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13.03.2006 | monday blues...

又是星期一喇.. 今朝起身嘅時候真係有種"想死"嘅感覺.. 所以噚晚專登將個鬧鐘較早廿分鐘, 等我可以懶床懶夠佢卅分鐘.. 係啊, 係足足卅分鐘, 所以廿分鐘減卅分鐘=遲到十分鐘.. 哈哈!!

又是星期一喇.. 成日都唔係好productive嗰隻囉.. 淨係做咗唔係好多work.. anyway最大收穫係學下朋友仔搞搞新意思, start咗呢一個blog, 榮昇blogger嘅滋味.. 其實都幾好玩架!!!


  1. As your longest and most amazing friend, it's of course my self-claimed honour to post the FIRST comment on your blog.


    Please be more persistent than me ok?


  2. I am quite sure your productivity will continue to drop for a couple days due to this blog. You will be like so drawn to blog when you get first started.
    Normally I prepare the writing in the evening at home and post it using office network :p (but during lunch hour lo)

  3. hey hey hey :) so, finally you can share some of your life here with us :D

    welcome to the bloggers community ha ha ha ha

  4. "KAM CHI SANG" !!

    wow wow wow, u r really updated man, i've been thinking of starting one but just take no aciton for months...

    maybe it's time for me to start "tokking kok", as what patrick teoh is doing... hehehe

  5. i am opposite, i wont set my alarm earlier, but change my clock 10 minutes earlier, so that I can laze longer, and my record is my clock is 40 minutes earlier than the actual time..
    geng mou? =.="
