八月卅一國慶日.. 以前我仲會感受到一份高漲情緒, 會早啲起身睇電視直播國慶遊行.. 不過而家莫講話睇直播, 就連任何同國慶有關嘅嘢我都懶理.. 唔係我欠缺愛國精神, 而係話因為種種原因, 產生咗一種XX嘅態度.. 國慶對我嘅意義?? 就係一日假期咁簡單..
[Part 1] Merdeka Thoughts
31st August is our National Day.. i still remember i used to have some kind of looking-forward feeling, i would wake up earlier to watch the livecast of the parade on TV.. but now, don't even talk about watching the livecast, i'm not even interested in anything merdeka related.. not that i am not patriotic, it's because of many factors that caused me these XXX attitude towards our dear land.. what does this day mean to me?? as simple as another public holiday..
[第二章] 國慶鉅獻
見最近冇咩人留言, 一於借此機會旺一旺個場啦.. 係喇, 我有本書要送出去噃, 係Alice Sebold著作"The Lovely Bones" (按此鏈接看點評).. 如果你想得到呢本書, 又唔介意非常新淨嘅二手書嘅話, 就請你出手留言啦.. 04.09.2010 11:59pm 截止, 留言必須與本貼有關而且超過12個字.. 最多合格留言嘅朋友將會得到呢本書.. 大家畀面支持吓哩~~ :D
[Part 2] Merdeka Giveaway
i realised less people come leaving comments recently, maybe i should (learn from the Panda blogger to) do something to boost up my comments then.. yes, i'm giving away this book "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold (see book review here).. if you want this book, and don't mind a first-hand condition second-hand book, just leave as many comments in this post.. closing 11:59pm 04.09.2010, comments must be related to this post with at least 12 words.. reader with the most qualified comments will win the book.. please give face to support me leh~~ :D