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30.06.2011 | 時不留人

[#1219] 娘爆嘅標題, 不過確係好真.. 六月嘅結束代表著我呢一個學期嘅完畢, 話都冇咁快, 原來不經不覺上咗三個月課程.. 上兩三個星期係忙碌巔峰期, 因為要趕起兩份paper, 每日都好自律咁由早到黑(係凌晨嗰種黑)對住部電腦寫paper.. 終於, 上個星期五截止前成功交咗喇!!

姑且勿論做得好唔好, 會唔會攞到好成績, 因為真係身心疲累到唔想再去諗喇, 旦求可以趴士就開心喇.. 兩份paper交上後嗰一刻, 成個人都鬆晒, 而且仲有啲唔習慣煞時間空閑起嚟添, 哈哈!! 啱啱收到下學期時間表, 休息一個星期後, 又要開始拼搏作戰喇.. 努力, 加油!!
[#1219] a very old-fashioned title but truly the fact.. the end of june marks the end of my academic term, time flies so swiftly before i realised it's already three months since i started the course.. the previous two to three weeks were my peak busy period, as i need to rush for the submission of two papers, everyday i was so disciplined at facing my laptop and working on my assignments from morning till late night (as late as the wee hours).. finally on last friday i successfully submitted both papers before the deadline!!

not going to talk about how i've done and what i'm gonna get, because i'm already both mentally and physically tired that i don't even want to think about them anymore, as long as i can pass that would be good news already.. the moment after the submission, i felt a sudden relief, and kind of not used to being so free up suddenly, haha!! just got the timetable for the next term, after a one-week break and it'll all go back to the fight.. all the best!!

27.06.2011 | 大牙軼事

[#1218] 半年前突然間牙痛, 所以迫不得已去咗個掠水牙醫度緊急補牙.. 原來真係掠水架, 隻牙補咗半年未到, 啲「補品」就已經甩晒出嚟!! 我肉赤再出多個三百大元, 大家知我依家咩環境啦, 所以遲遲未再有行動..

直至最近某日食嘢時候突然又再牙痛, 再拖拖拉拉兩個星期終於定唔順, 的起心肝去搵個平啲嘅牙醫.. 點知牙醫話隻牙已經裂開兩邊, 仲係度搖緊, 已經補唔返架喇!! 未免夜長夢多, 當場決定斬草除根將呢隻壞牙掹走!! 掹牙會痛架嘛, 好勇敢呀我!! 依家得返27隻牙[1]咋, 難道我平時講得大話多[2]?? 呵呵~~

註: [1] 我未有智慧牙住, 所以28減1等於27.. [2] 因為講大話會甩大牙..
[#1218] half a year ago i had a sudden toothache and was forced to go to a jaw-droppingly expensive dentist for some emergency filling.. and really it's jaw-dropping as the filling materials didn't even last for six months and they totally ripped off from my tooth!! i cannot afford to fork out another RM300, well you know my situation now, so i just procrastinate and let it be..

not until one recent day that i feel another pain on my tooth while eating, and dragging for another two weeks i finally cannot withstand and decided to go for a cheaper dentist.. to my greatest dismay, the dentist said the tooth was fractured and split into two pieces, there's no way to restore it again!! to stop further suffering i decided on the spot without hesitation to remove that tooth, once and for all!! recalling that, i suddenly feel that i was very brave, as tooth extraction is no kidding.. so i'm now left with only 27 teeth[1], did i lie too much[2]?? haha..

note[1]: i have no wisdom tooth yet, so 28 minus 1 is 27..
note[2]: the cantonese says, if you lie you will lose your molar tooth..

23.06.2011 | 買一送一

[#1217a]       ■ ■ 兩星期前我同自己講未來三個月唔好再食麥當當.. 但係, 噚日麥嗱㓤促銷買一送一喎, 咁大著數冇理由錯過架?? 所以姣婆守終需唔到寡, 不過一次過享用12舊嗱㓤, 係極之痛快極之滿足囉~~ 哈哈 :D
[#1217a]       ■ ■ two weeks ago i told myself no more McD for the next three months.. but, yesterday there's a McNugget buy-1-get-1-free promotion, such a great deal not to be missed right?? and so regardless, i ended up savoring 12 pieces of nuggets at one go, feels like heaven~~ haha!! :D
[#1217b]             ■ 就喺買麥嗱㓤途中, 唔小心見到我最喜愛嘅朱古力牌子, 而且係平時甚少見到嘅250克超大裝, 仲要(又係)做緊買一送一特價!! 當時我真係諗唔到有咩理由可以拒絕, 所以死就死肥就肥, 買咗兩舊大過好多人塊面嘅朱古力喇~~ :p
[#1217b]             ■ and on the way to McD, i accidentally saw my favorite brand of chocolate, and those were the rare 250g jumbo packs, somemore they were on buy 1 get 1 free promo (also)!! i really cannot think of any excuse to resist them.. and so regardless, i ended up carrying home two blocks of chocolate bigger than many people's faces.. :p

20.06.2011 | 面卜力量

剛剛過咗嘅今年生日俾咗個前所未有嘅經歷我, 就係成日電話響不停.. 唔係有人打電話俾我, 短訊都不過係聊聊幾隻.. 而係好多朋友通過面卜送上生日祝福, 搞到每隔幾分鐘一個notification alert啫, 哈哈..

估唔到今年啲朋友都齊齊發揮面卜力量, 有些少受寵若驚, 多謝各位嘅厚愛!! 突然間有感而發 -- 雖然唔及得後生仔郁親都過百祝賀, 估唔到呢把年紀, 原來我都仲有(實際同虛擬世界嘅)朋友唔介意留言祝賀喎~~ 哈哈!!

P/S: 除咗面卜, 當然仲要多謝幫我慶祝, 送我禮物, 送短訊祝賀同埋喺呢個blog留言嘅所有朋友啦..
my birthday this year that was just over gave me an unprecedented experience, my phone kept ringing for the whole day.. not that there's anyone calling me, even there's just that few SMS i received, but were friends sending their greetings via facebook and caused notification alerts every few minutes, haha..

i was rather overwhelmed with everyone fueling up the facebook power, really thank you all for the birthday greetings!! i suddenly have a thought -- though incomparable to youngsters who can easily have over 100 greetings, unexpectedly i do still have friends (real and virtual) at this not-so-young age who care to drop a message~~ hahaha!!

P/S: of course besides facebook, i would also like to thank everyone who celebrated my birthday, gave me present, sent me SMS and dropped me message in this blog..

17.06.2011 | 零六一七

兩個星期前寫過自己嘅農曆生日, 多謝大家嘅祝福.. 不過唔好意思, 今日係陽曆生日, 又再麻煩大家獻上祝福喇, 哈哈!! 點解呢個博叫做[SK/0617], 之唔係我個名加上生日囉, 恍然大悟呀哩?? :p

two weeks ago i blogged about my lunar birthday, thanks everyone for the wishes.. but i guess you gotta do it once more as it's my actual birthday today, haha!! so why is this blog named [SK/0617]?? obviously my initials and birthday, got it?? :p
歷年嘅今日: [2006] [2007] [2008] [2009] [2010].. 祝我生日快樂!! :)
today in history: [2006] [2007] [2008] [2009] [2010].. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me!! :)

14.06.2011 | 多此一舉

唔知大家平時有冇去開間叫做「家家富」嘅霸級市場?? 有時候諗到佢哋門口設立嘅保安檢查, 我就即刻冇晒要去幫襯嘅意願.. 點解呢??

因為如果你係拎住其他袋嘅, 就一定要俾個保安用啲硬膠條封口, 甚至用個大膠袋包起先可以入去.. 其實我好唔鐘意, 都好明點解要咁多此一舉, 咁浪費資源?? 如果真係有心要偷嘢, 呢啲雞皮蒜毛阻止得到咩?? 況且咁大間霸級市場, 冇理由冇閉路電視同掃瞄器呢啲防盜設施啩?? 我覺得咁做簡直係唔信賴顧客, 覺得顧客會偷竊囉, 講得嚴重啲, 係歧視, 同唔同意?? 所以大包細包又冇特別原因嘅時候, 我係堅拒去「家家富」架..
wonder if you've been going to a hypermarket called "carful"?? sometimes when i recall their security check at the entrance, i feel very reluctant to get in.. why??

because if you are taking some other bags, the security guard will order them to be sealed before you can go into the hypermarket, and there were times they even use ugly plastic bags to wrap up your expensive Prada.. i don't like that and have no idea why such redundancy and waste of resources?? if we really want to steal, could those junk stop us from stealing?? furthermore, i believe such a huge hypermarket must have cctv and scanners to detect theft right?? it just make me feel that they show no respect by believing all customers will steal, and to an extent this can be called humiliation or discrimination, agree?? so when i have other bags with me and no special purpose, i will definitely refrain from getting into "carful"..

10.06.2011 | 一波又起

最近超級喪爆忙碌, 兩份assignment一波未平一波又起, 做到我天昏地暗冇晒blogging嘅時間.. 做到頭重重唔知寫咩好, 就同大家玩下猜國家首都游戲啦.. 係咁先, 各位慢慢玩喇, 我要繼續努力做assignment, 再見~~ :)

have been super busy recently, two assignments one after another already made me dizzy and have no time for blogging.. feeling heavy-headed now and no idea what to write, so let's play this guess-the-capital game.. that's it, i'm gonna continue striving for my assignments, enjoy and bye folks~~ :)
 Vancouver Sydney
 Ottawa Melbourne
 Toronto Canberra
 Dublin New Delhi
 Budapest Kolkata
 Rome Mumbai
 Lima Ho Chi Minh City
 Buenos Aires Hanoi
 Santiago Beijing
 Cape Town Moscow
 Mombasa Amsterdam
 Nairobi Paris
 Baghdad Brasilia
 Cairo Sao Paulo
 Tehran Rio de Janeiro

07.06.2011 | 可樂罐杯

終於都叫做完成集齊六款顏色嘅任務喇!! 由本來嘅唔打算擁有, 到後來唔覺意買咗第一隻洗濕個頭, 到最後一不做二不休, 我竟然連續六個星期都要食一餐麥當當!! 所以話, 收藏家好多時候都需要付出金錢以外嘅代價.. 我諗未來三個月冇咩事都唔會食麥當當喇, 哈哈~~ :p
finally the mission to collect all six colours is accomplished!! from initially not planned to have any, to then accidentally bought the first one, to finally spending six consecutive weeks of having McD.. so i say, we most of the time have to "sacrifice" some other things besides money in order to collect the collectibles.. i think for the future three months, if not necessary i will not be eating any McD again, haha~~ :p

04.06.2011 | 留言排行

又係統計上個月啲留言嘅時間喇, 我好興奮架, 雖然好多人覺得呢個唔係咩重要事, 不過見到咁多留言, 其實係對我嘅一種鼓勵囉.. 同四月比較, 留言有超過14%增長喎, 而且排行榜都好刺激咁嚟個大洗牌, 有好多新晉朋友噃.. 恭喜各位榜上題名, 不過最緊要都係老土一句, 多謝大家支持!! :)

it‘s time to make a statistics of last month's comments again, i was very excited about this albeit this is not something important for many people, but seeing all those comments really give me a lot of motivation.. compared to April there is more than 14% increase in the number of comments, and the chart is changed drastically with quite a lot of new entrants.. congratulations to the chart toppers, but more importantly i'd say the same thing again, thank you for all your support!! :)
最多產留言讀者五強 Top 5 Productive Commenters **
#@博客 Blogger留言 Count積分 Point
1.(1)  foongpc @ My Very First Blog
★★ 連續兩月冠軍 2 consecutive months champion
2.(5)  bluedreamer27 @ Top Five4210
3.(-)  Twilight @ Twilight Zone356
4.(2)  Caroline Ng May Ling @ My Stories2612
5.(-)  Bananazஇ @ BananazஇPeople242
最經常留言讀者十強 Top 10 Frequent Commenters **
#@博客 Blogger頻率 Freq積分 Point
1.(10)foongpc @ My Very First Blog10/1011
2.(-)bluedreamer27 @ Top Five10/109
3.(-)Bananazஇ @ BananazஇPeople10/108
4.(1)lina @ Life, In My Own Backyard10/1017
5.(5)海市蜃樓 @ 海市蜃樓10/1012
5.(-)Ashley @ 双子城堡10/106
6.(5)suituapui @ Still Crazy After All These Years10/1011
6.(5)Yvonne @ From TAIPING with LOVE10/1011
6.(-)Hayley @ .:: Hayley & Herself ::.10/105
6.(-)追梦者 @ 我的故事箱10/105
** 以上統計基於2011年五月份十篇貼, 六月三日晚上11:59截止
** statistics based on the 10 posts in May 2011 till 11:59pm 3rd June

02.06.2011 | 牛一快樂

今日係五月初一, 即係我嘅農曆生辰呀.. 其實都唔會慶祝架喇, 要慶祝都係兩個星期後嘅陽曆生日啦(大家估到幾時啦係咪??).. 不過既然係一場牛一, 係咁意擺幾隻紅雞蛋喺度, 當係賀一賀佢咁啦, 哈哈~~ :p
today is the first day of the fifth month in the chinese calendar, and it's my lunar birthday too.. well, i don't celebrate this day but will wait till the actual day in the gregorian calendar (i guess you can guess that right??).. anyway, since it's still my birthday, let me post a few red eggs[1] here to wish myself happy birthday then, haha~~ :p

[1] hard-boiled eggs with the shell dyed red, equivalent to the birthday cake thingy in chinese tradition..