[Volume 10 Issue 7, #2036] |
What I Got for My Birthday |
大家睇咗我生日那天做過啲咩之後, 今日我要繼續炫耀我今年生日收到啲咩禮物, 如下圖所概括(點擊可進入看更多照片).. 我知, 對好多人嚟講, 呢啲嘢可能係微不足道.. 但係對我而言, 有人記得自己生日, 不辭勞苦去買份禮物仲送到自己手中, 單係心意就足以今人感動.. 況且一把年紀都仲有禮物收, 算得係福氣啦, 係唔係先?? 我係真心喜歡所有禮物㗎, 而且大家有眼見我鍾意啲乜嘢啦, 哈哈!! 當我拆開禮物嗰一刻, 見到入面係啲咩禮物, 我每每發自內心一笑, 真㗎!! 嘿嘿.. 喺度要衷心咁多謝每一位, 我真係萬分珍惜㗎!! :) |
i hope you enjoyed reading what i did on my birthday and now let me brag about what i got for my birthday, summarized in the photo below (click in to see more photos).. okay, to many of you probably these are nothing, but to me i appreciate the thought that i am remembered and people took the trouble to buy me something and got them to my hands.. furthermore at this uncle age, it's indeed a bliss to even have present for birthday, agree?? i truthfully love all that were given to me, and it's very obvious everyone knows what i like, haha!! the moments i unwrapped the presents and saw what were inside, i giggled, seriously!! hehe.. thank you so much from the depth of my heart, i really really appreciate that!! :) |
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2015.07.03 | 生日禮物
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Good afternoon sk. Wah about birthday oressie ah. What did you received?
ReplyDeleteYay! First time get FC this year. Lol. Why today so odd timing ah. Not midnight meh? I know one of the pressie from who la.kihkihkih. okay now i go click the rest. Ahem.....mana ada uncle. Means people still remember u mah
DeleteYay!!! Wait til he resets to midnight and Small Kucing will have to sleep again. Hey, you should continue to claw us in the spams to clinch the throne again.
Deletehahaha...dont red eyes la. This year only my first time get first commenter leh. Tu pun coz of lucky shot leh. mana tau tu SK change timing of publish blog post pulak. Hahahaha. This SK really unpredictable la. Unlike hois Birthday pressie all predictable....sure either minion or doreamon theme coz everyone know his favourite. Think he can open one Doreamon and minion musuem and charge us an arm and kleg to visit la
DeletePhoto 1.
ReplyDeleteThree of them...lol....precious cupcakes. Must have body guards and amour truck to safe guard the cakes . Apa macam. How many days baru habis makan?
My greedy Thambee Sherman Khan finished all the cupcakes on the same day itself and left nothing for Anay. It must be very delicious until he forgot about me. Let him get fat and bloat his tummy. He will appear on the front page cover of Animal Planet. Muahahaha
DeleteWei...you sure your thambee ate all in the day itself ah? The cupcakes arrived 16th Jun wor. He go mitsui on 17th leh...so he kept one day baru go back opis and eat leh. Hopefully no rosak la the cupcakes since those are kira as home made. tarak preservetive one. Nanti cacing come out as big as the ones i dug up from my garden them cham lo.
DeleteHe eat but you go see his eating habis...adui....he jadi kambing leh...lunch makan salad only....how la to be fat. You ah should feed him la. go find him out go yum cha la.
Photo 2. Ya i see that in supermarket too. I also tak minat the biscuits. Not really crazy about makan biscuits la but the container very cute hor. Can keep and maybe like Lina put all her medals in the contajners...you sure have a lot of nice knick knack can put into the container punya la
ReplyDeleteNow you gave me an idea how to store all Letchumy's running and cycling medals in my house. I kept them in the box. I should find a watch display box that has got glass cover!
DeleteAiyo.....why la now you baru get this idea. You tarak baca Lina's posts ka? she collects Mooncakes boxes for her medals leh.
Deleteif you want to display it, maybe can buy one of those glass cabinets like those in Ikea. Can display the medals properly ma. I see she is running for Hospisce again for Standard Charter Kuala Lumpur Marathon run again wor this year. Better start buying or looking for glass cabinet or boxes leh. She is such a kind soul
Photo 3. Fuiyoh..that storage rack ngum for your office use la. Can put papers, letters and stationeries in it.
ReplyDeleteHeybthis year ah...the gifts you received is like those you saw already but didnt buy for yourself and your friends and family decided to buy for your pulak. So ngum la.
You should ask Thambee to conduct an office tour around his lavish office of 10,000 sq ft. You can see all his lovely displays and the panoramic view from his windows. So besides the storage, all forms of display shelves are most welcome for his next birthdays. All his figurines married each other and will multiply more figurines.
Deleteya lor...I should go his office again. That time go his office tour still quite empty as it was not fully moved in yet. By now should be fully decorated.
DeleteHmm...i think his office room ah must be full of Minions and Doreamon themed barang like pencils , pens, paper . Maybe the wall paper also doreamon kot. hahahaha.
Very nice view of KLCC la from his office. Nanti he syok sangat till dig his doreamon pouch and fly off using the gadget up to KLCC LOL
Photo 4
ReplyDeleteYa wor. I recall in one of your blog post you said you missed the screening of Stand By Me. Fuiyoh...your friend in hong kong got read your blog ka? Know that you looking for the Dvd.
Thank goodness the dvd arrived safely and not mising in limbo. You know la. There is a lot of bermuda triangle in malaysia . Things can go missing one.
All his friends in Hong Kong and family members in Chennai's villages read his blog even though they get cow-grade internet signals.
DeleteMalaysia got Bermuda Triangle that sent the monies missing and evaporate into thin air.
Woi...at least their cow grade internet service is faster than Malaysia punya leh. And much much faster than my internet...sobs sobs. ya the wonder of internet now every one can see what he loves the most and get him the things that he wanted instead of get wrong stuffs for him.
DeletePhoto 5. Hohoho...open gifts tillnhand also lengguh jor. So many stationeries ..pencil , sticky post, stickers...what else ah. Have to enlarge the pic to see. Sayang to use or not. Sommany cute ones leh
ReplyDeleteSK will give to Fing Fing to use and play. Maybe Fing Fing will share with his friends from Animal Planet on his next birthday party.
DeleteAll the pencils and stationery supplies I collected from bloggers have been useful in my office and car.
Sure or not will give Fing Fing, SK so sayang the stuffs leh. where will give Fing Fing play and spoil them punya.
DeleteMost likely if you ask him to show them to you next year, they will still be in a pristine conditions leh. Too sayang to open and use
Photo 6 very mobing la. Your friend took the time and effort to go collect the whole set and send for our birthday pressie. Aiyo...so so movjng gesture la. Everyone sure know how hard to chase after the whole set of figures leh. Just like last rojnd mnion. Eat happy meal till thow ul lo baru siap collect one set.
ReplyDeleteSorry...typo...should be "very moving"
DeleteYes so moving lah! I salute that friend of his for his patience to collect them as I could never do this lengthy favour. SK is so well loved by everyone who knows him.
Deletelengthy you dont do but you dare crazy la dare to brave all the vehicle traffic and fight with million of minions fans in midvalley just to get a perfect picture to post up for Thambee's birthday. I think that Thambee must be hiding in the jamban and cry a river till pee also no need water to flush the jamban liao. Moved by your efforts
DeletePhoto 7. Woohoo...i love the origami. The boh so talented leh.nthe ribbon look like hard to make wor.
ReplyDeleteI want to start making origami as decors on top of the presents for friends.
Deletenot easy to make la. I tried before. No artistic talent at all.
DeletePhoto 8. Lol...not bad la. Still managed to colect. See your friend so bush yet prepared pressie for you. Just show how popular and well loved you are.
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, his busy friend has not delivered this gift to SK and yet he posted that photo which landed the friend into hot boiling soups!
Deleteyikes...my mata rabun from speed reading again ah? read wrong things ah...wait i go scroll up and read again
Deleteoh ya oh ya.,..my mistake. SK said yet to be pick up. Passed to another friend...hmmm....who have just gone travelling lately ah.....hahaha
DeleteCongratulations to all the Spam Winners in the chart today! It was fun all the way to spam and get pressured by Chris Kurage who often pooped on my head in the past. Now he smelled mine in return. Try harder Chris!
ReplyDeleteI hope more bloggers will join in the fun for July.
Small Kucing looks set to return back to her throne again by clinching the FC today! Her claws have been sharpened.
Happy Friday everyone!
congratulations to you TM.. wow you really did an impressive job and so as the others woohoo
DeleteCongratulations Anay for getting back your throne again.
DeleteWei...don't la red eye... this is my only time get FC leh for this year. Tu pun lucky click.
Damn hard to chase up to you la Anay. Semput liao. Some more school holiday that two week gua tarak spam here. Adui...sat in front of the laptop spam till claws all dropped liao and fingers bleeding all over the keyboard baru masuk into top 10. Adui..... masuk longkang that day leh
Photo #1: I am impressed with the specially baked limited edition cupcakes! The thoughts by the giver is priceless with the surprise thrown in that Thambee will never forget for life! Sherman Khan is so well loved by all. Getting such unexpected surprises is everybody's wish and yet no everyone could earn it so easily like Thambee! Pat your karipap Code-10 head!
ReplyDeletePhoto #2: I am surprised that Doraemon Cookies are sold and I could see its picture that says Butter cookies inside that looked like my favourite Danish Butter Cookies!!! Next time, you give me the cookies and you keep the tin okay. If someone present me this, I will give you the tin instead. Anyway, no one would buy me this!! How sad! Sobs!
DeletePhotos #3: Oh how sweet of that famous creative blogger to draw a card for you besides giving you an organizer. How come you saw it at AEON but didn't buy one? Your good instinct must have told you to delay and get home to see this surprise gift. Interesting telepathy between the giver and receiver.
DeletePhoto #4: I also missed this movie. To be honest, I did not even know this movie existed. I only know Stand By Me Thambee!!
DeleteMuahahaha So nice of your friend from Hong Kong who sent you this. Hope you liked that movie? I didn;t know that Doraemon could speak Cantonese now. He must have gone to study language classes. Someday Doraemon will also speak Tamil and Arabic! Does your friend live in HKG's Sheung Wan cos got the feedjit live traffic feed that always shows a blog reader stalking from there. LOL
Photo #5: Whoa!! So much brick bats given to you for daily usage! I bet they are too precious that Thambee would prefer to display on his office shelf. Someday you will open a Happy Toys Museum at Happy Gardens! I am sure it will happen soon. You need more shelves now. You better use the stickers given to you fast as their life span is short and tak boleh lekat soon.
DeletePhoto #6: I like this set of Doraemon and friends toys! I noticed that their 7-Elevens are always promoting Doraemon for many years now. Last time my wifey bought me a soft toy of Doraemon's master as she claimed that looked like Anay when a small kid. I hooked it to my travel shoulder bag till today and it makes me happy to see it.
DeleteI really salute you for having so many nice friends from Hong Kong who have been showering you with endless gifts over the years.
Photo #7: Wow! More gifts from Hong Kong again with McDs and Minions Tic Tac. The yellow flavour must be some banana tasting flavours! Hey the little boy was so talented to make the origami that looked like a peacock and a big ribbon! Did I see a plastic monkey and green crocodile too?
DeletePhoto #8: Those gifts from a friend X was passed to you through another friend Y but you have yet to receive them till today? Oh no, your friend Y must have been so busy till he has forgotten them! You better forgive this friend Y otherwise the friend X will clobber his head. When I saw that photo, my head was saying the box with triangle edge looked so familiar! Whooops!!!.......... **fear mode**
DeleteWow, so many doraemon related birthday presents except no 8. Luckily, SK got something different here. Better get it fast else the items get expired.
DeleteAnay, how you know the present giver in Photo #3 is a blogger? SK also didn't mention the organizer is from blogger or friend, ahem! Anyway, this blogger is indeed very famous and creative like Anay had said here. This blogger has some kind of special chemistry with SK.
DeleteBy the way, I know who is friend Y who was delaying in his delivery job. Friend X sure would clobber your head, Anay. Please wear helmet when you step out from your house. Wenn would bring her "pisau parang" from Ipoh.
Yannie, I thought I clearly knew who is this #3 Blogger but now you confused me a while after posing that question with the chemistry link between them. Anay is logging into confused.com
DeleteI am shaking in fear today and is wearing my helmet as Wenn might use her Thor's hammer bought from her recent visits to Europe.
#1 . LOL.... can see in the subsequent photo that he smile till see teeth no see eyes liao. If only able to totally surprise Thambee like what LetChumi did for your birthday kan bagus.
Delete#2. From the photos i think maybe the cookies insides are normal cookies la. Only the box have doreamon face. But still the box dare cute la. Surprising can get it here in Malaysia
#3. Thambee must be waiting and waiting see after his birthday baru will go buy. Just in case got giver bought already. LOL...joking only la.
#4 Doreamon got cantonese punya cartoon mah. No meh? I recall watch cantonese or maybe dubbed version when i was small leh.
#5 Those stickers ah i wont be surprised if he use to make the CD case for the year end CD gifts to readers here leh.
#6 Malaysia punya Peronas or maybe Petron last year have something like this set but i tarak collect. to pump petrol to buy ...aiyo...to expensive la. Not sure about 7-eleven in Hong kong but the offer in 7-eleven Malaysia not very good one leh. Last year they have this hello kitty set. saw in Huai Bin blog. Dunno, have to buy how much then baru can dip hand and draw out one plastic. cannot choose the design. Not worth it leh. But if Hong Kong punya 7 Eleven same as here...i really salute SK punya friend lo.
So many doraemon stuffs. almost got surrounded by doraemon stuffs already.O.O Huge collections? yup, actually I've been collecting for some time already. And the stickers are limited editions to me, because I found it accidentally and even myself just have one of them only...hehe!
ReplyDeleteI am sure those stickers are limited editions as the manufacturers cannot produce too many pieces as the gum will not last too long.
DeleteOh nice! I want to know what you got for your birthday besides the cute Doraemon cupcakes.
ReplyDelete#1 Oh I see! The cupcakes were delivered to you on the ve of your birthday so that you can have the cupcakes on your birthday the next day. Good idea to send cakes the day before. So you got eat any of the cupcakes before the actual day? I thought that they were delivered on your birthday itself.
DeleteI counted 12 cupcakes. All of them with different designs? I cannot the the other 3 that are covered by the greeting card. How many did you wallop? Got share share or not?
DeleteSo sayang to eat the top layer with the Doraemon pictures. This lady who baked the cakes is very talented indeed. How did the topping taste like? I am sure it is very sweet.
DeleteI really like these cupcakes because they are so cute and colorful. Are they all the same flavor or mixed? They look like chocolate cupcakes to me.
DeleteThose cupcakes look so cute and so sayang to eat them. Did SK finish them up all by himself?
Delete#2 I have not seen these butter cookies with Doraemon face before. Yes, I would think that a Doraemon fan would be more interested in the container rather than the cookies. Unless of course that person is a Doraemon and butter cookies lover.
ReplyDeleteYou must have wished very hard to get this box of Doraemon butter cookies since every time you picked it up, you put it back down. Ya lah, why pay money for the cookies when you are only interested in the box?
DeleteMost of your faithful readers already know by now that you are a Doraemon fan. In fact I have two Doraemon shower caps at home. One for me and the other I spare for my partner. But he has never used it lah. Everytime I look at it, you know lah who it reminds me of :D
DeleteSo the butter cookies sedap or not? I bet you took out all the cookies and put in separate container so that you can take the box.
DeleteGot Smurfs comic book some more. Incidentally, Smurfs are blue and so is Doraemon.
DeleteThough Smurf and Doraemon are blue, I don't remember SK said he likes smurfs.
DeletePhong Hong, if the butter cookies were baked by you, i am sure that SK would appreciate the butter cookies and also the container.
#3 Alamak! More Doraemon stuff. This time is a storage box. You saw it at Aeon, did not buy, and you got it as a birthday present. Hmm...you really lucky huh? See something, want it, don't buy, and lo and behold it is given to you!
ReplyDeleteThis type of organizer is very useful to put away your stuff. I think I need a few in my house so that it will be more tidy. But I think the more storage boxes I have, the more stuff I accumulate. I like this type of present because it can be put to good use.
DeleteI love organizers very much as I am a very disorganized person! My office table is a mess while Thambee's office table is very neat and tidy like his karipap hair-do. Not a single strand is out of alignment. Muahahaha
Deletelol! I like the way Anay described SK's karipap hair-do. Wakakaka! It is not an easy job to buy gift for SK, he is a perfectionist and detailed person.
DeleteI think this giver is a very practical person, because organizer is a practical gift.
Oh well, I wasn't joking when I described SK's well coiffured kari-pap hair do which will not get misaligned even the typhoons come from Indian Ocean.
DeleteSo you and I know him so well that it is not easy to buy him gifts that could please his fussy traits. So I thought my Minions pose and wishes in my blog could appease him but dang!!! He side lined me!!
#4 I remember you were standing outside the cinema in Japan where this movie was showing but did not get opportunity to watch. And so wonderful that your friend got the DVD for you.
ReplyDeleteSo did this movie meet your expectations? Hope that you enjoyed it.
DeleteSo nice of your friend to get you the dvd. Can pinjam me?
Delete#5 hee..hee..This auntie also gigled lah when looking at the Doraemon stickers! I used to love stickers when I was small and like to stick it all over the place and giving my grandma headcahes!
ReplyDeleteThis set of gifts is Doraemon overload and a hardcore fan like you is surely delighted. This person knows your sweet spot!
Delete#6 How cute! Doraemon and friends. Actually, I only know Doraemon but don't know his friends hah..hah... I like that yellow cat with a tikus on it's head.
ReplyDeleteThese figurines are very colorful and will cheer you up when you look at them!
DeleteI think he has hundreds of figurines now to cheer him up daily. I hope someday the figurines will start walking and singing on his shelves!! Whooaaa! I am sure Thambee would faint from fright.
Delete*** Eh... didn;t I say what loves to cling onto figurines?? Niak! Niak!
Jou mat yeh semua pun Doraemon stuffs lei geh, except no. 7 & 8? Kam ngam ga? Or No. 1-6 from the same person inside a big parcel?
ReplyDeleteI like the cupcakes and the butter cookies.. I always feel, if wana give people something, give something edible.. Then sure sapu habis and not wasted.. Or oatmeal soap, then use finish liao, not wasted.. But like you said, it's the heart that counts, it will mean a lot to me too if I receive all these cute lovely gifts for my birthday..
DeleteEh, when I see the butter cookies, I thought they are just normal Keldjens butter cookies, but with a Doraemon topper sticker.. You know, those like themed birthday parties.. We buy our own mineral water and lollipops and all, then we stick the bottle with themed stickers, or top the cupcake with themed topper.. After I read your description only I know memang Doraemon "brand" butter cookies wor.. Fuiyoh, canggih.. Macam-macam ada..
DeleteFuiyoh, organizer and stationeries and stickers and all, I also like.. Am sure everyone likes.. I so "big" already ahh, I still love stationeries.. When tadika give my boys party packs which has stationeries in them, wah, I very sukak too.. Pencil box, stationeries, stickers, complete with sticker book too!
DeleteYour loot of goodies in no. 7, errr, I can;t spot all.. Very obvious is that Minions tic-tac.. And maybe a packet of jelly beans..And maybe a toy.. That's all.. Others dare not guess, nanti bikin malu..
DeleteWah, best la, dapat so many presents, I like.. Me ahh, no presents liao.. Just go out makan only.. No cake also.. Maybe a small cupcake jek..
DeleteYeah me too. I feel a bit too old to receive gifts on my birthdays now BUT all monetary gifts from anyone is still most welcome and well appreciated!!!!
Delete**My face suddenly lighted up and radiate pulsating lights.
When my husband and daughters wish me "Happy Birthday" on my birthday, I would say "Birthday no present, how to be happy?" Kekekek! Presents will sure make anyone happy on the birthday, regardless what age it is.
Delete#7 I'm afraid I am not familiar with the items here except for the tic tac. So long I never eat tic tac! This is given to you by the same HK friend who got you #4 and #6? This person really knows your taste.
ReplyDelete#8 These are not toys hee..hee... Looks like Japanese products and I quite like that black box. What is inside I wonder? The packet on the left looks like some sort of drink mix. I have no idea what the white sachets on the right are. It looks like my face mask packets hah..hah...
ReplyDeleteYou received quite a number of presents on your birthday and that is really cool. Some of them can be eaten while some are useful and some are decorative. Quite a good mix I would say.
ReplyDeleteFulamak! This Thambee only remembers his birthday gifts. Anay didn;t give him any gifts and thought a Minions Birthday pose would be more meaningful. I dragged wifey to MV to snap my photo and blog it. Looks like next year, I should wear a Doraemon or Minions costume and ding dong his office's bell & give him a punch!!!
DeleteMuahahahaha... I am just kidding. Need to find topics to spam****
1. I remember the no. 1 cupcake, hehe...
ReplyDeleteYou only remembered his birthday cupcakes!
DeleteHow about my Minions birthday greetings blog post to Thambee? Tsk! Tsk!
So heartwarming to see so many gifts from your friends, the cupcakes are so nice
ReplyDeleteI want the cookies and the tin
DeletePhoto 1 - awww.. I never had someone deliver gifts to me haha.. but that's a sweet thing to do huh... It gives me an idea of what should I give to my friend who will have her birthday next week.... now i just have to find a cake shop that has this kind of service... or better yet, i can buy the cupcakes and bring them myself to her haha
ReplyDeletePhoto 2 : Oh...that reminds me of the "Wonderful Copenhagen cookies"... this giver might be stalking you and he/she saw you in the grocery picking up the cookie yet putting it back so that gave him the idea of finally buying it for you LOL...oh and Smurf comics... it's funny that you get items that are meant for kiddos ... i think they really know you so well
ReplyDeleteHigh 5 to you bluedreamer, from the cover of the Smurf comics, I also think it is meant for kiddos under 10 years old. Hehehe! SK has lots of nephews to hand down, no problem.
Deleteoh lucky nephews.. but I don't think SK will lend them so easy LOL.. these will be a collectors item and soon, their value will become high and SK can eventually put them in a chest along with other wealth LOL
DeletePhoto 3 :See.. another coincident... actually it's not.. next time you go to a market you make sure you observe your surrounding.. there might be a drone following you LOL..
ReplyDeletePhoto 4: oh wow that's cool... we failed to watch the Doreamon screening here since the selected cinema is way too far and we're too lazy to travel that far... i grew up seeing Doraemon speaking our own language too... i saw him speaking Japanese but with subbed... this is cool.. you can finally watch Stand by Me
ReplyDeletePhoto 5: Cool.. maybe you can start building a space in your house dedicated for your Doraemon collections and Minions too.. I always dream of having a room filled with nothing but my favorite toys and collections.. it feels like a time capsule that every time to enter.. you're like being taken back in time
ReplyDeletePhoto 6 : Oh I know Doreami (not sure if she is addressed that way in your country) but who is that yellow Doreamon with EARS? You know what.. my lil bro did a cosplay of Nobita hehe.. you can check it here http://www.bluedreamer27.com/cosplay-mania-2013-part-2-nobitas-escapade/
ReplyDeletePhoto 7 : Oh I love that Minions Tic Tac.. I think I saw one before... I hope I can give you something from Philippines too...
ReplyDeletePhoto 8: haha you got Birthday week... I love the packaging of that tea.. Actually I first thought it's a Funko action figure..
ReplyDeletePresent 1, these Doraemon cupcakes are very lovely, I said this more than 3 times already, I think. The giver is very thoughtful and generous. My daughters would scream too if she sees these lovely cupcakes.
ReplyDeletePresent 2, Butter Cookies in Doraemon container. Indeed, the container is more attractive than the cookies. I reckon. But that Smurf comics more suitable for young kids, kekeke!
Present 3, luckily you didn’t buy Doraemon organizer in AEON. This giver is a very practical person. The gift is very practical.
Present 4, Stand by Me Doraemon DVD from Hong Kong all the way. Your HK friend is very thoughtful. Doraemon in Cantonese is definitely sound better than BM and English.
Present 5, a huge collection of Doraemon stuffs, stickers, coaster, and chopsticks and cards, again this reader of you is generous and kind.
Present 6, I like these Doraemon figurines the most. Your HK is so nice. Redeem from 7-eleven in HK one by one. This type of gesture is more valuable than the present and of course these 7 Doraemon and friends figurines are very precious too.
Present 7, I think I remember you talked about his HK good friend of you. She always bought you lovely gifts from HK. That minions tic tac is special, I like.
Present 8, souvenirs from Japan and Korea. Very sweet of friend who still remember you while travelling. The delivery friend also very sweet actually, he took wifey to act cute with those Minions at Midvalley. After that he composed a very special post dedicate to you on your birthday without any reminder. This type of Anay is very hard to find in the world anymore.
After reading this post, I am sure your loyal readers have now started to plan what to buy next year to surprise you on your birthday.
Haha Yannie, so fast meh? Still got 11 more months to go wor! :p
DeleteIts all about Doraemon!! Great to feel young again, right? Do yiu have a place to keep all these lovely presents? Arrange them all nicely and yiu will feel good after a hard day's work...
ReplyDeleteMost of the presents are related to Doraemon. They really know you well. :)
ReplyDeleteWahhh, qing yat sik Doraemon. Or is it you only post Doraemon presents and left out the others?
ReplyDeleteSK is so blessed to have caring friends who shower him with attention and gifts that he loves. ^^
ReplyDeletewow....It seems so many people sayang this uncle who received so many birthday gifts! If I were you , it will be the happiest day of my life! Why I said so ? Like what you mentioned, it's not the gifts that matters but the thoughts! The kind thoughts of people remembering your birthday and take the trouble to buy you something, whether it is expensive or not.
ReplyDeleteNowadays, gifts are rare unless they are very close to you like family members or good friends. Most of the folks like to do the convenient way - by sending electronic greetings and cyber gifts and e-cards. Though it's still very kind of them to send e-messages, I guess going around to buy something for someone is a very kind deed, regardless of the cost, whether you are close to the person or not. Well, just buy a Rm2 ringgit notebook will surely brightens one's day! :)
Wah.... I think it's either you have been telling people you like Doraemon or people found out that you love Doraemon.... 80% of your gifts are all xiao ding dang!! Strange no one bought you a t-shirt of Doraemon ..hahahaha... else you can wore it out with a smiling face!
ReplyDeleteANyway, you get to eat doraemon cake, use the stationeries, eat the cookies and play or decorate your room with the figurines, and not forgetting you can rewatch Stand By Me over and over again whenever you are bored.
The cupcakes were so nicely done and looks delicious! I know who is it but I forgot whether is it homemade. If its homemade, then I can say this person really put in a lot of thoughts and efforts, though the little miaw miaw can also enjoy the cupcakes.
ReplyDeleteIt's nicely wrapped with a translucent plastic wrapper and looks so professional, like an order from cake shop. Did you finish all and never shared? muahahahha...
I saw the Doraemon cookies during the Doraemon 101 exhibition in JB. However, I didn't buy it as it's expensive and I had a bad experience with imported cookies (I think it's from Japan...). Once I got some not very fresh cookies in imported ones.
ReplyDeleteBut doesn't mind the cookies whether delicious or not, SK being SK, I am sure you will keep the cover for a very long time!
hahahah... will you use the organizer in work? Just make sure no kids go to your office for risk they will steal or just it since it's so cute and they thought it can be handy for their school work!
ReplyDeleteSo, you have been eyeing the organiser but didn't buy it. How nice you got it as a gift. Or maybe you friend was just besides you and noticed you keep checking out the organiser? And, this thoughtful friend sure confirmed you love the gift!!
Yeah, I understand you are disappointed not to be able to catch Stand by Me on the silver screen. Poor thing ... well, having a DVD is not bad either. Maybe you can get a projector and project it on a big screen and get an amplifier for the sound.
ReplyDeleteeh... can rip it and put in your server for download ? I also haven't watch .... muahahahahahaha..
On Pix no.5 , again I warned you to keep it away from kids else you will .........
ReplyDeleteWah , got limited edition coaster and chopsticks! The gift buyer must know something about Doraemon and get you limited editions! I like the stickers! If I give one slice of the stickers to my daughter , she will definitely stick it everywhere she can reached. muahahahha..
So, are you using the stationeries like pencils ,erasers, notebooks and etc? I guess you will keep it as a souvenir. Very cute stuffs!
I like the figurines in pix 8 and how nice that your friend purposely collect it for you for your birthday. The figurines do look solid and not like those local MCD toys which are usually fragile. They are also very lively. I guess a set of these sold outside will not be cheap. Best to put it in a glass cabinet and keep it away from the little monsters again! muahahaha...
ReplyDeleteYour HK friend is really nice and he/she gave you lots of cute stuffs! I like the minions tic-tac ... I guess it's lemon flavour but not sure if it can be buy outside in SG here. I remember my niece holding one too in SG.
ReplyDeleteYour friend even make origami for you ... hmmmm... I think this must be lady as guys won't be so caring and sweet ! hahahha...
Yeah, I agreed with you any gifts received during birthdays can consider as birthday gifts. I do received before and I just treated it as one too. Again, your friends are really nice to remember you on your birthdays and I guess you did the same to them too! :)
ReplyDeleteAWWWW,those doraemon stuffss are very very cute! I would love to have them really! Habby Birthday!
ReplyDeletealmost all is Doraemon related presents!
ReplyDeleteI can foresee next year all SK's birthday presents are Minions or Fing Fing related.
DeleteSK is so loved hor? Got his favorite stuff as birthday gifts. His friends also very thoughtful!
ReplyDeleteWow, what can I say? You are so loved by people around you SK, lucky you!
ReplyDeleteI cannot remember when was the last time I received so many birthday gifts! And at your age now (sorry I don't mean to make you sound old), still can receive so many birthday gifts, that's really a blessing, make me so envious ler... Hehe! Some more all are your favorite stuff! You sure were a happy boy la!
What I like the most is that cupcakes! So beautiful! And can be eaten, more practical to me, haha~