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30.10.2009 | 結果後果

最近努力狂食麥當當嘅結果穫, 就係以下五隻晶瑩剔透嘅彩色可口可樂樽型玻璃杯.. 另外兩隻粉紅色同翠綠色我唔鐘意, 所以冇收集..

the result of my frequent gluttony of McD recently, is my five glittering color coca-cola contour glasses.. there's another two color pink and green that i don't quite fancy, so i didn't collect them..[後果]
最近努力狂食麥當當, 得到5隻玻璃杯嘅後果.. 開心指數飆升5度挑戰 -- 體重增加5kg + 腰圍增加5cm + 脂肪增加5% + 臉部直徑增加5mm.. 哈哈!! :D

the consequence of my frequent gluttony of McD for the 5 contour glasses recently.. happiness index increased 5 units verses -- gained 5kg weight + gained 5cm waistline + gained 5% fat + gained 5mm in face diameter.. hahaha!! :D

27.10.2009 | 假期作孽

細個時候學校假期, 最記得每次都有一大堆好討厭嘅假期作業, 認真係作孽!! 老老實實, 我好鬼憎啲老師畀假期作業架, 喂, 做咩啫?? 假期喎, 死都要人做功課, 喪盡天良囉!! 咩「假期唔好虛度光陰, 老師畀功課大家做, 等大家過得充實啲」, 我頂X你!! 之不過, 我係個模範好學生, 呢啲咁嘅話, 我實收埋心底啦, 同學最多話見我即時面黑啫, 呵呵.. 但係而家, 我梗係要將當時嘅不滿宣泄出嚟啦..

所以我逢親假期, 頭幾日一定會閉關一口氣將全部功課做晒, 咁就可以冇晒後顧之懮, 可以盡情享受假期啦.. 咁你又係點呢?? 係先苦後甜, 定係一於玩夠本先, 最後一日先週圍扑水借功課嚟抄呢?? 哈哈~~ :pi still remember every term-break back in schooldays, there must be loads of homework given!! frankly, i hate teachers giving holiday homework, come on, it's holiday and why were they forcing us to do homework?? this is so ridiculously cruel!! "oh, let's not waste your holiday idling, let me give you homework so that you can pass your time more meaningfully", and i'd say D*MN IT.. well, of course being a role model back then, i would have kept this only in my heart, the most my classmates could tell was that my face turned grumpy and frowned immediately, haha!! but then, i really want to release this anger out now of course..

that was why back then, i always spent my first few days of holidays staying at home to finish all the homework, so that i can really enjoy the rest of my holidays carefree.. so what did you do then?? did you suffer first before enjoy, or you just went ahead had enough of fun, only to get anxious on the last day about completing all the homework??

22.10.2009 | 人细鬼大

電視上睇過一個中國內地節目, 係畀小朋友上台表演佢哋才藝嘅.. 娛樂性豐富之於, 亦都叫我哋做大人嘅連聲讚嘆.. 因為小朋友們需要花枝招展, 袒胸露背, 似足個大人咁.. 要勁歌熱舞, 唱大戲數來寶, 變臉噴火, 扮深情唱慘情歌, 十八般武藝樣樣齊..

坦白講, 我覺得小朋友好可憐囉.. 家長硬係要咁樣嚟到栽培, 搞到成個老人精咁, 睇落一啲童真都冇.. 除咗課業繁重, 仲要練就一身才藝, 點解唔可以畀佢哋開開心心咁, 唱下兒歌玩下氹氹轉菊花圓就好呢??
i've watched a tv programme from mainland china, which is a platform for kids to perform their talents to the tv audience.. besides being entertaining, i think i am more surprised by what those kids can actually do.. once on stage, the kids are all being packaged (yeah, that's the word) like an adult.. full chinese opera, all kinds of dangerous tricks, pretending to sing so sentimentally, dance like an adult, you name it and they just got it..

frankly, i actually feel sorry for the kids.. the parents are trying to bring them up with talents, but rather too advanced i supposed, till i couldn't see a sense of naivety-they-are-supposed-to-have from them.. despite having heavy load from studies, they still have to bear with all these talent trainings, why not just let them happily sing and play in their own world, instead of the grown-up's??

20.10.2009 | 多多益善

「人民愛死你」政策第一擊: 失驚無神宣佈公共假期, 全民皆歡喜..
"loved-by-your-people" policy #1: declare a holiday out of everyone's surprise..
噚日無意中見到報章上有篇報導, 首相宣佈由明年開始, 九月十六日列為全國公假!! 嘩嘩嘩, 果然係振奮民心囉, 如果你仲唔知呢個消息, 唔該記住喇!! 呢件事令我諗返起舊年, 前首相宣佈大寶森節列為聯邦直轄區公假, 個原因係市區大塞車!! {@_@}" 相比起嚟, 以佢嘅政治方針「一個大馬」為由, 宣佈馬來西亞成立日為公假, 新任確實係比前任高明得多.. 不過講到有假放, 邊鬼個在乎背後嘅原因呢, 梗係多多益善啦係嘛?? :p

saw a news in the paper by surprise yesterday, that our prime minister declared, effective next year, 16th September is a national holiday!! wow, that is really a piece of great news to many of us i supposed.. and that made me recall something similar our previous PM has done, where he declared Thaipusam a public holiday for the Federal Territory, and the reason being traffic jam everywhere and difficult to get to work {@_@}" comparatively, using 1-Malaysia as a reason to declare Malaysia Day as a holiday, the current PM is obviously more witty than the previous one.. anyway, as long as there's a holiday, for whatever reasons and motives, who cares?? :p

18.10.2009 | 堆積如山

工作上, 我唔係個需要週圍派咭片嘅人, 一盒其實已經足夠我用好耐架喇.. 但係呢間公司做咗三年幾四年, 我喺櫃桶底竟然摷到十盒咭片咁多.. 點解呢?? 因為公司搬過一次, 再嚟前年大老細學人搞合併結果失敗, 跟住就係我個title陸陸續續轉咗四次咁多.. 每一次轉變就印兩盒, 用唔到幾張, 又再印多兩盒新嘅.. 而家櫃桶底嘅全部唔用得, 好嘥囉其實..

查實發現屋企仲有兩盒, 上次搬公司帶返屋企嘅, 嚴格嚟講一共12盒!! 大家幫手諗吓可以點樣廢物利用呢?? 攝檯腳定攝灶罅好?? 哈哈~~ :Di don't really need to actively give out my namecards for work, and i would think one box is enough for me to last for quite some time.. but since i've joined this company three-plus years ago, i have already got 10 boxes of namecards kept inside my drawer, that's a lot man.. but why?? the company moved once, and then two years ago the big bosses was trying with some merging but finally failed, and my title has changed four times.. so i got two new boxes for every incident, not having used a few pieces, there comes another two brand new.. so all those in my drawer can no longer be used, i think it's really quite wasteful..

actually i found another two boxes at home, which i brought back when company's moving, hence to be exact i have 12 boxes of namecards!! hmmm, mind help me to think how can i reuse all these namecards?? slide under the leg of unbalanced table maybe?? hahaha :D

15.10.2009 | 接踵而來

我發現噚日我原來[1]冇上廁所便便, [2]冇食晏, [3]冇寫blog.. 好, [2]同[3]唔講喇, 至少[1]係我每日都會定時做嘅一件事, 不過就係突然間全部嘢一齊湧埋嚟, 搞到真係冇晒時間.. 我最討厭就係呢種情況, 一浪接一浪咁, 其實係一種無形壓力.. 就好似平時鬧鐘snooze三次我都唔捨得起身, 但係最近點都再瞓唔返落去喇, 一起身就自自然然會擔心呢樣擔心嗰樣..

我唔鐘意, 我真係唔鐘意.. 不過我又可以點?? 我(只)可以借助呢個blog抒發而家嘅心情..
i realised that yesterday i actually [1] didn't go poo-poo, [2] didn't have lunch, [3] didn't update my blog.. ok, let's not talk about [2] and [3], but at least [1] is something i will do about the same time everyday, but everything just seemed to come in all at the same time, till i really couldn't find time.. i hate this kind of situation, one after another, it's really a pressure actually.. just like i used to still laze on the bed unwilling to get up after three snoozes from the alarm, but recently once i woke up, i just couldn't get back to sleep but instead i will instinctively go worry about this and that..

i don't like this, i really don't like this.. but what can i do?? i can (only) take this opportunity to express my feelings through this blog..

12.10.2009 | 我的樂園

同大家介紹一下, 呢張相係我張工作檯嘅一角, 係唔係覺得好雜亂好多嘢咁呢?? 其實我都覺得有少少過份嘅又, 擺咁多私人物品喺公司, 點做嘢架?? 哈哈.. 不過有超過一半以上係同事出國買嘅手信, 公司玩游戲嘅獎品, 就咁積積埋埋, 我嘅樂園家族成員已經霸佔張檯六份一範圍!! 嘩, 有足夠資格申請入健力士記錄喎, 我估你見到呢張相嘅時候實係大開眼界, 睇到眼仔碌碌喇.. 呵呵!! :p
let me introduce this photo, it's one corner of my working desk in office, i am sure you will think that it's very messy with too many toys.. actually i sometimes feel a little embarrass with this too, wonder why i have so much personal belongings in the office?? hahaha.. anyway, i would say more than half of them are souvenirs from colleagues and the prizes i won for office games.. and so they accumulate, now members of my playground have already invaded one-sixth territory of my desk!! am really qualified for the guiness world record huh?? hahaha.. and i bet you must have rolled eyes when you see this phenomenon?? hehehe~~ :p

09.10.2009 | 一眼驚訝

[案件 #1]
最近夜晚返屋企途中, 每日都會見到有幾位差人特別勤力加班, 見親有外勞就截住查工作準證.. 表明上係查證, 暗地裡做乜, 其實明眼人一睇就知啦!! 搵外水呀.. 人哋離鄉背井千里迢迢嚟到呢度, 賺得雞碎咁多, 呢幾個日日加班肥獅大隻嘅差人, 仲要當人水魚咁, 拎走人家血汗錢, 真係冇陰公囉!! 為民服務唔見咁叻?? 都唔知我哋納稅養佢哋做乜??

[案件 #2]
前日食完晏返公司, 途中經過車站見到位空姐.. sorry, 係亞航空姐囉.. 我一向都對佢哋嘅豬扒形像不敢恭維架喇, 點知嗰一刻所見簡直令我直飆冷汗!! 眼前三張折凳一字排開, 左右坐咗兩個好麻甩嘅巴士司機, 而呢位空姐哩就著住佢件制服, 死蛇爛鱔咁挨喺張凳度, 雙腳擘擘咁喺度食煙, 再加埋嗰副好雞嘅尊容.. 天啊!! 如果我識得好似狗仔隊咁偷拍, 呢張相一定會係反面教材經典囉..
[incident #1]
on my way home in the evening recently, i noticed there are a few groups of 2-3 policemen gathering by the street.. looks as if they are on duty, but after a few days of observation they only target at foreign workers.. apparently they look like they are performing duties to check for valid work permit, but i am sure many of us would observe what they are actually doing to those victims.. i really pity the foreign workers, for they have to stay away from home and came over to work hard yet get little pay, but all those fatty policemen are just taking away their money without a sense of sympathy!! this is just so unfair.. i really wonder why are we paying so much tax, whereas our policemen aren't doing anything right to the community??

[incident #2]
was on the way back to office after lunch day before, and saw an air-stewardess at the bus stand.. oops, sorry, she's an AirAsia stewardess actually.. all these while i've been so sceptical with their outlook and image (i.e. the hairstyle and makeup), but at that very moment, i really got shocked and sweating cold!! three foldable chairs arranged in a row, both ends seated with two sleazy bus drivers, and that stewardess in her uniform, sitting right in the middle like no bones on the chair, have her legs slightly wide-opened, smoking in the most hooker look i've ever seen.. OMG!! if only i knew how to take photos of people stealthily like a paparazzi, this photo would have been the best negative example of all times!!

07.10.2009 | 水疱豬扒

星期日上朋友屋企玩煮飯仔, 本來壯志宏心想幫手整餐正嘅, 點知就發生小小意外, 靈驗咗友人批死我平時冇落過廚房呢個statement.. 就係因為心急想將個煲攞走, 竟然冇諗到個煲仲係熱嘅, 結果辣親手指!! 十指痛歸心, 後尾仲起埋兩個超級大水疱添!!

went to a friend's place to do some cooking, was planning to help out with a great meal initially, but never expected to be hit by a little accident, an accident that verified my friend's statement "you must be someone who rarely goes into the kitchen".. i was too eager to help remove the pot on the stove, never have thought of it being still hot, thus got my fingers burnt by the heat!! ouchh, that was painful, and finally got two jumbo blisters smacked on my fingers!!
撇開意外唔再提喇, 大家睇睇一番努力後嘅成果啦!! 各位無肉不歡嘅食肉獸, 登登登登, 我嚟介紹呢一味~~ 香煎豬扒配香滑薯蓉+燒燈籠椒, 原隻蒜味煙熏豬肉腸+青嫩蘆筍+脆口培根+清炒蘑菇片.. 係, 我知, 太多嘢堆埋一齊好似盆菜咁.. 不過個薯蓉我整架, 香腸我烚架, 最後成個presentation我做架.. 所以話, 呢啲咪叫做笑中有淚, 苦中帶甜囉.. 哈哈 :D

put aside that accident, look at what we had here!! to all meat lovers out there, *drum roll*, let me present you.. pan seared pork choplet on a bed of creamy mashed potato and grilled capsicum served with whole garlic smoked pork sausage, crispy streak bacon, young asparagus and sautéed shitake mushrooms.. i know i know, too many things cramped together, but i did the potato and poached the sausage and finished up with the presentation - now, ain't this what you called bittersweet?? haha :D

05.10.2009 | 街頭涂鴉

幾日前喺報章上見到篇有關街頭涂鴉嘅報導, 內容提到呢啲涂鴉有損市容, 令到市政府大感頭痛.. 其實我又唔係咁認為喎, 我反而好鐘意, 覺得啲人好犀利, 單靠支噴漆就可以作畫喇.. 點講都係人哋成副心機畫出自己一件藝術品吖, 我就覺得好靚, 當係藝術嚟欣賞囉..

以下組圖係我之前喺巴塞隆納求其一條街上見到嘅涂鴉, 為之驚艷即刻用相機影低嘅.. 我好鐘意下邊嗰隻橙色凸眼怪, 得意啊, 哈哈~~

[後記] 當然, 我唔係指廁格牆上畫滿生殖器官, 寫滿電話號碼嗰種涂鴉啦~~ :p
read an article about graffiti on newspaper the other day, that article mentioned that our city council is realising more and more graffiti at public areas in the city, and claimed that those graffiti are kind of vandalism that bring bad image of the city's appearance.. but i totally disagree with that, i like those graffiti and admire how talented those people can be to get things up with just a can of spray paint.. i treat all these as pieces of artwork, and i see them as something beautiful instead..

the collage of pics above are graffiti taken while i was walking down a street in barcelona few months back, i was so impressed with the artwork and quickly took my camera to take snapshots of them.. i especially like that orange eye-popping habitant (or whatever you name it) at the bottom, cute isn't it?? hehe :p

[NOTE] and of course, i am not referring to those reproductive organs and contact numbers all over the toilet walls.. :p

02.10.2009 | 中秋慶圓

聽日係中秋喇, 前日喺公司搞咗個小型(三合一)應節趴地.. 中秋掛名, 九月壽星CL同MO生日, 歡送CL三樣嘢一齊搞.. 同舊年中秋一樣啦, 都係猜吓燈謎, 食吓月餅, 吹吓蛋糕, 送吓禮物, 影吓大合照咁囉.. 不過今年燈籠佈置得好靚喎, 多得我哋嘅御用設計師KL啦.. :p

it's mid-autumn festival tomorrow, and we had a little get-together (3-in-1) party in office the day before.. in the name of celebrating mid-autumn festival, we also celebrating the september babies CL and MO birthdays, as well as farewell to CL.. similar to the previous year, we played some games, ate mooncakes, blew candles, gave away presents, took group photos.. but i think this year we have a very nice lantern decoration, thanks to our "dedicated designer" KL.. :p
趴地就梗係少不了食物啦, 我哋有MY愛心月餅, 生日蛋糕, 外賣快餐, 大家一路食一路猜燈謎.. 結果我就同HL+KL一組以95%高姿態撼低其他兩組, 獎品係每人一個超得意漢堡包memo pad, 連續兩年都係我贏喎, 哈哈~~ :D

when it comes to party of course we will have finger food.. homemade mooncakes from MY, birthday cakes and buffalo-wings delivery.. we ate while trying to guess the answers for the puzzles.. i was in the same group with HL and KL and we beat the other two groups with a score of 95%, and guess what we got for the prize?? each a cute cheeseburger memo pad, and i've won for two consecutive years, hahaha~~ :D
happy mid-autumn to all of you!!