大家辛苦(有幾辛苦啊??)咗咁耐, 於是就決定好好咁慰勞吓自己成朝流出嘅汗水, 到附近一間餐廳食晏為呢次outing劃上一個完美嘅句號.. 睇吓大家有嘢落肚之後, 體力當堂瞬間恢復, 各位同事終於都可以重展開心笑容, 為今日影返幅全體照做結尾喇.. {^@^}"'
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18.08.2007 | 浩浩蕩蕩
八月份company outing公司同樂日, 今日約定一齊去森林保護局(FRIM)行山, 所以晨早就要爬起身出發去集合地點.. 等齊人大家坐埋一檯食完早餐之後, 成棚合共14人就浩浩蕩蕩地出發進攻森林保護局啲遠足徑喇.. 其實自從唔做學生之後, 都好耐未試過成村人一齊去玩喇, 估唔到十幾年後嘅今日就竟然就係與同事一齊(達成呢個願望??), 哈哈..
睇吓大家整裝待發前嗰副得戚樣, 楂住張僅有嘅地圖東張張西望望, 終於出發進攻喇, 行咗兩條樹林路徑, 各位完全感受到平時要多做運動嘅重要性.. 經過樹林, 泥路, 山路, 梯級, 獨木吊橋.. 終於完成呢次(其實一啲都唔艱巨嘅)任務, 再睇吓大家一副飽受摧殘嘅樣, 同先頭啲樣差個天共地啦簡直.. 見唔見before and after兩幅相其實已經唔見咗某啲人啊??
大家辛苦(有幾辛苦啊??)咗咁耐, 於是就決定好好咁慰勞吓自己成朝流出嘅汗水, 到附近一間餐廳食晏為呢次outing劃上一個完美嘅句號.. 睇吓大家有嘢落肚之後, 體力當堂瞬間恢復, 各位同事終於都可以重展開心笑容, 為今日影返幅全體照做結尾喇.. {^@^}"'
大家辛苦(有幾辛苦啊??)咗咁耐, 於是就決定好好咁慰勞吓自己成朝流出嘅汗水, 到附近一間餐廳食晏為呢次outing劃上一個完美嘅句號.. 睇吓大家有嘢落肚之後, 體力當堂瞬間恢復, 各位同事終於都可以重展開心笑容, 為今日影返幅全體照做結尾喇.. {^@^}"'
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Please put some bigger pictures la! I cant even find you in the group photo.
ReplyDeleteclick on that photo to view the original size maa.. anyway, you cannot find me means you have not known me well lorr.. :(
ReplyDeletewell, actually if i put a bigger photo - i will appear fat and ugly!!! hahaha...
long time no see la~
so happy!!! :) outing with colleagues.
ReplyDeleteyeah, we actually have a fund for monthly outings to get everyone together.. this is how you connect everyone in the office maa (although there is only 9 of us who are already well connected, hahaha!!)..
its me again...who is dissapear in the last group photo.. *__*
wat to do wor..old liao..unable to climb ma...
let me try again next outing ok..
practice makes perfect maa.. so our future outings will make outdoor activities priority laa, don't always eat eat eat (quoted from dear IV, hahaha!!)