to or particularly resisting fast food, but sometimes i do get attracted by them and would be craving for them for, maybe, a short temporary period.. and there goes yesterday when i saw the new promotion from McD in conjunction with Dreamwork's "Madagascar 2", double McChicken and double Sausage McMuffin, it's not one but two!! OMG and i was like totally drooling for a bite on them, that was really impressive for me i thought.. i remember they had similar promotions before this - double McChicken, double Filet-O-Fish and double Big Mac, i have tried them all (oops!!) and was really satisfied by the bite on two whole juicy meat patties, for i am really a classic carnivore you know that, hehe!!

just so sorry but i'm gonna tell all, that i've already decided to fulfill this desire of me during the weekends, let alone my diet plan for two days (maybe 10 more minutes on the threadmill, gee), perhaps take it as something to pamper myself for the five days hardwork.. anyone?? hahaha..

13.11.2008 | 普羅驚名

我其實係電器電子工程系畢業, 但係唔知點解, 畢業後偏偏就入咗IT呢行, 以前仲有同事開玩笑話我撈過界搶飯碗.. 由當初乜叉普羅驚名(programming)都唔識[其實唔明點解會請我?? 呵呵!!], 慢慢於工作上學返嚟嘅伎倆, 總算冇白費心機.. 亦都好感謝以前啲同事大公無私教導, 所以我真係學咗好多好多嘢(雖然都仲有好多嘢唔識, 不過呃到食啦!!), 我一啲都冇後悔過入咗呢行架!!

入行8年幾, 普羅驚名工作慢慢減少, 所以相對地變成生疏.. 我間公司咧, 係主力用Adobe PDF幫客戶砌e-Form嘅, 好多時候某啲嘢做唔, 到就要搵個work-around解決.. 咁噚日香港同事有事要求幫忙, 見全部同事都忙緊自己嘅嘢, 所以唯有自己落手落腳啦.. 結果真係萬事起頭難呀, 發覺太耐冇掂呢家嘢, 所以都生疏晒, 用咗啲時間慢慢先適應返.. 不過都OK喎, 經過我嘅精明頭腦靈機一觸, 當然係搵到解救方法啦.. 好彩, 老嘢出馬, 尚係寶刀未老噃, 哈哈!!!i am actually an electrical & electronics engineering graduate, but have forgotten why, i just went into the IT industry soon after that, that's why sometimes my colleagues will tease me for coming in to shred off some of their opportunities.. i started as an ultimate programming dumb (really wonder why i was employed then?? haha!!), gradually learnt on-job and thank god my effort actually was fruitful.. very grateful to my colleagues for guiding and teaching me selflessly, making me learnt a lot and a lot of new things (though still a lot to know, but i think it's sufficient for me to act professional now, hehe!!), so i really have not regretted getting into this industry at all..

more than 8 years being in this industry, and the programming tasks is actually getting less and less nowadays.. the main business of my company is to use Adobe PDF technology to build e-Forms for our customers, the challenging part of work is that some customer requirements cannot be achieved and we gotta find work-around to overcome the limitations.. and so, got a request for help from HK colleagues yesterday, considering all colleagues here are busy with their own work, i decided to take on this task myself.. i found it a difficult start, since i've not been doing all these work for quite some time, i was just a bit rusty and it took me a while to get into the climate.. thank god though i was still able to work out the work-around solution at last, of course my intelligence did make a great help, hahaha!! lucky to say, old car gets rusty but yet able to run down the road.. :p

12.11.2008 | 極度無禮

換咗個新鈴聲之後(ABBA "Gimme Gimme Gimme"前奏), 頭先終於有人打畀我, 自己整嘅呢個鈴聲都真係唔錯喎.. 嘿嘿, 入返正題啦, 以為有朋友打畀我傾偈, 點知係個賣信用卡喎.. 佢話係EON Bank嘅代表, 問我有冇興趣用佢哋嘅信用卡, 講咗一啲好處之後, 以下係我哋嘅談話:

某: 而家用緊邊間銀行嘅信用卡啊?
我: [用邊間關你叉事??] err, 都用緊兩間架..
某: 咁個簽賬額有幾多啊??
我: [查家宅啊而家??] err, 都夠我用架喇..
某: 我哋可以畀多30%限額你喎!!
我: [又如何??] 我都係覺得唔需要喇而家~~

講完呢一句, 條粉腸竟然即cup我電話喎!! {-_-}" 嘩, 咩態度啊你?? 極度冇禮貌, 極度唔pro, 反轉豬肚就係屎囉!! 我有你電話架, 一陣我就上網搵個途徑去投訴你, 睇你點死真係!!after i have changed my ringtone to the prelude of ABBA's "Gimme Gimme Gimme", somebody finally called me up just now, and i thought wow, the ringtone i did for myself is not bad at all eh.. haha, let's come back to the topic, i thought it's one of my friends who wanted to chat with me, but disappointed to find out it's actually a tele-sales representative from EON Bank for their credit cards.. after some introduction and briefing on the benefits, here are our conversation:

sales: which Bank's credit card are you currently using?
me: [do i have to tell you??] errr, using cards from two banks now..
sales: what is the credit limit you are currently given?
me: [hey, that is a breach of banking act!!] errr, much enough than i need..
sales: try our cards, we can give you additional 30% limit!!
me: [stunned] errr, i think i'm quite happy with what i'm having now..

soon after that, he just banged on his phone and hung up!! {-_-}" wait, that was extremely rude, that was really not professional, do i just deserve such a treat if i'm not interested in your product?? well, i have you number recorded, i'm gonna find the channel to lodge a complaint on you, you will see a good show, this i promise you!!

11.11.2008 | 笑談醜事

記得我以前小學時期係好怕醜嘅, 有嘢唔明唔夠膽舉手向老師發問, 就連想去廁所都唔夠膽同老師要求.. 所以一年班嘅時候, 發生咗數次令我瘀死畢生嘅事件.. 而家諗返起都真係會笑爆嘴, 唔怕型像盡毀都要同大家齊齊分享呢件趣事.. 你食緊嘢嘅話, 奉勸你都係唔好繼續睇落去, 我係一於豁晒出去架喇!!

話說有兩次因為上上吓堂, 個肚覺得唔舒服, 又唔敢同老師講話要上廁所喎.. 結果千忍萬忍始終忍唔到落堂, 於是就控制唔到, 終於「決堤」便到成地都係喇!! {-.-}" 就係因為隔離同學忽然間聞到有陣異味, 四圍探索之下, 驚見面青青嘅我, 郁都唔郁咁坐喺一pet半液狀便便上, 先揭發咗呢件令老師瞪大眼擘大嘴嚇到傻晒嘅事件.. 成班同學霎時間進入兵荒馬亂嘅困境, 真係醜死怪喇!!

哇哈哈哈哈~~ 係唔係好核突, 好搞笑咧??i still remember i was such a shy boy in elementary school, that i didn't dare to ask teachers questions on any uncertainties, nor i dare to ask teachers for a toilet break.. and hence i remember some incidents happened during my first year in school, real embarrassing incident i would never forget for my entire life.. thinking about them back then, i can only have myself a good laugh though, and now i don't care my image but just like to share with everyone.. if you are eating, i advise not to continue reading, as i am now really care free on telling how the whole incident has gone..

it was a fine day when i suddenly feel uncomfortable with my stomach during class, but just too freak to interrupt the teacher to allow me a toilet break.. trying to hold as much as i could till end of the class, but i just couldn't manage, and hence out of a sudden all things burst out from inside my tummy (well, you know what..), and quite some load i remember that it filled up the whole chair and dripped down to the floor!! not until my dear neighbour realised some stinkish smell and try to look around, and shocked to find me sitting still on a pool of creamy poo poo (oh, i just love the way i described, creamy poo poo, hahaha!!).. i guess the teacher was stunned with what she saw, and since then the whole class was in a mess.. that was really embarrasing of me!!

and so, what do you think?? kind of disgusting but hilarious right?? hahaha~~

10.11.2008 | 非洲和尚

我每日都會搭輕鐵返工放工, 可謂看遍乘客百態.. 好嘅我冇謂講, 因為大家遵守規則係天經地義, 更何況真係見少買少.. 乞人憎嘅的確屢屢碰到, 加上我哋最原始嘅本性就係鐘意八卦人哋啲衰嘢, 所以今日嚟一篇「輕鐵上的非洲和尚」, 同大家分享以下幾個例子, 有補充儘管留言, 哈哈..

最近時運低遇見兩個乘客, 一個年輕OL喪玩PSP得意游戲V嘩鬼叫, 一個印度大姑用手提電話喪播印度歌曲.. 唔係接耳筒喎, 而係大剌剌咁扭盡volume冚車廂都聽到晒!! 你阿媽炒蟹吖, 真係好哽耳囉啲高分貝噪音, 唔該收聲啦, 好折磨啊!! 而家世界大同咩?? 唔駛你咁偉大同我哋家分享你製造出嚟嘅噪音喎!! 好彩人多我行唔埋你面前, 如果你正正對住我嘅話, 睇我訓唔訓你一輪吖嗱??

先生, 我知你時間倉促, 不過唔駛如此過份爭取時間, 喺輕鐵內眾目睽睽之下剪指甲係嘛?? 呢啲咁personal嘅個人清潔工作, 係唔係唔應該帶出街啊?? 你個指甲鉗一夾, 啲指甲就啪一聲咁遠走高飛, 就算你幾小心防備, 都係無補於事架噃.. 你就自己乾淨, 唔駛理車廂衛生架啦??

每朝最頭痛嘅事就係要人逼人, 其中好多人都鐘意孭住自己個袋, 實不知個大袋已經佔去一定空間, 你個大袋如果可以放低, 我覺得可以再逼多兩位乘客囉.. 一踏入車廂, 就放低步伐牙住個門口, 喂, 大佬啊, 後邊仲有好多人等住上車架, 唔該動作快啲企入啲去啦, 車廂門就閂喇!! 再嚟孭住個大袋郁身郁勢, 整親人又唔知喎.. 真係至憎遇到呢類人, 完全唔醒目, 完全唔為他人著想!!i'm commuting in LRT to and from work everyday, and hence i really see all sorts of passengers.. good ones, let's put aside as it's just nothing impressive to follow the rules, and furthermore it's just very rare.. bad ones, yeah let's talk about it, as our most native instinct is to bitch bad things about people right?? just few examples here, anything to add please leave your comment, haha..

[over-enjoyed type]
have met two of the kind recently, one young OL playing those cute-and-giggle-like-hell games with her PSP, one indian mid-age woman playing hindi songs with her i-supposed-brand-new handphone.. and nope, they are not using earpiece, but instead turn on the volume as if telling the whole car what they are doing with their gadgets!! i say damn it, those are really irritating noise, it's not up to them to decide sharing with us the noise they produced!! but fortunate for them, i didn't have space to move near them, if they ever do that right in front of me, i just put on a good show for them..

[over-hygiene type]
hey mister, i know you're kind of rush, but just don't need to grab whatever time you can grab to cut your nails inside the train right?? such personal kind of individual hygiene work, tell me it's not supposed to be brought out into the public right?? just a snap of your manicure clipper on your nails, pak pak, and there your nails flown to nowhere, no matter how careful you are, it just still won't help right?? and you are just considering your personal cleanliness, what about the hygiene of the train and other passengers??

[over-insecure type]
the biggest headache every morning is to get caught in the packed train, and especially bad luck if i ever run into those carrying big bags on their back.. they just gotta know, their bag actually take up space, if they are willing to put down their back, we can have another two more anxiously-waiting passengers to get into the train.. and once they have their feet stepped in, they'll just move slow and stand as close to the door, hey boss, can't you just quickly move in to the train?? there are still tons of people waiting out there to get into the train, the doors are closing in split seconds!! and what's more, carrying their huge bag and moving their body, come on, you just won't realise your bag has actually invaded other passengers!! i really hate these, so dumb and inconsiderate..

09.11.2008 | 週日一K

今日約咗五位舊同事(JM, SG, SP, ST, WL)一齊去唱K, 為咗遷就大家嘅時間, 其實個幾月前已經約實晒架喇(我哋睇落個個都好似大忙人呀呵??).. 都有一排冇去唱K, 今日竟然畀咗間O晒嘴咁大嘅房我哋, 保守估計有三百呎, 六個人坐咁大間房真係瞓住唱都綽綽有餘囉.. 不過講到個lunch buffet, 真係要大吐苦水, 好冇誠意囉, 冇乜嘢食之余, 千辛萬苦揾到樣稍為OK嘅, 結果一啖落口水準係差到~~連我都冇心情將佢哋影低.. 結果食得唔滿足, 搞到唔夠中氣唱歌, 呵呵(賴地硬)!! 不過最後送咗舊幾唔錯嘅2009月曆, 入邊有優惠券, 算係識得買顧客心啦, 哈哈..

除咗同ST仲係同事之外, 大家分道揚鑣之後都有段時間冇見喇, 今日有五美相伴唱K, 五星伴月, 確實係榮幸喎!! 哈哈.. 大家都冇乜點變啦, 依然係老樣子.. 今日專注唱歌都冇乜點傾倒偈, 下次去SP新居時再把握時間傾多啲啦..went karaoke with ex-colleagues (JM, SG, SP, ST, WL) this afternoon, actually we have planned for this event for more than a month ago just to make sure everyone can make it (we do seem busy right?? haha).. it's been some time i've not been to karaoke, today we were given a huge room, estimated at least a good 300 square feet, it's just too big for 6 of us in there, i can say there's more than enough room for us to lie down to sing, haha!! but the lunch buffet was a total disappointment, not sincere and not many choices, not easy to be able to hook down on something that looked quite OK, the taste was just so low standard, i didn't even have the mood to take photo of them.. and as a result of unsatisfying food, i didn't get enough energy to sing well, hehehe (a good excuse eh?).. anyway, it ended well because we were given a nice 2009 calendar with vouchers in it, not a bad marketing service though..

other than ST who is still a colleague of mine, we don't really see each other as frequent after we left the previous company.. today i had 5 gorgeous ladies to sing with me, that's considered a great honour right?? haha.. anyway, didn't see much changes on them, everyone seems to look quite the same (of course better in career i would say).. didn't have the chance to chat much as the focus was singing today, perhaps next time when we pay visit to SP's new house we can chat a little bit more..

08.11.2008 | 誠心道歉

好多時候我哋都會因為「火遮眼」, 而同身邊嘅人鬧得不愉快..

今日就係因為(唔知點解)無啦啦send咗個好倔嘅短訊畀一位朋友, 結果搞到雙方大動肝火展開短訊罵戰!! 不過事後發覺係自己未去理解對方嘅隱懮而枉下定論, 朋友梗係因此而覺得委屈, 所以都無名火起啦.. 冷靜咗落嚟之後, 主動撥個輪畀呢位朋友(多謝佢肯畀機會大家再傾吓), 大家心平氣和, 開心見成, 三口六面了解事態.. 我覺得自己未了解實情就發動攻勢, 而友人就覺得自己火氣過猛搞到要斷絕來往咁濟.. 不過事情係因我而起, 當友人陷于困難之時, 我卻未能夠幫佢一把, 反而仲火上添油, 我係應該責怪自己嘅..

傾過之後, 雖然話已經時過境遷, 不過仍然覺得自己太幼稚太敏感, 好後悔自己嘅所作所為.. 喺度誠心向呢為朋友講聲對唔住, 希望唔會影響到我哋之間嘅關係, 更希望因拗撬而互相了解, 使關係可以更進一步啦!! :)most of the time we ended up being unhappy with the people around us, just because of some silly deed due to the sudden fuss and out of anger..

today i (inexplicably) sent a very frowning sms to a friend, and that soon caused a series of unhappy arguments through sms.. after the sms war, i started to realise it was because i have been selfish and not standing in his shoes to judge, and for sure he felt accussed of something unreasonable and get fussy over the contempt.. after allowing ourselves to cool down, i took initiative to give him a call (and thanks him for giving a chance for us to talk), peacefully and calmly we tried to understand what had happened and why it had led to this uncouth situation.. i thought i've been childish, not being understanding and started the dreadful sms; he thought he threw too heavy a fuss on me and almost bring our friendship to the verge of breakage.. anyway everything was started by me, i was not right for not being able to be the pillar to a friend who is going through a difficult time..

after the talk we felt better and back to friends, but i still feel utterly bad for being so childish, really regretted for what i've done, i felt so wrong.. just want to sincerely apologize to this friend here, hope what happened today will not crater our relationship, and maybe after this incident we shall understand each other better, learnt from mistakes and perhaps get along closer!! :)

07.11.2008 | 小小心願

好羨慕啲朋友有自己嘅一個竇, 其實都真係恨咗好耐架, 咁大個仔都應該係時候有返一個屬於自己嘅天地啦, 哪怕只是豆腐膶.. 至少有一個真正屬於自己嘅空間, 一個真正屬於自己嘅物業, 一個真正屬於自己嘅心血.. 我覺得而家開始, 真係要嚴厲鞭策自己有所行動囉..

唔想嘥心機等起樓, 好想有個現成嘅可以即刻搬入去住.. 全屋會油白色, 地板用木磚, 開放式廚房, 冷色梳化, 深色傢俱, 落地玻璃, 主人房+衣帽間+客房, 雪櫃+微波爐+焗爐+洗衣機+冷氣, 週末好友相聚.. 真係好多好多嘢可以構思可以諗諗可以搞搞, 不過我永遠都係揸住一個宗旨行頭, 就係「簡約摩登」.. 話是話, 而家諗起都覺得相當興奮囉, 呵呵:p

有冇人留意到隔離鄰舍有啲咩筍盤, 又或者自己放緊盤架?? 不妨通傳一聲, 或者考慮吓我呢個中庸買家喎, 我將會係個好屋主好鄰居架, 哈哈..always envious of friends that have their very own houses, have been dreaming of this for a very long time, and i think it's the right time (for being such an age already) for myself to have my own one, despite how tiny or large it would be.. at least i will have a world that belongs to myself, a property that belongs to myself, an effort that belongs to myself.. i think there's just a dire need to motivate myself to start taking aggressive action now~~

not patient enough to wait for construction completion, best still if there is one readily for me to move in immediately.. i will paint the whole thing in white, use wooden flooring, open style kitchen, bold color sofa, dark color furnitures, full height glass panel, bedroom+grooming room+guest room, fridge+microwave+oven+washing machine+air-cond, weekend gatherings with cronies.. there are just so much thing to plan, to think and to do.. but always i'm only for one principle, contemporary simplicity that is.. hmmm, started to get very excited even just thinking about all these, hehe :p

anyone out there saw nice apartments for sale in your neighbourhood, or you are actually selling your property?? don't mind inform me or consider this humble buyer, i will be a good owner and neighbour, really, haha~~

06.11.2008 | 重返校園

今日有幸去咗某間大專學院做presales, 計計吓就連大學畢業都已經係十年前嘅事, 今日再次「踏入校園」, 有一種好奇特嘅感覺.. 聽同事講呢間大專相當有名氣, 我就當然唔知啦, 因為平時都唔會去留意呢啲嘢嘅, 不過見到佢氣派非凡嘅建築外型, 加上有興趣投資用我哋呢個product, 都覺得佢絕非閒等大專一所喇..

入到去有啲失望, 其實都感覺唔到咩校園氣息, 因為成個格根本就係好「乜」囉(唔知點講, 總之就係冇我想象中嘅書香氣息啦), 可以講嘅係, 今時唔同往日.. 個停車場好大, 因為而家啲學生通通都係揸大車返學(仲見到有個學生揸跑車添!!), 邊似得我個年代連架摩拖都冇, 每日要逼巴士返學架?? 跟住就係啲學生, 同我個年代好唔同喎, 化晒妝成身名牌個書包好似行街袋咁, 都唔知係去返學定係去旅行?? 仲有仲有, 校園內竟然有個超級大泳池, 唔係普通嗰個級數, 係感覺好奢華嗰啲囉..

時代變喇, 呢次重返校園, 真係覺得自己一把年紀喇, 好彩未察覺到有學生用異樣眼光睇住呢位「叔叔」, 疑惑佢喺度究竟做乜囉, 哈哈!!went to a college-university for a presales activity just now, calculating the days even my tertiary graduation was 10 years ago, "back to school" today really bring me some kind of indescribable feelings.. heard that this college-university is quite a famous one, i have no idea of course, since i have not bothered to know about all these for more than a decade, but looking at the grand building architecture they have, and planning to invest on using our product here, i don’t really think it’s just a tiny-winy college then..

was a bit disappointed when i got into the campus, didn’t really feel the supposed to have intellectual kind of ambience, it’s just so something-else (just don’t know how to explain, because it’s just so not right), all i can say is, time has changed many things.. there is a very big car park in the campus, because most of the students are driving big cars to school (and we even saw one who is driving a sports car!!), totally unlike my time where i din’t even own a motorcycle and all i could do was to rely on the always-lousy-service public transport.. and the students, hmmm, just not the same any more, heavy make-up with exclusively branded attire holding school bags that look just like shopping bags, wonder if they are there to study or just for leisure?? and what’s more, there is a huge swimming pool in the campus, not standard type but the wow-able type that make you just think of the word luxury..

time has changed, "back to school" today just make me feel myself so antique.. luckiest in the least fortunate, i didn’t realize any student looking at this uncle suspiciously thinking what is he trying to do in this place that belong to the young ones.. hahaha!!

05.11.2008 | 咖喱惹禍

噚日因為要趕去吧生冇雷公咁遠見一個客, 所以晏就冇食到喇.. 同另兩位同事坐咗一個小時車去到, 用咗五十分鐘時間同個客初步洽談, 之後又再用一個幾小時返嚟公司.. 原本打算見完個客就去食嘢嘅, 不過又驚食得嚟臨放工時間會大塞車, 加上忽然傾盆大雨, 所以決定返公司附近醫肚..

因為已經四點幾鐘, 個肚係餓到奏緊交響曲, 所以求其揀咗間kopitiam解決.. 最近「又再」減肥, 平時都儘量食少啲, 不過當時真係餓到沖昏個頭, 竟然點咗份咖喱雞配白飯!! 唔緊要啦, 耐唔耐一次.. 初時立定決心話扒兩啖飯好喇, 點知(!!), 啲咖喱淋飯原來係如此美味, 話畀自己知扒多啖好收手喇, 點知(!!!), 話吓又扒吓, 成份嘢畀我掃得一乾而淨{-_-}"

好滿足, 不過個咖喱少咗薯仔確實係美中不足.. 啃晒成兜飯嘅後果, 返上公司即刻飯氣攻心昏昏欲睡.. 好罪惡感啊~~was rushing to meet a customer in the you-know-how-darn-far-it-is Klang, so didn't have time for lunch yesterday.. drove for an hour with two other colleagues, met up with the customer for 50 minutes for a high level talk, and spent another hour back to office.. planned to have late lunch after meeting customer, but was afraid about the jam caused by peak hour and heavy rain, finally decided to eat near office..

was 4 plus and were starving like hell, so just picked a random kopitiam to settle our late lunch.. on diet *AGAIN* and have been cutting down on food lately, but due to the starvation i couldn't care about anything and straight away ordered a set of curry chicken with rice.. OMG, but again told myself it's not that bad for once in a while.. told myself to just have two spoonful of rice, but (!!) the curry gravy on rice was just so delicious and appetising, told myself again to stop eating after the next spoon, but (!!!) i just ended up finishing the whole portion to my great dismay {-_-}"..

very satisfying, but realised the lack of potatoes in the curry which somehow not perfect enough.. the result of a happy savour of the whole portion of curry chicken with rice - feeling drowsy in the office.. very guilty about it~~

04.11.2008 | 換個角度

承蒙各位朋友嘅關心, 可能我之前篇嘢寫得太過灰, 搞到有個朋友用「唔係感性, 係嚴重」嚟形容我嘅心情, 幾乎擔心死佢.. 不過其實可以心平氣和咁坐喺度寫嘢, 只係一種(自己選擇嘅)抒發思緒嘅方式, 我很好亦都很理智, 唔駛擔心有咩不祥事件即將發生於我身上{-_-}".. 困擾咗大家, 唔好意思..

唔少朋友睇過我嘅blog之後, 都畀咗好多好誠懇好寶貴嘅意見我, 雖然佢哋可能唔知發生咩事, 不過感覺真係放錢入我袋, 好感激好感動.. 亦都因為咁樣, 我嘗試換個角度去睇件事, 忽然間靈光一閃, 好似睇透咗好多嘢咁.. 頭上烏雲算係逐漸散開, 眼前雖然未見到雨過天晴, 不過至少唔再係狂風暴雨.. 凡是有正負兩面, 事情可能未必如你想像中咁壞, 凡事唔好太過執著, 一切順其自然嘅話, 內心會舒服好多..

期待雨後彩虹與陽光嘅來臨..millions of thanks to friends out there that showed concern, perhaps it was too depressed the way i wrote my previous entries, causing one good old friend described me as "not emotional, but serious" and that really made her worry.. anyway, i was sitting down calmly and peacefully writting the entries, it's just a channel (that i have chosen myself) for me to express my feelings, i am fine and very rational, nothing disastrous that is going to happen on me {-_-}".. if i've bothered anyone of you, really feel bad for that..

quite a number of friends read my blog and gave me very sincere and very precious pieces of advice.. they might not know exactly what has happened to me, but frankly i must admit they are indeed very witty and enlightening advices, i'm absolutely grateful to that.. and because of that, i start to see things in a different angle, from a different perspective.. and out of a sudden, i was like enlightened and things seems a lot more optimistic than i thought.. dark clouds over me are starting to clear, although i still have not see the sunshine coming, at least it's not storm anymore.. there are always the negative and positive sides of a thing, it actually might not be as bad as you thought, so just take things easy and not to think too much.. let the nature takes it course, and by this you should feel better instead..

hoping to see rainbow and sunshine after the storm..

03.11.2008 | 無魂游蕩

已經過咗幾日, 但係嗰件事依然困擾住我.. 噚日去完gym之後, 忽然間(好撞鬼咁樣)又再諗起件事, 結果一個人喺個商場入邊, 漫無目的咁游蕩數小時之久.. 由底層逐層逐層行到頂層, 跟住再逐層逐層行返落底層, 對眼係望住前方, 但卻係心不在焉.. 如果你見到我但發現我見唔到你嘅話, 唔好意思, 我當時真係神遊緊.. :)

一個人游蕩商場嘅時候, 成個人好似行屍走肉咁毫無靈魂一直向前行, 不過個腦就猛咁喺度諗嘢.. 諗吓究竟係咩原因導致事情發生, 諗吓可以有啲咩作為能夠擺平件事, 諗吓完美收場以後會唔會再重蹈覆轍, 諗吓敗局收場要點樣處理, 諗吓要當冇事發生定係要勇敢面對, 好多好多嘢諗.. 而家事情就係模菱兩可, 完全處於灰色地帶, 冇一個明確嘅現象可見, 覺得好冇安全感好困惑.. 我係對個結果有個期望吖, 定係我喺度呃緊自己呢?? 看似這麼近, 事實卻是那麼遠..it has been few days, but yet that incident is still haunting me.. after the gym session yesterday, suddenly it came to me like an uncanny surge, and so ended up wandering aimlessly in the mall for hours.. walked floor by floor from the lower ground floor to the top floor, and then back to the lower ground floor again, my eyes were looking forward but i can tell my heart was not.. oh, if you bumped into me and found out that i didn't notice you, sorry, i was really keeping to myself then.. :)

was wandering alone in the mall, exactly like a zombie without soul that just know how to walk forward, but spinning mind kept thinking about many many things.. thought about the cause of the problem, thought about what good i can do to my best ability to resolve the issue, thought about good ending but will the problem surface again in the future, thought about bad ending and how can i cope with the fact, thought about to treat nothing has happened or to bravely face it, many many things that i was thinking about.. but still everything is so vague, it just lies inside the grey area and there is no clear sight at all.. am feeling so confused and insecure now, am i finger-crossing for the best or am i just deceiving myself?? seems so close, but actually so far away..

02.11.2008 | 一臉愕然

今晚一連發生咗兩件令我愕然嘅事情, 搞到我忽然失驚長達兩秒之久..

頭先個肚覺得有啲餓, 因為午餐+晚餐喺下晝五點鐘食過咗, 所以就行咗去屋外嘅報攤, 諗住求其買兩個叉燒包嚟喫.. FYI, 雖然牛頭唔搭馬嘴, 不過呢度好多檔攤都係一邊賣包一邊賣報紙架.. 手上準備咗兩蚊以為夠啦, 點知原來兩個包要RM2.80喎!! 好彩身上有多餘錢咋, 唔係就醜死怪喇.. 乜而家啲包咁貴架喇?? 定係我太耐冇自己買過包, 個價錢仲停留喺好平嘅印象中??

食過包之後, 見到有個舊同學嘅未接來電, 於是就打返畀佢啦.. 原來佢問我明年1月10號得唔得閑, 因為有個小學聚舊晚會.. 係廿週年聚舊晚會, 所以搞大佢.. 冇聽錯啊, 就係20年啊, twenty years, dua puluh tahun, li jap ni啊!! 唔覺唔覺, 原來輾轉間自己小學畢業已經將近20年咁耐喇!! {-_-}" 係喇係喇, 畀你估中我今年幾歲喇, 又如何啫, 我係老餅呀, 唔得咩??two consecutive incidents that surprised me out of nothing tonight, got me paused with the shocked expression for 2 seconds..

[shocked by char siew bun]
was feeling a little hungry just now, because had lunch+dinner around 5pm, hence walked to the newspaper stall outside my house thinking of getting myself two char siew bun to ease the hunger.. sounds quite weird, but it's not uncommon to have a stall selling both buns and papers together.. got myself RM2 on hand for the buns, but it came out to be RM2.80 instead, fortunately i brought extra money with me, else i'd certainly get disgracefully embarrassed.. has the buns gone this expensive lately?? or it's just me that still thought they are cheap snacks??

[shocked by anniversary gathering]
saw a missed call from an old classmate after finished with the bun, returned her call and she actually wanted to invite me to the anniversary gathering for primary schoolmates, which is 10th Jan next year.. and since that would be the 20th anniversary hence it would be rather a grand one.. oh yes, no mistake, it's twenty years, dua puluh tahun, yee sap nin, li jap ni!! just didn't realise it has been 20 years since i graduated from the primary school.. {-_-}" oh well, you got my age now, ok ok, i admit i'm an old slug, but there's just nothing wrong right??

01.11.2008 | 迷離靈異

噚日係萬聖節Halloween, 所謂鬼佬嘅鬼節, 不過我就覺得其實係玩嘢氣氛多過靈異氣氛.. 就係唔知點解, 可能係受電影文化影響, 往往覺得中國鬼比起西方鬼恐怖十倍.. 暫且勿論呢啲嘢是否真實, 都係一句信則有不信則無, 今日同大家分享我印象中最深刻嘅一次..

好多年前仲係中二學生嘅時候, 仍然好記得一個挑燈夜讀嘅晚上, 正為第二朝嘅歷史測驗喺度猛啃書.. 應該係凌晨兩點幾啦, 忽然間聽到一班小朋友喺屋外嘻戲, 聽佢哋啲嘻哈聲, 應該有五六個以上.. 好奇怪, 呢個時候點解會有小朋友喺度玩, 而且仲係成班添?? 啲家長冇理由畀啲小朋友唔瞓覺, 自己喺出邊玩架?? 佢哋好嘈喎, 點解都冇人鬧架?? 而且印象中左鄰右舍都冇小朋友喎..

諗諗吓, 心一寒, 唔係咁邪係嘛?? 我唔咁望出去, 於是就繼續揹書分散注意力, 嘻哈聲持續十分鐘咁耐, 我嘅心就卜卜跳咁耐.. 就係聽到有架車經過之後, 就冇聲冇氣喇.. 你話, 係唔係我時運低, 究竟發生咩事??it was halloween yesterday, but i always think it's festive mood more than making you feel eerie.. maybe because of the films i've watched so far, the eastern ghosts are always more spooky than the western spirits.. anyway, not to say how true they are or whether they exist, it's there if you believe and there's none if you don't.. just want to share my experience with such encounter here, a really clear one in my memory..

still remember one night while i was a form 2 student, stayed up late to study for the history exam the next morning.. it was about 2 something in the morning, when i suddenly heard a group of kids playing and shouting about outside my house, hearing their voices i supposed there were at least 5 to 6 of them.. i felt weird, how could there be kids playing in those wee hours, and not only one but one whole group?? how could their parents allow them to stay up this late, and let them play out there alone?? and the kids were making noice, why wasn't there anyone to yell at them at all?? furthermore, i don't remember there were any little kids within my neighbourhood..

i analysed and then i was petrified, don't tell me it's that uncanny.. i dare not look out to see what was actually happening, instead i tried to concentrate on my book to distract myself from their noices.. it stayed for about a good 10 minutes, and my heart beat fast for that entire period.. until i heard a car passed by, and everything just seemed to stop.. can somebody tell me, what was actually happening out there??