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2014.03.13 | 歡慶八年

[Volume 9 Issue 3, #1870]
回想2006年時貪玩學人寫blog, 寫咗三四個月之後, 曾經面臨很想放棄嘅情況.. 幸好到了緊急關頭, 我話唔可以咁輕易俾自己放棄!! 所以當我其他朋友陸陸續續放棄寫blog嘅時候, 我仍然堅持住呢一份熱誠, 一路咁繼續寫, 從來冇諗過寫到今日, 已經係滿八年咁耐!! 第九年喇, 暫時都未有意思退下嘅, 哈哈!! 喺度衷心感謝大家對我嘅支持, 呢個blog先可以捱到今日!! 八年來一共寫咗1870個post, 算係比上不足比下有餘啦.. 今日, 請容許我喺度同大家分享我嘅小小驕傲, 祝我: 長寫長有!! :)
週年回顧: ■ 20062007200820092010201120122013
i remember back in 2006, friends around were actively blogging and so i joined in for the fun.. but soon after a few months, i found myself on the verge of giving up.. luckily at the critical moment, i told myself that i cannot allow myself to give up just like that!! hence while all my friends slowly gave up their blogs, i still kept on with that promise to myself, i continued writing and never have i expected it has been a full 8 years to date!! well, in this 9th year of blogging, i still have no intention to stop at least, haha!! i would like to truthfully express my gratitude to everyone for the support all these years, without you my blog will not last!! i now bag a total of 1870 posts in 8 years, though still incomparable to some super blogs, please allow me to share this glory of mine with you here today!! more years to go and more posts to come!! :)
review: ■ 20062007200820092010201120122013


[NOTE] This post has more than 200 comments, if you thought some comments are missing, please click "Load more.." at the bottom of the comment threads to show all at once. Blogger hides them, NO COMMENT IS DELETED!! :)
  1. Orange, wow! So vibrant! I like!

    Good morning! But KL looks to be another hazy day today from yesterday. No view of the KL twin towers today from my perch.

    1. Happy 8! Fing-fing too?

      Good luck with the contest, everyone!

    2. Yah, very hazy at KL today...=[

    3. Good mornig HS and Xiao Ying

      No difference at my side...everyday also hazy like mah.

      Ya lor today's terkejut me i thought i go wrong blog coz see suddenly the template so happening. I thought SK only change once a month

    4. I thought SK "chui ming sing" la.. (kejar superstars).. kekekeke.. suddenly in "chui ming sing" mode.. Rupanyer, he wana celebrate his 8th year.. That's why he put on party punyer mode, kekeke..

      Dah lah hazy weather.. Lagi water rationing pulak.. Sien hor.. Touch wood, fingers crossed, my area is not listed in all the phases, but of coz I still kept water to play safe la..

    5. Maybe he just change for today only then tomorrow change back to the March theme again?

    6. Hmm, then we shall have to wait for tomorrow to see if SK change back his layout and theme to the previous one.. Kekeke.. But today, quite special hor, the colour is wild and "fierce", banyak party punyer mood la, keke..

    7. Baru Thursday...and you've party mood now?

    8. very hazy today, i guess it's the worst so far lately..

      hmmm, my blog is 8 but fing-fing is only 7.. and because of this 8th anniversary of my blog, i purposely changed the template and a new banner lah.. must have something special for this occasion mah.. this will stay like it is until end of the month, no need to speculate~~ :D

  2. Morning!!! Morning!!! Happy 8th anniversary to your blog!!!

    1. 小影 code: 56248

      wondering did you miss upload the Chinese version giveaway? Coz the one in Chinese version is in English as well duh!!!

    2. 小影: thank you for your interest in the participation, we shall wait to see who are the winners!! :)

      haha, you are right, both the Chinese and English link will open the same document.. find it difficult to translate it into Chinese lah, i think my readers can understand English lah.. :)

  3. Happy anniversary to your blog! Wahhhhh!!!! 8 years already. Keep up the good work. How much have you made through blogging in total over the years?

    1. Ahhhhh!!!! I'm No. 7 in your list. Not bad, still in the Top 10. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    2. There's a ranking ke for the thank you list?

      Thank you SK for listing my name too regardless what no. or position it is ^^

    3. got ranking ke? not he simply hentam...LOL....

      Wah...can see SK made a lot of friends through blogging leh. So many still follows this blog though have been 8 years already. Salute SK la for having so many loyal followers. Keep up the good work!

    4. 8 years of blogging.

      SK must have had fun right? He can practise his programming and coding, meet awesome (us) bloggers and spammers, rant about stuff, praise about stuff, show us Fing Fing (who is mooning in the photo above)...

      Apa lagi? ^^

    5. also travelogues...

    6. aiyoh, STP why so serious about the order of your name in the list?? you want to be the first?? can lah, then i can do that to please you, haha!! yes, 8 yeas of blogging and sure i made a lot of friendships and a lot of fun.. but definitely no money since my blog is not popular and no sponsors are willing to pay me for writing *sob sob*.. and surely not earning as much as you and don't have friends like you to stuff you with food from all over the world.. see how popular you are and how much you are loved, even just only 6 years into blogging.. :)

      yes ladies, i think making a lot of friends here is the greatest thing, though some may have just gone.. but still i am enjoying blogging.. yeah, the extra stuffs i put in, the spamming and the rantings and chatroom thing.. you are all amazing people!! :)

  4. Elo, elo.. Morning.. Princess Ribbon here.. Reporting, over over..

    I have just changed my blogger name to nama glamour baru.. Nama vogue sikit.. Princess Ribbon.. Was thinking of Princess Polka Ribbon.. But think think, stick to Princess Ribbon lor.. There was Princess Jakun, Princess Glutton, or mixed both princess Jakun Glutton, gawd, name already princess, how to add the word glutton or jakun, so ugly, right? So, in the meantime, I have settled on Princess Ribbon..

    Thanks to the bloggers that I’ve known here in the blogworld for giving me this name.. I like..

    1. Sorry about my introduction.. Need to announce ma.. Later you all dunno who is Princess Ribbon pulak.. Or you all thought somebody use my picture and take my name, but it’s not me pulak.. keke..

      Oohh, so today is about what ahh.. *scroll up and click on the tabs*

      Meow, if you are reading this, sorry, I know, your copyright, teehee..

      Eh, aku tak paham itu 8th anniversary giveaway tab contest.. Call me jakun.. Apa tu? Yep, shallow knowledge, or maybe I not yet “liu gai” SK and his blog history yet..

    2. SK, hate me if you like.. First glance at your picture doesn’t look like FingFing.. Looks like a chunk of poo leh..

      My desktop was loading very slowly.. When I click on your link, it loaded the upper part, halfway, so you can imagine the image only can see half, and I can only see “yat pek yeh”..

      But after the screen loaded all, then ok lah, can see it’s a soft toy backside..

    3. Talking about blogging, I am a late started.. I started in 2012.. I started since having Kenzie boy.. So I tend to surf the net a lot to look for info when it comes to kids, parenting, or when the kid is sick.. So I look for information like natural remedies for sick kids, kid’s activities, and so on..

      Then I came across many mummy’s blogs when I search for information like this.. They documented from A-Z about their life, their family, kids, etc..

      So I was thinking, ok, why not start a blog and write about what I feel like writing.. I don’t have to follow them ma.. Mine is not a pure mummy blog who only talks about kids and home-life.. Mine is a mixture of something about everything – trying to conceive, getting pregnant, pregnancy, confinement, breastfeeding, parenting, kids, cooking, baking, work, complaints, rants and some nonsense, alongside with some “radio deejay” fantasies
      (SK, if you are reading this, you taught me what is “radio deejay”, teehee) and lastly, some princess tales on “kun yam ping” or slave soldiers at work, just for fun..

      So my blog is a rojak blog, with everything in between…

    4. My blog used to be for my own eyes only.. Until I dared myself and emails SK to introduce myself.. Don’t ask me why I did that.. I know I could have just commented in his blog for him to come over to mine and get to “know me”… But I took the initiative to email him first.. Surprisingly, he replied my mail, a few times, and I can feel he is very friendly.. Very nice.. Real.. You know what I mean mou?

      I told him my blog is very new. No comments. Nobody knew about it too.. It’s just for my eyes.. He asked me to go blog hopping and eventually, more people will know about my blog..

      Noone knows about my blog (close friends and family members) because I never intended to let them know (even until today).. So everyone that commented in my blog are all from you too, the bloggers whom I get to know here..

    5. So I also wana take this opportunity to thank all bloggers (and silent readers) who comment (and drop by) my blog.. I know there are more than this because the blog views in my stats sometimes reach 300 views! I am happy people are reading my blog..

      If you like what you read and if you like me, do hop over and read my blog.. If you don’t like my blog or if you don’t like me, nobody point a gun at your head and force you to click on my blog lah ok..

      Like I always say:
      "Suka tengok boleh komen, tak suka tengok tak payah komen"... "Suka baca mari baca, tak suka baca please get lost"...
      My blog is for nice people only.. I write what I like.. My sukak !

      Yau sing kak mou?

    6. Ok, I re-read (a few times) and I got what you mean liao.. I got the game rules liao.. Here goes mine:

      Princess Ribbon: 56248

    7. Good morning Your Royal Highness Princess Ribbons!

      you made me nearly had an heart attack see my blog comment got One Princess Ribbons come and comment. I thought is that crazy B come kacau again with different screen name. Lucky this old lady long life. else mati terus pasal terkejut.

      Manyak glamour la your name :)

      Wah SK blog anniversary you also clebebrate by changging name ah?

    8. Eh Meow, you are late today.. Late masuk opis ke? Did what this morning? Eh, don't call me YRH ler, malu, keke..

      Really ahh, I made you terkejut ke? Eh, altho my name put Princess Ribbon, my face still appear in my picture kan? Same picture ma, I no change also.. Ooohh wait, before you approve my comment, you cannot see my face hor..

      Glamour leh my name.. Banyak vogue pun..

    9. No masuk opis today. Tarak mood to work.

      It appear in my mail box not blog. Mine one all comments masuk moderation so if got any comments comes in it will go to mail box. Tarak photo punya . LOL

      looks like you and SK Blog today very glamour lor....one got HRH title and one got famous stars in template :)

    10. Yeah, I got what you mean.. Anyway, now clear liao, Princess Ribbon is me lor, keke.. Thanks for giving me this name.. I like.. This glamour name ahh, means a lot to me, coz I get it from the bloggers here whom I've known altho only for such a short period..

      Virtual chatroom, virtual kopitiam, blow water, pass time, "sip nga la", whatever, you name it, but I'm happy to find you guys la..

      Wah, ini sudah masuk "sob sob mode", can somebody please pass me a tissue?

    11. Don't sob sob la...(pass you tissue here!!! =])

    12. Princess Ribbon: thank you for your interest in the participation, we shall wait to see who are the winners!! :)

      wah, Princess Ribbon wrote like i am the one bringing her into another level of blogging lah.. errr, so how?? more fun like that right?? i mean you open yourself to the world, and you make friends and can chit-chat a bit everyday, rather than keeping your blog to yourself.. i am sure you cannot tahan keeping things to yourself and must share them right?? and look at how much fun she has brought in, until we gave her so many nicknames, haha!! no need to say thank you lah, it's a very mutual platform and all people here are friendly and also crazy.. just enjoy the fun, be open and don't take things too seriously here.. we have enough things to worry about in life, so just get in here, forget about the reality a bit and enjoy a virtual room of craziness :)

      haha, maybe Princess Ribbon must do an official announcement in her blog about the change of her name lah.. make it more grand mah, else Small Kucing terperanjat~~ :D

    13. SK, I think you are very scary leh.. You can read people's minds ahh? Justnow ahh, when I was reading your comment line by line, my heart skipped a beat leh.. The line where you wrote "i am sure you cannot tahan keeping things to yourself and must share them right??"

      Gawd.. I'm speechless for about 3 seconds.. Wait, let me take a breath and think what to write..

      Yes, you are right.. I cannot keep secrets.. Hou sanfu ga.. People tell me secrets ahh, I have to reveal in my blog.. I feel bad leh.. Else, if i can dig a hole on the earth and whisper into the ground, I would have done that.. But I'm worried the trees and flowers would hear it, and spread to the world, just like Wizard of Oz.. The trees are evil and the plants around them are evil and they have ears.. How?

      I believe now you can sort of "analyse" one person from the way that person walk and talk.. Ooops, minus the walk.. The way the person write or talk.. Correct ahh I say like that? So analytical la you.. I admire you wor..

      Make announcement in my blog ahh? Thought of it that day, but last last, didn't do it.. Today I will have a new post, maybe I slip the announcement in the introduction part lor.. Sekali.. Senang...

    14. hahaha, i told you already mah.. i see your tail moving then i know you want to fart already!! muahahaha.. very true lah, we can actually kind of tell how a person is from the writings.. since you admit and confirmed that, then next time cannot tell you any secret already lah, haha~~ :D

  5. 56248 for your 3rd to 7th blog anniversaries respectively.

    1. Here you go "PIAK"!!!!

    2. I think I can get my list of songs ready liao - I got it at 9.05...before Princess Ribbon at 9.35...and small kucing at 11.55. Everybody else later... Hehehehehe!!!!

    3. Mine is 9.57, hehe!!!

    4. suituapui: thank you for your interest in the participation, we shall wait to see who are the winners!! :)

      errr, all answers received before the closing time will be treated the same.. early or later won't make a difference because i believe that sometimes people may not be able to login to read the post while some were already waiting by the PC.. let's make things merrier lah, everyone also happy mah right?? :)

    5. Aiyor!!!! Like that, die lor. I'm hopeless at lucky draws, so soi one!!! Whatever happened to first come, first serve...and the early bird catches the worm! Tsk! Tsk!

    6. wow, early bird is waking up early to comment before 5:30am while i am still soundly asleep, haha!! nah, my blog doesn't have high readership and you can actually see there are just a handful of unique readers commenting (though the number of comments seem to be a lot - don't be fooled by that), and among them just few would care to give face and support to take part in my giveaways.. the conclusion is, you stand a very high chance to win due to the low participation rate!! :)

    7. STP is always so early... Everytime I wake up from my bed, I definitely saw him posting at FB already.... early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, wise! Good luck STP, you can win one music CD from SK already....Yeah!!!!

    8. yeah, he is always the early bird!! good to sleep early and rise early, this is a healthy lifestyle.. we all should learn from STP..

  6. Happy 8th Anniversary to SK0617....like the vibrant color of your new wallpaper. It looks so happening....Let's Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Yep agree. Orange is very refreshing too.. But I still prefer to stick to baby pink and baby blue theme in my blog.. Then only can suit my Princess Ribbon status ma, keke...

    2. I would prefer to have purple and blue...which I like these two colours. Pink suits you lar... I rather go for red! hehehe....

    3. SK new look with orange and the Fing Fing's "8" position really looks awesome leh... Huat ar.

    4. Well it is SK0617 8th Anniversary, then I should pass the WHOLE HAZELNUT CHEESECAKE for you lor....

    5. Gee, I feel so kam tong "touched" that wrote a thank you not to us. SK you're amazing too. Wish all the best and successful in whatever you do.

    6. Need to get pen and paper ready for the 8th Anniversary giveaway task! So kan cheong here, once side having my eco rice, one side having pen and paper ready in front of my PC...Fuyoh.....

    7. Wait, FingFing is making the "8" position meh? To me, it looks like his backside leh.. Like coming from behind..

    8. Princess Ribbon aka LouizYee , I should say Fing Fing backside muahaha....

    9. Now I noticed that I came in actively spamming here in 2013, but how come I didn't wish his blog Happy 7th Anniversary eh? See see and looking back...I just came into his life ....hahaha no lar his BLOG in April after he announced the 1st quarter of 2013 ranking.

    10. Ok lar talk no more concentrating with SK 8th Anniversary Giveaway task! Good Luck everyone.

    11. 67415 may day may day,
      Before announcing the winner, I already decided and listed out the songs I want already... I had a feeling like he can reads people mind lor. Ok lar duan to be so perasan, but it seems liddat to me... hehehe. I bet SK wil know what songs I wanted this time if I win lar... I'm getting very "thick face" now...Better stop or else....talk more nonsense again...

      67415 roger and out!!!

    12. Ahhhh!!! Different numbers, 3.47 p.m. Stand in line now, don;t jump queue. Hehehehehe!!!!

    13. Angeline BK: thank you for your interest in the participation, we shall wait to see who are the winners!! :)

      hahaha, 8th anniversary is a big thing to me lah.. because i have never expected myself to go so far!! of course thanks to all of you to make this happen.. and to celebrate this achievement, of course i must have something different and joyous.. this orange theme (come on, it's celebration and not "fierce" thing lah) will stay on through this month, like it or not?? muahahahaha~~

      spot on Angeline!! yes, Fing-fing was actually trying to make a "8" pose mah.. can't see that meh?? this Princess Poo-poo always think about fart, pee and poo only, tsk tsk!! hehe :p

    14. SK, you miss out another thing about Princess Ribbon.. Always think of fart, pee, poo & hamsap stuff, keke.. You didnt see meh, I wrote Fing looks like he's cumming from behind.. Ooops, sorry, typo.. COMING from behind.. Sorry for the typo.. LOL..

    15. 56248 reporting again...good morning folks. Still no news from MH370 lagi. Hope this 56248 will be the magic code to call them back. We are all here waiting for your return.

    16. wah!!! Her Royal Highness Princess Ribbon the Jakun Glutton!!! you win already, we all speechless with your comment above!! this is 18SX lah, later my blog kena classified as adult contents leh~~

      Angeline: thank you for your interest in the participation, we shall wait to see who are the winners!! another attempt huh?? :)

    17. Angeline BK: thank you for your interest in the participation, we shall wait to see who are the winners!! :)

  7. wow, 2day is ur big day =D Happy 8th Anniversary


    It has come a very long way. I laughed so hard at some comments esp the blurr Small Kucing's earliest comments!!! Wakakakakaka

    1. that one is my "generic" comment la....LOL blur blur kucing comments lor. Those time i still blur kucing...why the heck this guy put short post and every now and then have what the heck chart. Only recent two yrs i baru active here dei. Thank to Yannie and Yan la...those two pull me in.

      that time i darn scared of you de.

    2. Meow, cerita cikit.. Why that time you were scared of SK? Cepat la.. Nak 8...

      Me leh, I no scared of SK.. But scared he no reply my email jek.. Then very no face one ma, kan.. kekeke.. I dared myself to send him email to introduce myself first, instead of just terus komen in his blog..

      But lucky he replied lor.. And told me many things too.. Ask me to go blog hopping.. Go komen komen in other people's blog (those that have blog rolls / blog list), then from there, get the ball rolling, etc..

      I also scared ga at first.. My blog is a humble blog.. Very simple.. Amateur type which only blog about ordinary things in an ordinary girl's life.. Ooops, I mean woman life.. kekeke..

    3. I scared of Anay la...not of SK. SK that time his comments in blog all very tame one.

      wahhhh you email him ah....terror man....

      But i guess 8 years blogging SK have seen many things la. SOmetimes blogging world can be very complicated also. Know less become happier. Know more will become discouraged.

    4. Wah, I lagi nak tau.. Don't la cerita half and no cerita half.. Wana tell, then tell all la Meow babe..

      Why you so takut TM jek? His face looks scary? Or his mouth open mouth only scold people? Tell la..

    5. haha, Princess Ribbon wants to know the story?? maybe she wants to consider taking one week fake MC and read all the comments from Day 1 until the current date.. then she will know the ins and outs of [SK/0617] more!! kekekekekeke.. just joking lah, please don't do that.. just bodek Small Kucing a little bit and she will be happy to tell you the story when she goes to her opis later :p

      and Small Kucing is right, i can't agree more.. throughout the 8 years of blogging and now into the 9th year, i have really seen many things lah.. that is why, Princess Ribbon, better don't want to know that many things and continue to be happy :)

    6. Actually I agree with Meow too.. Sometimes how, "mm chi hou kor chi".. (dunno better than know).. But one condition, don't start it and say halfway like that, u un ahh? Like, if wana say, say all out.. If don't wana say, then leave it like that, and change the subject.. Don't tell halfway, suspense like that, then diam diam after that lor, kan?

      Ok lah, I "sik jou"... "yuen chuin ming pak".. Of coz I won't ask and dig further.. Aiya, go pangsai also no time la, wana worry about this meh, kan?

      But hor, SK, you say like that hor, wah, suspense leh.. kekekeke..

    7. yalah, concluded already mah, better don't need to know so much of things and stay happy lah.. so case close, period!! better talk about nonsense and make life easier~~ :D

  9. I saw earlier names that raised my eye brows ~ FUFU and KEENYEE!!! Adoi these 2 ex bloggers who were so popular with ............ !!

    1. You could see that your blog has gone through so much changes from the layout and topic styles to the number of commenter! They come and go like wild flowers that bloom & whiter away. That's life and they are mere illusions.

    2. I wonder who is your oldest blog commenter that is still around today? I think it could be others and not me. I did not even ucap tahniah to your earlier Blog Anniversaries! Shame on me! Phiak!

    3. can see also the old profile photos. Anay you so cool la with the dark spec LOL

      so far i think everyone change profile pic except me . still the same old same old

      Can see the commenter comment longer and longer and got interaction in 2012 and 2013.

      Previous mostly just one liner.

      you la...and Foong PC maybe. The rest not so long commenter

      I baru join back 2010. That time pun one liner

    4. I wan see TM's big face can ahh? Means use the front camera of the phone and snap like that.. Means can only see face, no need to see body, can ahh? Like that baru best, head big big, kan?

      Yeah, I see each tabs, can see the comments and people gradually increasing.. Lastime when I first started to komen in SK's blog, I also only put a few sentences... Then slowly, dunno why I will start to write kebayan stories, kekekeke.. But that depends on topic also.. Not all the topics I can write a lot..

      Meow, lari topic a bit.. What are you going to give J's teachers for Teacher's Day this year?

    5. ....give R.O.T.A.N. seorang satu LOL....cheap cheap 60sen satu.

      duno yet wor.....mo plans.

      Why not u suggest to anay to put up his blogging face for his blog anniversary. Then you will see la.,

      Hmm.....I am still puzzling about SK secret code......wondering what it means. Hope SK will reveal answer soon else i tidur tak lena

    6. If I open mouth request TM to do ahh, I scared he gag me with socks and ask me shut up wor.. hehehehe.. Nah, kidding.. TM is a nice guy, he won't do that rite..

      Hahaha, give ROTAN ahh? You nie ahh...

      Wah, you will tak tidur lena if you dunno what is SK's code ahh? Eh, if you can't wait, whatsapp him now or give him a call to force him to reveal la..

    7. oh yeah.. reading my old posts is really a fun, and also to find some earlier names that could have already vanished in this blogsphere.. ah, how i wish everyone to stay on and continues with this amazing world of blogging.. anyway, of course i also understand that readers come and readers go.. it's nice to see new friends, yet we cannot control old friends left and never come back again :)

      hahaha, don't think too much about the code lah, just some random number.. all you need to do is give me the 5-digit answer and wait to see if you are one of the winner :p

  10. Wow...8 years already. Same age as my son ! haha

    1. Orange looked very fierce. My blog anniversary is also in March. In another few days time....but I'm still thinking don;t know what to blog about.

    2. Good luck to those who took part in SK blog's contest.

    3. Good to keep your blog alive. Many people still wants to read your blog. haha.... actually I would prefer blog over FB because I like to read story.

    4. Thank you for including my name in the 'thank you list'. I will continue to support your blog . If you see me missing, it means I don't have the time to blog hop. Happy blogging and tq to you too for supporting my blog :)

    5. Orange looks "juicy" and refreshing, but the background like you said, a bit fierce and wild, kekeke..

      Maybe youngsters like it la, you know, clubbing and all.. Aunty si lai ribbon like me, no energy liao for these activities, kekeke.. Even karaoke also I don't like liao.. Going out at night also I cannot liao.. Every nite by 9pm, my eyes cannot open liao..

    6. 8 wild years...reminds me of Bon Jovi song have a Nice Day. My opis kept repeating this song for over a month liao.

      SK going to party ka today? Malam jumaat wor...........

    7. Meow, you must be dreaming.. It's Thurs today..

    8. Princess Ribbon, I same like you. My eyes cannot open after 9pm.....cannot party till late night anymore. No more energy...... when my kids sleep, i also want to sleep. haha

    9. Go check with your malay colig. Mlm jumaat la today. Ngek ngek ngek

    10. hehehe, same age as your boy!! what a coincidence.. and no lah, this theme is not meant to be "fierce" but rather a celebration and let's party mood lah.. 8th anniversary mah, it's a big thing to me because i never expect to go so far, and of course thank you everyone of you for making this happen :)

      so early already go to bed?? aiyah, you all must learn from Small Kucing lah.. she sleeps late and wakes up early!! :p

  11. Happy 8th blog anniversary Ah Boy!!!!

    1. This year SK HUAT AHHHH..... huat huat huat 8888

      wah no wonder the template also s "high" la...party time!!!!

    2. hahaha.. 8 is a nice number mah, don't you think so.. and the 8th anniversary for my blog, must change the template to make it look more happening dei~~ :p

    3. Ooo!!! Maybe is that why you want to make your post to start at 8 and end with 8?

    4. hahaha, i already said mah, all my publish time are "auspicious" time mah.. you realize i always schedule my post to be published at 8:X8 am or not?? even WENNderwoman says this is good feng shui leh~~ :D

  12. what the heck happen to the template???????????

    Not new month wor.....why new template geh....

    opsss...sorry Good morning SK and everyone.

    Happy blog anniversary SK !

    1. What template?

      You mean you ask SK why suddenly change theme and layout izzit? He wants to celebrate ma, his 8th year in blogging, so the mode is party kot..

      At first, I thought he is having the "chui ming sing" fever.. Kekekeke..

    2. Nah.....all a long SK have been very constant type. Kinda terkejut see the template change out of the blue.

      For the life of me, I cant recall whether previous years SK got change template during his blog anniversary or not.

      I see this template I see haze and feel hot leh.........gimme a cool beer....dun want anchor.

    3. kekekeke, cannot be too predictable but have to give surprises occasionally mah, else things would be too boring right?? ngam ngam 8th anniversary for the blog today, so change new baju lor.. orange and concert - so celebration and so going wild and so party right?? :p

  13. Replies
    1. errrr...this number have special meaning ke? still garuing kepala on the number.....why this num...not sk bday not first post date.

      The 8 could be refering to 8th year....

      but the rest....5624??? could it be months where you got the highest number of comments for the respective years? Or number of new commenters in the respective years?

      hmm...or am i thinking too much......

    2. Random bah, izzit? You think too much..

    3. could not be random punya la....SK do things he always have step by step and reason for choosing those numbers.

    4. Meow, "lei jan hai liu gai" SK, you know his code sure got some meaning.. Wah, you make me suspense leh.. I also wana know..

    5. Small Kucing: thank you for your interest in the participation, we shall wait to see who are the winners!! :)

      aiyoh, so many question asked?? hahaha, i think i really must be giving an impression to everyone that i do every thing for a reason huh?? errr, good also lah, that means i am a structured and reasonable person?? hehehehehe~~ :p

    6. Meow, told you it's a random number aje..

    7. yalah, no need to think too much lah.. just hantam your answer kasi sama wa mari!! and then wait for the results~~ :p

  14. Hey....got error ni in your Thank you List.

    Cannot la...now no more Louiz Y. Now it's officially Princess Ribbons. Faster change else will get gagged, stuffed, tied up and .....alamak how does the think goes ah...i remember the last phrase is lock in jamban LOL.

    Joking ah.....jangan marah :p

    1. SK very efficient one la.. He mentioned before the minute he knows something not right or wrong info, he will "jar jar lum" go change and amend jor geh.. So I wana see he will amend his thank-you list mou.. Kekekeke.. But if no amend also nevermind la, small issue only.. But based on my analysis, I think he will change kot.. So we wait & see ok?

      I "pin dou seh tak" gag him with my ribbons wor? If I do, then what do I use to clip on my hair leh? Kekekeke.. Terbalik I think he will give one tight slap, until the ribbon fly 250m away from me..

    2. not yet change wor...now 1pm jor. Maye SK busy to read comments la

      ewww......SK where got so violant one... lol...he very polite de. If anything wrong he will say properly .

    3. Hmm now already 3.38pm he didn't amend it yet. Probably he is engaged with something in his office. Yes lor, SK won't be so bad one...he is a down to earth pengasih dan penyayang. Compare to me, I feel I'm more " chou lou" than him...

    4. haiyoh.. for the past one year mah!! that time Her Royal Highness Princess Ribbon was still LouizYee and she only changed her name to this glamorous title one day before my blog's anniversary.. of course in this context, she still stays as LouizYee mah.. i also didn't change angeline to Angeline BK, noticed?? hmmm, i have every reason to do things one.. if really an error, then i will be more kan cheong than anyone to rectify it, all perfectionists do right?? hahaha :D

  15. wow, congrats and happy 8th Blog Anniversary! Yes, keep it up and we shall do the same.

    1. yes, i think one great thing about blogging is that we share and we also motivate each other right?? give me five WENNderwoman~~ :)

  16. Dunno all the commenters in the early posts, some all in Mandarin. Are you still in touch with them?

    1. Choonsie... I vaguely remember that name, a teacher in Kuching?

    2. hmmm, sad to say, many names that appear earlier are now not seen.. i think those few that hang on there and are still active regulars are you STP, TM, Small Kucing, Happy Surfer, Lina.. who else i missed out??

      nope, Choonsie is my friend whom i've known her since Primary 1 and still keeping in touch.. nah, the world is a lot more enormous than Sibu and Kuching my friend :)

    3. Ok lah, I can't remember the exact name - something like that, a Science and Maths teacher in Kuching...but she's West Malaysian - never comment in my blog anymore, maybe gone back to the peninsula now...or married to someone in Kuching. I think her name is Choonie - so most likely, not the same person.

    4. hehehe, STP you met her before and cannot take your eyes off her and cannot get her out of your mind?? ooopsss, cannot let your missus see this wokay?? :p

  17. 8岁快乐,安哥 ^__*

  18. I only came and wish your blog Happy Anniversary in 2011?

    Tsk tsk.

    Bad Lina!

    1. really?? i thought you actually came much earlier lah..

  19. Wow Fa8t Fa8t Fa8t..blog on bro..

    1. yeah, HUAT HUAT HUAT!! and where has Bananaz been going??

  20. Gong Xi Gong Xi on your 8th Anniversary

  21. SK, Happy 8th Anniversary! Keep up the good work. Your blog is very entertaining that's why I come back for every post. But I got to know you a bit late but better late than never! I couldn't figure out your giveaway. The pictures very small (my eyesight not so good these days). Maybe my brain a bit slow but I'll come back and check later (as if my brain will improve).

    1. OKOKOK!!! Got magnifying glass ah! Now I can see bigger picture. Hmm...still trying to figure out....

    2. Phong Hong, good luck and try to figure it out it is fun! Stay tune for more interesting from SK. He is really an expert doing this kind of thing...IT expert leh him.

    3. Thank you, Angeline! My bomoh will get in touch with me shortly!

    4. thank you Phong Hong, hope you enjoyed your stay here though you just started to drop by.. you may find many "funny" things in this blog, but fret not, just stay on and you will get used to them and later accustomed and enjoy them much, hehehe~~

      can match the photo with the links i provided above mah, very simple only :p

  22. SK, nombor mari! 56248. Ngam mo?

    Just in case lah, my email is phong.hong8@gmail.com

    1. We said that already, you're No. 4 in line. You have my address, right, [SK]? Hehehehehe!!!!

    2. Phong Hong: thank you for your interest in the participation, we shall wait to see who are the winners!! :)

      wah, this STP is tracking the entries for me!! eih, do me a favor, send me a report after contest ends wokay?? haha~~

    3. Arthur, I am very slow tsk..tsk..tsk...

      SK, I hope I get lucky!

    4. slow and steady.. and the time doesn't matter in this giveaway :)

  23. Happy Blog Birthday!! Mine is in 2008 January.. so you are the blog veteran here.. must salute one.. tabik!! hahaha...

    1. haha, i am the blogging old bird!! eih, not bad lah, actually 8 years is a big thing to me lah, never thought i can go so far.. but surely must thank everyone for making this happen.. :)

  24. I love your personalized CDs.. been "lau hau sui" for very long.. anyway, not so sure about the answer... . can simply follow or not? hahaha.. .follow majority.. 56248 but I think more than 3 readers liow.... hahaha...

    1. THE GRAND PRIZE also makes me "Lau Hau Sui" too. Yeah I got my Triumph in the sky personalized music CD leh last year...Geng mou!

    2. reana claire: thank you for your interest in the participation, we shall wait to see who are the winners!! :)

      yeah, i hope i can still use this personalized music CD as a weapon to attract more readers to comment lah.. so afraid one day everyone gets bored of it then i gotta think of other tricks already :p

  25. Good evening SK and everyone, sorry, i'm late today, the weather here is soooooo hot and there's haze also...

    1. Happy Anniversary to your blog... I also wanna thank you and all those who has been dropping by by my blog for the support...

    2. I remember i start my blog is because, i heard over the radio, the DJ was mentioning about blog, and out of curious, i start my own blog too...

    3. Yah, hardly breathe outside...

    4. I am Happy that through blogging, i got to know you folks...

    5. Hello, Good Evening, Sharon!!! =]

    6. Went back to your 2009 and saw there's a little boy That's My Goal, he's from KL too, got add him in FB and i like to kajiao him, his name is Chi Leong...

    7. As for Kai and Baobei, meetup with him once when he was in Singapore outstation, only that didn't take picture, a nice guy...

    8. oh the weather is also hot here, and worse still, we have scary haze that makes the visibility so low!! how's the situation in Singapore?? clear sky??

      oh yeah of course i remember Chi Leong and Kai & Baobei.. have not met them up before.. they used to comment in my blog and i used to visit their blogs too, but now no more already :(

    9. I saw newspaper, the haze very bad in KL. There's haze here, but not that bad.

      I also have not meet Chi Leong before...

    10. yeah, many places are already in "dangerous" level, today the haze seems to be worse than yesterday..

    11. Is that bad? I'm wondering my concert tonight is outdoor, will it be cancel?

    12. never mind lah, forget about the haze and enjoy your concert!! i am sure you are going to get wild and crazy tonight!! hehe~~

  26. Replies
    1. Somewhere in Singapore: thank you for your interest in the participation, we shall wait to see who are the winners!! :)

    2. Got win or not win, i will still support your blog... hehe...

    3. Sharon very good one, she supports everyone here...

    4. yeah, all of you also good lah.. truly appreciate everyone who come by and drop a comment :)

  27. You're No. 5 for these numbers in this sequence... :D

    1. eih, please give me a consolidated report when contest ends wokay?? hahaha.. :p

    2. good luck to everyone who cared to participate!! :)

  28. 56248

    My email lilian_fu2002@yahoo.com

    1. No. 6 in line for this number... ;)

    2. Libby: thank you for your interest in the participation, we shall wait to see who are the winners!! :)

  29. Princess Ribbon, indeed initially when I started my blog, it was for my own eyes without any comment, it is quite a sad thing, talk talk talk in my blog but nobody respond, then in 2012 I started bloghopping and leaving comments in other people's blogs, and surprisingly to me there is some response, people start to link me up and visit me back and they also leave comments in my blog.

    I feel so happy, at least I am no longer talking to the wall and to the air in my blog, people read my blog and I had made some blogger friends too, they encourage me when I feel down, and feel happy for me when I share something nice such as good food or somewhere I visited.

    1. yeah, good things must be shared!! makes no fun if you just blog for your ownself, then it's like talking to yourself in an empty room with just four walls.. better to open up and interact with more people around, and then you will realize there are so many friendly people sharing the same common interest as you do.. and there's where you gain friendships and other experiences.. :)

    2. I'm a late starter, but it's ok kan, nothing's too late, see we wana do or not jeh..

      Yep, when I started, it was just for my own eyes.. Heck, when I googled back my blog, it didn't even appear for the next 4-5- months, believe?

      I started stalking many people's blogs already that time, just that I didn't read any comments.. I saved them in my favourites, and visit them everyday to see thier post.. And, of all the bloggers, I keep coming back to SK's blog.. And one day, I just decided to email him, keke..

      It took me a few weeks to absorb his advise, on blog hopping.. Initially, I only leave comments in his blog, then to TM's.. Slowly to Meow's... After a few weeks only I dare to leave comments in other blogs.. And now, after about 7 months (since I emailed him) only I dare to blog hop further (but still the same people in his blog rolls la)...

      Happy jugak la, teehee...

    3. Hi Libby same here, when I was starting my blog in 2008, it was like the same feeling like you. Talk and talk and only have 3 precious friend Y&Y sistas and Hayley responded which I feel very contented already. Ya slowly gain interest to bloghopping and followed those blog sites I prefer and I like to read. Interaction is very important to gain more readers to come over your blog. I knew Lina, Meow and STP's blog first than TM and SK.

    4. Then now I got a new blog to visit... Princess Ribbon (^*_) She is spontaneous and cute too!

    5. yeah, i also started with just a few friends reading.. and throughout the years, i started to meet more bloggers (virtually in the blogging world, of course) and now we are, having this kind of "chatroom" style commenting.. hey, i really like this, it's the interaction that we actually gain friendships and knowledge through all the sharing, of course nonsense also lah, but that is fun right?? why so serious?? :)

  30. So fun playing this game, and happy 8th anniversary, SK, and I am happy to see my name in your thank you list. Keep on blogging! Keep the passion in blogging burning and enjoy the moment, cheers!

    1. thank you, and i am grateful for all the support you and other bloggers have rendered.. much appreciated!! :)

  31. 八周年快乐!继续写下去,祝越写越精彩!

    1. 感謝感謝, 承你貴言哦 :)

    2. 哈哈,SK一定会越写越精彩的!他的点子很多,我相信他以后会想出更多好玩的游戏,写更多更棒的文,还有分享更多有趣的照片!嘻嘻~
      (怎么感觉我好像很了解你SK? LOL! 没有啦,开开玩笑ya!)

    3. 呵呵!! 當然要把讀者的心給留住, 我就有義務其弄多些有趣點子嘛.. 我自己喜歡新鮮事物, 太呆板會很悶的~~ Hayley看了我那麼久的blog, 了解我也不是不可能的事嘛~~ :p

  32. My blog is seven months younger than your blog.

    1. oh, so you are also waiting to celebrate it's 8th anniversary huh?? :)

  33. My first year in on the october 17th, 2006.

    1. mark the date and celebrate!! haha :)

  34. Hello hello SK!
    How are you doing? Friday is here, it means weekend is here too! Hehe! Working mood on Friday is very special one right? =)

    Wow, 8 wonderful years of blogging already?? Congratulations on making it this far, and happy 8th anniversary!! 8 might be a small number for some people (especially those super blogs) but to me, it's long enough! It's the 8th year, very 'hou yi tao', 'fat', huat ar! xD
    1870 posts is a big number! I just checked on my posts, only 1109 posts, 761 posts behind you ler! Haha xD
    I started blogging in 2008, 2 years later than you ;)

    1. Actually reading your post reminds me of myself, I do have a few friends who started blogging as well, almost the same time like me. But since like 3-4 years ago, they had abandoned their blog and eventually, I also deleted their links, I guess I am the only one who is still blogging these days, and quite frequent I'd say ;)

      Blogging is indeed a very 'weird' thing, when I started blogging, I treat it as my personal diary, write whatever feeling I have. Slowly, I realize how wonderful it became. For example, I get to know wonderful blogger friends from all over the world (though 90% of my blogger friends are from Malaysia la! xD), I also get to learn more through blog hopping (from sharing life events, to cooking, baking, beauty, family and even motherhood). Also not forgetting to mention, I received many gifts from my readers! These are all pleasant surprises of blogging which I never expect in the beginning.

    2. Now, I treat blogging as part of my life, at least must blog hop once every 2 days, if not everyday (except if I'm oversea or have no Internet connection la).
      I won't give up blogging too, but sometimes I might be busy til I lost the mojo to blog (temporarily), but I know I won't give up or close the blog for no reason ;)

      For once I wish my blog can be popular like those celebrity bloggers who had thousands over followers and all (haha day dreaming-ing), those are my 'immature' thinking back then... Actually come to think of it, got so many followers also no use, if some of them are mean, who will purposely write or say something bad about you, just because they are jealous of you, or they just wanna critic for no reason..
      I rather have 10 sincere followers, than 100 followers whom some of them are 'fake'.

      And now I just blog humbly, I don't wanna be famous, I just write and share my thoughts, at least I know this way, I am enjoying what I'm doing ;)

    3. As for the giveaway right, it sounds interesting! I really wanted to participate but right now, my brain is not working very well, due to lack of sleep, haha xD No la actually my battery low already, I should go charge and come back again tomorrow to play! Wait for me ya!
      I know I can just read people's comments and answers and copy the same but I don't want to, at least must try myself first ma, right!

      No intend to win or anything but just for fun, since SK's games is always very interesting and his gifts are all very nice and sincere ;)

    4. Mine total only 560 posts and I started blogging in 2006

    5. Hayley you're a successor blogger mummy. You blog very well Hayley. I'm not consistent and I will just leave my blog unentertained until cobweb one (when I'm busy with something). Then I'll come to blog again when my mojo is back. Hmm let me check my latest # of posts... is 785 only since 2008. Anyway thank you for encouraging me to start blogging. Same to Y&Y.

    6. i have to agree with Hayley.. when i started to blog, it's like just for the sake of fun because friends around were doing it.. i was like just a bird flocking to board on the bandwagon only.. never have thought going so far.. and few months later, started to thought of giving up because friends also slowly stop blogging.. but then later told myself i cannot give up.. and like Hayley, once i really wanted to be like those famous celebrity bloggers, having lots of fans and very concern about my readership.. but i think now, i have a totally different perspective towards blogging.. i like your quote, rather have 10 loyal fans than to have 100 hi-bye friends!! and true, it's the quality and not the quantity.. as like now, i think my blog is not high in readership, and you can see only a handful of regular readers come to comment.. though i may seem to have a lot of comments for the posts, but the unique commenter is just a few.. anyway, i am happy, because i really treasure the support even just from these few people.. it somehow make us closer and feel like friends, rather than just some generic and flattering comments from someone you are not close with :)

      it's not about the number of posts you have lah.. just blog at your own pace and own mood, but never give up blogging.. in the end, 500 posts of 2000 posts, what is more important is those intrinsic things you can really see, but gain through blogging :)

  35. Congratulations and Happy 8th Anniversary! I started in year 2006 and lately hasn't been posting regularly. :P I have made many friends through blogging and I value their friendship.

  36. Continue blogging, don't stop !

  37. You got new readers like me .... lol
