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31.01.2013 | 雞肉漢堡

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1662]

stop flashing the burger!! show me photo: [1] [2]
上個週末有朋友到訪, 於是我哋幾個朋友就一齊食飯, 本來想話食豬豬大餐, 不過去到見餐廳已經頂讓俾便利店, 於是就去附近商場另外一間.. 我自己叫咗個烤雞肉漢堡, 上桌時大大一個漢堡同伴碟小菜俾咗個驚喜我(因為餐牌上寫得的確唔係好吸引).. 沙律用個小盎盛上, 新鮮爽脆, 僅僅夠嘅意大利醬沙律同面頭嘅松子.. 伴碟薯片係一大驚喜, 本來以為係行到冇人有嘅薯條, 點知係好脆口嘅蕃薯同芋頭脆片, 食得好滋味.. 漢堡包疊很高, 兩片黑白芝麻包包夾著一整塊嘅烤雞胸肉, 番茄生菜, 牛油果feta芝士蓉, 香草蛋黃醬同火雞bacon.. 當然, 咁大一個漢堡包, 我係一層層分開食, 可能因為咁所以覺得雞肉有少少干, 整個漢堡一齊食應該會好味嘅.. 總括嚟講, 我覺得呢個烤雞肉漢堡係好食㗎, RM24(唔包飲)一份冇乜投訴啦, 因為係朋友請客, 呵呵!! :p
a friend came to KL last weekend and a few of us had dinner together, wanna have some oink-oink but was disappointed that the restaurant has closed down, so we went to another one in a mall nearby.. ordered for myself a grilled chicken burger (yay, grilled CB, hehe!!) and was impressed by its size and the sides (as the description on menu wasn't attractive at all).. the salad was nicely served in a little pot, fresh and crunchy with just enough italian dressing sprinkled with pine nuts.. the chips was a big surprise, as i thought it couldn't be more than fries but nope, those were very nice crispy sweet potatoes and yam chips, i enjoyed them so much.. the burger was hugely stacked with one heavy chunk of grilled chicken breast, lettuce, tomatoes, guacamole and feta mash, herb mayonnaise and turkey bacon between two black-and-white-sesame buns.. of course with such a huge burger, i ate it layer by layer, but this way the chicken is a bit dry, guess it would taste better if the burger is eaten as a whole.. overall i enjoyed this burger and think it's good, at RM24 (drinks not inclusive) i have no complaints since the friend paid for the bill, haha!! :p

30.01.2013 | 懷舊佈置

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1661]
其實都好少會留意商場嘅新年佈置, 不過1U呢個懷舊街場主題, 我本人又覺得幾特別喎, 唔似其他商場咁一味花開富貴大紅大紫.. 呢一間間嘅鋪頭仔, 真係有人喺入面賣新年嘢㗎.. 再加上馬路交通燈, 同埋百花齊放嘅廣告牌, 真係有少少置身於舊時小鎮當中.. 講到呢啲懷舊嘢, 我其實好喜歡㗎, 我唔曉得點樣去形容, 就係感覺到有一種好引人入勝嘅吸引力啦(當然唔包括老人家啦, 哈哈!!).. 其實最近流行懷舊呀, 好多博客都陸陸續續將自己細個啲相post上嚟啦.. 又或者人年紀越大, 就越係喜歡懷舊呢?? 呵呵~~ :p
i seldom pay attention to CNY decorations in shopping malls, but this old town theme is rather special to me, so different from most malls out there that perpetually go with the "red blossom" theme.. see those little stalls?? they are real stalls with people selling CNY stuffs in there.. together with roads and traffic lights, as well as those messy signboards, i felt a little like being back to little towns in the good old days.. when it comes to these retro things, i actually am fond of them, i don't know how to describe but they just seem to have very attractive fascination to me (of course not elderly people lah, haha!!).. i think it's a trend huh?? noticed many bloggers are showing off their old photos and memories too?? or perhaps is it true that as we grow older, we tend to like to reminisce?? hehe~~ :p

29.01.2013 | 孤星之淚

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1660]
其實打從舊年就很想去睇《孤星淚》呢一齣電影, 但係始終冇機會, 直到上個星期三卒之都一圓心願喇.. 呢部經典鉅作同劇中多首金曲我聽就聽得多, 但係未曾睇過, 甚至連原著小說都為讀過, 電影算係俾我一個了解佢嘅機會.. 的確係一部好電影, 有人預先提我可能會流一桶眼淚, 其實都唔係真係咁賺人熱淚啫, 同個戲名"Less Miserables"一樣甚少悲哀啫(我知係個爛gag, 如果你仲未知, 其實正確發音係/leɪ ˌmɪzəˈrɑːb/).. 不過劇中演員們嘅唱功的確俾到我意外驚喜哦, 真係抵贊㗎, 尤其由Anne Hathaway飾演嘅Fantine如泣如訴咁唱"I Dreamed A Dream"嗰一幕, 簡直令人拍案叫絕, 難怪佢以呢一幕演技橫掃多個獎項啦.. 本人真心覺得好㗎~~ :)
i wanted to watch the movie "Les Misérables" so much since last year but haven't got the chance.. until last wednesday, i finally made time for the movie.. heard a lot about this epic musical as well as some of its classic songs, but nope, i have not watched any or even read the novel itself, guess this movie gives me a chance to know at least what the story is all about.. it's a nice movie and i enjoyed it very much, though some warned me it's a sad movie and many cried a bucket of tears, i wasn't that moved actually.. perhaps just like the title it's just "Less Miserables" (lame joke i know, if you didn't know it's pronounced /leɪ ˌmɪzəˈrɑːb/), but i was impressed by the actors and actresses who sang with their own voices, cool!! i am especially touched and awed by the scene when Anne Hathaway who played Fantine sang "I Dreamed A Dream" with weeps and gasps, no wonder she has won so many awards for her role in this movie.. thumbs up from me~~ :)

25.01.2013 | 請假食藥

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1659]
可能係最近天氣嘅關係, 搞到自己發熱氣, 跟住就好「順理成章」咁有啲發燒/扁桃體發炎/咳嗽.. 任你話我怕死, 每次一有咩頭暈身興, 我都儘可能第一時間對診下藥, 病向淺中醫呀, 唔通要積到大病先嚟辛苦咩?? 以前讀書時期, 就算病都絕對唔會請假, 因為請假係會扣分㗎, 其實諗返起都覺得唔應該呵?? 不過出嚟社會做嘢之後, 能夠請病假在家休息當然最好啦, 公司一年俾你十幾日病假, 點解要慳?? 哈哈!! 當然家下本人尚在求職期間, 冇醫藥津貼, 唯有自己去藥行買成藥, 自己醫自己啦.. 以上paracetemol/化痰止咳丸/潤喉糖, 都幾有效喎, 我啪兩劑再嚟個大覺瞓, 其實都好得七七八八喇, 感恩~~ :)
maybe it's the weather, my body gets heaty and naturally this is followed by slight fever, tonsillitis and coughs.. say me kiasi but every time i feel something not right, i'd rather get treatment earliest possible.. the chinese say "treat your illness while it's still not acute" as you do not want to drag till you suffer greater pain right?? when i was in high school, i don't take leave even when sick, because marks were deducted if students were absent from school for any reason, rethinking this i kind of feel like it's quite unreasonable huh?? anyway when started to work of course it's best to be able to take sick leave and rest at home, the company grant you 10 over days of sick leave, why not utilize them?? haha!! of course now that i'm seeking for job, there is no medical claim, so i can only be my own doctor and have my DIY prescription.. the paracetamol, cough capsules and lozenges above are quite effective, after two dosages and a good sleep, i think i'm quite well recovered, grateful~~ :)

23.01.2013 | 印裔博客

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1658]
應該有讀者會好奇點解我會有個叫做SK Thambee嘅朵, 而呢位博客又相對應叫做Anay.. 喺印度淡米爾語中, thambee意即細路而anay就係大哥咁解.. 不過我可以好肯定話你知, 我完全冇任何印度血統, 更加唔係好似我成日開玩笑話係由Tiruchirapalli嘅貧民窟偷渡過嚟嘅.. 我係真真正正馬來西亞華人一個, 最多比較喜歡好似Bollywood咁喺椰樹週圍追逐咁啫, 哈哈!! 剛剛睇返自己以前啲post, 終於俾我發現點解喇!! 事情發生全由呢一個post而起(記住要睇留言!!), 從此我就俾「尊稱」為博界Thambee喇, 認真搞笑!! :D
some of you may have wondered why i am also known as SK Thambee to this blogger who is known as Anay.. in Tamil, thambee means little brother and anay means big brother.. nope, i can tell you that we are definitely not any Indian descendants who came from the slums in Tiruchirapalli like we always joke about, but we are true local Malaysian Chinese, perhaps we just like to chase our Kamala and Letchumi around the coconut trees ala Bollywood, haha!! i was reading some of my older posts, and voila, i finally found out why!! it all started from this post of mine (read the comments!!), and since then i am honorarily known as Thambee, hilarious enough!! :D

22.01.2013 | 初中高中

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1657]
呢兩張相唔係我新年打掃除嘅時候無意中發現嘅, 其實呢兩本中學成績冊我到依家都仲保存得很好㗎.. 各位朋友, 相裡面就係十三歲讀初中同埋十六歲讀高中嘅我喇, 哇哈哈!! 呢一篇係我「成長系列」其中一個post, 我覺得睇返以前啲相係好有趣嘅一件事, 更多時候係可以令自己笑到碌地嗰隻, 哈哈!! 睇返呢兩張中學相, 我很好奇點解我會係「孖膶腸嘴」嘅?? 真係百思不得其解.. 而且好恐怖呀, 我以前原來係唔梳頭㗎, 俾著依家我肯定唔允許自己唔梳頭就踏出屋企半步囉~~ :D
these two photos are not what i found during my CNY spring cleaning, but i have been keeping my high school results booklet in perfect conditions till now.. ladies and gentlemen, that was me at age 13 during junior high school and 16 during senior high school, muahahaha!! this is part of my "growing up" series of posts, and i think it's fun to look back at some old photos that could really crack me up, haha!! by looking at these two photos, i wonder why i had "sausage lips" back then?? this is so "bewildering".. and i didn't even care to comb my hair, which i will never allow myself to not have my hair combed before stepping out of my house now~~ :D

21.01.2013 | 攝位題材

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1656]
每次當我冇咩嘢寫嘅時候, 就係去自己個folder搵啲食物照嚟大兜文章.. 其實我已經對寫食物興趣不再, 不過有時都不失為一個很有用嘅攝位題材, 哈哈!! 咁呢包M&M曲奇餅?? 呵呵, 冇咩特別嘅, 係某日喺超市發現嘅新產品, 買嚟試下咁啫.. 都係一般曲奇餅加啲M&M囉, 不過入口貨, 點都比本地貨優質好食.. 唔係我崇洋, 而係我發覺本地(甚至係東南亞國家)製造嘅啲餅干呀朱古力呀, 因為迎合大眾口味, 味道都係偏甜, 有啲仲超甜!! 入口貨通常較注重均衡飲食, 糖份會少啲, 所以都比較啱我口味.. :)
everytime when i have nothing to blog about, i will go to my folder, grab one food photo and then start to create story from it.. actually i have already lost interest in blogging about food, but can't deny it's quite a useful filler post, haha!! so what is this M&M's cookies?? haha, nothing really special, just something new i saw one day in supermarket and gave it a try.. just normal cookies with M&M's lah, afterall it's imported so i'd say it's nicer and better quality.. not that i worship imported goods, i just realized locally (or even other ASEAN countries) produced cookies, chocolates etc are sweeter to suit the local tastes, some even are so sweet that you think you are eating sugar!! imported ones usually pay attention to balanced diet, so the amount of sugar is cut down, hence suits my taste more.. :)

18.01.2013 | 制水日子

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1655]
最近多個地方制水, 我屋企一個星期就有兩日制水, 果然係服務週到!! 不過更加離譜都試過, 記得98年有一次制水整整一個星期, 每日都要等當局派水, 到時到候見到水車嚟緊嘅時候, 家家戶戶老老嫩嫩都拎住水桶去「輪水」!! 為了慳水, 連大小二便都儘量行去附近商場解決, 哈哈~~ 想返起當時個落魄樣, 真係暗地裡一笑!! 不過比起某位朋友, 我算幸運喇.. 該區聲明兩星期前開始制水, 一直到農曆新年!! 一個月幾冇自來水, 如何生存??!! @_@"
lately quite a number of residential areas are experiencing interrupted water supply, within a week i experienced two days without water supply in my area, how thoughtful!! anyway i've experienced something even worse, i remember once in 1998 there was no water supply for one whole week, everyday we had to wait for the authority to send us water, and when we saw the water truck coming, everyone from every family would bring big pails to queue up for water!! to save water, we even tried our best to "do business" at the nearby mall, haha~~ thinking back how awkward i was back then, it is just a laugh now.. however compared to a friend of mine, i'm considered lucky.. his area has been notified to have no water supply since two weeks ago, till chinese new year!! it's more than a month, how to survive??!! @_@"

17.01.2013 | 掛號郵件

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1654]
之前領教過寄俾國外某朋友嘅禮物仔寄失咗, 因為以普通郵件寄, 所以冇憑冇據都無從翻案, 唯有黯然嘆息唔好彩.. 其實我唔明, 地址正確, 一份咁大份嘅包裹點樣會寄失?? 自此以後, 我非常唔信任郵政人員嘅手腳, 所以我寄嘢都一定要掛號.. 至少有個憑據, 萬一發生咩時都可以理直氣壯.. 其實我覺得掛號已足夠, 尤其本地郵寄, 好多時候同速遞同一時間收到, 唔需要額外嘥錢.. 另外一個好處係, 可以網上追蹤郵件喺咩位置(雖然個都唔算太好), 其實每次寄咗之後, 我都會上網追蹤, 明顯比收件人仲更加緊張, 哈哈!! :D
i once experienced a lost mail for the gifts i sent to a friend overseas, and because i sent it by normal mail, i had no proof to claim it back, so i could only sigh for being unlucky.. i actually do not understand, the address was correct and how could such a big parcel got lost in mail?? since then, i do not trust the people in the post offices anymore, so whenever i send something i must have it registered.. at least there is a proof of posting, in case such incident happens again i still have something to back me up.. i found registered mail is good enough, especially locally, most of the time mail is delivered at the same time as courier, so not necessary to spend more.. another good thing with registered mail is that there is online tracking of the location of the mail (though not a really good one).. every time after i posted my mails, i will follow-up tracking online, obviously i am way more anxious than the recipients, haha!! :D

16.01.2013 | 依起棚牙

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1653]
噚日喺某餐廳嘅時候, 親切嘅女侍應以微笑表示歡迎, 但係當佢開口講嘢嘅時候, 就有事發生喇!! 雖然佢唔係美女, 但係相貌端莊, 之不過見到佢崩咗隻門牙, 我突然之間覺得好~想~笑~!! 真係估佢唔到, 當然我係忍住唔笑啦.. 我知, 人哋冇咗隻門牙, 唔靚女已經好慘㗎嘛, 係唔應該笑人嘅, 我自己夠冇咗隻大牙啦.. 其實崩牙女侍佢應服務好, 態度佳, 效率高喎.. 各位朋友, 所以話, 內在美比外在美更加重要㗎, 就好似我咁~~ :D
yesterday in a restaurant, a friendly waitress put on a smile to welcome us, but when she opened her mouth to start a conversation, things happened!! though she's not a big beauty her look is at least decent, but when i saw her missing front tooth, i suddenly feel like cracking up!! that was really sudden and unexpected, of course i have to control myself from not doing so.. i know i know, she has lost her front tooth and it's already a pity for her to not look pretty, so we shall not laugh at her.. to be frank, she was actually efficient and rendered good service.. folks, that is why i would say, inner beauty is always more important than pretty look, just like yours truly~~ :D

14.01.2013 | 心意手作

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1652]
今年嘅博客大賞講明會送自制音樂CD俾眾多得獎者, 經過連日努力, 終於都將大部份CD趕起喇!! 我要強調嘅係, 本部落絕對唔鼓吹贈送貴重禮物, 如果你想要獎金嘅話, 我只會令你失望, 呵呵!! 所以我一路來都係送啲有心思嘅手工制作俾大家, 以表百份百心意.. 今次集齊各得獎者嘅飲歌之余, 我亦從中發現啲自己好喜歡嘅歌, 有新有舊有快有慢, 果然百花齊放, 聽出耳油, 多謝咁多位開闊我嘅音樂世界..
as mentioned, the blogger awards this year is giving personalized CD to the winners, and after days of hardwork, most of the CDs are finally done!! i need to stress that this blog does not encourage giving away expensive presents, if you are thinking of getting some money, then i would probably disappoint you, haha!! that is why i always personally do some artcrafts to the winners, this also show 100% sincerity from myself.. this time i have managed to gather favorite songs of the winners, and amongst those songs i discovered some songs that i like so much, there are new ones, old ones, sentimental ones as well as fast-beat ones.. i really enjoyed listening to them, and i must say thank you for widening my world of music..

11.01.2013 | 積分換禮

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1651]
我認為自己係個怪人, 信用卡啲積分我唔捨得用, 次次都一心以為可以越儲越多, 跟住可以換啲貴價禮物.. 去年底先發現原來部份積分就到期, 所以咋咋臨都要局住換返啲嘢, 唔係就白白嘥咗啲積分.. 經過多輪嘅積分同金錢價值計算之後(係, 我就係咁斤斤計較啦, 呵呵!!), 最後卜錘呢個隨身充電器.. 好嘢嚟㗎, 可以帶隨時喺身上, 萬一電話冇點都可以即刻叉電, 唔駛哩咁hae啦.. 最重要係, 我查過呢個充電器市價近RM200, 所以我覺得可以慳返咁多錢, 我就更加開心囉!! *師奶本色再現* :D
i think i am weird, i don't feel like using my credit card points because i thought i can accumulate more so that i may exchange for something expensive one shot.. till end of last year i realized some points are expiring, hence i have no choice but to exchange for something so that my points aren't forfeited.. so after hours of calculating the points over the monetary value (yes, i am that auntie, hehe!!), i finally decided to take this pocket cell.. it's a good thing, i can bring it with me all the time and just in case my phone runs flat of battery, i can charge it up anywhere anytime.. more importantly, i've checked the retail price that it's close to RM200, that makes me happier as i have saved so much!! *auntie attitude again* :D

10.01.2013 | 令人鄙視

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1650]
在超級市場一堆特價花生中, 見到呢包俾人拆開偷食嘅花生.. 雖然唔係第一次見到呢啲咁嘅事情, 但係都覺得呢種行為好匪夷所思, 竟然有人做得出.. 偷嘢唔在講, 仲要偷食跟住意圖毀滅證據, 擔屎偷食仲要唔抹嘴, 等其他人善後, 我其實幾鄙視呢種食霸王餐嘅行為囉.. 我知, 大家會話我咪係一樣, 成日都去超市試食又唔買, 不過點可以拉埋一齊講呢?? 根本就係唔同㗎嘛~~ :D
saw this opened and consumed pack among the peanuts on promotion in a supermarket.. though this is the first time i see such thing, i still find it quite unbelievable people are doing this.. it's stealing and somemore trying to dispose off the evidence after eating, the chinese say "not wiping the stain on your mouth after eating", waiting for people to clean up your mess?? i really despise such act and behavior.. i know some will say it's the same for me to try all food sampling but never bought any, but how can you associate both act?? it's totally different thing right?? :D

08.01.2013 | 又食又拎

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1649]

stop flashing the f**king photo!! show me photo: [1] [2]
上個星期四有個博客朋友嚟吉隆坡處理事情, 於是同其他博客朋友相約食晚飯.. 係一個公式化嘅聚餐, 不過我發覺到更加「公式化」嘅一件事, 就係大家永遠都喜歡帶禮物互相送贈.. 當然我嘅一貫瀟灑作風, 梗係又食又拎, 冇任何貢獻啦, 哈哈!! 多謝wenn嘅USS鎖匙扣同日記本, 多謝Twilight Anay親手整嘅美味蛋糕, 多謝Simple Person嘅精美曲奇!! 其實我一直都覺得送禮好似拘謹咗啲, 反而係熟朋友就誤會考慮到送禮囉.. 所以下次有機會再見, 唔該秉持「SK思想」, 唔好帶嘢喇, 因為能夠見到大家就係最好嘅禮物啦, 哈哈~~ :p
last thursday a blogger friend came to KL to have something settled, hence we met up with a couple of other blogger friends to have dinner together.. it's a very typical blogger gathering and what i realized that becomes more "typical" is that everyone seems to bring something to give each other.. of course being SK, i didn't bring anything but just to receive gifts after gifts from the blogger friends, haha!! thank you wenn for the handsome USS keychain and diary, thank you Twilight Anay for the lovely homemade cupcakes, thank you Simple Person for the nice cookies!! i always think it's too courteous to give presents, close friends indeed never bother to think about gifts.. next time we meet, please bear in mind "SK Philosophy" and bring nothing cos seeing each other is the best gift already, haha~~ :p

07.01.2013 | 不復當年

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1648]
來到新嘅一年第二個星期, 相信大家都已經由持續嘅慶祝活動回歸平常生活喇.. 大家盡情狂玩狂歡狂飲狂食啦嘛?? 聖誕嗰日做咗人生最瘋狂嘅一件事, 就係學人去食「浦飛馬拉松」!! 即係以一個價錢, 由中午12點, 無限次食自助餐, 食到夜晚10點!! 聽落好抵好吸引, 但係呢一次真正令自己體會到咩叫做「不復當年勇」, 其實唔係食咗好多嘢, 但係就開始覺得好飽喇.. 雖然我仍然好喜歡浦飛, 但係不得不認老喇, 與其辛苦自己, 倒不如以同樣價錢食啲比較精緻嘅嘢.. 人老咗, 就要懂得「貴精唔貴多」呢條道理喇~~ :)
it's the second week of the new year, i guess everyone should have already gone back to normal life after all the celebrations.. so how were all your celebrations and feasting?? the craziest things i did on christmas day was going for the "buffet marathon"!! meaning with one single price, we are allowed to have unlimited times of buffet from 12pm till 10pm on the same day!! sounds interesting and worth the money, but i rather think this time is the time i really felt i am not capable of eating as much as i (think i) could, though not really ate a lot i already felt my stomach bloated.. though i still like having buffet, i cannot deny the aging process and why not use the same money to have something more fine than to make myself suffer?? as we grow older, i guess we should start to appreciate what is "quality over quantity".. :)

04.01.2013 | 年度大賞

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1647]

the rainbow ribbon symbolizes the colors every reader added to this blog
各位先生女士, 萬眾期待, 令人黯然心跳嘅2012年度博客大賞, 成績終於出爐喇!! 萬分感激各位一年來鼎力嘅支持, 我覺得2012年366個post, 有咗大家嘅留言才能夠生色不少.. 為答謝各位嘅支持, 年度十強與組別贏家當中, 每一位都會獲得獨家個人音樂CD一個(參考去年獎品).. 想知道自己有冇獎攞, 仲唔即刻按下面鏈接, 去馬睇睇成績?? 最後再次多謝大家, 恭喜晒所有得獎者, 2013年我們大家再接再勵!! :)
ladies and gentlemen boys and girls, it's time to reveal the results for the much anticipated and heart-pounding Annual Bloggers Award 2012!! truly appreciate all your relentless support throughout the year, i think all 366 posts in year 2012 are surely colorful with all your comments.. to show my gratitude, everyone from the top 10 and category winners will each get a unique personalized music CD (refer to last year's prize).. want to know if you have got a prize?? quickly click on the links below to see the results.. lastly, thank you again and congratulations to all the winners, we shall make it more happening in year 2013!! :)
年度20強 | Yearly Top 20
組別贏家 | Category winners
完整統計 | Complete statistics
回顧2011博客大賞 | Review Bloggers Award 2011

03.01.2013 | 十二月榜

[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1646]
十二月留言排行榜 Comment Chart for December
#(#)博客 Blogger留言 Count實得分
1(4)  MEcoy @ I am MEcoy36864.9-2.9
2(5)  lina @ Life In My Own Backyard32761.0-2.7
3(2)  Yan @ Blog with Yan26360.2+2.9
4(1)  Small Kucing @ SMALL KUCING15053.6+7.6
5(3)  yvonne @ From Taiping with L♥ve19553.1+2.6
6(6)Twilight Anay @ TWILIGHT ZONE20648.8-2.8
7(8)wenn @ Experiences10837.5-4.3
8(13)Hayley @ Hayley and Herself14233.4-9.8
9(11)HappySurfer @ From where I am8232.4-1.8
10(10)Bananazஇ @ BananazஇPeople7431.7-1.7
11(12)海市蜃樓 @ 海市蜃樓3531.0-3.5
12(14)reana claire @ Caring Is Not Only Sharing2223.8-0.4
13(9)Simple Person @ Simple Life12023.1-3.9
14(7)suituapui @ Still Crazy All The Years4520.7-0.8
15(15)Kian Fai @ kianfai87 on PlayRole5213.7-1.5
■ 查看完整統計 » « View complete statistics ■
本部落格2013年第一個post, 祝各位新年快樂!! 新嘅一年, 首先為大家揭曉去年12月嘅留言榜, 我哋有一個全新冠軍人馬嘅誕生, 來自菲律賓嘅一股超級旋風!! 恭喜晒所有榜上留名嘅讀者們, 明天緊接落嚟, 會為大家揭曉年度總成績.. 為2012畫下一個總結之余, 當然係要答謝各位一年來嘅鼎力支持啦!! 請跟住上面個倒數器, 我哋一齊來倒數[SK/0617]年度博客大賞MMXII~~ :p
the very first post for year 2013, wishing everyone a happy new year!! the very first thing in a new year is to announce the comments chart for last december, we have a brand new champion this time, the super typhoon from philippines!! congratulations to all who made it to the chart, and back-to-back tomorrow we will be announcing the yearly chart.. besides drawing a conclusion to year 2012, of course it is to thank you everyone for the relentless support throughout the entire year!! please follow the timer above, let's countdown for [SK/0617] Blogger Awards MMXII~~ :p