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31.07.2012 | 感覺完美

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1492]
■ 手機拍攝相片, 效果欠佳 | photos taken by handphone, quality compromised ■
上星期六赴了一場期待已久嘅攝人動魄之約(林憶蓮MMXII演唱會-吉隆坡站).. 攝人歌聲, 動人演出, 再加上現場觀眾嘅熱情, 簡直係正到爆燈!! 因為整場演唱會實在係精彩到不得了, 所以依家坐低諗返可以寫啲乜嘢嘅時候, 心情又再持續喺後演唱會嘅抗奮當中, 哈哈.. 全晚兩個半小時演出(包括兩次安歌), 我諗有一個小時大家係企晒起身, 同佢一齊跳舞一齊大合唱, 氣氛非常高漲.. 我卅幾歲人, 好耐都未試過咁瘋狂, 呢一晚算係盡情豁出去嘅一晚.. 雖然意猶未盡, 但係感覺完美.. 超贊!! 更多照片在我facebook內..
attended an awesome event (Sandy Lam Concert MMXII - Kuala Lumpur) that i've anticipated for long last saturday.. great voice, superb performance, with an enthusiastic audience, it was indeed a magnificent show!! because the concert was so awesome, while i am sitting down now to flash back about things to blog, i am again entering the mood of post-concert exhilaration, haha.. during the 2.5-hour show (including two times encore), i guess there was an hour everyone was standing up, singing and dancing along with her, the ambiance was simply high-spirited.. of my 30-something age, it was long ago i last acted so wildly, that night was entirely letting out myself.. though still hoping for more, it instead ended in perfection.. thumbs-up!! more photos in my facebook..

30.07.2012 | 大中細碼

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1491]
回教徒齋誡月期間, 好多地方都有特別優惠.. 上個星期五就見到某某快餐店推出醒神套餐, 以下係我同侍應嘅對話..
我: 唔該我想要呢個齋誡月優惠套餐..
侍: 好呀!! 咁先生想要大定中呢??
我: 得大同中咋?? 我想要個細嘅..
侍: 份套餐係先生你食?? 不過細嘅通常係俾小朋友㗎噃..
睇完我哋嘅對話, 估下我究竟點樣回應呢位咁「有趣」嘅侍應??
during the ramadhan fasting month, many places are offering attractive promotions.. saw this good deal from a fast food restaurant last friday, and this is the conversation between the waitress (W) and myself (M)..
M: hi, i would like to have your ramadhan set..
W: yes sir, would you like it large or medium??
M: only large or medium?? i would like a small-size set..
W: is that for yourself?? but small ones are normally for kids..
after reading this conversation between us, how do you think i will respond to this "funny" waitress??

29.07.2012 | 發惡馬騮

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1490]
吓, 呢個係唔係fing-fing嚟㗎?? 點解佢今日咁唔同㗎?? 哦, 因為佢食咗舊辣辣地嘅tabasco朱古力, 搞到成隻馬騮躁晒, 仲要警告各位唔好覬覦佢盒咁特別嘅朱古力添呀!! 盒朱古力係fing-fing老豆個好朋友送俾佢嘅, 大家係唔係覺得辣椒朱古力怪怪地咁?? 哈哈.. 其實fing-fing老豆話, 食落都幾OK幾得意㗎.. 咁fing-fing問下大家: 對於食呢方面, 你係勇于嘗試新口味, 定係比較保守, 獨沽一味呢?? :p
gosh, is this fing-fing?? why is he so different today?? because he ate a piece of this spicy tabasco chocolate, so he got hot (tempered) and warn everyone of you to stay away from his so-special box of chocolate!! the chocolate was a gift from a friend of fing-fing's daddy, i think many of you must have thought this is very weird, haha!! but according to fing-fing's daddy, the chocolate tastes quite ok actually.. so fing-fing asks: when it comes to food, are you adventurous for new flavors, or you are conservative and always go for those you used to eat?? :p

28.07.2012 | 本週金榜

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1489]
第30週留言排行榜 Comment Chart for Week 30
[21.07.2012 - 27.07.2012]
#(#)博客 Blogger實際得分
1(1)Small Kucing @ SMALL KUCING
★★ 三周冠軍!! Three weeks at #1!!
2(2)yvonne @ From TAIPING with L♥VE19.3-0.2
3(5)lina @ Life In My Own Backyard16.3-3.0
4(4)Simple Person @ Simple Life15.3-2.0
5(3)Yan @ Blog with Yan14.0-1.9
6(7)wenn @ Experiences12.6-0.4
7(6)Twilight Man @ TWILIGHT ZONE12.5-1.9
8(13)MEcoy @ I am MEcoy8.4-1.8
9(9)suituapui @ Still Crazy All These Years8.0-2.4
10(10)Kian Fai Koh @ kianfai87 on PlayRole7.8-1.5
七月最新走勢 Latest standing for July
(得分累積截至 Score accumulated up to: 07:45am 28.07.2012)
#1. Small Kucing [85.0]... #2. yvonne [72.4]... #3. lina [55.6]... #4. Simple Person [54.9]... #5. Yan [51.2]... #6. Twilight Man [46.0]... #7. wenn [36.9]... #8. bluedreamer27 [33.4]... #9. HappySurfer [31.9]... #10. suituapui [31.1]...
又再星期六喇, 上一週戰況持續激烈, 尤其睇到昨天各位讀者都卯盡吃奶之力, 作最後一分鐘努力!! 本週排位似乎都變化不大, 或者好似奧運咁整個每日金牌榜會更加刺激?? 呵呵, 講笑啫.. 有人連續稱霸榜首位置, 仲要把其他讀者狠狠拋出九條街之外!! 下個星期七月就結束喇, 預告一下七月份成績將在8月3日公佈.. 你想要禮物就要狠狠地干一番最後衝刺喇, 哈哈!! 恭喜各位榜上題名, 祝各位週末愉快~~ :)
it's saturday again, the commenting war for the past week has been kept intense, especially that i see bloggers unreservedly put in their last minute effort yesterday, impressive!! however there isn't big changes to the ranking for today's chart, maybe we should do a daily chart like the Olympics gold medals chart?? hehehe, just kidding.. the champion has been hoarded for three consecutive weeks, moreover creating such a huge gap that puts all other bloggers 9 streets away!! since july will be ending next week, so let me prompt everyone that july's chart will be announced on 3rd August.. if you want some prizes, then it's time to vigorously leave your last-minute comments now, haha!! congratulations to all in the Top 10 and wishing everyone a happy weekend~~ :)

27.07.2012 | 叱吒叱吒

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1488]
最近網上流傳一啲影緊食物照嘅朋友被其他攝影者拍下嘅相片.. 見到呢啲相真係會心一笑, 諗返起自己以前開始寫blog時, 咩都要影, 連普通到不可能再普通嘅嘢都唔放過!! 見到成班人唔理好醜, 都爭住為每樣見到嘅食物影相, 其實都幾搞笑囉~~ 不過依家我已經唔再咁做喇, 除非係好特別嘅嘢啦.. 再者, 我最多係post相, 絕對唔會扮晒食家點評人哋嘅食物囉.. 雖然無可否認, 寫食物係最容易同受落嘅題材, 有時冇頭緒, 都會摷返啲舊相攝下篇幅嘅, 哈哈!!
[後記] 我認為我依家仲意影fing-fing多啲!! 呵呵~~ :D
recently there are some photos circulating in the web, where people snapping photos of food are being captured by other photographers.. saw them and recall the days when i just started to blog, i'd take photo of anything, even the most common food can't run away from me!! it's actually quite amusing to see a bunch of people squeezing their way to snap photos of anything they see albeit super-ordinary food~~ i don't do this anymore unless it's something very special, moreover i only share photos and won't write much about the food as if i was a professional food critic.. no doubt food post is one easy and popular topic, when i have nothing to blog, i'll dig out old photos to fill in the space too, haha!!
[PS] i think i like taking photos of fing-fing more now.. hehe~~ :D

26.07.2012 | 拍照禮貌

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1487]
整走圖中兩名猛男.. removed two hunks in the center
唔係, 呢個唔係揾不同之處游戲.. 當我見到有其他人影緊相嘅時後, 一係我就等一陣, 一係就由影人嗰個背後行過, 我覺得咁做係一種基本禮貌.. 但係偏偏有啲人就好冇禮貌, 可以當咩都見唔到, 就咁行入你個鏡頭, 跟住就企定定擺甫士.. 頂 @#$%^ 真係好討厭!! 或者佢哋唔介意背景有其他人, 但係我非常介意囉!! 不過有時候又真係難免, 尤其喺人多嘅旅遊景點, 冇可能等到清場先影㗎, 所以識得基本相片修飾技巧係好有用.. 譬如上面兩張相, 我將兩位仁兄整走(當然我技巧有限, 未能完美), 修飾後背景乾乾淨淨, 張相睇落都冇咁礙眼啦係唔係?? :)
nope, this is not a "find the differences" game.. when i see other people taking photo, i will either wait or walk pass behind the photographer as i think this is basic courtesy.. but there are always people who are inconsiderate, they just walk in and stand in front of your camera posing for their photographer to snap a (few) photo of them.. KNN @#$%^ how irritating!! they never mind other people appearing at the background, but i mind that a lot!! anyway, there are times we just can't avoid that especially at crowded tourist spots, hence it's good to know basic photo touch-up skills.. for instance the photos above, i touch-up to remove the two guys (of course still not professional), i think it looks way more comfortable with a clean background right?? :)

25.07.2012 | 專注能力

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1486]
有時後我可以好懶, 懶到一副頹廢樣咁咩都唔做, 不過當我認真起來又可以好專注咁做手頭上啲嘢喎.. 打個比喻, 當我做緊文件或寫程式時, 我可以將自己完全封鎖喺自己個世界, 話俾自己聽一定要做晒.. 我可以不被打擾, 就算發覺有訊息或電郵入嚟, 唔夠一秒鐘之後我就可以將佢哋拋諸腦後, 繼續做我嘅嘢, 可以連週圍嘅人都視若無睹, 肚餓都唔覺, 哈哈!! 所以如果有日你發覺我唔睬你, 我好可能係非常專注做嘢喇.. 人哋話認真專注嘅人最性感, 咁你可唔可以話我知, 上面張圖案"MS Word"喺邊?? :p
i can be unbelievably lazy at times that i keep myself idle without motivation to do anything, but can also be very engaged at doing something with 200% concentration.. take for instance when i'm doing documentation or programming, i can keep myself entirely within my own world telling myself to finish it no matter how.. not easily distracted and even when i noticed message or email coming in, i would have forgotten about them split second later and continue "enjoying" what i'm doing, not to mention forgotten about people around me and how hungry i am, haha!! so if one day you find me not bothering you, i may be concentrating on my work.. people say a concentrated person is most sexy, so can you find me where the icon of "MS Word" is in the image above?? :p

24.07.2012 | 我有手信

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1485]
昨日收到兩份博客朋友寄來的手信, 左邊個日本靈符係去年收到(印象中冇喺呢度提到).. 多謝各位對我嘅厚愛!! 不過就讓我覺得有點慚愧, 因為我去親旅行都一定唔會諗到要買任何手信囉.. 我只會買嘢俾自己, 是但你話我自私, 不過要買手信俾其他人真係好費心思㗎.. 而且為免順得哥情失嫂意, 索性乜都唔買, 難得兩袖清風, 呵呵!! 所以讀者們就唔好對我有任何期望喇, 哈哈!! 不過今日為大家捎來一個好消息 
received souvenirs from two blogger friends yesterday, the japanese talisman on the left was received last year (but can't recall i have blogged about it).. thank you so much for being so sweet!! but that also makes me feel ashamed, because whenever i go travel, i would not thought of getting any souvenirs.. i will only buy things for myself, call me selfish but it's really tough to get something for other people.. furthermore to be on the safe side and not missing out anyone, i'd rather not buy anything, not bad to be empty handed also, hehe!! so dear readers, don't have any hope on me yeah?? hahaha!! anyway, i'd like to bring up a good news today 

23.07.2012 | 彩色斑斕

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1484]
之前大家睇到我買啲衫都係低調顏色, 其實我偶然都會一反常態買啲鮮艷(加點「姣斯躉篤」)嘅顏色㗎.. 大家眼前呢一堆polo tee, 全部都係同一個牌子, 同一個款式, 我前前後後買咗8個唔同顏色!! 雖然未有齊晒全線全部顏色, 不過都好似有啲過態, 呵呵.. 我就係鐘意佢簡潔設計, 合身剪裁同優質布料, 趁做緊特價仲唔快快入貨咩?? 足夠我每日唔同顏色, 著夠一個星期喎.. 或者可以考慮留返一兩件, 明年新年當新衫著, 哈哈~~ :D
the clothes i've shown before may seem a little dull in their colors, but there are times when i'll go out of my norm and buy striking (and also a little luscious) colors.. these polo tees you are seeing are all from the same brand and same design, on and off i'll get new ones and now i have 8 different colors in total!! though just a small collection of the whole range, but perhaps i've gone too over?? hehe.. i just like its simple design, fitting cutting and quality material.. while the promotion is still on, i have no reason not to stock in somemore right?? sure enough for a whole week's supply of wearing different colors everyday.. or maybe i can consider keeping a couple as new clothes for CNY next year?? haha~~ :D

22.07.2012 | 劈腿馬騮

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1483]
嘩, 大家睇下fing-fing做緊咩動作?? 做緊一字馬呀佢!! 我呢一世人都未曾做到一字馬, 最多都係可以擘開60度左右囉.. 我諗依家老咗, 唔好話一字馬啦, 就算彎身頭掂膝頭哥都有點困難(個豬腩肉頂住晒), 不過慶幸仲可以彎低手指掂到腳趾.. 幾年前曾經有段時間做過瑜珈, 當時筋骨都舒展啲, 人都覺得健康啲.. 其實係唔係應該考慮下再做返啲瑜珈咁呢??
wow, look at what fing-fing is doing?? he is doing a perfect split!! i have never done a split in my life, the most i can do is open at 60° and that's the maximum.. and now that i get older, don't even talk about split, even touching my forehead on the knees is a challenge (because of the big tummy), but thank god i can still bend and touch my toes with my fingers.. few years back i've been doing some yoga, the joints and muscles feel more flexible then and i felt healthier and more energized.. would it indeed be appropriate that i consider myself going back to do some yoga now??

21.07.2012 | 本週金榜

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1482]
第29週留言排行榜 Comment Chart for Week 29
[14.07.2012 - 20.07.2012]
#(#)博客 Blogger淨得分
1(1)Small Kucing @ SMALL KUCING
★★ 兩周冠軍 Two weeks at #1
2(2)yvonne @ From TAIPING with L♥VE21.2-1.7
3(5)Yan @ Blog with Yan16.6-3.9
4(3)Simple Person @ Simple Life14.4-2.1
5(4)lina @ Life, In My Own Backyard14.3-2.6
6(6)Twilight Man @ TWILIGHT ZONE13.9-1.2
7(7)wenn @ Experiences10.2-14.8
8(9)HappySurfer @ From where I am...9.5-0.6
9(11)suituapui @ Still Crazy All These Years8.5-1.2
10(13)Kian Fai Koh @ kianfai87 on PlayRole6.9-1.5
七月最新走勢 Latest standing for July
(得分累積截至 Score accumulated up to: 08:00am 21.07.2012)
#1. Small Kucing (54.5)...  #2. yvonne (52.8)...  #3. Simple Person (39.6)...  #4. lina (39.3)...  #5. Yan (37.2)...  #6. Twilight Man (33.5)...  #7. HappySurfer (24.4)...  #8. bluedreamer27 (24.3)...  #9. wenn (24.0)...  #10. suituapui (22.7)...  
嘩嘩嘩!! 上個星期啲留言唪唪聲咁嚟, 多篇貼留言超過200條, 真係多謝各位朋友賞面!! 不過由於我個留言計算程式尚未能套取超過200條留言, 所以留言達200條後就會謝絕新留言, 深感抱歉.. 我與blogger正在聯繫中, 要求用佢哋嘅API先可以套取所有留言, 正在等待批准中, 請各位稍候.. 今個星期開始, 留言榜有新變化, 你睇到有淨得分同得分差, 淨得分即是一路以嚟嘅得分, 而得分差就係本應有嘅得分同最後淨得分之差, 負數越大就表示失分越多(即是講多咗少少"欠缺意義留言").. 恭喜晒所有榜上有名嘅讀者, 祝各位週末快樂, 回教徒讀者齋戒快樂.. :)
wow wow wow!! comments for the past week was like tsunami, many posts have more than 200 comments, really grateful to all the support!! however due to the limitation that my comment statistic program was not able to retrieve more than 200 comments, hence i have to close off the post for new comments once it hits the 200 line, so sorry for that.. i am in contact with blogger to use their API in order for me to retrieve all the comments, and in the stage of waiting for their approval, please bear with me for the moment.. the charts starting this week will have little changes, you will see N-Score and D-Score.. N-Score is the nett score, as the scoring we have all the while.. D-Score is the delta score, difference between the nett score and the score you are supposed to get with each comment.. hence, the larger the negative value, the more score you have lost (and also means you somehow left a little too much "less meaningful comments").. congratulations to all who made it to the chart, wishing everyone a happy weekend and "selamat berbuka puasa" to all muslim readers.. :)

20.07.2012 | 無言之歌

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1481]
都有好長一段時間冇寫過同音樂有關嘅嘢.. 喺facebook見到呢個1:14嘅新歌預告, 讚嘆非常, 我覺得好驚艷好型爆, 超鐘意!! 發覺最近嘅我喜歡呢一類音樂, 融合搖滾, 電音, new age, 宗教色彩, 舞曲同trip hop元素(係, 我其實覺得自己開始覺得甜到漏嘅大路情歌好悶).. 而且我仲好快手腳, 已經將呢首歌其中一段set為我嘅鬧鐘鈴聲, 包保每朝起身都可以精神抖擻充滿朝氣呀!! 哈哈~~ :D
■ 歌曲部份歌詞 ■
it's been a while since i last wrote something on music.. saw this 1:14 traile to a new song posted on facebook and i was entirely amazed, it is really a cool clip, like it so much!! i found myself to like this kind of music recently, blending elements of rock, electronic, new age, religious, dance and trip-hop (yeah i think i kind of had enough lovey dovey songs, haha!!).. and how efficient i am to have already set an excerpt of this song as my alarm tone, sure gonna wake me up fresh and energetic everyday!! hahaha~~ :D
■ excerpt of lyrics ■

19.07.2012 | 沖廁風雲

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1480]
因為噚日嘅一件事, 觸發我寫呢一篇post, 雖然好多人會認為好惡心好核突(不過都可能有人好喜歡!!).. 不過見咁多博客寫來寫去都係美食, 又何妨呢?? 哈哈!! 今日就問大家兩條好簡單嘅問題, 真係對自己坦白, 老老實實回答呀~~ :D
  • 假設你去廁所入, 見到馬桶內浮著前一手用客嘅屎.. 你會唔會落手沖乾淨然之後, 若無其事用個馬桶?? 定係掉頭走人, 揀過另外一間呢??
  • 當你完事之後, 會唔會回頭望一望自己啲屎, 確保沖乾淨晒先離開?? 定係沖水後急不及待離開, 唔理有冇沖乾淨有冇殘留啲屎喺度??
i am inspired by an incident yesterday to write this post, though i know it will be quite gross and losing-appetite for some readers (but some readers may really enjoy it!!).. since so many people blog about nice food, why not then?? haha!! just two little questions to ask today, have fun being honest to yourself~~ :D
  • if you went into a toilet cubicle and saw some poo-poo floating in the bowl, will you just flush and use, or will you leave and choose another cubicle??
  • after you are done, will you take a look at your poo-poo and make sure they are all flushed clean before leaving, or you just flush and leave without giving it a d*mn whether they still remain floating??

18.07.2012 | 雜貨士多

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1478]
之前提到玻璃樽汽水, 有冇勾起大家對以前舊式雜貨士多嘅回憶呢(當然90後應該唔會知道係咩)?? 一個狹窄得冇多餘轉身位嘅店鋪, 但係近乎想買乜就有乜.. 除咗阿媽成日叫我去買糖買鹽買豉油, 放學之後我都會走去買啲零食, 然之後暱埋房間偷食, 哈哈!! 其實我突然間好掛住嗰啲收喺大大個玻璃罌里面, 斷斤稱嘅各式各樣餅乾!! 依家啲餅全部都獨立包裝, 感覺就係少咗啲人情味.. 大家仲記唔得嗰啲奶油夾心餅同朱古力威化餅?? 我的至愛呀~~ :)
i mentioned about the glass-bottled soda earlier on, wonder if it makes you recall those old style sundry store we called "kedai runcit" (of course those born after 90s may not know what this is)?? a really small shop you can hardly move freely but find just almost everything you need.. besides running errands for my mum for sugar salt and soya sauce, i always frequent the store after school for junk food, smuggled them home and then hiding in the room, i'd devour them like i'm a starving child, haha!! what i miss most now are those many types of biscuits kept in huge glass jar that you buy by weight.. now that all biscuits came in individual packaging, i just think they lack that little human touch.. still remember those custard sandwich and chocolate wafer biscuits?? those were my favorite~~ :)

17.07.2012 | 人人理髮

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1478]
噚日去剪頭髮(係我每個月嘅事, 呵呵!!), 忽然間想起我哋嘅理髮「演變史」.. 就講返我自己啦, 小學三年班之前係阿媽一手包辦, 直到中三就去當年風靡一時嘅印度理髮店.. 之後開始愛靚, 就去高級少少嘅salon, 一直維持到出來社會工作頭兩年, 跟住就長期用返一位固定嘅髮型師.. 其實我覺得有位固定而又同自己夾得嚟嘅髮型師好重要, 就係培養出一種默契同信任, 所以咁耐以嚟, 依家呢個都係第二位咋.. 你個演變又係點呢?? :)
went for my haircut yesterday (it's my monthly thing, hehe!!) and out of a sudden i recalled how our hairdressing experience has "evolved" over time.. i'll talk about myself, before primary 3 my mum had her monopoly on my hair.. until form 3 in high school, i went to the then-very-common indian barber for my haircut.. later on, it was adolescence and bet we all took our appearance more seriously, hence i went to salons a tad little posher, and that kept on till the first few years of working life.. and finally, i started to have my own long-term hairstylist.. i actually think having your own hairstylist and one that works well with you is rather important, it's the trust and the synchronicity you have cultivated along the time, hence my current hairstylist is just my second hairstylist by far.. what's your evolution then?? :)

16.07.2012 | 寫信筆友

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1477]
未有email, MSN, facebook, whatsapp等等之前, 你係點樣同朋友聯繫嘅呢?? 當然就係靠寫信啦.. 尤其以前喺國外讀書嘅時候, 寫信好似一種生活上嘅功課.. 當時寫幾頁紙嘅信都冇問題, 依家要我用手寫兩行字我都覺手酸!! 講到寫信, 大家以前有冇交過筆友?? 90後啲朋友可能連呢個名詞都未聽過, 筆友?? 網友就有, 哈哈.. 有冇同筆友約會見面?? 係唔係約定胸口插支紅玫瑰做暗號?? 哈哈!! 真係好老土~~ :D
before we have email, MSN, facebook, whatsapp etc, how did you keep in touch with friends?? by writing letters of course.. especially when i was studying overseas last time, writing letters seemed to be a routine of life.. no problem at all for me even writing few pages of words, but now even writing two lines of words my hand started to ache!! talk about letters, have you had any pen-pal last time?? those born after 90s may not have heard this term, pen-pal?? did you mean web-friends?? haha.. so did you meet up with your pen-pal?? agreed to put a red rose on your chest as a signal?? hahaha!! now, that's really very outdated~~ :D

15.07.2012 | 音樂馬騮

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1476]
我呢個blog冇一個主題, 唔似某些人主要寫美食寫旅遊.. 隨心所寫嘅隱憂, 就係有時候唔知要寫乜!! 所以我覺得可以將一個星期其中一兩日, 定落一個主題, 譬如每個星期六我寫留言排行榜, 的確慳返好多腦汁囉, 呵呵!! 所以我就打算將星期日定為fing-fing日, 哈哈, 反正星期日大家都懶, 就咁話啦, 直到我覺得悶為止.. 長話短說, 今日個主題係, fing-fing問大家, 有冇聽音樂或歌曲嘅習慣呀?? 咁又喜歡聽邊一類嘅音樂或歌曲呢?? :)
i don't have a theme for my blog, unlike some others who just write about food or travel.. the problem with just follow what i feel like writing, is sometimes i don't have idea what to write!! so i think it's good to take one or two days from a week and set a topic for that day, for instance i write about the comment chart every saturday, it really saves me a lot of brain juice, haha!! hence, i've planned to set every sunday as fing-fing day, hehe, since everyone is lazy on sundays, until i'm bored about it.. cut short all nonsense, today's topic is, fing-fing asking everyone, do you listen to music and songs?? what kind of music and songs do you like?? :)

14.07.2012 | 本週金榜

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1475]
第28週留言排行榜 Comment Chart for Week 28
[07.07.2012 - 13.07.2012]
#(#)博客 Blogger得分 Score
1(2)Small Kucing @ Small Kucing20.6
2(1)yvonne @ From TAIPING with LOVE19.4
3(3)Simple Person @ Simple Life19.2
4(4)lina @ Life, In My Own Backyard17.8
5(6)Yan @ Blog with Yan15.2
6(5)Twilight Man @ Twilight Zone11.5
7(9)wenn @ Experiences11.0
8(7)bluedreamer27 @ It's Me! Blue Dreamer!9.9
9(13)HappySurfer @ From Where I Am...Kuala Lumpur8.7
10(10)MEcoy @ i am ME coy8.5
七月最新走勢 Latest standing for July
(得分累積截至 Score accumulated up to: 01:30am 14.07.2012)
#1. Small Kucing (36.8)... #2. yvonne (34.3)... #3. Simple Person (32.3)... #4. lina (29.4)... #5. Yan (27.1)... #6. Twilight Man (22.1)... #7. bluedreamer27 (20.3)... #8. wenn (19.2)... #9. MEcoy (15.8)... #10. HappySurfer (15.3)...
每逢星期六都有點緊張, 不過呢個星期似乎一啲驚喜都冇喎.. 榜上仍然都係熟悉嘅玩家, 排位大同小異, 而且就連七月累積得分, 個排位都完全冇變!! 睇嚟上個星期大家激烈留言(多得令我汗顏!!), 就算唔上昇都誓要保持位置!! 再次提醒大家, 唔會再有季榜, 而係每個月都有派獎, 呵呵!! 所以大家真係要努力喇.. 恭喜金榜題名嘅朋友, 祝大家有個愉快嘅週末~~ :)
i get a little nervous comes saturday, but this week there seems to be very little surprise.. we still see all the familiar players on the chart, little movement on the ranking, even the ranking for accumulated score of july didn't seem to change at all!! i guess must be the intensive commenting last week (till i was very much thrilled!!!), that everyone is trying to sustain their placing if not rising!! reminding everyone again, there will be no more quarterly charts, instead prizes will be given to the monthly winners, haha!! so it makes sense that you gotta work harder.. congratulations to all in the top 10, and wishing everyone a happy weekend~~ :)

13.07.2012 | 紅橙紫黑

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1474]
marketing其中一個策略, 就係先要顧客上吊, 然後慢慢由佢哋身上where銀.. 列印機係最好例子, 一部列印機平到二百蚊有找, 個個都有能力擁有, 但係之後嘅墨水就鬼咁喇利!! 而我就因為唔捨得俾咁多錢買過盒新嘅墨水, 就一於DIY, 買散賣墨水返嚟自己入.. 點不知當我入緊紅色墨水時, 突然間瀉晒出嚟, 仲衰樣到流入藍色同黃色入面!! 本來紅黃藍, 家陣變咗紅橙紫, 死晒啦!! @#$%^& 結果咪又係需要再去多商場一次, 買過盒新嘅墨水囉, 嘥氣~~ @_@"
one of the marketing strategies is to "lock-down" your customer, get them buy your products and then slowly earn from the after-sales.. printer is a good example, a printer can be as cheap as RM200 now and almost everyone can afford, but what they are going to earn is the expensive ink cartridges.. because i do not want to pay more to buy a brand new cartridge, i decided to go DIY, get the loose ink and refill them myself.. never have i expected when i was filling the red ink, it overflown and worse, it went into the blue and yellow hole.. now instead of red and blue and yellow, i have red and purple and orange, can't use anymore!! @#$%^& in the end, i still have to make another trip to buy a new cartridge, back to square one~~ @_@"

12.07.2012 | 玻璃水樽

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1473]
仲記得以前經常去屋企對面間士多買汽水, 當時汽水係用玻璃樽, 唔似依家全部用鋁罐.. 老闆會好熟練咁, 拎個透明膠袋, 放幾塊冰, 跟住成支汽水倒晒入去, 聽見「沙」一聲都即刻覺得冰凍入心.. 不過依家玻璃樽汽水已經變咗收藏品, 感覺上鋁罐汽水有點「漏氣」而且好難維持冰凍, 都係玻璃樽好.. 呢支玻璃樽coke zero係我喺香港時飲嘅, 之前去泰國都有飲過.. 我覺得佢比其他可樂好飲喎, 點解呢度就偏偏遲遲都唔上市呢??
i still remember i used to go to the grocery store opposite my house to buy soda drinks last time, they came all in glass bottles and not aluminum cans like today.. the boss would take a plastic bag, place a few pieces of ice and pour the drinks into the plastic.. it was a "shaaaa" that i heard that can already cool down the inner me.. but bottled drinks seems to be collectors item nowadays, i just think that aluminum can kind of "lose some gas" and can't stay chilled for long, still the glass is better.. i had this bottle of coke zero when i was in HKG, and also had the same when i was in BKK.. i think it tastes the best amongst all coke variations, but wonder why it is still not available here??

11.07.2012 | 小小心意

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1472]
前日郵寄出去嘅呢幾件小禮物, 第二季留言榜三甲讀者應該都收到喇啩.. 怕死佢哋因為禮物好cheap而無謂嘥心機寫post, 所以我就索性代勞啦, 哈哈!! 由右至左分別係我為冠亞季軍準備嘅小小心意, 物輕情義重呀真係, 窮學生邊有咁多錢買禮物吖?? 不過啲card係我自己親手做㗎!! 睇到呢度, 應該有讀者認為咁辛苦留言, 先得咁嘅cheap禮物??!! 不如慳返腦力手力好過, 呵呵~~ :D
these little gifts i sent the day before yesterday, i supposed they have reached the top 3 commenters for quarter 2.. fearing they think the gifts are too cheap to worth their effort of writing a post, let me do that on their behalves here, haha!! from the right to the left, little token of appreciation for the champion, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up respectively.. little gifts but the thought that counts, because poor student have no extra money to buy expensive present.. BTW, those cards are 100% handmade by myself!! at this point, i think there may be some readers who thought the effort of leaving so many comments only worth these cheapo gifts?? better save brain power and energy, hahaha~~ :D

10.07.2012 | 鼓中作樂

[Volume 7 Issue 7, #1471]
仲好記得中三嗰一年, 第一次喺學校睇廿節令鼓表演時嗰一種震撼, 自此我就對呢一種集武/舞/藝於一體嘅擊鼓表演欣賞非常.. 當我得知世界聞名, 於1993年成立於日本嘅Drum Tao即將在8月24至25日喺吉隆坡城中城Plenary Hall巡迴演出時, 我係何等興奮.. 曾經喺世界各地400個城市演出, 接受超過500萬觀眾掌聲, Drum Tao將會為吉隆坡嘅觀眾帶來三場齊集音樂/活力/魄力嘅完美演出.. 通過呢個令人秉息嘅擊鼓演出, 可以感受到日本嘅經典文化, 一個國際級高水準嘅演出, 大家絕對不能錯過!! 我就非常期待喇, 你又如何??
為咗證實Drum Tao令人激賞嘅演出, 請觀賞此演出片段..
i still remember i was in form 3 when i first saw a "24-festive drum" performance, since then i am always overwhelmed by this kind of drums performance that blends in the elements of dance, martial and arts.. i was in total excitement when i knew the world-renowned Drum Tao, formed in Japan in 1993, is performing in Plenary Hall KLCC from 24-25 August as part of their world tour.. received worldwide applause from over 5-million in 400 cities, Tao is bringing the mind-blowing drumming art coupled with music, physique, dynamism and synchronicity to audience in KL.. this is definitely a world-class entertainment not to be missed, a golden opportunity to experience and get inspired by the classical culture of Japan through contemporary innovation!! yes, i am definitely looking forward to the show, what about you??
as a testimony, come enjoy this video clip from the stunning and spectacular performance of Drum Tao..