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29.08.2013 | 最近瑣碎

[Volume 8 Issue 8, #1779]
最近某日嘅一個朝早, 就有三個不同嘅遊客行過嚟向我問路.. 我諗大概係我個樣生得非常之親善, 又或者非常之精靈啦.. 大家覺得呢?? 呵呵!! :D
one fine morning recently, there were three different tourists who approached and asked me for directions.. i guess most probably i look very friendly or very wise to them.. what do you think?? haha!! :D
週末食錯嘢搞到星期一那日肚屙, 本來已經係好痛苦㗎啦, 但係偏偏嗰日要無端端制水!! 好彩肚屙唔嚴重, 水箱仲有足夠儲水咋, 如果唔係@#$%^?!你想象下~~
had diarrhea on monday, supposed already suffering but worse was there was suddenly no water supply!! luckily my diarrhea wasn't serious and we had enough water saved in the tank to use, else @#$%^?! you could imagine~~
最近容易背痛, 我覺得可能係長時間以不良姿勢坐住, 同埋經常背著我好重嘅袋所造成.. 某日見到一個孕婦, 佢啟發咗我去諗, 我個大肚腩會唔會都係其中原因?? :p
my back gets pain often lately, i think it could be due to a long term incorrect sitting posture and also carrying my heavy bag.. one day i saw a pregnant lady and she inspired me to think, could my big tummy be one of the causes too?? :p

28.08.2013 | 即時一念

[Volume 8 Issue 8, #1778]
好多時候當見到身邊發生某些事情嘅時候, 我哋往往都會有一種天馬行空嘅念頭一閃腦海.. 以下例子當中, 大家有冇曾經又或者經常產生一啲瘋狂念頭呢??
  • 有人食緊煙, 仲要噴到你一臉都係二手煙..
    我希望可以托住把大風扇, 將佢啲二手煙吹返俾佢自己慢慢享受!! 要食煙就唔該你行遠啲!!
  • 有人傷風, 不停喺度咁索鼻涕..
    我希望可以遞我包紙巾俾佢, 跟住話佢知「你如果冇紙巾(申), 可以用我包」!! 其實我真係覺得嗦嗦聲好核突囉~~
  • 有架汽車或電單車以高速駛過, 只係聽到vroom一聲而不見蹤跡..
    其實都唔關我事, 不過我會好直覺性咁將vroom一聲聯想去以bang一聲收場!! 可能係我認為高速駕駛對性命造成極度危險嘅原因..
  • 有個身材非常均勻, 精壯, 有睇頭, 有線條嘅男人..
    我會非常羨慕佢嘅好身材, 跟住就幻想自己都擁有佢咁好嘅身材!! 就直頭copy and paste佢個身材落我自己度, 跟住永久不變, 哈哈!!
sometimes when we see things happen around us, there often appears some rather amazing imaginations in our minds.. for example the situations below, have you ever had or always have some crazy thoughts??
  • someone smokes and puffs the smoke onto your face..
    i hope to have a huge electric fan to blow the smoke back to that smoker and let him/her enjoy his/her own second-hands smoke!! if you wanna smoke, please stay further away!!
  • someone has a runny nose and keeps on sniveling..
    i hope to pass him/her a packet of tissue paper and then tell him/her "if you don't have one, please use mine"!! i find that noise quite disgusting~~
  • a car or motorcycle sped by and all you heard was a vroom..
    doesn't really irritates me but i don't know why i instinctively associates the vroom to end up with a bang!! maybe it's just that i think speeding is putting our lives at risks..
  • a man with a very well built, lean, defined and proportioned body..
    i will admire his nice body and hope to have a body like that too!! copy and paste his body onto mine, lock it for editing and then save it as read-only, hahaha!!

27.08.2013 | 連線至上

[Volume 8 Issue 8, #1777]
我諗社交網絡已經唔係咩新鮮嘢啦.. 不過圖中一大堆嘅社交網絡, 我發覺自己好落後呀, 因為我淨係得F, B同G咋!! 哈哈, 不過呢三樣嘢對我嚟講都夠晒啦, 所以我非常好奇其他人有更加多嘅網絡, 究竟點樣搵咁多時間去照顧全部呢?? 話說某校宿舍發生火災, 當大家都在逃命之際, 有一位同學卻仍然留守房間.. 因為佢影到宿舍火災情況要第一時間上載facebook, 但係又因為佢用嘅DG網絡線路繁忙, 所以不得不耐心等候線路.. 好喇, 相片終於成功上載, 結果佢個宿舍火災post, 所有二千幾個friend之中得到二百七十六個like, 就係完全唔見人comment問候!! 讀到呢度, 大家應該知道係個虛構故事, 不過所反映嘅現實病態, 雖然我唔係單刀直入說明, 相信大家都明白我背後嘅意思呵?? :)
social networking is nothing new to us i guess.. but from that list in the photo, i think i'm kind of out because i only have that F, B and G!! haha, but that's already quite taxing for me, i wonder where do people with more social network accounts find time to manage all of them?? there was once a hostel was on fire, while all students were running out of the hostel for their lives, there was one student who was still staying in his room.. because he has managed to snap a photo of the burning hostel and wanted so badly to post it to Facebook immediately, but since he is subscribing to DG network, he had no choice but to wait patiently for a better connection.. finally the photo was posted, he got 276 likes for his hostel on fire post from his 2000 over friends, yet none commented to ask if he was ok!! at this point, i bet you think this is just a story i created, however for the crazy deeds it was telling, though not directly, i believe you get the meaning behind that i hope to highlight yeah?? :)

26.08.2013 | 手機落廁

[Volume 8 Issue 8, #1776]
大家係唔係經常都會聽到身邊嘅人話手機跌咗入馬桶?? 或者你自己都曾經有過咁嘅經歷?? 如果真係咁唔好彩, 你會唔會第一時間搵件家生, 或搵其他人幫手, 甚至自己伸手落去執返部手機上嚟呢?? 好喇, 執返部手機上嚟, 你會點樣處理?? 清洗乾淨繼續用, 定係因為跌落馬桶而硬係認住有啲物體仲堆積喺部手機裡面呢?? 咁都要睇下當時係咩情形先可以決定點做嘅, 好簡單, 就譬如話事情發生在如廁前同如廁後, 兩種情況之下當然都有唔同嘅應對方法啦.. 前者應該冇咁多顧忌, 後者就當然就要認真諗一諗啦.. 之但係話又說回頭, 手機點解會跌入馬桶呢?? 如廁嘅時候都仲要玩手機, 興奮過頭由隻手度跣咗落去?? 求其擺落褲袋, 除褲或著褲嘅時候唔覺意甩咗出嚟?? 問心講一句啦, 一係就將部手機收好嚟先安心如廁, 一係就索性連部手機都唔帶入廁所, 咁咪唔會有呢啲咁尷尬嘅事情發生囉.. 係唔係先?? :)
do you often hear people around telling you that their mobile phones dropped into the toilet bowl?? or maybe you have encountered such an accident before?? if this unlucky thing really happens to you *touchwood*, would you instantly go grab something or find someone to help, or maybe straight away use your hand to pick up the phone from the toilet bowl?? okay, when the phone is picked up from the toilet bowl, how will you settle with it?? wash it clean and continue using, or still think there is something stuck inside the phone since it has dropped into the toilet before?? i guess it really depends on the situation before we can decide what to do yeah?? simple, take for example two situations where this happen before and after your "business", undoubtedly you will have different tactics right?? of course there are less to care about for that "before", but surely need to think thrice for that "after".. anyway, let's go back to the root of the accident, why would the phone drop into the toilet?? still insist to play with it and slip it because you are too excited with the game?? or too carelessly put it into the pocket, so the phone dropped out when you are pulling down or wearing your pants?? well well well, either we place the phone properly before we do our business, or simply just do not bring the phone along into the toilet, then such an awkward situation will not happen.. agree?? :)

23.08.2013 | 農曆七月

[Volume 8 Issue 8, #1775]
唔知大家見到呢張相之後, 會因為個色調而覺得佢恐怖, 定係因為個卡通主角而覺得佢可愛呢?? 點都好, 依家係農曆七月嘛, 我原本就係要佢有個恐怖feel嘅, 所以請大家都覺得佢恐怖啦, 呵呵!! 農曆七月喺華人嘅傳統裡面, 又俗稱為「鬼月」, 相信呢一個月內, 地府鬼門關打開, 孤魂野鬼可以喺人間四處遊蕩.. 細個嘅時候對呢一個月, 尤其係七月十四呢一日, 特別有份畏懼.. 不過大大下就其實覺得冇咩點啦, 都係介於信同唔信之間, 唔好疑神疑鬼就唔會自己嚇自己, 但係一啲禁忌我就覺得唔好忽略囉.. 老實講一句, 就當呢個世界有鬼魂呢回事, 大家生存喺唔同嘅空間, 互不干擾嘅話就肯定可以安然共存.. 無論係人係鬼, 呢個世界呢個空間唔係淨係圍繞你一個而存在, 所以個人認為大家都互相尊重係最重要嘅關鍵.. :)
wonder if you will find this photo spooky because of the color, or cute because of the cartoon character?? anyway, since this is the seventh month of the chinese calendar, i actually wanted it to look spooky, so please think it is spooky, haha!! it is also know as the "hungry ghost month" in the chinese tradition, where it is believed that during this month, the gates of hell are opened and hungry ghosts are free to roam the earth.. when i was a kid, i was kind of scared of this month especially on the 14th day itself.. but when i slowly grow older, i thought that was actually nothing much and i placed myself in between believing and disbelieving.. just refrain from thinking about ghosts all the time and i shall not frighten myself, but i still think that traditional practices and taboos shall not be neglected.. frankly speaking, let's just treat there are ghosts, but we are existing in different dimensions, if we do not disturb each other i guess probably we co-exist naturally.. be it human or ghost, the world or the dimension we are living in does not only run around you alone, hence mutual respect is what i personally think describes the prime importance..

22.08.2013 | 歡樂叮噹

[Volume 8 Issue 8, #1774]
係喇, 終於都完成任務, 集齊晒全部八個多啦A夢與朋友嘅公仔, 非常開心!! 首先我想講嘅係, 要集齊晒全部其實唔係你諗嘅咁易㗎, 因為買嘅時候係完全唔知道會得到邊一個.. 不過感謝其他多啦A夢粉絲, 喺面卜組咗個exchange group, 俾大家互相交換嘅一個平台, 等個個都可以集齊完整一套.. 活咗卅幾年, 我都係第一次搞埋呢啲網上交流, 不過算係咁啦, 與時共進嘛, 哈哈!! 好事冇咩好講啦, 講下啲衰嘢.. 除咗互相交換, 我就見到有某些人喺度趁火打劫, 以比原價高出幾倍嘅價錢, 轉售俾真正渴望得到嘅粉絲們.. 雖然我自己時運高就冇受到影響, 不過都幾係鄙視呢一啲人, 恨不得冇人幫襯, 等佢哋揸住啲貨慢慢蝕啦!! 呢個世界本來就已經唔多好人啦, 點解都仲要有人做埋晒啲咁自私, 咁惟利是圖嘅事呢?? 唉, 只不過係一個小小玩具, 就能夠睇清楚呢啲人嘅人格.. 文明的進化, 人情的退化, 何其悲哀的等價~~
yes, finally mission accomplished, i've collected all the eight doraemon & friends toys, very happy!! first of all, i'd like to say that it's not as simple as you think to collect a complete set, because we wouldn't know which one we were buying.. anyway, thanks to some doraemon fans who has set up an exchange group in facebook, so that anyone could go in for an exchange deal and complete the perfect set in the end.. i've been living for 30 over years and this was really my very first time getting involved in such a social activity, well to grow with time and trend that is, haha!! nothing much to talk about the good, but i wish to complain the bad.. besides exchanging, i also saw some people taking advantage, reselling the toys at few times more than the original price to those fans who wanted them so badly.. though i was lucky and wasn't affected at all, i really despise those who did that, really hope nobody buys from them so they'll hold the stocks and make big losses!! there are already very few good people in this world, why still are there people who would do such selfish and mercenary act?? aih, just a small little toy and we could see the real vice of such people.. the more civilization, the less humanity, what a depressing equation it is~~

20.08.2013 | 粉紅優惠

[Volume 8 Issue 8, #1773]
老實講, 俾幾十蚊食一杯雪糕我真係唔捨得.. 所以啲貴價雪糕我都係偶爾食自助餐嘅時候先有福消受, 平時我想食雪糕嘅話, 都係買快餐店一蚊雞雪糕咋, 平靚正.. 不過之前見到博客朋友提起呢個粉紅星期三優惠, 覺得好抵食喎都.. 第二日咁啱係星期三, 於是就著住件(姣姣地嘅)粉紅色衫出門喇.. 第一次恃住著粉紅色衫幫襯, 有點輪盡, 不過最後都順利買咗以上嘅"Happy 8"八小球雪糕, 加稅後盛惠RM10.50.. 雖然係迷你雪糕球, 但係仲好啦, 可以一次過試晒八仲唔同口味, 我prefer咁樣喎其實.. 嗱嗱嗱, 我知道你諗緊咩㗎吓, 唔好睇到有八小球雪糕就以為好多, 其實加埋同平時兩球雪糕查不多, 所以一個成年人絕對係僅僅好嘅.. 今日星期二, 如果你都想享有呢個優惠, 記住聽日星期三, 著上任何粉紅色服飾或帶住任何粉紅色物品喇!! 我唔係幫人打廣告, 純粹係有好嘢同大家分享咁啫, 唔好執輸嘛~~ :D
frankly, i am not quite willing to fork out tens of RM for just a cup of ice-cream.. hence i can only have the chance to savor expensive ice-creams when i occasionally go for buffets, in usual days when i feel like eating ice-cream, i will just get those RM1 ones from fast food chains, cheap and nice.. but the other day i got to know about this pink wednesday promotion from this blogger friend and i thought it's quite worth.. the next day was coincidentally wednesday, hence i put on my (luscious) pink shirt and out i went.. my very first time trying this pink promo, a bit awkward but finally got the above "Happy 8" that comes with 8 mini scoops of ice-creams at RM10.50 after tax.. though mini scoops but i rather prefer that way, since i can taste 8 different kinds of flavor at one go.. hmmm, i know what you're thinking, but these 8 mini scoops added up to just about 2 normal scoops, hence it just nice for an adult wokay?? it's tuesday today, if you would like to try out the promotion, wear something pink or bring something pink with you wednesday tomorrow.. nah, i'm not promoting for them but kind of sharing with everyone the good deals, never miss out any chance right?? :D

19.08.2013 | 壞蛋蛋糕

[Volume 8 Issue 8, #1772]
大家唔難發現好多博客朋友主力寫飲食以及埋旅遊之余, 其實都尚有一班喜歡烘培嘅朋友.. 講到呢一範, 我當然被歸類為嬰兒級啦, 咁大個人都未整過一件蛋糕或一塊餅乾, 呵呵!! 所以某日見到呢度同埋呢度, 有博客用非常簡單嘅材料同埋超級容易嘅方法(連小朋友都可以自己做), 整咗我喜愛嘅壞蛋掌門人造型蛋糕, 我當然不容錯過啦!! 於是即刻走去買材料, 「處女下海」學人整蛋糕喇~~
■ 請點擊或以上相片, 看看如何做出壞蛋掌門人造型蛋糕??
有冇俾我呃到?? 哇哈哈哈哈!!! 雖然唔係真正焗個蛋糕出嚟, 但係點都算係整蛋糕嘛.. 老老實實啦, 其實都整得好難睇, 尤其同人家比較起嚟, 我嘅係更加肉酸, 哈哈.. 不過都係自在玩下啫, 至少氹得自己同啲小朋友幾開心㗎~~ :)
i think it's common to find many bloggers who mainly blog about food and travel, we also see many who focus on the fun of baking.. of course when it comes to baking, i am classified into "baby level" since i've never even baked a piece of cake or cookies before, haha!! one fine day i saw from here and here where bloggers used very simple ingredients and super easy steps (even kids can do it on their own) to make these minions character cakes.. i love minions and so how would i miss doing that??!! right away i went to grab the ingredients and laid my hands on my "virgin baking fun"~~
■ click or the photo above to see how you can make them..
feeling cheated?? muahahaha!!! though it wasn't really baking a cake, but at least i was doing some with the cake right?? frankly, i find them so badly done, and if compared with the bloggers above they are indeed ugly, hehe.. anyway, that was just for fun, at least it made myself and the kids happy~~ :)

16.08.2013 | 杭州逍遙

[Volume 8 Issue 8, #1771]
點擊圖片觀賞全套相片 | Click image for full set of photos
本來呢個2007年嘅上海北京之旅, 都係打算嚟個雙城遊嘅啫, 不過咁啱喺上海嘅時間有個週末, 朋友唔駛返工, 所以就建議搞個weekend trip, 於是就成就咗呢個兩日一夜嘅杭州遊, 對我嚟講算係個額外收穫.. :)
  • 因為週末關係, 所以可以湊夠一大班朋友一齊去杭州.. 朋友大大話話去過杭州八次咁多, 都依然熱情跟隨, 有佢做盲公竹, 整個trip雖然有啲趕, 但係都算係頗逍遙嘅..
  • 呢個所謂嘅weekend trip, 其實係同朋友一聚多過去觀光.. 所以除咗幾個比較主要嘅景點(西湖, 雷峰塔, 靈隱寺), 其餘時間都係食嘢同室內消遣.. 最記得係為咗食杭州出名嘅東坡肉而四處奔波, 呵呵!! :D
  • 人在杭州嘅時候, 頭髮開始長咗啲, 所以頭世紀難睇髮型都開始冇咁難睇喇, 我都可以唔駛戴著頂帽遮醜喇, 感覺超涼爽(個頭同埋個心情)~~ :D..
  • 當時都有寫過呢一個上海之旅嘅, 不過啲相比蚊滋仲要細, 視覺享受絕對係零分啦, 呵呵!! 不過確實係記載住當時每日嘅心情同事跡嘅.. 有興趣可以去呢度重溫噃.. :)
the trip to shanghai and beijing in year 2007 was initially really meant for the two cities only, but because we had a weekend in shanghai, a friend suggested that we do a weekend breakaway out of shanghai, and hence we had this 2D1N short trip to hangzhou, indeed it was a bonus to me.. :)
  • because of the weekend, we were able to get more friends to join us for the weekend trip.. a friend has been to hangzhou for as many as 8 times yet she followed, with her a our guide, the trip though was a little rush but overall it was a good and leisure one..
  • it was a weekend getaway, so more of catching up with friends than sightseeing.. hence besides some more important attractions (west lake, leifeng pagoda, temple of soul's retreat) we spend more time in eating and indoor entertainments.. i still remember we hunt here and there just for the famous hangzhou dongpo style braised pork, haha!! :D
  • when i was in hangzhou, my hair has slightly grown longer and hence that ugly hairstyle didn't look as ugly as it was before.. i also didn't need to wear my cap to cover it, so i felt more cooling (i mean both my head and my heart too)~~ :D
  • i kind of blogged about this trip to shanghai back then, all in chinese and photos were so tiny even a magnifying glass could not help.. however they did record my views and incidents that has happened at those particular moments.. click here if you are interested to read on..

14.08.2013 | 北京足跡

[Volume 8 Issue 8, #1770]
點擊圖片觀賞全套相片 | Click image for full set of photos
如果你係跟旅行團嘅話, 同一時間去齊上海與北京應該係好罕有.. 2007嗰年我仲算係年輕力壯, 所以嚟個「自助雙城遊」一次過滿足我想去呢兩個中國城市嘅需求.. 自助旅行自己想去邊就去邊, 而最重要係可以免去導遊帶你週圍買手信嘅困境, 呵呵!!
  • 由上海經朋友安排, 坐內地飛機飛去北京, 由朋友嘅朋友接應我哋.. 一連四日多得呢位朋友嘅熱情款待同埋授予「北京生存守則」, 讓我們呢次嘅北京柴娃娃之遊能夠順風順水.. :)
  • 其實都幾喜歡北京呢個地方喎, 個人認為北京比較起上海, 實在係有太多嘢可以睇, 太多地方可以參觀..
  • 可能自己對中國歷史有興趣, 所以能夠身處紫禁城, 天壇, 長城, 頤和園等古蹟, 我覺得非常之興奮!! 不過我同朋友竟然只用咗半日時間行晒整個紫禁城!! 一個咁地大物博嘅地方, 回想之時我都覺得有點不可思議~~ :p
  • 身在北京, 終於都能夠體會到中國人口之多, 每個地方都係如此多人.. 尤其係乘搭北京地鐵, 準備上落列車之時, 更係令我真正體會到前後左右被人群推擁嘅嗰一種十面埋伏!! @_@"
  • 當時都有寫過呢一個上海之旅嘅, 不過啲相比蚊滋仲要細, 視覺享受絕對係零分啦, 呵呵!! 不過確實係記載住當時每日嘅心情同事跡嘅.. 有興趣可以去呢度重溫噃.. :)
if you were to join packaged tours, i guess going to both shanghai and beijing at the same time would be quite rare.. hence in year 2007 while i was still considered young and strong, i did this "trips of the two cities" one shot to fulfill my wish to visit these two biggest cities of mainland china.. of course with a DIY trip, we got to go where we like, and more importantly avoid being brought to contribute to many souvenirs shops, hehe!!
  • with the help of friend, we took a local carrier to fly to beijing from shanghai, and she has also arranged her friend to take care of us in beijing.. we stayed in beijing for 4 days and thank you so much to this friend's hospitality and "beijing survival tips", that our first time in beijing was a smooth one..
  • i actually like beijing and compared to shanghai, i personally think there are way more things the experience and more places to visit in beijing..
  • perhaps due to my interest in chinese history, i was so excited for being able to be present at historical sites like the forbidden city, temple of heaven, the great way and the summer palace.. but i realized we just spent half a day in the forbidden city, for such a huge place with so much to see, i find that quite unbelievable for my short visit~~ :p
  • while in beijing, i finally felt the crowd of the huge chinese population.. especially when taking the beijing subway, it's where i felt the strong force of being pushed from all directions when i was trying to board or leave the train.. @_@"
  • i kind of blogged about this trip to shanghai back then, all in chinese and photos were so tiny even a magnifying glass could not help.. however they did record my views and incidents that has happened at those particular moments.. click here if you are interested to read on..

12.08.2013 | 上海風情

[Volume 8 Issue 8, #1769]
點擊圖片觀賞全套相片 | Click image for full set of photos
如果冇記錯, 2007年應該係我頗為「驛馬星動」嘅一年, 在工在私的確去過好多地方.. 當年剛滿三十, 都叫做係好應景呀, 呵呵!! 先講嗰一年嘅個人假期, 五月嘅時候去咗上海/北京/杭州.. 今日先講上海, 北京和杭州接下來兩個post待續.. :)
  • 印象中呢一個trip係喺一個好即興嘅情況之下促成嘅, 話說當年好多朋友都去咗上海/北京做嘢, 某日MSN(當年MSN仲係大行其道㗎)閑談之際, 唔記得咩驅使, 就當場定案了..
  • 當時係我第一次踏足中國大陸, 算係寓旅行於探朋友啦, 食宿同行程都有朋友嘅週到照顧, 感覺良好呀.. :)
  • 睇返啲相, 又在勾起我慘痛嘅回憶!! 第一: 因為誤信髮型師, 結果剪咗個我畢生最難睇嘅髮型!!! 第二: 喺上海南京街俾人打荷包!!! 不過不幸中之大幸, 護照冇唔見, 錢都係唔見一部份..
  • 可能逗留上海唔係好多日, 所以感覺上除咗外灘一代之外, 上海其實都好似冇咩特別嘅旅遊景點喇.. 不過我記得朋友帶我哋四週圍去食好嘢, 好多時候價錢係便宜到令人振奮..
  • 當時都有寫過呢一個上海之旅嘅, 不過啲相比蚊滋仲要細, 視覺享受絕對係零分啦, 呵呵!! 不過確實係記載住當時每日嘅心情同事跡嘅.. 有興趣可以去呢度重溫噃.. :)
if i am not wrong, 2007 was probably the year that i travelled most frequent, for work or for personal leisure, i went to quite a number of places.. i turned 30 that year and seems like the year was made special for me huh?? hehe!! let's start with leisure trip, i went to shanghai beijing and hangzhou in may that year.. i'll just talk about shanghai today, leaving beijing and hangzhou for the next posts to follow.. :)
  • i still remember this trip was a rather impromptu one, as that year many of my friends went to work in shanghai and beijing.. it was one fine day that we MSN (yeah MSN was still huge back then), can't remember what instigated the topic and things got nailed down on the spot..
  • it was my first time stepping into mainland china, it was a trip for sightseeing as well as visiting friends at the same time.. food, lodging and moving around were all hospitably taken care of by friends.. ah, it was indeed a very nice and smooth trip.. :)
  • looking at the photos again, they remind me of some of my worst experiences!! first, because for trusting my hairstylist, i had my worst haircut of my life!! second, i was picked-pocket while strolling along the nanjing road!! not entirely unlucky, my passport was still with me and only a portion of my cash were taken..
  • maybe because i didn't stay many days in shanghai, i rather think the city has not got much special tourist attractions besides the bund area.. but i do remember being brought to have lots of delicious food and yet the money we paid for can be excitingly little..
  • i kind of blogged about this trip to shanghai back then, all in chinese and photos were so tiny even a magnifying glass could not help.. however they did record my views and incidents that has happened at those particular moments.. click here if you are interested to read on..