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31.07.2009 | 粥粉麵飯

中國人主食當中以粥粉麵飯呢四樣嘢為首, 其實我都唔肯定呢種講法是否有根據, 不過為咗呢個post你就當住係先啦.. 傳說中灶君旗下有粥粉麵飯四位小神仙, 可見佢哋對於「民間」嘅重要性.. 論粥粉麵飯, 我最喜歡係乜??

  1. 粥.. 嘛嘛地咁囉, 我冇咩事都唔會諗到要食粥嘅.. 不過以下呢碗炸腸粥例外..
  2. 粉.. 我應該最鐘意粉, 尤其係炒米粉, 簡單得嚟又好食..
  3. 麵.. 都得嘅, 我都幾好OK拉麵嘅..
  4. 飯.. 淨係白飯嘅話我就會婉拒喇, 但係如果啲飯係有味道嘅話, 我就會好鐘意, 尤其係炒飯同雞油飯添呀..

粥粉麵飯, 我就依自己喜好排成粉麵飯粥.. 你又最鐘意邊一樣, 會點樣講佢哋排位呢?? 唔駛驚, 唔係呃你做人性心理測驗, 隨意問吓啫.. >.<the main dishes for Chinese can be categorised into four main groups - congee, noodles (one made with wheat flour, one made with rice flour) and rice.. i have no confidence whether this is a fact, but for the sake of this post, just believe me for a moment.. even there's a legend saying the God of Kitchen has four fairies under him that rule these food, thus you can see how important they have been to the people's life.. talking about them, what do you think i like the most??

  1. congee.. nothing bothers me much, i seldom have congee though.. but exemption to the bowl of congee with deep fried intestines above, haha..
  2. rice noodles.. i would say this is my favourite, especially stir fried rice noodles, it's just simple and irresistibly delicious to me..
  3. flour noodles.. hmmm, i would say flour noodles are OK for me..
  4. rice.. plain white rice is not my top choice, but if they are cooked with flavour and aroma, then i can even eat them on their own.. i especially like fried rice and rice cooked in chicken stock..

among congee, noodles and rice, i have ranked them by rice noodles - flour noodles - rice - congee.. so which one you best prefer and how would you rank them in order?? well, no worries this is not a psychology test, it's just for the sake of asking.. >.<

29.07.2009 | 偷閑加油

大家通常都係因為有搞作先會請假, 甚至會覺得與其請假冇嘢做, 就不如返工為妙, 唔好浪費年假.. 我就唔係咁諗喇, 有節目固然之係好, 但係有時如果覺得工作到心態疲累嘅時候, 我會鐘意請一兩日假, 乜都唔做, 好好咁休息一下..

咁嘅情況之下, 我通常會去gym, 跟住行吓商場睇場戲食吓嘢咁.. 可以好隨意一個人就咁消耗一日時間, 唔怕悶因為我享偶而受獨處嘅時候.. 我鐘意weekdays冇乜人嘅感覺, 唔駛好似平時放工後或週末咁週圍都逼爆人.. 眼前一片人流稀疏, 我反而覺得豁然開朗, 呼吸舒暢啲, 咁心情都自然好啲囉..

突然之間, 我係覺得有啲攰..people normally take leave because there are something on, or perhaps i shall put it this way, instead of taking leave doing nothing, then why not go back to work and don't waste the leave?? anyway i never think this way, if there are something on of course it's good, but sometimes when i do feel mentally tired of work, i would like to take one or two days off, doing nothing but have a really good rest..

under such circumstances, i will usually go to the gym, hang around in the shopping mall, catch a movie and have myself a good meal.. i can easily spend up a whole day all by myself, no boredom and no problem at all, i sometimes do enjoy being alone.. i always like weekdays where there is no crowd everywhere, unlike peak hours after work or during weekends.. seeing no crowd and all places seem to be so open, i actually feel a little more light-hearted (less tensed that is) and hence a better mood..

i really, out of a sudden, feel a little tired..

27.07.2009 | 一股作氣

噚日去戲院睇《哈利波特》, 覺得套戲有啲悶, 所以唔覺意瞌著咗幾次.. 但係其中有兩次矇矇矓矓中聞到冤臭嘅屁味, 成個人當堂清醒晒.. 嘩, 好冇品囉, 竟然喺戲院入邊放屁!!

又唔可以怪人嘅, 放屁係一種生理上嘅基本反應, 控制唔到係天經地義嘅事.. 好似最近我都有感自己多屁放, 經常都唔覺意咁失控.. 不過我會顧及形像嘅, 儘可能做到若無其事瞞天過海, 呢招高呀老實講~~ 領教過我「功力」嘅朋友們, 請接受我嘅誠心道歉, 好嗎?? :p

講開又講, 喺出邊梗係要保持「低調」啦, 不過自己一個人喺屋企嘅時候, 我就唔會拘禁喇.. 一於谷衡股氣, 整一擊連串響徹雲霄, 係就係麻甩咗啲, 但係好舒服喎!! 哈哈..

發覺最近都十分響亮有力, 唔知係唔係肥, 屁股多咗啲「鬆」肉嘅關係哩?? 哈哈~~ :D
went to watch "Harry Porter" yesterday, found it not really exciting that i dozed off several times in the cinema.. but i vividly remember smelling farts two times, till i was kind of awakened by the smell.. wow, farting in the cinema, that was really a thoughtless act..

come to think about it, can't really blame people as farting is really a reflex response, it's very uncontrollable.. just like i do think i have a little too much of farting recently, of course i still protect my own image by doing it rather stealthily so that people won't realise or at least think it wasn't me!! and i gotta say, this is something not easy at all, haha.. to friends who have been "bombed" by me before, please accept my sincere apologies, hehehe~~

more to mention, i only do that stealthily out there, but if i were to be alone at home, certainly i won't be so tightening to myself.. i'll normally boost up the power and do that loud and propellant, ya i know i know, it's kind of disgusting, but hey you just gotta agree with me that this is the most comfortable way right?? haha!!

i realised it gets louder ever recently, most probably it's because i'm getting fatter, and my flabby butt meat causes so?? LMAO :D

24.07.2009 | 積少成多

一仙貨幣自上年四月廢除之後, 好多超級市場都已經將貨價調整, 唔會再有幾仙零頭出現.. 不過唯獨有間叫做「冷藏」嘅, 依然係秉持xx.99標價模式.. 即係話一件0.99貨品, 你係需要付1.00價錢, 即係你額外捐贈0.01畀間超市.. 係, 一仙確係小數目, 但係你諗吓噃, 間超市一日有幾多客人幫襯先? 如果每個客人都畀多0.01, 積少成多條數好襟計.. 你唔駛係個哈佛大學微計分畢業生, 都可以想象佢一日可以白賺好多錢架喎..

所以我每次去買嘢都一定會湊夠1, 2, 6或7仙, 因為根據Rounding Adjustment指示, 咁樣先會回扣1至2仙.. 我請願買多都要佢蝕, 就係唔畀佢白賺囉, 哈哈哈哈!! 唔好畀啲奸商得逞呀, 大家齊齊嚟響應啦喂~~
since the 1-sen coins has been discontinued in market last April, most of the supermarkets have already adjusted their item pricing, to round to the nearest 10-sen.. but still there is this one called "Kwool Storage" that is still pricing their items at the xx.99 model.. meaning if you are going to get a 0.99 item, you will need to pay 1.00, which is contributing a 0.01 extra to the supermarket.. alright, 1-sen is really a very little money, but come think about how many customers they would have in a day?? if everyone contributes 1-sen extra, you don't have to be a Harvard Calculus graduate to understand this accumulation, imagine how much extra money they will be able to earn in the end of the day??

and so everytime i shop there, i will always do some counting and make sure my total ends up with either 1, 2, 6 or 7 sen.. only by this figure, according to the Rounding Adjustment Mechanism, i would be able to get back a 1-2 sen rebate.. i rather buy more yet don't want to pay them extra, haha!! come everyone, let's do this together and stop the evil merchants from earning our hard money at no reason~~

22.07.2009 | 油浸意粉

某個D字頭(以某個歐洲國家為名)嘅連鎖餐廳最近推出咗個意粉優惠, 凡平日午餐同晚餐時段, 所有意粉一律半價仲要送上任添加汽水一杯.. 咁抵喎, 而且印象中呢個連鎖餐廳品質都唔錯, 於是我即刻去試啦梗係.. 哩, 就係叫咗呢個spaghetti with chicken sausage in spicy herbs olio sauce囉..

  1. 意粉捧嚟嘅時候, 嘩, 唔錯喎, 有用啲心思去present喎.. 雖然之後發覺同個官方照片有些少出入, 不過都仍然畀咗份信心我..
  2. 香腸落得頗多, 唔係用嗰啲平價香腸.. 不過我係個鐘意食香腸嘅人, 好容易滿足嘅.. 開始對呢一碟嘢有期望..
  3. 伴碟有兩舊蒜蓉麵包, 一啖咬落去要用力掹出嚟囉韌到.. 信心開始動搖, 不過伴碟啫, 算啦, 咪放一邊唔去食佢囉..
  4. 意粉, 感覺好似食米線咁囉, 又凍又稔而且淡而無味.. 第一啖落口淨係食到一口油囉, 結果我要審鹽先叫做有番啲味道.. 呢一刻, 我開始面黑~~
  5. 最後我要投訴嘅係個所謂嘅olio sauce.. 嘩, 大佬, 駛唔駛成兜油咁啊, 簡直就好似浸住啲意粉咁, 拎嚟煎蛋有凸啦!! 有圖為證架, 你哋自己擘大眼睇清楚呀~~

雖然埋單係便宜到偷笑嘅RM8.90, 不過我會封番個「奇差無比, 天下最難食意粉」畀佢, 唔會再幫襯囉!!
a franchise restaurant (initial D, named after an european country) has a pasta promotion recently, patrons are entitled to a 50% discount on all pasta during lunch and dinner on weekdays, and what's more with a free cup of bottomless root beer!! this is really worth for money, and i always have a good impression with this restaurant, that's why i quickly go and have a try.. this is what i ordered, spaghetti with chicken sausage in spicy herbs olio sauce..

  1. when the pasta was served, wow, i thought the presentation looks good actually.. though still not as good as the menu photo, but still i was having a certain level of confidence already..
  2. quite a lot of sausages in the serving, and i could taste that it's not those cheapo sausages you simply get outside.. mmm, i started to have some expectation already..
  3. the sides was two pieces of garlic bread, i had a bite and too bad i need to pull it out with some effort.. it was like so chewy kind of texture which is not supposed to be, i started to have a discount on the expectation.. anyway, it's just a side, so let it be..
  4. the spaghetti, gosh, it was cold and soggy and tasteless at all.. and the first feed i had into my mouth, i can only taste a mouthful of oil.. i had to sprinkle salt all over before i could really eat it.. i started to frown this moment..
  5. and finally, i must complain about this so-called olio sauce.. the oil was like 0.5cm thick on the plate, as if soaking the pasta in broth!! i think it's enough even to deep fry fishballs, just look at the photo above - that's a proof!!

though the bill came at a happy RM8.90 only, but i would comment this as "awfully bad, the worst pasta i've had before".. i am NOT going back again!!

20.07.2009 | 珠光寶氣

我唔係個活躍於「飛士卜」嘅人, 之前覺得你poke我我又poke番你, 你送我一朵花我回敬你一籃生果, 一味禮尚往來好無聊, 所以真係差不多絕跡於FB.. 不過最近會較頻密登陸, 都係update下個status同埋睇下朋友upload啲相咁囉.. 其實個重點係因為最近無啦啦沉迷於FB游戲, 唔玩唔玩, 一玩就竟然玩上癮!! 至少我自己樂在其中, 唔係嗰啲投桃報李嘅無聊application囉..

i was not an active facebook person, because i think those you-poked-me-and-i-poke-you-back, you-gave-me-a-flower-then-i-send-you-back-a-basket-of-fruits kind of "games" were really boring and nonsense, that is why there was a time i've almost gone MIA in FB.. but recently i log in more often, mainly to update my status and to see photos posted by friend.. and of course the major reason for me to go in is actually the FB games, never play never know how addictive they could be!! anyway at least i enjoyed, and not merely those receive-and-give kind of application..
哩, 咪就係呢個「珠光寶氣」游戲囉, 鬼咁盞鬼, 搞到我不見天日無法自拔添.. 禮拜六晚呀, 仲因為某個朋友撼低我而憤憤不平, 搞到我踩通頂報仇咁濟, 終於都畀我贏返佢.. 不過我又唔想咁囂張喺度公佈得分排行榜, 不如自己click一click呢個鏈接睇睇啦.. :p

there it is, i present you the Bejeweled, the game i got so addictive with over the past few days.. i even stayed up over the night last weekend to take a revenge on a friend who beat me down, without realising it's deep night i finally reclaim my score over hers, haha!! anyway, i try to be subtle about this scoring chart and not going to post it directly here, why not click on this link to have a look yourself.. :p

18.07.2009 | 我有我博

由留言統計數字嚟睇, 發現凡係有關食物嘅帖子, 都會比較受讀者歡迎.. 可能民以食為天啩, 啲人一睇到美食照片, 就會特別興奮起嚟.. 又或者美食篇容易睇, 因為齋睇相唔駛讀內容, 就已經可以留言喇, 慳番好多時間, 哈哈!!
from the statistics of the comments on my blog, i realised those posts writing about food are more popular among other.. the chinese say "food is the basis for living", perhaps because of this people get more excited when they see photos of nice food.. or maybe it's just simply because food posts are easier to digest, just look at the photos without having to bother to read further, you'll know what to comment, it's really saving effort eh, haha!!
我通常唔會貼大相跟住逐一介紹, 因為我唔想你load幾分鐘都未load好個page.. 我個style就係整成迷你圖輯, 然後同大家分享咁簡單.. 今期同大家分享呢間「肥婆雞餐廳」, 個名夠晒搞笑囉(其實開正佢隔離間仲搞笑, 叫做「咯咯雞」喎!!), 都幾唔錯嘅..
i don't normally post huge-size photos and elaborate one by one, because i hate it when you have to wait long to load the page.. my style is to make photos into mini montage and share with readers, just make it simple.. wanna share with you this restaurant call "Fei Poh Gai" (literally fat woman selling chicken), a very hilarious name but the one directly next to it is even more hilarious with the name "Kok Kok Gai" (literally cock-a-doodle-doo chicken), food was quite delicious and satisfying..
祝大家有個愉快嘅週末.. :)
wish everyone a happy weekend.. :)

16.07.2009 | 集體回憶

收到朋友send過嚟嘅email, 裡頭有好多珍貴圖片, 就係我哋細個時候啲玩意.. 話唔定呢啲嘢除咗博物館之外, 都已經搵唔返架喇.. 當然, 我指嘅係197x同198x年出世嘅朋友, 大家一齊嚟回憶吓吖..
received an email from a friend, that consists of a bunch of precious photos reminding me of those little things we used to must-have when we were kids.. those little things that we would not be able to find elsewhere now, perhaps only in museums.. of course the target are those who were born in the years 197x and 198x, let's go cherish our memories..
憑我嘅描述, 睇下你估唔估到係咩?? click一click右手邊啲問候就有答案架喇..
see if you can guess them right from my description?? click on the question marks in the right-most column to reveal answers..
1.呢種餅乾應該都好難買到喇, 以前我哋見佢色彩繽紛就當係寶, 依家好似得啲師奶阿嬸買嚟孝敬路邊"兄弟"咋囉..
not easy to find this type of biscuits now, we used to love them like precious last time, but guess nowadays only aunties will buy them for roadside offerings to the spirits..
2.呢種游戲, 一定要用拖鞋玩先過癮, 一嘢飛埋過去, 邊個儲得多就係大佬喇..
this game must be played with slippers for the maximum fun, just fling your slippers and the one who collects the most wins!!
3.嗱, 求其用張紙折四邊, 跟住寫四個方向落去, 套喺自己嘅手指度.. 其實我都唔知要嚟做乜??
just get a paper and fold it with four sides, write the four directions on top, and then cap it on your fingers.. i don't actually know what's the purpose of this thing..
4.T字頭三個音嘅卡通片, 我記得當時係風靡全城架.. 每次睇完一定有樣學樣, 拎把寶劍係咁大力揮動.. 逢星期三TV3下晝5:30..
this is a cartoon series, starts with a T with three syllabus, i still remember how hit it was back then.. everytime after watching, will sure pretending to swing the sword like the main character did.. every wednesday 5:30pm at TV3..
5.各位靚女們, 你哋當年實有玩過呢樣嘢啫!! 係訓練你哋對時裝嘅觸覺架..
ladies you must have played this before, i am very sure!! perhaps this one actually trained you to become a fashionista??
6.當時如果有呢個咁嘅嘢的確係幾架勢堂吓架!! 拎去返學, 擺響個檯度, 你要小心個個爭住嚟摁佢啲機關掣喎~~
if you had one back then, i think it's something to be very proud of.. bring it to school, if you were going to place it on your table, beware of other mates to flock over and play with the buttons..
7.呢啲一舊舊嘅, 肯定每個人都用過啦.. 我記得以前有位同學喪咗咁去儲晒一整套, 跟住就個個都跟風, 結果買返嚟一大堆用成年都用唔晒, 都唔知為乜??
i am so sure everyone must have used this piece of thing before.. i still remember there was once a classmates buying a whole set of it, and everyone just followed, and ended up cannot finish using, that's like so crazy man..
8.我覺得Angelina Jolie未有紋身之前, 我哋已經有自己嘅DIY紋身囉.. 求其lueh啖口水上去, 是但印落自己身上隨意一處, 即刻有個壽命三日嘅紋身啦..
and i think we have already had our very first tattoo way earlier than Angelina Jolie had hers.. just spit your saliva on that, tap it anywhere you like, and you got one cool tattoo for three days, haha!!

14.07.2009 | 我愛超市

我絕對係個鐘意逛超市嘅人, 係唔理規模大細都不厭其煩嗰種.. 見到咁大一個地方, 裡頭全部都係食物, 就係嗰種開心到懵口懵面嘅感覺, 尤其是見到新奇嘢就更加雀躍萬分啦.. 想像唔到?? 好, 講得肉酸啲, 就好似鹹濕伯父置身於美艷索女群之中, 明啦嘛?? :p

有時我可以好自制, 安安全全冇事發生.. 有時會喪失理智, 一買就買好多.. 有時會買嚟孝敬朋友仔同埋班同事, 有時(應該為大部份時間)係買嚟慰勞吓(慰勞?? 幾好聽喎)自己.. 大家見我喺公司有「囤糧」嘅僻好, 就略懂一二啦, 呵呵!! 我身上嘅車軚肉, 好有可能就係因為呢個僻好而起架囉..
i am definitely someone who likes to shop in supermarkets, to the extend that i don't mind how large or small scale the place is (of course the larger the better).. it's like those rapture feeling having yourself in such a big open space, and all around you are food and food other than food.. and especially excited when i see something new and interesting.. can't imagine?? ok, let me explain that a little layman, just imagine a pervert trapped in a bevy of beauties, now clear?? :p

sometimes i can control myself well and ended up no damage, sometimes i could lost control and bought lots of things that i only realised after paying.. sometimes i buy things to share with friends and also colleagues, and sometimes most of the time i buy things to indulge (huh!! what a pretty word used) myself.. and that is why, you see i have this weird inclination of stocking up food in my office space, hahaha!! i think my wobbling love-handle is most probably a result consequence of this..

12.07.2009 | 肥獅大隻

有冇試過原本開開心心換衫要出街, 點知衫就換咗幾套, 塊鏡前照後照側照上照下照, 照咗幾十輪, 仍然覺得眼前嘅自己非常唔順眼?? 成個衣櫃反轉咁滯, 都仍然摷唔到套啱嘅衫?? 結果搞到發晒猛憎冇晒mood..

今朝就係咁.. 尋根究底, 其實唔係因為啲衫唔靚喎, 而係得一個原因--自己囉!! 雖然肥唔係罪過, 但係亦都唔係件好事, 肥得靚就話啫, 如果唔係就真係幾閉翳嘅一回事.. 連自己都接受唔到自己, 著咩衫都覺得唔順眼, 我覺得我已經去到一個急需拯救嘅地步囉..

今朝去拜神, 稟神嘅時候一連串口噏噏, 弊, 竟然稟漏咗保祐我減肥成功!! :(have you ever been put into this situation?? you happily preparing yourself to go out, but after changing a few set of clothings, you looked into yourself in the mirror ten over times - front, back, side, up and down - but still don't think you look any good?? almost taken out all your assets in the closet, and still there is none that is suitable?? and finally, you got grumpy over outfitting yourself and spoilt the mood..

it happened to me this morning.. finding the truth behind it, well, it's not actually that the clothes are not nice, but the main reason to that problem is - i am FAT!! though there isn't anything wrong for being fat, it's really nothing to be proud of indeed.. or maybe i shall say, if i'm fat yet good looking then it's not that bad at all, but the fact is not.. even myself cannot accept myself that i just look so fugly with any clothes, i think i've come to a very critical situation..

went to the temple and prayed to the god just now, i had a long list of prayers, but alas, i just missed out getting myself blessed for a successful trim down!! :(

10.07.2009 | 妖娃狂嘩

嘩嘩嘩, 你仲唔嗱嗱聲閃埋一邊?? 班妖娃來勢洶洶, 殺到嚟喇!!
hey, you better back off and stand aside!! the monsters are coming into town!!********************************************
冇有驚, 只不過係谷中城廣場嘅佈置啫.. 當其他商場唔會再揼錢宣傳大減價嘅時候, 係得佢咁捨得揼啲誠意出嚟.. 我死鬼鐘意呢個概念同主題囉, 行兩步就有只巨型妖娃公仔, 出其不意咁棟喺你面前.. 懵口懵面咁, 真係得意到哩, 濕平都另舍醒神啲.. 我爭在未同佢哋每一隻影番張相咋, 不過我有image, 大庭廣眾唔好咁丟架咁話囉.. :p

no scare no worries, they are just toys decoration in Midvalley Mega Mall.. when other malls won't spend any more money on Sales decoration, this is the only one i can see spending.. i really love this concept and theme very much, few steps away and you can see a monster buddy appearing unexpectedly right in front of you.. the are so cute and adorable i think, till shopping in the mall is made more fun.. the only thing i didn't do was to take photo with the dolls together, but i have my own image, it's really not nice to do this in the public right?? :p

08.07.2009 | 日計在晨

我係一個好享受食早餐嘅人, 當然有時選擇瞓到黃朝百晏嘅話就另當別論.. 以前返學而家返工, 一路以嚟, 早餐都儘可能簡單快捷, 所以我覺得如果有份稍為正式啲嘅早餐, 可以坐住慢慢嘆, 真係人生一大樂事也.. 正所謂「一日之計在於晨」, 可以食得一餐豐富又開心嘅早餐, 的確係另舍唔同架..
i am someone who enjoys breakfast very much, of course not when the times i choose to sleep a little bit more in the morning.. since school and now work, most of the time my breakfast has been kept simple and convenient.. that is why i think if i can have a slightly more proper breakfast, and have ample of time to slowly enjoy it, that is something so wonderful.. the chinese say "a good start of the day is in the morning", thus being able to have a happy and luxurious breakfast can really make a difference, and make my day..
我嘅理想早餐一向保持不變, 果汁及多士及香腸及燻肉, 如果再加上煎蛋及焗豆及干煸蘑菇及烤番茄嘅話, 對我嚟講就簡直係天下無敵啦!! 咁你嘅理想早餐又係咩呢??
my ideal breakfast would always be juice and toast and sausage and bacon, if there are extra fried eggs and baked beans and sauteed mushroom and grilled tomato, that would be perfectly heaven for me!! so what is your ideal breakfast then??

06.07.2009 | 給自己的

當人人都用緊高科技產品嘅時候, 當人人都高談闊論iPhone 3G嘅時候, 我出其不意地買咗呢部iPod Nano送畀自己做生日禮物.. 我之前咪留咗個生日禮物空缺畀自己嘅, 而家有著落喇終於.. 雖然係舊一代型號, 不過都唔錯架, 我又唔係咩玩家, 有得聽有得睇有得玩就夠我滿足啦.. 最重要一樣嘢係, 原價529蚊我用234蚊就買到喇.. 我覺得超抵囉, *掩嘴偷笑* :p

唔好以為我已經隨身帶住佢喇, 其實我仲聽緊舊嗰部MP3機!! 對於呢啲高科技產品我係有啲遲鈍架啦, 所以而家都仲係響度研究緊.. 失禮失禮, 因為蘋果對我嚟講確實係新鮮嘢.. :p
while everyone around is using high-tech gadgets, while everyone around is talking about iPhone 3G, i out of a sudden bought myself this new iPod Nano as my birthday present.. remember i have reserved a space for myself on the present earlier?? now that the space is filled up with this gadget.. though it's a model one generation older, but i still think it's good, as long as i can listen watch and play, i'm already very happy with it.. and what actually comes most important is that, i have just spent RM234 for this thing originally priced at RM529, isn't that a happy deal?? *giggling* :p

and while you are thinking that i'm bring this thing everywhere now, but frankly i'm still listening to my old MP3 player.. am a bit dumb over all these gadgets, that is why i'm still exploring and trying to figure out how it works.. apple is still something fresh for me, ooopss, that's a bit of malu-ating isn't it?? :p

03.07.2009 | 三星拱照

當我以為生日呢回事經已事過境遷之時, 原來仲有我呢位老朋友由遠方送來的祝福.. 今朝返工見到檯面上有佢倫敦寄過嚟嘅郵包, 入邊有"兒童樂園"明信片一張, 辣烤粒粒粟米一包(冇影到相), 限量發行倫敦Victoria & Albert Museum熊貓三隻!! 雖然冇話係生日禮物, 不過我當係架喇, 哈哈, 多謝晒喎老友記!! :)

when i thought everything about my birthday was already over, there just come the wishes from this old friend of mine.. came in to work in the morning and saw on my table the parcel she sent from London, there's a "Childhood Playground" postcard, a pack of spicy roasted corn kernels (not shown here), three limited edition panda figurines from Victoria & Albert Museum!! though she didn't mention anything about birthday, but i would take that for granted those are my birthday presents, haha!! many many thanks my dearest old friend.. :)
哩, 咪就係呢三隻熊貓囉, 幾咁趣緻吖你話.. 我個玩具樂園又多三員喇, 哈哈, 好開心!! 話時話, 一見親呢三隻嘢哩, 我就諗起福祿壽三星囉, 介紹一下.. 頭上有噠嚹, 開開心心傻更更嘅叫阿福.. 眼仔碌碌笑到四萬咁口, 好似見到地上有錢執嘅叫阿祿.. 個樣嚴嚴肅肅唧都唔笑, 好似阿伯老態龍鐘咁樣嘅叫阿壽..

so here comes the three little panda, look at how cute and adorable they are.. and yeah, my toys collection has now got three new members, haha!! when i see this three panda, i will link them to the "Three Blessing Stars".. the one with a patch mark on his head who looks bluntly happy is Fu (blissfulness).. the one with big rolled eyes and giggling, as if there's money in front of him is Lu (wealthiness).. the one who looks serious like a grumpy old man is Shou (longevity)..

01.07.2009 | 輕盈可口

最近都甚少出去食晏, 通常都會喺公司求其食啲嘢搞掂.. 如果你有跟我個blog嘅話, 都應該知到我儲備喺公司啲糧食, 係充裕得就算兩個星期唔出去都唔會餓死嗰種.. 最近就突然間愛上了芝士配麥餅呢樣嘢, 再整多杯麥片嚟飲就係一個lunch喇, 簡單快捷輕盈可口..

seldom go out for lunch recently, most of the time will just get something to munch in the office.. if you have been following my blog, you should know that i have been stocking up food in my office, so plenty that they are sufficient to feed me for two weeks without getting into hunger.. and what got me into craving recently is having cheese on wheat crackers, with a cup of cereal drink that will be my lunch - it's light, simple and convenient..
你就梗係喺度諗:「又話減肥?? 好肥架喎食芝士!!」.. 其實我有個驚人發現, 呢一舊約莫8cm3大嘅芝士原來得7kCal咁大把咋!! 咪就係呢個大家都好熟悉嘅笑牛牌(The Laughing Cow)芝士囉, 唔信嘅話點擊呢度睇睇個營養成份分析啦..

and you must be wondering "thought you are on diet?? eating cheese is so fattening!!".. but i have a thrilling discovery, that this cube of cheese about the size of 8cm3 is only just 7kCal!! and what do i have here?? it's La Vache Qui Rit (The Laughing Cow) cheeese you can simply find anywhere in supermarket, click here to see the nutritional fact..