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10.09.2006 | 沙律

都唔知係邊位仁兄發明沙律呢樣野, 真係要歌頌佢既智慧.. 其實沙律真係冇個版畀你跟, 你可以天馬行空任憑你既創意去整, 又可以好講究各種材料既配搭去整, 又可以好跟當時個mood去整, 更加可以好鬼是但咁落晒全部材料撈佢一撈咁整.. 無論點整都稱得上係沙律一味(味道好壞令計)..

而我就雖然屬于好鬼是但個只, 不過是但得黎又確實會講究D材料夾唔夾既, 都食得落肚架.. 最近為左收下身, 實行要遠離 carbohydrates呢個魔鬼, 所以沙律就變成個幾好既alternative喇.. 懶懶地求祈切紮romanian lettuce加幾粒cherry tomato halves開罐水浸tuna flakes最後再唧D咁多italian dressing全部撈埋一齊.. 輕輕鬆鬆簡簡單單好enjoy咁, 唔駛幾分鐘就一份美食盡在眼前喇.. 至緊要係冇油煙低卡高蛋白質丫嘛..


  1. well, i heard a prof chef once said, salad is one of the most difficult thing to make :) probably he is right, i mean it is so subjective!

  2. yaaa, sometimes the simplest thing could be the most difficult thing.. i agree with what you said, it's a very subjective matter - it's either you love it or you loath to have it..

  3. I need to cut down too. I have been eating alot these days...
    I am not really into salad but I really like the Jap salad I tried few months ago for it has seaweed.

  4. I have once tried an Italian Salad in a very expensive restaurant.. the salad costs about 6 euros!!!! and well, it taste very good :)

  5. hey italian dressing very huettenning.. why dont u try squeezing half a lemon, sprinkle salt and black pepper, add a drizzle of manuka honey and extra virgin olive oil -- a very nice salad dressing. Of course if you have balsamic vinegar that will give a good kick -- if not apple cider vinegar, just a drizzle.

  6. oh .. add some fresh spring onions and cucumber and red onions la .. they add crunchiness and natural sweetness ga... trust me ..

  7. yieee.. i hate fresh spring onion, i always ask to 走青 gaa lorr.. cucumber and red onions, not a bad idea.. see how's my mood first laa, i can be very 哩啡 or very 姿整 geh lorr.. hahahaha!!
