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30.01.2012 | 利利是是
29.01.2012 | 情急智生
28.01.2012 | 辣椒神偷
27.01.2012 | 一股清涼
[Volume 7 Issue 1, #1306] |
大家係唔係連續食咗幾日團圓飯剩下嘅飯餸?? 又或者睇週圍朋友猛喺面卜上載團圓飯餸菜睇到怕?? 其實我兩樣都係, 所以頭先去買咗支雪糕消一消濟, 哈哈!! 我覺得Wendy's呢個雪糕其實巧巧食!! 雪糕香滑又唔係死甜, 尤其雪糕筒唔係一般(氹細佬嗰啲)威化餅, 而係誠意滿滿嘅朱古力脆餅.. 想要一股清涼, 我推薦呢個RM1嘅雪糕~~ :) |
are you sick of eating the leftover from reunion dinner for days?? or sick of seeing tons of reunion dinner dishes posted on facebook?? unfortunately i am both yes, hence i got myself a sundae to refresh myself, haha!! i actually find this from Wendy's very nice, smooth creamy vanilla and not entirely sweet, especially the cone is not of those wafer type (used to satisfy kids) but sincerely chocolate crispy cone.. something to freshen up, i recommend this RM1 thingy.. :) |
■ [聲明] 呢個唔係贊助貼 ■ [disclaimer] this is not a sponsored post |
26.01.2012 | 新年禁忌
25.01.2012 | 無所事事
24.01.2012 | 下雨新年
23.01.2012 | 恭喜恭喜
[Volume 7 Issue 1, #1302] |
今日係壬辰年大年初一, 喺度同大家拜個年先.. 祝大家萬事如意, 心想事成, 身體健康, 恭喜發大財!! 順便送上懷舊新年歌一首, 按上邊雙妹嘜個play就可以啟播喇.. 恭喜恭喜~~ :) |
it's the first day of CNY so let me wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year with lots of health and wealth!! at the same time dedicate a classic CNY song to everyone, just click the "play" button in the twin photo above to listen.. gong xi gong xi~~ :) |
22.01.2012 | 過年新衫
21.01.2012 | 回鄉過年
20.01.2012 | 一覽無遺
19.01.2012 | 小心行事
18.01.2012 | 要大要細
17.01.2012 | 鎖櫃奇聞
16.01.2012 | 試唔試下
15.01.2012 | 分秒必爭
14.01.2012 | 貪小失大
13.01.2012 | 七國咁亂
[Volume 7 Issue 1, #1292] |
救命啊!! 點解我個google會變成咁㗎?? 點解好似地震冧樓咁㗎?? 中毒??!! 千真萬確, 我真冇喺張圖片上做過任何手腳㗎!! 哈哈, 其實你都可以玩下嘅.. 你去呢個google, 跟住是但search樣嘢, 睇下會有咩事發生?? :) |
HELP!! what happened to my google?? why does the page look like earthquake debris after tsunami?? virus??!! it's real, i did not do any photoshop on the picture above!! haha, actually you can try this too.. just go to this google and do any search, see what's gonna happen then?? :) |
12.01.2012 | 百萬富包
[Volume 7 Issue 1, #1291] |
朋友喺面卜post咗佢囡囡問佢嘅一條謎語, 我覺得好有趣, 响度同大家分享一下: ■ 有隻叉燒包某日喺街度執到一百萬, 佢發達咗會變成咩包?? |
a friend posted in facebook a little riddle his daughter asked.. found it funny and would like to share it with my readers here.. ■ one day a BBQ chicken bun found a million dollars, it gets rich instantly and guess what bun it becomes then?? |
11.01.2012 | 最想食咩
10.01.2012 | 唔好埋嚟
09.01.2012 | 嘆為觀止
08.01.2012 | 那一些年
[Volume 7 Issue 1, #1287] |
我覺得好多博客每當唔知要寫啲咩嘅時候, 都會去自己嘅picture folder摷下啲舊相借題發揮.. 哈哈, 所以今日俾我見到呢張17年前讀中六嘅班照, 大家估下我喺邊?? click張相就有分曉啦, 祝各位週末愉快.. :) |
i think many bloggers when do not have anything special to blog, will usually flip through their picture folders to get some ideas.. haha, so i saw this class photo taken back in 17 years ago while i was still in form 6, can you guess where i was?? click on the photo itself to find out, have a happy weekend everyone.. :) |
07.01.2012 | 如同虛設
06.01.2012 | 反拍猜那
05.01.2012 | 患得患失
04.01.2012 | 青春青蔥
03.01.2012 | 年度大賞
[Volume 7 Issue 1, #1282] |
萬眾期待, 2011年度SK0617博客大賞嘅各獎項得獎名單, 歷經各位讀者過去一年車輪式嘅奮鬥努力, 今日終於有咗結果喇!! 恭喜晒各位實至名歸嘅得獎者!! 我跟住落嚟嘅任務就係四處收羅獎品喇, 以下列表中嘅各獎項十強得獎者請記得電郵我你個郵寄地址喎~~ :) |
after the continuous hardship from the readers over the past year, the list of winners for the most anticipated SK0617 Annual Bloggers Award 2011 is finally right in front of your eyes!! many congratulations to all the deserved winners!! and my next mission is to go hunt for the prizes, top 10 winners for each category listed below please don't forget to email me your postal address~~ :) |
▉ 金獎 Gold | ▉ 銀獎 Silver | ▉ 銅獎 Bronze | ▉ 白金大獎 Platinum |
最多留言讀者 Reader with Most Comments | |
▉G▉ | Twilight Man @ Twilight Zone |
▉S▉ | foongpc @ My Very First Blog |
▉B▉ | bluedreamer27 @ TOP FIVE |
Top 10 | lina, yvonne, Bananazஇ, Kian Fai Koh, Caroline Ng May Ling, ladyviral, Tekkaus |
Top 20 | suituapui, HappySurfer, Alice Law, CH Voon, 海市蜃樓, Sheoh Yan, Hayley, edward, wenn, Merryn |
最頻留言讀者 Reader with Most Frequent Comments | |
▉G▉ | lina @ Life, In My Own Backyard |
▉S▉ | yvonne @ From TAIPING with LOVE |
▉B▉ | suituapui @ Still crazy after all these years! |
Top 10 | 海市蜃樓, Bananazஇ, Hayley, foongpc, HappySurfer, wenn, Sheoh Yan |
Top 20 | edward, Alice Law, Small Kucing, Medie007, iamthewitch, bluedreamer27, Merryn, Kian Fai Koh, 小雪, Isaac Tan, Twilight Man |
最多留言榜上榜次數最多讀者 Reader Most Persistent in the Most Comments Chart | |
▉G▉ | foongpc @ My Very First Blog |
▉S▉ | bluedreamer27 @ TOP FIVE |
▉B▉ | lina @ Life, In My Own Backyard |
Top 5 | Bananazஇ, Twilight Man |
最頻留言榜上榜次數最多讀者 Reader Most Persistent in the Most Frequent Chart | |
▉G▉ | lina @ Life, In My Own Backyard |
▉S▉ | yvonne @ From TAIPING with LOVE |
▉B▉ | suituapui @ Still crazy after all these years! |
Top 5 | Bananazஇ, 海市蜃樓 |
最多留言榜飛躍進步讀者 Best Improvement in Most Comments Chart | |
▉G▉ | yvonne @ From TAIPING with LOVE |
最頻留言榜飛躍進步讀者 Best Improvement in Most Frequent Chart | |
▉G▉ | Kian Fai Koh @ kianfai87 on PlayRole |
SK0617年度博客 SK0617 Blogger of The Year | |
▉P▉ | lina @ Life, In My Own Backyard |
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