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2014.03.28 | 雞容雞飯

[Volume 9 Issue 3, #1876]
我成日都覺得, comfort food呢家嘢其實唔需要好華麗, 好多時候越係rundown, 就越係原汁原味而且好食得很呀.. 唔知大家有幾分同意我嘅講法呢?? 以下誠意推薦大家, 不過事先聲名呢篇唔係甚麼paid post, 只係覺得有好嘢應該同大家分享咁啫.. :)
i always think comfort food need not be fancy, most of the time the more rundown then the more authentic and the more delicious they are.. i wonder how much do you agree with me in this?? recommended by yours sincerely, but i must stress that this is not a paid post.. great things must be shared right?? :)
位於蘇丹街(著名茨廠街隔離)一列戰前建築之中, 當你見到間半隱蔽嘅店, 出面個玻璃櫥櫃掛著好多隻雞, 又或者店前企滿等位嘅人, 大概就去啱地方喇..
located in a stretch of colonial buildings along jalan sultan (next to petaling street), you'd probably find this almost hidden shop when you saw either the chickens hanging on the rack or the crowd waiting to be seated..
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2014.03.26 | 迷你巴士

[Volume 9 Issue 3, #1875]
當我仲以為呢一類交通工具經已在吧生河流域全面引退超過十年之際, 數日前竟然俾我見到一架活生生嘅bas mini出現我眼前, 而且仲係操作緊載有乘客嘅.. 認真係我嘅一個大驚喜, 感覺係而復得一樣!! 記得我哋以前經常拎迷你巴士開玩笑, 話係坐BMW(Bas Mini Wilayah)返學㗎, 其實本人對於呢個迷你巴士係記憶猶新呀.. 明明係寫住乘客17坐13企, 不過通常一架迷你巴士可以載到50人咁多, 跟車的售票員不停咁嗌「再入啲, 再入啲!! 企兩排, 企三排!!」, 為嘅就係可以載更多乘客上巴士.. 試想象下, 自己同其他乘客之間只有少過一吋嘅空間, 尤其落雨天就更加弊傢伙, 因為全部窗都閂埋, 被逼困在冇冷氣嘅巴士內呼吸其他乘客嘅氣味.. 迷你巴士車費唔超過RM1, 但係可以以最短嘅時間載你到達目的地, 而且仲可以由你隨意落車.. 我話以最短時間嘅時候, 亦都表示每位乘客最好喺巴士行駛或轉彎時緊緊捉住扶手, 如果唔係就好可能一屁股坐住喺其他乘客大脾上喇, 哇哈哈!!

這是一篇, 係寫俾與我年紀相若或年長朋友嘅一次集體回憶, 同時係較年輕一輩嘅朋友去到邊都有父母專車接送嘅一份珍惜.. 你又有冇咩故事或經歷要同大家分享咁呢?? :)
while i thought this public transport has been retired for more than 10 years in Klang Valley, there i saw one striking bas mini right in front of my eyes the other day, still operating and taking passengers.. it was indeed a shocking surprise to me, like lost and found!! i remember we used to joke about going to school by BMW (Bas Mini Wilayah) and indeed i have very vivid memories of the mini bus experience.. stated 17 seated and 13 standing but one could actually take up to 50 passengers at one go, the bus conductor kept yelling "masuk lagi, dalam lagi!! dua baris, tiga baris!!" to allow more people to board.. imagine having less than an inch of space between you and other passengers, worse when it was raining and all windows closed, breathing odors of different people in that non-air-conditioned bus.. the fares was only less than RM1 but guaranteed to bring you to your destination in the shortest time dropping you at any arbitrary stops.. and when i say in the shortest time, it means we had to hold on real tight to the bars as the bus was moving and turning, else we could end up landing our butts on the laps of another passenger, muahaha!!

this is a post written for people about or above my age to cherish the memories, and for younger ones to appreciate how lucky they are to have parents fetching them in and out with private cars.. any story or experience that you want to share?? :)

2014.03.24 | 音樂光碟

[Volume 9 Issue 3, #1874]
嗯, 係唔係覺得有啲唔妥, 點解你睇緊同樣一個post呢?? 唔係啦, 因為今日想講啲相關嘅嘢, 所以咪用返同樣一張相囉, 呵呵.. 好喇, 其實我好喜歡整呢啲personalized CD, 如果對方收到話好鍾意, 我會更加開心囉.. 嗱嗱嗱, 我知你諗緊咩呀, 不過我絕對唔會立亂送好多出去嘅, 如果唔係, 到時大家已經唔再稀罕就弊傢伙喇, 到時仲點可以用呢個武器去吸引更多留言呀?? 當然係要保持佢嘅稀有性, 物以稀為貴嘛, 哈哈!!

我享受親手整呢啲美工, 我享受上網去搵歌, 我喜歡知道我嘅讀者(無論年紀大細或相若)聽緊啲咩歌, 我享受由讀者嘅歌單中猜佢哋會喜歡聽啲咩歌, 我享受過程中發掘我未聽過嘅歌曲同音樂(我哋每日都有新事物可以學習).. 其實我知道自己因此做緊啲頗係「非法」嘅事, 不過呢啲CD絕對係「非謀利私人禮物」喎, 應該問題不大啩?? 再者, 呢啲CD已經成為呢個blog嘅特有禮物喎, 又或者我應該自己唱啲歌跟住錄晒俾我啲讀者?? 哇哈哈哈哈!! 相信到時大家肯定大吐口水, 永遠都唔會再返嚟喇!! 傻啦, 講下笑啫!! 我以人格保證呢個情況絕對唔會發生!! 大家只要繼續大量留言, 就肯定會收到自己喜歡嘅CD好唔好?? :)
hmmm, you thought what's wrong that you are reading the same post?? nah, i am just reusing the same photo because i will be talking about something related, hehe.. okay, i actually LOVE making this personalized CD and even happier when the recipients love them.. i know what you are thinking, but i am definitely not going to simply giveaway too many copies, else it will end up no value at all and this trick won't entice more comments already, must make it limited, haha!!

i enjoy doing the artwork, i enjoy searching for the songs, i enjoy knowing what songs my (younger, about the same age or older) readers listen to, i enjoy guessing the songs they may like based on the list, i enjoy exploring new songs and music that i've not come across during the process (yeah, we learn new things everyday).. i know i may be doing something pretty "illegal" with this, but then this is a "non-profit personal gift" so okay lah hor?? moreover, it is now the signature gift of this blog, otherwise maybe i'll just sing those songs myself and record them for my readers, muahahaha!! by then sure everyone will puuii and never come back again.. okay okay, i am just kidding!! i swear this will never happen okay?? you will continue to receive the CDs you love as long as you spam more comments okay?? :)

2014.03.21 | 簡單清淡

[Volume 9 Issue 3, #1873]
我記得某日post咗我嘅一日三餐, 隨之嚇親某些讀者, 甚至受到好多讀者留言話做乜咁肥膩, 哈哈!! 搞笑呀, 都係我週末嘅時候「放縱」自己嘅一啲食物, 其實我平日唔係咁放肆㗎, 我都可以話係食得頗簡單而清淡㗎.. :p
i remember posted about my three meals in a day, gave some readers a shock and received many comments on how oily and how carbo-loaded the food are, haha!! well, those were what i would pamper myself with during weekends, but in normal days i don't usually feast like that, can be rather healthy also wan.. :p
早餐(差不多)每日都係呢個完全無調味, 齋熱水煮有機麥片仔配葵花籽同黑提子乾.. 其實我以前係食開入口muesli配乳酪嘅, 不過依家樣樣嘢都貴, 唯有「淪落」到食呢個無味麥片囉.. :(
breakfast is (almost) daily this organic baby oats with sunflower seeds and raisins in plain hot water, no added flavors.. used to have imported muesli in yoghurt, but things are getting so dear that i resort to this now.. :(
相信大家會認同我話, 好多時候要去邊度食晏同午餐要食咩係幾頭痛嘅事!! 有時懶理, 是但買條麵包, 就咁搽啲果醬當係一餐, 幾日落嚟就係嚟齋食, 唔駛嘥半滴腦汁~~ :p
i guess you will agree with me that many times it's a pain to decide where and what to eat for lunch!! being lazy, i just grab a loaf and spread some jam on them, for a few days i can save my brain juice and just eat~~ :p
不過齋食麵包配果醬又真係寡咗啲嘅, 所以通常我會準備其他嘢食.. 嗱, 呢兜嘢唔係蜜瓜呀, 係青蘋果同埋雪梨嚟.. 專登切成細細片, 感覺咪好似有多啲可以食咁囉!! 哈哈~~
but solely bread with jam can be so dull and i need some add-ons.. nope, these are not honeydew but green apple and pear.. purposely slice them thinner so that mentally i feel like i am having more to eat!! haha~~
咪傻啦, 呢個點會係我嘅晚餐呀?? 有時晏晝肚餓, 如果唔係食啲餅乾之類嘅嘢, 就係水果囉.. 唔同大家分享我平日嘅晚餐喇, 因為家父煮嘢實在係驚人的油膩, 唔符合今日個題材呀, 哇哈哈!! :D
dooh, this is not my dinner lah, crazy!! probably some fruits for tea if i don't snack on biscuits or bars.. not showing my dinner as my dad's cooking is ever so horribly oily that doesn't match with this topic, muahaha!! :D
[題外話] 大家有冇發覺今日個post有啲唔同?? 係呀, 我不嬲都唔會將啲相片一次過顯示出嚟, 而係會用啲button一次顯示一張㗎嘛, 唔係我平時嘅風格呵?? 哈哈.. 不過我都察覺到每當我個post有互動元素嘅時候, 有啲讀者就唔會去click嘅, 應該係佢哋唔在乎, 或者唔識, 或者太過習慣一整篇咁閱讀呢?? 點都好, 今日就特別為大家整一篇好傳統風格嘅post~~ :)
[out of topic] noticed something different for the post today?? yeah, i don't usually show all my pictures flat but have buttons to show one at a time, not my style right?? haha.. but then i realized when i have interactive elements in a post, some readers may not click them, either they don't bother, they don't know how or too used to plain scrolling?? anyway, here's one conventional style for everyone~~ :)

2014.03.19 | 馬來西亞

[Volume 9 Issue 3, #1872]
我曾經遇過一位來自馬來西亞沙巴州嘅朋友, 佢係以「西馬朋友」嚟到稱呼我哋幾位朋友嘅.. 好喇, 喺我未開始之前, 我要聲明以下絕對係本人嘅個人觀點, 當然我亦都尊重每個人嘅想法(同埋因而產生嘅所講所寫).. 歡迎大家留言, 無論讚同我嘅觀點又好, 話我過份敏感又好, 反駁我嘅觀點又好, 想知道大家嘅意見.. :)
i once stumbled upon a friend from the state of Sabah of Malaysia who referred a few of us as his "West Malaysia friends".. okay, before i start, allow me to stress that this is purely my personal opinion and of course i respect what others think and hence, say or write.. welcome comments to agree with my views, or to tell me that i am overly sensitive, or even to refute my points, i would like to hear from you.. :)

2014.03.17 | 乏人問津

[Volume 9 Issue 3, #1871]
寫blog進入第九年嘅第一篇, 因為上一篇嘅留言而有感而發.. [閱讀省略的一段文字]

大家可能見我每個post都有好多留言, 就以為我個blog好掂, 虛相嚟啫, 其實只不過係慣常幾位讀者一次留低幾個comments咁啫.. 所以我呢個blog嘅讀者係唔多㗎, 大家見啦, 嚟嚟去去都係嗰十數位之嘛.. 甚至有獎品送俾大家, 都係反應冷淡, 應該係我嘅獎品太cheap, 又或者我嘅問題太無聊?? 呵呵.. 點都好, 其實我都好滿意現在呢個情況嘅, 至少同呢十數位讀者好似朋友咁, 大家有交流, 好似傾閑偈咁天花龍鳳, 感覺比較親近, 其實係好開心, 我係珍而重之㗎!! 當然, 我哋亦都歡迎其他讀者加入呢個天地嘅, 唔駛怕醜㗎~~ :)
雖然反應慘淡, 都係要揭曉上一篇文嘅八週年有獎游戲嘅結果嘅.. 恭喜晒三位幸運讀者, 每人將獲得如圖的全手製音樂CD一份..
the first post after entering into my 9th year of blogging, inspired by comments of the previous post.. [extend hidden paragraph]

perhaps everyone thought this blog is famous due to the number of comments in each post, but i would say that is just illusion, because it's only a handful of readers who has left multiple comments.. hence, this blog's readership and page hit is relatively low, you notice just that barely over 10 readers who are commenting each time right?? even with giveaway contests, not many cared to participate too, probably my prize is so cheap or the questions is too stupid, haha!! anyway, i like what this blog is now, at least with those 10 over readers i interact with them and feels like chit-chatting about things we care and don't care, it's more intimate and something happy to do, and definitely appreciate that!! of course, we also welcome other readers to join in the fun, nothing to be shy of~~ :)
though few readers cared to participate, still i need to announce results of the 8th anniversary giveaway contest from the previous post right?? congratulations to the three lucky readers, each winS an all-handmade personalized music CD as shown..

2014.03.13 | 歡慶八年

[Volume 9 Issue 3, #1870]
回想2006年時貪玩學人寫blog, 寫咗三四個月之後, 曾經面臨很想放棄嘅情況.. 幸好到了緊急關頭, 我話唔可以咁輕易俾自己放棄!! 所以當我其他朋友陸陸續續放棄寫blog嘅時候, 我仍然堅持住呢一份熱誠, 一路咁繼續寫, 從來冇諗過寫到今日, 已經係滿八年咁耐!! 第九年喇, 暫時都未有意思退下嘅, 哈哈!! 喺度衷心感謝大家對我嘅支持, 呢個blog先可以捱到今日!! 八年來一共寫咗1870個post, 算係比上不足比下有餘啦.. 今日, 請容許我喺度同大家分享我嘅小小驕傲, 祝我: 長寫長有!! :)
週年回顧: ■ 20062007200820092010201120122013
i remember back in 2006, friends around were actively blogging and so i joined in for the fun.. but soon after a few months, i found myself on the verge of giving up.. luckily at the critical moment, i told myself that i cannot allow myself to give up just like that!! hence while all my friends slowly gave up their blogs, i still kept on with that promise to myself, i continued writing and never have i expected it has been a full 8 years to date!! well, in this 9th year of blogging, i still have no intention to stop at least, haha!! i would like to truthfully express my gratitude to everyone for the support all these years, without you my blog will not last!! i now bag a total of 1870 posts in 8 years, though still incomparable to some super blogs, please allow me to share this glory of mine with you here today!! more years to go and more posts to come!! :)
review: ■ 20062007200820092010201120122013

2014.03.11 | 蠟燭事件

[Volume 9 Issue 3, #1869]
唔係, 今日唔係我生日, 而且我唔駛用到咁多支蠟燭啦!! 雖然我唔介意再一次提醒大家我嘅生日係.. 嗯, 都係唔好意思咁直接嘅, 大家睇一睇呢個blog嘅大名就會知我生日係幾月幾日啦, 呵呵!! 好喇, 其實今日係要講一宗關於蠟燭嘅事件.. 話說某日, 我去買蛋糕俾某位朋友, 以下係蛋糕店職員與我的對話:
職員: 請問先生要幾多支蠟燭??
本人: 啊, 要50支..
職員: 先生買俾爸爸嘅?? (臉上掛上燦爛微笑)
本人: 唔係呀boy, uncle係買俾朋友㗎.. (臉上掛上更加燦爛的微笑)
睇完我哋嘅對話之後, 大家有何感想?? 我明白後生仔職員, 因為工作關係需要態度友善, 不過我點睇都唔似有個大過我不足十五歲嘅老豆下化?? 我覺得好有可能係佢家父今年五十, 所以佢先衝口而出呢一句啫.. 真係傻得可愛, 所以我喺佢面前都自稱為uncle, 當係開佢一個玩笑, 哈哈~~ :D
nope, it's not my birthday and definitely i don't need so many candles lah!! though i don't mind reminding you again that my birthday is on.. errr, shy to tell so explicitly, just look at the name of this blog and you'd know, haha!! okay, it's a story about candles.. one day i went to buy a cake for a friend and this was the conversation between me and the server at the counter of the cake shop:
server: how many candles, sir??
me: errmm, 50, five-zero..
server: for your daddy?? (with a big smile)
me: nope boy, uncle is buying this for a friend.. (with an even bigger smile)
so what is in your mind after reading our conversation?? i understand the young man was trying to be friendly due to his job, but then i don't look like i have a dad who is less than 15 years older than me right?? i think his dad was probably 50, so he blurted out that guess?? so blur-ly cute, and that was why i addressed myself as "uncle" in front of him just to joke, haha~~ :D

2014.03.07 | 相片本子

[Volume 9 Issue 3, #1868]
放慢 | Slower [-]        [+] Faster | 加快
自從有咗自己部數碼相機之後, 我就已經冇再曬相喇, 要睇相就只有喺電腦螢幕上.. 直至舊年十月嘅某一日, 貓咪媽媽話我知團購網站上有免費相片印刷, 我當時就覺得反正免費我又冇蝕底, 所以拎咗先, 到時用唔用得著先算.. 就咁拖到新年前一個星期, 終於有時間下載軟件, 開始整我本相片本子.. 呢個軟件又幾好喎, 多功能而且又容易使用, 想點樣設計都冇問題, 雖然我完美主義嘅性格, 搞到我要一個星期時間先滿意自己嘅作品, 呵呵!! 呈交及上載嘅過程可以話係順利, 四日之後即係除夕日早上, 我就收到我生平第一本相片本子喇, 有本嘢喺手睇相, 感覺的確係實在好多!!
after since i owned a digital camera i have not sent any photos to print anymore, viewing has been on the PC screen only.. until one fine day last October, Cat Mamarazzi told me about free photobook offering online, i thought just grab it first since i won't rugi, whether i'll use it would be another issue.. and so i dragged till a week before CNY, downloaded the software and finally started to work on it.. i love the software as it's easy to use and packed with lots of features, i can personalized the photobook any way i like, though being a perfectionist cost me one whole week's time before i was satisfied with my work, haha!! the submission and upload was seamless and in four days right on CNY eve, i received my very first photobook, viewing photos on papers is surely more substance!!

2014.03.05 | 無字週三

[Volume 9 Issue 3, #1867]
大家好呀, 今日係星期三, 各位又或者身邊嘅朋友之中, 有冇人寫一篇類似「無字週三」(即係英文wordless wednesday)嘅post咁呢?? 我當然唔係啦, 你唔就係睇緊幾隻字咁囉!! 呵呵.. 其實我唔清楚呢一個玩意, 只係發生在我見過嘅幾個blog, 定係blog界中一個很普遍嘅作風呢?? 無論如何, 對我嚟講, 好可能係某些自稱好忙(同埋很懶惰)嘅博客嘅籍口, 就咁一張相就當搞掂一個post, 哈哈.. 雖然我都儘量將我篇post寫得精簡, 不過絕對唔會就咁幾張相而完全冇文字解釋.. 我始終認為每張相片至少有幾隻字(打幾隻字其實唔會用你好多時間啫), 我唔係好buy啲所謂「一圖說千字」或「讓圖片說故事」嘅事, 因為你要傳達嘅訊息, 未必係讀者見到相片後所諗嘅一樣.. 可能背後有啲所謂嘅情趣, 不過我仍然喜歡直接啲, 圖文並茂況且都會引起誤會, 想象一下齋圖無文一味靠估有幾危險.. 就好似facebook有人話「我覺得傷心」, 關心嘅朋友當然很自然會問咩事, 但係確得到「我唔想再提」呢一個回應, 咁你當時post呢個status搞撚呀??!! ■ 聲明
hello peeps, it's wednesday and are you or anyone you know publishing a post like "wordless wednesday" today?? of course i am not doing this, you are already reading some words aren't you?? haha.. i don't know if this is just the few blogs i've come across or is it a blogsphere-wide thing.. anyway to me, probably this is an excuse for the busy (and also lazy) bloggers to so-call having blogged for the day?? haha.. though i try to keep my posts short, i don't just post photos without a word.. i think it's appropriate to at least have short captions for the photos (that won't take you a minute to do it), i don't quite believe in things like "a picture tells a thousand words" or "let the picture tells the story", what you want to tell may not be what the viewer decipher.. maybe there's some hidden fun doing so, but i still prefer going straight to the point, even photos with words could create misunderstanding, imagine without a word and it's all by guessing.. it relates me to people posting "i am feeling sad" on facebook, and when friends who care asked what happened, they reply "i don't want to talk about it anymore", then why post that status??!! ■ disclaimer

2014.03.03 | 二月金榜

[Volume 9 Issue 3, #1866]
二月份已成過去, 三月份悄悄來到!! 當然呢個新舊交替嘅時間, 又係我為大家公佈上一個月來大家辛苦留言的成績喇.. 我哋仍然有穩守住冠亞軍位置嘅兩位朋友, 連續第二個月稱霸嘅冠軍, 依然係以贏足九條街嘅姿態奪標, 而十五強之內竟然只有三位男讀者, 我呢個blog嘅留言者果然係女人的天下, 呵呵!! 都係嗰一句啦, 恭喜所有榜上有名嘅讀者, 更加要多謝各位讀者嘅支持, 預祝大家有個充實嘅一周!! :)
february has just become history and march quietly crept in!! of course during this transition from the old to a new month, it's time again for me to share with you the results of your effort in commenting for the past month.. we still have the same top two strongly defended their position, with the champion winning a huge gap (making others eat her dust) for the second consecutive month, and among the top fifteen we only have pathetically three gentlemen, can i say commenting in my blog is actually the ladies' game?? hahaha!! and the same thing from me again, congratulations to all who made it to the chart, but most importantly thank-you's to every single one of you for your support, wishing all an amazing week ahead!! :)
二月份留言排行榜 Comment Chart for FEBRUARY
#(#)博客 Blogger留言
1(1)  LouizYee @ Breathe a little Slow down
★★ 兩個月冠軍!! Two months at #1!!
2(2)  Small Kucing @ SMALL KUCING16610/1031.22
3(4)  Hayley @ Hayley and Herself6810/1028.6-
4(5)  小影 @ As An Unrest Life13810/1024.91
5(3)  Twilight Man @ TWILIGHT ZONE7310/1021.21
6(7)lina @ Life In My Own Backyard5010/1014.4-
7(11)Yan @ Blog with Yan2810/1014.4-
8(13)Libby @ My Blog, My World, My Memories3810/1012.6-
9(8)wenn @ Experiences549/1012.3-
10(9)Somewhere in SG @ Somewhere in SG Blog5110/1012.1-
11(6)suituapui @ Still Crazy All The Years2710/1011.72
12(14)mNhL @ An On-line Diary to Share328/1010.9-
13(10)reana claire @ Caring Is Not Only Sharing159/1010.5-
14(-)ChrisAu @ times of refreshing
★★ 最大躍進!! Biggest Leap!!
15(19)Choi Yen @ Mimi's Dining Room77/107.2-
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