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2015.07.30 | 藍牙玩意

[Volume 10 Issue 7, #2043]
My New Bluetooth Gadgets
My new Bluetooth gadgets: Smart Watch and Earphone
上個月喺某網站買咗隻智能手錶俾自己(作生日禮物), 戴咗幾日後發覺缺少咗一樣嘢.. 唔係隻手錶, 隻錶嘅功能其實好唔錯㗎(如果唔係我都唔會買啦) [查看功能]例如: 通過藍牙與手機配對可以播打及接收電話, 插入SIM卡可作獨立手機使用, 播放SD卡內的音樂, 録音, 相機, 計步器, FM收音, 迷你瀏覽器等等.. 就係標準配套所俾嘅耳機係普通嘅有線耳機, 如果就咁插入隻錶, 肯定好awkward, 尤其行路同運動時更加唔方便, 試想像!! 所以就促使我買隻無線耳機喇, 幾日前先收到呢位靚仔之嘛..

呢隻藍牙耳機係專為運動而設計, 兩隻耳塞同普通嘅一樣, 只係條線短咗一截但可以自己調整, 控制鈕就直置手塞上.. 既簡潔又企理!! 我依家每日搭車或喺gym時都會戴住哚, 同我隻智能手錶藍牙配對後就可以盡情聽我啲聚啦.. 仲有一點係佢嘅殺手鐧, 呢隻耳機係可以同時間與兩部機配對哚, 如果手機有電話入嚟, 就會中斷手錶嘅音樂播放, 掂呀呢?? 最後最煞食嘅係, 好多煩惱於手機線糾纏嘅朋友, 見到我件玩意嘅一刻, 總會不經意地投以好奇, 欣賞及羡慕嘅目光啰~~ 哇哈哈哈!! :D
i bought myself a Smart Watch (as birthday present) from an online store last month and after a couple of days using it, i realised something was missing.. nope, this watch actually comes with nice features (else i wouldn't have bought it, agree??) [see features] such as: pair with phone via Bluetooth to make and receive calls, insert SIM card and act like a phone, play music from SD card, voice recording, camera, pedometer, FM radio, mini web browser etc.. just that the earphone included with the package is those normal wired earphone, i would definitely look awkward if i cucuk the earphone to the watch on my wrist, and especially inconvenient if i am walking or exercising, imagine that!! hence, the idea of getting a wireless earphone came to mind, and just a couple of days ago, this handsome bluetooth earphone was delivered..

this bluetooth earphone is designed for sports use, two earpieces to wear like normal earphones with short but adjustable connecting line, and control buttons on the earpiece itself.. sheer neat and sleek!! i am now wearing it whenever i'm in the LRT and in the gym, pair it with my watch via bluetooth and listening to my music.. and the killing point is, this earphone can pair with two devices at the same time, it will pause playing music if calls come in on the phone, cool huh?? but what is more cool is that, many who are tangled by their earphone wires will instinctively looking at mine with curiosity, admiration and jealousy~~ muahahaha!! :D

2015.07.27 | 一蚊一罐

[Volume 10 Issue 7, #2042]
1 Can for RM1.. 1 Tin RM1
Vending Machines Selling Canned Drinks at RM1 Each
上個月嘅某一日, 我喺度投訴某汽水售賣機, 俾咗RM2以為係支500ml樽裝, 結果只係得罐325ml嘅.. 可能好多人都覺得係芝麻綠豆之事, 因為依家百物皆漲價, RM2一罐汽水其實同好多地方賣嘅咁上下.. 不過呢, 可能係我少買汽水之故, 所以就尚係停留在「RM1.50一罐汽水」嘅年代, 哈哈哈!! 又或者因為我近年買親汽水, 都會去搵呢啲一蚊一罐嘅售賣機啦.. 大家有眼見到上面張相啦, 有幾部我呢幾日影嘅售賣機, 冇花冇假, 真係存在喺唔少地方㗎, 我發誓我冇改過啲相㗎!! 所以話, 要一個平時用RM1買一罐汽水嘅人, 忽然大喇喇俾RM2喎, 都好難怪佢會又鬧又咒部機嘅~~ :p
後注: 以上相片由左至右嘅「一蚊一罐」售賣機地點 - KL Sentral, Masjid Jamek輕鐵站(如果冇錯嘅話, Putra全部站都好似奛一兩部嘅), 白沙羅宜家傢俬..
someday last month, i complained about feeding RM2 to a vending machine, expecting to get a 500ml bottle of drinks but it ended up giving me just a 325ml can.. maybe many thought that was not a big deal since things are getting more expensive now, and that RM2 for a 325ml can of drinks is not a big difference from retail price.. however, i really seldom buy canned drinks so i'm still lagging behind in that RM1.50-for-a-can age, hahaha!!! or maybe because in recent years, if i ever buy any, i always go and find these machines selling a can for only RM1.. now you see the photos above of a few vending machines that i took these few days, they do actually exists in many places and i swear i did not edit them at all!! now you understand why someone who use to pay RM1 for a can of drinks would shout and curse the machine that charges RM2~~ :p
NOTE: location of "1 Can for RM1" vending machines from left to right in the photo above - KL Sentral, Masjid Jamek LRT Station (if not mistaken all Putra LRT stations have got one or two), IKEA Damansara..

2015.07.23 | 辦公意粉

[Volume 10 Issue 7, #2041]
Cooking Pasta In Office, Using Microwave
Cooking Pasta In Office Using Microwave
如果大家好奇嘅話, 係呀, 我仲係大部份時間都留喺公司自己煮午餐㗎.. 咁話晒有咗多次經驗, 啲嘢就當然越煮就越複雜啦, 哈哈!! 今日同大家分享用公司部微波爐煮出嚟嘅鏍絲粉, 睇落真係很唔錯呀呵?? 嘻嘻.. 我係得呢張相咋, 所以唔好旨意我有多幾張相你欣賞呀.. 事關本人近年都已甚少影食物照啦, 更加唔好expect我每個烹煮過程都要影相, 我真係唔會咁做囉, 更重要嘅係, 我冇能力做到!! 呵呵..

當然呢一兜鏍絲粉唔係咩大工程啦, 大家冇可能要我去煮啲有難度嘅嘢啩?? 哈哈.. 食材準備及煮食大概15分鐘, 干掉碗粉只須5分鐘, 清理及清洗10分鐘, 仲有30分鐘食飯時間淨, 可以瞓番個power nap!! :p
just in case you wonder, yes, i am still cooking lunch in office most of the time.. and of course the cooking goes more "sophisticated" since i am more "experienced" now, hahaha!! i'll share with you this fusilli that i cooked using the microwave in my office, looking not bad at all huh?? hehehe.. i just took this one photo, so please don't expect me to show more since i don't really take food photos nowadays, and definitely not taking photos for every step in the cooking process, that is just not something i will do, and more importantly, can't afford to do!! haha..

of course this was something simple, you cannot expect me to cook something that is even a little challenging, right?? hehe.. preparation and cooking around 15 minutes, finishing the bowl of pasta in less than 5 minutes, washing up 10 minutes, so i still have 30 minutes lunch time left for a power nap!! :p

2015.07.20 | 西褲與鞋

[Volume 10 Issue 7, #2040]
Trousers and Shoes: They Must Match!!
Suit with huge sneakers and sandals?? That feels so wrong!!
我從來都唔會喺著緊條西褲嘅時候, 雙腳踩住對波鞋甚至係拖鞋.. 不過就見過好多活生生嘅例子, 尤其係放工之後, 好多男士可能貪舒服或方便, 會換咗對皮鞋穿上波鞋.. 對我而言係一個大忌呀, 就算係我正要去運動, 我都寧願(用個鞋袋)挽住對波鞋都唔換上囉.. 我知我冇資格喺度講時尚, 又或者呢啲係我脫節嘅最新时尚, 但係我係真心覺得如此嘅配搭係幾騎呢的.. 以上絕對係要俾個大交叉, 不過當我正在為呢篇貼搵例子之時, 下面兩個例子我反而又要俾LIKE佢喎!!
i would never wear a pair of sports shoes or even sandals when i am wearing my formal trousers.. i have seen many guys doing this especially after work, probably out of comfort or convenience they changed their leather shoes and put on their sport shoes.. a big no no for me, even if i am heading for sports, i would rather bring along my sports shoes (in a bag) and not put them on directly.. i know i am nobody to talk about fashion here, or probably it's some fashion i am so behind of, but the match just looks so weird to me.. a big cross for the above from me, but while searching for example photos for this post, thumbs up for the two below!!
Good examples of how sneakers match with your suit
呢兩款西裝配波鞋, 查實我覺得又幾型仔噃, 經研究後認為有可能係: (1) 條褲要係修身或合身剪裁, (2) 對波鞋要係好sleek嘅, 唔係大舊運動鞋或巨型藍球鞋, (3) 褲同鞋嘅襯色要係合調, 而且睇得出係落過下工夫, 唔係隨隨便便有乜就求其著乜嗰種.. 咁呀?? 或者我可以嘗試下咁樣嘅配搭喎, 哈哈哈!! :D
these two examples of suit and sneakers actually look fashionably cool to me, so i figured out what could be the possible reasons.. (1) slim or fitted trousers, (2) sleek sneakers and not bulky running shoes or oversized NBA style shoes, (3) matching tone and colors that seem to be pre-planned and not just put on anything you grab.. hmmm, maybe i could try these styles one day huh?? muahahaha!! :D

2015.07.14 | 二三四十

[Volume 10 Issue 7, #2039]
Stages of Life: 20 . 30 . 40
Different Stages of Life, from the womb to the tomb
我覺得有樣嘢係好啱嘅, 就係我哋生活有不同嘅階段, 而不同階段我哋都會做及追求唔同嘅嘢.. 以下係我個人所認為, 唔知會唔會係普遍模式??
職業上嘅新鮮人, 盡其能學多啲嘢同累積更多經驗, 不過最重要係將上頭派落嚟嘅工作及時完成.. 經濟能力上未算穩定, 生活模式同衣著與求學時期差別不大, 樣樣嘢會睇住價錢.. 社交圈子可能都尚係同舊同學..
i guess it is very true that we go through different stages of life and we basically do or pursue very different things in every stage.. here's what i think and i wonder if this is also common at large??
Before mid-20s
Before mid-30s
Before mid-40s
After mid-40s
freshman in the job who wants to learn and gain experience, but most importantly get what was assigned to be completed on time.. still not financially capable, lifestyle and clothing differs little from schooling days, keep and eye on the price of everything.. social circle confines to ex-schoolmates most of the time..

2015.07.10 | 留言竅門

[Volume 10 Issue 7, #2038]
Commenting Tips: COPY!!!
Commenting Tips: COPY your comments before publishing
最近經常都係用手機睇blog同留言.. [...]你會問:「點解要用手機呀?? 個screen咁細, 打字又咁唔方便!!」, 而我就會答:「因為我係得返工放工搭輕鐵時先有時間, 所以只能用手機!!」.. 因為用手機留言用得多, 教識我一個留言好竅門同養成一個習慣, 就係要時時刻刻COPY自己嘅留言.. 唔係寫完先copy, 而係仲係寫緊嘅時候都可以咁做..

等我話你知點解呢個習慣值得學習, 尤其當你正在「流動模式」中, 不過當你用緊PC接緊Wifi時都可能會發生以下狀況:-
  • 網絡訊息(尤其係手機嘅數據缐)唔穩定, 當你發咗個留言之後, 就即刻見到「網頁不能顯示」- 留言消失無蹤!!
  • 有啲blog係用手機版本, 大家知手機版面係幾咁敏感.. 好多時候寫緊留言時想話掃上去睇下貼文內容, 點知唔覺意掃到左右, 咁就去咗之前或之後嘅貼 - 留言消失無蹤!!
  • 線路全部都穩定及快速, 但係咁好彩與此同時有另外一位朋友同你同一時間發留言, 結果就見到「conflicting updates, comment not posted」- 留言消失無蹤!!

我確實係賴過唔少嘢呀, 真係好激氣㗎!! 我相信大家肯定有過類似經歷, 唯有重新再寫過個消失無蹤嘅留言, 痛苦!! 大部份嘅blog又冇「自動儲存」功能, 唯有自己郁手啦.. 請大家相信我, 你係唔會後悔咁做嘅!! :)
i have been using my phone to read blogs and type comments for quite some time now.. [...]"why phone?? the screen is so small and typing is so inconvenient!!" you may ask.. i will answer, "because i only have time to do this when i'm commuting to and from work, so i can only use my phone!!".. and using phone to post comments has taught me one great tip and cultivate a habit in me, that is to always COPY the comments, not only after you have finished typing but also while you are typing..

i shall tell you why this is a good habit to learn, especially if you are in the "mobile mode" but the following may also happen when you are connecting to Wifi using your PC:-
  • the internet connection (especially the data line) may not be stable.. you do not want to post your comment but end up the line is disconnected, all you see is "page cannot be displayed" - comment lost!!
  • some blogs use mobile layout that is sensitive to swipes.. many times when you are typing your comment and need to refer to the contents, you swipe up but unintentionally swiped left/right and the blog loads the previous or next post - comment lost!!
  • the internet connection is stable and fast, but unluckily somebody else is also doing the same thing as you are doing.. both posting comment at the same time and you got a message "conflicting updates, comment not posted" - comment lost!!

i kena this many times and this is one of the most frustrating things that could happen on Earth, and i am sure you have had the same experience to retype the whole chunk of comments too!! most of the blogs do not have the "autosave" feature, hence it has to be us to do the manual save.. trust me, you won't regret doing this!! :)

2015.07.07 | 生日寶貝

[Volume 10 Issue 7, #2037]
I Bought Birthday Presents (for Myself)
I Bought Birthday Presents for Myself
大家睇咗我生日收到咩禮物之後, 我就想問大家, 會唔會買生日禮物俾自己?? 或者我應該咁問, 會唔會用生日做籍囗乘機買嘢俾自己?? 我要承認我的確會, why not?? 我哋應該經常都愛鍚自己, 尤其大時大節嘅時候, 大家認同嗎?? 呵呵..

好喇, 大家睇到上面張相中嘅巨型麻包袋未(可與張椅作比較)?? 其實係我同幾位朋友, 大家各自網上購物, 然之後將貨物由中國各地齊集於一個臨時貨倉, 最後合併全部一齊運嚟吉隆坡(呢個係「寶寶」網購以減低運送費用嘅運作模式).. 呢一袋嘢足足有15.7kg重, 不過我啲嘢只佔一成.. 想唔想知我買咗啲咩?? click入張相就自有分曉~~ :)
after reading about what i received for my birthday in the previous post, may i ask, do you buy birthday presents for yourself?? or rather i shall ask, do you take excuse of your birthday to buy presents for yourself?? i confess i definitely do, why not?? we should often love and pamper ourselves, especially on special days, don't you agree?? hehe..

now, you see that huge gunny bag (compare it to the chair) in the photo above?? well, it happened that a few of us brought things from an online store, gathered our goodies from all over China to a central warehouse and finally shipped them all together back to KL (this is the working model of "Baobao" to keep shipping cost at the lowest).. this bag is 15.7kg in total weight, but mine is just 10% of it, wonder what i bought?? click on the photo above to unveil~~ :)

2015.07.03 | 生日禮物

[Volume 10 Issue 7, #2036]
What I Got for My Birthday
大家睇咗我生日那天做過啲咩之後, 今日我要繼續炫耀我今年生日收到啲咩禮物, 如下圖所概括(點擊可進入看更多照片).. 我知, 對好多人嚟講, 呢啲嘢可能係微不足道.. 但係對我而言, 有人記得自己生日, 不辭勞苦去買份禮物仲送到自己手中, 單係心意就足以今人感動.. 況且一把年紀都仲有禮物收, 算得係福氣啦, 係唔係先?? 我係真心喜歡所有禮物㗎, 而且大家有眼見我鍾意啲乜嘢啦, 哈哈!! 當我拆開禮物嗰一刻, 見到入面係啲咩禮物, 我每每發自內心一笑, 真㗎!! 嘿嘿.. 喺度要衷心咁多謝每一位, 我真係萬分珍惜㗎!! :)
i hope you enjoyed reading what i did on my birthday and now let me brag about what i got for my birthday, summarized in the photo below (click in to see more photos).. okay, to many of you probably these are nothing, but to me i appreciate the thought that i am remembered and people took the trouble to buy me something and got them to my hands.. furthermore at this uncle age, it's indeed a bliss to even have present for birthday, agree?? i truthfully love all that were given to me, and it's very obvious everyone knows what i like, haha!! the moments i unwrapped the presents and saw what were inside, i giggled, seriously!! hehe.. thank you so much from the depth of my heart, i really really appreciate that!! :)
My BIrthday Presents, Many Doraemons