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28.03.2010 | 地球小時

三月廿七日地球一小時, 我身在雙峰塔, 親眼目睹呢座龐然大物"消失"於黑暗之中, 同時亦都聽到圍觀人士鼓掌喝彩.. 嗰一刻, 心情係振奮嘅..

呢一個(一年先得一次嘅)息燈行動, 鼓勵大家節省能源, 實質上係要提醒大家關注全球氣候變化嘅問題.. 我反而覺得大家將注意力都擺喺形式上, 係, 大家都好落力支持, 行動上係叫做成功嘅.. 但係意義上呢, 我就覺得, 一個小時之前, 浪費大量物力資源宣傳; 一個小時之後, 大家就好似睇完一齣好戲, 心滿意足咁離場..

其實區區一個小時點夠吖?? 當大家正在興高采烈"慶祝"呢個息燈行動嘅之前同之後, 如果都能夠秉持呢個節省能源, 關注氣候變化嘅意願, 比較起形式上嘅支持, 我相信會嚟得更加有意義囉.. :)
during the Earth Hour on 27th March, i was at KLCC watching the much anticipated twin towers "disappeared" into the darkness.. it was a breathtaking moment and i could even hear people applaused for the support of this campaign..

this (once in a year) campaign, reminds us to conserve energy by switching off non-essential lights for an hour, and what it actually aims for is our awareness on global climate issue.. i somehow realised that what needs to be done was more significant that why it needs to be done.. yes, we see this campaign successfully gains support worldwide.. but if we really look into it, before that hour, loads of resources were spent to promote the campaign; after that hour, it's like a good show ended and audience contentedly leave the theatre..

for only a mere hour is never enough, just before and after we proudly "celebrate" this event, if we could still continue to save energy resources and care about global climate, it would be a lot more meaningful than any other forms of supporting this campaign.. :)

25.03.2010 | 兩個半鐘

好嬲啊, 我好嬲啊.. 咪就係前日之嘛, 知唔知我前日返工嘅時候, 發生咩事吖?? 我八點半出門, 結果成十一點先到公司, 足足用咗兩個半鐘啊!! 係平時半個鐘嘅5倍啊~~

請選擇繼續閱讀: 詳情 摘要

i was mad, i was totally mad!! do you know what happened the day before while i went to work?? i left my house at 8:30 and only reached office at 11:00!! a mere two and a half hours, it's an ugly 5 times more than the usual half an hour~~

Please choose to continue reading: Details Summary

22.03.2010 | 童心未泯

之前喺朋友嘅面卜同某人嘅部落見到呢啲動物造型啫哩, 叫我為之驚艷.. 結果噚日終於有幸親臨該店, 你哋睇吓, 得意到哩, 見到都唔忍心食落肚囉..
saw these animal shaped jelly from a friend's FB and somebody else's blog, was so impressed that i wanted to get myself a box.. finally i was there at the shop yesterday, and look!! aren't they just so cute, that you hardly feel like eating them?

本來求其影兩張相算數嘅, 點知越影就越係童心未泯.. 因為實在太可愛嘅關係, 所以不理旁人目光, 借用餐廳竹籤將佢哋豎起, 再逐個影close-up..
just thought of taking some simple shots, but then i had more kiddish ideas that followed.. as they were so cute, i just used the toothpicks on the table, make each of them stand and then give each one a nice close-up shot..
哈囉, 我係大家姐, 叫我金雞啦..
hi, i am the hot chick!!

大家好, 我係來自阿凡達世界嘅長頸鹿..
hi, i am a giraffe, proudly from the avatar world!!

嘿, 我叫牛奶啊, 我係當紅o靚模嚟架..
hey, want some fresh milk?? warm or cold??

19.03.2010 | 忽然一周

呢一個星期嚟, 我嘅工作就只有以下呢個字可形容..
this is what i can tell about work during the past whole week..
離開辦公室嘅嗰一刻, 由窗口望到外邊嘅街景..
this is the street i can see by the time i leave work for home..
返到屋企業, 一身疲憊同一腦子如下圖紊亂嘅思緒..
this is how messy my mind have been after back home from a tiring day..
this is what i am looking forward to: breather for some fresh air, to keep (the already rusty) me going..
.. 當然仲有一個可以充電嘅週末.. 祝大家週末愉快!!
.. and of course a weekend to recharge.. HAPPY WEEKEND everyone!!

all images from animated on-stage visuals @ Sandy Lam HK Live'07 by John Wong

15.03.2010 | 衣著場合

噚日一早同屋企人去拜山.. 先唔好理我哋點解咁早, 係有箇中原因嘅.. 其實我係想寫拜山時候所見到嘅一啲污糟嘢~~ 唔駛驚, 係兩個騎呢人身上嘅污糟服飾啫, 嘻嘻~~ :p

  • [妙齡少女爛泥記] 廿歲出頭少女, 身穿貼身牛仔褲再踩對高踭及膝皮靴, 鮮明打扮到步即成眾人焦點.. 不過祭墓之後十分鐘, 直至散場為止, 我淨係見佢全天候頭沓沓猛咁用草地拭擦皮靴上嘅爛泥.. 一身衣著光鮮, 居然淪落到如此狼狽, 非常搞笑!!
  • [中年男仕燻黑記] 卅歲尾中男, 一身白恤衫白西褲成個四哥咁款, 同樣成為眾人焦點.. 祭墓過程需要焚燒金銀衣紙, 結果一身有型有款嘅白馬王子look全被灰燼燻黑.. 唔單止衫褲, 其實塊臉都同樣燻得一面黑(呢度特意一語雙關), 搞笑非常!!

所以奉勸大家, 衣著雖然要大體, 盡可能可以特出自己, 但係好重要一點係: 要適合個場合囉.. 以上兩個例子, 只會令我聯想到貓步舞台上, 唔小心扑親嘅名模囉.. {^_^}"
went qing ming cemetery visit with family early morning yesterday.. leave aside why we were that early (there's a reason actually), but what i wanted to share is something dirty i've seen in the cemetery.. ooopss, i mean some dirty accessories on two person i saw, hehe :p

  • [the muddy trendy girl] a lady in her early 20s, dressed up in skinny jeans and stepped on her knee-length heeled boots, and of course with her trendy outfit she became the attention.. but 10 minutes after the praying started, till end of the session, all i saw was this lady trying to clean the mud on her boots - by rubbing them on the grass.. it was really an amusing contrast to see how nice she wears, but then doing such awkward action..
  • [the ashy white man] another man in his late 30s, dressed up in all white and also became attention of the crowd.. but little did he know, the praying session always come with the burning of paper-made offerings to ancestor.. so his all white outfit got totally smoked and ashed, while his face was as ashy dark (pun intended) as his clothes.. yet another amusing scene!!

so what do you learn from them?? although we must dress up nicely and try to outshine ourselves, but one important factor must be: wear something appropriate and suitable for the occasion!! they just make me thought of a glamorous model, tripped and fell flat on the catwalk runway.. {^_^}"

13.03.2010 | 四歲之喜

四年前今日嘅4:27pm, 我寫咗生平第一張貼, 同日6:21pm寫咗第二張貼, 開始咗呢個blog.. 今日, 第1058張貼, 佢滿四歲仔喇(係啊, 屬狗架佢 :p), 正在驕傲地向第五年邁進.. 恭喜恭喜!!
at 4:27pm this day four years ago, i posted my very first entry, at 6:21pm same day i posted the second entry and started this blog.. today, with the 1058th entry, he turns 4 (yeah, chinese horoscope: dog) and proudly marching towards the fifth year.. congratulations!!
四週年紀念 ■ [SK/0617]™ ■ 4th anniversary

11.03.2010 | 編寫回憶

讀緊書嘅時候有個叫做「周記」嘅功課, 就係要話畀老師知一周內有咩事發生.. 其實每日返學放學, 一星期六日, 有咩特別事發生吖?? 所以我討厭寫周記, 就係因為冇嘢可以寫, 每次都要絞盡腦汁.. 不過有時都會「翻兜」嘅, 即係是但揀篇舊作嚟抄, 再稍為改動一下, 又可以交差喇, 哈哈!!

噚晚見冇嘢可以寫落個blog度, 突然靈機一觸想話學以前咁翻兜啦, 就摷返一路嚟寫過嘅post.. 結果哩, 翻兜唔成, 反而睇返自己以前寫過嘅嘢, 睇得津津有味, 回味無窮.. 原來寫blog除咗係同人分享之外, 另外一大元素係為自己嘅未來編寫回憶..
there's always a homework called "weekly journal" during my schooldays, to tell our teacher what happened in the past week.. i actually thought, for six days in a week, we go to school and off from school, there's just nothing special that happened in the routine.. that's why i hated doing that, as most of the time i had to scratch my head thinking about what to write out of nothing.. anyway, sometimes i do "encore" my story by copying old journal, slightly modified and there it became a new one, hahaha!!

last night while i was struggling for what to blog about, i suddenly had a flash on doing the same "encore" work again, and hence i browse back the post that i've written all these years to get some ideas.. at last, i failed to do that, but instead i enjoyed reading back what i've written, memories flashed back so vividly.. i then realised that instead of regarding it as sharing the present, blogging actually means crafting memories for your future..

08.03.2010 | 擦身而過

幾日前找咭數嘅時候, 發現個銀碼同信用咭號碼咁啱相同, 非常巧合.. 於是靈機一觸話買個萬字啦不如, 碰下運氣都好.. 唔好以為我係個賭鬼呀, 其實呢次應該係我第三次買博彩咋!! 因為我自知冇橫財命, 賭親錢必輸係我嘅命運, 就費事嘥氣啦.. 所以今次都係當玩下咁啫..

was paying off my credit card bill days ago, and found out that the amount actually matched my card number.. i suddenly had a flash on buying a lottery, perhaps this coincidence could bring me some fortune?? don't mistaken me as a gambling addict ok, i think this should be just the third time i've ever get a lottery.. i know i never have the luck, and it's like my fate to loose whenever i gamble with money, so i don't even bother to waste time.. anyway, for this time, i merely regarded it as a no-harm fun..

所以呢, 我就買咗4718呢個冧把喇.. 本來想買大啲, 不過臨尾縮沙, 都知反正係輸錢, 所以買少啲啦就.. 咁我到底有冇運行呢??

so i bought the number 4718 finally.. was considering a bigger bet, but a second thought told myself that i'll loose anyhow, so at last i went for a smaller bet instead.. and the result?? do i have the luck??

05.03.2010 | 一屐肥嘢

好嬲啊, 我好嬲啊.. 咪就係噚晚之嘛, 你知唔知噚晚我搭車返屋企嘅時候, 發生咩事吖??

話說列車一到站, 我就鬼掩眼咁, 一支箭衝入去搵個位攝埋去企穩.. 跟住唔覺意啤到隔離乘客件恤衫, 點解似曾相識熟口熟面嘅?? 再睇返自己件恤衫, 噢賣葛!! 竟然撞衫撞到唪唪聲, 仲要係企正隔離嗰個 {-_-}" 咁尷尬嘅場面, 梗係要扮處之泰然啦, 但係實質上就偷偷望住窗口玻璃嘅反射, 比較一下啦..

結果佢咪就係嗰種廿歲出頭, 骨杉杉, 好似幾日冇食飯, 營養不良嘅o靚仔囉.. 企正佢隔離, 顯得我成個肥uncle咁, 撞鬼真係!! 睇怕我都真係要認真實行我嘅gamfeitivity, 做個真真正正嘅gamfeilian喇..
i am furious, i am really really furious!! do you know what happened to me last night when i commute back home??

it was when the train arrived at the station, and i quickly got in to find a space to stand steady.. i then subconsciouly peeped the guy standing next to me, and found out the shirt he was wearing looks utterly familiar.. and subconsciouly i looked at what i was wearing, to my horror, we were wearing the SAME shirt, standing side by side!! of course, under such unglamorous moment, i just had to act cool and ignorant, but was actually looking at the reflection on the window, comparing against ourselves..

and you know what?? he's in his early 20s, so skinny as if he has not been eating for days and suffering from malnutrition.. standing beside him made me look exactly like a fat uncle, oh my holy!! i guess i should be more serious on my gamfeitivity**, and be a very devoted gamfeilian** already..

gam.fei.tivity [n] : the activity to gamfei
gam.fei.lian [n] : a person who gamfeis
gam.fei [v] : (cantonese) to loose weight, to go on diet, to get rid of fats

03.03.2010 | 三月三日

農曆新年終於正式過去, 呢幾個月因為接二連三嘅假期, 搞到人人都鬆懈落嚟.. 而家三月喇, 要持續乾旱兩個月, 到五月先有個假期.. 唔係專登要提醒大家呢個殘忍嘅事實, 不過係唔係都應該係時候由假期情緒中抽離, 返回現實呢??

the chinese new year is finally officially over, due to the frequent holidays over the past few months, i'm sure many has gone a bit too relaxed.. and now that it's march, we have to suffer the "drought" for two months before there's another holiday in may.. i'm not trying to remind everyone of this cruel fact, but thought maybe it's time to recover from holiday mood and get back to reality??
其實農曆新年假期之後, 人人都開始認真投入工作, 所以工作量隨之增加.. 再加上封閉嘅辦公室, 好多時候會令人喘唔過氣嚟.. 所以我會行埋窗口邊, 打開個窗, 畀自己呼吸新鮮空氣.. 唔駛耐, 三兩分鐘之後, 就會覺得舒服好多架喇..

after the CNY holidays, everyone is getting serious on work, hence work load increases accordingly.. and because of the closed office environment, i think they make me need a breather.. i'll walk to the window, open it wide and allow myself to breathe in fresh air from outside.. need not be long, a two minutes is enough to make you feel better and freshen up..
工作壓力大, 如果可以嘅話, 應該畀自己個腦袋休息一下, 暫時放低工作嘅包袱.. 最近又唔覺意咁喺youtube搵到呢一系列嘅"乞人橙"(Annoying Orange)短片, 個橙真係好乞人憎囉!! 乞人憎到好抵死好搞笑嗰種呀, 大家不妨睇睇, 輕鬆一陣啦.. :)

getting stressed out of work?? i guess we should always allow ourselves to relax and forget about the burden for a while if possible.. accidentally found this series of clips from youtube *again*.. this Annoying Orange is definitely annoying and irritating, yet you will find that orange hilarious and entertaining.. take a break and watch a clip a time, should help you feel better i guess..