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12.08.2013 | 上海風情

[Volume 8 Issue 8, #1769]
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如果冇記錯, 2007年應該係我頗為「驛馬星動」嘅一年, 在工在私的確去過好多地方.. 當年剛滿三十, 都叫做係好應景呀, 呵呵!! 先講嗰一年嘅個人假期, 五月嘅時候去咗上海/北京/杭州.. 今日先講上海, 北京和杭州接下來兩個post待續.. :)
  • 印象中呢一個trip係喺一個好即興嘅情況之下促成嘅, 話說當年好多朋友都去咗上海/北京做嘢, 某日MSN(當年MSN仲係大行其道㗎)閑談之際, 唔記得咩驅使, 就當場定案了..
  • 當時係我第一次踏足中國大陸, 算係寓旅行於探朋友啦, 食宿同行程都有朋友嘅週到照顧, 感覺良好呀.. :)
  • 睇返啲相, 又在勾起我慘痛嘅回憶!! 第一: 因為誤信髮型師, 結果剪咗個我畢生最難睇嘅髮型!!! 第二: 喺上海南京街俾人打荷包!!! 不過不幸中之大幸, 護照冇唔見, 錢都係唔見一部份..
  • 可能逗留上海唔係好多日, 所以感覺上除咗外灘一代之外, 上海其實都好似冇咩特別嘅旅遊景點喇.. 不過我記得朋友帶我哋四週圍去食好嘢, 好多時候價錢係便宜到令人振奮..
  • 當時都有寫過呢一個上海之旅嘅, 不過啲相比蚊滋仲要細, 視覺享受絕對係零分啦, 呵呵!! 不過確實係記載住當時每日嘅心情同事跡嘅.. 有興趣可以去呢度重溫噃.. :)
if i am not wrong, 2007 was probably the year that i travelled most frequent, for work or for personal leisure, i went to quite a number of places.. i turned 30 that year and seems like the year was made special for me huh?? hehe!! let's start with leisure trip, i went to shanghai beijing and hangzhou in may that year.. i'll just talk about shanghai today, leaving beijing and hangzhou for the next posts to follow.. :)
  • i still remember this trip was a rather impromptu one, as that year many of my friends went to work in shanghai and beijing.. it was one fine day that we MSN (yeah MSN was still huge back then), can't remember what instigated the topic and things got nailed down on the spot..
  • it was my first time stepping into mainland china, it was a trip for sightseeing as well as visiting friends at the same time.. food, lodging and moving around were all hospitably taken care of by friends.. ah, it was indeed a very nice and smooth trip.. :)
  • looking at the photos again, they remind me of some of my worst experiences!! first, because for trusting my hairstylist, i had my worst haircut of my life!! second, i was picked-pocket while strolling along the nanjing road!! not entirely unlucky, my passport was still with me and only a portion of my cash were taken..
  • maybe because i didn't stay many days in shanghai, i rather think the city has not got much special tourist attractions besides the bund area.. but i do remember being brought to have lots of delicious food and yet the money we paid for can be excitingly little..
  • i kind of blogged about this trip to shanghai back then, all in chinese and photos were so tiny even a magnifying glass could not help.. however they did record my views and incidents that has happened at those particular moments.. click here if you are interested to read on..


  1. Oh my god! !! Your botak head! Muahahahaha
    You still blamed your hairstylist when any Chettiar barber could have mowed your head like this. You looked cute like a triad being released from prison. Muahahahaha

    1. Good morning Sharon. The sky is cloudy.

    2. Vanakam! Nice hair style you looked cool & trendy. Oh yeah TM welcome back

    3. eh his botak head he look like one chinese actor la...the people call "Moong ngan chye" I dont know the name ....wait i google first....act in detective and police stories one leh

    4. http://ladyjansneverland.blogspot.com/2009/07/hong-kong-drama-burning-flames-3.html found it...the first photo...the guy on the left hand side...what his name ah? SK looks like that guy la

    5. yalah, if i knew that "trendy" hairstyle would look so badly on me, i go to indian barber better, at least there cheap and safe!! hahahaha..

      meow, it's the one on the right is it?? left is Bosco Wong lah, the right one is Wong Hei.. an lor, got people said that before but was way back then lah, also people said i looked like Ronald Cheng.. but now no more look like them lah, look like the 988 fat DJ KK Wong~~ :D

    6. Yup look like wong hei la in the photo. Ronald cheng? Who is that? Lol..me seldom see tv so tatlrak kenal.

      Lol kk wong ah...but your mouth not shoot fast enough leh

    7. oh you dunno who is Ronald Cheng?? he is a singer then turned actor then turned comedian, you can google him.. hehehe!! KK Wong was last time lah, but now people say i look more like PSY especially with my karipap hair?? :D

    8. I find SK's Karipap Hair looks better than botak head la!

    9. I agree that SK Thambee should keep his kari pap hair do which suits him the best. It makes him look like David Beckham and I have said that 1001 times. I won't repeat lah!

  2. Replies
    1. hehe... That time, botak, hehe...

    2. hehehe, not really botak lah, still got hair one~~ :D

  3. You lucky devil for going to many places at 30. I bet many people would envy you. All your photos are nice and well taken. I didn't even visit several places you posed at.
    I did go to the City God Temple and took many phoros inside but never blogged it. Do you want to see them? That temple has the most statues I had ever seen!

    1. consider not bad but of course cannot compare with those who had gone to even further like US and Europe.. oh, you want to show us your photos taken in the City God Temple?? eih, your travelogue completed lah, you must think of other stories to tell us with those photos.. ghost and god one would be nice~~ :D

    2. Repeated comment wrong column:hehe

      [Oh we missed the City God Temple not in our itinerary coz it was a company's incentive trip. TM please blog about it since you have got plenty of photos taken inside.]

    3. ooopsss, but repeated comments won't earn you any points wokay?? :p

  4. Replies
    1. Oh we missed the City God Temple not in our itinerary coz it was a company's incentive trip. TM please blog about it since you have got plenty of photos taken inside.

    2. oooppss, Bananaz replied the wrong comment?? hahaha, guess your eyes need more rest dei..

    3. ... you did it again~~ :p

    4. Thought could do wonders with the long holidays, do a new post, catch up with back log etc but unfortunately was grounded and out of action, down with flu on the verge of recovery, guess still blur blur haha

    5. aiyor, small little sickness means you are rich lah, hehe!! 財多身子弱 (cái​ duō​ shēn​zi​ ruò​).. get well soon Bananaz~~ :)

    6. Yes yes yes tQ 脫您的褲 tuō nín de kù hahaha

      [*托您的福 tuō nín de fú*]

    7. 財多身子弱 cái​ duō​ shēn​zi​ ruò​
      錢多瞓唔著 qián​ duō​ xùn​ wú​ zháo​

      meaning you are weak because you are rich, you can't sleep because you've got lots of money~~ :D

  5. Good morning, SK and all! Indeed you were so lucky to be sent overseas for work/pleasure. As for me, I need to spend on my own.

    1. I have only been to Beijing and Shenzhen. Yet to visit Shanghai one day.

    2. It's a must photographed place. The scenery is so beautiful.

    3. yeah, i think so too, it's indeed a lucky year for me.. but hey, you have also earned some good trips from your sales right?? hehehe.. hmmm, i actually like Beijing more than Shanghai, maybe because i'm more interested in Chinese history so Beijing is kind of nicer to me with all the historical sites.. :)

    4. well, so far only once ie Greece.

    5. i believe with your sales there will be more to come :)

  6. You're 36 already? Why!!! You look like you're only in your mid-20's!!! Wink! Wink!

    1. Why are you winking & winking? You seem to have someone in your mind!!!! Tell us who! @Wink! @Wink!

    2. Who? Who? Ah well...one thing's for sure, it is definitely not you! :D

    3. maybe habuk masuk mata kot hence wink wink LOL...

    4. wow, that statement from the Mayor.. literally he means i look young, but figuratively he means i am childish and not matured?? muahahahaha..

    5. Aiyoh, guy wink at SK for what?

      Let amoi wink at him la... later mana tau ngam... can cepat-cepat masuk meminang! LOL

    6. wah, amoi wink at me then cepat-cepat masuk meminang?? later kamala will kill me~~ :D

  7. Sigh!!! My working trips were all within the country...except for once to Singapore and another time to England. But I am thankful as those trips got me well-acquainted with all the nice places right here in our home sweet home.

    1. nah, never complain.. i am sure whatever way that is, as long as one enjoys his job then that would be the best.. :)

    2. My working trip was only to Singapore, Singapore and Singapore. That was in my previous company. Now my working trip ah? I must chant more, so that I get to go Japan, Japan and Japan.

  8. 嗰髮型的確唔錯,好襯呢個地方。

    1. 言下之意, 我似個強國人?? 哈哈哈哈!! :D

  9. Not bad, SK... working trip can take you to China! I don't have working trips... all they granted here are teambuilding which I detest most cos I am not the adventurous type.. I always try to escape each time... But if give me an overseas trip then I will be very "kwai" and obedient... hahaha...

    1. oh no no no, this trip to China was for leisure.. working trips sent me to other places lah.. hahaha, team building events, errr, surely go somewhere just nearby one right?? and most of the time very hectic also.. hmmm, give you overseas trip you will be very "kwai"?? the "kwai" means good or naughty in cantonese?? hehe~~ :p

    2. Sk's workinv trip brought him to india la...not china lol...maybe there met kamala kot?

    3. Talking about team building...

      My HR department so good exempt me from going to a team building in Pangkor next week, after article about my family came out in Utusan and Berita Harian.

      Why? They allow me to run at Borneo International Marathon. Now only they believe I run marathons. Haish.

      But the sad thing is, I'm injured.

      Tomorrow must go see orthopaedic.

      Definitely no Borneo Int Marathon. The marathon in Ulu Langat on Sep 1 also looks like I have to forgo. *so sad* T__T

    4. wow, good lah, you can skip your company's team building, haha!! but then your injury serious or not?? what did the doctor say?? hope you recover soon and can continue with your next marathon runs~~ :)

  10. Hey Hey Hey, I'm back to life!

    1. For spamming of course!

    2. You're very fortunate to explore other countries on earth for work and for your personal leisure time. Sponsored by company is everyone's dream.

    3. I'll come back again.

    4. this trip to china is for leisure and on my own expense lah.. the business trips sent me to somewhere else that i shall blog later.. :)

    5. Oh there are still back dated post to blog about, I can't wait to read it more.

      Waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting
      Waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting
      Waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting

    6. yes, i traveled to few places in 2007.. and then still got 2008 onwards leh.. actually cannot say they are backdated post, because i blogged before, you can rather say i "remaster" them now, hahaha~~ :D

    7. The best trip for me is not working trip. Not leisure trips that I pay also.

      The best ones are the ones I got for free. Lucky draw. Contests. etc.

      Betul tak?

      Used to get them when I was younger. Now luck habis already. :(

    8. hahaha, true also.. what are the best things in the world?? of course FREE things lah~~ but i've never won any trip or anything expensive before lah, no luck at all :D

  11. Gambar J & M so kelabu. Because of haze, izit? LOL

    Aiyoh, what did your hairstylist told you that you trusted him/her to give you such a "nice" haircut? LOL

    1. Selamat Hari Raya kak Lina...

    2. yeah, very kelabu that day.. i think not haze but very very fine sand.. it was a sandstorm and heard it comes all the way from the dessert in the inner china.. i have no idea, jahanam, why i trusted him, aiyoyo~~ so sad lah, kena laughed by all the people!! :D

  12. Shanghai trip in year 2007. Many pictures, old post as well. I must come back again to scrutinise them. Muahahah! Your hair style!

    1. In fact, I also love visiting Shanghai, as I never been there, but I heard that Disney Land is opening soon in December 2015. So I will wait till 2016. That time, April is 12 and May is 10, then I must bring them there to visit Shanghai and also Disney Land. It is 3 times the size of Hong Kong Disney Land.

      I will be back again to look at your picture and old post. I promise. Bye.

    2. haha, ya lah, don't know what to write so the best thing would be to find something old to tell stories lah.. oh really?? a bigger Disneyland is on its way to Shanghai?? wow, that's interesting.. oh yeah, i guess the girls must be so looking forward to the trip now~~

    3. How Shanghai people behave though?

      I can't deal with queue jumpers and pushers.

      Heard a lot about it at HK Disneyland. Betul ke?

    4. actually the trip was quite pleasant, i can't remember if i encountered queue jumpers, but pushers definitely yes when i took the subway in beijing.. that shanghai disneyland is interesting, three times the size of HK disneyland, that must be huge!! one day cannot finish exploring lah~~

  13. You are not alone la...few days before wedding , kaldip went and trim his hair..say mau pendek....adui...comeout near botak...sei em sei...

    1. OMG!! really?? then i think Kaldip sure suffered more badly than i did, haha!! mine just go travel lah, his was his biggest event of a lifetime leh~~ :p

    2. All wedding photo got "monk" look. Adei....kena teased lo

    3. They always say don't change or experiment with hair too near to wedding day! Must at least be 2-weeks from the big day so at least hair can grow out back a bit. Right?


      Can show photo ah?



    4. very true, don't take risk and that's what i learned from that incident.. or make sure you have buffer to mitigate that, haha!!

      yes, meow, show us your wedding photo lah, we want to see!! SHOW! SHOW! SHOW! SHOW! SHOW! SHOW! SHOW! SHOW! SHOW! SHOW! SHOW! SHOW! SHOW! SHOW! SHOW! SHOW!

  14. ah I remember photo b...anay posted about it.,... human mountain human sea there....so difficult to find letchumi

    1. ah, yes yes yes.. both photo A and B lah taken at the same place.. the Yu Garden, very packed with people..

    2. Cubie also visited the same place. All look familiar now! ;)

    3. i think everyone to shanghai more or less went to the same place lah, not really a lot of tourist attraction also, and those few are must-go somemore..

  15. how is the shanghai xiao long pau compared to here punya?

    How is the meat inside....is it coarse or is it minced very fine. I found several xiao long bao shop here not nice coz the meat minced too fine...like eating powder

    1. haiyo, you asked till so detailed ah?? i can't remember already, more than 6 years back dei.. i can just remember the soup more than the meat, haha!!

    2. This is call tar lan sar pou mun toh tuk mah :p

      Here punya not much soup geh

    3. Ini Mama kucing is sure a gourmand!

      Kagum la!

      Why she can stay so slim I also dunno. Jeles!

    4. haha, really cannot remember the xiao long bao there, i think the soup was nice but my focus wasn't on the meat itself leh.. yalah, wonder why this meow goes makan everywhere and yet so slim~~ jealous lah!!

    5. Talking about Xiao long bao, I have a bad and embarrassing experience eating it. I bite on it, and all the gravy "Pancut" out to the table, luckily not "pancut" at my bff's face.

      So, how you guys eat Xiao long bao? I don't dare to bite anymore, I just put one whole Xiao long bao into my mouth and don't dare to open my mouth again.

  16. D...what story what story? Kaypoh mode fullyturn on...the girl behind looks like tour guide leh

    1. hahaha, the story was that, i am also trying to figure out the story itself.. that's a question back to myself lah~~ :D

    2. Chehhhhh buat suspend aje la u...

    3. This is like main but tak pancut! LOL

    4. yalah, too fast pancut then sure not shyiok right?? msut suspend a bit and main a bit longer :D

  17. E...the more i see this photo the more you have that actor look la...i dont know the name...is it wong hei or what....some more stand the posture also like him ,,,

    1. yes, Wong Hei.. i looked like him meh?? he looks better than me lah.. at least now i no more look like him lor, fat and old already, haha!!

    2. If you were darker then , really like brothers

    3. yeah, last time i was tanner because i really go suntan one.. now old already, if go suntan sure the skin will age faster~~

  18. F & G really like two most extreme contrast leh

    1. yes you are right.. just across the river you can find ancient and modern each on a side..

  19. Should open your palm in H la...then will be like you holding the bottle of coca-cola

    1. hahaha!! don't want lah, a lot of people there you know or not?? later they thought what that "soh lou" was doing~~ :D

    2. Adoi...like ghat also malu ahhhh

    3. hahaha, of course mah.. people everywhere like never bother about that huge coca-cola also :p

  20. what you mean by photo taken before shopping spree? LOL...after shopping both hands and head full of shopping bags is it?LOL

    1. exactly!! so clever lah this meow.. i should have also taken a "after" photo to do comparison, but didn't do that, everyone got no hand to snap photos~~ :D

    2. Means u all really borong habis habisan lo.. that cheap meh stuffs over there?

    3. ok ok only lah, not much.. of course got mood to take photo before shopping mah.. once started shopping then everything also will be forgotten dei..

  21. K yea wor...not so peaceful....but at least passport tak hilang la

    1. yeah, luckily passport tak hilang, and i also keep part of my cash deep inside a compartment in my bag.. only the wallet, i tak alert lah, just put it in the zip compartment facing outside.. my bad..

    2. Sometimes can't help it. Bad thibgs happen. Me also kena once when taking bus atvthe old metrojaya (mydin) behind kota raya. Not alert. Put walkman in compartment outside the bag. Felt got ppl push me. I thought wanna scold. Gone up the bus baru realised walkman gobe. But lucky that walkman also charn one la ...lol

    3. i got two time kena picked pocket.. once in shanghai my wallet, then another time inside the KTM at the MV station, kena curi my phone.. and then later reach KL Sentral want to check for calls or SMS baru realized hilang, the phone also baru bought few months only.. aih!!

  22. sandstorm? near the desert meh? Never been to nanjing la

    1. not Nanjing lah, it's Nanjing Road in Shanghai.. Anay went to Nanjing but Thambee went to Shanghai.. errr, i guess the sand came from the dessert in inner china..

    2. Ish...me dumb dumb...lol....geog fail. Thought nanjing rd is in nanjing...nobody wear mask ka that time? Not hard to breath meh with fine sand

    3. nanjing road in shanghai lah.. just like we have jalan kuching, jalan ipoh, jalan pahang here also mah.. blur meow!! errr, okay lah, i think better than the haze over here..

  23. as for O I think ya la...same like our KLCC la...each time visitor come sure bring go snap photos there then go off. after all the shops inside also more or less the same as in the rest of the world lor.

    1. true also lah, just like we keep on bringing friends to KLCC.. they were so excited to see the two sweet corns, but we just find it nothing.. :D

  24. Nice when work trips includes nice destinations. Travelled the most from 1997 to 1999 with very good destinations including LA and New York. If only my current job brings me travelling too:D

    1. wow, then yours was even more exciting lah.. can go to LA and NY, and now also not bad wat, you gotta taste food from almost around the globe :)

  25. P...8 minutes...like flying lor.....steady or not the train....got see "extra" things like what anay saw in the train ah? LOL

    1. yes, in 8 minutes i reached the airport already, scary hor?? errr, actually felt a little bit floating lah, bcos it's magnetic levitation mah.. errr, extra things?? what did Anay see extra in the train?? 8 minutes was too fast for me to see anything lor~~ :D

    2. Wakakaka..betul jugak...8mins not enough time to see free show

    3. within the 8 minutes, i was busy checking the speed display and wait for it to reach top speed 431km/h, the rest i don't remember already~~

  26. well before anything else, let me just say tho
    you being bald wasn't bad at all, i think your hairstyle now
    was way better than that

    1. hahaha!! hey, i wasn't bald totally, still there was hair on my head, just a bit too short, haha!! that was my worst hairstyle, you are comparing that with my hairstyle now?? haha :D

  27. China, one of he biggest counrty in asia(if not yet the biggest) sure
    was fun to visit there are a lot to see and a lot to experience

    1. errr, if russia is considered asia then china will be second.. :)

  28. and as for most countries the capital sure it the best place to visit
    i mean it was technically the heart of china right

    1. you are right, some of the countries have even more interesting places than their capital, for example Australia (Sydney is the largest city but Canberra is the capital).. but of course, Beijing is a nice place of China i will never doubt..

  29. the good thing about this was, for you
    there;s no language barrier right? since you speak mandarin
    as well?

    1. ah yes, language is never a problem if i visit the main cities of China cos i can read and speak mandarin.. :)

  30. the modernity as well as the culture was well blend,
    i mean the bulidings as well as those traditional chinese buildings
    were indeed great

    1. indeed they have very good planning and also great effort in preserving the heritage.. one side of the river you see ancient buildings, the opposite side you see developing modern skyscrapers.. interesting!!

  31. have a great day and happy blogging sk
    take the best of care and god bless you always

    1. same to you dude.. have a great day and may god bless you :)

  32. Good evening SK ah boy and everybody!

    Wah, back-dated travelogue again huh? Hmm, running outta topics to blog already SK? Anyway, I think it'll be a nice one as I've never been to China yet, so take the chance to browse through your photos and stories!

    1. Well speaking about China, the most common thing I heard about it is their hygiene and cleanliness, is it true that it's very dirty there? I mean most of them are quite uncivilized, doing toilet business/spitting everywhere and etc?
      But I guess things are better at Shanghai la right? It's more high class there~

    2. As for your hairstyle, to be honest, I don't see it as 'the worse hairstyle' ever lo! Actually kinda 'yeng' leh! But one downside is that it makes your forehead looks even higher, hehe. But other than this, this hairstyle is quite cool!
      And look at you, very slim and young that time! Of course now you become more matured already la (Don't wanna use the word 'old' :p)

    3. Yep, I know that Oriental Pearl Tower! Saw it a lot in TV, and also in Amazing Race, hehe~ The night view is so pretty and romantic! I'm sure many couples go paktor there at night! =) But you looked kinda dark in picture O, not a good photography skill la! *blek*

    4. Wow, the train ride is just 8 mins?? Really scarily fast!! How much is the ticket?
      I've ride on bullet train in Japan, also very fast! And the train designs are so cool right?

    5. hehehe, partly because i have nothing much to blog about.. partly because it's part of my travelogue re-engineering series mah, hahaha!! the old travelogue no photos and all in chinese, this one rewrite for more readers to read..

      errr, i didn't really have problem with the toilet actually.. perhaps i was in big cities so they have actually did a great improvements, also that time they were going to hold the Beijing Olympics soon.. and i guess now, the problem should be minimal already.. probably only worry if you go to outskirt or ulu places lah..

      hahaha, thanks for your compliment, actually everyone laughed at me for that hairstyle.. not suitable for me, like you said my forehead was too bright and my face was too round.. luckily i was slim last time, if i were to be as fat and old like now, surely that hairstyle would make me look worse!! muahahahahaha~~

      errr, yalah, friend took the photo for me in a rush.. never mind lah.. forgotten how much was the ticket already, i think not expensive as compared to our KLIA..

  33. A lot of background people lo, maybe you should wait till those people walk away first!!! (Wait, is that possible??? hahaha!!! Cause Shanghai always very crowded)

    1. that would be impossible to wait for nobody at all at the background, people come and people go~~

    2. Hahaha, yah lo, is quite hard, but sometimes my sister and I just wait and once there's no people then take the picture quickly, hehe!!! =]

    3. last time i will wait to clear the people off, but then now don't care lah, just take the shot.. sometimes with some crowd at the background also not that bad lah, more realistic mah~~ of course if no people, then would be bonus.. :)

  34. I've been to China a lot, but always went to those kampung, kampung place, seldom go to big city, looks like those buildings are quite attractive to me!!! Hehehe!!! =]

    1. oh, you went to what kampung places?? you follow your grandparents balik kampung there?? next trip plan to go to big cities lah, maybe toilets are also cleaner there :p

    2. Something like ZhangJiaJie, JiuZhaiGou, HaiNanDao, ShiChuan, most of those places are purposely when there to see mountain and river.....

      I follow my mom, she has a friend who work in travel company as the travel group leader, always offer my mom to go China...

      Yah lo, those toilets... sometimes doesn't have a door, and the fun part is when there's no door, those people like to look at you when you're peeing...really speechless.....also if there's a door those people would use it, maybe the door is for decorations...!!! =]

    3. have not been to ZhangJiaJie, JiuZhaiGou, HaiNanDao and SiChuan at all, hahaha!! oh so good, your mom has got a friend working in travel company, then sure can get cheaper deals right?? oh, those toilets, luckily i have not encountered those, hehehe~~

  35. Picked-pocket??? That's bad, next time should beware of your belongings!!!

    1. yeah, my bad.. i 錢財露眼, and somemore just carelessly put my wallet in the zip compartment facing outside @_@"

    2. Next time face inside, all touch your wallet every 5 to 10 minutes, that's what I always do...but my friends always said I was crazy by keep checking on my stuffs, hahaha, but who cares, the most important is my stuffs always with me!!! =]

    3. yeah, i will be more alert already.. but cannot check like every 5-10 minutes lah, that's almost paranoid already, haha!! anyway, i think when go travel, keep the important documents in safe place, and don't put all your cash in one place, must split them.. :)

  36. Btw the shanghai night view picture looks postcard picture duh, good work!!! =]

    1. hahaha, that one i have to use the "night mode" function and then put my camera on the garbage bin (cos didn't have tripod)~~ :D

    2. Hahaha, nice one!!! luckily the garbage bin meets the height requirement!!! =]

    3. haha, i don't have a tripod, so i always use garbage bin and fence etc to help me take photos one~~ :D

  37. Oh wow, pickpocketed. That's a traveller's nightmare no matter how much was lost.

    1. oh yeah, but luckily i still have my passport safe and sound, and some other cash left with me in secret compartment in the bag..

  38. OMG! Your hair .....!!!!!!

  39. But you looked slimmer back then, right? Haha!!

    1. yalah, that time i was slimmer and leaner and fitter.. now old already lah~~

  40. Never been to Shanghai! Hope I can go one day!

    1. sure you can, just plan for it and i am sure next year you will be there again, and we will be reading your shanghai posts in 2016.. :p

  41. Luckily you did not lose your passport! I think losing the passport is worse than losing the cash right?

    1. oh yeah you are right!! luckily i kept my passport somewhere difficult to reach.. but i think that person who took my wallet just wanted my cash..

  42. Ya agree, lucky never lose passport, and lucky you got friends there, that's why China is no longer in my travel list anymore, especially after I had bad experience when I went Beijing in 2004.

    1. oh, what bad experience you had back then?? mind to share?? :)

  43. I don't mind go Taiwan or Bangkok again.

    1. Bangkok is nice but i have not been to Taiwan yet.. :)

  44. The bad experience were:

    1. They jump queue and were very rough and rude.

    2. They don't flush after do big business in the toilets, yucks!

    3. They spit everywhere they go.

    4. I fell sick.

    1. oh yeah, i have also heard a lot about those bad experiences.. really sickening~~

  45. Ya your side view looks like PSY, haha.

    1. hahaha, side way only?? i thot my whole package looks like him :D

  46. 还没蹋足过中国大陆地任何地方 :(

  47. As promise, I am back to this post and spamming.

  48. Photo A: Your botak head makes you look like an ex-convict just released from the China's Maximum Security Prison in Qincheng! You looked so macho and rugged lah. Any bimbo would pancut on the spot.

    Was that the tea kiosk building behind???? It has given me nightmares with the most costly tea I ever had in my life. I went there just to experience it and snapped many photos from above for my blogs. I paid some MYR75 for Chinese tea and kueh-kueh!!! KNN. Never again.

    1. Photo B: The narrow streets are so interesting with so many shops selling all sorts of souvenirs and snack food. It was so jam packed and crowded with people which made my head dizzy.

      I love their unusual architecture as it was the only of its kind in the whole of China! I think that area was once the posh shopping area of Shanghai like the Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills where flashy sports cars would whizz by. Here the old Shanghai had ladies coming in rickshaws.

    2. Photo C: I missed eating the Xiao Long Bao in Shanghai as there was a pork meat scare prior to my visit. It was reported widely in China's TV news that thousands of dead pigs were found floating on the Shanghai rivers and farmers collected them all to sell cheaply at around MYR100-200 for whole pig. Many people still bought them to cook and serve in restaurants just because they thought the pigs had no poison or diseases. It was not shocking to hear their attitude but we took no chances and ate no pork throughout our trip. I brought Bee Cheng Hiang bak Kua along with me to chew and add into my noodles!!!! that's me!

    3. Photo D: What a funny Thambee. You could not remember exactly that place yet you could post the photo. What was the crowd doing? The lady looked like she was playing Yo-Yo or doing top spinning.

    4. Photo E: I always respect Sun Yat Sen and loved to read his history. I had no time to visit that Soong's family house in Shanghai not to mention any museum in Taiwan too! I only visited the mansion of Sun Yat Sen in Singapore and Chiang Kai Shek's hiding place in Xian.

      If you ever visit Taipei, you can see a huge impressive hotel on the hills and it belongs to the late Madam Soong Mei Ling!

    5. photo F: That Zhong Shan East Road is so prominent in the Bunds and their colonial buildings are the most impressive in China. If I told people that photo was in Europe, anyone would believe that. It is so beautiful and majestic looking. I wished all the HHBC would visit there someday.

    6. Photo G: I stayed at 2 hotels in Shanghai and one was just off the Nanjing Road. I could enjoy the view of these modern sky scrappers from the hotel's bedroom windows. It was beautiful in the evening when the neon lights were turned on.

    7. Photo H: I think that Coca Cola bottle has disappeared from Nanjing Road as I did not see it there. Maybe they have replaced it with Tsingtao beer!

    8. Photo I: I always see your enormous size being photographed and covered 40% of the shops' photos. I would normally post pictures without me just for blogging purposes and keep those of myself in the hard disk. Someday I will select them and order the Groupon's photo book to print them nicely.

    9. Photo J: I visited the Bunds 3 times at night to enjoy the very cold air and lighted buildings. I did not even know much of the many building's names there. I remembered seeing some bank names only. Next time I should walk right outside those buildings to observe them closer for better historical knowledge.

    10. Photo K: It was always my dream to see the real PEACE HOTEL all my life. I loved those TV series showing the mafias at the hotel and realised it was not that impressive when I saw the actual building. They have used props in the TV shows! So unlucky of you to have no so peaceful incident there. I was extremely careful and hugged my pouch tightly there after you have warned me. I was there at night and the street was quiet.

    11. Photo L: So you actually almost reach the Oriental Pearl Tower! So near yet so far! I did not even go near there at all but I am well versed with their tall structures in China so much.

      That Oriental Pearl Tower was the tallest in China from 1994 - 2007 and the current Shanghai World Financial Centre has taken over since 2007.
      Soon the Shanghai Tower will be tallest tower when completed in 2015! Anay will attend their grand ribbon cutting ceremony in 2015!!! Muahahahahahaha

    12. Photo M: I didn't even suspect that the greyish and blurry photos were caused by sand storms. I wonder how polluted they will be when that happens? Will the people wear masks and hide indoors? I bet they treat it like normal daily pests passing by. I heard that they have more sand storms in Urumqi areas.

    13. Photo N: What a luck for me that you had no time to visit the City God's Temple! So i can dig out my photos and blog them since Bananaz also missed it. Normally i would always try to enter at least one temple in the areas I visit to pay respects and hope the deities would bless my trips with smooth paths.

      I was very surprised that City God's Temple has the most statues I have ever seen at one place. It was interesting inside.

    14. Photo O: The Bunds looked so nice at night but it is always crowded everyday with many tourists! This place looks like New Jersey where tourists could view Manhattan at night across the rivers.

    15. Photo P: This maglev train is really the pride of China as it is the only one that uses magnet in the world.... Impressive right??? I am always proud to be a Chinese when I see their world's wonders including the filthiest toilets!!! Muahahahahaha

      The Maglev train fee was quite high so i took it only one way and used the high speed train on the way back to airport which was really longer with packed passengers like sardines all the way to the airport!!!
