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18.07.2009 | 我有我博

由留言統計數字嚟睇, 發現凡係有關食物嘅帖子, 都會比較受讀者歡迎.. 可能民以食為天啩, 啲人一睇到美食照片, 就會特別興奮起嚟.. 又或者美食篇容易睇, 因為齋睇相唔駛讀內容, 就已經可以留言喇, 慳番好多時間, 哈哈!!
from the statistics of the comments on my blog, i realised those posts writing about food are more popular among other.. the chinese say "food is the basis for living", perhaps because of this people get more excited when they see photos of nice food.. or maybe it's just simply because food posts are easier to digest, just look at the photos without having to bother to read further, you'll know what to comment, it's really saving effort eh, haha!!
我通常唔會貼大相跟住逐一介紹, 因為我唔想你load幾分鐘都未load好個page.. 我個style就係整成迷你圖輯, 然後同大家分享咁簡單.. 今期同大家分享呢間「肥婆雞餐廳」, 個名夠晒搞笑囉(其實開正佢隔離間仲搞笑, 叫做「咯咯雞」喎!!), 都幾唔錯嘅..
i don't normally post huge-size photos and elaborate one by one, because i hate it when you have to wait long to load the page.. my style is to make photos into mini montage and share with readers, just make it simple.. wanna share with you this restaurant call "Fei Poh Gai" (literally fat woman selling chicken), a very hilarious name but the one directly next to it is even more hilarious with the name "Kok Kok Gai" (literally cock-a-doodle-doo chicken), food was quite delicious and satisfying..
祝大家有個愉快嘅週末.. :)
wish everyone a happy weekend.. :)


  1. 哈哈,你很贴心的,我每次都懒惰把照片弄在一起~blek :p

  2. 忽然发觉我最近很少在将前留言了,有小爽了一下...哈哈阿哈哈~~~~

  3. Clams in herbal soup's a fav of mine. Yum yum....

    I could use a glass of the luo han quo right now...weather's so hot!

    Happy weekend.

  4. 哈哈……我觉的简单食物都被你拍得很美味,让我们很想吃啦!哈哈哈……^^

  5. is it at the jln pudu there? i always passby there, but nvr walk in, i heard its quite famous one kekeee :P
    of all, i think the honey charsiew draw my attention the most :P thanks for the sharing kekekeee....

  6. A lot of our brain cells are dedicated for food or information about food...seems true:-)

  7. 肚子好饿~有的看没得吃~:(

  8. 又看见白斩鸡了。。。忍不住吞了口水!

  9. ummm....这个周末要吃什么呢?

  10. yummy,我才吃泰国餐回来。。。full

  11. You are right. People are just so lazy to read and with food post, all they need to do is look at pictures!

    But I prefer if your pictures are bigger : )

  12. Fei Poh Gai and Kok Kok Gai! Haha! Very funny names for restaurants! Where are they located?

  13. 蜜汁叉烧同烧腩肉-我的至爱,流晒口水添!

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. OMG! Did Anton really do that? I also received this message from Carmi.

    A check revealed that Anton had really taken down his blog.

    A word of advice to Anton - if you really plagiarised from other blogs as claimed, please apologize to the bloggers concerned and admit it. We make mistakes all the time and it's OK to admit our mistakes. Just make sure you don't do it again.

  16. 睇来sk兄都好中意食鸡饭喔。。酸辣椒啊酸辣椒,我来咗接近一年了都唔见有红色长辣椒卖,想自己做都唔得啊~~~好怀念大马D辣椒酱吖!

  17. 最近我也是开始把照片放在一起,不然别人一直告诉说load page很慢。

  18. 虽然我时常说自己是HALAL的,
    我愿意为它而犯罪 =)

  19. bluesky:
    我是喜歡把照片整一整容才貼出來的喇, 不過有些讀者會嫌太小看不見囉.. yearr, 我最討厭淋叉燒汁的囉, 甜甜這樣哪裡好吃?? 我每次吃雞飯呵, 一定說明不要叉燒汁的, 只是醬清+熟油就已經很美味的了.. 呵呵, 沙發的感覺很不錯吧?? 可以獎勵自己一桶sikiling囉, 呵呵!! :D

    Mei Teng:
    yeah, i like clams in herbal soup or superior soup too, especially if the cook blend in some shao xin wine that would really make it taste better.. i always order herbal drink when dining outside, it's almost like a tendency now i realised.. :)

    哈哈, 說起來也是喇, 最近好像拍食物拍上了癮, 每次去吃東西都通常會把相機帶在身邊, 不管三七廿一先拍了才說.. :p

    the happy go lucky one:
    oh yeah, that shop is along jalan pudu.. i think the food is quite nice actually.. and i think they have another branch in pandan indah too.. and actually i think the char siew is the best amongst all food we order lor, hahahaha!!

  20. Grass:
    you are absolutely right, and from the comments you can find here, all are talking about how attractive the food looks to them, hahaha!! yes, food can be a good bonding between people, agree?? :p

    哈哈, 別那麼說, 想吃的話, 就立刻行動囉.. 對自己好一點啊, 不要只有看的份兒~~ :D

    哦, 原來你的最愛是白斬雞!! 哈哈.. 以後我凡事吃白斬雞都要記得拍照片給你流口水才可以.. 哈哈!!

    哈哈, 結果你的週末去吃了甚麼好東西呢?? 記得分享一下喔~~ :)

  21. Wois:
    哈哈, 果然是選對時間來看我的blog囉, 要不然肯定會口水流不止.. 泰國餐好吃嗎?? 其實我現在有點餓~~ :p

    you are right, that is what i observed from the readers.. food post with lots of nice food photos seem to be more popular.. err, i seldom post large photo laa, unless the food is really really very delicious and i strongly recommend lor.. haha!! yeah, both Fei Poh Gai and Kok Kok Gai are next to each other, along Jalan Pudu they are.. :D

    Chris Chia:
    哈哈, 已經是凌晨時間了喎, 還想著要吃東西?? 肥啊~~ :D

    哈哈, 我都好鐘意食叉燒同埋燒肉架.. 其實正確嚟講, 我係鐘意啖啖肉囉, 夠晒滋味, 哈哈!! :D

  22. Carmi & foongpc:
    many thanks for the info given, but i am not going to comment anything about this..

    Rebecca Kheng:
    講真啦, 我都真係幾鐘意食雞飯架喎, 有時我可以唔駛任何嘢, 單單齋啃晒成碗油飯架喎, 因為油飯自己本身就已經好好味啦, 哈哈!! 當然有雞肉叉燒燒肉, 我都會鐘意食嘅.. 吓?? 竟然搵唔到紅辣椒?? 有冇可能啊?? 你試下啲泰國超市應該有啩?? 而家好似有現成樽裝辣椒賣喎, 應該會方便啲啩..

    Chin Weng 茶先生:
    啊, 對囉, 就是因為這個原因才要把照片弄在一齊.. 不過有時, 如果食真的很值得推薦, 我會貼上大圖的.. :)

    唉唷, 做咩咁慘唔食豬肉?? 豬肉係一種好神奇嘅肉類, 可以千變萬化整出好多種美味食品喎.. 嗱嗱嗱, 你要放低成見, 開始接受佢, 等佢有個翻身機會嘛.. 哈哈!! :D

  23. Amitofo....... LOL. SK ah, me vegetarian leh, next time blog some vegetarian food ok mou? It's better for your belly too! Blek~~~ :P

  24. sk兄你又话要减肥,食完又去做gym咁迷好多余?哈哈。。不过美食当前,真系好难抗拒既,能食自己中意食既野系一种幸福,不过har,烧腊是垃圾食品其中之一,都系要节制D好啊sk!


  25. char siew...roasted pork...YUMMY!!!
    Think you shall feel guilty by now after those heavy meals over the weekend. See you at gym!!!

  26. Freedom09:
    ooops, sin joi sin joi.. you must feel like vomitting after looking at those meat photos.. hmmm, if only i go to have vegetarian lor, i am an absolutely meat lover woh~~ hahaha :D

    Rebecca Kheng:
    哎呀, 減肥係掛喺嘴邊, 食物係放入嘴裡, 唔會有衝突架嘛, 而且我通常係gym完先去食架囉, 哈哈哈哈!! 死未?? 冇喇, 我都唔係經常食燒臘嘅, 都係間中囉.. 咁陰公咩上海, 連大馬辣椒醬都買唔到一樽?? 你不如叫你媽媽寄畀你仲好??

    i know i know, i didn't loose any weight like you did.. i just walk walk stand stand in the gym, only to wait to go for good food later.. but those char siew and roast pork are really yummy woh~~

  27. Hehe, I like char siew and roasted pork too. Actually I ate a lot over the weekend also, just that I never mentioned it, hehe.

  28. 我吃咗 'best wings in Toronto' ;)

    [wings = chicken wings ;), this is how torontonians say it ;) ]

  29. K|E|E|N|Y|E|E:
    i thot you went for the McDonald's Olympic run during weekend?? aiyoh, never mind la, you must eat more, since you've slim down then must eat more so that you'll have more energy to keep slimming down!! hahahaha~~ :D

    haha, ok, but we also commonly referring chicken wings as wings here.. so how "best" is those wings you ate in Toronto?? looks like just some marketing gimmicks?? or it's really very nice?? got photos to show ah?? :D

  30. i hope you'll post some detailed photos of your foods too...you have good shots most esp foods =) it's hard to get idea how to cook it when you don't see details

  31. Ayie:
    hmmm, i really seldom post them in details, unless they are really nice (or really badly done).. oh, by just looking at the photo details, you can figure out how the food are cooked?? hmmm, that is interesting~~

  32. somehow but not all, of course tasting it will make a big difference! u try to observe the ingredients and sauce...the overall composition and try to do it my way

  33. Ayie:
    yeah of course it has to be the real thing being seen and tasted, in order for you to know what has been used in the cooking and how it's being done.. hmmmm, i wonder if you already know the 11 secret ingredients used by KFC?? haha~~ :p

  34. well, we got a hold of secret recipes of restaurants from somebody before and printed it out inc kfc. We tried making our own version since the herbs and spices are not easily accessible in Phils that time. I wonder where is it now...

  35. Ayie:
    hmmm, you should go dig the recipes out, i think you could get it more easily now in USA? wow, that somebody who gave you the secret recipes, did he actually figure out himself or he just got that from somewhere?? then you could open your own AFC - Ayie Fried Chicken!! hahaha~~

  36. hehe it's ok, i don't fry much lately trying to steer clear of oils and other unhealthy stuffs =)

  37. Ayie:
    haha, yeah i do agree frying makes everywhere greasy and too tough to cleanup.. hmmm, so only salad recently?? haha..

  38. Ni how - ni how! Delicious photos - yummy food! Just found your blog today! Kind regards from EAGAN daily photo in Minnesota, USA

  39. Leif Hagen:
    hi there, thanks for visiting.. yeah, i love food and also taking photo of nice food.. have a great week ahead :)

  40. dishes with sauces and soups =)

  41. Ayie:
    hmmm, simple and delicious, make sure the sauces are not adding too much of calories.. :p

  42. nope, we're on strict balanced diet =)

  43. Ayie:
    haha, ok, strict balanced diet, that's rather a big term to me.. :D
