[Volume 10 Issue 12, #2090] | ||||||||||
A Flashback of 2015 by Month: Part 2 of 2 | ||||||||||
真係眨眼都冇咁快, 2015年已經嚟到最後一日喇!! 每年年尾, 我都會循例為呢個blog做個總結嘅.. 就係由每一個月中, 揀一篇比較「有感覺」嘅貼(當中或有芝麻綠豆之事), 砌成呢個結論篇, 分上集同下集兩篇陸續出街.. 好喇, 廢話少講, 睇下大家對我精心挑選出嚟嘅貼, 是否尚有印象?? 哈哈.. 今日係2015年最後一日發貼, 在此祝各位讀者新年快樂, 我哋2016年再見!! :) | ||||||||||
it felt like time passed even more swiftly than winking my eyes, it's already the very last day of year 2015!! end of every year, i will do a summary for my blog by picking one most "have-the-feel" post from each month (could also contain trivial stuffs), and then consolidate them into this concluding post split into part one and part two published on two different days.. well, i better not type more but indeed let's see how much you can still remember about the following posts i have hand-picked?? hahaha.. this post is the last one for year 2015, before i sign off, wishing all my readers a HAPPY NEW YEAR, we shall meet again in 2016!! :) | ||||||||||
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2015.12.30 | 回顧一五(下)
2015.12.28 | 回顧一五(上)
[Volume 10 Issue 12, #2089] | ||||||||||||
A Flashback of 2015 by Month: Part 1 of 2 | ||||||||||||
真係眨眼都冇咁快, 2015年已經係淨低最後幾日喇!! 每年年尾, 我都會循例為呢個blog做個總結嘅.. 就係由每一個月中, 揀一篇比較「有感覺」嘅貼(當中或有芝麻綠豆之事), 砌成呢個結論篇, 分上集同下集兩篇於今日同後日出街.. 好喇, 廢話少講, 睇下大家對我精心挑選出嚟嘅貼, 是否尚有印象?? 哈哈.. 後日再返嚟继續下半年啦~~ :) | ||||||||||||
it felt like time passed even more swiftly than winking my eyes, year 2015 is going to be in history real soon now!! end of every year, i will do a summary for my blog by picking one most "have-the-feel" post from each month (could also contain trivial stuffs), and then consolidate them into this concluding post split into part one for today and part two for the day after tomorrow.. well, i better not type more but indeed let's see how much you can still remember about the following posts i have hand-picked?? hahaha.. do come back again the day after tomorrow to continue with the second half of the year.. :) | ||||||||||||
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2015.12.25 | 聖誕快樂
2015.12.23 | 聖誕小餐
2015.12.21 | 手機護殼
2015.12.18 | 日式浦飛
2015.12.16 | 節日裝飾
[Volume 10 Issue 12, #2084] |
Festive Decorations in Malls |
好快又到聖誕喇(好嘢!!), 見到好多人都紛紛將影低啲商場聖誕裝飾擺上網.. 確實係可以感染到歡樂氣氛, 而商場應該係我哋可以感受到佳節氣氛嘅主要場地.. 以前我見到呢啲裝飾會興奮到猛咁影相, 不過今時今日已經鮮少做咁嘅事喇.. 就好似由當初嘅「嘩」到今日嘅「嗯」, 啲裝飾好似來來去去都大同小異, 唔係似自己幾年前嘅, 就係似人哋舊年嘅, 哈哈!! 大家都知我係個容易對舊事物產生厭倦嘅人啦, 所以除非係新穎又創新嘅裝飾, 我通常都會選擇繞過(同時避開人群)而不望一眼.. 仲有一樣嘢, 大家應該知道商場啲所謂嘅「落雪」啦.. 係好靚又好睇, 不過我肯定會避之則吉囉, 因為冇人知佢哋係用咩(化學物品)整啲泡泡出嚟㗎嘛.. 有位朋友就曾經同我講過, 佢件淨色恤衫因為呢啲泡泡而變成件白色斑點衫!! 唔.. @.@" 我都話過我係個非主流嘅人啦, 由我個blog都可見一斑啦.. 又或者應該話我已一把年紀喇?? 哈哈!! :p |
Christmas is just around the corner (yay!!) and i can see many posted or posting photos of Christmas decorations in malls onto their blogs and Facelook.. it surely feels joyous and i guess the malls are the major places we get to feel the festive huh?? i used to be excited at all these decorations in malls and would take photos too, but i guess i rarely do that now.. it's like from the then "wow" to the now "hmmm", they look pretty much the same, of the same mall or like another mall, in previous years, haha!! you know i am one who easily gets bored with the same old thing, unless the decorations is some very new and creative ideas, i would have just chosen to bypass (also to avoid the crowd) without giving a look.. and another thing, you know those "snowing” thing in malls i suppose?? nice to see lah but i would definitely avoid, i do not like those soap foam falling on me, and who knows what (chemical things) they use to make those foam?? my friend once told me his plain color shirt turns into one with white polka dots after the foam fell on him, hmmm.. @.@" okay, i told you i am not mainstream, like you can see from my blog.. or maybe i shall say because i am getting old already?? haha!! :p |
2015.12.14 | 烏伯初驗
[Volume 10 Issue 12, #2083] |
My Very First UBER Experience |
上個星期終於有過我嘅第一次Uber體驗喇.. 話說要由公司去某處辦事, 與其去截的士, 腦子中忽然醒起Uber這回事, 因為曾經聽過唔少正面回應, 倒不如一試?? 於是下載咗Uber手機程式及登記為用戶, 當我正在讓自己熟習程式操作之時, 突然有通電話入嚟.. 原來係位Uber司機打嚟確認我個booking, 跟住話十分鐘後嚟接我!! 驚訝呀, 因為我仲係喺度探索緊個手機程式, 都唔知我其實無意中已經叫咗部車囉, 認真失禮!! 就係咁快咁易咁方便, 呢個初體驗絕對由驚喜開始, 哈哈!! 司機十分鐘後揸住佢部不足一年嘅Perotiga Asia準時到達.. 雖然稱不上為舒服(大家都知呢款車啦), 但至少車內乾淨企理又冇異味.. 司機友善, 講得一口流利英文, 似係有受過高等教育, 我哋在車程上針對Uber及一般的士傾咗陣謁.. 廿分鐘後安全到達目的地, 手機即時響起幾個通知 - 就信用卡扣咗多少車資有個短訊, 收據已經發送到我電郵, 手機程式叫我為呢個車程打分.. 果然高效率!! 雖然未留意到如其他乘客所講嘅免運礦泉水, 而我又唔清楚車資是否比一般的士貴定平, 但係我將來肯定會再次幫襯.. 哦, 呢篇唔係咩俾錢寫貼㗎, 完全係自己要寫嘅, 順便喺度同大家分享我個邀請碼, 大家登記會員時輸入此碼, 就可以得到一次不超過RM20嘅免費車程, 筍嘢呀!! :) 我的邀請碼: shermank44ue, 或到此處領取.. |
i finally had my very first Uber experience last week.. i wanted to go somewhere from office and instead of getting a taxi, this Uber thing came into mind and i thought why not give it a try since i heard many positive reviews about it?? so i downloaded the apps and registered, while getting myself familiar with the apps, an unknown number called in out of expectation.. it was an Uber driver telling me my booking was confirmed and he was on the way to pick me up in 10 minutes!! i was shocked as i was just exploring the apps and didn't know i may have accidentally made a request, ooopsss!! it was that quick and easy, a first experience started with surprise, haha!! the driver was punctual with his Perotiga Asia which is less than a year old.. i won't say it was comfortable (we know that model well) but at least the car was clean and smelled fresh.. the driver was friendly, speaks good English, seems well educated and we had a pleasant chat on Uber versus KL taxis.. i was safely sent to my destination after 20 minutes and right away, my phone beeped some notifications - SMS saying my credit card was charged with the fare, a receipt was sent to my email and the apps asked me to rate the trip.. holy efficient!! though i didn't notice any free mineral water like what the reviews i read mentioned, and i have no idea if the fare was higher or lower than normal taxis, it was indeed a happy first-time and i will surely continue using Uber service.. BTW, this is not a paid post but sengaja want to write about it, so that i can at the same time share my code that you can key-in during your registration to earn a free ride up to RM20.. :) my invite code: shermank44ue, or redeem it here.. |
2015.12.11 | 鐵運高漲
[Volume 10 Issue 12, #2082] |
Price Hike of The KL Rail Transport |
請在圖上滑動鼠標以便局部放大指向區域 Move your cursor on the image to magnify the pointed region |
我諗我哋嘅道路收費起價, 緊接而來嘅鐵運車資漲價, 已經唔係咩新聞啦.. 我其實又唔係反對車資加價, 只不過漲幅應該循序漸進, 而唔係似依家咁短時間內大幅暴增囉.. 增幅係唔應該超過一成, 但係你睇下家陣由五成起至超過原本兩倍!! 說到底, 當初未開始工程之前, 就已經做好長遠回本計算, 所有因素及開支都考慮周到啦, 所以係唔expect會有大幅度調整㗎喎, 同唔同意?? 我就喺我屋企嗰個站拍低咗呢個車資表, 同時間質疑車資調整嘅邏輯.. 如果大家放大上面張圖, 留意我用黃色框畫起嘅兩段車線, 你會發現原來車資唔一定同距離成正比, 反而有幾個站嘅車資係比鄰近車站貴嘅.. 難理解呀, 係唔係因為呢幾個站人流多, 所以當局先決定收貴啲呢?? 睇落都真係有失理由, 唔多妥, 唔多公平喎.. |
i guess it's not news anymore to the price hike of our road tolls followed by the KL rail transports.. i actually don't object price increase, but it should be done gradually and not with a steep hike in such a short notice.. the increase should not be more than 10% but what we have now is 50% and even more than 100%!! afterall, all factors including costs and inflation should have already been considered for the ROI before they even initiated the project, and hence we should not expect big adjustments in the fares, agree?? I took a photo of this fare schedule at my home station and i wonder how "rational" the fares are set.. if you would zoom in the photo above, pay attention to the yellow boxes i have highlighted.. the fare isn't necessarily proportional to the distance, but fares to some stations are higher than the neighboring stations!! puzzled, could these be the more popular and utilized stations that the authority decided to charge higher fares?? doesn't seem any logical, right and fair to me.. |
2015.12.09 | 遙控購物
[Volume 10 Issue 12, #2081] |
On-The-Line "Remote" Shopping |
如果你問我點解咁少寫關於書籍嘅話, 其實係因為我 講到以呢個方式去買嘢, 大家有冇試過, 認為佢得唔得?? 我哋通常去商場或網上購物, 依家多得啲短訊程式及視像通話, 我哋又可以以呢種通過朋友嘅「遙控」方法購物.. 我同朋友經常會咁㗎, 無論實購定網購, 只要發過去啲商品嘅相甚至鏈接, 來回數個訊息之後, 就搞掂㗎喇!! 當中嘅精髓呢, 就係兩人嘅品味要夾, 而買家又要當機立斷當場作出決定, 哈哈!! 當然最終都係能夠買到心頭好為先啦.. 聽落幾唔錯呀呵?? :p |
if you ever wonder why i seldom write about books, then that is simply because i talking about this way of shopping, how often do you do this and are you comfortable with it?? we shop in malls and we shop online, now we also shop "remotely" through friends on the line, thanks to all the instant messaging apps and video calls.. i do this with friends often (either in shops or online), sending over photos or links of the stuffs, and with a few messages exchanged, things are already in the cart.. the essence of this is, both must click in preference, and that the buyer must be decisive enough to make the call on the spot, haha!! in the end, the best part would be able to hunt for what the buyer wants!! sounds good?? :p |
2015.12.07 | 電話號碼
[Volume 10 Issue 12, #2080] |
(Remembering) Telephone Numbers |
我唔肯定依家係唔係仲有人用緊手寫電話簿, 但我可以確定我哋都曾經擁有過如上圖嗰啲可以擺入銀包嘅迷你電話簿.. 兩片有磁石嘅面, 中間係一張好長但折得好企理嘅紙, 紙上印有數百行任你寫低親朋好友嘅電話號碼.. 係, 你完全記得!! 哈哈.. 老實講, 仲用緊呢本嘢(真係我仲收到依家嘅實物呀!!)嘅時候, 都係為咗一紙紀錄啫, 因為我都記得晒當中好多嘅電話號碼, 完全都唔駛打開本嘢嚟睇㗎.. 家陣當然就唔同啦, 可能係年紀及科技發達嘅原因, 邊有需要, 或者更正確嚟講係邊有能力, 去記埋啲電話號碼?? 有邊位個腦中可以記得超過五個電話號碼嘅, 請舉手!! 呵呵.. 你話喇, 直接喺個屏幕上面㩒一㩒, 又或者用聲控噏咗個名就可以打電話, 幾易!! 以往經常都會喺Facelook見到類似「唔見咗個手機, 請發短訊讓我重獲你的號碼」嘅訊息, 但係呢啲都逐漸被淘汰啦, 因為依家全部都存晒入雲端啦.. 其實咁樣係幫緊我哋, 定還是害緊我哋呢?? 正如冇咗自己部電話, 要你用其他電話打俾朋友, 應該都有點難度呀呵?? 哈哈.. |
while i am uncertain if anyone is still using a handwritten phonebook now, i am very sure we all did have this type of mini phonebook we put in our wallet like the one in the picture above.. two magnetic covers holding a folded long piece of paper with hundreds of two-column rows for you to write down the numbers of your friends and relatives.. yes, you remember that!! haha.. frankly, during that time i was using this phonebook (yes, this was what i had and i am still keeping it!!), it was merely for record because i could remember the numbers of many in the list in my mind, i didn't even need to refer to the phonebook at all.. of course now, probably due to age as well as the convenience of technology, i don't bother, or to be precise, am unable, to even remember any numbers in my mind.. hands up if you can remember 5 numbers in your mind!! haha.. agree or not, it is so easy to just tap on the screen the person in your call list or phonebook, or even use voice control by just saying the name.. we used to always see messages on Facelook like "lost my phone, please message me so that i get your number again", but even this is already obsolete since everything is backed-up to the cloud now.. is this actually helping us, or is it not?? when we do not have our phones with us, it seems we may have difficulties making calls from another phone huh?? haha.. |
2015.12.04 | 最後衝刺
[Volume 10 Issue 12, #2079] |
Your Last Chance to SPAM and WIN!!! |
話咁快, 時間已經嚟到一年嘅最後一個月!! 多謝大家一年來嘅鼎力支持及留言.. 講開又講, 大家只剩呢一個月可以卯足全力去為博客界最受推崇嘅[SK/0617]博客大賞而留言喎, 哈哈!! 以下再一次為大家發佈截至十一月嘅最新排行榜, 大家可以睇下自己得獎走勢.. 嚟緊最後呢個月, 所有排行榜將不會更新, 直到明年一月最終成績正式公佈之前, 唔會有人知道到底贏家是誰.. 你會唔會係最終嘅年度十大博客?? 你可唔可以大躍進而翻身, 你可唔可以穩守位置?? 希望呢個月可以製造少少緊張氣氛, 呵呵.. :p 後註: 本公告貼不設留言, 大家凖備下篇貼開始瞓身留言啦!! :p |
how fast, it is now the final month of the year already!! thank you so much for all your support and comment spams throughout the year.. having said that, you now have one month left to speed up your spamming for the blogsphere's most respected [SK/0617] Blogger Awards, hahaha!! for once, below are the chart results up to end November to let you know where you are currently standing for an award.. for this last month of the year, there will be no updates to the charts, so none will know who the winners are until the final charts are announced in January 2016.. are you going to be one of the Top 10?? can you retain your position, or are you going to overtake and climb up the ladder?? i hope this is going to be nail-biting, hehe.. :p NOTE: commenting has been disabled for this announcement post.. prepare yourself to spam more comments from the next post onwards!! :p |
年度留言榜 Yearly Comments Chart 年度博客大獎 Blogger of The Year |
2015.11.30 | 我係阿添
[Volume 10 Issue 11, #2078] |
Hello, My Name Is Tim |
各位朋友, 如果你(1)跟咗我呢個blog有一段日子, (2)有睇咗我上一篇講最近曼谷之旅嘅貼, 及(3)驚訝於俾我帶過去嘅呢隻啡色毛茸茸小東西嘅話.. 好喇, 唔駛專登放大啲相, 唔駛夾埋對眼, 因為佢當然唔係Fing-Fing啦, 佢確實係其他玩意嚟, 哈哈.. 其實我覺得嗰篇貼係對佢嘅一個聰明帯入, 似係試探民聲咁, 如果冇人察覺就可以不了了之, 如果有人察覺到就可以正式同大家介紹喇.. 好啦, 各位auntie和uncle, 請以你哋最熱烈嘅掌聲, 歡迎阿添!! :) |
hello folks, if you (1) have been following my blog, (2) have read my previous post about my recent Bangkok trip and (3) were surprised by this furry little brown thing that i brought along.. okay, don't have to zoom-in the photos and squint, he is of course not Fing-Fing but something else lah, haha.. i guess that post was a pretty witty way of introducing him huh?? like testing water to see if anyone noticed, if no then I'll just keep quiet, if yes then I'll formally introduce him to everyone.. so, aunties and uncles, please give your biggest applause to welcome TIM!! :) |
2015.11.26 | 又再曼谷
[Volume 10 Issue 11, #2077] |
It's Bangkok, Again.. |
當呢篇貼出街嘅時候, 我應該已經辦好登機手續, 等緊上機由曼谷飛回家喇.. 係呀, 今年第二次嚟曼谷, 今次係兩日公事另外再加兩日逍遙遊.. 其實都冇乜要寫囉, 所以一篇貼搞掂佢當係作個紀錄啦.. 我哋大家都喜愛精簡嘅(旅遊)貼嘛, 唔係㗎咩?? 哈哈!! |
when this post is published, i should have already checked in and waiting for my flight back home from Bangkok.. yeah, this is my second trip to Bangkok this year, this time two days on business and another two days on leisure.. nothing much that i have to blog, so just one simple post to conclude it all and for a record.. i think we all love short and sweet (travelogue) posts, don't we?? hehe!! |
酒店就喺正國家體育場對面, 由十九樓房間望出去嘅靚景色.. hotel is located directly opposite of the National Stadium, great view from my room on the 19th floor.. 喺曼谷其實唔係行街買嘢就係食嘢, 今次好似食日本嘢多噃.. :p i guess it's all about eating in Bangkok besides shopping, and i think i had Japanese more this time.. :p 當然少不了小食啦, 因為樓下就有間麥當勞, 隔離就有間7-11, 怪佢太過方便, 哈哈!! of course, did not miss out snacking since McD is just below and 7-11 is just next door, blame the convenience, haha!! 最後, 展示下兩日逍遙遊所斬獲到嘅戰利品, 當然比上一次少得多啦~~ lastly, some clothes i bought during the two days on leisure, surely less than what i had from the previous trip~~ |
2015.11.23 | 今時往日
[Volume 10 Issue 11, #2076] |
The Present (pun intended) That Invoked My Thoughts |
呢啲禮物同生日及聖誕無關, 而係嗰一日見到侄仔喺度忙緊包禮物而有感而發.. 我問佢送禮物俾邊個, 佢話「我都唔鍾意個老師, 但係班主任又話一定要送份禮物俾呢個老師」.. 聽完佢咁講之後, 我即時覺得好唔對路..
this has nothing to do with birthdays or christmas but i have something to say when i saw my nephew busy wrapping a present the other day.. i asked who was the present for and he replied "i actually do not like this teacher, but my class teacher told me that i must give a present to this teacher".. i heard what he said and immediately thought that was rather peculiar..
2015.11.19 | 班戟一日
[Volume 10 Issue 11, #2075] |
A Day of (Two Years Quota of) Pancakes |
上個禮拜日, 友人話我知佢有免費班戟餐券, 不過有效限期係當日.. 有咩大問題?? 即刻去商場食佢落肚咪搞掂囉, 收工!! 之但係友人繼續話, 餐券有嘅唔係得一張而係六張, 每張可換兩件班戟!! 死喇, 當下先知大件事喇, 哈哈!! 嘗試打俾其他朋友, 但係冇個要為咗兩件班戟而出現, 到底我哋兩支公應該如何搞掂啲班戟餐券而唔嘥嘢呢?? |
last sunday, my friend told me he has got some vouchers for free pancakes, only valid through that day itself.. what big deal?? we shall just get the mall and wallop them right away, all done!! but he then added, he has got not just one but six vouchers, each entitled us to two pieces of pancakes!! now, that indeed was a problem, haha!! we tried calling up other friends but none available, how could we two finish all these pancakes and not wasting any?? |
好喇, 於是就雄心壯志去咗城中新開張嘅商場, 搵到間班戟食肆, 開始我哋首輪班戟免費食.. 就當係下午茶兼運動前小食, 我哋每人兩件約五吋嘅班戟, 配打鬆咗嘅牛油同蜜糖(或是只不過係糖漿)以及一杯西茶, 完全免費.. 對一個成年男人嚟講係冇難度啦, 所以之前擔心搞唔掂啲餐券嘅隱憂, 立即化灰.. 我哋就喺度諗:「一陣gym完再到返嚟」.. |
alright, finger crossed, we went to the new mall in town, found the cafe and hopped in for our first free pancakes.. i considered that our tea time cum pre-workout snack, we each had two pieces of 5" pancakes served with whipped butter and honey (or was those just syrup) and a cup of tea, all for free.. easy peasy for guys i would say, and hence there gone the worries that we may not be able to handle the remaining four vouchers.. "we shall be back again after our gym session", we thought.. |
gym完再喺個商場行咗一陣之後, 我哋再到返同一個地方, 再次遞上兩張餐券.. 呢碟嘢係每二輪, 大家知我唔會同一碟食物重複貼上多張不同遠近不同角度嘅相啦, 確實真係我當日第二份班戟呀!! 係就係依然食得落肚, 但係就硬係覺得, 呢第三及第四件班戟, 同剛才尚未消化嘅第一及第二件班戟, 齊齊喺我個肚內發大, 哈哈!! |
after our workout in the gym and a little walk in the mall, we went to the same place again and handed another two vouchers.. this was our second round, as you know it is not my style to repeatedly post multiple photos of the same food zoomed-in and zoomed-out and from different angles, it was really my second plate of pancakes for the day!! still able to chuck them down, but i just felt these third and fourth pieces were starting to expand together with the first two which were still soaking up in my stomach, haha!! |
好喇, 時到如今, 我哋不得不放棄原先諗住要打包嘅最後兩張餐券.. 我其實都唔係咁喜歡食班戟嘅, 一年來都唔知有冇食過一件, 所以是日係數個鐘頭內就食兩年嘅份量?? 夠了就是夠了, 最終將剩下嘅兩張餐券, 毫無條件割愛俾埋嚟坐喺我哋隔離枱嘅食客.. 嘩嘩嘩, 好有運(雖然一開始有啲愕然)嘅朋友哦, 又或者有運嘅係我哋自己, 因為有其他人幫手完成「任務」?? 哇哈哈哈~~ 後記: 唔好同(免費嘅)班戟開玩笑!! :D |
okay, we had to forget about the last two vouchers that we initially planned for the pancakes to be taken away.. i am actually not a fans of pancakes and i don't really eat pancakes even once in a year, so this was my two years of quota in just few hours?? enough is enough, we gave the remaining two vouchers, unconditionally, to the diners who came in sitting next to our table.. oolala, lucky they were though dumbfounded initially, or probably we were the lucky ones to have others to take over our "mission"?? muahahaha~~ P/S: NEVER FOOL WITH (FREE) PANCAKES!! :D |
2015.11.16 | 時間倒流
[Volume 10 Issue 11, #2074] |
If We Could Turn Back Time... |
如果時間可以倒流, 你會唔會第一時間整張list出嚟, 然後慢慢咁去完成嗰啲曾經, 甚至乎依然令你後悔/錯過/遺憾嘅事呢?? 又或者拾取經驗及教訓, 將一切無可挽留嘅僵局徹底洗牌, 然後從頭開始?? 又或者撇脫啲, 過去讓它過去, 無謂執著, 一切往前看?? 我相信人生之中, 無論幾開心幾樂天嘅人, 都必定會有某些遺憾.. 可能事過境遷, 不過每當回首過去, 表面上似乎看破一切, 但係實質上可能仲會耿耿于懷.. 除非呢個人真係神仙, 可以徹徹底底忘記一切囉, 不過我覺得好難, 點都會有條刺係個心裡邊嚹住嚹住嘅.. 所以你話, 如果時間以倒流嘅話, 我真係會有好多嘢想做囉.. 係係係, 雖然而家發夢尚早, 不過噏吓噏吓可能上天會突然間讓奇跡出現呢?? 其實間中發下白日夢, 人生先會有希望嘛, 哈哈!! :D |
if we could turn back time, will you immediately draw up a list of those things that have made you felt regret or even still feeling regret, and then get them done one by one?? or maybe learn from experience and redo all that have led to now awkward situations, so that you can start all over again?? or probably just do nothing but to accept that bygones are bygones, there is no need to cling on to the past matters but to move on is more important?? i believe no matter how happy and optimistic a person is, he or she would have some regrets.. unless he or she is an almighty, i guess it is quite impossible to totally forget about the past, even though something may seem to fade with time, they are actually still buried in the heart.. hence if i could turn back time, i guess i really have a lot to do.. oh well, i know i know maybe it's too early to dream but then don't you think it feels more hope if we actually daydream once in a while?? haha!! :D |
2015.11.12 | 物流追蹤
[Volume 10 Issue 11, #2073] |
About Shipment Tracking |
我諗如果話我哋大家都已經習慣於網上購物及送貨上門, 應該都唔會有錯啦.. 老實講, 今時今日嘅我, 網購已經多過去商場血拼, 以致朋友都說笑話我係個「寶寶王」, 哈哈!!咁大家都好清楚網購流程啦, 俾咗錢就可以追蹤貨物最新狀況及現時送到去邊.. 一般「正常」程序係放鬆自己耐心等待貨物送到上門, 或者係隔好耐都未有收到先去查下物流.. 但係唔明點解, 我就似乎對於物流過於緊張, 可以去到每日都要追蹤, 甚至一日追蹤幾次嘅地步.. 或者係得我會咁, 唔單止緊張自己會收到嘅嘢, 自己寄出去俾人嘅嘢都同樣緊張, 要對方證實收到我先輕鬆落嚟.. 或者真係自己俾自己不必要嘅無形壓力, 因為要送到嘅始終會送到, 除非係極少可能嘅閃失.. 怪就怪雲端數據過於方便啦, 呵呵!! :p |
i guess it is not wrong to say that we are all very used to purchasing things online and getting them delivered right to our doorsteps huh?? frankly, i actually shop online more than i shop in malls nowadays, until my friends tease and say i am a "Baobao King" now, haha!! and you know well, after you have made payment, you will be able to track the status of your purchase and trace where the shipment is at that time.. the "normal" way would be stay relaxed and wait patiently for the stuffs to be delivered, or only check the status if it is taking too long.. but, i do not know why but i think i tend to get over-anxious about my shipments most of the time, to the extent that i can't help to check the status of the purchase and shipment everyday or even several times a day.. so this is just me, not only i am kan cheong about things delivered to me, i am also very kan cheong about things that i sent out to friends, only to feel relieved when friends confirmed receiving the stuffs.. guess this is some unnecessary pressures i give to myself, because if it is going to be delivered, it will be delivered, unless something went wrong which is probably unlikely.. blame it on the convenience of cloud data, haha!! :p |
2015.11.09 | 麥記納塊
[Volume 10 Issue 11, #2072] |
The Nanoblock That Made Many Had McDonald's Every Thursday.. |
如果唔係新加坡一位朋友告之, 我其實都唔會知道麥當勞翌日開始發售呢啲Nanoblock嘅.. 好啦, 見自己已經有咗兩個(左邊嘅漢堡包同薯條), 係幾個月前一位香港朋友送嘅生日禮物, 唔爭在買埋其餘嘅湊夠一套啦.. 好喇, 於是就踏上征途, 每個星期四早上就去大排長龍嘅麥當勞考驗自己嘅耐性.. 以為自己好早啦, 誰不知自己面前永遠都有條長龍!! 點都好, 最後都可以喺「重重壓力」嘅情況之下, 買齊一全套, 哈哈!! 真係難明突然由邊度嚟嘅咁多人, 為呢啲Nanoblock掀起熱潮.. 所以今日拎出呢條可能你自己都不停咁問嘅問題: 點解啲人會咁瘋狂於買麥當勞玩具?? 我呢, 其實好簡單地視佢哋為「私人珍藏品」囉, 每個人都有自己十分喜歡嘅嘢㗎啦, 就好似河馬媽媽永遠唔會覺得自己夠晒鑽戒同名牌手袋.. 唔係錯㗎, 因為我認為每個人都會為自己喜歡嘅嘢而咁做, 最重要嘅底線係, 應該量其能力去得到自己應得嘅, 而唔係佔他人便宜去滿足自己嘅慾望.. 大家又點睇呢?? :) |
i wasn't aware about this Nanoblock thing until a friend in Singapore messaged me just one day before its launching day.. okay, i actually already have two (the Big Mac and Fries on the left) which my friend in HK sent to me as birthday gift months ago, i thought since i already have two then might as well get the rest to make a complete collection.. as such i hopped on the journey, exercising my patience at McD outlets which were packed with people every Thursday morning.. i thought i was early, yet there were always a long line before me!! anyway, i still managed to get mine and have a complete set of collection, after a couple of weeks of "peer pressure" from the other collectors, hahaha!! where did all these people come from and why a sudden flux of fever about this Nanoblock?? so here's the topic for discussion today, which i supposed you have always been asking: why are people so crazy about McD's toys?? i simply see them as purely "collector's items", everyone has got what they most fancy about, just like Hippomama can never have enough of diamond rings and Airmess handbags.. it's not wrong because i guess everyone does this for what they fancy, if and only if we do what we can afford and deserve but never take advantage of others for the sake of our own pleasure.. what would you say?? :) |
2015.11.05 | 油醬麵包
[Volume 10 Issue 11, #2071] |
How You Spread Jam and Eat Your Bread |
仲記唔記得一個月前, 我哋傾過啲十分微不足道嘅話題, 例如你點去食塊麵包?? 對半折, 一片食, 打孖上甚至三塊一齊嚟, 我知道你知我又要再講更加微不足道嘅嘢, 哈哈.. 我從來都冇去留意自己一向嚟會搽幾多牛油果醬喺我塊麵包上, 直至最近嘅曼谷之旅, 喺酒店食早餐嗰一日.. 其中一位友人將兩塊牛油同一塊果醬(酒店俾開嗰啲一塊塊嘅方便裝呢), 一滴不漏全部拍喺佢塊麵包上, 面不改容就咁食落肚!! 天呀, 我即刻呆咗喺度無話可說, 因為之後發覺原來自已只係用咗半塊牛油同四份一塊果醬.. 其實呢, 我自己就覺得薄薄一層有啲味道就夠喇, 厚厚一層油同糖喺塊麵包上面查实有點恐怖囉.. 就好似我平時食薯條咁, 只會點一丁點醬(甚至唔點都冇問題).. 唔似好多人咁, 幾碟幾碟(任拎唔嬲嘅)辣椒醬灌落肚, 似係飲醬配薯條多過食薯條點醬.. 可能人老咗, 我已經食得比以前清淡, 而且開始減少食重口味嘅嘢.. 之不過我又始終覺得, 喜歡食乜就食乜唔係咩大問題, 健康嘢又好垃圾嘢又好, 最重要係食得中庸及理智.. 過於乾淨或會造成不堪一擊, 盡情享受但不能過咗火, 講到底就係一個中肯加平衡, 就好似我哋生活上好多事情一樣.. :) |
still remember a month ago we talked about some trivial topics like how you eat your bread?? fold, flat, one on top another or even a triple-decker.. okay now you know i am going to talk about something even more trivial, hehehe.. i never pay attention to how much butter and jam and whatnot i spread on my bread, until what i witnessed the day we had breakfast in our hotel during my recent Bangkok trip.. one of my friends splatted two blocks of butter and one block of jam (those small convenient packet of butter and jam, you know??) onto one slice of toast and then just eat it as it was!! OMG, i was speechless i was shocked as i was watching him, because i realised i actually only used half butter and quarter jam for my toast.. i personally think a thin spread would do to bring taste to the toast, a thick layer of fats and sugars on top looks rather scary to me.. just like i would only use little to no sauce for my fries, unlike many who would eat plates of (free and bottomless) chili sauce for a packet of fries, like they are eating the sauce with fries (and not the other way round).. maybe as i get older, i started to appreciate lightly flavored food more, for instance i cut down oily and spicy food now.. but i still think it is perfectly fine to happily eat whatEVER we like healthy or junk, but always hold on to the principle that modesty is the key.. too clean and we end up vulnerable, enjoy but don't go over the board, it's all about a modest balance, just like many other things we would do in life.. :) |
2015.11.03 | 唔係咁大
[Volume 10 Issue 11, #2070] |
The (Not That Big As I Thought It Would Be) Triple Cheeseburger |
呢個就係我幾日前喺麥當當所食嘅三層芝士漢堡包(请數芝士後再數牛肉餅).. 係呀, 當我話要個雙層但我係朋友幫我買咗個三層, 我第一個反應係碌大眼+擘大咀+飆冷汗!! 我戰戰兢兢地打開個盒, 拎出個包再360度仔細望佢幾眼, 喂, 其實都唔係餐牌上所見我所想像中咁大啫~~ 食完個包之後再調整下思绪, 查實都唔需要大驚小怪啦.. 我哋何尚唔係已經默許, 喺保持價錢競爭力嘅大前提之下, 今時今日啲肉餅其實已經剩下當年嘅一半厚度啦.. 所以今日嘅三層其實等同當年嘅雙層, 依家我卒之明白點解我每次食完一個雙層芝士漢堡包後, 始終都唔覺有嘢落肚, 哈哈!! 之不過又冇能力去買多份餐, 事關啲嘢真係越嚟越貴, 連喺街邊食一餐分分鐘RM10都冇得找.. 以前唔係咁㗎記唔記得?? 當年係有錢學生先可以去麥當當, 家下我去麥當當係因為個「雜饭Auntie」郁下都收我RM7一碟飯.. 百的價漲錢縮水, 但依舊更多的「捐獻」!! 教我如何不愛我的國家?? |
this was the Triple Cheeseburger (count the cheese then the beef patties) i had some days ago in Donald McRonald's.. yes, petrified was my reaction when i asked for a double but my friend bought me a triple instead!! i gingerly opened the box, took out the burger and gave it a close scrutiny.. that was my extra virgin Triple Cheeseburger experience really, but hey, it was actually not that big as what i saw on the menu and imagined it would be~~ i finished my burger and reorganise my thoughts, what's there to be surprised about?? we have kind of "consented" that while keeping price competitive, the patties are now just half the thickness of what they used to be.. so this triple is probably the double we used to have, and now i know why i would always feel "tarak rasa" even after gobbling a double cheeseburger, hahaha!! but can't afford to get another set because things are getting more expensive, even eating at roadside stalls can cost us RM10 a meal, sometimes i think having fast food are more economical.. it wasn't like this remember?? back then only the rich students could afford Donald McRonald's but now i go to Donald McRonald's because the chap fan auntie easily charges me RM7 for a plate of rice.. price up and money shrinks further, and yet even more "donations"!! tell me how i not love my country?? |
2015.10.30 | 環遊世界(2/2)
[Volume 10 Issue 10, #2069] | ||||||||||
Some Thoughts On Travelling (Part 2 of 2) | ||||||||||
今日呢篇貼係一開二嘅第二篇, 可點擊此處閱覽第一篇.. 我通常都唔會同其他人多講關於我啲trip嘅, 除非係(1)為咗寫blog, (2)某人顯得興致勃勃而不停咁問問題, (3)大家都去過同樣地方而純粹分享經歷.. 因為本人認為(1)自己親身去感受始終都好過聽返緊㗎啦, (2)其他人未去過去肯定會覺悶, (3)我無法將我嘅悶遊記說得生動吸引, 哈哈!! 當然, 我哋平時有意無意之間都會提到自己去過嘅地方, 查實好正常.. 只不過如果係咁比較東比較西, 我就會覺得no point囉.. 每個地方都有佢自己嘅魅力及風俗習慣, 如果有人猛咁喺度比較(甚致批評), 及為佢去過嘅「眾多地方」分高低優劣, 我反而係覺得呢個人未必真係去過咁多地方, 所以先唔懂得appreciate世界各地文化嘅多樣化.. 即係咁講到, 智者係指永遠保持沉默的, 哇哈哈哈哈!! :p 以下係依據本人「定義」而分別組合嘅地方, 哈哈!! 閣下又如何呢?? :p
| ||||||||||
this is the second part of a two-parts post, you may click here to read the first part.. i don't usually tell others much about my trips, except (1) for the sake of blogging, (2) someone gets excited and keep asking questions, (3) all have been to the same place and discussing experience.. because i think (1) it is way better for you to just feel the place yourself rather than just over a chat, (2) people will get bored if they have not been there, (3) i can't make my dull story interesting, haha!! of course, i admit that it is utterly common that we would intentionally or unintentionally talk about our trips.. but if one likes comparing this and that, it actually makes no point to me.. every place has their own different charms, cultures and styles, if one keeps comparing (or even complaining) and setting the levels of superiority between the "many" places they have been, i would rather think they actually have not travelled that much to learn to appreciate the diversity of the places and cultures on earth.. you know, a wise man remains silent, haha!! :p here are the places that i kind of group under my own "definition", haha!! what about you?? :p
2015.10.27 | 環遊世界(1/2)
[Volume 10 Issue 10, #2068] | ||||||||
Some Thoughts On Travelling (Part 1 of 2) | ||||||||
我人生其中一個偉大夢想係能夠去環遊世界, 可以盡我能去到更多地方.. 我係實際㗎, 所以我話「盡量更多」地方, 而唔係「全部」地方.. 因為我覺得一個人係無法去得晒地球上每一個地方嘅, 即使可以做得到, 我諗都只不過係走馬看塵.. 我呢, 其實就屬於偏好於一個旅程內, 盡量cover多幾個景點嘅人, 似係唔會再去第二次咁.. 當然, 我會肯定至少留低腳印啦, 若果單單由車窗遠望就算係去某地方嘅話, 唔該殺咗我!! 所以話, 我絕對係會選擇自助旅行, 而唔喜歡旅行團嘅趕鴨模式㗎.. anyway, 我唔係要以呢篇預告啲咩, 因為我都冇去玩, 嗚嗚~~ :( 以下係依據本人「定義」而分別組合嘅地方, 哈哈!! 閣下又如何呢?? :p
今日呢篇貼係一開二嘅第一篇, 可點擊此處閱覽第二篇.. | ||||||||
one of my biggest dreams is to be able to travel around the world and been to as many places as i could in my life.. okay, i am being realistic here to say "as many as" rather than "all the" places, because i think it is actually impossible for one to be able to go to every single place on earth.. even if one could, i do not think he or she has seen much of the place.. i am one who likes to cover as many as possible the places or spots of a city if i go on a trip, as if i will never go back again.. of course, i will make sure i have at least left my footprints there and not just through the windows of the vehicles.. i hate that and this explains why i definitely prefer DIY trips than the always-rushing group package tours.. BTW, this is not any "pre-post" to my vacation, because i am not going anywhere!! boohoohoo~~ :( here are the places that i kind of group under my own "definition", haha!! what about you?? :p
this is the first part of a two-parts post, you may click here to read the second part.. |
2015.10.23 | 可愛的他
[Volume 10 Issue 10, #2067] |
The Adorable HIM.. |
如果閣下有跟開我呢個blog一段時間(大概兩年以上度??)嘅話, 應該都會好掛住佢, 同時間想知我做乜咁耐都唔寫下佢咁.. 如果閣下係初來報到嘅話, 咁我更應該介紹佢俾你識, 話唔定你會對佢一見鍾情喔!! 哈哈~~ |
if you have been following my blog for some time (maybe for two years or more??), you would probably be missing HIM and wonder why i have not been blogging about HIM for a very long time.. if you are new here, then i shall introduce HIM to you, and you will probably fall in love with HIM instantly!! muahahahaha~~ |
各位auntie及uncle, 我係FING-FING呀, 大家好!! hello aunties and uncles, i am FING-FING, good day to all of you!! 返咗成個星期工, 係唔係做到趴喺度呢?? :p must be exhausted after a week long of work huh?? :p 不過今日禮拜五, 係唔係應該放鬆自己先?? :) but it's Friday!! so sit back, take a break and relax~~ :) 等我送幾支鮮花俾你開心下啦.. :) here are some beautiful flowers to make your day.. :) 仲有, 咪忘記嚟緊嘅週末要瞓多啲嚟充電噃!! 嘻嘻 :p and don't forget to sleep more to recharge over the weekends!! hehehe :p 最後順從讀者要求, 希望啲討厭的煙霾快快消失!! :) lastly as requested by readers, let's hope that the haze will go away soon!! :) |
祝大家週末愉快!! Happy Weekend Everyone!! |
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