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18.09.2006 | 潮騷

一向一來都欣賞藍奕邦呢個唱作人.. 果日行行下街無意中發現佢既最新大碟, 於是就毫不猶豫咁就買左落黎.. 成張大碟用左stricking pink做主題顏色, hmmm OK, 或者要夾個《潮騷》大碟名呱?? 一手包辦所有13首曲, 果然才華洋溢.. 雖然係話唱功仲可以改善, 但係始終係自己寫既歌, 點都係唱得游刃有餘, 聽起黎都覺唔錯既.. 聽藍奕邦D歌其實可以發現一點就係: 佢D歌都畀我一種好積極向上既感覺, 可以完全好放松咁一take過聽晒全張碟.. 其實一張專輯唔須要一定格硬鍥個概念既, 但求一路順暢聽得舒服既話就係好正架喇..

個人喜歡《蓬萊》原來你信有愛你就有愛/心思比世事應該更精彩, 《烈》當所有大城無詩意/所有馬路無天使/只要願意/愛上你這麼容易, 《盲年》全部美麗就在盲年/即使伸手不見/信就能一起上演..

注: 潮騷, 日本語, 浪潮衝擊海石所發出的聲音..


  1. i also downloaded the album last week, but no time to listen yet but盲年 is really not bad. next time come back we can sing at K liao

    err. by the way, leo ku new album seems oklah, quite relaxing too.

  2. very busy to listen to new songs?? must listen and learn already, cos i'll be back soon!! yaaa, i think leo ku's theme this time is on serenity of life?? haha..

  3. frankly... i havent listened to any cantonese songs for a while, except hard-soft... i mean, i kinda lost my confidence in hk songs...

  4. yaaa, i can read that you've lost touch with cantonese songs a lot.. they are soft-hard, not hard-soft.. hahaha!!!
