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28.04.2010 | 老弱殘兵

呢幾日去咗個certification course, 同學之中當然有老有嫩啦.. 呢個course其實講好多theory, 所以後生嘅當然冇問題啦, 因為好似上堂咪書一樣之嘛.. 不過老嘅(包括我在內)就顯得吃力喇, 試諗吓, 咁多年冇咪過書, 霎時間梗係顯得力不從心啦.. 導師發問嘅時候, 就算係十分鐘前講過嘅, 都係得後生可以回答, 老嘢全部鴉雀無聲.. {︶︿︶}"

請選擇: 繼續睇我有幾咁有心無力 唔睇我有幾咁有心無力, 睇吓題外話

was attending a certification course these few days, and of course there were young ones and the old ones in the same class.. this course was more on theory than practical experience, hence the youngs one were enjoying as this is like going to lecture to them.. but for the old ones (including myself), because we've not been studying for such a long time, this kind of course was a little tough for us.. even when the instructor ask questions on points he just mentioned 10 minutes ago, only the young ones can answer but leaving all the old ones kept silence.. {︶︿︶}"

please choose: continue reading how helpless i was
enough of how helpless i was, but to sidetrack a little

25.04.2010 | 我的兒時

噚日喺面卜裡, 當年嘅英文老師貼咗一系列嘅懷舊相片, 隨即引起好多舊同學嘅回應.. 嘩!! 照我推論係廿四年前小學三年班嘅時候, 應該係兒童節或者年尾時候影低嘅.. 啲相真係好珍貴架, 我二話不說即刻下載落嚟珍藏, 同埋要喺度同大家分享呢個珍貴回憶..

was facebooking last night when i saw a series of old photos posted by our primary school english teacher Ms Kong, and that immediately attracted responses from all the fellow ex-classmates.. wow, i guess it was 24 years ago when we were in our primary grade 3, it's either children's day or year end i supposed.. absolutely precious photo that i don't have, hence i immediately downloaded them without hesitation, and i'm gonna share my memory here..

知唔知我喺邊呢?? click入張相就自有分曉架喇.. :)
can you spot me?? click on each of the photos to find out.. :)

[放大] 五男五女表演唱歌, 不過就真係唔記得當時唱咩囉~~ :p
[larger] 5 boys and 5 girls performed singing, but i really have no idea what we were singing already~~ :p
[放大] 班上全體男生同老師一齊合照, 你睇下, 個個都幾咁精靈?? :D
[larger] all the boys in the class posed together with the teacher, look, didn't everyone just look so cute?? :D
[放大] 最後梗係嚟個大合照啦, 其實我都搵自己搵咗好耐, 應該係嗰個啩.. :p
[larger] finally the group photo of course, but i have actually been trying to recognise myself in this photo, i guess should be that one.. :p

相入邊嘅每一位, 你哋大家都好吖嘛??
hello everyone in the photo, how are you doing??

23.04.2010 | 今非昔比

今日同同事一齊食晏嘅時候, 見到有班中學生, 搵到張檯後, 頭都唔擰就咁坐低喇.. 我覺得哩, 而家啲學生真係有錢兼幸福囉.. 點解咁講呢?? 因為呢度食一餐, 閑閑地都要十幾廿蚊, 想當年我一個星期零用錢都係咁上下咋(仲要係搭車食嘢雜費全包嗰隻), 佢哋竟然可以眼都唔眨下就一餐洗晒..

仲有啊, 以前我哋去嘛嘛檔飲杯茶都要諗過度過, 但係而家啲學生哩, 拎住杯星巴克完全係若無其事架.. 唔好話以前喇, 其實今時今日, 我都覺得十幾蚊一杯咖啡真係攞我命囉.. 仲有快餐店啊, 以前儲夠錢一個月都係去得一次咁大把, 但係而家, 啲學生去快餐店係唔係仲頻過去書店吖?? 話是話, 以前啲漢堡包好似大成倍咁多囉~~
was having lunch with colleague this afternoon, when i saw a gang of students came in, found a table and immediately sat down without hesitation.. i immediately think that students nowadays are indeed very rich and spoilt.. why did i say so?? because eating in this restaurant would cost close to RM20, it's like my one-week pocket money (inclusive of all meals, transport and misc expenses) back in my student days, but they can now use up the money in one single meal..

i can remember back in the old days, i still need to think hard and calculate carefully before i can even go for a drink at the mamak, but now, holding a starbucks in their hand is just nothing but common.. not to mention back in the good old days, but even now that i still think a cup of coffee at almost RM15 is actually very expensive!!

and what else, fast food chains maybe.. remember i'd have to save up for the entire month before i could have just enough money for a basic burger, but now don't you think the students actually frequent McD more than they ever go to the bookstores?? and not to mention, burgers were almost double the size of the ones we can get now..

20.04.2010 | 無聊玩樂

今日本來係想寫其他嘢嘅, 但係無意中畀我發現呢個好好玩, 同時間性有關嘅html scripting.. 反正我最近都幾鐘意喺啲post度玩scripting增加可閱性, 不如今日就索性喺度同大家玩下啦..

i wanted to write something else today, but i accidentally found out this piece of interesting html scripting (about setting time intervals and delays).. since i recently like to do some scripting in my posts for better readability, so i thought why not just have it here for fun today??


請誠實回答以下問題.. Please answer this question honestly..
A) 我非常喜歡巴莉絲希爾頓 Yes, i love Paris Hilton
B) 我對巴莉絲希爾頓冇感覺 Hmm, i don't hate and don't love Paris Hilton
C) 我極度討厭巴莉絲希爾頓 Nope, i hate Paris Hilton

12.04.2010 | 拉去打靶

好嬲啊, 我好嬲啊!! 都唔知啲人點用廁所架!! 一啲公德心都冇, 硬係要將個廁所搞到污糟邋遢先至甘願架喎, 正一食虱米, 正一自私鬼!!

  • 點解係都要將地下搞到週圍都濕笠笠?? 鬼唔望你有日入廁所畀自己嘅傑作跣到四腳朝天!!
  • 點解係都要將拎一大堆廁紙抹手紙, 用唔晒又隨手揼喺地下?? 鬼唔望你有日冇廁紙用又冇水洗, 睇你點樣抿屎!!
  • 點解係都要撩完鼻屎, 跟住捩手抹喺廁格板上?? 一舊舊癡喺度, 好核突囉!! 鬼唔望有日你隔離同樣有人撩鼻屎, 一彈就彈入你個口!!
  • 點解係都要踎喺個馬桶上, 個馬桶係畀你坐唔係畀你踎畀你踩架!! 鬼唔望你有日差錯腳, 一腳踩落個馬桶, 欲拔不能!!

我記得以前學校有個好惡嘅廁所阿嬸, 見到呢啲情況實破口大罵.. 我衷心望呢度個清潔阿嬸有日可以緝拿真兇, 跟住將佢當眾鬧到狗頭淋血, 實屬大快人心事件一宗呀!! :D
i am mad, i am very mad!! i don't understand how those people use toilets!! totally inconsiderate and selfish, as if they won't feel happy without making a mess out of the toilet!! uncivilised bastards and morons!!

  • why the hell must they wet the floor everywhere?? how i wish one day they would slip and fell flat on the floor!!
  • why the hell must they take excessive amount of papers, and just thrown the unused portion onto the floor?? how i wish one day they have no paper and no water in there, let's see how they clean up!!
  • why the hell must they dig their nose and just wipe off onto the wall?? it's so disgusting to see the booger stuck on the wall!! how i wish one day there's another guy sitting in the next cubicle doing the same thing, and flick his booger into their mouth!!
  • why the hell must they squat on the toilet bowl, it's for you to sit and not for you to squat!! how i wish one day they'll accidentally step into the toilet bowl and not able to pull the leg out!!

i still remember there's a very fierce cleaner in my high school, whenever she sees these, for sure she'll get mad and scold everyone she sees.. how i wish one day the cleaner here will be able to catch the bastard, and give him a good lesson in front of everyone, then i will be utmost happy to see that!! :D

09.04.2010 | 數學游戲

又係星期五喇, 大家係唔係心情靚啲, 期待緊週末嘅來臨呢?? 同大家玩吓數學IQ題, 輕鬆吓啦, 不過答中冇獎架喎.. :p
it's FRIDAY everyone!! guess you're having a great mood looking forward to the weekends right?? well, in that case, why not try out this quiz to free your soul?? no prize if you get them correct, haha :p

1.噚日嘅噚日嘅噚日, 係星期六之後嘅第三日, 咁今日係星期幾呢??
The day before the day before yesterday is three days after Saturday. What day is it today?
二 Tuesday三 Wednesday四 Thursday五 Friday

2.15位同學之中, 有7位識英語, 8位識法語, 3位兩樣都唔識, 咁有幾位係兩樣都識呢??
In a group of 15 students, 7 have studied English, 8 have studied French, and 3 have not studied either. How many of them have studied both languages?

3.喺30與50之間, 究竟有幾多個可以被3整除嘅質數呢??
How many prime numbers that are divisible by 3 are there between the numbers 30 to 50 inclusive?

4.如果你係班上第50位最佳學生, 同時亦係倒數第50位最差學生, 咁你班上一共有幾個人呢??
Susan is both the 50th best and the 50th worst student at her school. How many students attend her school?

5.巴士上有4個女仔, 每個女仔有4個袋, 每個袋入邊有4隻貓, 每隻貓肚內有4隻貓仔, 請問巴士上一共有幾多隻腳呢??
There are 4 girls in a bus, each of them carries 4 bags. Each bag keeps 4 cats, and each cat has 4 kittens in her stomach. Assuming all kittens have fully developed, how many legs are there in total?

你答啱幾題啊?? what is your score??

06.04.2010 | 發生咩事

好嬲啊, 我好嬲啊!! 你知唔知發生咩事吖?? 我啲留言全部唔見晒啊!! 發生咩事啊?? 有冇人可以話畀我知究竟發生咩事啊??
i am mad, i am really mad!! do you know what happened?? many of my comments have gone missing!! what happened?? can somebody please tell me what has happened??

話說我今朝見到有65個留言, 於是就興致勃勃想話睇吓各位親愛嘅讀者們有咩要話我知咁啦..
i saw 65 comments this morning, and i happily intended to read in details what my readers have to tell me..

點知一click入去之後, 發現竟然只得39個留言, 而唔係剛才見到嘅65喎!! 我開始覺得莫明其妙..
and when i clicked into the details, i was shocked to find that there are only 39 comments instead of 65!! i'm so puzzled..

跟住我發現由四月五日下晝4:25至四月六日早上11:18之間, 竟然有26個留言係不知所蹤!! 天啊, 讀者畀我嘅留言, 同埋我含辛如苦逐一嘅回復, 全部唔見晒!! 唔見晒啊!!
i then found out that between 4:25pm 5th April and 11:18am 6th April, there are a total of 26 comments missing from my blog!! OMG, comments from my dear readers and my sincere replies to everyone of them are all gone!! all gone!!
發生咩事?? 有冇人話我知究竟發生咩事??
what happened?? tell me what has happened??

[最新消息] 四月七日中午, 我再次登入查看, 咦!! 個問題解決咗啦噃!! :)
[UPDATE] i checked again at noon 7th April, the issue is resolved!! :)

04.04.2010 | 最好的事

我基本上係個唔癡家嘅人, 一有機會就一定會躝街.. 但係有時又可以足不出戶, 終日死蛇爛鱔咁躝喺屋企, 乜都唔做.. 其實乜都唔做並不代表我迤噃, 而係選擇好好咁享受難得嘅清閑.. 我最鐘意就係食完早餐, 一個大字型躂喺床上, 感覺就好似自己瞓喺空曠草地上呼吸清新空氣嗰一種自在..

平時工作繁忙壓力大, 身心疲憊情況之下, 能夠盡情如此一迤, 邊個話唔係最好的事??i am basically not a homely person, i will prefer going somewhere instead of staying at home.. however, sometimes i can be totally different, i can make myself at home doing nothing just like a dead log.. doing nothing doesn't mean i am lazy, but to enjoy the luxury time i can rarely afford to relax myself.. what i like most, is to lie flat on my bed soon after breakfast, feeling the freedom as if myself lying on an open prairie breathing fresh air..

heavy workload and pressure on work brings physical and mental exhaustion, to be able to enjoy the breath of freedom, now, who say doing nothing is not doing something beautiful??

01.04.2010 | 四月一日

四月一日, 對你嚟講係一個咩日子呢??
it's April 1st, what would you perceive this day as??

[愚人節] 以前讀書嘅年代, 都仲會認住呢一日, 就算唔去整蠱人嘅話都千其唔好畀人整蠱.. 不過依家就當然係普通不過嘅一日啦.. 其實哩, 我想知究竟係邊個發起呢個愚人節架?? 都幾無聊囉覺得..

[april fool] i'd always remind myself of this day back in the good old days, if not to make a fool of other classmates, i would ensure that i was not being fooled.. as i grow older, this day is just another normal day for me actually.. i am very curious to know who the hell that make up this day, i really think it's kind of nonsense actually..

[某人生日] 我有個朋友, 佢係四月一號生日嘅, 我其實覺得頗搞笑囉, 點解會揀呢一日生日架?? 因為好易令人聯想到愚人呢樣嘢囉.. 喺度諗, 係唔係每次都要擔心會畀人整蠱, 而唔敢慶祝生日呢?? 呵呵.. 某人, 祝你生日快樂..

[someone's birthday] i have a friend whose birthday falls on 1st April, i really think it's quite funny, how could he "choose" his birthday on such a day?? it just make people easily link him to a fool i say.. wonder if he tries not to celebrate his birthdays just in case people are make him a fool on the celebration?? haha.. anyway, happy birthday to this someone..

[哥哥忌辰] 七年前嘅今日, 發生咗令所有認識佢嘅人都覺得惋惜嘅事.. 事隔多年, 我知道仍然有好多人都好掛住佢.. 每年嘅今日, 總會全天候透過電台聽到佢把聲..「一追再追 / 只想追趕生命裡一分一秒 / 原來多麽可笑」

[leslie's departure] it was 7 years ago, when everyone who knew him would have mourned over his sudden suicide.. many still miss him a lot, albeit departed for a long time, he is never being forgotten.. this day every year, we will never miss hearing his voice over chinese radio stations over the world.. "thanks thanks thanks thanks monica~~"