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31.07.2008 | 是日午餐

最近嘅lunchie都係飲cereal drink同食餅乾渡過, 呢幾日好啲, 因為有友人JY送我嘅崑崙喇叭香餅轉轉口味(嘻嘻!!).. 今日覺得悶, 想食物啲咸味道嘅嘢, 不過考慮到唔想食得太肥膩, 第一時間就諗到Subway.. 所以今朝返工前就喺中環站買咗份breakfast bun, 放入公司個雪櫃稍後作lunch.. 點解要買breakfast bun當lunchie呢?? 咪就係因為breakfast bun平過普通包成一半(慳錢啊!!), 而且比較細個(唔駛漲爆肚啊!!)囉..

寫blog前啱啱嘆完lunch, 好豐富嘅turkey ham breakfast bun + 小春郵寄過嚟嘅masala tea + 大陸生產富士蘋果一個.. 覺得有12分飽, 好似食好多嘢, 不過OK啦都食得幾健康嘅.. 其實我都幾希望可以日日咁一餐lunch架, 因為聽友人飛びたい豚話食Subway啲包包有助減肥吖嘛!! 之不過呢, 如果要日日咁食, 真係食唔起囉, 因為都唔平架.. 唉, 都唔明, 咪就係包一個啫, 點解可以賣得咁貴?? 佢賣一個包, 可以出邊食兩碗魚旦粉啦, 食到趴喺度嗰隻添啦..
have been having cereal drink and biscuits for lunch lately, a little better these few days sort of "changing menu" since i have the heong peng from JY (hehe!!).. feel like eating something savoury today, and considering something less oily and more healthy, Subway just came into my mind.. so just popped in to get a breakfast bun before work this morning, and have the bun for lunch later.. why breakfast bun for lunch?? firstly, it's about half the price of a normal bun (thus save money).. secondly, it's smaller in size (thus just right for my appetite)..

just finished lunch before writing this entry, had quite a luxury one.. turkey ham breakfast bun + masala tea from csws + china fuji apple.. feel 120% full now, seemed to have eaten a lot, come to it they do look healthy to me though.. well, actually i think i should eat like this for lunch everyday, because heard from friend 飛びたい豚 you can loose weight with a Subway diet, sounds great yeah?? however, this won't work, because it's unaffordable since they are selling at quite expensive price.. really wonder why it's so expensive, one Subway bun is almost equivalent to two bowls of fishball noodles out there, yes two big bowls that will bloat your stomach to heaven..

30.07.2008 | 神機妙算

唔記得由幾時開始, 本地收費電視Astro開咗個新台叫做「歡喜台」, 係專門播台語劇集同台語節目嘅.. 自從有咗呢個台之後, 長年掌管Astro遙控大權嘅潮州嫂(亦即係家母喇), 已經遺棄之前一路追捧嘅「華麗台」.. 每日工作返到屋企, 每逢星期一至五晚上九點半, 電視螢幕一定見到呢套《神機妙算劉伯溫》(下圖左起: 皇帝朱元璋, 皇后大腳婆, 劉生紅顏知己阿秀, 劉伯溫, 丞相胡惟庸).. 其實都播咗好耐, 一個單元幾十集, 總共八個單元噚晚先做完第五個, 真係有排睇..

初時對呢啲咁嘅台語劇集冇乜好感, 因為印象中係拖泥帶水, 芝麻綠荳一件事都可以做個十集出嚟, 所以當時飯後一齊睇電視嘅時候, 真係覺得有啲@#$%^*.. 之不過久而久之, 竟然開始覺得幾OK喎, 劇情可算得係曲折離奇, 而且往往叫人好想追睇落去, 因為個結果好多時候都叫人意想不到嘅, 唔似得時下一般劇集咁, 睇三集就可以知道結局係點.. 所以而家呢, 全家人居然大受感染, 開始迷上呢個台語劇集喇, 每逢星期一至五晚上9:30-10:30都會坐定定睇劇集, 哈哈!! 搞笑啊, 就連我個五歲姪仔聽到首主題曲都可以跟埋一齊唱喇, 而且因為呢個劇集呢, 學識咗好多正統台語添, 嘿嘿~~
can't remember when this new Hua Hee Dai channel started in Astro, it's a dedicated channel for taiwanese drama and variety show.. since the broadcast of this channel, my mum the remote-control-controller has already gave up watching the all-the-while-watching Wah Lai Toi, and switch to this new channel almost 24x7.. since then, every working day back home, from 9:30-10:30 at night, the tv screen is definitely showing this "The Amazing Strategist Liu Bowen".. it's been showing for a very very long time, each unit has couple tens of episodes, and yesterday we just finished watching the 5th out of 8 units, hmmm, still a long way to go huh..

initially not at all keen on this channel, because to me, taiwanese drama are always long winded, and so was quite @#$%^ while somehow "forced" to watch it together.. but, there is always a but, as times go i actually found out the drama is not bad at all, at least it's not a typical taiwanese drama.. the storyline is exciting and makes you eager to watch the next episodes in order to know the outcome.. unlike most drama nowadays, you could easily guess what is going to happen later after a sneak of the first few episodes.. and so, the whole family is now influenced and has become fans of this drama, even my 5-year-old nephew could sing along the theme songs, hahaha!! and thanks to this drama, i've learnt quite some classy taiwanese too..

29.07.2008 | 每月煩惱

今朝又嚟喇, 好似每個月總有一次.. 呢個PUTRA輕鐵, 硬係中意揀喺高峰時段發生系統故障, 大佬啊, 人人趕住返工架嘛, 而且我呢站又係人流最多嘅五站之一, 真係贈興咩?? 聽聞今朝8點開始就已經發生故障..

如常8:45到站準備返工, 點知見到我最怕見到嘅情景, 就係輕鐵逼爆怨氣沖天嘅人.. 唔駛問阿貴, 梗係又再「因技術問題引致服務癱瘓」啦, 廣播每隔三分鐘就話超過一個小時都會維持現狀, 即刻覺得想暈低!! 其實好似每個月都有次架喇, 今日係我遇見有史以來最嚴重一次.. 喺輕鐵閘口前呆等20分鐘後, 有關工作人員先開閘分流人群, 好不容易上到去月台, 再等多個20分鐘(今日列車班次離譜地變成10分鐘), 終於成功畀身後群眾力量推入經已逼爆嘅列車內.. 嘩!! 其實好敬佩所有乘客嘅縮骨功囉, 頭先竟然同其他乘客面對面身貼身, 連呼吸都感受到, 嗰種於陌生人貼近得死鬼尷尬嘅程度, 請想像!! 因為系統故障需要人手操作, 所以平時20分鐘嘅車程, 今日用咗將近一小時.. 受困於呢個毫無郁動空間嘅逼爆車廂一個小時(我爭在仲未因吸入過多二氧化碳而暈死車廂), 終於10:30am抵達公司, 足足比平時遲咗1小時15分鐘!! 頂~~it happened this morning again, as if it's a planned monthly incident.. the PUTRA LRT is facing technical problems again, i wonder why it likes to "choose" the peak hours where everyone is rushing to work?? that station at my house is one of the top 5 most crowded stations, is it kidding on us?? heard that the incident started since 8am this morning..

i reached the station 8:45 as usual, only to find out the scariest thing i would never want to see, that is station flooded with frustrated people.. yeah, it's the "due to technical difficulties, trains are delayed", and this time should be the most serious i've ever encountered so far.. waited for 20min outside the gate before we are allowed to get into the platform.. on the platform waited another 20min (train has been scheduled to 10min then), and finally successfully being "pushed" into the already packed train.. i really gotta salute how the passengers can "squeeze" themselves inside the coach.. and due to the crowd, you get so closed to each other (body touching body and face to face), that was really embarrassing i would say, just imagine.. due to the technical problem, the trains were controlled manually, and hence the normal 20min journey took me a mere 1 hour today.. trapped in packed train for an hour (almost fainted for inhaling excessive carbon dioxide), finally arrived at office 10:30am, a record breaking 1H15M later than usual, WTF~~

28.07.2008 | 黑夜之神

週末初咗週圍去食嘢之外, 都有去咗齣戲嘅, 就係呢齣《黑夜之神》.. 第一次蝙蝠俠系列電影個戲名冇用Batman呢個字樣掛帥, 睇過電影之後, 覺得個蝙蝠俠好似淪為配角咁, 成齣戲就好似畀個小醜搶晒鏡咁.. 加上齣戲裡邊兩位好戲之人, 相比之下蝙蝠俠就變得黯淡無光, 而且亦冇任何可以發揮之余地.. 暫且唔話係扮演小醜嘅希斯莱杰(Heath Ledger)之遺作, 佢實在係演得入木三分好精湛囉, 唔錯唔錯, 不過比起前輩積尼高遜(Jack Nicholson)扮演嘅小醜當然係略遜一籌, 我就覺得後輩有點唔夠放.. 152分鐘, 即係兩個半小時嘅戲, 有啲故意拉長嗰故事, 不過完全唔覺囉, 成齣戲係好一氣呵成嘅, 雖然間中有兩下我係釣緊魚(唔知點解, 可能gym完覺得攰), 呵呵.. 故事同劇本都寫得唔錯, 至少比起一眾排山倒海嘅夏日英雄片, 呢個算係有點深度.. 未至於要拍爛手掌啦, 不過都叫做OK嘅..
other than only eating during weekend, i did watch a movie though.. watched "Dark Knight", the first time the word "Batman" is omitted from the movie title for the Batman series.. after watching the movie, perhaps that is why it is omitted, because Batman seemed just a "supporting role" in the movie, limelights were all snatched by the Joker.. in addition, maybe there are two very good actors in the movie, Batman just turned to be loosing focus.. rather not say this is Heath Ledger's last act, but he did really quite well in the movie, two thumbs up for him.. although compare to Jack Nicholson in playing Joker in the previous few series, i think Ledger somehow is a bit more reserved.. a 152-minute show, maybe a bit draggish, but i think nobody will ever feel the length of the movie, just sit still eyes on screen and watch till the end.. i should say the storyline and scripts are more sophisticated than all other summer superhero films, a good movie but not yet worth an applause..

27.07.2008 | 為食週日

又係食?? 呢個blog好快就會變成個美食專欄架喇, 哈哈!! 其實都唔係嘅, 我覺得都只不過係週末會比較特別啲啫.. anyway, 一日三餐, 好又係要食物, 唔好又係要食, 不如就食得稍為好啲, 尤其週末就更加應該享受下獎勵下自己吖嘛, 啱唔啱??

今日冇乜特別嘅.. 中午約埋JY去gym, 跟住順便游埋水, 之後就去睇戲(上個星期放我飛機, 呢個星期一定要佢補償!!).. 距離睇戲時間尚有九個字, 時間唔長唔短, 所以決定先食個快餐醫醫個肚.. 本來諗住Carl's Jr, 叫一個套餐可以兩個人食, 不過去到滿座兼排長龍, 於是撤消念頭過隔離間麥當當.. 咦, 見到有個奧運套餐幾盞鬼, 香辣雞扒漢堡+洋蔥圈+汽水+新地+限量發行可樂/奧運紀念玻璃杯, 覺得個杯都幾骨子, 所以決定係佢喇.. 好耐都冇食麥當當, 頭先竟然覺得佢好好食添, 搞笑..

睇完齣戲已經係晚餐時間, 因為齣戲成兩個半鐘咁長(未計廣告時間).. 本來打算去食auntie MY介紹間泰國菜Rak Thai, 點知去到鬼咁多人, 侍應又handle唔到咁多客人, 再睇睇個餐牌好似又唔係十分吸引, 結果坐低五分鐘後都冇人嚟serve, 算啦, 走人.. 最後決定去食韓國菜, 呢, 咪又係嗰一間囉.. 冇咗同事DV坐鎮, 仍然係食物品質服務質數依舊, 食到最後二人飽到趴喺度.. 返到屋企仲要上咗兩次廁所嚟empty個腸胃, 之後發現JY都係一樣喎, 勁搞笑啊, 哇哈哈哈~~
alright, i know it's about food again, and i think this blog is becoming a gastronomic corner already, haha!! well, to me i actually eat simple, maybe a bit fancy on weekends.. anyhow there're basically 3 meals in a day, why not go for better ones to pamper yourself once in a while?? (i know i know, it's not only once a while for me, hahaha)

nothing special today, went gym with JY and then go for movie (since he flew my aeroplane last week, he must repay this week!!) there're about 45min after gym and before movie starts, so we decided to go for fast food.. initially heading for Carl's Jr, because we can share a meal due to the gigantic portion, but since it was too crowded we changed our mind to head for McD.. saw this "Medal Meal" featuring Chicken McDeluxe + onion rings + sundae + soft drinks + a limited edition Coke/Olympics contour water glass, kind of fancy the glass and so decided to get this meal.. it's been a while i've not have McD, and i think the food was surprisingly good just now, haha..

after the 2h32m movie (exclusing advertisement time), it's dinner time again.. wanted to try Rak Thai that auntie MY went, but again packed with shoppers.. the waiters could not handle such load, reading the menu we found nothing really interesting, and after 5 minutes sitting there withouth being served, we decided to leave.. at last, drove out the mall and went to THAT korean restaurant again.. without colleague DV this time, food and service were still good, and this time both of us got really stuffed up and left with two bloated stomach.. after home, need to visit toilet twice to slightly empty the stomach, found out JY did the same as well, that was really hilarious, waahahaha~~

26.07.2008 | 為食週六

今日食咗好多嘢, 其實嚴格嚟講應該係今日下半日食咗好多嘢至啱.. 朝早起身後去銀行攪啲嘢, 再去超市買啲嘢, 跟住又去公司做啲嘢, 頻撲過後已經係中午時分, 所以成個朝早都未有嘢落肚.. 忙完之後, 再等埋朋友JY赴約, 為時已經係下午二時喇..
  • [2:00pm] 本來打算去公司對面某間中餐廳飲茶(週末推出任食唔嬲點心buffet, 每人只需RM18.80另加一).. 冇預計呢個鬼城咁嘅商場會有人光顧, 所以冇預先訂位子, 但係一去到竟然幾乎滿座咁濟, 暈!! 企喺門口等serve, 數分鐘都冇人理會, 於是確定服務其差, 拂袖而去..
  • [3:00pm] 一個晴天霹靂打亂個如意算盤, 最後決定去Marché.. 因為個時間唔上唔落, 即唔係lunch又未係tea, 結果就求其叫咗一個忌廉蘑菇湯, 一個beef bacon rosti同埋一個海鮮pizza.. 嗯, 大鄉里嘅我其實係第一次光顧, 不過覺得啲嘢種類都唔係想像中多, 味道都係普普通通咁囉.. 如無任何喜慶日子, 應該唔會諗到再次幫襯..
  • [5:30pm] 行行吓街, 覺得有啲渴, 咁啱前頭就喺宜家傢私, 於是就話不如去佢個canteen飲杯嘢啦.. 結果去到, 忍唔住手叫賣一份炸雞翼同埋一份daim chocolate cake.. 都就嚟dinner得架啦,仲食嘢?? 不過真係非常好味喎, 雞翼好鬼南乳風味, 件餅又係我不嬲都難以抗拒嘅, 真係點忍啫大佬??
  • [8:00pm] 最後嚟到晚餐喇, 本來就打算要去食意大利餐, 點不知去到嗰頭, 兜極都搵唔到間嘢, 今日接受第二次打擊, 確實係大大失所望!! 結果好隨意地去咗附近某間印度茶餐廳, 叫兩個蕉葉手扒飯食, 外加炸雞塊同咖哩羊肉.. 唔, 其實都幾好喎, 雞肉炸得夠香口, 羊肉唔羶而且煮得夠稔.. 不過呢一區週圍都係蕉葉飯, 佢未算係我食過最好嗰個囉..
是日推介: 宜家傢私炸雞翼與daim chocolate cake!! 哈哈..have been eating a lot today, or rather i'd say eating a lot the second half of the day.. was busy with banking, groceries and office stuffs, and thus eaten nothing at all for the whole morning.. when got things done, and met up with JY, it's already 2 in the afternoon..
  • [2:00pm] planned to try the weekend dimsum buffet in the mall opposite office (only RM18.80 per person + 10% service charge).. did not make any reservation because taking granted that such quiet place need not do booking.. but when we reached the restaurant, to our surprise it's full of people.. stood at the entrance waiting to be served for few minutes, but yet waiting.. finally decided to leave and blacklist this restaurant for the bad service..
  • [3:00pm] plan spoilt, so decided to go Marché indeed.. it was an awkward timing for lunch, so just ordered cream of mushroom, beef bacon rosti and a seafood pizza to fill up the stomach a little before heading for dinner.. actually this was my first time to Marché (pai seh laa), and actually there's not as much varieties as i have expected, and the food was just normal standard.. don't think i will consider if not for any special occasions..
  • [5:30pm] feel like having something to drink after a bit of shopping, and right in front was Ikea, so just took the convenience of it's canteen and decided to take a break for drink there.. but things came out a little bit more, when we could not resist the fried chicken wings and the daim chocolate cake.. i would say, they are sinfully delicious - delicious for the taste of the food, sinful for the unexpecting-we-were-having-them..
  • [8:00pm] planned to go for italian for dinner, but just couldn't find the restaurant although driving around few times to look for it.. at last just hopped in an indian restaurant for rice served in banana leaves, with fried chicken pieces and curry mutton.. the chicken was well cooked, and the curry mutton was simply just-nice.. anyway, there are actually a handful of similar restaurant in that area, this isn't the best i've tried..
pick of the day: Ikea Chicken Wings and Daim Chocolate Cake!! hahaha..

25.07.2008 | 崑崙喇叭

印象中怡保呢個地方有好多嘅土特產, 求其數來就有沙河粉, 芽菜雞, 柚子, 香餅.. 多謝友人JY咁有心, 由家鄉捎來碳燒香餅兩大包, 感激非常, 因為我係好中意食香餅架喎!! 呢個「崑崙喇叭」嘜, 應該係香餅界中最出名架喇, 連auntie MY都話: 「去怡保買香餅一定要買呢個32號」, 哈哈!! 點解叫32號啊?? 睇睇個包裝上印有嘅地址, 原來係個門牌號碼.. 不過覺得佢「崑崙喇叭」呢個咁霸氣十足嘅名就有啲騎哩囉, 事後查證, 應該係馬來語Gunung Rapat直譯.. 絕!!

唔好見佢外表平平無奇毫不起眼啊, 頭先lunch先食咗兩件, 哎呀, 真係好食到暈咁濟喇就嚟~~ 外層酥皮餅脆卜卜, 一口咬落去成身都係餅碎, 成個污糟貓咁, 30歲人食嘢食到咁, 真係醜死人, 呵呵.. 裡邊麥芽糖漿半凝固半溶化, 煙煙韌韌咁, 同餅皮一齊喺嘴內細咀慢嚼, 麥芽撈酥皮, 個感覺好雲遊囉.. 哈哈!! 夠喇夠喇, 其實形容得有點誇(中學以後都好耐都寫唔出咁高水準嘅描述文喇), 不過我真係好中意食咁解囉.. 呢間餅鋪啲香餅又真係整得唔錯喎, 我覺得應該唔係用機器整嘅, 因為好有傳統古早味道.. 係啦, 都講明係碳燒啦, 機器點樣碳燒啫??
thanks JY for bringing me two packets of heong peng from his hometown Ipoh, really appreciate that since i'm a big fans of heong peng (i guess).. this "Gunung Rapat" heong peng should be the best in the market, as auntie MY has told me: "Getting heong peng from Ipoh?? Get Gunung Rapat heong peng then..", haha.. and i always wonder why it is branded as number "32" on the packaging, examining the packaging only to realise it's actually the shoplot number of the bakery shop..

the heong peng might look just ordinary and nothing attractive, had two pieces for lunch just now, but they are simply sinfully delicious~~ crispy and puffy pastry on the outside, and chewy half-solid-half-melted malt caramel filling the inside, a combination of them just make the whole thing so heaven.. ok ok, maybe i've described a little too far, but i really love heong peng that's the truth.. the heong peng from this bakery is really up to standard, i supposed they are not machine made, but are strictly following the traditional way of baking.. charcoal baked, oh yes, how can machines do charcoal baked, yeah??

24.07.2008 | 古都之味

噚日約咗朋友放工之後飯局, 地點係MV谷中城.. 要去MV就表示要搭呢個臭名遠播嘅電動火車, 事前已經作最壞打算, 所以預早45分鐘鬆人.. 去到火車站, 聽到稱職嘅廣播員話火車於五分鐘內到站, [同個schedule時間爭兩分鐘咋喎, 唔駛問蘿拔, 梗係之前班火車遲到30分鐘啦].. 哈哈, 真係天助我也, 結果我順利上車, 仲早到20分鐘咁多添..

揀咗呢間叫做「古都CôDô」嘅越南餐廳, 之前同成班同事都嚟過幫襯, 覺得都唔錯啦, 所以今次介紹友人.. 叫咗烤雞扒套餐, 洋蔥牛肉飯(朋友冇畀機會我影到!!), 同埋幾款越式點心(蔗蝦, 越式火腿腸粉, 香芒蟹柳卷).. *手機把照片質素拍得不好*.. 覺得好似上一次同班同事一齊食嘅時候好啲, 可能當時係第一次, 今次有所期望啩.. anyway, 友人都覺得好食, 每嘗一口唔同食物都至少點點頭, 咁我呢個「介紹人」總算有點顏面.. 食物水準其實不賴, 服務都幾好, 埋單三人一共RM80, 個個都覺得好飽, 所以都相當廉宜啦..
meeting friends for dinner last night at MV, going to MV means i'm gonna suffer from the "Rail Frustration" again, and expecting the worse, i left office 45min earlier.. while stepping into the station, heard announcement that the train is arriving in another 5min.. this is something happy, though i supposed the arriving train must be the previous train that is late for 30mins, haha!! anyway, thank god for that, i get into the train without hazard and arrived in MV 20mins earlier..

decided to dine at the "CôDô" vietnamese restaurant, which i have been there with colleagues couple of months ago.. think the food was nice, and so suggested the place.. *lousy quality of handphone photo shots though*.. we ordered grilled chicken set meal, stir fry beef with onion rice (my friend didn't give me a chance to snap it though) and some vietnamese dimsum (sugarcane prawn, vietnamese ham roll, mango and crab -stick roll).. wasn't as nice as the first time i tried, maybe i have some expectation for the second visit, but was kind of relieved that friends think the food was nice.. overall, food was nice, service was good, bill for 3 pax total up to RM80 and everyone was fully stuffed, considered worth the money yeah??

23.07.2008 | 四季聯想

發現有個現象係好搞笑嘅, 生活喺熱帶國家嘅人, 會好渴望四季來臨, 唔駛一年到尾都係同樣氣候.. 反而生活喺四季分明國家嘅人, 就會好渴望一年到尾四季如夏, 可以享受陽光親澤.. 呢個我生活咗30年嘅國家, 雖然冇四季之分, 但係對於春夏秋冬呢四季嘅印象都十分之分明嘅, 不過全部印象都係好唯美囉..

[春] 綠色.. 我會諗起一滴朝露, 懶洋洋地附於朝氣蓬勃嘅初生綠葉上..
[夏] 橙色.. 我會諗起一朵橙色嘅太陽花, 高傲地面相盛夏嘅太陽..
[秋] 啡色.. 我會諗起樹上搖搖欲墜嘅啡色楓葉, 隨著秋風慢慢飄落地面..
[冬] 白色.. 我會諗起雪花紛飛, 一間屋頂鋪滿雪霜嘅小屋, 煙囪冒著煙..

你嘅四季又係咩顏色, 會係點樣嘅呢??i realised a weird thing.. those staying in tropical countries will always wish for seasons, maybe they are bored with the constant climate throughout the year.. on the other hand, those staying in countries with seasons will always wish for a whole year of sunshine.. for me, having lived in this country for 30 years, there is only sun or rain.. however, my impression for all four seasons are still clear, and somehow ideally beautiful..

[spring] green.. i will think of the green new leaves, with a droplet of the morning dew..
[summer] orange.. i will think of the orange sunflower, smiling to the happy summer sun..
[fall] brown.. i will think of the brown maple leaves, falling from the tree and gently touches the earth..
[winter] white.. i will think of the white snowflakes, a snow covered white hut with smoke running out from the chimney..

so, what color are your spring, summer, fall and winter, and how do they look like??

22.07.2008 | 電動火車

給: 親愛的電動火車公司,

通常週末我都會乘搭電動火車來回中環廣場同谷中城, 因為呢個係相當快捷方便嘅途徑.. 但係印象中嘅快捷方便往往都係事與願違, 短短一個站唔駛五分鐘車程, 竟然可以耗盡乘客超過半個小時時間.. 我覺得個管理出現好大問題, 但係就好似永遠都唔知問題出喺邊, 以至浪費人力物力去所謂嘅解決問題..

  1. 火車班次由原本每15分鐘邊成20分鐘, 點解啊?? 邊位天下奇才做嘅調整啊?? 明知油價驟升, 會有更多人乘搭公共交通, 你係唔係吊高嚟賣啊?? 而且火車永遠唔會準時到站, 至少會比schedule遲10分鐘以上, 有機會仲會唔嚟添噃.. 所以你計算條數, 火車唔到加上下一班遲到, 前後你要癡癡等待40分鐘!!
  2. 因為火車唔準時(或者放飛機), 車站累積嘅乘客逐漸加多.. 加上車廂內已經逼爆沙甸嘅乘客們, 每次火車到站都未必能夠接走晒所有乘客.. 結果就你推我攘, 大家爭先恐後上車, 國民醜陋嘅一面盡顯眼前.. 好羞家囉真係!!
  3. 車站有固定嘅一個播報員, 好稱職啊, 每個數分鐘就廣播下班火車幾時到站, 好似喺都同你齊齊倒數咁.. 喂!! 如果你火車係準時到站, 我睇個電子告示板就得啦, 駛鬼你高薪聘請個專業播報員喺度返工咩??
  4. 車站都有固定警察來維持秩序, 嘩, 搞到好似好care啲乘客嘅安慰咁喎.. 喂!! 如果你火車係準時到站, 就唔駛人逼人, 唔駛人逼人個秩序就唔係問題啦.. 而且啲所謂嘅警察咪就係喺度行行企企, 他條到啲豬腩肉逼爆制服啦.. 我年中都納唔少稅喎, 駛唔駛嘥錢喺佢哋身上啊??
所以每次搭呢個電動火車都係成肚火架喇.. 火車公司, 你究竟睇唔睇到我哋成肚苦水, 你究竟見唔見到你嘅管理問題所在架?? 唔好一未坐住等收錢, 出埋晒啲唔等駛嘅operation cost啦.. 如果仲係咁, 做咩先進國啊?? 有冇睇過印度火車啊?? 遲吓個情況咪就會好似佢哋咁樣囉..

你的忠實乘客敬上..Dear KTM Komuter,

I would normally take the KTM komuter to travel between KL Sentral and MidValley during weekends, since this is one of the more convenient way of commuting.. However, things never turned out to be any convenient at all.. Most of the time, a journey of 5 minutes between these two stations can cost us more than 30 minutes!! That is ridiculous.. It seems like the management cannot identify the source of the problem, at yet trying to waste fringy operation costs to so-call-solve the problems..
  1. The frequency of trains has been adjusted from the then 15min to now 20min, WTF is this adjusment?? And trains are never punctual, they are at least 10min late behind the schedule, and sometimes just do not appear at all.. Doing the maths, you can easily expect a waiting time of over 40min just to see the train
  2. Because of the untrustworthful trains arrival time, passengers kept accummulating in the station, and with the already "exploding" crowd in the coming train, that does not guarantee you are able to squeeze in the overpacked trains.. And look at those ugly people fighting to get into the train!! Malaysia is Truly Asia - that is what projected in a tourist's eys?? Depending on your luck, you might just be left out and gotta wait for the next train, and yeah, i mean the next-hell-know-when-it-will-arrive train..
  3. There's always a PA on duty, wow quite professional broadcasting train arrival time every few minute.. Well, if your train can ever arrive on time, do you think you need to spend money hiring the professional full-time PA in every station?? The electronic sign-board is just enough for all means!!
  4. There are always police on duty in the platforms, looks like KTM cares about the passengers safety a lot.. But if your train can ever arrive on time more frequently, there will be less crowd, if there is less crowd, I'm pretty sure the situation is always under control.. Furthermore, the police look too relax with their so-call job, till their tummy almost pop out from their already tight uniform, funny!!! I don't pay tax for these really..
This is RAIL FRUSTRATION to every passengers, true and real.. Dear, do you understand our situation and have you seen the problems at all?? To become an advanced country with this kind of service?? That really remind me of Indian's rail service, we are not far away..

Sincerely from, your die-hard passengers..

21.07.2008 | 日出而作

日出而作 [唱: 農夫Fama / 曲: DJ Galaxy / 詞: C君, 6 Wing]
我最近都中意呢首歌, 歌詞寫得非常之寫實.. 個腦成日浮現個旋律, 尤其埋尾最後一句, 歇斯底裡嘅「尋晚我都冇走, 點打卡啫??!! 」果然一絕.. 今日禮拜一, 聽呢首個真係應晒景啦..
i love this song, especially on how real the lyrics is writing about the life of working.. the rythm of the song kept appearing in my mind, espcially the last sentence shouted hysterically (if you ever understand cantonese).. it's monday, and so listening to this song just bring out the chemistry..

返工放工, 幾點至夠鐘?? Sick Leave要點用?? 開會有乜用?? 打卡, 打卡, 記得打卡.. 日出而作, 搏一搏, 我架單車都變摩托.. 睡眼惺忪九點鐘, 記得起身返工.. 九個鐘, 九個鐘, 每日返九個鐘.. 個個都要返工, 返工先唔使窮.. 證明你有用, 份糧月中已經唔夠用..

第一個鐘, 輕輕鬆鬆, 等第二個鐘.. 第二個鐘去Site Visit, 順便去埋Game Zone.. 第三個鐘打電話, 打成個鐘至接通.. 之後嗰四個鐘, 勁多野做, 喺公司四圍中.. 入廁所沖吓沖吓, 又釣魚中吓中吓, 攞杯咖啡沖吓沖吓, 沖吓沖吓沖吓沖吓, 咁又沖到最尾嗰個鐘.. 個個睇住個鐘, 個個等放工..

放工去玩, 又驚第二朝早起又驚糧尾.. 返工係一個得閒死唔得閒病嘅遊戲.. 你老闆唔鍾意你, 你唔鍾意份工, 鬼叫你鍾意份人工?? 咁就冇嘢需要理.. 返工放工, 幾點至夠鐘?? Sick Leave要點用?? 開會有乜用?? 打卡, 打卡, 記得打卡, 打卡最型打唔停, 打少一成會雙目失明..

大部份嘅老細會低估員工嘅能力, 大部份嘅員工會低估老細嘅智力, 大部份嘅老細會挑戰員工嘅耐力, 大部份嘅員工會問同事攞零食.. 返工放工, 幾點至夠鐘?? Sick Leave要點用?? 開會有乜用?? 打卡, 打卡, 記得打卡, 日搏夜搏先發覺, 最鍾意讀書返學..

永遠就嚟遲到, 班地鐵一定趕唔到.. 好彩第一個返到, 老細又睇我唔.. 到成個朝頭早, 已經有鬼咁多嘢做, 臨放工終於做到趴喺度.. 有人冇嘢忙又要扮忙, 女同事化完妝又要補妝, 係Pantry入面嘅Pantry黨扮開會同一個Project講完又講.. 掃把話唔夠數, 出嚟捉人去跑數, 跑極都係唔夠數, 份人工又唔啱數.. 最唔抵飲完酒起唔到身返唔到工, 詐病請病假, 又要付出代價.. 好彩啊邊個有醫生紙明碼實價, 仲要做緊特價, 請夠四日都唔怕.. 費時返到公司, 好似隻死屍..

放工去開P, 點知要OT.. 打卡, 打卡, 記得打卡, 唔係O咗T有邊個知?? 返工放工, 幾點至夠鐘?? Sick Leave要點用?? 開會有乜用?? 打卡, 打卡, 記得打卡.. 喂, 今晚我要早走呀, 你可唔可以幫吓我手呀?? 返工放工, 幾點至夠鐘?? Sick Leave要點用?? 開會有乜用?? 打卡, 打卡, 記得打卡.. 尋晚我都冇走, 點打卡啫??!!

20.07.2008 | 地獄之子

禮拜日啊, 禮拜日.. 今日原本同JY約咗做一齊做gym後睇戲, 點知個死仔臨時玩肚痛, 叫我自己gym住先跟住先會合睇戲.. 好啦, gym完過後仲唔見人影, 結果臨陣一個SMS話要睇醫生唔睇戲喇.. 揸住兩張飛確實有啲激氣, 不過飛都買咗就唔好嘥, 於是自己一個人入場囉咪, 係啊係呢齣《地獄之子II: 黃金甲兵團》..

唔記得有冇睇第一集, 不過都唔緊要啦, 仍然睇得明因為個故事實在係簡單到不可能.. 打鬥場面都係一般麻麻行貨, 不過有樣嘢係我覺得成齣戲都好enjoy嘅, 就係啲卡士嘅造型喇.. 的確好唔錯喎, 個個都好奇特, 好佩服造型師嘅想象力力同埋功力囉.. 總括嚟講, 都OK啦呢齣戲, 雖然未至於係刺激嗰類型, 但係都唔會有悶場, 都睇得吓嘅.. 我要話畀自己知, 係值得睇, 因為我係真金白銀用咗25皮嚟睇架, 嗚~~ sunday, oh sunday.. actually planned with JY earlier to go workout and then to watch movie together.. but then he suddenly got a terrible stomachache, and left me all alone.. a bit pissed off but just could not blame him for that.. afterall i've already got the ticket, so just not waste it, i went into the theatre and watch this movie "Hellboy II: The Golden Army" alone..

can't remember if i've watched the first sequel, anyway i didn't find any difficulties with the second one.. perhaps the storyline is just too simple to confuse me at all.. fighting scene is just ok, nothing to shout about, but what keeps me enjoying throughout the whole movie is the appearance of the characters.. each of them are unique, and i salute the superb imagination and skills of the character designer.. conclusion, this movie is quite nice and watchable, being frank.. and also i just gotta tell myself this, because i've spent a real RM25 just for this movie, booo~~

19.07.2008 | 又見冬甩..

有啲懷疑KL市民究竟係唔係中咗冬甩毒?? 因為每次經過城中兩個新進軍嘅冬甩店, 無時無刻永遠都可見長龍.. 其實呢股冬甩熱潮都已經持續頗耐架啦, 你話剛開始嘅時候, 呢仲墟陷情景都情有可原, 但係今時今日, 仍然係門庭若市, 實在係令我拗爆頭都唔明點解??

記得年頭試過買JCo冬甩返公司孝敬一眾同事們, 結果排隊排咗45分鐘, 為咗嘅就係買一打「見個樣好開心, 食落肚覺麻麻」嘅冬甩.. 超過半年後嘅今日, 見未試過呢個大蘋果冬甩, 於是見人龍唔長, 結果買咗半打嚟食, 好彩就前後大概10分鐘內搞掂..

唔下任何評論話邊間比較好食喇, 不過有眼睇一個要排45分鐘, 一個唔駛10分鐘, 大概略知一二啦, 哈哈.. anyway, 其實我覺得根本唔值得排咁耐隊去買囉, 對我嚟講就係雷聲大雨點小, 食落肚子咪不外如是?? 但係每次見其他人排隊, 我都好敬佩佢哋嘅耐性.. 每次見其他人成功買到冬甩嗰仲開心到有點自豪嘅樣, 我都同樣會戥佢哋開心嘅.. 之不過畀著我, 覺得世界上仲有好多更加美味嘅食等住我去排隊囉..

the donut trend is still heating up in KL, as i can always see crowds in the two new donut shop in town.. i just wonder why, after being for quite a long while, people seems are still craving for it?? remember bought JCo Donuts for colleagues beginning of the year, and i spent 45 minutes for that dozen of donuts, needless to say looks good taste so-so.. more than half a year today, i tried Big Apple donut, cos i have not tried it before and the queue seems reasonably short, and lucky me, got the half dozen donuts in less than 10 minutes..

not going to compare which one is better, but by judging on the queue-time, you are told of something yeah?? hehe.. actually to me, it's not really worth the time to waste on the queue, after all they are just a piece of deep-fried dough decorated holy-god tastefully.. anyway, when i still salute to the patience of the crowd queuing, still happy for those who have successfully bought their donuts.. but for me, there are just too much more delicious food out there to queue for!!

18.07.2008 | 超級陽光

記唔記得三個星期前, 咪話過自己中獎嘅?? 獎品係曹格演唱會中價門票兩張, 同埋一張佢嘅最新專輯《Super Sunshine》.. 演唱會睇過喇, 亦都曲終人散, 人哋仲啱啱喺台灣得到個最佳男歌手獎添.. 噚晚返到屋企, 終於都收到信用卡公司郵寄過嚟嘅CD喇.. 冇驚喜, 因為已經預咗(仲略嫌嚟得太遲添, 呢張專輯好似係年頭推出架噃), 而且一早都聽勻晒專輯裡邊啲歌.. 不過算啦, 橫掂唔駛錢, 自己又冇呢張專輯, 其實係唔係應該覺得高興至係呢??

點都好, 循例推薦專輯中幾首個人比較中意嘅歌啦.. 《單數》《愛到最後一秒也不委屈》《愛的弧度》.. [點擊閱讀早前為呢張專輯嘅介紹]

remember three weeks ago, i was notified as a winner of the credit card promotion contest?? the prize was 2 tickets to gary chaw concert and 1 copy of his latest album.. watched the concert, and he has also won the best male artist in taiwan's golden melody award.. and when i got home yesterday, i finally got the CD that the credit card company couriered to me.. no surprise actually, as i have been expecting it (perhaps a little too long since this album is released in january), and also i have listen to all the songs in this album before.. anyway, since this is a freebie and i have not got a copy of it, maybe i should feel happy instead?? hehe..

well, perhaps let me introduce some songs i think are nice in this album.. track 3 "odd number", track 8 "love till the last minute" and track 9 "the arc of love".. [click here to read an older post on this album]

17.07.2008 | 地心冒險

記得幾個月前睇到呢齣《地心冒險》嘅預告片, 即刻熱切期待, 前幾日終於都一賞所願去咗睇3D版本.. 印象中對上一次睇3D電影好似係N年前嘅《大白鯊》, 對當時嘅紙框左紅右綠膠鏡片記憶尤新.. 當然, 今日科技持續進步, 立體眼鏡經已改良甚多, 真係成副太陽眼睛咁時髦架喇(有啲似單車賽手戴嗰啲)..

故事其實都相當簡單, 完全吻合戲名冇離題, 一貫冒險風格嘅電影一齣囉.. 不過賣點就梗係3D啦, 果然好有立體感囉, 雖然有某些背景仍然係平面, 但係人物一律立體化, 感覺就好似活生生一個真人show咁.. 當然亦都少不了其他立體化嘅物體, 譬如水花四濺, 群鳥繞飛等等, 刻意整到直沖你眼前嘅效果, 真係會潛意識地向後仆一仆迴避架, 過癮喎..

觀後感?? 整體上嚟講中規中矩, 如果係要睇嘅話就千祈要睇3D版本喇, 因為我覺得平面版本應該就會好平淡囉..saw the trailer for "journey to the center of the earth" months ago, and that really make me look forward to the movie.. finally on monday, i got the chance to watch it's 3D version.. my impression on 3D movie was still the "jaws" infinitively many years ago, still remember the left-red-right-green plastic lens in cardboard-made specs to go into the theatre.. but as technology advances today, the 3D specs has greatly evolved, they now look just slightly less cool and fashionable than the shades you can get from boutiques..

the storyline is very straight forward, and exactly as the title suggests, typical adventure movie it is.. anyway, the interesting part is of course the 3D effects of the movie.. although some of the backgrounds were not made 3D, but the casts were all 3D, making you feel like you are watching a realman show.. other effects includes water splash, birds flock flying etc purposely designed to "flush" towards your eyes, making you instinctively back-off a bit to try to avoid them, brilliant..

in short, the movie is average, but if you would like to watch it then better choose the 3D version, as i would think that the normal 2D version should be quite boring..

16.07.2008 | 食完再食

唔好怪我又係一篇關於食物嘅entry啊.. 今次唔逐一詳細介紹喇, 上個週末食過啲嘢, 今日一次過作簡便介紹.. 頭先整理呢啲照片時候, 先驚覺OMG我一個週末竟然食咗咁多?? 無可否認, 只要見到個樣好食嘅食物, 我就會好自然拎起部手機/相機係咁影, 好似已經變成一個習慣..
  1. 波德申之旅酒店嘅早餐浦飛, 都幾多嘢食, 但係味道就非常一般囉.. 啲嘢我都擺得幾靚哦呵?? 影出嚟效果唔錯哦呵?? 哈哈..
  2. 花園商場內嘅蓬萊台灣料理.. 魯肉飯好香, 唔錯, 尤其中意佢哋個金包銀(糯米腸包台灣香腸), 好鬼好味喎!!
  3. 波德申之旅必勝客普通一個晚餐套餐囉.. 有意粉, pizza, 餐湯, 蒜包, 沙律, 汽水.. 咪就係因為唔知去邊同埋佢平之嘛..
  4. 谷中城頂樓間台灣小食店, 睇戲前求其搵間嘢醫肚咁囉.. 當時竟然漏咗幫我份擔擔麵落單添啊仲..
alright alright, i know it's about food again.. but i'm going to do it once-for-all for all that i've had during the past weekend this time.. while sorting out the photos just now, just realised i holy-god ate so much over the weekend!! anyway, undoubtedly, i just like to take photos of nice food, and instictively turned into a habit, hehe..
  1. breakfast buffet in hotel during my PD trip, quite a big variety but food was just ok.. anyway, see how i "present" my food on the dish?? looks nice in photo yeah??
  2. taiwanese restaurant "Peng Lai" in The Gardens.. not bad, and especially love their taiwanese pork sausage on glutinous rice sausage, oh, that's heavenly (sinful) man!!
  3. a normal dinner set at Pizza Hut in PD.. comes with spaghetti, pizza, soup, garlic bread, salad, drinks.. nowhere to eat and found this worth the money..
  4. a small taiwenese food restaurant on the top floor of MidValley, just a simple one before movie.. but missed out my "dan dan noodles" order, quite disappointing..

15.07.2008 | 一盒心意

今朝返到公司, 一眼就見到檯面上有盒嘢, 一定係我嘅青梅竹馬小春由英倫寄過嚟嘅心意啦.. 雖然係遲咗啲, 不過我仍然會當佢係生日禮物囉, 多謝晒啊小春!! 真係感動呢, 雖然已經事先聲明, 「驚」係少咗啲咁多, 不過「喜」就永遠大過天囉.. 急不及待即可拆開盒郵件, 嘩嘩嘩.. 好sweet囉, 除咗一早知道會收到件T恤之外, 原來仲有其他餡喎, 真係抵鍚喇!!

呢個33cm×28cm×6cm, 重650g嘅盒裡邊, 有件Uniqlo T恤啦(好得意, 我中意), 兩包walkers薯片(其中一包仲係泰式辣椒味, 勁innovative), 兩包朱古力(其中一包係chilli almond, 拗爆頭究竟會係咩味道), 一包薯仔圈, 一條皮革手繩, 六個masala tea茶包同埋一張紙條仔.. 同事見我開封後咁多嘢, 個個都碌大對眼羨慕非常, 而我就當然臉上增添不少光彩啦, 所以而家火速post上blog, 同大家分享我嘅喜悅, 呵呵~~

stepped into office today and saw a parcel box on my desk, must be from my dear old friend CSWS in London i don't have to guess.. well, i will treat this as my birthday present (though a month late) and just want to say a BIG THANK YOU TO CSWS!! i'm really delighted for this and without hesitation, i straight away unpack the parcel, that is so sweet of her to have sent me so many things.. not really surprised (as i have been informed earlier) but the joy is infinite..

the box measures 33cm×28cm×6cm and weighs 650g, there's a Uniqlo T-Shirt (cute, i love it, another contribution to my wardrobe), two packets of walkers (one of them is thai sweet chilli flavour, that's innovative), two blocks of chocolate (one of them is chilli almond, i really wonder how it taste like), a packet of hula hoops potato rings, a leather wrist band, six masala tea bags and a short little note.. got colleagues into envy when they saw the parcel, and of course i feel proud for what i have got, hehehe~~

14.07.2008 | 忽然一遊

噚日下晝同友人JY一拍即合, 兩個無聊人心血來潮一同驅車直飛波德申.. 個地方佢未去過(有點訝異其實), 咁我都有成五年未踏足過, 橫掂今日都請咗一日假(因為係時候clear leave), 所以就殺佢, 決定去呢個「本土聞名嘅海邊勝地」投宿一宵.. 一切好即興嘅情況之下, 揀咗呢間Guoman Hotel(因為上網查過, 我張信用卡有五折優惠), 間房對海景有兩張大床, 酒店設施環境都唔錯架..

其實明知呢個堪稱「本土聞名嘅海邊勝地」嘅地方係冇乜睇頭架喇, 不過今次係志在休息身心, 所以係冇乜所謂.. 結果?? 咪就係好鬼relax囉, 除咗出去食嘢之外, 大部份時間都留喺酒店範圍, 尤其張床就好似畀錢去瞓番夠本咁, 哈哈!! 所以呢個即興short trip盡休息, 返到屋企之後, 覺得聽日又要返工面對現實係世界末日囉.. went to port dickson with friend JY yesterday afternoon, it was something very impromptu and spontaneous.. he has not been there before (which is quite a surprise for me) and i have not been there for more than 5 years, and seeing that i have a day leave today, so why not?? with nothing planned beforehand, we decided to bunk-in the Guoman Hotel (because i can get 50% off rack rate if charged to my credit card) .. got a nice sea-view room with two super-single beds, facilities and environment were not bad at all..

expected there is nothing much special about this so-called "locally renowed seaside attraction", anyway since i just wanted to get myself relaxed, so that really doesn't matter at all.. and so what?? undoubtedly a cosy and relax getaway, besides going out for meals, spent most of the time in the hotel, and the bed has been fully utilised as if we have paid only to sleep on it, hahaha.. that is why after this short trip, i really feel reluctant to get back to work tomorrow to face the reality again, i am seeing "doomsday" now, boohoohoo~~

13.07.2008 | 守唔到寡

上個星期大濕平之後, 話過畀自己知要收手架喇, 不過噚日又唔覺意咁失手, 買咗啲嘢添.. 唔係多啦, 都係三件返工著恤衫同埋個銀包仔啫, 算係忍手架喇我..

恤衫係無意中發現四折優惠會員, 好抵著, 所以揀吓揀吓無意中就拎咗三件去排隊畀錢.. 中意第一嘅綠色同第三件嘅粉紅色, 好陽光好眼前一亮(以下圖片係thumbnail睇唔清楚顏色, 可以click入去睇original size).. 中間件, 覺得好似冇乜深色恤衫, 所以又無意中揀咗佢囉..

至於個銀包, 其實自從一年幾前喺上海畀人扒咗個銀包之後呢, 我就一直揾唔到個合眼緣嘅, 所以一路嚟都係冇用銀包架(所以畀好多朋友審問多次點解冇銀包??).. 呢個銀包真係無意中發現架, 因為有張voucher噚日到期, 所以逼住要買啲嘢.. 好師奶本色喔, 用得唔好嘥.. 結果喺個department行咗兩圈, 就發現呢個銀包, 折得嚟再加埋voucher回扣, 好平喎.. 所以就要咗佢囉, 買咗之後仲即用添.. 查實一向來都唔中意呢啲「打廣告」design, 不過見平就是但免為其難囉..

長話短說, 其實我都唔係專登要買嘢嘅, 事實係真嘅唔覺意失咗手啫~~ after spending a lot for shopping last week, i told myself to control.. but, easier said than done, again i bought something, yes it's accidentally, yesterday while doing shopping.. anyway, just three working shirts and a wallet and that's it, not really that much right??
for those shirts, just accidentally found out members are entitled for 60% discount off the price, and it's quite cheap after the discount.. love the lushy green of the 1st shirt, and the lusty pink of the 3rd one, haha!! (perhaps you'll need to click on the picture above to view the original size for the color) whereas for the 2nd, it's merely because i remember i don't have any dark colored shirt, and hence i just grabbed it together and queued to pay for them..

as for the wallet, it's absolutely accidentally as well.. since my wallet got picked-pocket in Shanghai a year ago, i was not able to get a nice wallet of my type, and hence i have not been using any for the past year, thus have always been questioned by friends why i have not been using one?? got a shopping voucher that i need to use it by yesterday, after walking two rounds in the same department, finally i found this wallet by accident.. after a 50% discount and rebate from the voucher, it's actually quite cheap, and quite close to what i wanted.. so i just happy pay for that, and use it immediately on the spot.. i don't really buy-in such "advertising" design actually, but since it's cheap, then why not this time??

well.. conclusion is: i didn't purposely go shopping and wanted to buy the above items, it's just merely accident~~

12.07.2008 | 極速一叮

頭先行超市嘅時候無啦啦想食即食麵, 於是腦袋就即刻浮現出我想要食嘅即食麵嗰樣.. 快手快腳, 唔駛五分鐘時間, 材料通通都買齊晒.. 買咗包[1]韓國即食烏冬麵(辣辣海鮮味), [2]兩條珍寶腸仔同埋[3]一百克嘅煙豬背肌肉(有六片咁多).. 唔駛教你點樣煮啦係嘛, 即食麵係人都識架啦.. 不過我就比懶人仲過懶, 用微波爐嚟叮咪得囉, 乾手淨腳.. [4]將麵, 調味包同埋腸仔放入個兜度, [5]架熱水, 剛剛蓋過麵餅, 然後逐片鋪上豬肉.. 準備妥當之後, 放入微波爐叮佢一個四分鐘(係喇, 咁啱就係娜姐首新歌噃).. 叮!!! [6]熱辣辣, 滾燙燙一兜勁美味嘅即食麵嚟喇.. 各位朋友, 雖然唔係啲咩山珍海味, 不過有時後簡簡單單, 係唔係都流晒口水呢老實講?? was in the supermarket just now while i suddenly came across an urge to have instant noodles.. without hesitation, and within just five minutes, i got all the ingredient needed (and do you use that bombastic word "ingredients" here for cooking instant noodles i wonder??).. bought [1] a pack of korean spicy seafood instant udon, [2] two pieces of BBQ pork sausages and [3] 100g of smoked back bacon (six pieces in total).. well, i don't think i need to explain the steps to cook an instant noodle, since everyone should have know how to cook one right?? anyway, i have been lazier than the lazy people, i cooked it using microwave instead (hehe!!).. [4] place the noodles, flavor and sausages into a big bowl, [5] fill in hot water just to cover the noodle, and place the bacon piece by piece on top.. when done, just place into microwave for four minutes (and yeah, it's Marge's latest hit song "4 minutes").. [6] taa-taang, and there you go, pipping hot and delicious instant udon right in front of you ready to serve!! well, nothing expensive but just simple, and i bet you still think it's delicious huh??

11.07.2008 | 我生病了

今日起身後去附近間診所睇醫生, 請咗日病假.. 其實之前幾日都覺得啲唔妥架喇, 傷風咳嗽, 頭赤眼澀, 而且成個人覺得攰賴賴咁, 應該同天氣有關囉.. 醫生開咗四包藥同埋一支咳藥水我, 好孩子聽晒話咁啱啱食咗藥(一共六粒丸+一格藥水).. 護士話個傷風藥同咳藥水有昏睡作用, 等待藥效發作之前, 趁機寫寫blog..

今日應該係今年第二次請病假, 喺呢間公司做咗近三年嘅第四次病假, 算係幾得架喇呵?? 至少一年entitle十日病假我都夠駛夠用, 哈哈.. 今日病咗, 希望快啲好返, 我仲要享受我嘅週末架~~

went to see a doctor after woke up this morning, took a sick leave for today.. was not feeling that well since couple of days ago actually.. cough blocked nose, headache, eyesore, and feeling tired.. i think it has to do with the weather recently.. the doctor gave me 4 types of pills and a bottle of cough syrup, i was a good boy and i took the medicine obediently (6 pills + cough syrup).. the nurse told me the flu medicine and cough syrup will make me feel sleepy, while waiting for myself to drowse off, i'll updating this blog then..

should be the 2nd sick leave i'm taking for this year, and the 4th one since i joined this company nearly three years ago.. not bad huh?? at least the 10 days sick-leave entitlement is still enough for me, hehe.. i'm sick today and hope that i will get well real soon, as i still want to enjoy the coming weekend, hehe~~

10.07.2008 | 瑣碎報導

  • 今日晨早同事SG打畀我, 一開口就話「公司火燭啊!!」, 當時我仲喺屋企個輕鐵站等車, 確係煞時震驚囉.. 我第一個反應就係, 有冇燒到我哋公司啊?? 公司入邊有冇其他同事喺度啊?? 結果最後確實, 係同一座大廈一樓某間公司嘅電錶走電, 應該就冇我想象中咁tragic.. 大概早上九點半之後就回復正常啦..
  • 今日其實冇返公司, 成日都喺個客度上training.. 渾渾噩噩咁就過咗一日, 除咗學到啲嘢之外, 印象中間training room係凍得攞命囉, 杯熱茶擺喺度唔駛廿分鐘就變成凍茶喇, 誇.. 仲有, 唔知點解, 對住個slide projection竟然自自然然咁瞌埋眼想瞓覺添, lunch過後尤其頻密, 我諗都有超過五次, 哈哈~~
  • 今日成日喺個客度, 位置正好就喺個gym隔條馬路正對面.. 上完training, 行過馬路就係我每日放工後都要舟車勞頓先至去到嘅gym喇, 覺得方便到有點難以置信.. 真係慳好多時間囉, 比起平時今日早咗個幾鐘, 呢種感覺好幸福囉..
  • colleague SG called me early morning, without anything else she started the conversation with "our office is on fire!!".. i was still waiting for the train, and this breaking news was a real shock to me.. first things that came to my mind was, was out office burnt?? is there any other colleagues trapped in the office?? but was relief at last to find out that it was just a short-circuit in one of the suite on the 1st floor, not really as tragic as what i've imagined, and everything went back to normal after 9:30am..
  • was out of office in customer's place today, attending a training in their venue.. it was a day, besides learning some new things, i can only remember how freezingly cold the training room was, my cup of hot tea just turned into cold tea within minutes.. and also, (i wonder why?) i have been drowsing throughout the day staring at the slides projection, especially after lunch, i think it has happened more than 5 times, hehehe~~
  • the customer's place i have been today, is just nicely opposite my gym across the road.. after the training, instead of the need to drag my tired body against the traffic, i just need to walk across the road, and i was right there in the gym already.. that was really unbelievably quick, i was more than an hour earlier than usual.. i really love this kind of convenience..

09.07.2008 | 中英對照

大概兩個星期前開始, 我呢個blog都儘量做到圖文並茂+中英對照以照顧廣大支持我嘅朋友.. 講到中英對照, 忽然間醒起之前收到嘅一封email, 係話中國內地超搞笑嘅中英對照指示牌.. 08奧運來臨之際, 唔知中國方面有冇提昇呢一方面嘅水準呢?? 如果識得睇中文, 冇問題啦, 而且仲額外得啖笑.. 如果唔識中文, 就肯定會拗爆頭唔知點算好囉, 真係攞命!!

[1]傢具護理用品=the furniture nurses the thing!!??
[2]殺蟲水=kills the insect water!!??
[3]洗衣皂=washes clothes the soap!!??
[4]巡邏簽到處=patrol to sign every where!!??
[5]沖調飲品=hurtle to adjust the beverage!!??
[6]干果區=fuck the fruit area!!!
[7]干貨=fuck goods!!!
[8]一次性用品=a time sex thing!!??
[9]小心上落=caution up below!!??
[10]收銀處=accept the silver!!??

dear english readers, although i normally translate what i have written for the entry from cantonese to english, but i think this time i could not help with it.. because the sign board translation (yeah, they were found in mainland China) really beats me, hahaha!! i have no way to translate them any *better*, sorry you just gotta read chinese in order to get the joke out of them.. or perhaps treat this as a "quiz", guess what they mean?? hehehe~~

08.07.2008 | 下午飯盒

有時喺公司真係好懶得出去食lunch, (1) 山長水遠行出去, 返到公司又身水身汗, (2) 嚟嚟去去都係食啲同樣嘅嘢, 都頗悶架有時.. 所以最近「愛上了」呢個tele-lunch三餸飯盒外賣, 每日都有唔同嘅20樣餸你揀(而且每月換餐牌).. 填好張柯打紙後傳真過去, 飯盒就喺你寫明嘅食晏時間準時送上.. 一手交錢, 一手熱辣辣飯盒交給你, 好快捷方便囉.. KL/PJ一帶嘅朋友, 如果你有興趣, 我可以forward個餐牌同柯打紙畀你喎, 哈哈..

啲嘢煮得係OK架, 好多時候都唔錯, 食得好滿足.. 今日叫咗個中式雞扒, 洋蔥芙蓉蛋同清炒元財.. 一邊食飯, 一邊喺度寫呢個blog貼.. 不過未寫晒就已經食完喇, 哈哈.. 食飽飽, 再沖番杯清香綠茶嘆吓先.. 這就是我的lunch time活動喇, 有啲唔係幾健康哦呵??

sometimes just feel too lazy to go out for lunch.. (1) gotta walk too far, and come back sweaty most of the time, (2) almost eating the same things, quite boring.. and hence, i got quite fond of this tele-lunch lunch box recently.. 20 different dishes for choice everyday (and new menu given every month), just fill in the form and fax it over, the lunch box shall arrive promptly at the lunch time you specify.. pay and you get your lunch on the spot, it's quick and convenient for such home-cooked meal.. anyone in KL/PJ who is interested?? i am happy to forward the menu and order form to you, hehe..

the food is always cooked up to standard, ordered oriental chicken chop, onion omelette and stir fried vege today.. writing this entry while having lunch at the same time, but finished the lunch box before i can finish writing, hehe.. lunch is done, and i'll make myself a nice cosy cup of green tea to enjoy the remaining of my lunch time.. this is how i spend my lunch time, not that healthy, right??

07.07.2008 | 金曲服裝

2008年度第十九屆台灣金曲獎剛於上個禮拜六圓滿結束, 其實之前都唔知呢項盛事, 頭先上網嘅時候無意中發現嘅.. 以下為部份得獎名單, 覺得都頗滿意(至少同上一屆比較起嚟):

  • 最佳年度歌曲獎: 周傑倫《青花瓷》
  • 最佳國語專輯獎: 莫文蔚《拉活…》
  • 最佳國語男歌手獎: 曹格《Super Sunshine》
  • 最佳國語女歌手獎: 蔡健雅《Goodbye & Hello》
  • 最佳專輯製作人獎: 蔡健雅《Goodbye & Hello》
頒獎典禮除咗獎項之外, 其實紅地氈上的女星打扮更是另一焦點.. 某網上報章度見到呢幾位大牌歌星, 等我都嚟湊熱鬧評點吓先.. 純屬個人意見, 冇偏見冇刻意踩低成份..
  • 蔡依林: 件立體晚裝, 好標新立異喎, 有抵死網友話似衛生巾多啲喎.. 睇落都幾似噃, 哇哈哈哈..
  • 徐熙媛(大S): 我覺得佢當晚風情萬種, 好鬼靚囉.. 不過有啲熟口熟面..
  • 蔡健雅: 唔知佢著條咁嘅裙想點?? 加賣把睇落三日冇洗嘅油臘臘卷髮, 佢行得出嚟攞獎喎??
  • 孫燕姿: 條裙幾OK啦, 不過就係唔明, 明明係青春無敵, 就偏偏每次都搞到自己老晒..
  • 梁靜茹: 我就覺得好村姑look囉佢, 激鬼氣..
  • 張惠妹: 黑色長裙, 一頭利落短髮, rock rock地, 超型啊!! 好有天后架勢..
  • 陳奕迅: 係唔係要學人家Johnny Depp啊, 陳生?? 有啲搞笑囉不過我覺得..
  • 曹格: 都叫做OK啦, 不過把頭髮, 演唱會後仍然係呢把頭髮, 我都勸過佢換個髮型師架啦.. 仲有, 堂堂歌王, 唔好擺埋啲V字手勢啦唔該~~

06.07.2008 | 濕平週日

既然個勢嚟咗, 就唔好畀佢停喇.. 今日如常去gym, 之後緊接繼續噚日嘅濕平使命, 喺谷中城兩間商場揮霍.. 我非用「揮霍」兩個字嚟形容自己不可, 買埋今日真係應該收手喇, 不過其實都仲喺自己預料之中, 未超過預先設定嘅limit.. anyway, 久唔久咁樣嚟縱容自己, OK架都, 橫掂都好耐冇獎勵吓自己啦(考到PMP啦, 生日啦, 等等)..

[1] CASIO G-Shock白色手錶, 好想買隻sporty錶好耐架喇, 呢個當係買畀自己嘅生日禮物..
[2] ZARA湖藍色button-fly及膝短褲, 我覺得好正囉個顏色, 一睇就中意..
[3] GAP白底格子短袖恤衫, 今日終於喺呢間分店搵到size, 同件褲都幾match喎..
[4] 2(x)ist黑色... 唔話你知係咩, 自己估啦..

係唔係仍然都好斯文嘅taste啊?? 其實著喺我身上呢, 應該唔會係斯文囉, 會係classy posh chic啩?? 呵呵~~the power continues, and hence i didn't intentionally stop it.. went to gym as usual on a sunday, and then continue shopping in the two malls in mid-valley city.. i must say that i've been quite splurgy this weekend, and i think i should stop spending after today.. lucky is still under my estimation and has not gone beyond.. anyway, pampering myself once in a blue moon is ok i supposed, afterall i have not been doing this for a long time (after my PMP exam, my birthday etc etc)..

[1] CASIO G-Shock white watch, have longed for a more sporty-look watch, will treat this as a birthday present for myself..
[2] ZARA lake-blue color button-fly bermudas, love this color so much, just love it at the first sight..
[3] GAP white color checker short sleeves shirt, finally got my size in this branch, quite match with the bermudas..
[4] 2(x)ist black color... mmmm, not going to tell you what it is, just make a guess perhaps??

05.07.2008 | 濕平週六

唔經唔覺又到七月, 又係年中mega sales喇!! 今日冇人約, 於是就決定單槍匹馬(因為可以不受束縛)去濕平.. 由早上11點開始一直到夜晚9點, 一共行咗金三角地區三間主要商場, 好耐好耐都已經冇試過如此瘋狂喇, 今日個氣勢突然歸來.. 雖然返到屋企攰到成個人趴喺度動彈不得, 不過今日真係好enjoy.. 唔係買咗好多, 因為好多貨品都冇晒size, 最緊要係週圍都超多係人(我就唔會去同人爭), 所以最後都淨係得呢5件, 都洗咗我唔少錢架其實..

[1] Zara米色暗直幼紋闊身長褲, 休閒著
[2] Sisley藍黑色暗直幼紋中低腰修身長褲, 可休閒可formal雙著
[3] Seed白底灰直紋恤衫, 返工恤衫首選因為剪裁fit晒我身形
[4] Gap海藍底白色直幼紋修身剪裁恤衫, 可休閒可formal雙著
[5] Springfield粉紅淨色poplin修身剪裁恤衫, 應該會主力休閒著, 返工略嫌炫耀
[6] Club Monaco.. 邊度搵6啊?? 冇錯, 我好想有, 不過行勻成間店都搵唔到嘢買..

買完先發覺差唔多全部都係簡單直紋設計噃, 而且全部都偏向斯文大方, 我最近啲taste就係咁喇, 簡單利落不浮誇, 少少classy嗰種..it's july and it's mid-year mega sales again all over the country, decided to go shopping alone today (yeah, normally i am just able to get things if i shop alone).. from 11am till 9pm, i shopped in the 3 major malls within the golden triangle area, and was drop-dead tired after reached home.. didn't buy much, because sizes were gone, and more importantly crowd everywhere refrained me from joining-them-in-the-fun.. just the 5 pieces above, but cost me no little money though..

[1] ZARA beige color striped loose-cut pants, for casual wearing
[2] SISLEY dark blue color striped fit-cut low-rise pants, for formal or casual wearing
[3] SEED striped shirt, my choice for working shirt since the cutting perfectly fits my body
[4] GAP sea blue color striped slim-fit shirt, for formal or casual wearing
[5] SPRINGFIELD pink color slim-fit shirt, for casual wearing (a bit sharp if i wear it to work)
[6] Club Monaco.. where is 6??? well, right, i really wanted to have it, but just couldn't get any

found out almost all items are striped designs, and all are more towards subtle and simple style.. well, this has been my taste recently, simple and subtle and no-way flamboyant, a little classy i'd say perhaps..

04.07.2008 | 再下一城

今日係同事muiyen嘅last day, 當然唔錯過同佢食埋呢餐晏啦.. 本來都因為噚晚狂食而唔打算食晏架喇今日, 不過話晒人哋last day, 我就一於畀面咁解囉.. 今日再下一城, muiyen你真係爭我哋呢啲減肥人士一個大大大人情喇, 呵呵..

冇乜特別, 搵咗公司附近間連鎖餐廳「秘密食譜」, 唔駛多作介紹, 大家都熟悉不過啦.. 我平時去親呢間嘢, 一定唔駛諗就柯打佢嘅chicken meatball spaghetti, 不過噚晚實在係食得太放肆喇, 所以今日淨係叫咗個chicken cornish pie食算喇.. 嗯, 其實都另外搭咗件brownies嘅(唔好意思, 驚唔夠飽吖嘛)..

老實講, 我而家覺得超飽, 又眼瞓添~~

it's last day for colleague muiyen today, so we all went to have lunch together at "Secret Recipe".. yeah, yet another heavy meal to bid her farewell, and so, she is obliged to be extremely grateful to all of us (who are always on diet and normally seldom do lunch), haha..

nothing much special about this restaurant as i think most of us know about it.. i would normally have their chicken meatball spaghetti everytime i pay visit, but due to the over-eating dinner last night, i decided to just have a cornish pie this time.. errr, ok ok, let me be frank.. actually i ordered another piece of brownies to go with it (i was worried only a pie is too little for me) -_-'''

honestly, i feel really really stuffed up now, and sleepy too~~

03.07.2008 | 三顧高麗

今日全體同事(除咗DK放飛機之外)放工後齊齊去食韓國料理, 又係呢間Seoul Korea(冇錯!!), 雖然今次係我第三次光顧, 不過臨放工前都仲有啲期待架.. 今日嘅聚餐, 係為同事muiyen搞farewell.. 我哋成棚一共13人齊齊攻陷間餐廳, 今次恃住人多, 叫咗好多款嘢食, 再加埋啲唔駛錢嘅小菜, 成張檯都唔夠擺啲食物.. 以下圖片(點擊可放大)之不過係其中一部份, 鏡頭以外其實仲有好多嘢囉老實講..

好客嘅老闆娘今次又私人送多兩份海鮮煎餅過我哋, 係好食到吖, 真係多得DV帶挈囉, 每次嚟都有嘢送.. 食物依然保持高水準, 可能係第三次光顧嘅原因, 所以今次並無太大驚艷感覺.. 反觀其他初次品嘗嘅同事們, 個個都食到好滿意咁款, 相信佢哋私底下應該都會密謀再次光顧嘅, 呵呵.. 全體同事一致食到飽死趴響度郁都唔郁, 埋單一共約RM344, 你話啦, 係唔係好抵食啊?? 離開時老闆, 老闆娘帶埋一個夥計企喺門口, 對我哋逐一鞠躬講「감사합니다」, 呢個地方, 食物環境服務全部都非常好, 要畀五星佢囉..
went for korean dinner with all colleagues (except DK) after work at the "Seoul Korea" restaurant, to have a farewell dinner for colleague muiyen.. though this is the 3rd time visiting, i still have a little looking forward to it.. since there were a total 13 of us, we had a chance to order more varieties of dishes, adding to the complimentary condiments, our table just could not fit all the food.. what you see in the photos above (click to view actual size) were just a small little portion, there were actually a lot more outside the camera, no joke!!

the hospitable restaurant owner gave us two plates of seafood pancake for free this time, it was absolutely delicious, thanks to DV we have freebies everytime we visit :) food are still cooked in their best taste, perhaps this is my 3rd time, frankly there isn't much surprise for myself, but i could see other colleagues enjoying themselves very much with the food.. i think they were secretly planning for their next visit in the near future, hehe..

we were all stuffed with food in the end, but it just cost us about RM344, that is really worth the money for all the nice food.. and by the time we left, the owners bowed and thanked us one by one.. food, environment and services of this restaurant are all great, worth a 5-star score no doubt..

閱讀相關舊貼: (1) 無可挑剔以及(2) 再戰高麗
older posts on this restaurant: (1) nothing beats it.. and (2) korea, again!

02.07.2008 | 綠綠無窮

坐喺公司自己個位度, 無意中發現身邊有好多樣嘢都係綠色.. 平時都真係唔覺, 今日留心一望, 眼前的確係「綠綠無窮」.. 即刻心血來潮用手機一一影低同大家分享, 部落格色調, 玩具, 糖果盒, 盆栽, arm rest, 綠茶包, 緊急掣, 餅乾--全部都係綠色噃.. 綠色象征著自然, 生命, 朝氣, 希望.. 我其實都幾中意呢個顏色架..
sitting at my place in the office, accidentally found out quite some things around me are in green.. having not realised this, i was quite attentive today on them, and i really see green all around me.. spontaneously i took out my mobile phone and snap a photo of each of them to share with dear you.. my blog theme color, toy, mint container, plant, arm rest, green tea bag, emergency lock, crackers - they are all in green.. the color green symbolises nature, life, energy, hope.. i actually quite like this color..

01.07.2008 | 碎碎雜唸

  • 今朝去7記買咗包鮮奶, 拎返公司倒咗杯嚟飲, 竟然是酸的(不過尚可入口, 我飲咗兩啖先決定唔要)!! 明明睇住包裝上寫明12/7/2008先到期, 一定係間7記個雪櫃唔夠凍, 整壞晒我包奶, 下次咪鬼旨意我幫襯佢!!
  • 晏晝懶得行出去, 於是就照舊落去basement個冤崩爛臭嘅canteen買咗盒飯上公司食.. 同平時個份量一樣, 不過成盒飯餸食晒後覺得超飽, 淨低隻雞肶做下午茶.. 哈哈, 一個飯盒一開二分兩餐食, 搞笑..
  • 今日禮拜二, 放工依舊去健身中心上hiphop class.. 今日有個動作好搞笑, 稍為做得唔啱就會變得好肉酸.. 又咁啱做呢個動作嘅時候, 有位朋友正好經過, 隔住玻璃畀佢見到, 佢即刻笑咗出嚟.. 晏啲佢仲send個短訊諷刺我, 搖呀搖, 搖得好性感~~ 無言以對..
  • bought a pack of fresh milk from 7-eleven this morning, only to find out it's perished when i tasted a cup in the office!! expiry date on the packaging clearly printed 12/7/2008, must be the fridge of that 7-eleven not working in good condition.. i shall never get anything from that shop again..
  • lazy to go far for lunch today, so just went down to get something from the poorly ventilated canteen in the building basement.. same portion as usual, finished up everything except the complete whole drumstick, left it for tea though.. a pack of rice split for two meals, that's kind of funny..
  • it's tuesday and as usual i headed to gym to join the hiphop class.. there's this funny pose today that will turn out to be "disgusting" if you didn't do it right.. and so coincidently a friend passby the studio, and saw me doing that through the glass, without any other response, he just giggled looking at me.. later on, got his SMS: "shaking your butt there, so sexy huh??" - i was speechless!!