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05.02.2013 | 超市試食

[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1665]
去超級市場見到有試食, 我行埋去拎嘢食嘅機率應該係一半一半, 通常都係睇心情.. 不過有一種情況我係絕對不屑一試嘅, 就係當促銷員將啲食物分到蟻食都唔夠嘅份量, 我覺得第一非常冇誠意, 第二好寒酸, 第三好似顧客同你乞食等你施捨咁.. 譬如話一片芝士可以切成廿小塊, 一粒車厘子切成八小片, 一條香腸切成好似紙咁薄嘅幾十塊, 大家仲有冇衝動想去試食呢?? 好心, 要搞試食就唔該大方啲, 嗰一丁點可以試到咩味道出嚟先?? 試食都係一種宣傳, 呢筆錢唔慳得, 何況搞試食洗得你幾多錢先?? @_@"
when i see food sampling in supermarkets, chances that i walk over and pick up the food to taste is half-half, usually it depends on my mood.. there is always one situation i will never bother to try, that is when the promoter split one item into portions so small even ants don't feel enough.. first i think this is so not sincere, second i think this is so petty, third i think this makes customers feel like begging them to give that little of food.. imagine a slice of cheese cut into 20 pieces, a small piece of cherry cut into 8 slices, a sausage cut into tens of paper-thin slices, would you feel like tasting them?? haiyoh, please!! can't they be just a little more generous?? how could customers taste the food with that tiny little portion right?? food sampling is one kind of advertising and the expenditure shall not be limited, afterall how much can it cost to have a day of food sampling right?? @_@"


  1. 有啲嘢睇就知道自己唔會買,咁就唔會試食啦...

    1. 不過明知自己唔會買, 所以見到就即刻去試食都有~~ 哈哈!!

  2. Not so common these days. In the 80's, there used to be something to sample round every corner, down every aisle e.g. at Sogo when it was Japanese-owned...so I would just walk around and sample...and that was lunch! LOL!!!

    1. OMG!!! You made me laugh... We are what we eat!

    2. OMG!! Anay you made me laugh like crazy!! Hahahahaha~~ :D

    3. Hey!!! Those days, very slim lah... Eat bits like that, already full. These days, maybe have to go at least 50 rounds.

    4. Wakakakakakaka.... I am still laughing! STP damn cute nia.

    5. yeah, so humorous this STP.. i really want to see how STP looked like when he was young!! must be very tall and slim and handsome!! come on, please make a post to show us all your old time photos..


    6. I second that, I also want to see STP's old time pictures also.

    7. Actually I have a post...but I keep pushing it back as there are other more interesting posts cropping up. Right now, I think it will appear sometime after Chinese New Year.

      But I had had quite a number of posts before - like this one, for example:

    8. nah, we will think your old time photos are more interesting than all the food you eat!! wow, handsome young STP there, fuyoh, even Mr Universe also needs to stand aside!! we want MORE MORE MORE!! show us more of your slim and tall and handsome photos!!

  3. Good morning!

    Food sampling ah...I seldom take unless hungry la LOL. But usually will encourage the boy to take especially those yogurt drinks. He loves them

    1. When I was thirsty, those free yogurt drinks was just in time to quench my thirst, but i think i need to take 2 tiny cups la!

    2. I will walk in circles and pick up the free drinks! Tak malu anay!

    3. haha, usually when i take the samples, i will quickly walk away just in case the promoter wants to persuade me to buy.. never will go back and pick up the second time.. :p

    4. I'd take if the promoter is really friendly and helpful.

      Pushy ones... that one will only make me scowl.

    5. Good afternoon! Ah Hua was so busy in the morning, multitasking at my work and blog posting, muahahaha!

      Free sampling? I love all sort of free sampling and will take one for myself + my 2 kids, then go back for 2nd and 3rd round. Yiieeerr, why I sounded like annay already. Tak malu Ah Hua!

    6. very true, i also hate pushy promoter, they will only make me walk away with zero chance of buying their products..

      hahaha, i think the Tan's like to go for rounds and rounds of free sampling?? hmmm, great, one morning in the supermarket and you save your breakfast?? :p

  4. saw before in one supermarket. they "chop" the sausages into tiny piece. aiyo...take one not enough to taste leh.

    Cantonese say "emm kau chi ngah lar"(not enough to masuk celah gigi)

    1. yalor, that is what i wanted to say.. or maybe they are encouraging people to take more rounds to create the crowd ah?? :p

    2. But then, no matter how small the samplings are... still got people swarming over it. o.O

    3. I never spotted any free sausage in the hypermarket, let alone our local supermarket. Sometimes I suspected the promoters telan the freebies themselves. Or maybe they just use 50% of the freebies to the public and keep the rest for own used.

    4. Adoi!!! Taiping got no promoters meh? Come to KL and we spend whole day walking in Cold Storage. You will be full in 30 mins.

    5. always got people swarming over the free food samples lah.. if there is none, then this must be really really lousy things nobody even is interested!! haha..

      aiyoh, Taiping no free sausages meh?? come to KL and we will bring you to Cold Storage and AEON, got spaghetti, cheese, nugget and korean rice cake somemore!! sure can save the money for one meal, haha~~

    6. Talking about this, I only tried coffee, yogurt, cereal, sandwices and instant noodles as free sampling food here. Same like Ah Hua, I never try free sausage, free cheese, nuggets, spaghett and korean rice cake.

  5. Maybe the promoter is given a certain number of packet of the sausage to promote and then they have to stand there for certain number of hours so hey tend to chop the sausages to tiny pieces to make it last longer?

    1. could be true also with the quota.. and i think there can be another reason behind.. because they are given a certain number of sausages to promote within certain time.. they they might as well save the sausage, so that they can have the remaining ones to bring home!! i think those aunties must be doing this~~

    2. I thought I myself have the evil thought... rupa-rupanya SK is thinking the same too :D

      The promoter sapu the sausages for own good. But like that is not being honest le~

  6. Good morning world!

    I like this post. It is ME!!!

    1. I always support the promoters by eating many rounds and drinking many cups of juices & soups! Slurpicious!

    2. LOL....so that the promoter can finish work early is it:p

    3. hahaha!! Anay is so supportive, i am sure they like Anay so much because they can finish work early and go home~~ :D

    4. All Tans are loveable! I would do the same when offered the free sampling. I like free stuff, haha, I'm a cheapskate auntie.

  7. The better bad habit of mine is I will pancut all the bottles of perfume tester on the glass shelves! You name it, I done it! Last night I just pancut the latest Tommy Hillfiger, Gorgio Armani, Christian Dior and blah blah.... The smell is still on me right now. Mmmmmmnn..!

    1. hahaha!! well, if they are there as testers then i will also be curious to know how they smell like.. but then i never pancut on myself lah, i always take a piece of card and pancut on that.. don't want myself to smell so heavily perfumed, most importantly to avoid myself with the smell i do not like..

    2. I'm like SK.

      I don't like to be "pancut"ed in public. Later if smell not nice, it'll linger on my body.

      Pancuted at home is different. Muahahah!!!!!

    3. I will pancut the perfume on the testers first, choose the one that I like the most and pancut again on myself. They say it smell different when perfume comes in contact with our skin. So must try it out too *kiasu*

    4. lina, pancuted at home of course different, that type of smell is so special that Tommy Hillfiger, Gorgio Armani, Christian Dior, Bvlgary and Jean Paul Gaultier cannot fight one.

      Somemore it is unique and very much depended on the person who pancut.

    5. yeah, i don't pancut directly on myself though i know it smells different on skin and tester, but won't differ too much lah.. also, i am already putting on perfume, so i just do not want to blend in others, it will smell weird mixing all the perfumes together lah..

    6. Yan, you are so understanding. ;)

  8. Wanakum. 不'蛇'得 might as well no samplings. Got to be generous 捨得,捨得 then got 得 if not become 蛇蛇蛇不得..haha.

    1. yeah, that is why the chinese say, 捨得 means 有捨才有得, you must give in order to take~~ :)

  9. $mall monie$ no go, big monie$ no come. Old folks often say got come got go mah.

    1. I agree, that's why I spent a lot of money before Chinese New Year, so that I can Huat in Chinese New Year.

    2. hahaha, so you both can always spend your small monies on me, i really do not mind at all!! :D

    3. Every year I spent a lot on ang pows for family members. So need to eat free food samples in supermarkets.

    4. Muahahaha, I heard that annay will give big angpow during CNY, I'm gonna bring my kids to visit annay and get HUAT! I cannot get free food samples here mah, everytime also need to spend $$$ for food here.

    5. woot woot!! yeah, i also want to go get angpow from Anay, because Anay always give big angpows one!! like that i don't have to go for free food sampling already~~ :p

  10. I never like this kind of food sampling. I don't think it's hygienic too.

    1. but I don't if they have drinks sampling that they pour from the flask or container.

    2. yeah, it really depends on what are served and how they are served..

  11. well, sometime i also feel myself like "beggar" when approach to taste those free food sample.. duno why~

    1. exactly!! and the promoter seems to always give that tiny little portion and we are there asking for me.. @_@"

    2. That's why I only take if its offered to me. I won;t go and ask.

      But can see some people really like to ask. If promoter no around, they'll look to pour the drinks themselves. Or makan everything...

    3. It's depends, if huge crowd is surrounding the promoter, I won't join in... but if the promoter is standing there waiting for mozzie, then I'll approach her/him.

      But then, when no crowd does this mean the food is not good?

    4. if there is a crowd definitely i won't go near lah, don't feel like fighting for food at all.. and if there is not a single person, i feel awkward too.. perhaps when there are food and there is no promoter, i may go and help myself with the samples, haha!! i feel more comfortable serving myself~~ :p

  12. Good morning SK and everyone!

    4 more days to CNY!! Ulalala~

    1. Food sampling.. Hmm, I am like you, 50-50. But there's one thing I definitely won't try, coffee or any caffeine-related drinks. Hehe, cause I don't drink coffee.

    2. Well, sometimes cannot blame them also la, it's samples ma, of course cannot give too big portion, they also don't want rugi too much ma! :p

      But we the consumers of course demand for more la, it's normal, hehe.

    3. And speaking about food samples, I like it when the promoters walk towards and offer the samples, or at least ask politely. I have seen many cases where the promoters won't bother, just stand at the kiosk waiting for us to go and take.

    4. But on second thought, their jobs are quite tiring also la... Imagine standing there almost whole day, and at the end of the day, don't know able to sell how much also..

    5. When age is catching up, I don't really like to take sampling food, I only let my girls go and take.

      Then I will politely say "No, thank you."

    6. those moederate type of promoter is okay la. Got some after you try the product they will push a bag of the coffee tea or whaever they are promoting ask to buy. sometimes i lazy to argue with them so just take and deposit to the shelves at next corner or at the counter

    7. true also.. probably those who walk over and ask politely if you would like to try some of their product, i would take some and try.. those that stand there waiting for people to ask for samples, i don't really go near at all.. but i don't think they are required to sell any products, just to finished the allocated samples within the time and they can go home.. it's more of a part time job..

  13. 这些就是要搞试吃又孤寒!!! =]

    1. 其實我有懷疑過那些試吃那麼孤寒, 是因為promoter要帶多點回家自己享用!!

  14. 我冇呢個煩惱,因爲一向都唔會試食。

    1. 你連食嘢都唔鐘意, 更何況係試食呢?? :p

    2. 哈哈,開始幾了解我囖!

  15. lolololol I feel you on that.
    They usually have it in the mall..

    1. yeah, supermarkets especially and there is where you gotta see different types of people with weird behaviors~~ :p

  16. i hear you sk,
    well the least they could do to attract costumer is atleast
    be generous even at their food sample
    how could you really taste it if it was too little

    1. but i think thats there technique
      i mean to keep th mystery on the food
      so people would think of buying it
      to get to taste it even more

  17. but in my case i never tried anything like this
    first is im not out that much
    second is im too shy to try it haha

    1. it feels like you were required to buy
      their item if you tried it
      already haha

  18. but i once saw this food sampling here
    and it was quite disturbing
    poor people who live by the streets
    came asking for it
    to taste something that usual to them

  19. by the way food samples reminds me so much
    of a very sad korean tv drama
    a rosy life
    were it feature a woman who is dedicated o her family who forgot to take care of her self and she always
    go first at this food samples to cut her food budget shirt
    that was the only show made me cry in overflowing tears

  20. anyway these seems to be like those
    perfume sampls were they will give you
    a piece of tiny paper with that particular prefume scent

  21. and oh i remember one time i saw this store were there are
    beauty products available for testing
    i think that gross you wouldnt know how many people tried that

  22. have a great day and happy bloggin to you sk
    take the best of care and god bless you

  23. 对于试吃,我通常是禀着错过没放过的C9精神的 haha!

  24. oh.. how come I missed this one haha...

  25. honestly.. I love food samplings... but I hate it when there is a long queue..

  26. if there is a long queue then I would rather not go for it... haha...

  27. I think SK boss you got posted about this topic before if no mistaken lol :x

    anyways, I got no experience by encountering with food sampling . . .

    1. and my food sampling would be food review! XD :x

    2. last time I was kid, I remember I got drinks sampling from my mum . . . in Pudu Plaza last time, then bought a carton of it, and that was like 20 years ++ ago? XD

    3. my friend got work as food sampling promoter before, he say it is insane and people keep on grab non stop . . . in PJ area tesco :P
