[Volume 10 Issue 1, #1990] |
Given Them All Back to the Teachers |
唔知大家有冇睇過或者仲記唔記得我之前嘅一篇貼, 係話我無意中摷到我幼稚園份成績表?? 其實同一個箱入面, 我亦都搵到我高中時嘅部份考卷, 都收藏咗廿年喇(你咪即管去計下我幾多歲囉)!! 我拎住啲考卷一睇, 情不自禁講咗句「嘩!! 呢啲問題想點先??!!」, 哈哈!! 我嘗試回答, 始終都係一頭霧水... |
i wonder if you have read or still remember the post about having found my kindergarten report card?? in that same box, i have also found some of my high school exam papers, which i have kept for almost 20 years (okay, go ahead and calculate my age)!! i held them in my hand, took a look and can't help myself from saying "what the f**k are these questions all about??!!", hahahaha!! i tried to solve the questions, but i just could't... |
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...但係廿年前嘅我, 竟然可以回答如流!! 感覺有點不可思議, 我完全唔知自己當時做緊乜!! 我諗人人所講嘅「俾返晒老師」呢句話, 套在我身上確係貼切不過.. 睇下我嘅得分, 當然係揀咗最好嗰幾份紙啦, 肥佬嘅就無謂獻醜啦, 呵呵!! 不過只有測驗作答俾大家睇, 只因為了避免學生作弊, 大考作答係唔俾返學生㗎.. 我話呢, 如果要我依家去考試, 實係肥佬兼捧蛋似喇, 哇哈哈哈!! :D |
...and yet 20 years ago, i was able to do that!! how amazing, i don't know what i was doing!! i guess the saying "given all back to the teachers" is so true on me.. look at my score back then, of couse i have chosen the best ones, failed ones cannot be shown here mah, hehe!! but i can only show you the test sheets since exam sheets were not given back to students to prevent fraud.. i guess i will definitely fail with "an egg" if i am to sit for these papers now, muahahahaha!! :D |
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睇下有邊位知道啲試卷講緊乜?? 話是話, 眾多博客之中, 有邊位係同我同一間中學㗎?? |
take a look and see if anyone knows what those papers are all about?? haha.. BTW, who amongst bloggers come or came from the same high school as i?? :) |
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2015.01.30 | 俾返老師
2015.01.27 | 創意手作
[Volume 10 Issue 1, #1989] |
All-Handmade Personalized Music CD for the Winners |
好嘢!! 終於都將要送俾[SK/0617]博客大賞MMXIV衆贏家嘅個人音樂光碟, 全部趕起!! 如果你係呢個blog嘅新貴, 係嘅, 我自2012年開始每年都會有呢個動作.. 由收集歌單, 搵歌, 估下各位聽歌品味嚟到放入額外歌曲, 編排歌曲次序, 同埋所有材料嘅設計, 打印及量剪貼, 到最後逐一寄出俾各贏家.. 全個過程都係特別為大家親手製作, 以示我對各位支持嘅愛惜.. 而每年都會有一個不同嘅設計主題, 今年決定以色彩和美食作出一個趣味主題, 睇睇下面啲相我點樣將啲嘢嚟個大改造?? 希望大家會喜歡呢啲世界上萬中無一嘅個人音樂光碟~~ :p 睇下部份贏家對於收到嘅音樂光碟有何感想.. |
hooray!! finally i am done with all the personalized music CD for the winners of [SK/0617] Bloggers Awards MMXIV!! if you are new to this blog, yes, i am doing this every year since 2012.. from collecting songs lists, searching for songs, guessing the music taste to include bonus tracks, arranging the rundown of songs, together with all the graphic design, printing, measuring, cutting and assembly of materials, to finally sending out the CDs to everyone.. all handmade specially and uniquely for the winners to show my appreciation of their support.. each year there is a different design theme, this year i decide to go playful with colors and food, click-through the set of photos below to see how things are transformed.. hope you like these personalized CDs which are none-the-same-in-this-world.. :p See what some of the winners think about the CDs they got.. |
2015.01.23 | 免費電影
2015.01.20 | 簡談兩性
2015.01.16 | 神奇速遞
2015.01.13 | 無聊開始
[Volume 10 Issue 1, #1985] |
Starting the Year with Some Nonsense.. |
大家好, 最近過得點呀?? 之前兩篇貼都係同舊年嘅留言榜有關, 基本上我其實喺2015年未正式開始寫貼噃.. 雖然今年我會放緩寫blog, 不過都覺得好似好耐冇update個blog, 呵呵.. 所以今日「歷史性」嘅一貼, 就由Fing-Fing打頭陣, 同大家見面啦!! 睇下佢張舒服到不得了嘅床, 仲唔捨得落床喎, 成個皇太后咁!! 可能係唔開心到瞓得唔好, 因為噚日喺商場內見到啲嘢--佢俾人大整蠱扮到成隻妖咁啰!! 天啊, 大家肯定同樣覺得很無謂, 係唔係?? 好喇, 多謝大家賞面睇咗呢篇好無聊嘅貼, 大家繼續做嘢啦~~ :p |
hello everybody, how are you getting on?? the previous two posts are related to the comment charts of the previous year, so technically i have not started blogging in 2015.. though i am slowing down this year, i suddenly feel like i have not been updating the blog for a long time, hehe.. hence, for this epochal post of 2015 let us have Fing-Fing to meet everyone here!! look at his comfortable crib, he is still lazing in his crib like the Empress Dowager!! maybe Fing-Fing was very upset till he didn't sleep whole night, because this was what he saw in a shop yesterday: being sabotaged and dressed up like a drag!! OMG, don't you think that was very disgraceful?? okay, thank you for reading this nonsense post, let's get back to work now.. :p |
2015.01.08 | 年度大賞
2015.01.06 | 最後戰績
[Volume 10 Issue 1, #1983] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Comment Chart : DECEMBER & QUARTER 4, 2014 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2015年新年快樂!! 新嘅一年第一個貼, 就梗係為大家揭曉留言排行榜啦.. 今日一口氣為大家揭曉兩個榜, 大家頂唔頂得住先?? 哈哈.. 今日一貼亦代表我已總結2014年所有留言(因此大家亦勿需再為舊貼留言), 等我哋大家可前進繼續為2015更努力留言!! 放心喎, 今年我好大可能會放慢寫貼嘅, 嘻嘻!! 恭喜所有榜上留名嘅朋友, 多謝各位讀者嘅支持, 更精彩的尚未來到, 我哋齊齊嚟期待正月八日, 一年一度嘅[SK/0617]博客大賞MMXIV嘅來臨啦!! 大家准備好攞奬未?? 到時再見~~ :) 注: 今日關閉留言, 公佈留言排行榜啫, 唔需要留言啦.. :p | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015!! the very first post of the new year must be none other than announcing the comments chart and today, not only one but two charts at the same time, can you handle it?? hahahaha.. anyway, with these charts, i conclude all comments for the year 2014 (so, no need to backdate-comment anymore) and let's move on to spam more comments in 2015!! no worries as i may very likely slow down, heeheehee.. congratulations to all winners and thank you to all readers, but the best is yet to come, let us all look forward to the annual [SK/0617] Bloggers Awards MMXIV on 8th January, are you ready to receive personalized prizes?? see you soon~~ :) Note: Commenting disabled for this post.. Chart only mah, no need to comment la.. :D | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
■ 請按標題查看排行榜 | Click title to view chart ■ 2014年十二月留言排行榜 | Comment Chart for DECEMBER 2014
2014年第四季留言排行榜 | Comment Chart for Q4 2014
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