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2015.09.29 | 沖涼冼身

[Volume 10 Issue 9, #2060]
Do You Enjoy Shower??
Minions after shower
曾聽聞法國人不喜歡沖涼或洗澡, 所以佢哋對香水特別有研究.. 咁閣下又幾耐沖一次涼咁呢?? 每日一次, 每日兩次, 又或者每兩日一次?? 哈哈.. 其實我要承認, 以前喺外國讀緊書嘅時候, 都曾經多次唔沖涼㗎, 尤其係冬天, 因為凍吖嘛又覺得自己冇流汗, 所以由佢啦(皆因自己死懶啫!!).. 不過事實上, 我哋大家每日都必定會流汗, 甚至瞓緊覺都會, 只係我哋唔覺啫.. anyway, 我每次偷懶唔沖涼都係一日啫, 絕不會連續幾日啦.. 之不過喺呢度, 就肯定要日日沖涼啦, 一日唔沖都會覺得一身油油黐立立咁, 好唔舒服囉.. 就算我喺gym沖完涼直接歸家, 返到屋企我都係要同樣再沖多次涼.. 我絕對唔係有潔癖, 而係習慣咗.. 有啲人話求其淋兩下就算係沖咗個涼, 不過我唔得囉, 反正濕咗個身, 都至少用番梘冼下個身啦下化?? 我呢就唔會喺間浴室內姿整嘅, 一個十分鐘俾我由頭洗到腳趾尾, 沖完覺得自己乾乾淨淨香噴噴, 就係如此喇.. :)
i heard that the French do not quite like to take shower or bath, and thus they are very good in perfume.. how often do you take a shower or bath?? once a day, twice a day, or maybe once every two days?? haha.. okay i confess, when i was studying overseas, there were many times that i skipped taking shower, especially during winter, because it felt cold and i thought i did not sweat, so let it be (because i was lazy!!).. but the fact is, we all actually sweat everyday even during sleep, we just do not realise that.. anyway, i only skipped one day each time but never more that.. of course back in here, it has to be shower everyday, i feel so uncomfortable with the greasiness and stickiness.. even if i just took a shower in the gym and headed home right away, i still will take a shower when i get home, hahaha.. i'm certainly not a clean freak, but i'm just use to it.. some may do a quick one by just rinsing with water and that's a shower.. but to me, since already wet, why not at least clean the body with soap also?? i don't take my own sweet time in the bathroom, a mere 10 minutes to get my hair shampooed, my body and face cleaned, i feel refreshed, smell good and that's it.. :)

2015.09.25 | 蒸比叮好

[Volume 10 Issue 9, #2059]
Steaming is Better Than Microwaving
我諗大家應該都明白到如果公司有部微波爐, 咁可以喺公司內叮熱甚至整啲嘢食, 已算很好.. 如果閣下有跟我個blog嘅話, 過去幾個月我就係咁做喇.. 好明顯, 得個微波爐又真係整唔出咩花臣嘅, 之不過可以煮到好似咁嘅一碗即食麵, 有午餐肉, 煙肉, 青菜, 杏鲍菇同一隻蛋, 我當係好幸福㗎喇.. 哈峆!!
i guess we all understand that if there is a microwave in the office, then it's good enough to heat up or even cook something for a quick lunch in the office.. that is what i have been doing since few months ago, if you have been following my blog.. obviously, we cannot expect anything fancy with just a microwave, but if i could whack up something like this bowl of instant noodles loaded with luncheon meat, bacon, veggie, eryngii mushrooms and an egg, then i am blessed.. haha!!
Instant Noodles Loaded with Ingredients using Microwave
當然, 我哋都知道經常用微波爐叮嘢食其實對身體唔好啦.. 所以聽取意見後, 公司最終為茶水間添置咗部電蒸爐.. 好嘢!! 有咗呢個電蒸爐, 我哋就可以喺辦公室內由零開始整啲「稍為複雜啲」嘅嘢食, 雖然唔係乜嘢都得, 但係至少多啲嘢得囉, 嘻嘻!! 準確啲, 應該係話住家feel.. 咩嘢咁住家feel呢?? 點擊下面個電蒸爐睇下SK茶水間蒸緊啲咩?? 呵呵~~ :p
of course, we all know it is not healthy eating microwave food all the time.. so, after listening to some sugggestions, the company finally added a steamer into the pantry.. hip hip hooray!! with that, we are able to cook more not-so-simple food from scratch in office itself, though not all food but at least more food, hehe!! and to be more precise, more HOMELY food.. what homely food you wonder?? click on the steamer below to see what's steaming in SK's pantry!! hehehe~~ :p
New Food Steamer in Office Pantry
簡簡單單 兩餸一湯 蒸蒸餐
simple steaming meal: one soup and two dishes
Meals in Office - Rice, Soup and DishesMeals in Office - Rice, Soup and DishesMeals in Office - Rice, Soup and Dishes

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2015.09.21 | 對數表册

[Volume 10 Issue 9, #2058]
The Little Log Table Booklet
The Little Log Table Booklet
各位叔伯兄弟, 姨媽姑姐们.. 大家仲記唔記得呢啲印滿細細隻數目字嘅表呀?? 想當年要拎把尺一行一行對準, 金睛火眼先睇得清楚嘅一堆數字.. 其實我想講, 時隔多年, 我好似都冇乜記得點樣去用呢啲數目表喇嘛, 哈哈!! :p
all aunties and uncles, brothers and sisters.. do you still remember these tables of very finely printed numbers, of which we needed to use a ruler to place on the correct line and then squint our eyes to read the figures?? and i have to admit here that, perhaps it was so many years ago that i do not think i remember how it works now, haha!! :p
The Little Log Table Booklet
就係講緊呢啲對數表册子囉, 想當年返學係隨身帶備哚.. 我記得要搵個對應嘅數值出嚟係頗多功夫嘅, 但係又慣駛慣用, 連計算機都唔需要.. 話時話, 家陣嘅學生仲有冇用呢啲對數表册子, 定係全部升級用計算機喇?? 我咁樣問係因為, 大家知啦, 與時并進嘛.. :)
we are talking about these little log table booklets (or better known as buku sifir??) that we used to bring along with us to school.. i remember it was tedious but we were so used to it that we didn't even need a calculator!! BTW, i wonder if students now are still using these booklets, or are already allowed to use scientific calculators in school?? i ask because, you know, time has changed right?? :)
The Little Log Table Booklet
咁呢, 我就無意中喺屋企度搵到兩本咁嘅册子, 紅色本印象深刻, 藍色本就唔係好記得.. 不過藍色本呢, 上面竟然印咗所謂嘅「此册歸考試局所有, 離開時請留低桌而面上」.. 吓?? 乜我咁大膽「噠」咗佢走?? 再翻一翻內頁, 見到1989年喎, 我當時都仲係小學噃.. 嗯, 咁就實係我阿哥或家姐做㗎啦, 唔係我哦!! 哈哈.. :D
and i actually found two copies of these booklets at home, which i remember the red one well but not the blue.. anyway, it is stated on the cover of the blue booklet that, "this copy belongs to the examination board, leave it on the table when exit".. ooopss!! did i just "smuggled" it out of the exam hall?? i flipped inside and saw the year 1989, hmmm, i was still in primary school then.. must be either my brother or sister who did it, not me!! hahaha.. :D

2015.09.17 | 無題一貼

[Volume 10 Issue 9, #2057]
A Post I Am Still Thinking for A Suitable Title
遇上週末或公共假期, 我通常都唔會選擇留喺屋企, 而係外出到夜晚黑先捨得歸家嘅.. 噚日係公共假期, 但係因為某些(我哋大家馬來西亞人都知嘅)原因, 我全日足不出戸留喺屋企, 甚至我家姐都要潤一潤我說, 日頭喺屋企見到我確實有啲奇, 哈哈!! 咁呢, 我如果係留喺屋企嘅話, 實係瞓昼啲先甘願起身, 食個brunch之後上下網, 跟住眠一眠(好過做神仙)兩個幾鐘.. 之後玩一玩手機, 食晚飯睇電視, 再上網直至夠鐘瞓覺.. 好頹, 所以我其實唔太喜歡留喺屋企, 因為好似嘥緊美好時光咁.. 不過耐唔耐一次, 都唔係咩大問題嘅.. 就正如我耐不耐寫啲好似今日咁悶咁dry嘅一篇貼, 一個懶人係好難會諗到精彩題材嚟寫嘛, 咁都屬正常啦呵?? 哇哈哈哈.. 多謝大家捧場, 咁駛逼自己一定要留言喎其實.. :p
on an usual public holiday or weekend, i will not be staying at home but flee out and not be back home until night time.. it was a public holiday yesterday, but due to some reasons (we all Malaysian know) i stayed at home for the whole day, even my sister teased me by saying that she felt rather unusual to see me at home in the day, haha!! and when i am staying at home, i also become a lazy and unproductive person.. i'll only wake up late morning and then have brunch, surf internet a while and then take a nap for a couple of hours.. and then maybe play with the phone, time for dinner and watch TV, then finally surf internet again until bed time.. that is why i actually prefer not to stay at home, as i feel like i am wasting time, hahaha!! but for once in a blue moon, i guess this is quite alright huh?? just like for once in a blue moon, i am writing dry and dull post like this because a lazy mind cannot think of an interesting topic, it's totally fine too, right?? muahahahaha.. thank you for reading and you don't have to force yourself to comment.. :p

2015.09.14 | 是日金句

[Volume 10 Issue 9, #2056]
Quote of The Day
Quote Of The Day
一個躹躬盡粹嘅領導人, 會為任何發生嘅事情而責怪自己; 一個真正嘅領導人, 會因為證實做錯事而衷心道歉, 然後立即采取補救行動; 一個無賴領導人, 就算做咗千古罪人, 都依然要否認所有罪狀, 兼且含血噴人周圍誣蔑他人..
a responsible leader blames himself for anything that happened, a true leader apologises and takes corrective actions immediately after proven wrong, a bangsat leader denies everything and accuses all other people even if he knows he has done everything wrong..
任何尚有一絲尊嚴嘅人, 都會愧對自己嘅無知短視, 大話不慚嘅謊言, 囂張嘅否認同人身攻擊嘅批評.. 只有似隻雞嘅領導人唔會, 仲反而話人唔尊重佢..
anyone with even a tad little self-esteem would feel ashamed of his own embarrassing myopia, conspicuous lies, arrogant denials and insulting criticisms.. but seekor leader would not, yet asked why he is not being respected..
如果一個冇「春袋」嘅領導人只係夠膽喺自己個場高聲以粗俗語言否認自己嘅過錯, 咁佢就一定係冇膽面對全世界講返同樣一套說話..
if a tarak-telor leader dares to yell shamelessly using vulgar language denying all his wrongdoings only in his closed-door assemblies, he definitely chickens out if asked to stand out to the world and openly tells the same stories..
如果有一個扑街領導人, 咁佢下面就係一班廢材嘅追隨下屬.. (摘錄於某些互聯網出處)
when there is an ASSHOLE leader, then there are ASS-LICKING people under him.. (adapted from some internet sources)

2015.09.10 | 富者愈富

[Volume 10 Issue 9, #2055]
The Rich Getting Richer
Credit Card Spend More To Win More Contests
我諗大家應該都知道國家經濟正衰退, 馬幣更係貶至十七年來嘅新低.. 原本已弱嘅購買能力變得更弱, 難怪連銀行都出盡法寶吸引客戶多多洗錢啦.. 我就時不時會收到銀行發嚟嘅呢種「多洗多贏」短訊, 可想而知佢哋係幾渴求信用卡申請同交易(話唔定係其中一個寵大收入).. 啲獎品的確係好吸引, 我好多時會心動而且都嘗試過幾次, 但係就從來都未有幸運之星卷顧眷顧過, 哈哈!! 查實有時都會質疑呢類競賽是否真實, 所說獎品是否真的會送出.. 就係「多洗多贏」嘅模式不嬲啲規則都好苛刻, 係有錢洗嘅人先有多啲機會贏獎啫, 意思即係搞到富者愈富囉.. 我呢種冇乜錢嘅人機會微乎其微, 不如疊埋心水精明消費, 無謂墮入洗錢嘅陷阱中喇.. :)
i guess we all know that the country's economy is clearly declining with ringgit at its 17-year lowest.. spending power is lower than the already low, till banks have to come out with various marketing effort to lure people to spend.. i got these "spend more to win" invitations from the banks very often, and i can sense how desperate they are for credit card applications and transactions (which likely is one of their major incomes).. looks so attractive with the prizes that i am often tempted and attempted a few times, but never have been lucky enough to be a winner, haha!! sometimes i wonder how genuine the contests are and whether the prizes are really given out.. and given these are "spend more to win" models with mean rules, then only people who have more money to spend can stand a higher chance to win, which means the rich gets richer!! poor guy like me would definitely not have any chance at all, so just spend wisely and not fall into traps.. :)

2015.09.07 | 部落廣告

[Volume 10 Issue 9, #2054]
My Advertising Space On This Blog
我諗我哋大部份博客都會喺自己個blog擺啲廣告位, 反正都份擺住喺度就等收錢, 其實都冇壞啫.. 至於可以收到幾多錢就梗係另當別論啦.. 就講返我自己, 五年前開始到今日, 我都賺唔到RM100囉!! 幾可憐呀, 哈哈!! 同嗰一班每個月輕輕鬆鬆就有張四位數支票袋袋平安嘅博客比較, 簡直係爭天共地啦.. 點都好, 係我自己個blog唔爭氣, 冇得怨人嘅, 所以今日講第樣嘢啦.. 呢幾日寫咗啲scripts, 對我呢個blog上的廣告做咗啲「玩皮」嘢(如果你有留意到)嚟表達自己嘅睇法.. 係㗎, 我有時都可以頗反叛㗎, 呵呵~~ :p
i think most of us place advertising space on our blogs to earn money, since it's no harm as we just leave it there and get paid for huh?? of course, how much money we can earn from doing that is another story.. take myself as an example, i started doing this since 5 years ago and yet my earnings is not even RM100!! hahaha, so pathetic and such a big difference from that group of bloggers who can easily get a 4-figure cheque every month.. anyway, that's because my blog isn't capable so no complaints and i shall talk about another story.. lately, i wrote some simple scripts and did something "naughty" to those ads placed on my blog (if you have noticed) to express my voice.. yes, i can be quite rebellious sometimes, hehe~~ :p
Ads on My Blog - Remove advertising agent's logo
第一, 俾錢打廣告嘅係廣告商客戶, 唔係個廣告agent, 唔好趁機會喺小小一個角落宣示主權.. 所以我寫咗啲script將佢拎走, 忽然開朗呀~~ :p
first, the one who paid for the ads was the advertiser and not the agent, so don't take the opportunity to place a logo at the corner to claim the sovereignty.. hence, i wrote a little script to take it off, looks so much better now~~ :p
任你話我「吃不到的葡萄是酸的」, 以上純粹為本人個人意見, 大家可自由聽取或一笑而過.. 如有同意者想做返同樣嘅嘢, 可直接電郵本人, 本人非常樂意分享所寫嘅scripts, 嘻嘻!! :D
it's up to you to comment this post as a "sour grape" but these are indeed purely my personal opinions, either take it or leave it.. if anyone who agrees with me and want to do the same thing on the ads, you can send me an email and i am happy to share the scripts i have written, haha!! :D

2015.09.03 | 茶餐室內

[Volume 10 Issue 9, #2053]
In The Kopitiam
In The Kopitiam
我覺得我哋大部份馬來西亞人, 要搵嘢食時, 都相當之依賴茶餐室.. 要搵啲地道嘢解決兩餐, 幾時會唔第一時間諗到附近間茶餐室得㗎?? 更有可能係, 對某些人嚟講, 每朝返工前都例牌去返同一個地方食早餐添.. 當然, 你知我唔會喺度談論食物啦, 我哋嚟講啲其他嘢..
  • 當間茶餐室逼爆人嘅時候, 我同人搭檯唔係一個問題, 不過我就唔係幾好同搭檯嘅陌生人傾偈囉.. 簡短嘅幾句客氣說話都尚好嘅, 不過要我好似平時見嘅長舌師奶咁, 就冇乜可能.. 唔係我唔友善, 我只不過係覺得有啲怪啫..
  • 我喜歡同啲老闆熟落㗎, 因為當你唔需要正式落單嗌嘢, 簡單一句如「照舊」或打個手勢, 老闆就已經知道你要乜, 甚至會記得你極細微嘅要求, 例如我要求啲嘢食唔放生䓤咁.. 呢種感覺係非常之貼心囉..
  • 有人行埋嚟賣嘢嘅時候, 賣乜都好啦, 我都會禮貌拒絕.. 而當有人行埋嚟討錢時, 我都會一概不理.. 因為我真係唔鍾意食緊嘢嘅時候有人打撓.. 而其中最乞我憎嘅, 係行埋嚟叫我捐錢而又鬼咁咄咄逼人嗰啲, 我十分唔喜歡且一定唔會就範, 況且今時今日好多都唔知係真籌款定假籌款..
i guess most of us Malaysians greatly rely on kopitiam when it comes to finding food.. think of our local delicacies and comfort food for a quick fix, where else would you consider other than that kopitiam nearby?? and probably to some people, it will be the same old de facto place every morning for breakfast before work.. of course, you know i am not going to talk about food here, let's talk about something else..
  • i am fine sharing table with other patrons in a very packed kopitiam, but i do not actually fancy chit-chatting with strangers sitting on the same table.. i can have a brief conversation but never a long one like chatterbox uncles we often can see.. not that i am unfriendly, but i just feel kind of weird..
  • i like getting close to the owners, i feel very warm when without the need to place a former order but rather something like "boss, biasa!!" or maybe just giving a sign, they would already know what i want, even down to the very details like remembering i do not want any spring onions for my noodles, haha..
  • i will politely reject anyone who come in peddling stuffs to me, ignore all who come by begging for money.. i just do not like to be disturbed when i am eating.. one kind that i hate most are those asking for donations who tout aggressively, i do not like that and won't give in at all, furthermore many may not be genuine nowadays..

2015.09.01 | 黃潮湧現

[Volume 10 Issue 9, #2052]
The Unstoppable YELLOW Wave
Bersih 4.0 Rally Kuala Lumpur 29-30.08.2015Bersih 4.0 Rally Kuala Lumpur 29-30.08.2015Bersih 4.0 Rally Kuala Lumpur 29-30.08.2015Bersih 4.0 Rally Kuala Lumpur 29-30.08.2015
備注: 今日呢篇貼唔係唔完整, 而係特意嘅一篇「緘默」貼, 同時亦不開放留言, 多謝關心.. :)
NOTE: today's post is not incomplete but an intentional "silent" post, commenting has also been disabled at the same time, thank you for the concern.. :)