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28.04.2010 | 老弱殘兵

呢幾日去咗個certification course, 同學之中當然有老有嫩啦.. 呢個course其實講好多theory, 所以後生嘅當然冇問題啦, 因為好似上堂咪書一樣之嘛.. 不過老嘅(包括我在內)就顯得吃力喇, 試諗吓, 咁多年冇咪過書, 霎時間梗係顯得力不從心啦.. 導師發問嘅時候, 就算係十分鐘前講過嘅, 都係得後生可以回答, 老嘢全部鴉雀無聲.. {︶︿︶}"

請選擇: 繼續睇我有幾咁有心無力 唔睇我有幾咁有心無力, 睇吓題外話

was attending a certification course these few days, and of course there were young ones and the old ones in the same class.. this course was more on theory than practical experience, hence the youngs one were enjoying as this is like going to lecture to them.. but for the old ones (including myself), because we've not been studying for such a long time, this kind of course was a little tough for us.. even when the instructor ask questions on points he just mentioned 10 minutes ago, only the young ones can answer but leaving all the old ones kept silence.. {︶︿︶}"

please choose: continue reading how helpless i was
enough of how helpless i was, but to sidetrack a little


  1. 嗱,你睇,我果然係你嘅“首席”fan屎,几咁支持你吖!霸头位喎!


  2. my ancient dinosaur head still trying to process which button to select in your post.....a or b...

  3. like this macam mane boleh, instead of asking god for kindNESS, u asked for kindLESS... god want to help u also cannot liao lah *slaps on my forehead* :P
    anyway just joking, im sure u can pass de, and u r not old at all ok :P

  4. I wish you can pass the exams as well.

    if i will you, i think i will have the same situation you faced to.

    about the 1Malaysia, haiya it is just a rubbish for me.

  5. Whoa, so innovative, got choose button sumore.
    Intelligent and creative peeps like you dun need exams liao. ;)

  6. i attended such course when i was in sg... all "manager" students... only me was the new trainee hahaha

  7. 加油!you can de! show them that u also can be like them. :) am now learning korean language course and feel like dying too. haha. just realized japanese language is much easier than korean.

  8. actually if u less bother to see those young one, am sure u can do de. dnt let them distract ur attention in answering those questions. :) dont need bother how early dey fin up their paper, who knows their answer wrong leh? sometimes too confident also no gud ma. :)

  9. serious comment: ohhh now you know the importance of book liao hor hahahahahahhaha

    sidetrack comment: 1malaysia is a myth hahaahaha

  10. i agree with caroline... age doesn't really matter dude...

  11. it's just a written exam.... and of course the real test is when you apply in in real life... that's how you can measure how much you've learn...

  12. so are u the young one or r u implicating u r in the older group? :)

  13. i know you can do it my friend.. cheers!

  14. have a great day SK, wish all the best for you...

  15. by the way, there's only 2 days left for April and then i will update my blog... including my top commentors header ^_^ happy blogging!

  16. Then you must work harder to catch up with those young fellas :)

  17. haha, jst make a small notes and refer it when u need it lo~ i bet u did it before when u r young right? :P

  18. SK 加油, 我们都看好你的。

  19. Dude, set your mindset to study mode... enjoy the study and you can do it.

    Just do it ...

    TZ has been thru so many certification course and exam... no worry just do it :p BTW, i think i belongs to the young one :p

  20. 其实一直以来我都觉得上堂好辛苦


  21. 我看到书肯定输!每次无缘对着它~~~还很爱睡呢!你要加把劲哦~

  22. 我讀MBA,考試時都係提早交卷波!因為我對自己要求唔高,千千猜猜作完就走人。(第二日重要上班架!)反而係啲後生仔後生女要score,個個等到考官催先肯交。

  23. Oh dear... it may not be as bad as you think! Good luck ok! :)

  24. hmm .. i missed the study and exam days.... ( yes, i'm a freak ;p )
    so hows the result? ada flying colors or not? ;)

  25. Oh dear.....good luck on your exams. I'm old too....won't be able to withstand the pressure on exams anymore. haha...

  26. 33 is not too old. the problem is have to go by book. Book wise and work wise is different.

    1SK or SK1

  27. ohhhhh.. u are 33 now?
    where got old la.... haiyo...

  28. just older than me only ma.. wahahahahahaha....

  29. hope u can pass the test and got your cert la.. ehehehe..

  30. if u ask me go back to study now also "yao sam mou lek" zoh.. >.<

  31. Show them your blog and you'll get full marks.
    Anyhow, I'm always lazy to do study revision regardless of my age. The same me 10 yrs back and now.

  32. Agree with you, 1 MAL is everywhere.

  33. U will pass one lah. Don't worry.

  34. 哈哈哈……有趣有趣!是我老了吗?我上课也跟你遇到同样的事情!@@

  35. wishing u all the best in ur exam! ;)

  36. Who says you can't teach old dogs new tricks? Heard of old ginger *lagi pedas* more spicy. Show those young Gen-Y some of your true colors. Yes you can bro I look you got UP hahaha. ~;) tQ.

  37. edward:
    哈哈, 咁啱咋係嘛?? 不過都要多謝你支持嘅, 請畀你自己熱烈掌聲鼓勵鼓勵, 呵呵!! 嘩, 你咁睇得起我啊?? 講到好似天上有地下冇咁, 我受之有愧喎.. 不過都要多謝你鼓勵嘅, 向好嗰方面諗囉..

    hahahaha, actually doesn't matter if you choose A or B, or A and B.. don't pressure yourself too much, hahaha!! you still got smallkucing need to take care.. :p

  38. the happy go lucky one:
    hahaha, thank you for your sacarstic correction of my typo mistake lor.. i've corrected that immediately after i read your comments.. aiyah, late at night feel sleepy so typo error lor.. hehe, thanks, let's finger cross and hope for the best.. :)

    CH Voon:
    so long never study and take exam, really a little pressure lor.. anyway, let's be optimistic and confident lah.. hehe, yalor, everything also 1Malaysia, i already got sick of it liao~~

  39. Gratitude:
    haha, this is not the first time i am writing the post in this style woh.. anyway, i still need to sit for exam lor, hehehe!! :p

    haha, but you are still a full time student now woh.. sure you have no problem studying and taking exams lor..

  40. Caroline Ng May Ling:
    haha, thank you for your encouragement.. so you are taking korean because you want to watch the korean drama series?? hmmm, i guess korean sounds more difficult than japanese right?? i mean the way korean is spoken is somehow more "vulgar" as compared to the "subtle and polite" japanese.. agree?? hahaha.. well, i never bother them much, just that i can see the difference between the young ones and the old ones.. the young ones seem more light-hearted and care-free lor.. anyway, we all have been young before right, so maybe that's exactly what we were in our senior's opinion.. :)

    hehehe, of course i know the importance of books!! that is why i have been buying them - for tax exemption!! hahahaha.. hmmm, actually you are right, it's a myth!! and i wonder when it'll be forgotten again.. :p

  41. bluedreamer27:
    hmmm but the result of the exam decides whether you are certified, and it actually is important.. of course we know practical experience is important, but it would be useful to be certified because that already gives people a confident on first touch, agree?? thanks, let's get finger crossed and hope for the best then.. yeah, thanks for reminding, i've already gone spam your blogs with comments and claim back my top commenters position.. haha!! :D

    hmmm, i didn't imply but i have obviously mentioned in the post that i am considered as one of the old gang.. hahaha!!

  42. Mei Teng:
    hmmm, there are always something in this world that you can never catch up with.. for example, age.. hahahahahaha!!

    cannot lah, this is a professional certification exam, cannot do that one.. and furthermore, i never done that before ok, never play cheat in exams even in schooldays also.. i am a good student~~

  43. 单身汉:
    謝謝哦, 謝謝你一路的支持和鼓勵!! 我們往樂觀方面想吧.. :)

    hmmmm, i have set my midset that i must study, but just that my body didn't manage to synch well with my mind, you see that?? hahaha.. well, TZ is tough and now having so many professional certifications, you are bombastic man!! ok ok, you are the young one, i am the old one~~ :p

  44. 釉釉 (幼幼):
    其實我OK架, 我可以專心聽堂架, 只不過講到要咪書, 就真係考起我囉.. 好難入腦, 呢都讀咗, 話咁快嗰頭就唔記得喇.. 不過好彩個試係objective, 冇咁驚囉.. :)

    Chris Chia:
    哈哈, 這麼慘咩?? 書=輸?? 那你買萬字票的時候, 不可給你看到書本了, 呵呵.. 其實這樣也好喇, 至少你有一樣東西是可以幫助你入睡呀, 哈哈!! :)

  45. khengsiong:
    嘩, 你讀part time其實仲辛苦囉.. 我幾日full time上course都死下死下咁喇.. 其實我都係要求自己pass就算架喇, 但係嗰種環境之下, 真係自信心跌到落谷底囉.. MBA唔同嘛, 後生嘅梗係比較著緊將來啦, 你仲有份工就當然唔同啦..

    hmmm, you are right, just think more optimistically and get finger crossed for the best.. :)

  46. Danny:
    hmmm, you like to study and exam gah?? haha, then you should go and take on more courses and certifications lor.. maybe since you're now a freelancer, go and get some MBA course lah, sure can satisfy yourself, hahahaha!! :D

    hahaha, true!! it's like so difficult to adjust ourselves to go back to study and sit for exams again.. but guess you are not doing these yourself, but to look after your kids to do them for you right?? :p

  47. Ghostly Nana:
    well, with my age in that class i am considered the old ones lor.. the young ones are 25 and below, hahahaha!! but sadly to say, this exam is all about books and not experience.. so it's S1K, hahahaha!! :D

    aiyah, i know i am always older than you one lah.. 33 if not old then also not consider young lah.. in that class, i am old lor, the young ones are 25 and below one.. hey, you are still very young mah, cannot study liao meh?? aiyoh, then it's worse than me leh~~ :p

  48. KY:
    hmmm, if i can get full marks by showing them this blog, then perhaps that one is Certified Professional Blogger lor, hahahaha!! i don't think this help in my career woh.. well, i guess you are a smart guy, no need to study also can do very well in exams one lor, right?? hehe~~ :p

    Mandy Ling:
    yeah, everywhere i see 1Malaysia, until i already feel sick about it.. nothing special anymore..

  49. Kelvin:
    thanks for the encouragement.. shall keep my finger cross and hope for the best.. :)

    哈哈, 死囉, 如果你也說自己老, 那我算甚麼呢?? 老中之老嗎?? 哈哈.. 你還年輕喇, 只要溫習一下就自然沒有問題了喇.. :)

  50. Medie007:
    thanks!! but you must be the best spokesperson for exams - guess you are always sitting for exams right?? poor doctor~~ :D

    haha, it depends on what kind of situation.. although old ginger is more spicy, but don't forget that small chili is even hotter!! hahaha :D hmmm, i got UP?? what do you mean by that ah, seems like something cheeky woh~~ :p

  51. 哇,你贵庚啊,这么快就认老,吃到老、学到老哦!不学的话,会落后阿!

  52. cannot la.. coz study needs $$ ma.. ho ho ho....
    if company sponsor go study then i want la.. hehehehe..

  53. 不知你是考什么试?

  54. 後生可畏,所謂長江後浪推前浪就喺咁解嘞。不過老嘢都會有發威嗰一日,你嘅考試一定順利通過。

  55. I'm back jiran! Good to attend course but not good if got test :P

  56. 歲月不留人 認命罷啦 哎......

  57. haha...你不算老啦。。。年纪大了一点吧了。。还没到老。。
    什么course o ?

  58. just try to enjoy it and do your best! goodluck

  59. 山城大熊:
    我貴庚?? 都一把年紀架喇, 唔可以唔認老囉.. 又係嘅, 吃到老, 學到老, 我係一番怨言, 不過都係冇放棄架.. :)

    haha, this course is sponsored by the government one, so of course immediately go and attend lah, somemore got certification woh, double the value.. actually, you can always voice out your request to your company if you find any suitable course you want to attend mah.. :)

  60. Ashley:
    其實也不是說甚麼非常重要啦, 就是如果可以考得得到的話, 會是很好囉.. 老實說, 是勉強可以讀得進腦的, 只是很快又會忘記了, 所以會有點擔心嘛.. 哈哈, 你的比喻很好哦, 那我應該換一個更大的杯子了~~ :p

    其實呢個training有分幾個course嘅.. 啱啱呢個真係為咗考試, 所以後生仔女當然功力顯赫.. 之前一個就分明係同經驗扯上嘅, 咁當然就對我哋一班老嘢有利囉.. 不過點都好啦, 呢啲咩咩certification, 最好就係趁後生嗱嗱聲搞掂佢啦, 係咪??

  61. uLi.佑莉:
    hehe, so fast come back one?? waiting to see your photos woh.. aiyoh, that one is not a test, but indeed a certification exam leh, if can pass then will be a recognise specialist one lor.. so that's why i so desperate about it..

    突然間咁感懷身世啊?? 雖然係歲月催人老, 我從來都冇否認過架.. 之不過age is not always the problem嘅.. 學你話齋, 一場美好但係冇高潮嘅性愛, 下次換個方式, 肯定會有意想不到嘅驚喜囉.. :p

  62. Sam Wong:
    哎呀, 年紀大了一點不就表示已經老了囉, 你們年輕人還大把青春, 過十年後你遲早就會好像我這樣的想法的喇, 哈哈!! 也對喇, 早交和遲交沒有分別, 最重要的還是最後的成績嘛.. 其實可以pass就很好了~~ :p

    haha, i actually enjoyed attending the course no doubt, and have tried my best to study and prepare for the exam.. well, should always be optimistic and confident with ourselves right?? finger cross.. :)

  63. 哎呀!读书没分年龄咯!看你有没有认真去听而已咯!肯定你游魂不知去那个外太空,所以才没进脑咯!哈哈!

  64. Maybe I am lazy - I dun know but like you, I also cannot concentrate reading books! Unless it's story books aha! That's different. Will finish it within a day! Cos no need to memorise anything! Haha!

  65. Talking about attending classes - I'll be the first to sleep! Haha!

  66. Anyway hope u did well! Good luck!!

  67. 1Malaysia? Yeah I hear about this everywhere and now everyone want to have a part of it! Even if the concept has nothing to with what they are trying to promote!

  68. But you know, the pioneer of 1Malaysia? It's 1Utama! Wakaka!!

  69. my company also offers a lot of courses already,

  70. BUT, if weekdays, i am very rajin go lah....
    if weekends, I.AM.SO.LAZY!!!!!

  71. T.T
    steal away my precious weekends for courses and trainings are super not worth..

  72. though got the cert, but i still want my weekends loh..
    u know i work so hard then finally weekends come but cannot rest..

  73. ZOMAIGAD!!!
    cannot la.. later Monday walking also like zombies like that..

  74. next week, sat and sun loh..
    got powerpoint course.. ZZzz....

  75. sien till want die... =.="
    so i exchange with my colleagues, let them go while i went to the excel one last month loh..

  76. T___________T
    blue monday... T.T

  77. very sleepy leh.. how har? T.T

  78. but boss not in wor...
    supplier holiday wor.. now very free leh.. =..=
    then need to work when boss not in meh?

  79. ta dang~~ enough comment la? =.=

  80. 发白日梦^^:
    哈哈, 你還年輕, 所以不知道我們老人家的苦衷喇.. 我其實很專心聽講, 只不過晚上回到家裡很累啊, 東西看沒兩下就要睡覺了.. 呵呵!!

    hehe, of course reading a story book is different lah.. but sometimes i don't even like to read also, not to say study and exams!! hehe.. oooh, true also huh.. maybe they learned from 1Utama, so 1Utama is the best spokesperson for 1Malaysia culture?? hehe.. and we also have a lot of condo using the name 1XXX, oh my, so confusing..

    aiyah, if company offering you to go course, then sure must go lah.. but got weekend class one ah, then gotta reconsider lor.. aiyoh, powerpoint course?? need to attend course one meh?? aiyoh, is that relevant to you?? that one learn yourself also can already lah.. yalor, the excel one is more worth lah, powerpoint later you sleep in the class lor.. so today boss not in supplier holiday, then you also holiday lah.. hahaha :D

  81. got la.. Zzz...
    my company jin kak... =.="
    purposely find weekends one..
    wahahahaha.. power point not really relevant for me wor, i am more on excel. XD
    haih.... today baru tuesday, got so long hen gaji keluar.. ZZ

  82. 哈哈!

  83. Donna:
    yalor, so kiasu one, arranging trainings during weekend, and then if no training then want to set as compulsory working day.. so sien lor, like want to squeeze every drop of energy out from the employees!! actually powerpoint really not so important lah, just type few words then ok lah.. excel at least got more things to learn, can learn all the formula and how to manage data mah.. so fast looking forward to salary already?? i thot last week just got salary??

    哈哈, 講是這樣講啦, 不過要怎樣換我真的不知道耶!! 你對哦, 既然要換的話, 不如就索性換個大桶比較好呵?? 哈哈~~ :D
