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28.03.2013 | 經典劇情

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1696]
大家知唔知每年生產最多電影嘅, 唔係荷里活, 而係印度嘅寶里活?? 你又睇過寶里活嘅「必屬佳品」未?? 點樣為之佳品呢?? 雖然我都唔係睇得多, 但係觀察之下, 可以用以下四個特點嚟到概括寶里活嘅賣座電影橋段..
do you know it is not Hollywood that produces the most movies in a year, but India's Bollywood?? have you ever watched any masterpiece from Bollywood then?? how do you regard one as a Bollywood blockbuster?? i rarely watch any but under my observations, they can be generally and classically grouped by the following movie plots..
按圖片閱讀個別橋段敘述 | Click picture to read description for each plot
[俊男美女] 男主角一定要高大威猛兼且英俊瀟灑, 女主角一定要千嬌百媚兼且婀娜多姿.. 呢個就係吸引十二億印度人口入場睇戲嘅先決條件..

[hunk & beauty] the lead actor must be someone handsome and hunky, the lead actress must be someone pretty and elegant.. this is the first most important factor to attract 1.2-billion indian population to watch that movie..
[this interactive post is a re-engineered version of my older post using javascripts]

27.03.2013 | 四眼書蟲

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1695]
上個週末嘅怡保美食(或者應該話係暴食比較恰當)之旅, 食物咗好多嘢..我由呱呱落地開始, 只不過有短短十年良好視線, 因為十一歲開始我就已經近視喇!! 一開始就已經係頗嚴重嘅200度近視, 名符其實嘅四眼仔一名呀, 第一日戴眼鏡返學仲嚇親好多同學仔添, 哈哈.. 就咁一直做四眼仔做咗成十年, 大學畢業後學人貪靚, 就開始戴隱形眼鏡到依家喇.. 期間近視度數不停上昇, 應該係中學畢業後先開始穩定, 而家我個度數係左眼650度, 右眼700度, 係一個大近視!! 其實都有諗過做雷射手術, 不過又擔心喎, 所以先遲遲未有行動.. 可能我細個時候太過勤力讀書, 而且唔食青菜又少吃魚, 所以先整壞對眼, 哈哈!! :D
the gastronomic (or rather more appropriately, gluttonous) Ipoh trip over last weekend got me eaten a lot of nice food.. after i came to this world, i only have ten years of good eyesight, because i was already shortsighted at eleven!! it was a rather severe 200 degree when it first started, i still remember i gave classmates a shock on my first day being a specky geek back then, haha.. so it goes, i was a specky for like ten years until i graduated from university, only then i started to have concern over my look and put on my contact lens till today.. within the years, the power kept increasing and it only stabilized after high school, now my left eye is 650-degree while my right eye is 700-degree, that could be a pseudo-blind huh?? i've actually thought of those laser treatment but then i am also worry at the same time, hence no action taken at all.. maybe i have been too hardworking when i was young, didn't like veggie and seldom eat fish, that might be why i spoiled my eyes, haha!! :D

26.03.2013 | 不知所謂

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1694]
城中某大廈內有呢個戶外空間, 其租客咖啡屋喺度擺開幾張檯俾吸煙顧客使用.. 不過呢啲座位都係俾等接送嘅人佔領多, 好多時候你會睇到等接送嘅人貪方便就咁喺度齋坐.. 算, 因為我都係其中一個, 反正咖啡屋都唔理.. 但係今朝就見到一個女人, 一個屁股坐低就叫侍應拎走個煙灰盅, 佢做出個好臭嘅動作示意.. 唔係喎, 佢係齋坐一滴水都冇同人買, 就拎出大疊文件攤住個檯面, 跟住就開始做嘢..
  • 如果佢唔吸煙又討厭煙臭味, 冇人強迫佢過嚟坐㗎噃!!
  • 啲煙灰盅係咖啡屋提供俾吸煙顧客嘅, 佢又冇買嘢飲, 就唔係顧客啦, 咁有咩資格投訴呢??
其實好多時候, 我哋週圍都出現好多呢啲不知所謂嘅人, 明明受惠於人但係又覺得自己好應得咁樣, 懶係應為自己受過教育但係就做出啲毫無理由嘅行為, 其實令到其他人更加鄙視佢哋.. 大家對於呢幾點又點睇呢??
there is this outdoor space in a building in town, where its tenant cafe places a few tables for smoking customers.. but these seats are more casually utilized by people waiting for pick-ups, you can all the time see people taking the convenience to sit there without ordering anything from the cafe.. fine, i am one of them and the cafe doesn't actually bother.. but this morning i witnessed a lady sitting down, ordered the waiter to move away the ashtray claiming that they smell horrible.. and nope, she didn't order anything from the cafe, but just took out her policies and documents, occupied the seat and started working there..
  • if she doesn't smoke and hates the smell of smoke, nobody forces her to stay in that smoking area!!
  • the ashtrays are setup for the cafe's smoking customers, but she didn't even buy anything, meaning she isn't a customer, so what rights has she to complain??
many times we see vain people around, enjoying advantage yet taking things for granted, thought they are so educated but what they did never seem to be reasonable at all, which may make others despise them even more.. let me hear what you think about this..

25.03.2013 | 隨心小食

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1693]
我差不多每日都會食一杯乳酪, 由開始嘅水果口味, 到依家嘅無糖原味.. 噚日突然靈機一觸, 搞搞新意思, 何不將平時食開(酸瞇瞇)嘅乳酪變成一道美味小食呢?? 所以就將weekdays早餐食開嘅嘢全部晒冷(週末我放縱自己食罪惡嘢), 於是就產生咗呢一杯非常美味嘅【果仁柚子檸蜜乳酪】喇, 上至八十下至三歲都應該會喜歡嘅~~ 做法超級簡單, 連小朋友都可以自己做㗎!! 相信我, 乳酪好處多多, 仲等咩唧?? 嗱嗱臨試下我呢個簡單嘅(班門弄斧)食譜啦喂, 我十年先有一單咋, 哈哈!!:D
i take a cup of yoghurt almost everyday, started with fruit flavored ones to now plain and unsweetened ones.. yesterday i was suddenly inspired to do something different, why not make some yummy snack out of those (very sour) yoghurt i usually eat?? and so i took out stuffs i have for my weekdays breakfast (i pamper myself with sinful food during weekends), hence this yummy honey lemon yoghurt with pomelo, dried fruits and nuts is made, i guess people from 3 till 80 years old will like this~~ it is extremely easy to prepare, even your kids can do it on their own too!! trust me, yoghurt has lots of goodness, what are you waiting for?? come try my simple (novice-thought-he-is-so-great) recipe, i only have one in a decade, haha!! :D

22.03.2013 | 稱呼學問

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1692]
喺馬來西亞, 當你去餐廳或咖啡廳嘅時候, 侍應都會好公式化咁稱呼你先生小姐.. 去到檔攤同同冇咁高級嘅食肆, 就要睇老闆或伙計點樣親民又或者心情如何喇.. 通常靚仔/靚女/阿仔/阿囡等任何(可區別性別嘅)稱呼都可以大派用場, 聽人咁稱呼你係唔係另舍心花怒放?? 哈哈.. 其實所說不代表立場, 人家只不過係隨口噏個稱呼啫, 下下先生小姐好悶嘛.. 唔信呀?? 你再留多十分鐘, 睇下佢哋見到老過你又醜過你嘅人, 係唔係都同樣用返同一個稱呼?? 只要你唔係太認真, 呢啲就係馬來西亞嘅色彩喇.. 同樣解釋點解我早前喺面卜分享咗呢個故事之後, 有部份博客朋友都開始稱呼我做"Ah Boy"啦, 哈哈!! :D
over here in Malaysia, when you go to restaurants or cafes, you will be quite formally (and standard-ly) addressed as sir or madam.. in stalls or less prestigious shops, it usually depends on how the owner would like to please the customer or even the owner's mood.. they can use basically anything (that can differentiate gender) like handsome, pretty, girl, boy etc to address you.. feel like on cloud nine?? haha.. well, they don't really mean what they say, but those are merely substitutes for sir and madam in a rather impressive way.. don't believe me?? stay there for another 10 minutes and listen to how they will address other customers, you'll find that they still address someone much older or uglier the same way they have addressed you earlier.. that's the colors of Malaysia if you don't take it seriously, and that is why you may notice some bloggers address me as "Ah Boy" after i've shared the same story in my facebook, haha!! :D

21.03.2013 | 升呢雞堡

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1691]
大家試咗呢個新上市嘅雞肉漢堡包未?? 哈哈, 講笑啫, 其實係雪櫃有剩低嘅蔬菜, 所以先突發奇想將呢個城中最普遍嘅漢堡包「升呢」啫.. 查實大家有冇發覺到, 依家啲漢堡包裡面塊肉餅, 係越嚟越薄?? 諗諗下, 我最近食咗個漢堡包之後, 都覺得好似冇食到嘢咁, 原來都唔係子虛烏有.. 家下夾埋額外番茄, 生菜, 青瓜同燒烤醬, 即刻變成原本size嘅兩倍, 咁先係我心目中所謂嘅【漢堡包】囉.. 雖然唔係好覺塊肉, 不過多啲蔬菜應該比較冇咁罪孽感, 比較冇咁唔健康啩?? 唔該唔好再俾我哋啲亂七八糟嘅漢堡包喇, 搞到一身生菜絲, 洋蔥粒同沙律醬, 好掃興㗎嘛~~
have you tried this new chicken burger yet?? haha, just kidding but it was because i have some leftover veggies in the fridge, so i had this brilliant idea to "upgrade" this most common chicken burger in town.. have you noticed that the meat patty in burgers nowadays is getting thinner and thinner?? come to think about it, no wonder i don't even feel like having eaten anything after walloping such a burger.. now stacking extra tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce with BBQ sauce, doubling the size of the original burger, this is what i'm expecting from a so-called BURGER.. though can hardly find the chicken patty but with lots of veggie, it's less sinful and less unhealthy i guess?? please don't give us a messy burger with all the lettuce, onion bits and sauce spilled all over our body anymore, if you know what i mean~~

20.03.2013 | 跳出視窗

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1690]
相信大家對hyperlink都相當熟悉啦, 加一兩條link落自己個post係等閑不過嘅事.. 其他嘅blog editor我就唔清楚, blogger就有個好方便嘅button幫大家加條link落個post度.. 不過個問題係, 條link會喺返同一個window出現(即係你個blog), 我自己就唔喜歡咁樣.. 我鐘意條link喺另外一個window跳出嚟而唔影響到原本睇開個page, 因為我覺得大部份讀者睇完條link之後, 會好順手閂咗個window, 之後先死喇, 連個blog都唔見埋!! 咁樣點算呢?? 如果你都鐘意好似我咁條條link都跳出嚟嘅話(當然唔理讀者可能討厭啦, 哈哈!!)..
[更新] 多謝博客路人㊣留言提點, 其實大家唔需要郁動HTML, 只需喺加Link嘅時候, 剔【在新窗口中打开此链接】就搞掂.. 更加快捷方便呀!! 唔好意思, 我真係太過習慣用HTML嚟寫blog喇~~ :p
i believe everyone is familiar with hyperlinks, and adding a couple of links in your posts is so common now.. i'm unsure about other blog editors, but blogger does have this convenient button to add links into your post.. the problem with this however is, the linked website appears within the same window replacing the current page (i.e. your blog), which i do not like at all.. i prefer another pop-up window so that the original page is still there, as i believe most readers just close that window after viewing the linked website, and alas, just to realize your blog is gone too!! how do i go about this?? if you would also like your links to pop-up (ignoring how your readers may hate it, haha!!)...
[update] thanks to blogger 路人㊣ who commented that we do not need to touch the HTML code at all, but just to tick the option "open this link in a new window" when you add the link.. even simpler and more convenient!! sorry but i'm too used to HTML mode already~~ :p

19.03.2013 | 淡淡清香

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1689]
我仲記得自己開始用香水係大學時期, 第一支香水係Tommy Hilfiger.. 之後就有咗用香水嘅習慣(就好似頭髮一定要執執佢咁), 亦都陸陸續續用咗好多唔同品牌嘅香水.. 我喜歡清淡/清新/有個性嘅味道, 熱買品牌或者果香/花香/粉香嗰啲我絕對唔會有興趣.. 仲有, 因為市面上實在太多選擇, 所以我習慣用完一支就轉其他牌子, 因此就通常都唔會買大支嘅香水.. 除非自己真係好鐘意個味道, 我先會考慮用第二次, 印象中用過兩次或以上嘅香水都唔係多嘅.. 其實我就話香水係好個人嘅, 有人認為用香水係一種禮貌, 有人覺得香水多餘又嘥錢, 有人認為香水可以增加魅力, 有人認為用香水係掩飾自己缺乏信心.. 你又點睇呢?? :)
i still remember i started to use fragrance during my uni days, my very first perfume was Tommy Hilfiger.. i have since then the habit of wearing perfume (like i must have my hair styled) and have tried numerous brands of perfumes in the market.. i always prefer those fresh and subtle scent, and never am i interested in those hot-selling or flowery/fruity/powdery type of fragrances.. also due to the many choices available, i usually change to new brand one after another, hence i rarely buy myself the large bottles.. unless i love the scent so much, i will consider using the same brand for the second time, there aren't much in my list though .. actually fragrance is very subjective and personal, some think it's a courtesy, some think it's a waste of money, some think it adds charm to a person, some thinks it's just to hide your lack of confidence.. so what do you think about fragrances?? :)

18.03.2013 | 馬騮吉祥

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1688]
新年期間睇電視, 玲玲話今年屬蛇嘅朋友犯太歲, 可以佩戴一啲猴子飾物嚟到趨吉避凶.. 講到生肖運程, 我其實都唔係好信嘅, 不過我一向來都已經有隻fing-fing喺身邊, 難道佢係我福星?? 所以一時貪爽, 我又整多隻馬騮喺我張wallpaper度, 夠晒殺氣呀呢個, 趕得走啲牛鬼蛇神呀, 哈哈!! 咁我之後都有諗過, 一不做二不休, 不如我再去買多幾件猴子飾物, 例如鎖匙扣同電話殼咁.. 老實講啦, 我自己其實都幾鐘意啲馬騮玩意嘅, 好得意嘛, 你唔覺得咩?? :p
[更新] 其實寫咗呢篇post之後, 我真係去買咗啲猴子飾物, 哈哈!!
on the TV program during CNY, fengshui master ling-ling mentioned that those born in the year of snakes are against the annual deity this year, and wearing accessories with monkey can bring good luck.. i don't quite believe when it comes to such fortune-telling, but since i always have fing-fing with me, is he actually my lucky star?? and out of fun, i made this chimp as my wallpaper, scary enough to ward off all bad elements huh?? haha!! i am actually thinking, since i've got it started, perhaps i might as well go get some more accessories, like a keychain and a new case for my phone all with the monkey theme.. hmmm, actually i do find those monkey/chimp toys quite adorable, don't you think so?? :p
[update] after writing this post, i really went to buy something, haha!!

15.03.2013 | 因為我藍

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1687]
我甚少喺我啲post度俾個樣大家睇, 因為副尊容欠佳就無謂嚇親各位讀者啦.. 不過既然呢篇係寫blog第八年嘅第一個post, 就嚟啲罕有又特別(其他博客經常會做)嘅嘢啦, 希望大家冇事, 哈哈!! 上面相片中嘅我好呀呵?? 其實我發現最近我著啲褲, 無論新舊, 全部都係藍色.. 可能自己喜歡藍色啦, 而且覺得藍色好"經典"唔會咁易過時嘛.. 呢條褲之唔係我第一條slim-cut褲囉, 之前我一直都唔夠膽著, 因為我對腳又短又粗, 啲所謂嘅skinny/slim-cut褲都係專俾啱高高瘦瘦嘅人著多啲.. 雖然呢條slim-cut褲著喺我身上似係regular-cut, 不過感覺上都著到我有啲咁多瘦咗少少咁啦(角度都有幫到嘅).. 呢一身藍色打扮(同埋咖哩角髮型)我就幾鐘意喇, 大家覺得點呢?? 嗱嗱嗱, 唔準話唔我似江南大叔PSY㗎, 哇哈哈哈~~ :D
i rarely show my face in my posts, cos i'm not good looking and it's not appropriate to let my readers have nightmare right?? but since this is the 1st post of my 8th year blogging, let's do something rare and different (which other bloggers often do), hope everyone's fine, haha!! i am so fat BLUE in the photos above huh?? actually i realized my pants recently are all blue, old ones and new ones, maybe i like blue thinking that it's more of an "evergreen" color which doesn't easily outdate after the seasons.. and this is my very first pair of slim-cut pants, before that i never dare to wear any because my legs are short and fat, i always perceive skinny/slim-cut pants are strictly for skinny people.. although this slim-cut pants looks like a regular-cut on me, i think i do look a tiny little bit slimmer (also because of this angle lah).. i like myself in blue (with this pampadour hairstyle), what do you think?? you are prohibited from saying i look like Gangnam PSY wokay?? muahahaha~~ :D

13.03.2013 | 七年之仰

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1686]
回想當初柴娃娃學人寫blog, 寫咗幾個月之後, 曾經出現面臨放棄嘅情況.. 幸好到緊急關頭我話俾自己聽, 唔可以咁輕易放棄嘅!! 所以當我其他朋友都已經陸陸續續放棄寫blog嘅時候, 我仍然堅持住呢一份熱誠, 其實就係一路咁繼續寫, 從來冇諗過寫到今日, 已經係滿七年!! 第八年喇, 暫時都未有意思退下嘅, 哈哈!! 其實真係要認真多謝各位讀者對我嘅支持, 呢個blog先可以捱到今日!! 七年來一共1686篇post, 雖然比上不足, 我都要喺度同大家分享我嘅驕傲.. 長寫長有!! 話是話, 鐘唔鐘意我上面個色彩繽紛嘅bloggoversary banner?? :p
週年回顧: ■ 2006200720082009201020112012
i remember i started blogging just for fun because friends around were doing it, after a few months of blogging, i was on the verge of giving up.. luckily at the critical moment, i told myself i cannot give up just like that!! hence while all my friends slowly gave up their blogs, i am still keeping that promise to myself, i just continue to blog and i never have expected it has been a good 7 years to date!! the coming 8th year, well i still have no intention to stop yet at least, haha!! seriously i would want to thank all my readers for the support all these while, without that i don't think my blog will last!! with a total of 1686 posts in 7 years, though still incomparable to some super blogs, i guess i would want to share this glory of mine with everyone.. more seven years to come!! BTW how do you like my colorful bloggoversary banner above?? :p
bloggoversaries review: ■ 2006200720082009201020112012

12.03.2013 | 中六風波

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1685]
同小學時期嘅風頭躉比較, 中學時期嘅我可算係個極度平凡嘅學生, 以上係中六時同幾位要好同學影嘅少數合照.. 蘊蘊五千學生中, 我成績又唔係最標青, 運動更加唔駛講啦(我咁肥), 所以中學時期都冇咩特別回憶.. 唯一「最自豪」嘅係中六那一年, 全體中六學生聯合抵制新任訓導主任嘅禁令, 教師節嗰一日, 全體中六學生罷著校服, 清一色著住主題T恤返學.. 結果一一被拒絕於校門外, 直至人數增多, 先被指令去校內籃球場集合.. 雖然校長出面狠狠教訓我哋反叛(但係誰在乎??), 但係最後都要放人, 好讓全體中六學生繼續打點教師節慶典事宜.. 當然, 個訓導主任俾我哋全體中六學生狠狠刮咗一巴, 一句聲都唔敢出囉.. 所以話, 群眾嘅力量係足夠對付一個高高在上隻手遮天嘅人㗎, 請各位謹記..
unlike my primary school years, i was just a super ordinary student in high school, the photo above was one of the rare ones took with few close classmates during Form 6.. among the 5000 students, i wasn't particularly outstanding in academic result, not to mention sports (cos i was so fat and still am), hence there wasn't really anything i specifically remember.. the most "glorious" one was during Form 6 where all the Form 6 students boycotted the new discipline master.. on the teacher's day that year, all put aside uniform but wore our themed t-shirt to school, of course we were rejected outside the gate.. until the number of students increased, we were then directed to gather at the basketball court in the school compound.. though the principle condemned our rebellion in the assembly (but who cared??), still the school had to allow all of us to continue with the preparation for teacher's day celebration.. surely, it was a slap on the discipline master's face and he did not say anything at all that day, haha!! hence, i would say that the power of unity threatens even the most powerful authority, please remember this people..

11.03.2013 | 隨遇而安

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1684]
當百貨漲價水漲船高之際, 我有一連串問號浮現在我嘅腦袋之中..點解雪糕, 朱古力, 咖啡等等可以賣到十幾蚊一杯?? 難道飲咗曉飛?? 點解服飾可以賣幾千蚊甚至幾萬蚊一件?? 難道著咗會變超模?? 點解食肆分明係水準之下都可以門庭若市?? 難道食過會名利雙收?? 雖然以上一大堆疑惑, 但係仍然見好多人趨之若騖咁不甘落後.. 可能係我呢啲草根之民不能高攀啦, 所以吃不到的葡萄是酸的, 哈哈!! 可能等到某天奇跡地讓我坐擁千萬身家之時, 我或者會過住同樣生活嘅.. 其實每個人去到唔同階段, 都會有唔同嘅態度同觀點, 隨遇而安啦.. :)
when everything is getting more and more expensive, i have a bunch of question marks appearing in my head.. why can things like ice-creams, chocolates, coffee etc be sold at tens of ringgit a cup or a piece?? you can fly after eating them?? why can apparels be sold at thousands of ringgit a piece?? you become supermodel after wearing them?? why are eateries packed with people while they just serve lousy food?? you become rich and famous after trying them?? despite all the confusion, there are still many people who think it's a disgrace to miss out any.. perhaps this is just sour grapes for people like me who are at the most bottom hierarchy of the society, haha!! maybe one day if i miraculously become a billionaire, i shall lead such a lifestyle.. well, i guess everyone has a different perspective and attitude as they reach different stages of life, i'd say just be happy with what you have now.. :)

08.03.2013 | 氹氹轉圈

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1683]
大家估下包得咁骨子係咩呢?? | guess what is so nicely wrapped up??
我七歲開始就識咗我呢位朋友, 成卅年後嘅今日都仍然好老友.. 呢位老友記算係唔話得喇, 周不時由倫敦寄嘢俾我之外, 每次返嚟馬來西亞都肯定唔會兩手空空嘅!! 今次除咗例牌嘅香腸, 仲有上面相片包得好骨子嘅禮物.. 究竟係咩咁神秘, click一click上面張相片就自然有所揭曉啦.. :)
  • 有興趣將上面個轉換相片功能擺入你個blog嗎?? 只需下載呢份文件, 跟住入面幾個簡單步驟, 就可以有你自己嘅互動post喇.. 完全免費同大家分享, 歡迎嘗試!! :)
i knew this friend of mine since age 7 and we are still close after almost 30 years later today.. this old friend always sends me something from London, and everytime she comes back home, she will definitely buy me something!! this time besides the de facto sausages, she also gives me something so nicely wrapped as you can see in the photo above.. guess what's inside there?? just click the photo above to unveil..
  • wish to have the above photo-switching feature in your posts too?? download this document to guide you through the steps to create your very own interactive post.. totally free sharing, happy trying!! :)

07.03.2013 | 有益檸水

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1682]
周不時都聽到關於檸檬嘅益處, 噚日喺超市見到靚檸檬, 所以心血來潮買咗兩個返去.. 我呢個十年不入廚房嘅人, 當然唔會拎兩個檸檬大搞啦.. 其實只不過係每日切兩片放入杯中, 朝早以暖水空肚服用, 然後先食早餐.. 飲玩杯暖檸水, 兩片檸檬當然唔好抌咗咁嘥啦, 留返喺個杯中好似平時咁斟水飲.. 其實都唔知咁樣算唔算好呢?? 檸檬含豐富維他命C, 又可以幫助消脂, 不過飲太多會唔會酸性過多呢?? 讀者們, 邊位有專業意見咁呢?? 嚟分享下吖~~ :)
i've heard a lot about the goodness of lemon, saw them in supermarket yesterday and so bought two small ones back.. for someone who doesn't go into the kitchen even once in ten years, of course i wasn't cooking anything from the two lemons.. i just cut and put two slices into my mug, pour in warm water and drink it empty-stomach in the morning before breakfast.. after drinking the warm lemon water, of course keep the lemon slices in the mug and then use it to drink water as usual.. i don't know if this is really good?? lemons are full of vitamin C and can also wash-off fats, but would it be too acidic if i drink too much?? any readers with professional thoughts?? just share it here~~ :)

06.03.2013 | 一馬書券

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1681]
今年政府繼續大肆鋪張「糖果政策」, 本來仲以為自己唔會再拎到呢啲買書禮券, 點知學院電郵通知去領取, 幾唔方便都要抽時間去啦梗係!! 同舊年一樣, 每人可得價值RM250嘅書券, 舊年就真係得書券喇, 今年就升呢到有埋張卡片同信封添!! 其實我話, 嘥乜鬼錢另外印張卡片同信封吖, 拎到之後都係嚟手劈㗎啦, 你方會有人留返做紀念咩?? 哈哈.. 查實舊年我因為冇留意到個有效期, 白白浪費咗大喇喇RM250(@#$%^&*!), 所以今年肯定係唔容許自己重蹈覆轍㗎喇!! 我要買book, 荷包漲book-book呀, 好意頭!! :D
the government continues with the "candy strategy" this year, i thought i would not be eligible for these book vouchers anymore, but the college emailed me to collect them, of course i am not going to miss it anyhow!! similar to last year, each student gets RM250 worth of book vouchers, but this year instead of just the vouchers, we were also given a set of printed card and envelope.. frankly, i find those a waste of money, for sure most will just throw them away, who on earth would ever want to keep them as souvenirs?? haha.. actually i did not realize the expiry of the vouchers given last year, and therefore i have wasted that good RM250 just like that (@#$%^&*!), hence i shall never let myself repeat the same mistake again this year!! i want to buy books, so that my wallet is "cheung book book" (means bloated in cantonese), oh so auspicious!! :D

04.03.2013 | 二月金榜

[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1680]
話咁快又一個月過去喇, 係唔係因為有農曆新年嘅關係, 所以二月份過得特別快?? 定係每個月過咗去, 我哋都係咁認為呢?? 哈哈!! 好喇, 我哋嚟睇一睇上個月嘅留言走勢.. 二月份我哋有全新冠軍以狂風掃落葉姿態登上寶座, 同時都有全新嘅三甲人馬.. 見到位置升落參半, 唔知今個月會唔會又戰爭激烈呢?? 拭目以待呀.. 多謝晒各位鼎力支持, 恭喜晒各位榜上題名嘅朋友, 祝大家有個充實嘅一週!! :)
time flies and another month has gone, was it because of the CNY that we feel that february slipped off so quickly?? or is it just ourselves who think so whenever one month has gone?? haha!! well, let's see the commenting trend for the previous month.. we have a brand new champion for the month of february shot right up to the throne, at the same time we have also a brand new top three.. seeing the mixture of rise and fall in the ranking, i wonder if the competition is going to be intense again this month?? it's a no-holiday month, we shall see.. thank you everyone for your support, and congratulations to all who have made it into the chart, have a great week ahead!! :)
二月留言排行榜 Comment Chart for February
#(#)博客 Blogger留言
1(2)  MEcoy @ I am MEcoy15516/1628.1
2(4)  Yan @ Blog with Yan8116/1623.4
3(5)  Twilight Man @ TWILIGHT ZONE9116/1622.2
4(3)  yvonne @ From Taiping with L♥ve6915/1621.9
5(6)  lina @ Life In My Own Backyard7516/1621.4
6(1)Small Kucing @ SMALL KUCING6414/1621.3
7(8)Hayley @ Hayley and Herself5515/1620.3
8(11)suituapui @ Still Crazy All The Years4516/1618.7
9(16)bluedreamer27 @ It's Me Blue Dreamer6315/1618.5
10(9)wenn @ Experiences2915/1616.7
11(12)海市蜃樓 @ 海市蜃樓1816/1616.0
12(15)HappySurfer @ From where I am2214/1615.8
13(19)Kian Fai Koh @ kianfai87 on PlayRole4411/1614.2
14(10)Bananazஇ @ BananazஇPeople2911/1613.8
15(13)reana claire @ Caring Is Not Only Sharing1312/1613.2

01.03.2013 | 標準體重

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1679]
啱啱過去嘅新年期間, 大家有冇暴飲暴食先?? 係唔係好擔心自己就此重多幾個kilo?? 哈哈, 咁嘅開場感覺好似纖體公司打廣告呵?? 其實我係想話, 大家唔好太過在乎體重囉, 都不過係個數字, 尤其唔好太過迷信於什麼BMI理想體重.. 每個人體質都唔同, 有人天生係偏重磅㗎嘛, 重啲並唔表示肥啲, 輕啲都並唔表示瘦啲喎.. 而且結實肌肉係比脂肪來得重, 呢個係有科學根據㗎.. 其實肥定瘦自己會感覺到嘅, 唔係單單靠個磅嚟定奪, 係整個人睇落去嘅感覺囉.. 實際啲, 要知道自己肥咗定瘦咗, 你條褲著上去窄咗定鬆咗就係最好嘅驗證喇.. :p
have you been eating a lot lately, especially during the CNY?? worry about gaining a few kilos of weight because of that?? haha, this opening sounds like slimming centers advertising their services huh?? actually what i wanted to blog about is, don't be over-serious about weight, it's just a number, and especially don't worship the so-called BMI ideal weight.. everyone is unique and so does everyone's body composition, some are born to be heavy, weighing heavier doesn't mean you are fatter and similarly weighing lighter doesn't mean you are skinnier.. furthermore, lean muscles are heavier than body fats, this is scientific.. you can actually "feel" yourself being fat or skinny, not just based on the number on your scale, it's actually how one look in overall.. more practically, if you want to know whether you gain or lose weight, judge from whether your pants is getting tighter or looser, this sure works perfectly.. :)