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28.02.2013 | 自身安危

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1678]
每日打開報紙, 肯定會睇到啲殺人/打劫/欺詐/偷竊事件發生.. 現時社會治安水平可以差到, 有時候我去公廁企喺度「樹樹」, 我都驚有人喺背後襲擊我呀!! 係就係大吉利是講句, 不過都唔可以抹殺呢個可能性而掉以輕心喎, 自身安危好重要㗎.. 認真嘅, 如果真係大吉利是遇到種情況, 你會點做呢?? 我覺得我會先同個劫匪講: 『兄弟, 你俾我屙完, 再著好條褲先好唔好??』.. 跟住要如何脫險, 我真係毫無頭緒, 大家有何良策呢?? 我覺得喺度分享應付/對付劫匪嘅方法, 係功德無量呀~~ :)
everyday on newspapers, there will always be cases of murders/ thefts/ cheats/ robberies without fail.. this place is so unsafe until sometimes when i go pee-pee in public toilet, i would worry that someone might just attack me from the back!! touch wood but then we cannot just deny such possibility and neglect our safety right?? seriously, if this really *touch wood* happens, i guess i would first tell the robber "dude, would you mind let me finish my business and have my pants on??".. but what's next i should do, i totally have no idea at all.. mind sharing if you have any tricks?? i think it will earn you good merits and karma if you are sharing anything to counter or escape from such situation and the robbers.. :)

26.02.2013 | 新年禮物

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1677]
[Click the buttons below to browse through photos]
博客朋友送嘅新年禮物.. 多謝多謝!!
gifts for chinese new year from bloggers.. thank you so much!!

25.02.2013 | 新年利是

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1676]
昨日元宵過後, 農曆新年正式曲終人散喇, 大家今年派咗或逗咗幾多封利是呢?? 我尚係正印「花仔」一名, 當然繼續享有逗利是嘅權利啦, 感謝各路親朋戚友派俾我以上嘅利是(雖然今年感覺少咗好多封, 哈哈!!).. 講到利是, 我有一個習慣, 就係會將父母俾嘅利是收起到下一年, 今年係拆舊年佢哋俾嘅利是.. 以此類推, 即係話父母永遠都有封利是陪住自己, 長長久久.. 其實真係冇咩特別意思, 就係咁多年嚟嘅一個習慣, 咁做我有種為父母積福嘅感覺.. 呢種做法當然係完全冇根據啦, 不過真係感覺良好㗎, 好似為佢哋做啲嘢咁囉.. :)
after chap goh meh last night, it means the chinese new year is officially over, how many angpows have you given or received this year?? i am still a "flower boy" (this is how the chinese call unmarried guys regardless their age) so i receive angpows instead of giving of course, thank you all relatives and friends for the angpows above (though it seems i have less this year, haha!!).. talk about angpows, i actually have a habit to keep those given by my parents until the following year, so the current year is opening the angpows given the past year.. and so on, meaning there will always be angpows from them with me all the time, until eternity.. no special reason but just a habit, doing so i feel like i am indirectly blessing them.. of course this is not any tradition but it does make me feel good, as if i am doing good merits for my parents.. :)

22.02.2013 | 酸溜溜的

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1675]
城中有個賣乳酪雪糕嘅食肆, 顧客自助提取雪糕, 然後根據磅數俾錢.. 每次經過呢間食肆, 我都會故意放慢腳步, 擰過頭去望一望.. 點解呢?? 因為見到啲人原本非常興奮咁拎住個兜盛雪糕, 最後上磅付款嘅時候, 個個都嚇咗一跳, 臉色一沉, 跟住黑口黑面乖乖俾錢.. 呢個酸溜溜嘅情景, 確實係好娛樂, 哈哈!! 其實呢種經營手法對消費者非常不利, 因為我哋通常對重量冇實質概念, 所以不其然會拎多咗, 因此肉俎砧板上任人魚肉!! 每10克就索價RM0.53喎, 所以我呢個窮等人家係尚未品嘗過呢種美食㗎, 唔知有冇邊位熱心人士願意慷慨請客呢?? :p
there is this eatery in town selling frozen yoghurt where customers help themselves with the servings, and then pay for what they have taken by weight.. everytime i pass by, i surely slow down and try to take a peep, why?? because it's always so amusing when you see people who initially swirling the yoghurt into their cup so excitedly, but get a shock of their life at the weighing counter and their face immediately turn sour when they are paying, haha!! i actually find this type of weigh-and-pay method kind of bad for consumers, because more of us have no idea about the weight and hence tends to take more, and in the end become "fish on the chopping board" (a chinese saying, meaning you have no control over what others are going to do on you).. collecting RM0.53 for every 10g, that is why the poor me have never tasted this delicacy before, anyone generous enough to give me a treat?? :p

21.02.2013 | 孰真孰假

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1674]
事情發生在我之前去嘅同一間"Let's Go"霸級市場.. 當大家見到大大隻字「兩件RM5.50」嘅時候, 係唔係覺得特別興奮, 以為有筍嘢?? 再睇真啲, 原來一件只係RM1.69, 點解兩件特別貴?? 就算三件散買, RM5.50都仲有得找啦!! 實在是令人摸不著頭腦, 咁如果我買兩件, 究竟係要俾所顯示嘅RM5.50, 定係應該俾RM1.69x2=RM3.38呢?? 究竟係無心之失, 定係黑店暗地裡然昆人呢?? 喂, 新年流流, 做乜要搵啲咁嘅嘢攪呀??
it happened in the same "Let's Go" hypermarket i went the other day.. when you see such a big "buy 2 for RM5.50", i am sure you'll get a little excited and thought there is something worth buying?? but look carefully, the unit price is just RM1.69, but why is it more expensive buying two?? even if you buy three of those, RM5.50 is more than enough!! this is really confusing, if i were to buy two, shall i then pay RM5.50 as indicated, or shall i pay only RM1.69x2=RM3.38?? is this an unintentional mistake, or it's actually a trap to cheat the consumers?? come on, it's still the chinese new year period, why all these pranks??

20.02.2013 | 圖片大小

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1673]
最近嘅七至八篇post都係我農曆新年前寫好嘅, 休息咗個幾星期, 係時候再次動筆喇, 哈哈!! 因為有一段時間冇寫blog, 所以先後知後覺blogger上載相片嘅界面有更動, 尤其同時上載多張相片變得更簡易!! 之前大家係先選擇相片向左中右對齊, 再說明相片大細, 不過新界面就係貼上之後再來更改.. 對於習慣用HTML編寫嘅我, 呢個更動確實係嚇咗我一跳, 幸好後來我發現一個快捷有效嘅方法, 就係喺HTML編寫界面內, 直接更改相片URL嘅數值!!
<a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjdke16NCPQ091TaMzg6FvUms3YhSCvNhliT-dgwjIihZgLr_TjQbuBYhlgPKUbe_e0DjJoh44ekLXUXFpP3GmMg93GVK2hwNJ7UT5MVJeRjp1hGgblIdkg_fgbDxv5V9o7QqT1/s1600/20130220_PhotoUpload.jpg" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjdke16NCPQ091TaMzg6FvUms3YhSCvNhliT-dgwjIihZgLr_TjQbuBYhlgPKUbe_e0DjJoh44ekLXUXFpP3GmMg93GVK2hwNJ7UT5MVJeRjp1hGgblIdkg_fgbDxv5V9o7QqT1/456/20130220_PhotoUpload.jpg" style="cursor:pointer;margin:0px;" /></a>
如上, 只需稍為更改highlight部份嘅數值(blogger原設320), blogger就會跟住你說明嘅大小顯示圖片, 而且仲係按照原本比例哦!! 係唔係好簡單, 而且仲不局限S,M,L,XL呢幾個size??
the recent 7 to 8 posts you read lately were actually pre-written before CNY, after a-week-plus break i guess it's time for me to start writing again, haha!! because of the long absence in blogging, i only realized the new interface for photo uploads from blogger today, uploading multiple photos at one go is now so much simpler!! previously we chose the alignment and size of the photo before uploading, but now with the new interface it's done after upload.. for advanced user like me who is used to the HTML editing mode, it was a shocked, but luckily i found out a simple and fast way to change the size, which is directly changing the value in the URL in the HTML editing mode!!
<a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjdke16NCPQ091TaMzg6FvUms3YhSCvNhliT-dgwjIihZgLr_TjQbuBYhlgPKUbe_e0DjJoh44ekLXUXFpP3GmMg93GVK2hwNJ7UT5MVJeRjp1hGgblIdkg_fgbDxv5V9o7QqT1/s1600/20130220_PhotoUpload.jpg" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjdke16NCPQ091TaMzg6FvUms3YhSCvNhliT-dgwjIihZgLr_TjQbuBYhlgPKUbe_e0DjJoh44ekLXUXFpP3GmMg93GVK2hwNJ7UT5MVJeRjp1hGgblIdkg_fgbDxv5V9o7QqT1/567/20130220_PhotoUpload.jpg" style="cursor:pointer;margin:0px;" /></a>
just change the highlighted number (blogger's default is 320) to any number, and blogger will render the photo in that size accordingly and in the correct proportion too.. now isn't that easy, and you are not limited to just those few S,M,L,XL sizes??

19.02.2013 | 精明消費

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1672]
我自認一向消費都好精明, 尤其對價錢就更加之敏感.. 買嘢我肯定會格過價, 然後好清楚自己應該(大概要)俾幾多錢.. 講得難聽啲就係師奶仔一角幾毫都要計清楚, 哈哈!! 某日去"Let's Go"霸級市場, 就俾我發現有標價出入, 嚴重到我買四件物品就有三件出錯!! 雖然差別唔大, 只係區區16仙, 但係眼睜睜睇住自己無端端俾多咗錢, 當然感到不是味兒!! 大家見我倒返入去影相攞證據, 就知道我之後一定去客戶服務部拎返我俾多咗嘅錢啦, 呵呵.. 其實呢, 我覺得就算數目幾多都好, 身為消費者嘅我哋, 應該擅用自己嘅權益, 同時都間接幫咗其他消費者嘛.. 積少成多呀, 如果每人都一角幾毫嘅話, 超市老闆會發到唔清唔楚呀!!
i have to admit that i am always a very cautious consumer, especially when it comes to price.. when i go shopping i always compare prices and then will always be very certain about how much i have to roughly pay for the goods.. or you may want to say that i am too auntie to bother about those petty few cents, haha!! the other day i went to "Let's Go" hypermarket and noticed price discrepancy, as serious as three items out of all four i have bought!! though the difference was very little at just 16-sen, but realizing i've paid more certainly won't make me happy!! you see i went back into the hypermarket and snapped some photos as evidence, that means i went to the customer service to claim back the difference of course, haha.. actually i think no matter how big or small the difference is, we as the consumers should exercise our rights, at the same time this helps other consumers too.. many a little makes a mickle, if every consumer contributes just a few sen, then the hypermarket boss will be too rich!!

18.02.2013 | 如斯田地

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1671]
每日都會收到Groupon嘅電郵, 其實我都唔介意睇一睇然後刪除, 話唔定裡頭真係有筍嘢(雖然到此為止我從來未團購過任何嘢).. 早幾日前就見到呢一則「驚奇」, 以RM0兼100%折扣申請信用卡!! 對唔住, 可能你唔認同, 但係我個人就係覺得Groupon俾我嘅印象, 係貨銷量唔好又乏人問津先需要減價吸引顧客.. 堂堂一間跨國大銀行, 竟然需要落得如斯田地??!! 我知信用卡係銀行最賺錢嘅產品, 商場四週圍有人纏住你申請都算啦, 不過居然要搞上團夠, 未免又cheap咗個image係嘛?? 純屬個人意見, 又或者係我判斷錯誤, 呢個可能係未來趨勢?? @_@"
i received daily updates from Groupon everyday, i don't mind browse and then delete off that email, who knows there is something that i find useful right (though i have not bought anything yet so far)?? what came as a "surprise" the other day was this, 100% discount at RM0 to apply for a credit card!! sorry you may not agree with me, but i personally think that groupon is for those who have very little sales and few customers, hence they place discounts to attract more customers.. for such an acclaimed international bank, do they really need to resort to this??!! i know credit card is earning the biggest money for banks, forget those who keep haggling you to apply for one, i think perhaps making it to groupon is kind of cheap-ing their corporate image huh?? entirely personal view, or maybe i am not right as this is the emerging trend?? @_@"

15.02.2013 | 標誌游戲

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1670]
又係星期五喇!! 唔理你已經返工定繼續放緊假, 今日呢個post都要係輕輕鬆鬆㗎喇, 新年期間, 唔好顧慮咁多啦, 啱唔啱先?? 就同大家玩個認標誌游戲啦, 有冇留意到全部標誌都係紅色呢?? 新年期間更係要紅彤彤, 取其喜氣洋洋如意吉祥之意嘛, 哈哈.. 玩法非常簡單, 於標誌下空格填上你嘅答案, 然後按標誌檢查, 綠色表示正確, 紅色表示錯誤.. 如果需要提示, 請將鼠標置於標誌上.. 慢慢玩喇!! :)
it's friday again!! no matter you have already gone back to work or still enjoying your CNY holidays, this post is gonna be a light one, it's CNY, so we don't wanna create worries right?? we shall have this logo quiz today, have you noticed all logos comes in red?? well, the chinese believes that red is auspicious and so i used this color theme, hehe.. just a very simple game, type your answer in the box under each logo, then click on the logo to verify your answer, green for a correct answer and red for a wrong answer.. if you need hints, just roll your mouse pointer over the logo itself.. have fun!! :)

13.02.2013 | 老虎馬騮

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1669]
大家好呀, 係唔係好耐唔見fing-fing呢?? 話過過時過節都會俾佢露一露面㗎嘛, 今日係大年初四, 好多人都應該返工喇, 所以就準fing-fing出嚟同大家拜年啦.. fing-fing仲帶埋佢個老虎仔朋友ben-ben同大家見面喎(ben-ben係扁扁嘅諧音, 因為老虎仔係好扁好2D), 非常有誠意呀.. 唔好睇ben-ben木口木面咁, 其實佢都好可愛㗎, 你睇fing-fing同佢老友鬼鬼就知啦.. 其實呢篇係無聊post, 新年流流唔想諗咁多嘢, 哈哈!!:p
hello folks, long time no see fing-fing huh?? i said before that fing-fing will show face on big days, today is the 4th day of CNY, i guess many have already gone back to work, so i let fing-fing appear and wish everyone a successful new year.. fing-fing also brought his new friend ben-ben the little tiger to see everyone (the name ben-ben comes from the mandarin word which means flat, yes, because he is very flat and 2D), so sincere right?? don't just see the poker face of ben-ben, but he is actually very cute and adorable, else fing-fing wouldn't even want to befriend with him.. this is actually a nonsense post, because i just do not want to think so much during CNY, haha!! :p

10.02.2013 | 恭喜發財

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1668]
今日係癸巳年大年初一, 喺度同大家拜個年先.. 祝大家萬事如意, 心想事成, 身體健康, 恭喜發大財!! 喺度為大家送上經典新年歌一首, 按上面懷舊圖片個play就可以啟播喇, 慢慢欣賞啦.. :)
恭喜恭喜 恭喜發大財!!
it's the very first day of CNY 2013, so let me wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year with lots of health and wealth!! at the same time i'll like to dedicate a classic CNY song to everyone, just click the "play" button in the retro photo above to listen to the audio clip, enjoy.. :)
gong-xi gong-xi!!

07.02.2013 | 更衣文化

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1667]
見到上面嘅圖片, 大家唔好心邪諗埋晒啲污糟嘢先, 哈哈.. 係就係同更衣室有關, 不過係我見到啲好騎呢嘅人, 仲係就得呢一間健身院嘅更衣室先會見到.. 呢度啲會員有八成係好鐘意坐喺更衣室兩排長凳玩電話, 有啲甚至連我做完gym都可以見佢原封不動坐住喺度!! 我好唔明, 更衣室連接淋浴間同廁所, 空氣潮濕細菌滿天飛, 老實講係非常唔衛生, 點解啲人可以賴死唔走??!! 而且成舊石咁坐住喺度, 都可能妨礙到其他會員用locker㗎嘛, 真係冇厘醒目囉!! 仲有呀, 既然嚟得健身院, 就專心操一操啦, 擺低部電話一陣唔會死係嘛?? 怪人呀, 難道係呢個低頭啲會員嘅文化?? @_@"
when you see the picture above, please don't ever think of something else naughty yet, haha.. yes it's about locker room, but it's just some weird people i have come across, only and only in the changing room of this specific gym.. i guess 80% of the members like to sit on the two rows of bench in the locker room playing their phones, some can even stay there intact after i have finished my workout!! i really cannot understand, the locker room is liked to the showers and toilets, damp air and germs flying around, seriously i never think it is hygienic at all but how could people stay in there for so long?? and sitting there like a stone could also be inconsiderate to other members too, especially they are blocking the lockers.. moreover, since already in the gym, why not concentrate on workout and then leave the phone aside for just a short while?? weirdo weirdo, or perhaps this is the culture of gym members in that area?? @_@"

06.02.2013 | 超市促銷

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1666]
噚日提到超市試食, 不知好笑定好嬲, 今日延續個勢, 講下超市入面啲促銷員啦.. 本人曾經親眼目睹, 亦都曾經領教過, 在此同大家分享一下.. 第一, 遠遠見到啲三寸不爛之舌嘅hard-sell促銷員, 我兜路都要迴避佢哋, 因為我買嘢喜歡有自己嘅空間.. 第二, 手上已經拎住打算買嘅嘢, hard-sell促銷員可以行埋嚟同你講「先生, 你手上呢個品牌唔係咁好喎.. 我呢個就肯定好十倍, 不如買呢個啦~~」.. 一聽佢咁講, 就肯定佢係賣花贊花香啦, 我真係唔嚟呢一套喎.. 更何況我通常都好知道我自己要乜, 如果你個品牌係好嘢嘅話, 正所謂*有麝自然香*, 根本都輪唔到需要喺超市做hard-sell促銷啦, 係唔係先??
i blogged about food sampling in supermarkets yesterday, something that can trap you between laughs and angers, i thought why not to talk about those promoters?? i have personally seen and even encountered hard-sell promoters in supermarkets before (i think quite inevitable for everyone), so i'd like to share this here today.. first, if i see such hard-sell promoters from far, i will definitely avoid them even if i need to route to another aisle, because i really require my personal space when i go shopping.. second, even if i am already holding my items, they could just approach and tell you "sir, i think this brand you are going to buy isn't that good.. this one i'm having is much better, you should buy this one instead~~".. of course i know what's the story behind that talk, but sorry that will never mess my decision.. because i always know what i wanted to buy, and if your brand is that good i guess you don't even need to hard-sell in a supermarket right?? *good wine needs no bush*, agree??

05.02.2013 | 超市試食

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1665]
去超級市場見到有試食, 我行埋去拎嘢食嘅機率應該係一半一半, 通常都係睇心情.. 不過有一種情況我係絕對不屑一試嘅, 就係當促銷員將啲食物分到蟻食都唔夠嘅份量, 我覺得第一非常冇誠意, 第二好寒酸, 第三好似顧客同你乞食等你施捨咁.. 譬如話一片芝士可以切成廿小塊, 一粒車厘子切成八小片, 一條香腸切成好似紙咁薄嘅幾十塊, 大家仲有冇衝動想去試食呢?? 好心, 要搞試食就唔該大方啲, 嗰一丁點可以試到咩味道出嚟先?? 試食都係一種宣傳, 呢筆錢唔慳得, 何況搞試食洗得你幾多錢先?? @_@"
when i see food sampling in supermarkets, chances that i walk over and pick up the food to taste is half-half, usually it depends on my mood.. there is always one situation i will never bother to try, that is when the promoter split one item into portions so small even ants don't feel enough.. first i think this is so not sincere, second i think this is so petty, third i think this makes customers feel like begging them to give that little of food.. imagine a slice of cheese cut into 20 pieces, a small piece of cherry cut into 8 slices, a sausage cut into tens of paper-thin slices, would you feel like tasting them?? haiyoh, please!! can't they be just a little more generous?? how could customers taste the food with that tiny little portion right?? food sampling is one kind of advertising and the expenditure shall not be limited, afterall how much can it cost to have a day of food sampling right?? @_@"

04.02.2013 | 一月金榜

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1664]
一月份留言排行榜 Comment Chart for January
#(#)博客 Blogger留言
1(4)  Small Kucing @ SMALL KUCING22917/1741.7
2(1)  MEcoy @ I am MEcoy26217/1738.8
3(5)  yvonne @ From Taiping with L♥ve16316/1734.7
4(3)  Yan @ Blog with Yan17317/1733.1
5(6)  Twilight Man @ TWILIGHT ZONE13317/1727.5
6(2)lina @ Life In My Own Backyard14317/1726.7
7(13)Simple Person @ Simple Life12716/1726.4
8(8)Hayley @ Hayley and Herself9917/1724.0
9(7)wenn @ Experiences6117/1720.5
10(10)Bananazஇ @ BananazஇPeople4216/1720.2
11(14)suituapui @ Still Crazy All The Years5617/1719.6
12(11)海市蜃樓 @ 海市蜃樓1717/1717.0
13(12)reana claire @ Caring Is Not Only Sharing1313/1714.2
14(16)小雪 @ 小雪の札記1211/1711.0
15(9)HappySurfer @ From where I am169/179.9
成個月都冇見到留言週榜, 大家會唔會以為我今年可能唔再搞個博客大賞呢?? 當然唔會啦, 呢個博客大賞咁好玩, 梗係要繼續啦!! 之不過呢一年因為減產, 唔會日日都有新post, 因此週榜就好似變得冇咩意義.. 所以就決定每個月一個金榜已經足夠喇, 唔好搞到個氣氛咁緊張嘛, 呵呵~~ 多謝咁多位讀者呢一個月來嘅支持, 恭喜晒所有榜上留名嘅朋友!! 你們是最好的!!! :)
there has been no weekly chart for the past month, and have you wondered if the blogger awards is still going on?? definitely it will, it is such an interesting activity and of course we must not let it stop right?? however because i will not have posts everyday this year, hence the weekly charts do not seem appropriate.. as a result, i have decided that have only one chart every month, also this kind of reduce the competition tension huh?? hehe~~ thank you so much to every reader for the support over the past month and most importantly, congratulations to all who has made it to the january chart!! you are all the best!! :)

01.02.2013 | 二月來臨

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1663]
話咁快已經二月喇, 距離農曆新年尚有10日, 相信好多讀者都開始為新年而忙碌啦.. 我就唔會囉, 因為我一嬲都唔駛點煩惱啲新年濕碎嘢嘅, 不過新衫我的確仲未買.. 呢一方面我絕對係last-minute態度㗎, 我諗下個星期我先會行動嘅應該.. 咁我又忙緊咩呢?? 忙緊呢兩個星期嘅post囉, 儘量schedule啲新post, 咁新年期間就唔駛煩啦, 哈哈!! 講返上面呢張相(對唔住, 扯太遠喇!!), 上個星期買咗呢隻好趣緻嘅招財貓飾物, 好有新年feel但係又唔係太俗.. 本來諗住買多個送俾讀者嘅, 不過後尾諗到每次我啲有獎游戲都冇乜人參加, 都係無謂嘥錢嘥心機好喇, 哈哈!!
so fast it's february already!! guess many people are getting busy for CNY already, since it's just 10 days away.. not for me really as i don't quite need to worry about the CNY chores, haha.. haven't even get myself any new clothes for CNY, guess i am quite last minute kind of person when it comes to this, perhaps next week would be time for me to take action.. so what am i busy with?? scheduling new posts for the next two weeks, so i have no worries during CNY, haha!! anyway, back to the story of the photo (oh, i digressed too much!!), bought this very cute prosperity cat deco last week, very CNY feel yet not very cheena.. initially thought of giving away to readers, but second thought, every giveaway contest i had didn't attract many people to participate, so rather not waste my money and effort, haha!!