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22.07.2009 | 油浸意粉

某個D字頭(以某個歐洲國家為名)嘅連鎖餐廳最近推出咗個意粉優惠, 凡平日午餐同晚餐時段, 所有意粉一律半價仲要送上任添加汽水一杯.. 咁抵喎, 而且印象中呢個連鎖餐廳品質都唔錯, 於是我即刻去試啦梗係.. 哩, 就係叫咗呢個spaghetti with chicken sausage in spicy herbs olio sauce囉..

  1. 意粉捧嚟嘅時候, 嘩, 唔錯喎, 有用啲心思去present喎.. 雖然之後發覺同個官方照片有些少出入, 不過都仍然畀咗份信心我..
  2. 香腸落得頗多, 唔係用嗰啲平價香腸.. 不過我係個鐘意食香腸嘅人, 好容易滿足嘅.. 開始對呢一碟嘢有期望..
  3. 伴碟有兩舊蒜蓉麵包, 一啖咬落去要用力掹出嚟囉韌到.. 信心開始動搖, 不過伴碟啫, 算啦, 咪放一邊唔去食佢囉..
  4. 意粉, 感覺好似食米線咁囉, 又凍又稔而且淡而無味.. 第一啖落口淨係食到一口油囉, 結果我要審鹽先叫做有番啲味道.. 呢一刻, 我開始面黑~~
  5. 最後我要投訴嘅係個所謂嘅olio sauce.. 嘩, 大佬, 駛唔駛成兜油咁啊, 簡直就好似浸住啲意粉咁, 拎嚟煎蛋有凸啦!! 有圖為證架, 你哋自己擘大眼睇清楚呀~~

雖然埋單係便宜到偷笑嘅RM8.90, 不過我會封番個「奇差無比, 天下最難食意粉」畀佢, 唔會再幫襯囉!!
a franchise restaurant (initial D, named after an european country) has a pasta promotion recently, patrons are entitled to a 50% discount on all pasta during lunch and dinner on weekdays, and what's more with a free cup of bottomless root beer!! this is really worth for money, and i always have a good impression with this restaurant, that's why i quickly go and have a try.. this is what i ordered, spaghetti with chicken sausage in spicy herbs olio sauce..

  1. when the pasta was served, wow, i thought the presentation looks good actually.. though still not as good as the menu photo, but still i was having a certain level of confidence already..
  2. quite a lot of sausages in the serving, and i could taste that it's not those cheapo sausages you simply get outside.. mmm, i started to have some expectation already..
  3. the sides was two pieces of garlic bread, i had a bite and too bad i need to pull it out with some effort.. it was like so chewy kind of texture which is not supposed to be, i started to have a discount on the expectation.. anyway, it's just a side, so let it be..
  4. the spaghetti, gosh, it was cold and soggy and tasteless at all.. and the first feed i had into my mouth, i can only taste a mouthful of oil.. i had to sprinkle salt all over before i could really eat it.. i started to frown this moment..
  5. and finally, i must complain about this so-called olio sauce.. the oil was like 0.5cm thick on the plate, as if soaking the pasta in broth!! i think it's enough even to deep fry fishballs, just look at the photo above - that's a proof!!

though the bill came at a happy RM8.90 only, but i would comment this as "awfully bad, the worst pasta i've had before".. i am NOT going back again!!


  1. I think they might have overdosed on the oil in the pasta. I don't like too oily pasta.

    Yum...your photo's making me think of pasta and a rootbear right now :P

  2. D? which one huh? my mind stucked...
    Dunkin Donuts? Dome?.... Dome rite?
    Let me tell my ex colleague about it... she's incharge there..

  3. oppsss tats something unexpected kekeee... i was thinking ur going to share with us some nice food again :P
    oily pasta? tats totally salah, except those olive oil type, i havent come across pasta tats very oily one, anyway im not good in western food one.

  4. RM8.90 for buying you an awareness of their poor standard... but may cost them many valuable customers like you.

  5. Mei Teng:
    yes, the presentation was good but when i ate the pasta, it was like so oily - you know what i mean, you are like eating one spoonful of oil.. that is really greasy and geli.. haha, perhaps you can go and try that, who knows different people different taste??

    no no no, not any one of those laa, so you don't have to feedback your ex-colleague.. it's the D with 10 alphabets, and part of the name if the name of an european country leh~~

    the happy go lucky one:
    haha, i was kind of being fooled by the presentation, and got more and more disappointed as i ate.. i know those olio pasta they are trying to make, but then the oil is overdosed, and i wonder if those oil are olive oil, i'm so afraid those are cap buruh oil only.. hahaha!!

    yeah, i don't mind that RM8.90 because it didn't cost me a bomb.. anyway, i will still go back and buy their pastries, especially after 5pm, buy 1 and get 1 free, those are good.. hahaha!!

  6. I also can't guess where are you referring to. It sounds worse than the spagetthi I cooked! :P LOL, at least mine was edible. :P

  7. 一次就好了


  8. That's why pasta at PizzaHut is a no-no!

  9. D字?边间先?指名道姓啦,当做帮下我地D消费者。。我食过P字既意大利粉,个case同你一摸一样,货不对板都唔紧要啦,仲好难食添!所以后遗症到来到“外国”我都唔敢点P家既意粉食啊~~

  10. 这个我也会煮。。。瓦咔咔!

  11. Gosh! SK Thamby thanks for the warning! Better eat your usual thosai and chapati to prevent disappointment.

  12. 嗯嗯~~我很少吃外面的意大利粉,我覺得不適合我的口味

  13. too much oil is a turn-off definitely in this time n age

  14. oic.. i know liao.. the french deli rite? ;p
    never eat there.. dun like the ambience and their presentation :)

  15. 哎~~ 吃一餐咁既野 真係無mood

  16. Freedom09:
    ok ok, i've updated the post to be more obvious already.. starting with a D and named after an european country, guess you must know it now, haha!! haha, i think so, even the spaghetti i cook is a lot nicer!! :p

    Chi Leong:
    哈哈, 對囉, 真的是一次就好!! 不過才那RM8.90我其實不介意吃餐牌上其他的選擇囉.. 不過那時候要看心情, 而且不會有期望.. :)

    haha, you are correct also.. besides this D***Fr**** i think PH also make lousy pasta!! and i think i can really make pasta a lot nicer than they could.. no joking~~ :p

  17. Rebecca Kheng:
    嗱嗱嗱, 你係唔係離開大馬太耐啊?? D字頭有個歐洲國家名, 好易估到啦!! DeliFr*****啊~~ 你個P字頭, 係唔係嗰個咩P****Hut啊?? 其實可能係我哋大馬差囉, 不過我覺得阿Becca姐你自己親自下廚煮嘅pasta, 一定贏足佢哋九條街啦, 唔係我誇啊!! :)

    其實意大利粉一點也不難做囉.. 但是他們竟然可以做到那麼難吃, 就真的很讓我佩服得五體投地!! 哈哈哈哈~~ :p

    Twilight Zone:
    that was my experience i had with the KLCC branch laa, but i'm not sure if other branches are similarly bad lor.. oh yaa, Anton is going to cook some Indalian fusion - spaghetti with shredded thosai cooked in masala tomato sauce topped with paneer on a chapati base.. hahaha!! damn nice man..

  18. venus:
    其實外面有很好吃的意大利麵喇, 不過通常都不止RM8.90囉, 哈哈!! 算啦, 還好是RM8.90罷了, 所以我真的沒話可說喇.. 你都自己弄意大利麵嗎?? 說到好像會弄得很好吃的樣子喔.. :p

    hmmm, the overdose of oil was really a turn-off.. and i actually think even benghui can make spaghetti a lot nicer than theirs lor.. agree?? hahaha :D

    aih yalor, that french deli lor!! haha.. i thought 50% off with free flow of root beer is really a great deal mah, so i just go and try.. hmmm, guess most probably i won't go back again.. anyway, i still support their pastries lah~~

    唉, 咪就係背脊骨落囉.. 好彩係RM8.90咋, 咁先冇咁衰.. 同你上次Delicious食嘅同樣一樣嘢, 呢個D***Fr****竟然可以整到咁嘅水準.. 意粉要整得難食都真係唔容易啦, 佢犀利啊, 竟然可以整到咁難食~~

  19. That Dxxxfrxxce cafe is famous with pasta mer? I thought they are good only on pastry wo. Hehe, don't think I will try ot also since so oily.

  20. 可能一时失手罢了啦,给多一次机会给人家啦。。。哈哈

  21. hmmm... that restaurant France... food there is not nice at all. Anyway, I like this restaurant in Klang... Italiano Cena hehehe... dining in this restaurant is by invited only :p

  22. oooops, bad for first review

    starting from bread to pasta and sauce... it won't work for me too. I'm quite hard to please with food so i expect a lot too when I eat out

  23. You should complain on the spot! maybe they will change another dish for you.

  24. 相片往往是拿来骗人的...

  25. K|E|E|N|Y|E|E:
    i dunno woh, but i thot their pastries are nice, so i go and try lor afterall it's 50% discount promo maa.. i always think it's very tough to make pasta badly, but apparently they just did that!! haha :p

    嗯, 可能會給多一次機會吧, 反正才RM8.90那麼便宜, 我也不介意試一下menu上的其他東西的..

    hmmm, that was the first time i dine in that restaurant, most of the time i just bought their pastries (and only after 5pm where they have buy 1 get 1 free promo, hahahaha!!) hahaha, italiano cena huh?? i was invited too!! :p

  26. Ayie:
    yeah, for someone who can cook so well, of course you have higher expectation on the food you eat, especially outside.. but really pasta is a very simple thing, i really salute them for making it so badly.. no training and QC i supposed~~ :D

    i didn't do that maybe was not that bad mood, haha.. RM8.90 only i really don't expect much anyway, haiz~~

    哈哈, 通常照片都比實物來得漂亮的.. 那你那些照片和你做出來的餅干又有沒有很大的分別呢?? 呵呵呵呵~~ :p

  27. yeah probably u can open one yourself ya? lolx

  28. i thought their cheese steamed pasta or something is pretty nice. the one at the hospital la. others i duno lor.

  29. 怡保无KL咁多牌子既连锁店啊嘛。Deli响怡保唯一一间店,年几之前已经执咗咯,不过咧佢地既home made 蘑菇汤同coffee我都好中意架,咖啡又唔贵!


  30. 那我下次要特别小心D字头的餐厅了...

  31. oily? grossss.... must try it to see how oily it is.... Delifrance is it? hhahhaha

  32. 意粉已经够heavy啦,仲加埋油浸,吃了会不会要减磅的呀~?你个SK呀,是不是靠害啊?! :p

  33. That menu picture looks yummy though.

    I quite like their soup but different outlets give different quantity. Sore point.

    For 50% pastries, hotel cafes have better ones. The next time you are near The Westin, you may want to pick up some from their cafe, Treats, I believe it's called. Also, the pasta at their Italian restaurant, Prego, is marvellous.

    Have you noticed your bill at PH? Are they still charging extra for non-bumi? I've stopped patronising them since I knew about it.

  34. not spaghett as we dont have spaghetti but noodles perhaps :) i mean Benghui :)

  35. 没猜错的话,我喜欢这家的面包。

  36. 哈哈哈... 我唔食呢间嘢架...
    因为一次就够~ 哈哈哈....

  37. I long long time didn't visit to this restaurant jor...hmmm...nothing special there :p

  38. bluesole:
    haha, no laa, i definitely won't be opening my own restaurant.. it's not easy business actually, and most importantly i can't cook!! :p

    hmmm, really or you just thought.. yeah, i thought the promo was a great deal and so i went to try.. didn't expect it ended up with such a disappointment.. hmmm, there's one in your hospital??

    Rebecca Kheng:
    唉呀, 原來執咗啊?? 哈哈, 都應該啦, 咁嘅質素點樣同怡保啲美食比啊?? 不過老實講, 我都有經常買佢哋嘅pastries架, 唔錯架, 尤其係5pm之後買一送一, 幾抵食呀!! 哎呀, 大家咁熟, 你唔好喺我面前扮清高啦.. 我知你心內實係諗緊嗰佢:"我整嘅仲好食啦".. 哈哈!!!

  39. Florence:
    呵呵, 我也是第一次就遇到這情況喇.. 可以再給多次機會他囉, 這樣吧, 這機會就等你來給吧!! 哈哈~~ :D

    haha, Mrs Arumugam you love oily food?? then this one you must like it very much.. yes, that D***Fr**** in KLCC, MUST TRY!!! waaahahahaha~~

    意粉其實不heavy囉我是覺得, 人家可以做到很light很好吃的.. 只不過這一碟真的做到我很想哭, 那兜油都不知道是不是cap buruh的添!!

    of course the menu picture looks yummy, and actually i think it could be because of different outlet, maybe i shall give other outlet a chance.. haha!! hmmm, you are right i have not thought of the pastries at hotels - am sure they offer the best quality possible.. Treats and Prego, ok ok, will go and try, hope they are not too expensive :p oh?? does PH charge extra for non-bumi?? how did you find this out?? i have never known about this woh.. you must tell me in more details~~

  40. Bengbeng:
    haha, whatever be it noodles or spaghetti, i am quite sure benghui can cook a lot nicer than they could.. haha!! :D

    Chris Chia:
    對啊, 我都會經常買他們的麵包的, 尤其是晚上買一送一, 真的很超值哦, 哈哈!! 就是因為覺得麵包不錯, 才去試他們的麵啊, 怎麼知道原來是如此的差強人意..

    你都中過招架原來!! 我其實都有考慮過畀多次機會佢架喎.. 照你咁講, 怕且都應該唔駛嘥心機喇呵??

    this is the first time i had their pasta.. all the while i only buy their pastries and sandwiches.. never did i know that the pasta they have are so badly done.. :(

  41. Let me see if I can locate the softcopy of a bill which I filed some time back.

  42. Hey, what's wrong with mentioning the name of the restaurant? Let me do it for you. DELIFRANCE. There! : )

  43. "i love sausage and ham, but these are all processed meat, not healthy~~"

    You call that a quote of the day? Haha! Well, at least you are aware of the unhealthy elements of eating sausage and ham. Good for you! : )

  44. HappySurfer:
    i've tried to search this piece of info online, according to PH they are having this for survey purpose only.. what they are trying to do is to gather information for their product marketing..

    hahaha, well i just don't want to be "too" obvious and the culprit, i know my readers are all smart people they sure can get my message!! it's always wise not to go too far right?? hey, of course that is consider my quote of the day, hehehehehe!! well, i don't often eat sausages and ham though i love them very much.. once in a while i think should be fine albeit knowing them being unhealthy but most of the time this is being put aside when i see them.. hahahaha!!

  45. yeah presentation good.. but you said not nice.. haha.. looks can be deceiving! =D


  46. kenwooi.com:
    yeah, you are correct with the term "deceiving"!! nice presentation by absolutely lousy taste.. but oklah, just RM8.90, won't feel the pain.. kekeke :D
