- 粥.. 嘛嘛地咁囉, 我冇咩事都唔會諗到要食粥嘅.. 不過以下呢碗炸腸粥例外..
- 粉.. 我應該最鐘意粉, 尤其係炒米粉, 簡單得嚟又好食..
- 麵.. 都得嘅, 我都幾好OK拉麵嘅..
- 飯.. 淨係白飯嘅話我就會婉拒喇, 但係如果啲飯係有味道嘅話, 我就會好鐘意, 尤其係炒飯同雞油飯添呀..
粥粉麵飯, 我就依自己喜好排成粉麵飯粥.. 你又最鐘意邊一樣, 會點樣講佢哋排位呢?? 唔駛驚, 唔係呃你做人性心理測驗, 隨意問吓啫.. >.<the main dishes for Chinese can be categorised into four main groups - congee, noodles (one made with wheat flour, one made with rice flour) and rice.. i have no confidence whether this is a fact, but for the sake of this post, just believe me for a moment.. even there's a legend saying the God of Kitchen has four fairies under him that rule these food, thus you can see how important they have been to the people's life.. talking about them, what do you think i like the most??
- congee.. nothing bothers me much, i seldom have congee though.. but exemption to the bowl of congee with deep fried intestines above, haha..
- rice noodles.. i would say this is my favourite, especially stir fried rice noodles, it's just simple and irresistibly delicious to me..
- flour noodles.. hmmm, i would say flour noodles are OK for me..
- rice.. plain white rice is not my top choice, but if they are cooked with flavour and aroma, then i can even eat them on their own.. i especially like fried rice and rice cooked in chicken stock..
among congee, noodles and rice, i have ranked them by rice noodles - flour noodles - rice - congee.. so which one you best prefer and how would you rank them in order?? well, no worries this is not a psychology test, it's just for the sake of asking.. >.<