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17.03.2006 | TGIF

各位部落客, 又係星期五喇..

唔知點解, 逢星期五心情都會輕鬆D既啵? 可能係可以著得casual的返工, 所以會覺得冇咁拘緊.. 又或者係接住兩日唔駛返工可以盡情休息.. 又或者係辛苦左成個星期, 今日終於埋尾喇.. 種種原因令我唔覺意咁好享受星期五返工果種輕鬆既感覺.. 所以咧, 通常D人鐘意係星期五請假連住週末, 而我就避免星期五而選擇週末連住星期一, 因為我好多時候都會有所謂既 monday blues 症狀..

就因為咁, TGIF 係我至愛喇.. Thank God It's Friday.. 各位部落客, 你準備盡情享受你既週末未啊??


  1. Man, you have no idea what Friday means to me :) For some people my after-work Friday is very boring. So, it is time for me to do some groceries shopping (boodschappen doen), cleanning the house (schoonmaken), and laundry (wasserij). And then, sitting in front of the TV, with a book in my hand, or maybe surfing some net for some news about games of sort... Boring isn't it? But for me it is just another normal day. Saturday? well, also another normal day (only difference I don't have to wake up 6am)

  2. Wow Ngen, your Friday evening is very productive indeed! My ideal Friday evening will be a nice meal, nothing fancy, (a good curry will :p) ... and a couple of hours in front of the tele -- a few episodes of Desperate Housewives & Friends (Mr. M's favourite!) and end the Friday night with a relaxing bath ... that'll be nice.
    Laundry, house cleaning & groceries will be left for the weekend ~~~
