小學時期我絕對係學內風頭躉一名, 學業同埋校內外啲學術同運動比賽, 我都有相當標秉嘅成績.. 學術排名通常都係前五名, 六年來應該都冇失過手.. 而且往往被老師派去參加啲作文/演講/數學等競賽活動, 曾經試過同一日上台五次領獎, 真係莫名嘅興奮囉.. 再嚟身為學校田徑隊隊長, 校內比賽當然無敵, 校外比賽都率領校隊贏個總冠軍返嚟.. 風頭一時無兩, 連續兩屆成為全校模範生..
去到中學即刻鋒芒盡退, 各方人才濟濟齊集, 除咗學業仍然穩守崗位之外, 都冇印象參加過咩大型競賽, 有嘅都只不過係一兩單冇乜人知嘅比賽仔.. 不過去到中六嗰一年, 就好似臨尾畀我搏到鋪咁, 竟然撼抵校內多名猛將, 高調贏得某個數學比賽嘅全國冠軍, 校內即刻滿地數學老師們嘅眼鏡碎..
去到大學, 就更加冇嘢好講喇, 真係平凡得不可再平凡嘅學生一個囉.. 就係咁死慳死抵讀完個學士學位, 乜嘢大學生應該享受嘅大學活動都冇.. 諗返起其實都有啲遺憾, 不過算啦, 可以拎到個一等學士文憑, 乜都值嘅..
去到而家, 唔駛講, 我就只算得係一個隨街都係嘅打工族一名囉, 呵呵:pi think i was a hero during primary school days, academic and competition results were excellent.. academically, i was usually in the top 5 list, and never failed for the entire 6 years.. and repetitively being selected to participate in competitions, internal or external, and there was once i ran up to the stage for 5 times to get my prizes in just a morning, that was crazy.. and sports wise, i was the leader for the school's athletic team, internally of course i was the winner, and externally i still lead the team to win the overall champion for the school.. just got too famous with my repertoire, and hence being selected as the role model of the year for consecutive two years..
up to high school and i can say all glamor went down to ground level, because there were many more capable students than i could compete.. other than academic results that were still up to the hill, i don't remember participating in any competitions at all, maybe if those would be too little to remember.. anyway, did something that shocked all the maths teachers in form 6, was selected to participate in a mathematic competition (without any expectation of course) and in the end surprisingly beat all expected heroes and won the national championship..
to the university, and i was just drowned in studies, a more ordinary than ordinary student you could see (a geek that was).. no activity that a happy uni student should have, kind of regret i didn't go a little wilder then though.. anyway, successfully obtaining a first class bachelor degree just worth everything..
and now, needless to say, i am just one of the guys easily found in the street that only work hard for the job, that's it i am, hehe :p
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30.10.2008 | 輾轉難眠
呢兩晚真係好痛苦, 成晚喺張床上邊輾轉難眠.. 天氣勁熱係一個因素, 工作上有點壓力係一個因素, 噚日下晝發生咗令我愕然非常嘅一件(私)事係一個因素.. 個身體其實已經好攰, 但係個腦就不停咁喺度諗嘢, 就算合埋眼叫自己唔好再諗嘢快快瞓覺, 但係個腦依然唔聽話, 搞到個心都翳住翳住.. 就係咁, 由不得自己作主, 成晚就係咁樣..
而家仲為咗噚日件事煩惱, 好想快快有個結果.. 咁當然希望係開心收場啦, 不過如果大吉利是壞收場嘅話, 希望我都可以好快渡過之後嘅低潮期.. 各位關心我嘅朋友, 麻煩畀啲私人空間我, 唔好問我究竟發生咩時, 我係心平氣和咁可以坐喺度寫嘢, 所以大家毋須擔心, 我冇事亦都好冷靜, 多謝晒~~ :)was quite suffering these two nights, could not sleep well and rolling on the bed from left to right and from right to left for the whole night.. hot weather was an issue, a little work pressure was an issue, something (personal) happened yesterday evening that shocked me by sudden was an issue.. my body was tired, and yet my mind kept thinking about things.. have told myself not to think anymore and just go to sleep, but still i was thinking and hence a little heart-ache.. just like that, unable to control myself, whole night sleepless it became..
still being haunted by what happened yesterday, hope to have an outcome soon.. of course i hope for a happy ending, but if *touch wood* that it ends in a bad way, hope i can get over it fast.. to all that care out there, just give me some private room, don't ask what happened, i can be very calm sitting down and write this entry, hence no worries and i know what i'm doing, thanks~~ :)
而家仲為咗噚日件事煩惱, 好想快快有個結果.. 咁當然希望係開心收場啦, 不過如果大吉利是壞收場嘅話, 希望我都可以好快渡過之後嘅低潮期.. 各位關心我嘅朋友, 麻煩畀啲私人空間我, 唔好問我究竟發生咩時, 我係心平氣和咁可以坐喺度寫嘢, 所以大家毋須擔心, 我冇事亦都好冷靜, 多謝晒~~ :)was quite suffering these two nights, could not sleep well and rolling on the bed from left to right and from right to left for the whole night.. hot weather was an issue, a little work pressure was an issue, something (personal) happened yesterday evening that shocked me by sudden was an issue.. my body was tired, and yet my mind kept thinking about things.. have told myself not to think anymore and just go to sleep, but still i was thinking and hence a little heart-ache.. just like that, unable to control myself, whole night sleepless it became..
still being haunted by what happened yesterday, hope to have an outcome soon.. of course i hope for a happy ending, but if *touch wood* that it ends in a bad way, hope i can get over it fast.. to all that care out there, just give me some private room, don't ask what happened, i can be very calm sitting down and write this entry, hence no worries and i know what i'm doing, thanks~~ :)
29.10.2008 | 天氣炎炎
繼之前兩個禮拜日日不停(準時)落雨之後, 上個週末開始嚟咗個180°轉變, 天氣變得炎熱非常, 雲高日烈.. 印象中(N年)以前嘅教課書講過, 呢段時間吹東南季候風, 應該係雨季, 不過而家反而變咗炎炎夏日, global warming所致?? anyway, 我鐘意見到太陽, 所以冇乜所謂..
- 週末行喺街上, 果然感受到天氣所帶來嘅悶熱, 就算步入商場之後, 依然滿額汗持續數分鐘之久, 畀個sales見到, 真係有點狼狽呀..
- 噚日病咗, 醫生話係天氣突然轉變導致扁桃炎(??).. 好似唔係第一次咁樣, 上次病都好似因為天氣關係.. 係唔係因為出出入入, 一冷一熱呢??
- 艷陽高照, 健身院個室外泳池邊, 例牌地一字排開成隊著住性感泳褲, 身材健碩嘅壯男喺度晒太陽.. 搞到我以自卑為由, 唔敢去游水晒太陽.. 又羨慕又自卑, 主啊, 我幾時先可以有佢哋咁嘅body啊?? :(
- 噚晚因為太過炎熱, 所以輾轉難眠, 喺張床上碌嚟碌去幾個小時咁耐, 好似到凌晨先昏昏睡去, 幸好今朝起身仲係精神嘅..
- walking on the street during the weekend, and absolutely feel the warmth of the weather.. got into shopping mall and still sweating for another few minutes.. seen by the sales how bad i sweat, that was sure embarrassing since he would wonder why i'm sweating in an air-conditioned indoor..
- fell sick yesterday and doctor told me it's because of the tonsile inflammation due to change of weather (??).. not the first time i supposed since the last time i fell sick was due to weather change too.. could it be myself getting in and out outdoor and indoor??
- sunshine days always see a classic view at the gym's outdoor poolside.. neatly laid on the sunbeds are the team of macho hunky guys in sexy trunks doing their routine suntan.. feeling inferior to that, i just couldn't bear going near.. oh gosh, when will i ever have such nice body like theirs?? :(
- couldn't sleep well last night due to the warm weather, rolling on bed for hours and if not mistaken only got into sleep near dawn, luckily still feel fresh after woke up this morning..
28.10.2008 | 小病是福
俗語有雲「小病是福」, 福指嘅係身邊有個人照顧, 發一場小病總好過病入膏肓, 病好之後有一定嘅免疫力提昇等等.. 咁樣嚟到解釋呢句嘢是幾啱, 不過就覺得要睇吓當時個情況囉..
記得以前嘅求學期, 最怕就係病, 因為一請病假就某種程度上會影響學業進度.. 我間學校出晒名課業繁重, 一日冇返學就要用雙倍努力追返上, 而且有個好鬼賤格嘅制度, 就係請病假都要扣分(唔知邊位訂下嘅條規, 真係見你死踩多你一腳囉)!! 所以話「小病是福」真係一啲都唔貼切, 恨不得病痛遠離我添啦..
出嚟做嘢之後, 雖然話長命功夫長命做, 而且每位員工享有一定日數嘅有薪病假, 當然亦都冇嗰扣分制度, 不過又唔係話病就可以告假, 因為好多時候要睇工作進度究竟允許唔允許你病.. 曾經試過幾次, 工作忙到連病都係喺工作麻醉之下痊癒, 都幾坎坷.. 不過當然都有休息嘅機會, 好似今日咁, 就發病告假一日喇..there's a saying "little sickness is a bliss", the bliss here mean there's somebody taking care of you, a little sickness is much more fortunate than any awful diseases, after recovered you gain a certain boost of the immunity.. it's quite true when explained in this way, but to me it still depends on the situation though..
still remember those days as a student, one of the things worried most is falling sick, as it will affect the progress of studies if you call in sick.. my school is so well-known (or notorious i say) for the heavy study burden on us, and hence one day off means we have to spend double the effort to cope up with the progress.. and what more? the was a don't-know-who-set-the-rule to deduct marks for sick leave you have taken, as if throwing you shit when you're fallen into the mud pool.. that is why, i don't think the saying "little sickness is a bliss" is applicable here..
those were the days and now i'm in the working life.. though there's always things queueing to be done, and each employee enjoys a certain number of days of paid sick leave, and of course there is no mark deduction rules, sometimes it just depend on what timing you fall sick and whether the work progress allows you to fall sick.. have experienced few times when the sickness just recovered unnoticeably while rushing for deadlines under work pressure, that is pathetic huh?? but still there are "lucky" times where i could really gain a good rest, just like today, i am on sick leave..
記得以前嘅求學期, 最怕就係病, 因為一請病假就某種程度上會影響學業進度.. 我間學校出晒名課業繁重, 一日冇返學就要用雙倍努力追返上, 而且有個好鬼賤格嘅制度, 就係請病假都要扣分(唔知邊位訂下嘅條規, 真係見你死踩多你一腳囉)!! 所以話「小病是福」真係一啲都唔貼切, 恨不得病痛遠離我添啦..
出嚟做嘢之後, 雖然話長命功夫長命做, 而且每位員工享有一定日數嘅有薪病假, 當然亦都冇嗰扣分制度, 不過又唔係話病就可以告假, 因為好多時候要睇工作進度究竟允許唔允許你病.. 曾經試過幾次, 工作忙到連病都係喺工作麻醉之下痊癒, 都幾坎坷.. 不過當然都有休息嘅機會, 好似今日咁, 就發病告假一日喇..there's a saying "little sickness is a bliss", the bliss here mean there's somebody taking care of you, a little sickness is much more fortunate than any awful diseases, after recovered you gain a certain boost of the immunity.. it's quite true when explained in this way, but to me it still depends on the situation though..
still remember those days as a student, one of the things worried most is falling sick, as it will affect the progress of studies if you call in sick.. my school is so well-known (or notorious i say) for the heavy study burden on us, and hence one day off means we have to spend double the effort to cope up with the progress.. and what more? the was a don't-know-who-set-the-rule to deduct marks for sick leave you have taken, as if throwing you shit when you're fallen into the mud pool.. that is why, i don't think the saying "little sickness is a bliss" is applicable here..
those were the days and now i'm in the working life.. though there's always things queueing to be done, and each employee enjoys a certain number of days of paid sick leave, and of course there is no mark deduction rules, sometimes it just depend on what timing you fall sick and whether the work progress allows you to fall sick.. have experienced few times when the sickness just recovered unnoticeably while rushing for deadlines under work pressure, that is pathetic huh?? but still there are "lucky" times where i could really gain a good rest, just like today, i am on sick leave..
27.10.2008 | 失望連連
[失望, 普級版]
《Mamma Mia!》股熱潮仍未降溫, 去親好多地方都會播ABBA啲歌, 搞到我忽然間好想擁有ABBA之前推出嘅精選集.. 之前喺某商場見過, 不過又扭擰嫌貴唔買, 結果搞到而家個癮起, 今日行勻成個商場, 都搵唔到平過之前見過間唱片舖!
[失望, 升級版]
我大概一個月理髮一次, 今日起身發覺自己個頭成堆草咁, 長咗好難梳理.. 趁今日假期不如話去飛飛髮啦, 打畀髮型師阿尖(我個頭交托畀佢有6年咁耐架喇), 結果佢話今晚要開會, 連我呢個VIP都唔得閑應酬.. 唯有繼續忍受呢堆草多一日啦!!
[失望, 頂級版]
最近發覺自己增磅不少, 啲衫已經好難再遮掩啲肥腩肉, 稍為鬆懈落嚟實會必晒出嚟呈現各人眼前, 一路以嚟苦苦經營嘅lean fit形像毀于一旦!! 今日著咗件淺黃色T恤, 即刻敗筆暴露, 諗起某個牌子啲衫有相當唔錯嘅修身效果, 於是就走去話買番幾件旁身.. 點知, 間嘢一早已經執鬼咗!!![disappointment, level 1]
the heat from "Mamma Mia!" is still hot out there, you can hear ABBA's songs being played on air almost everywhere you go, and this make me have a sudden urge to own a copy of their best collection released earlier.. saw the CD in another mall the other day, but thought it was quite expensive and decided not to buy, but the sudden urge today made me looking for the CD in all the record shops in the mall, still i couldn't find any one cheaper!
[disappointment, level 2]
i have my haircut about once every month, woke up this morning and realised how messy my hair was, grown longer and it's difficult to comb.. since today is a holiday, might as well go and have a haircut, pick up the phone and called Jim my hairstylist (have been relying on him for 6 years).. but he have a meeting at night, so no time to entertain even this VIP for him.. no choice, i just gotta suffer from topping my messy hair for another day!!
[disappointment, level 3]
realised that i have gained weight quite a lot recently, my clothes can hardly hide my fat flabby tummy now, slightly not attentive and my tummy just push out creating a rather bloated me to the sight of the people out there, my image has all gone down to sub-zero! the light yellow tee made me look worse today, and suddenly i recall a shop selling clothes that has a rather good slimming effect, gone there and only to find out that the shop has already closed down!!!
《Mamma Mia!》股熱潮仍未降溫, 去親好多地方都會播ABBA啲歌, 搞到我忽然間好想擁有ABBA之前推出嘅精選集.. 之前喺某商場見過, 不過又扭擰嫌貴唔買, 結果搞到而家個癮起, 今日行勻成個商場, 都搵唔到平過之前見過間唱片舖!
[失望, 升級版]
我大概一個月理髮一次, 今日起身發覺自己個頭成堆草咁, 長咗好難梳理.. 趁今日假期不如話去飛飛髮啦, 打畀髮型師阿尖(我個頭交托畀佢有6年咁耐架喇), 結果佢話今晚要開會, 連我呢個VIP都唔得閑應酬.. 唯有繼續忍受呢堆草多一日啦!!
[失望, 頂級版]
最近發覺自己增磅不少, 啲衫已經好難再遮掩啲肥腩肉, 稍為鬆懈落嚟實會必晒出嚟呈現各人眼前, 一路以嚟苦苦經營嘅lean fit形像毀于一旦!! 今日著咗件淺黃色T恤, 即刻敗筆暴露, 諗起某個牌子啲衫有相當唔錯嘅修身效果, 於是就走去話買番幾件旁身.. 點知, 間嘢一早已經執鬼咗!!![disappointment, level 1]
the heat from "Mamma Mia!" is still hot out there, you can hear ABBA's songs being played on air almost everywhere you go, and this make me have a sudden urge to own a copy of their best collection released earlier.. saw the CD in another mall the other day, but thought it was quite expensive and decided not to buy, but the sudden urge today made me looking for the CD in all the record shops in the mall, still i couldn't find any one cheaper!
[disappointment, level 2]
i have my haircut about once every month, woke up this morning and realised how messy my hair was, grown longer and it's difficult to comb.. since today is a holiday, might as well go and have a haircut, pick up the phone and called Jim my hairstylist (have been relying on him for 6 years).. but he have a meeting at night, so no time to entertain even this VIP for him.. no choice, i just gotta suffer from topping my messy hair for another day!!
[disappointment, level 3]
realised that i have gained weight quite a lot recently, my clothes can hardly hide my fat flabby tummy now, slightly not attentive and my tummy just push out creating a rather bloated me to the sight of the people out there, my image has all gone down to sub-zero! the light yellow tee made me look worse today, and suddenly i recall a shop selling clothes that has a rather good slimming effect, gone there and only to find out that the shop has already closed down!!!
26.10.2008 | 減價風雲
近呢兩三年, 城中幾個主要大型百貨公司, 好似喺度鬥減價咁.. 購物嘉年華同過年過節例牌之外, 分明就係搵一大堆籍口, 咩週年紀念啦, 年中大拋售啦, 會員回饋啦.. 搞到好似隔冇幾耐又聽到某某公司大減價喇, 呢個減價嗰個當然唔執輸啦, 結果全城又嚟陷入一個大減價旋渦之中..
有鑒於此, 我對於大減價抱著兩種對立(又帶點矛盾)嘅觀點.. 第一, 我開始對大減價冇晒感覺, 因為知道多幾日必定又會捲土重來, 好似係好必然嘅事, 毫不矜貴, 真係無需太過振奮.. 第二, 因為知道頻頻有大減價, 所以見到想買嘅嘢會耐心等待, 大減價開始頭幾日, 一定衝鋒陷陣去湊熱鬧, 睇吓有咩筍嘢益街坊..
就係因為大減價得太頻密, 以致每次嘅貨品都係大同小異, 冇啲新鮮感.. 最近啲大減價, 好少搵到心頭好, 不過又覺得兩手空空好悲哀, 所以通常都係狂掃超市啲零食嚟滿足一下自己, 哈哈!!the few major departmental stores in town have in the recent couple of years set up a trend of "competitive sales".. other than mega-sales carnival and festive sales, there could just be any reason that a departmental store would take (as an excuse??) to put the sales on show - anniversary sales, seasonal sales, members privilege sales - you name it they got it.. as a result of this, there are always sales after sales within very short timeframe, one got it up and the others follow to set up their own, and the result of this? the town is in another brand new sales celebration again!!
in view of this, i have two thoughts in contrary to each other.. firstly, i start to have zero feelings towards sales out there, as i know it's gonna come back again in short future, as if they are being taken for granted, not any appreciable really and hence no point to fall head over feet on it.. secondly, because knowing there'll soon be another sales round the corner, i'm gonna wait patiently should i spotted anything to my wish list, and when the day comes, i will definitely go and see if i could get any good deals..
since sales have been too frequent, the deals and promotions are hence all about the same, nothing exciting i would say.. for the recent few sales, i just hardly get myself anything right and fancy, knowing that i would feel ashamed if i go home empty handed, i just went to the supermarket and grabbed myself handfuls of snacks and nibblers (fat, fat!!) to make myself feel better, hahahaha!!
有鑒於此, 我對於大減價抱著兩種對立(又帶點矛盾)嘅觀點.. 第一, 我開始對大減價冇晒感覺, 因為知道多幾日必定又會捲土重來, 好似係好必然嘅事, 毫不矜貴, 真係無需太過振奮.. 第二, 因為知道頻頻有大減價, 所以見到想買嘅嘢會耐心等待, 大減價開始頭幾日, 一定衝鋒陷陣去湊熱鬧, 睇吓有咩筍嘢益街坊..
就係因為大減價得太頻密, 以致每次嘅貨品都係大同小異, 冇啲新鮮感.. 最近啲大減價, 好少搵到心頭好, 不過又覺得兩手空空好悲哀, 所以通常都係狂掃超市啲零食嚟滿足一下自己, 哈哈!!the few major departmental stores in town have in the recent couple of years set up a trend of "competitive sales".. other than mega-sales carnival and festive sales, there could just be any reason that a departmental store would take (as an excuse??) to put the sales on show - anniversary sales, seasonal sales, members privilege sales - you name it they got it.. as a result of this, there are always sales after sales within very short timeframe, one got it up and the others follow to set up their own, and the result of this? the town is in another brand new sales celebration again!!
in view of this, i have two thoughts in contrary to each other.. firstly, i start to have zero feelings towards sales out there, as i know it's gonna come back again in short future, as if they are being taken for granted, not any appreciable really and hence no point to fall head over feet on it.. secondly, because knowing there'll soon be another sales round the corner, i'm gonna wait patiently should i spotted anything to my wish list, and when the day comes, i will definitely go and see if i could get any good deals..
since sales have been too frequent, the deals and promotions are hence all about the same, nothing exciting i would say.. for the recent few sales, i just hardly get myself anything right and fancy, knowing that i would feel ashamed if i go home empty handed, i just went to the supermarket and grabbed myself handfuls of snacks and nibblers (fat, fat!!) to make myself feel better, hahahaha!!
25.10.2008 | 自製睡眠
我係個慣性賴床嘅人, 應該唔係嚴重嗰啲, 至少我知醒.. 我有套自製睡眠嘅方法, 雖然係阿Q精神咗啲, 不過對我嚟講係掂喎, 至少我起身後多數係清新開朗嘅..
我部手機有鬧鐘function, 較咗每朝7:30起身返工.. 其實係唔駛咁早起身嘅, 就正如好多人都會較早啲, 跟住可以倒頭瞓多十分鐘再起身咁.. 不過我就有啲貪心喇, 十分鐘點夠啫?? 所以每朝我會畀個鬧鐘snooze四次, 即係話8:10我先捨得爬起身.. 講真, 我係專登咁樣做嘅, 鬧鐘響5次唔覺煩, 反而覺得可以再瞓多40分鐘咁耐, 係非常天上人間嘅事囉.. 即係話我每朝可以盡情賴床四次咁鬼多, 自問有這等幸福, 夫乎何求呢?? 所以話, 我覺得一輪snooze之後先醒比起一覺睡醒, 係來得更滿足更精神奕奕嘅囉.. :pi am a lazy bone on bed, not any serious i consider, at least i won't overslept.. i do have my very own way of creating enough sleep for myself, though it's quite self-cheating, at least it really works for me and i always (at least most of the time) wake up fresh and energised..
my handphone comes with a built-in alarm clock function, got it set at 7:30 every morning for work.. i don't actually need to wake up this early, just like everyone would do to set it a bit earlier so that there's a little more room for a precious snooze.. but that mere 10min or so is never enough for me, hence i will snooze for 4 times and only willing to wake up at 8:10.. frankly, i purposely do that because i think it's something very enjoyable and pampering for myself.. and no, i don't think the alarm is annoying but indeed i enjoy going back to sleep after pressing the snooze button, imagine you get an additional 40min of sleep, what else do you want?? hehe.. so, i would say, waking up after a series of snoozing makes me feel more refreshed than just waking up on time.. :p
我部手機有鬧鐘function, 較咗每朝7:30起身返工.. 其實係唔駛咁早起身嘅, 就正如好多人都會較早啲, 跟住可以倒頭瞓多十分鐘再起身咁.. 不過我就有啲貪心喇, 十分鐘點夠啫?? 所以每朝我會畀個鬧鐘snooze四次, 即係話8:10我先捨得爬起身.. 講真, 我係專登咁樣做嘅, 鬧鐘響5次唔覺煩, 反而覺得可以再瞓多40分鐘咁耐, 係非常天上人間嘅事囉.. 即係話我每朝可以盡情賴床四次咁鬼多, 自問有這等幸福, 夫乎何求呢?? 所以話, 我覺得一輪snooze之後先醒比起一覺睡醒, 係來得更滿足更精神奕奕嘅囉.. :pi am a lazy bone on bed, not any serious i consider, at least i won't overslept.. i do have my very own way of creating enough sleep for myself, though it's quite self-cheating, at least it really works for me and i always (at least most of the time) wake up fresh and energised..
my handphone comes with a built-in alarm clock function, got it set at 7:30 every morning for work.. i don't actually need to wake up this early, just like everyone would do to set it a bit earlier so that there's a little more room for a precious snooze.. but that mere 10min or so is never enough for me, hence i will snooze for 4 times and only willing to wake up at 8:10.. frankly, i purposely do that because i think it's something very enjoyable and pampering for myself.. and no, i don't think the alarm is annoying but indeed i enjoy going back to sleep after pressing the snooze button, imagine you get an additional 40min of sleep, what else do you want?? hehe.. so, i would say, waking up after a series of snoozing makes me feel more refreshed than just waking up on time.. :p
24.10.2008 | 非我杯茶
如果唔係電台, 我應該唔會有緣聽到佢唱歌.. 如果唔係電台狂播, 我其實唔會察覺原來佢首首歌都係唱成咁.. 如果唔係電台好似冤鬼纏身咁日夜不停喪播, 我可能唔會對佢有咁大反應.. 有兩句說話可以好貼切形容我對佢嘅睇法, 就係物極必反+夭心夭肺.. 以上觀點純屬個人喜好同意見, 絕無任何人身攻擊成份, 我只可以講, 各位佢嘅fans們, 我哋嘅口味係天淵之別囉..
to all readers of my previous post:
if not because of the radio, i shall not have had the chance to hear him singing.. if not because of the frequent airplay on the radio, i shall not have realised he sings each and every song in the same style.. if not because of the non-stop day-and-night bombarding on the radio, i shall not have reacted so dramatically.. the situation just got me from "wow, err, ok" to "mmmm, again?" to now "not again!", sometimes when something went on too much, you just had enough sh*t of the haunting.. anyway, these are my personal preference and opinion, nothing discriminating, all i wanted to say is, dear all his fans out there, our tastes are just so totally different..
[無言以對之MV 1] [i-am-speechless MV 1]
[無言以對之MV 2] [i-am-speechless MV 2]
你有疑問?? 係, 佢係男嘅..
question?? yeah, he is a guy..
如果唔係電台, 我應該唔會有緣聽到佢唱歌.. 如果唔係電台狂播, 我其實唔會察覺原來佢首首歌都係唱成咁.. 如果唔係電台好似冤鬼纏身咁日夜不停喪播, 我可能唔會對佢有咁大反應.. 有兩句說話可以好貼切形容我對佢嘅睇法, 就係物極必反+夭心夭肺.. 以上觀點純屬個人喜好同意見, 絕無任何人身攻擊成份, 我只可以講, 各位佢嘅fans們, 我哋嘅口味係天淵之別囉..
to all readers of my previous post:
if not because of the radio, i shall not have had the chance to hear him singing.. if not because of the frequent airplay on the radio, i shall not have realised he sings each and every song in the same style.. if not because of the non-stop day-and-night bombarding on the radio, i shall not have reacted so dramatically.. the situation just got me from "wow, err, ok" to "mmmm, again?" to now "not again!", sometimes when something went on too much, you just had enough sh*t of the haunting.. anyway, these are my personal preference and opinion, nothing discriminating, all i wanted to say is, dear all his fans out there, our tastes are just so totally different..
[無言以對之MV 1] [i-am-speechless MV 1]
[無言以對之MV 2] [i-am-speechless MV 2]
你有疑問?? 係, 佢係男嘅..
question?? yeah, he is a guy..
23.10.2008 | 商業電台
我唔係個會聽電台廣播嘅人, 就算有都只不過係偶然間聽到公司部收音機.. 印象中以前嘅電台DJ係可以自由發揮播放自己鐘意又想介紹畀聽眾聽啲歌, 又或者係聽眾寫信或call-in點歌.. 不過最近真係發現(可能我比較遲鈍), 電台已經非常商業化喇, 好似冇再聽過任何點唱節目, 而且DJ通常都有一張好長嘅list, 指名要播咩歌.. 呢張list由邊度嚟?? 應該就係唱片公司宣傳部, 負責幫歌手打歌嘅人囉, 電台就當係幫手打廣告收取(理應)好豐厚嘅費用, 所以何樂而不為??
不過有時候就辛苦咗聽眾們囉, 尤其係我啊, 最近連連聽到某個好乞我憎把聲(大家應該知道係邊組台-灣-樂-隊-嘅-雌-雄-主-音), 喺度日夜不斷咁唱同一首歌, 我覺得好哽耳, 個心好煩躁, 好想狠狠刮佢一巴叫佢收聲囉.. 就係因為佢, 我可以斬釘截鐵地肯定, 電台一定係收佢唔少錢先會咁做, 如果唔係都絕對唔會播囉, 讚同我嘅朋友唔該齊齊舉高雙手..i'm not a radio fans, even if i listen to radio that would be occassionally from the radio in the office.. in my impression of radio DJ, they are supposed to play songs that they like or think are nice and wish to introduce to the audience, or the other way round, the audience write-in or call-in to ask for a song.. but recently i found out that it's not this business anymore, radio stations have gone extremely commercialised now, most of the time DJ has already a pre-defined playlist to play, and where do you think those playlists come from?? must be from the A&R from record company to promote the songs for their artists i supposed.. anyway, since the radio station is paid an amount of "advertising" fees, so why not??
but the impact was big on the audience, especially me, i've been hearing one particular annoying voice over the radio, repetitively and almost day and night, singing the same song, from that taiwanese-group-with-a-unisex-voice-lead-vocal (you know who he is right?) - that really creates uncomfort and annoyance to me frankly, feel like slapping him and get him to stop singing!! anyway, since then i am 500% sure that there must be commercial factors in all these kind of airplay, i just don't believe the DJs would love playing his songs so much.. two hands up if you agree with me~~
不過有時候就辛苦咗聽眾們囉, 尤其係我啊, 最近連連聽到某個好乞我憎把聲(大家應該知道係邊組台-灣-樂-隊-嘅-雌-雄-主-音), 喺度日夜不斷咁唱同一首歌, 我覺得好哽耳, 個心好煩躁, 好想狠狠刮佢一巴叫佢收聲囉.. 就係因為佢, 我可以斬釘截鐵地肯定, 電台一定係收佢唔少錢先會咁做, 如果唔係都絕對唔會播囉, 讚同我嘅朋友唔該齊齊舉高雙手..i'm not a radio fans, even if i listen to radio that would be occassionally from the radio in the office.. in my impression of radio DJ, they are supposed to play songs that they like or think are nice and wish to introduce to the audience, or the other way round, the audience write-in or call-in to ask for a song.. but recently i found out that it's not this business anymore, radio stations have gone extremely commercialised now, most of the time DJ has already a pre-defined playlist to play, and where do you think those playlists come from?? must be from the A&R from record company to promote the songs for their artists i supposed.. anyway, since the radio station is paid an amount of "advertising" fees, so why not??
but the impact was big on the audience, especially me, i've been hearing one particular annoying voice over the radio, repetitively and almost day and night, singing the same song, from that taiwanese-group-with-a-unisex-voice-lead-vocal (you know who he is right?) - that really creates uncomfort and annoyance to me frankly, feel like slapping him and get him to stop singing!! anyway, since then i am 500% sure that there must be commercial factors in all these kind of airplay, i just don't believe the DJs would love playing his songs so much.. two hands up if you agree with me~~
22.10.2008 | 新不如舊
呢間銀行我不嬲都有用開佢嘅online banking, 而且仲覺得非常唔錯, 有咗佢, 我好輕易咁完全操控我嘅財產.. 最近學人搞大躍進, 用最新科技將成個系統改頭換面, 仲要高調向眾人宣傳新界面有幾咁好幾咁快添..
不過最終嘅效果卻係事與願違囉.. 某日我要login見到好靚嘅新界面, 賞心悅目, 不過load個login page都要等成分鐘幾(第一次仲係唔成功添!!)咁耐, 跟住要check個balance又要click幾個link先有, 每個link要等分幾兩分鐘時間, 前前後後要check balance咁小事竟然用咗我超過5分鐘!!
幾日後, 應該係接到太多投訴, 噚日我再度戰戰兢兢光臨嘅時候, 竟然換返舊界面喎!! [請注意login page嘅交待訊息, 好搞笑] 用舊界面check balance, 好似唔駛一分鐘囉.. 真係唔好意思講嗰句都講埋出嚟喇, 無啦啦點解搞埋咁嘅嘢啫?? 新不如舊, 如果係咁差, 就不如不變啦..
have been using the online banking system from this bank for quite some time, and think it is actually very good indeed, i can manage my finance on my finger-tips.. recently there was a revamp of the system using the latest technology available, and announces the launch of the new system so high-profilely, saying how good how secure and how fast it will be..
but but but (yes, 3 buts) the outcome has been totally unexpected.. i tried logging in one time, surprise to see the nice new interface, but i have to wait more than a minute to load the page (and the first time was failed even!), and then i need to click on few links before i could check my account balance.. in average more than a minute for each link to load, and in total i gotta spend more than five minutes just to check my balance - it's that simple and yet took me so long!!
few days later, i tried to login again, and shocked to find out that we are being directed back to the old system, perhaps they have received too much complaints than they can ever cope.. see the explanation message on the login page and i supposed you will catch a laugh.. checking account balance using the old system takes less than a minute, i just gotta say, why suddenly replace something good with something that is so not performing?? if the new one is not as good, then why bother to change??
不過最終嘅效果卻係事與願違囉.. 某日我要login見到好靚嘅新界面, 賞心悅目, 不過load個login page都要等成分鐘幾(第一次仲係唔成功添!!)咁耐, 跟住要check個balance又要click幾個link先有, 每個link要等分幾兩分鐘時間, 前前後後要check balance咁小事竟然用咗我超過5分鐘!!
幾日後, 應該係接到太多投訴, 噚日我再度戰戰兢兢光臨嘅時候, 竟然換返舊界面喎!! [請注意login page嘅交待訊息, 好搞笑] 用舊界面check balance, 好似唔駛一分鐘囉.. 真係唔好意思講嗰句都講埋出嚟喇, 無啦啦點解搞埋咁嘅嘢啫?? 新不如舊, 如果係咁差, 就不如不變啦..
have been using the online banking system from this bank for quite some time, and think it is actually very good indeed, i can manage my finance on my finger-tips.. recently there was a revamp of the system using the latest technology available, and announces the launch of the new system so high-profilely, saying how good how secure and how fast it will be..
but but but (yes, 3 buts) the outcome has been totally unexpected.. i tried logging in one time, surprise to see the nice new interface, but i have to wait more than a minute to load the page (and the first time was failed even!), and then i need to click on few links before i could check my account balance.. in average more than a minute for each link to load, and in total i gotta spend more than five minutes just to check my balance - it's that simple and yet took me so long!!
few days later, i tried to login again, and shocked to find out that we are being directed back to the old system, perhaps they have received too much complaints than they can ever cope.. see the explanation message on the login page and i supposed you will catch a laugh.. checking account balance using the old system takes less than a minute, i just gotta say, why suddenly replace something good with something that is so not performing?? if the new one is not as good, then why bother to change??
21.10.2008 | 日日是雨
呢兩個星期來, 個天好似較好鐘咁, 下晝五點左右準時落雨, 每日如是從未失手.. 到時到候望出窗外, 天色就好似入夜般昏暗, 落雨嘅時候出邊一片灰矇, 平時喺公司做嘢已經鬼咁悶, 再見到出邊咁嘅樣, 就更加係冇晒心情啦.. 因為我唔鐘意雨天, 雨天總係畀我好鬱悶嘅感覺, 除非係聽緊蕾哈娜嗰首「under my umbrella, ella ella eh eh eh」..
又係因為場雨嘅關係, 好多人都要等到停雨後先歸家, 平時順利避過高峰時間返屋企嘅我, 最近偏偏就要忍受同眾人逼(甚至係爭??)輕鐵嘅痛苦.. 首先月台幾乎唔夠位企咁多人, 再嚟每列車都係爆滿人, 分分鐘需要等兩三趟先可以順利上車.. 入到車廂未算甩難架, 因為仲要忍受25分鐘人逼人兼身貼身嘅惡頂旅程..the sky seems to have set up a clock recently, pouring cats and dogs around 5pm everyday, never failed to do so for the past two weeks.. looking out from the window around that time, the sky is as dark as after dawn, and the rain creates a translucent film over the scene.. it is always a little boring during work, and when looking at such ambience out there, the feeling is even more dull.. i never like rainy days, because rainy days just equate to blue to me, unless i’m listening to rihanna’s “under my umbrella, ella ella eh eh eh” ..
and because of the rain, most of the people are waiting to go home only after the rain, i normally avoided the peak hours to go home from work, but unluckily just gotta suffer from commuting in the packed train recently, imagine sardines tightly packed in a 3-inch can.. first the platform is almost not enough to hold, then every train is packed with enthusiastic passengers, most of the time i can only board the train after few attempts.. and it’s not the end to be able to squeeze in successfully, as there is still another 25 minutes of travel time, suffering from the almost suffocated journey before reaching home..
又係因為場雨嘅關係, 好多人都要等到停雨後先歸家, 平時順利避過高峰時間返屋企嘅我, 最近偏偏就要忍受同眾人逼(甚至係爭??)輕鐵嘅痛苦.. 首先月台幾乎唔夠位企咁多人, 再嚟每列車都係爆滿人, 分分鐘需要等兩三趟先可以順利上車.. 入到車廂未算甩難架, 因為仲要忍受25分鐘人逼人兼身貼身嘅惡頂旅程..the sky seems to have set up a clock recently, pouring cats and dogs around 5pm everyday, never failed to do so for the past two weeks.. looking out from the window around that time, the sky is as dark as after dawn, and the rain creates a translucent film over the scene.. it is always a little boring during work, and when looking at such ambience out there, the feeling is even more dull.. i never like rainy days, because rainy days just equate to blue to me, unless i’m listening to rihanna’s “under my umbrella, ella ella eh eh eh” ..
and because of the rain, most of the people are waiting to go home only after the rain, i normally avoided the peak hours to go home from work, but unluckily just gotta suffer from commuting in the packed train recently, imagine sardines tightly packed in a 3-inch can.. first the platform is almost not enough to hold, then every train is packed with enthusiastic passengers, most of the time i can only board the train after few attempts.. and it’s not the end to be able to squeeze in successfully, as there is still another 25 minutes of travel time, suffering from the almost suffocated journey before reaching home..
20.10.2008 | Su趴新地
好耐都冇去hiphop class喇, 禮拜日下晝就到時間, 所以幾歹都要去郁一郁.. 一排冇跳, 好彩都仲跟得上, 雖然覺得自己嘅動作生硬非常(一啲都唔sexy), 不過算啦, 都係志在參與郁動, 出番一身汗.. 咁當然, 我去嘅係初級班囉, 哈哈~~
行商場嘅時候經過數間唱片鋪, 全部都係播緊Mamma Mia!啲歌, 有啲係播電影原聲帶, 有啲係播ABBA樂隊原唱.. 之前電影大賣之後, 個舞台劇又即將於12月登場, 呢一股Mamma Mia!風果真係夠大熱囉, 我口痕痕地都跟住唱囉失禮..
煩惱緊晚餐應該食咩嘅時候, 經過1901熱狗店, 見到十年難得一見嘅長龍.. 原來每個月十九號當日, 每隻熱狗都只賣1.99, 嘩嘩嘩, 抵到難啦, 於是我都嗱嗱聲排埋一份, 買咗兩隻.. 兩隻好多呵?? 不過我淨係食腸唔食包喎..[i like dancing]
it's been a long time since i last went to the hiphop class, my schedule could make it for sunday afternoon, and hence without any hesitation i just want to join and have a good move.. luckily still able to follow the steps, though my movements were totally nerdy and not sexy at all, i just don't care since the main reason to dance is to move and sweat a little.. anyway, of course, i went to the beginners class, hehe..
[mamma mia!]
was in the mall to kill time after gym, went into a few record shops and they were all playing tracks from Mamma Mia! the musical, albeit some from the soundtrack and some from the ABBA's originals.. the heat must be the result of the recently successful movie, and soon in december later the musical stage performance is coming to town.. say it true or not, i was singing along with the airplays in the shops too, haha..
[hotdog 199]
was thinking of what to have for dinner, while i passed though the 1901 Hotdog and saw an once-in-a-10-year queue.. and was surprise to find out from the banner, for the whole day of the 19th of each month, they are selling hotdogs for only 1.99 each, no wonder the queue.. that was indeed a very good deal, and so i hopped into the queue, and got myself two hotdogs.. two sounded a lot eh, but i just had the sausages and not the buns though..
好耐都冇去hiphop class喇, 禮拜日下晝就到時間, 所以幾歹都要去郁一郁.. 一排冇跳, 好彩都仲跟得上, 雖然覺得自己嘅動作生硬非常(一啲都唔sexy), 不過算啦, 都係志在參與郁動, 出番一身汗.. 咁當然, 我去嘅係初級班囉, 哈哈~~
行商場嘅時候經過數間唱片鋪, 全部都係播緊Mamma Mia!啲歌, 有啲係播電影原聲帶, 有啲係播ABBA樂隊原唱.. 之前電影大賣之後, 個舞台劇又即將於12月登場, 呢一股Mamma Mia!風果真係夠大熱囉, 我口痕痕地都跟住唱囉失禮..
煩惱緊晚餐應該食咩嘅時候, 經過1901熱狗店, 見到十年難得一見嘅長龍.. 原來每個月十九號當日, 每隻熱狗都只賣1.99, 嘩嘩嘩, 抵到難啦, 於是我都嗱嗱聲排埋一份, 買咗兩隻.. 兩隻好多呵?? 不過我淨係食腸唔食包喎..[i like dancing]
it's been a long time since i last went to the hiphop class, my schedule could make it for sunday afternoon, and hence without any hesitation i just want to join and have a good move.. luckily still able to follow the steps, though my movements were totally nerdy and not sexy at all, i just don't care since the main reason to dance is to move and sweat a little.. anyway, of course, i went to the beginners class, hehe..
[mamma mia!]
was in the mall to kill time after gym, went into a few record shops and they were all playing tracks from Mamma Mia! the musical, albeit some from the soundtrack and some from the ABBA's originals.. the heat must be the result of the recently successful movie, and soon in december later the musical stage performance is coming to town.. say it true or not, i was singing along with the airplays in the shops too, haha..
[hotdog 199]
was thinking of what to have for dinner, while i passed though the 1901 Hotdog and saw an once-in-a-10-year queue.. and was surprise to find out from the banner, for the whole day of the 19th of each month, they are selling hotdogs for only 1.99 each, no wonder the queue.. that was indeed a very good deal, and so i hopped into the queue, and got myself two hotdogs.. two sounded a lot eh, but i just had the sausages and not the buns though..
19.10.2008 | 手機雜談
現今社會應該幾乎每人手上都會有一部手機, 流動通訊嘅發達, 將人與人之間嘅距離大大縮短.. 不過呢幾日, 竟然畀我遭遇到兩單因為手機所帶嚟嘅不便..
星期五下晝收到個短訊, 邀請我下星期六去佢BB嘅滿月派對, 而且仲要當日回覆.. 不過phonebook冇呢個冧把記錄, 所以唔知來者何人?? 估咗一輪都冇頭緒, 於是就(好客氣兼尷尬地)問吓佢係邊位, 不過到而家都未有回覆.. 我覺得如果係發呢啲性質嘅短訊, 最好臨尾擺返自己個名囉, 因為唔可以take for granted人家實知你係邊位架嘛.. 可能你換冧把冇通知人, 又或者人家手機畀人偷咗冇埋你個冧把呢?? 呢位朋友如果讀到呢篇, 唔該反應下啦..
噚日為咗搵某位朋友, 又打電話又發短訊, 爭在未電話留言(其實我向來唔鐘意電話留言, 因為覺對住個冷機器錄音好怪, 都係得三口六面好啲), 佢都叫極唔應, 真係有啲好鬼扯火囉(有啲好鬼?? 哈哈, 好難明呵?? 辭窮, 你大概get到個meaning就得啦).. 結果幾個小時之後, 終於收到佢短訊話瞓緊覺, 之後又話同親友一齊唔方便講嘢所以唔接電話.. 係完全冇任何歉意, 連一句搵我有咩事都冇囉.. 咩理由啊?? 真係扯火扯到火焰山頂囉我~~
almost everyone is holding a mobile phone (or whatever term you call it) nowadays, the techology in mobile communications has since then shorten the distance between people.. but i was so unlucky the past few days that these mobile communicates actually created me some little inconveniences..
[who's there by the way??]
received an sms invitation to a full moon party to be held next week, and the sender asked for a reply on the same day.. i don't have the number registered in my phonebook, and hence i do not know who the sender was.. kept guessing and no more clue at all, i sms and asked (politely and embarrassingly) who's there, but till now i do not have a reply.. to me, i think it's always wise to just sign-off with your name for all these kind of sms, do not take for granted that your intended recipients would know who you are.. it could be after you've changed your number and have not inform them, or your friend's phone got stolen and lost your contact.. hi YOU out there, if you ever read this, please give me a response, ok??
[why is there no answer??]
was trying to reach a friend yesterday, have been calling and sending sms for the whole day, (have not left any voice message though, because i always think talking to a cold machine is rather weird, and i usually would like to talk in person) and yet there was no answer at all, feel a little frustrated actually.. few hours later, got a brief sms reply saying that he was asleep, then not convenient and choosed not to pick up the call as he was with his family, and yet not even feel guilty and asked why have i been calling at all.. what kind of reason was that?? and i can tell my level of frustration just went as close as a volcano eruption!!
星期五下晝收到個短訊, 邀請我下星期六去佢BB嘅滿月派對, 而且仲要當日回覆.. 不過phonebook冇呢個冧把記錄, 所以唔知來者何人?? 估咗一輪都冇頭緒, 於是就(好客氣兼尷尬地)問吓佢係邊位, 不過到而家都未有回覆.. 我覺得如果係發呢啲性質嘅短訊, 最好臨尾擺返自己個名囉, 因為唔可以take for granted人家實知你係邊位架嘛.. 可能你換冧把冇通知人, 又或者人家手機畀人偷咗冇埋你個冧把呢?? 呢位朋友如果讀到呢篇, 唔該反應下啦..
噚日為咗搵某位朋友, 又打電話又發短訊, 爭在未電話留言(其實我向來唔鐘意電話留言, 因為覺對住個冷機器錄音好怪, 都係得三口六面好啲), 佢都叫極唔應, 真係有啲好鬼扯火囉(有啲好鬼?? 哈哈, 好難明呵?? 辭窮, 你大概get到個meaning就得啦).. 結果幾個小時之後, 終於收到佢短訊話瞓緊覺, 之後又話同親友一齊唔方便講嘢所以唔接電話.. 係完全冇任何歉意, 連一句搵我有咩事都冇囉.. 咩理由啊?? 真係扯火扯到火焰山頂囉我~~
almost everyone is holding a mobile phone (or whatever term you call it) nowadays, the techology in mobile communications has since then shorten the distance between people.. but i was so unlucky the past few days that these mobile communicates actually created me some little inconveniences..
[who's there by the way??]
received an sms invitation to a full moon party to be held next week, and the sender asked for a reply on the same day.. i don't have the number registered in my phonebook, and hence i do not know who the sender was.. kept guessing and no more clue at all, i sms and asked (politely and embarrassingly) who's there, but till now i do not have a reply.. to me, i think it's always wise to just sign-off with your name for all these kind of sms, do not take for granted that your intended recipients would know who you are.. it could be after you've changed your number and have not inform them, or your friend's phone got stolen and lost your contact.. hi YOU out there, if you ever read this, please give me a response, ok??
[why is there no answer??]
was trying to reach a friend yesterday, have been calling and sending sms for the whole day, (have not left any voice message though, because i always think talking to a cold machine is rather weird, and i usually would like to talk in person) and yet there was no answer at all, feel a little frustrated actually.. few hours later, got a brief sms reply saying that he was asleep, then not convenient and choosed not to pick up the call as he was with his family, and yet not even feel guilty and asked why have i been calling at all.. what kind of reason was that?? and i can tell my level of frustration just went as close as a volcano eruption!!
18.10.2008 | 三叉派對
服裝品牌Diesel上個星期舉行其30週年慶典, 於全球17個城市舉行The Diesel xXx Party大事慶祝一番.. XXX呢三個叉, 羅馬數字代表三十, 不過心邪嘅人十之八九都會睇作三級.. 就係咁, 呢個三叉派對嘅宣傳短片, 爭議性地用咗三級橋段合成電腦繪畫, 達到超級視覺享受效果, 十分過癮但係一點都唔覺得猥鎖, 點到即止引人遐想(大家一定會陰陰嘴偷笑)幾搞笑囉, 果然令人敬佩其創意無限嘅超然境界..
the fashion brand Diesel celebrates her 30th anniversary last week, with "The Diesel xXx Party" being held at 17 major cities around the globe for the grand event.. the triple X "XXX" actually means 30 in roman, but most of the people instinctively would link it to porno (ooops!!).. and because of this, the promotional video clip controversially uses some porno excerpts with computer graphics to create that jovial party visual effect.. anyway it doesn't really promote pornography but indeed just end at that point for your imagination (i'm sure you're secretly giggling there already), really salute to the power of creativity of this video clip..
[warning: prohibited for minors under 18 of age!!]
the fashion brand Diesel celebrates her 30th anniversary last week, with "The Diesel xXx Party" being held at 17 major cities around the globe for the grand event.. the triple X "XXX" actually means 30 in roman, but most of the people instinctively would link it to porno (ooops!!).. and because of this, the promotional video clip controversially uses some porno excerpts with computer graphics to create that jovial party visual effect.. anyway it doesn't really promote pornography but indeed just end at that point for your imagination (i'm sure you're secretly giggling there already), really salute to the power of creativity of this video clip..
[warning: prohibited for minors under 18 of age!!]
17.10.2008 | 臨場急智
某位同事辭職之後, 好多presales嘅工作都落喺我身上, 噚日朝早同下晝一連兩單.. 之前收到風話個客大概需要啲乜嘢, 所以都稍有準備.. 不過啲客通常都只會大略提吓要乜, 唔會太過詳細, 所以好多時候都係估估吓, 要到真正見慢慢傾過之後先會揭盅..
結果噚日真係人算不如天算, 兩單都係同一命運, 了解之後先發覺事先準備嘅其實唔係個客真正所要嘅!! [冷汗] 所以噚日兩個session都要考起我嘅臨場急智, 呢個唔得, 就要當場諗過第二個proposal, (一) 要一擊即中, convince到個客嘅buy-in.. (二) 就算要拗爆頭諗其他計仔, 都唔可以畀個客睇到你個猶疑樣, 要畀個客信心.. (三) 臨場可以即刻到show個客戶究竟個proposal係點樣行, 最後就可以解答晒個客現有嘅疑難..
之前好多前輩都同我講過, presales唔係件容易嘅差事, 的確係如此, 好有挑戰性同埋考你急智.. 阿彌陀佛, 好彩噚日兩單都順利過關, 個客都幾滿意, 就睇佢哋日後答覆啦..
since the resignation of a colleague, i gotta take charge of most of the presales activities, and it was two sessions yesterday.. got some heads-up on what customer would like to see earlier on, and at least i'm prepared.. but most of the time customers are too general and would not tell you in details until meeting up and have a good chat, hence before the meetup everything just could be quite ambiguous on the preparation..
both the sessions yesterday were not good in the beginning, as what i've prepared was not what the customers expected really!! [sweat] hence, both the sessions really scooped me up for spontaneous response, that was not good, and hence i just gotta proposed another alternative on the spot.. (1) straight to the point and must convince the customer to buy-in the idea.. (2) even though i need to scratch my head, but just cannot let the customer see my confusing face, confidence must be granted to them.. (3) able to show something on how the proposed alternative works, and better still can resolve their existing bottleneck and issues..
all my last-time seniors had told me presales is never an easy job, and yes indeed because it really is challenging and requires spontaneous respond to the customer's needs and to resolve their issues.. thanks god, the two sessions yesterday was smooth in the end, customers were quite happy with what we proposed, just waiting for their later reply then..
結果噚日真係人算不如天算, 兩單都係同一命運, 了解之後先發覺事先準備嘅其實唔係個客真正所要嘅!! [冷汗] 所以噚日兩個session都要考起我嘅臨場急智, 呢個唔得, 就要當場諗過第二個proposal, (一) 要一擊即中, convince到個客嘅buy-in.. (二) 就算要拗爆頭諗其他計仔, 都唔可以畀個客睇到你個猶疑樣, 要畀個客信心.. (三) 臨場可以即刻到show個客戶究竟個proposal係點樣行, 最後就可以解答晒個客現有嘅疑難..
之前好多前輩都同我講過, presales唔係件容易嘅差事, 的確係如此, 好有挑戰性同埋考你急智.. 阿彌陀佛, 好彩噚日兩單都順利過關, 個客都幾滿意, 就睇佢哋日後答覆啦..
since the resignation of a colleague, i gotta take charge of most of the presales activities, and it was two sessions yesterday.. got some heads-up on what customer would like to see earlier on, and at least i'm prepared.. but most of the time customers are too general and would not tell you in details until meeting up and have a good chat, hence before the meetup everything just could be quite ambiguous on the preparation..
both the sessions yesterday were not good in the beginning, as what i've prepared was not what the customers expected really!! [sweat] hence, both the sessions really scooped me up for spontaneous response, that was not good, and hence i just gotta proposed another alternative on the spot.. (1) straight to the point and must convince the customer to buy-in the idea.. (2) even though i need to scratch my head, but just cannot let the customer see my confusing face, confidence must be granted to them.. (3) able to show something on how the proposed alternative works, and better still can resolve their existing bottleneck and issues..
all my last-time seniors had told me presales is never an easy job, and yes indeed because it really is challenging and requires spontaneous respond to the customer's needs and to resolve their issues.. thanks god, the two sessions yesterday was smooth in the end, customers were quite happy with what we proposed, just waiting for their later reply then..
16.10.2008 | 又嚟一鑊
擁有某銀行信用卡而且仲簽用咗儲蓄戶口自動轉帳服務.. 記一年前收到月結單, 裡頭無啦啦有個欠債利息, 原來係個自動轉帳系統失靈, 結果冇過到賬, 銀行就話我冇還錢.. 最後要勞煩自己email銀行投訴, 總算上訴得值..
早幾日又整多一鑊, 我係好火架老實講, 點解同樣事件又再發生, 乜個銀行system咁差架, 週年性有問題發生架?? 又再勞煩自己email向銀行投訴, 結果得到一個極之耐人尋味嘅回覆.. 佢話, 因為我係某個促銷競賽嘅winner, 所以銀行入咗45蚊credit落我張卡度, 因為有呢個credit transaction, 所以導致個自動轉帳失靈, 就係咁!! 好搞笑囉, 咁都可以死兜?? 我真係好擔心個system其實存在住一個好大嘅蟲蟲(IT詞語, 程序錯漏之意)囉, 阿彌陀佛.. own the credit card from a bank and have signed-up for the standing instructions to deduct my savings account to pay for the bill.. i still remember one year ago when i received my monthly statement, i was shocked to find an item on retail interest penalty charged.. and that was because the standing instructions failed to execute, thus the bank claimed that i did not pay for the bill.. immediately i shot an email to the bank, and of course i won in that case..
and the story has not ended, few days ago the same thing happened again.. frankly it was quite frustrating, i wonder why is the bank's system so fragile and repeating the mistake again in a timely manner?? again, i need to waste my time to shoot an email to the bank again, and surprise surprise, see what i've got for a reply?? the payment was not successful because there is a credit amount of RM45 reflected in your account, you are a winner of the "Insurance Campaign" which entitle the free RM45 rebate.. this is quite absurd, because of the credit transaction then the debit will fail?? that is hilarious, and i started to worry if there is a big bug (IT jargon, for program errors) still hiding in their system.. god bless~~
早幾日又整多一鑊, 我係好火架老實講, 點解同樣事件又再發生, 乜個銀行system咁差架, 週年性有問題發生架?? 又再勞煩自己email向銀行投訴, 結果得到一個極之耐人尋味嘅回覆.. 佢話, 因為我係某個促銷競賽嘅winner, 所以銀行入咗45蚊credit落我張卡度, 因為有呢個credit transaction, 所以導致個自動轉帳失靈, 就係咁!! 好搞笑囉, 咁都可以死兜?? 我真係好擔心個system其實存在住一個好大嘅蟲蟲(IT詞語, 程序錯漏之意)囉, 阿彌陀佛.. own the credit card from a bank and have signed-up for the standing instructions to deduct my savings account to pay for the bill.. i still remember one year ago when i received my monthly statement, i was shocked to find an item on retail interest penalty charged.. and that was because the standing instructions failed to execute, thus the bank claimed that i did not pay for the bill.. immediately i shot an email to the bank, and of course i won in that case..
and the story has not ended, few days ago the same thing happened again.. frankly it was quite frustrating, i wonder why is the bank's system so fragile and repeating the mistake again in a timely manner?? again, i need to waste my time to shoot an email to the bank again, and surprise surprise, see what i've got for a reply?? the payment was not successful because there is a credit amount of RM45 reflected in your account, you are a winner of the "Insurance Campaign" which entitle the free RM45 rebate.. this is quite absurd, because of the credit transaction then the debit will fail?? that is hilarious, and i started to worry if there is a big bug (IT jargon, for program errors) still hiding in their system.. god bless~~
15.10.2008 | 患得患失
如果講到我嘅小學時代, 好多人都會好驚訝, 因為六年來每日都係朝早7:30返學下晝5:00放學.. 確實係冇搞錯架, 比起一般上班族嘅返工時間仲要長架.. 其實返學分早午兩段, 早上班跟政府規定嘅課程上課, 下晝班算係私立學校模式, 係跟新加坡課程上課..
全日制係當時嘅林校長開發先河, 我其實好慶幸自己當初堅持要上全日制.. 當初堅持唔係因為有遠見, 小朋友識咩叫遠見吖, 咪就係因為同學仔個個都去, 所以自己冇理由撇自己埋一二角架, 係嘛? 因為咁, 所以有機會上到難度高幾班嘅新加坡課程.. 如果淨係上政府因為遷就某些族群而鑒生拉低水準嘅課程, 我覺得我而家唔會咁叻囉, 呵呵..
不過有得就必有失.. 因為成日都喺學校度讀書, 時間都犧牲晒課業上嘅緣故, 少咗好多普通小朋友應該有嘅玩耍時間同樂趣.. anyway, 當時當然唔係咁諗啦, 因為已經習慣同成班同學仔相處, 其實覺得幾開心架都.. 一個小朋友應該有嘅童真, 我不知有否, 嚴格嚟講算係患得患失, 不過絕無遺憾嘅..
if i ever tell someone how much i had gone to school during elementary schooling time, they will sure got a shocked, for we start from 7:30 in the morning and ends at 5:00 in the evening.. no kidding, it's definitely longer hours than a normal working class person out there.. actually it's split into morning and afternoon sessions, morning being the standard syllabus mandated by the government, and the afternoon sessions was something like private school running the syllabus from singapore..
the system was pioneered at our school by the then headmaster mr lim, and i am glad that i had stood firm to pursue, not because i could see my future value, but mainly of all other peers were going and that's why i just couldn't left myself behind.. because of this, i had the opportunity to study the more difficult syllabus from singapore.. thinking back if i did not pursue, then i would be left behind with just the government syllabus that has all the while been purposely downgraded for the certain groups of friends out there, and i will most probably not ended up as smart as i am right now, hehehe!!
anyway, give and take is what i now realise about it.. because of spending the whole day in school, sacrificing all time on studies, i obviously had missed out all the games and fun other children have been enjoying.. but of course back then, this was nothing to me as i was still getting along very well with classmates, i would say i was still a very happy kid then.. just the matter of simple childhood a kid should have, i might not have one, maybe i gained something and lost something, but never have any regrets anyway..
全日制係當時嘅林校長開發先河, 我其實好慶幸自己當初堅持要上全日制.. 當初堅持唔係因為有遠見, 小朋友識咩叫遠見吖, 咪就係因為同學仔個個都去, 所以自己冇理由撇自己埋一二角架, 係嘛? 因為咁, 所以有機會上到難度高幾班嘅新加坡課程.. 如果淨係上政府因為遷就某些族群而鑒生拉低水準嘅課程, 我覺得我而家唔會咁叻囉, 呵呵..
不過有得就必有失.. 因為成日都喺學校度讀書, 時間都犧牲晒課業上嘅緣故, 少咗好多普通小朋友應該有嘅玩耍時間同樂趣.. anyway, 當時當然唔係咁諗啦, 因為已經習慣同成班同學仔相處, 其實覺得幾開心架都.. 一個小朋友應該有嘅童真, 我不知有否, 嚴格嚟講算係患得患失, 不過絕無遺憾嘅..
if i ever tell someone how much i had gone to school during elementary schooling time, they will sure got a shocked, for we start from 7:30 in the morning and ends at 5:00 in the evening.. no kidding, it's definitely longer hours than a normal working class person out there.. actually it's split into morning and afternoon sessions, morning being the standard syllabus mandated by the government, and the afternoon sessions was something like private school running the syllabus from singapore..
the system was pioneered at our school by the then headmaster mr lim, and i am glad that i had stood firm to pursue, not because i could see my future value, but mainly of all other peers were going and that's why i just couldn't left myself behind.. because of this, i had the opportunity to study the more difficult syllabus from singapore.. thinking back if i did not pursue, then i would be left behind with just the government syllabus that has all the while been purposely downgraded for the certain groups of friends out there, and i will most probably not ended up as smart as i am right now, hehehe!!
anyway, give and take is what i now realise about it.. because of spending the whole day in school, sacrificing all time on studies, i obviously had missed out all the games and fun other children have been enjoying.. but of course back then, this was nothing to me as i was still getting along very well with classmates, i would say i was still a very happy kid then.. just the matter of simple childhood a kid should have, i might not have one, maybe i gained something and lost something, but never have any regrets anyway..
14.10.2008 | 雨後春筍
繼前一排港式茶餐廳如雨後春筍般降臨本土, 嗰一股熱潮過後, 而家開始逐漸被人淡忘.. 緊隨而來嘅, 係最近突然異軍冒起, 以cafe方式經營嘅地道kopitiam(即係馬式餐飲店).. 賣嘅當然係地道拉茶, 咖啡, 加央多士, 椰漿飯, 咖哩麵, 煎餅之類啲嘢, 但係價錢就因為cafe經營而提高數倍.. 而家週圍都係呢啲kopitiam, 而且間間個名都起得差不多, 有時都頗混淆, 比較有印象嘅係以下呢幾間..
- 最出名最多分店嘅, 唔駛講一定係Old Town啦, 唔好意思講句, 其實我未幫襯過囉, 咪就係因為太過普遍, 覺得應該都冇乜QC架喇..
- 至於Kluang Station, 試過一次咁大把, 老實講真係一句boh hor jiak[潮州話, 即係唔好食]..
- Toast Box其實係小攤子經營, 主要喺商場某個角落.. 又唔係咁, 咪就係賣多士啫, 冇咩特別囉我覺得..
- 噚日同舊同事去Pappa Kopitiam, 個海南鴛鴦冰好正喎, 不過嘢飲價錢就有啲過份..
- Hainan Station, 我食個咖哩麵幾差囉, 不過友人聰明叫椰漿飯, 因為椰漿飯呢個「國萃」都好難整得唔好食嘅..
- 公司附近嘅Warong Kita, 煎餅之外其他都係普普通通, 咪就係貪佢就腳先去過兩次咁大把囉..
- the most famous "Old Town", pioneer and market leader, existing almost every corner of the country.. frankly, i have not even tried once, mostly because i think it's too massively franchised and should have less QC standard..
- tried "Kluang Station" once, and being honest to give a comment on the food, boh hor jiak [teochew, meaning not delicious]
- "Toast Box" is running in a more kiosk style, at a subtle corner in shopping malls.. nothing really special for they just sell normal toasts, perhaps modern breed..
- went "Pappa Kopitiam" for lunch with ex-colleague yesterday.. well, the Hainanese Iced Coffee with Tea (yuen yong) was superb and i love it, just that the drinks are really too over-priced..
- "Hainan Station" offers good set meal deals, the curry noodles i tried was lousy, smart friend ordered nasi lemak instead, but being the "national food" of our nation it just won't go too bad right?
- the one near our office "Warong Kita", i would say beside roti canai things are all of normal standard, the main reason why i've been there for two times was because of the convenient location..
13.10.2008 | 超級悶蛋
[警告] 再睇返以下所寫嘅嘢, 覺得超悶囉, 唔好意思失禮晒.. 如果唔嫌悶, 歡迎繼續; 如果怕悶, 就唔好格硬喇吓..
又係一個星期一, 又係一個星期要捱, 又係要5-4-3-2-1開始倒數週末來臨.. 不過好彩今日完全冇monday blues, 瞓醒擘大眼返工做嘢放工返屋企, 「雪」一聲咁就過咗一日喇, 不過確實係幾充實, 至少時間過得快啲.. 這就是我工作的一日喇..
一早到公司, 邊食早餐邊check email, 之後開會, 然之後再做吓嘢, 跟住就出去同舊同事食晏.. 邊食邊傾, 佢八吓新公司啲嘢畀我哋知, 我哋又八吓公司啲嘢畀佢知咁囉.. 食完之後就去見客, 個客之前就係畀咗兩個字咁多講晒佢需要嘅嘢, 好鬼general囉大佬.. 所以今日就約埋傾吓偈, 結果要求好簡單, 不過出得個價錢仲簡單添囉..
再返公司做埋今日plan好要做嘅手尾.. 回覆一輪電郵之後, 打個電話畀新加坡老細傾偈, 因為我係technical背景, 所以好多人事上嘅嘢要徵求意見與同意.. 傾過之後, 再搵幾位同事閂埋房門密密斟.. 最後再做埋啲嘢, 為時已過八點鐘, 執嘢鬆人..[warning] read again what i've written below, oh gosh that is so so dull, sorry readers, you may proceed if you don't mind getting bored, else better not continue then, haha..
it's monday again, it's another new week ahead again, it's counting down 5-4-3-2-1 to the weekend again.. but all of a good luck, i didn't suffer from monday blues though, instead the day just elapsed in a blink.. anyway it's not bad at all to have such a fruitful day, at least the time passes by more quickly.. this is the flow of my day..
reached office and had my breakfast while checking emails, had a brief meeting with colleagues before starting off with my work on hand.. went out to have lunch with an ex-colleague later in the afternoon, what else, she gossiped about her new company and new job, we gossiped about the company we once work together with.. went to meet up a customer after lunch, the customer before this told us about their requirements for the system in just TWO WORDS, kind of brief and general man, and hence we met up to understand more about what they are looking for.. in the end, simple requirements, and nevertheless "simple" budgeting as well..
back to office again to finish off what i've planned for the day.. after a round of email replies, called up my boss in singapore for some advices, afterall i'm from a technical background, and when it comes to operations and human resources area, fair enough that i'm a newbie and just need opinions and approvals from the bosses.. after the talk, my turn to have private chat with the individual colleagues one-to-one.. after that finish up things, at it was eight-ish, packed my things, called it a day and left office for home..
又係一個星期一, 又係一個星期要捱, 又係要5-4-3-2-1開始倒數週末來臨.. 不過好彩今日完全冇monday blues, 瞓醒擘大眼返工做嘢放工返屋企, 「雪」一聲咁就過咗一日喇, 不過確實係幾充實, 至少時間過得快啲.. 這就是我工作的一日喇..
一早到公司, 邊食早餐邊check email, 之後開會, 然之後再做吓嘢, 跟住就出去同舊同事食晏.. 邊食邊傾, 佢八吓新公司啲嘢畀我哋知, 我哋又八吓公司啲嘢畀佢知咁囉.. 食完之後就去見客, 個客之前就係畀咗兩個字咁多講晒佢需要嘅嘢, 好鬼general囉大佬.. 所以今日就約埋傾吓偈, 結果要求好簡單, 不過出得個價錢仲簡單添囉..
再返公司做埋今日plan好要做嘅手尾.. 回覆一輪電郵之後, 打個電話畀新加坡老細傾偈, 因為我係technical背景, 所以好多人事上嘅嘢要徵求意見與同意.. 傾過之後, 再搵幾位同事閂埋房門密密斟.. 最後再做埋啲嘢, 為時已過八點鐘, 執嘢鬆人..[warning] read again what i've written below, oh gosh that is so so dull, sorry readers, you may proceed if you don't mind getting bored, else better not continue then, haha..
it's monday again, it's another new week ahead again, it's counting down 5-4-3-2-1 to the weekend again.. but all of a good luck, i didn't suffer from monday blues though, instead the day just elapsed in a blink.. anyway it's not bad at all to have such a fruitful day, at least the time passes by more quickly.. this is the flow of my day..
reached office and had my breakfast while checking emails, had a brief meeting with colleagues before starting off with my work on hand.. went out to have lunch with an ex-colleague later in the afternoon, what else, she gossiped about her new company and new job, we gossiped about the company we once work together with.. went to meet up a customer after lunch, the customer before this told us about their requirements for the system in just TWO WORDS, kind of brief and general man, and hence we met up to understand more about what they are looking for.. in the end, simple requirements, and nevertheless "simple" budgeting as well..
back to office again to finish off what i've planned for the day.. after a round of email replies, called up my boss in singapore for some advices, afterall i'm from a technical background, and when it comes to operations and human resources area, fair enough that i'm a newbie and just need opinions and approvals from the bosses.. after the talk, my turn to have private chat with the individual colleagues one-to-one.. after that finish up things, at it was eight-ish, packed my things, called it a day and left office for home..
12.10.2008 | 一個週日
週末兩晚充足睡眠之後, 今日起身後精神爽朗, 約咗朋友去行山, 正是最好狀態啊, 雖然仲需要友人morning call一通叫醒.. 呢個週日都過得唔錯啦, 回顧一下自己成日做過咩先..
- [08:30] 晨早起床, 清新開朗, 陽光溫暖, 帶來無限美..
- [09:50] 負責morning call我嘅友人, call完我自己諗住瞌返15分鐘, 結果瞓過龍, 遲咗成個鐘先嚟車我..
- [10:30] 匆匆地喺車上嚼咗隻麵包, 抵達甲洞國家森林保護局(FRIM)同其他朋友會合..
- [12:30] 行咗裡頭最大難度嘅一條徑(Rover Track), 其實尚算OK唔係幾難, 流咗一身汗舒筋活絡, 感覺好舒服..
- [14:00] 去咗附近飲茶食點心, 點心水準好難預料, 某啲好食某啲唔好食物咁, 價錢方面就偏貴囉.
- [15:00] 行完山成身癡立立, 於是就去gym沖番個靚涼, 畀咗會費當然要儘量使用啦, 呵呵..
- [18:00] 喺個商場行街, 買咗條褲子(四折50蚊幾抵啦).. 之後去食麻辣火鍋, 不過因為驚辣, 所以只係叫咗個藥材+冬陰鴛鴦湯底..
- [17:45] 個火鍋係自助式嘅, 有成80樣嘢任你食, 食到飽飽地於是就去附近商場行一行消化啲食物..
- [22:00] 返到屋企, 沖咗個涼.. 查實禮拜日晚喺屋企都冇乜可以做吖, 咪收拾心情等開工囉..
- [23:00] 寫完blog都係時候瞓覺喇, 活動咗成日都幾攰架你唔好話, 尤其係uncle我啦..
- [08:30] wake up feeling fresh and energized, looking forward for a nice new day..
- [09:50] my friend gave me a wake up call, and he fell back to sleep, thinking to just get a short 15min nap, but end up overslept and being late for almost an hour to pick me up.. duh~~
- [10:30] have a quite bite of breaks in the car, and arrived in FRIM to meet up with other friend who were already waiting there..
- [12:30] too the so-called most difficult Rover Track, not too bad actually found it quite enjoyable, have a good sweat and feeling good..
- [14:00] went to have dimsum for lunch nearby, the food was not entirely good and not entirely bad, but rather on a pricy side..
- [15:00] felt filthy after trekking, hence went to the gym to take a nice shower, having paid for the membership fees, i just feel too sorry not to fully utilise the facilities, hahaha!!
- [18:00] spend some time to shop in the mall, bought a pair of bermudas at 60% off (around RM50), quite a nice deal huh?? went to have spicy hotpot after that, but just had herbal+tomyam soup because we cannot take spicy food..
- [17:45] the hotpot was a buffet style with over 80 dishes for selection.. had a real filling dinner and hence went to a mall nearby for an after-dinner walk to help digestion..
- [22:00] back home took shower, nothing much really can be done on a sunday night at home right?? just to get prepared for another new week's work, sigh..
- [23:00] finish the blog and it's almost time to sleep, a whole day of activity was indeed quite tiring, especially for me the uncle, haha!!
11.10.2008 | 孩提寫作
噚日同位多年老友MSN, 不知何解忽然間講到小時候作文科, 每一年來來去去都係嗰幾個題目, 其中印象最深刻嘅有以下呢兩個..
《我的志願》: 呢個係眾多老師必定嘅作文題目, 我仲記得小學六年內, 每一年都要寫一次.. 啊, 唔係喎, 計埋中英巫三語, 六三一十八, 小學時期係足足寫咗18篇我的志願咁多喎!! 如果冇記錯, 好似每一年都係唔同志願, 曾經寫過要做醫生/教師/工程師/律師/作家/科學家等等(好有打志架, 呵呵), 不過而家我做IT呢一行, 命中率係零囉!! 哈哈..
《我的愛好》: 其實至今為止, 我仍然唔係好鐘意有人有嘢冇嘢就問我平時鐘意做乜, 因為我真係唔識得回答呢個問題, 老實講, 我係冇咩特別愛好囉.. 我諗以前應該係先睇隔離同學寫咩, 跟住我就寫咩, 什麼閱讀/集郵/繪畫/寫作等等, 其實當時都係跟風啫, 談何是愛好呢家嘢呢, 我承認當時真係為咗交功課囉.. 查實我想問, 愛好係點樣定義架??
was MSN-ing with an old friend yesterday, and out of a sudden (i can't remember why) we chatted about the compositions we used to write while we were kids in elementary school.. i remember there were always a limited variation of titles that the teachers would get us to write about, the two below are amongst the more popular ones i could remember..
"My Ambition": this should be the compulsory title every teacher had on their syllabus, and within the six years in the elementary school, we would have to write once every year.. ah, correct me, english chinese malay three languages each year, hence 6 by 3 and we have written a total of 18 "My Ambition" in elementary school!! if i could still remember properly, i had different ambition every year, doctor/ teacher/ engineer/ lawyer/ writer/ scientist etc etc were what i had written about, but i am now an IT professional, an absolute zero probability i'd say, haha!!
"My Hobby": till now i still find it a little irritating that people ask me what i like to do during leisure, because i can never find myself a good answer for that, for i frankly do not have anything particular in mind or in my life at all.. i think i must have referred to the classmates sitting beside me before deciding on what to write about, it could be reading or collecting stamps or drawing or writing etc etc, but for god's sake i was just writing them so that i can hand-in the work to my teacher, they are really not any hobby of mine.. by the way, how do you define a "hobby" i'm curious..
《我的志願》: 呢個係眾多老師必定嘅作文題目, 我仲記得小學六年內, 每一年都要寫一次.. 啊, 唔係喎, 計埋中英巫三語, 六三一十八, 小學時期係足足寫咗18篇我的志願咁多喎!! 如果冇記錯, 好似每一年都係唔同志願, 曾經寫過要做醫生/教師/工程師/律師/作家/科學家等等(好有打志架, 呵呵), 不過而家我做IT呢一行, 命中率係零囉!! 哈哈..
《我的愛好》: 其實至今為止, 我仍然唔係好鐘意有人有嘢冇嘢就問我平時鐘意做乜, 因為我真係唔識得回答呢個問題, 老實講, 我係冇咩特別愛好囉.. 我諗以前應該係先睇隔離同學寫咩, 跟住我就寫咩, 什麼閱讀/集郵/繪畫/寫作等等, 其實當時都係跟風啫, 談何是愛好呢家嘢呢, 我承認當時真係為咗交功課囉.. 查實我想問, 愛好係點樣定義架??
was MSN-ing with an old friend yesterday, and out of a sudden (i can't remember why) we chatted about the compositions we used to write while we were kids in elementary school.. i remember there were always a limited variation of titles that the teachers would get us to write about, the two below are amongst the more popular ones i could remember..
"My Ambition": this should be the compulsory title every teacher had on their syllabus, and within the six years in the elementary school, we would have to write once every year.. ah, correct me, english chinese malay three languages each year, hence 6 by 3 and we have written a total of 18 "My Ambition" in elementary school!! if i could still remember properly, i had different ambition every year, doctor/ teacher/ engineer/ lawyer/ writer/ scientist etc etc were what i had written about, but i am now an IT professional, an absolute zero probability i'd say, haha!!
"My Hobby": till now i still find it a little irritating that people ask me what i like to do during leisure, because i can never find myself a good answer for that, for i frankly do not have anything particular in mind or in my life at all.. i think i must have referred to the classmates sitting beside me before deciding on what to write about, it could be reading or collecting stamps or drawing or writing etc etc, but for god's sake i was just writing them so that i can hand-in the work to my teacher, they are really not any hobby of mine.. by the way, how do you define a "hobby" i'm curious..
10.10.2008 | 是日瑣碎
一連兩日缺少睡眠狀況之下, 今日做嘢都做得有點辛苦, 對眼時不時隱隱赤痛, 個頭感覺重重地, 有時又忽然間乞眼瞓打呵欠.. 人老咗身體機能隨著衰退, 唔可以似得以前咁捱更抵夜喇, 不過都仲頂得順, 個人都仲係非常之清醒可以做到嘢嘅..
之前提過今日有個presales presentation, 最後同個sales決定將重心放喺B.. 結果個客戶好中肯咁話畀我哋知, 感覺上B好悶而且太過複雜唔啱佢要求.. 結果我哋嗱嗱聲轉呔畀A佢睇, 果然令佢眼前一亮, 似乎啱晒口味.. 實不相瞞, 其實B係幫一間大公司resell嘅產品, A係敝公司自己R&D嘅產品, 你話得到咁樣嘅回應, 應該開心唔開心??
今日喺城中城附近見完個客, 差唔多係食晏時間, 於是就於同事約埋令一位舊同事一齊食晏.. 舊同事認真他條, 今日專登請假去shopping, 生活真係寫意.. 間departmental store明明兩個星期前大減價, 今日又再開始大減價, 真係令人匪夷所思, 點都好, 你減價我咪順便去睇下有咩荀嘢囉, 結果五分鐘內喺個超市買咗一支一公升裝芒果汁(2.50, 超平), 兩筒薯片(7.50兩筒, 好抵)..
[lack of sleep]
after not having enough sleep for two consecutive days, it has been a tough working day for me today, occassionally feeling eye discomfort, slight headache and yawning drowsily.. getting older perhaps that's the reason for being so vulnerable after little deprived from sleep.. anyway, i still can take it, was still awake and able to work as normal..
[good or bad]
mentioned about today's presales presentation couple of days ago, and finally decided to focus on B.. but came out that the client was not really interested due to the dull interface and too complicated architecture (his fair feedback those were).. quickly we switch to show A to the client, and taah-daah he was impressed with it.. to tell the truth actually, B is a product we are reselling for an european company, A is a product from our own company's R&D arm, how do you think we should react with such response from the customer?
[sales after sales]
the presales presentation was done near KLCC and it was about lunch hour after the event.. called up an ex-colleague to meet up for lunch, and only to find out that she purposely took a day of for shopping, it's that a well-being lifestyle?? still vividly remember the departmental store has just got a sales a fortnight ago, and it's another sales today, anyway since i was there might as well hop in and take a look.. in the end, within a 5 minute cruise in the supermarket, i managed to get a bottle of 1-litre mango juice (2.50, extremely cheap), two cans of potato chips (7.50 for 2, great deal)..
一連兩日缺少睡眠狀況之下, 今日做嘢都做得有點辛苦, 對眼時不時隱隱赤痛, 個頭感覺重重地, 有時又忽然間乞眼瞓打呵欠.. 人老咗身體機能隨著衰退, 唔可以似得以前咁捱更抵夜喇, 不過都仲頂得順, 個人都仲係非常之清醒可以做到嘢嘅..
之前提過今日有個presales presentation, 最後同個sales決定將重心放喺B.. 結果個客戶好中肯咁話畀我哋知, 感覺上B好悶而且太過複雜唔啱佢要求.. 結果我哋嗱嗱聲轉呔畀A佢睇, 果然令佢眼前一亮, 似乎啱晒口味.. 實不相瞞, 其實B係幫一間大公司resell嘅產品, A係敝公司自己R&D嘅產品, 你話得到咁樣嘅回應, 應該開心唔開心??
今日喺城中城附近見完個客, 差唔多係食晏時間, 於是就於同事約埋令一位舊同事一齊食晏.. 舊同事認真他條, 今日專登請假去shopping, 生活真係寫意.. 間departmental store明明兩個星期前大減價, 今日又再開始大減價, 真係令人匪夷所思, 點都好, 你減價我咪順便去睇下有咩荀嘢囉, 結果五分鐘內喺個超市買咗一支一公升裝芒果汁(2.50, 超平), 兩筒薯片(7.50兩筒, 好抵)..
[lack of sleep]
after not having enough sleep for two consecutive days, it has been a tough working day for me today, occassionally feeling eye discomfort, slight headache and yawning drowsily.. getting older perhaps that's the reason for being so vulnerable after little deprived from sleep.. anyway, i still can take it, was still awake and able to work as normal..
[good or bad]
mentioned about today's presales presentation couple of days ago, and finally decided to focus on B.. but came out that the client was not really interested due to the dull interface and too complicated architecture (his fair feedback those were).. quickly we switch to show A to the client, and taah-daah he was impressed with it.. to tell the truth actually, B is a product we are reselling for an european company, A is a product from our own company's R&D arm, how do you think we should react with such response from the customer?
[sales after sales]
the presales presentation was done near KLCC and it was about lunch hour after the event.. called up an ex-colleague to meet up for lunch, and only to find out that she purposely took a day of for shopping, it's that a well-being lifestyle?? still vividly remember the departmental store has just got a sales a fortnight ago, and it's another sales today, anyway since i was there might as well hop in and take a look.. in the end, within a 5 minute cruise in the supermarket, i managed to get a bottle of 1-litre mango juice (2.50, extremely cheap), two cans of potato chips (7.50 for 2, great deal)..
09.10.2008 | 二十小時
今日渡過咗好長嘅一日, 就係因為要去新加坡見澳洲HQ兩個大老細, 搞到天未光就出門, 深夜先拖住勁攰嘅身軀踏入屋企.. 整理今日行程, 確實係難以致信水蛇春咁長囉, 唔信睇下~~
it was a super long day today, just because was required to go to singapore to meet up the two big bosses from the australia HQ, left home before sunrise, and reached home with an exhausted body during midnight.. recap what has been done today, the agenda is unbelievably long, just take a look~~
it was a super long day today, just because was required to go to singapore to meet up the two big bosses from the australia HQ, left home before sunrise, and reached home with an exhausted body during midnight.. recap what has been done today, the agenda is unbelievably long, just take a look~~
[05:00am] | 天未光就要起身, 每次要早起, 我就一定瞓得唔好, 非常痛苦.. gotta wake up even if the sky is still dark, i can never sleep well if i need to wake up early, oh mine.. |
[06:00am] | 的士司機遲到30分鐘, 於是以平均時速120公里飛車去機場, 刺激.. the taxi driver was 30min late, hence he gotta race at an average speed of 120km/h to rush to the airport, thrill.. |
[07:10am] | 飛車結果, 順利抵達機場, 仲有充裕時間辦理登機手續同食番個早餐.. the result of the car racing, arrived at the airport without hazzle, and have ample of time to check-in and had a cosy breakfast.. |
[08:05am] | 班機MH601準時起飛往新加坡, 班機基本上係得四成滿.. flight MH601 took off on time, the plane is basically only 40% full.. |
[08:50am] | 抵達新加坡章宜機場, 人流算少, 入境過關之後搭的士去新加坡office.. arrived at singapore changi airport, not crowded at all, after immigration and custom, took a taxi to singapore office.. |
[09:40am] | 到達新加坡office, 安頓大概20分鐘之後就開始閉門會議.. arrived at singapore office, get things settled and after 20mins, started the closed-door meeting.. |
[12:30pm] | 沉長會議放食晏, 新加坡同事帶我哋去附近間酒店食lunch buffet, 幾好味啦.. lunch break for the long dull meeting, singapore colleagues brought us for lunch buffet in a nearby hotel, food is not bad.. |
[14:00pm] | 食完晏繼續閉門會議.. continue the closed-door meeting after lunch.. |
[18:45pm] | 個全日會議終於結束, 同事帶我哋去附近食泰國嘢, 個泰式天婦羅通菜非常好味.. finally the whole day meeting came to and end, singapore colleague brought us for thai food for dinner, the thai style fried kang kong was superb.. |
[19:40pm] | 食完晚餐正好時間去機場, 同事車我哋去嘅.. was just the right time to leave for airport after dinner, singapore colleague drove us there.. |
[20:05pm] | 抵達機場, 時候尚早, 今日成日開會連便便都唔得閑, 終於可以趁上機前空檔一了心願喇, 呵呵~~ arrived at the airport and still early to boarding, no time for pood pood the entire day, and finally i found a nice timeslot before boarding to do my own business, hehe~~ |
[21:20pm] | 班機AK128準時起飛往吉隆坡, 好想快啲返屋企啊.. flight AK128 took off to kuala lumpur on time, i really wanted to get back to home so badly.. |
[22:15pm] | 班機終於抵達吉隆坡, 我返嚟喇, 不過今日人流交多, 入境都等咗一陣.. plane finally touch down kuala lumpur, i'm back.. but quite crowded today and hence wasted some time at the immigration clearance.. |
[23:55pm] | 終於都踏進自己間房喇, 睇住自己張床, 忽然有種遺棄佢已久嘅感覺.. stepped into my own room finally, looking at my bed i suddenly felt that i've abandoned it for a long time.. |
[01:00am] | 沖好涼, 寫好今日呢個blog, 都係時候瞓番個靚覺啩?? 早抖喇, 我好攰啊.. after a nice shower and finished writing this entry for today, it's time for a good rejuvenating sleep!! i'm super tired, goodnight everyone.. |
08.10.2008 | 四曲纏身
最近有四首影視歌曲交替地喺我腦海中旋轉, 時不時就因為佢哋浮現腦袋, 於是好自然咁會隨口跟住哼上兩句, 尤其係沖涼嗰陣, 哈哈.. 唔講歌名, 係咁意畀幾句歌詞, 睇下你又識唔識唱啦..
- 放手, 豁出所有, 還有這個好友已經, 已經足夠.. 最近狂追家好月圓, 每逢管家仔+于素秋出現一幕必播嘅插曲..
- 在最壞時候必須卑鄙, 在決裂時候彼此妒忌, 無非人生道理, 原本無心害你.. 最近狂追家好月圓, 莎姨擔旗主題曲冇理由唔識..
- you can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life.. 一首好開心兼可以令人問曲起舞嘅歌, 因為一齣電影令我重新鐘意呢首歌..
- mamma mia, here i go again, my my, how can i resist you.. 唔駛提啦, 大家都知係乜歌啦, 近排睇過最開心最enjoy嘅電影..
- "Love, No Regret" from the series "Moonlight Resonance".. this sad song, sung by Hou, is played whenever Hou and Chau gotta get apart their relationship..
- "Not Intending to Hurt" from the series "Moonlight Resonance".. the theme song, sung by Auntie Sa, played every opening and ending of each episode, hence at least 80 times after the whole series..
- "Dancing Queen" from the movie "Mamma Mia!".. because of the movie, i re-love this song, happy and makes people wanna dance..
- "Mamma Mia!" from the movie "Mamma Mia!".. the theme song from the most enjoyable and most likeable from all movies i've watched recently..
07.10.2008 | 失之毫厘
今日喺公司為咗準備禮拜五嘅presales presentation搞咗成日, 因為有三樣嘢要一次過present.. 第一樣嘢需要寫program, 所以交咗畀同事幫手, 我老喇, 呢範技能已經生鬼晒鏽啦, 不如就畀啲有魄力嘅後生做算啦..
第二同第三樣嘢其實好類似, 而且已經setup好晒, 不過衰就衰在分別裝喺唔同地方.. 如果到時要present的確好麻煩(而且又唔係咁好睇囉), 所以把心一橫決定將佢哋癡買一舊.. 自己落手落腳先將A裝入B處, 結果最後A未能完全work, 就係爭咁少少, 真係好勞氣.. 於是又掉返轉頭, 將B裝入A處, 結果輪到B唔work, 又係爭咁少少, 想點啫究竟?? 兩頭唔到岸, 真係把鬼火囉, 戰士迫戚(閩南話)..
聽日最後搏擊一試, 如果仲係唔掂嘅話, 我會用A裝入B嗰隻, 到時避輕就重再加埋臨場機智表演, 應該都唔係問題.. 醒醒定定!!was working on the demo system for friday's presales presentation for the whole day in office today, because we are planning to show three things to the customer then.. the first one needs programming, so i've passed it on to another colleague to help out, because i'm now very rusty in this area, and that is why it's wise to let the energetic young ones do that..
the second and third ones are very similar, and indeed have already been setup properly, but unfortunately setup separately in two different system.. if i were to present separately, it would be inconvenient and more importantly it somehow reflects the integrity issue of the systems, hence i decided to combine them into one.. i first installed A into B, but came out that A cannot completely work, just a little bit behind.. hence, i tried the other way round, installed B into A, and this time B cannot work properly instead, and also it's just a little bit behind.. OMG, none is working and why was i doing so much?? d*mn it bl**dy hell and bik chik..
i'm gonna give it a last try tomorrow morning, if the outcome is still the same, i decide to use A into B, at least i can avoid what i'm not able to show the customer, plus the impromptu skillful witty interaction, i supposed the presentation should go well, wish me luck..
第二同第三樣嘢其實好類似, 而且已經setup好晒, 不過衰就衰在分別裝喺唔同地方.. 如果到時要present的確好麻煩(而且又唔係咁好睇囉), 所以把心一橫決定將佢哋癡買一舊.. 自己落手落腳先將A裝入B處, 結果最後A未能完全work, 就係爭咁少少, 真係好勞氣.. 於是又掉返轉頭, 將B裝入A處, 結果輪到B唔work, 又係爭咁少少, 想點啫究竟?? 兩頭唔到岸, 真係把鬼火囉, 戰士迫戚(閩南話)..
聽日最後搏擊一試, 如果仲係唔掂嘅話, 我會用A裝入B嗰隻, 到時避輕就重再加埋臨場機智表演, 應該都唔係問題.. 醒醒定定!!was working on the demo system for friday's presales presentation for the whole day in office today, because we are planning to show three things to the customer then.. the first one needs programming, so i've passed it on to another colleague to help out, because i'm now very rusty in this area, and that is why it's wise to let the energetic young ones do that..
the second and third ones are very similar, and indeed have already been setup properly, but unfortunately setup separately in two different system.. if i were to present separately, it would be inconvenient and more importantly it somehow reflects the integrity issue of the systems, hence i decided to combine them into one.. i first installed A into B, but came out that A cannot completely work, just a little bit behind.. hence, i tried the other way round, installed B into A, and this time B cannot work properly instead, and also it's just a little bit behind.. OMG, none is working and why was i doing so much?? d*mn it bl**dy hell and bik chik..
i'm gonna give it a last try tomorrow morning, if the outcome is still the same, i decide to use A into B, at least i can avoid what i'm not able to show the customer, plus the impromptu skillful witty interaction, i supposed the presentation should go well, wish me luck..
06.10.2008 | 經典劇集
幾得好細個嘅時候, 應該係小學生時代, 當時香港無記開拍金傭暢銷小說《射雕英雄傳》, 一拍就係鐵血丹心+東邪西毒+華山論劍三部曲, 之後打蛇隨棍上, 再開拍有密切關係嘅《神雕俠侶》.. 當時呢四套劇簡直係風靡一時啦, 就連我呢個細路仔(當然仲有我啲朋友仔)都咁捧場..
嗰時候冇衛星電視可以同香港一齊同播, 冇互聯網可以下載收藏觀賞, 有嘅只係金星機構(聽講好似係好姨前夫所有)代理嘅錄影帶(video cassette啊, 而家小朋友可能未見過喇).. 當時要追劇集真係好痛苦架, 睇完一餅兩集, 就要苦苦等待數日, 收到消息仲要第一時間趕去租帶, 因為帶數有限驚畀人租晒, 哈哈!!
除咗劇中靖哥哥與蓉兒, 姑姑與過兒, 高潮迭起嘅劇情, 令人屏息嘅打鬥場面, 最令人難忘嘅梗係仲有當時炙手可熱四大巨星(顧家輝曲, 黃霑詞, 蘿記拍甄妮合唱)聯手嘅主題曲啦.. 成廿幾年之後我可能忘記某些劇情, 不過講到主題曲, 事到今日仍然會喺K度同朋友合唱架喎, 夠晒勁爆啊~~i still remember when i was a kid, during early elementary school if not mistaken, HKTVB produced the famous drama series "Return of The Condor Heroes" adapted from Jin Yong's best-selling novel, and then immediately followed up with the related "The Condor Heroes" after the trilogy.. they were simply a hit, even little kids like me (and of course some of my friends too) were loyal followers..
there was no satelite live broadcasting nor any internet for downloading during those old days, what we had back then were video cassettes from Golden Star Enterprise, the sole distributor for HKTVB here.. i still remember we couldn't really have a good "marathon" for the series, after two episodes in a cassette, most of the time we would have to wait for another couple of days to continue, and when we got news for the new episodes release, we just gotta rush to the shop to rent the limited number of cassettes, haha..
other than the casts, the impressive storyline, the "wowable" fighting scenes, what left me a good memory were the jaw dropping theme songs - superb composition, excellent lyrics and perfect duet from Roman Tam and Jenny.. it was more than 20 years ago, i might have not remember some of the scene from these classic series, but till now i will still duet the theme songs with friends in karaoke, bombastic~~
嗰時候冇衛星電視可以同香港一齊同播, 冇互聯網可以下載收藏觀賞, 有嘅只係金星機構(聽講好似係好姨前夫所有)代理嘅錄影帶(video cassette啊, 而家小朋友可能未見過喇).. 當時要追劇集真係好痛苦架, 睇完一餅兩集, 就要苦苦等待數日, 收到消息仲要第一時間趕去租帶, 因為帶數有限驚畀人租晒, 哈哈!!
除咗劇中靖哥哥與蓉兒, 姑姑與過兒, 高潮迭起嘅劇情, 令人屏息嘅打鬥場面, 最令人難忘嘅梗係仲有當時炙手可熱四大巨星(顧家輝曲, 黃霑詞, 蘿記拍甄妮合唱)聯手嘅主題曲啦.. 成廿幾年之後我可能忘記某些劇情, 不過講到主題曲, 事到今日仍然會喺K度同朋友合唱架喎, 夠晒勁爆啊~~i still remember when i was a kid, during early elementary school if not mistaken, HKTVB produced the famous drama series "Return of The Condor Heroes" adapted from Jin Yong's best-selling novel, and then immediately followed up with the related "The Condor Heroes" after the trilogy.. they were simply a hit, even little kids like me (and of course some of my friends too) were loyal followers..
there was no satelite live broadcasting nor any internet for downloading during those old days, what we had back then were video cassettes from Golden Star Enterprise, the sole distributor for HKTVB here.. i still remember we couldn't really have a good "marathon" for the series, after two episodes in a cassette, most of the time we would have to wait for another couple of days to continue, and when we got news for the new episodes release, we just gotta rush to the shop to rent the limited number of cassettes, haha..
other than the casts, the impressive storyline, the "wowable" fighting scenes, what left me a good memory were the jaw dropping theme songs - superb composition, excellent lyrics and perfect duet from Roman Tam and Jenny.. it was more than 20 years ago, i might have not remember some of the scene from these classic series, but till now i will still duet the theme songs with friends in karaoke, bombastic~~
05.10.2008 | 尊姓大名
如果你喺中東國家大街大巷向眾人嗌一聲Mohammad, 我相信十人之中應該都會有七人擰返轉個頭應你.. 咁啱前日同朋友傾開同個囡囡改咩名, 令我諗起我哋華社中一些好普遍兼好受落嘅名..
先講男人名, 隨便一噏就有: 啊強(僝仔強!!), 明(蛇仔明!!), 啊偉, 啊祥(富貴祥!!), 啊華, 啊榮(豬肉榮!!), 啊良, 啊成, 啊順, 啊文, 啊志, 啊源, 啊財, 啊全, 啊健, 啊康, 啊旺, 啊發, 啊豪, ..., ..., ..., ... [不盡其數]
再講女人名, 又係隨口一噏就有: 啊蓮(姣婆蓮!!), 啊玲, 啊蘭, 啊美, 啊麗, 啊鳳, 啊秀, 啊梅, 啊玉, 啊蓉(魚腩蓉!!), 啊英, 啊嬌, 啊秋, 啊好, 啊欣, 啊芳, 啊紅, 啊琴, 啊芝, 啊萍, 啊詩, 啊儀, ..., ..., ..., ... [不盡其數]
不過個名點普通都好, 都千其唔好幫你嘅仔女取埋以下呢啲娘爆名喇, 過晒時架喇, 佢哋會怨你一世架: 帶金, 帶銀, 招弟, 來弟, 帶妹, 美麗, 英俊, 金水, 旺財, 如花, 如玉, 龍飛, 鳳舞..., ..., ...
[注: 以上名字只作例子, 並無任何貶意..]when you simply shout "Mohammad" on a street in a middle eastern country, i supposed 7 out of 10 people will look back and pay you a response.. and so coincident that we have been talking about giving the name for a friend's expecting baby girl the other day, that makes me have some of the more common names for the chinese popping up in my mind.. just as common as tom dick harry for guys and mary susan amy for girls.. if you can read chinese, the list above shall make more sense to express what i'm trying to say here..
先講男人名, 隨便一噏就有: 啊強(僝仔強!!), 明(蛇仔明!!), 啊偉, 啊祥(富貴祥!!), 啊華, 啊榮(豬肉榮!!), 啊良, 啊成, 啊順, 啊文, 啊志, 啊源, 啊財, 啊全, 啊健, 啊康, 啊旺, 啊發, 啊豪, ..., ..., ..., ... [不盡其數]
再講女人名, 又係隨口一噏就有: 啊蓮(姣婆蓮!!), 啊玲, 啊蘭, 啊美, 啊麗, 啊鳳, 啊秀, 啊梅, 啊玉, 啊蓉(魚腩蓉!!), 啊英, 啊嬌, 啊秋, 啊好, 啊欣, 啊芳, 啊紅, 啊琴, 啊芝, 啊萍, 啊詩, 啊儀, ..., ..., ..., ... [不盡其數]
不過個名點普通都好, 都千其唔好幫你嘅仔女取埋以下呢啲娘爆名喇, 過晒時架喇, 佢哋會怨你一世架: 帶金, 帶銀, 招弟, 來弟, 帶妹, 美麗, 英俊, 金水, 旺財, 如花, 如玉, 龍飛, 鳳舞..., ..., ...
[注: 以上名字只作例子, 並無任何貶意..]when you simply shout "Mohammad" on a street in a middle eastern country, i supposed 7 out of 10 people will look back and pay you a response.. and so coincident that we have been talking about giving the name for a friend's expecting baby girl the other day, that makes me have some of the more common names for the chinese popping up in my mind.. just as common as tom dick harry for guys and mary susan amy for girls.. if you can read chinese, the list above shall make more sense to express what i'm trying to say here..
04.10.2008 | 大超細超
今日下晝喺間麵包店, 短短兩分鐘內, 見到其中一位職員對前後兩位顧客完全唔同態度嘅情景, 對於佢出神入化嘅變臉伎倆, 在下實在係嘆為觀止..
首先有對夫婦, 應該係聞間店嘅鎮山之寶《麵包仔》個名而嚟啩, 唔知原來係喺收銀處即叫即付即取, 於是就問嗰位職員啲包究竟擺喺邊啦咁, 結果職員頭都唔望, 繼續喺度做緊自己啲嘢, 有氣冇力咁淨係答咗佢一聲「cashier」..
之後有個鬼佬遊客想話買啲朱古力味嘅麵包, 於是就去問同嗰一位職員啦, 點知個職員竟然蓮子蓉咁嘅面口, 放低晒手頭上啲嘢, 好專業咁介紹咗幾款朱古力麵包畀個鬼佬喎, 鬼佬覺得唔啱口味話唔要, 職員仲好有禮貌話唔緊要多謝晒添..
真係成個大月亮初一十五不一樣囉, 即刻可見該位職員大細超個態度, 我真係睇唔過眼, 乜外國月亮圓啲咩?? 好彩唔係捲我入呢個事件之內, 如果唔係佢應該有排受我投訴責備囉.. 嘿嘿!!
was in a bakery shop this afternoon when i saw how differently a staff treated two different customers, was really "impressed" by how good she could changed her behavior within the short 2 minutes..
first there was a couple, could have been here because of the famous "roti kid" bun but not realised the bun should be ordered, pay and taken directly from the cashier.. hence they asked the staff where the buns were placed in the shop, without even turning her head and continue with her own work, she just coldly replied the couple "cashier"..
then a foreigner tourist trying to find some chocolaty bread, couldn't really find any and he asked the staff where the bread were.. this time the staff put on a smiling face, put aside her work and professionally introduced some of their products to the tourist, the tourist found nothing interesting but yet the staff politely replied "no problem, thank you"..
it was really totally 180° different behavior the staff has over the two customers, obviously bias to foreigner was what i saw, i really think it's very rude of her, is the moon in the foreign country rounder than what we have it here?? but lucky her that i wasn't put into that situation, or else she shall have a good time for my complaints, hehe..
首先有對夫婦, 應該係聞間店嘅鎮山之寶《麵包仔》個名而嚟啩, 唔知原來係喺收銀處即叫即付即取, 於是就問嗰位職員啲包究竟擺喺邊啦咁, 結果職員頭都唔望, 繼續喺度做緊自己啲嘢, 有氣冇力咁淨係答咗佢一聲「cashier」..
之後有個鬼佬遊客想話買啲朱古力味嘅麵包, 於是就去問同嗰一位職員啦, 點知個職員竟然蓮子蓉咁嘅面口, 放低晒手頭上啲嘢, 好專業咁介紹咗幾款朱古力麵包畀個鬼佬喎, 鬼佬覺得唔啱口味話唔要, 職員仲好有禮貌話唔緊要多謝晒添..
真係成個大月亮初一十五不一樣囉, 即刻可見該位職員大細超個態度, 我真係睇唔過眼, 乜外國月亮圓啲咩?? 好彩唔係捲我入呢個事件之內, 如果唔係佢應該有排受我投訴責備囉.. 嘿嘿!!
was in a bakery shop this afternoon when i saw how differently a staff treated two different customers, was really "impressed" by how good she could changed her behavior within the short 2 minutes..
first there was a couple, could have been here because of the famous "roti kid" bun but not realised the bun should be ordered, pay and taken directly from the cashier.. hence they asked the staff where the buns were placed in the shop, without even turning her head and continue with her own work, she just coldly replied the couple "cashier"..
then a foreigner tourist trying to find some chocolaty bread, couldn't really find any and he asked the staff where the bread were.. this time the staff put on a smiling face, put aside her work and professionally introduced some of their products to the tourist, the tourist found nothing interesting but yet the staff politely replied "no problem, thank you"..
it was really totally 180° different behavior the staff has over the two customers, obviously bias to foreigner was what i saw, i really think it's very rude of her, is the moon in the foreign country rounder than what we have it here?? but lucky her that i wasn't put into that situation, or else she shall have a good time for my complaints, hehe..
03.10.2008 | 守時美德
我講得出呢句嘢, 你係唔係覺得我會係個守時嘅人?? 今時今日我會斬釘截鐵話係!! 不過實不相蠻, 以前嘅我的的確確係個令人聞風喪膽嘅遲到大王, 係完全冇時間觀念架.. 每次約咗同學出街, 我冇一次係準時嘅, 我可以喺約咗嗰個時間先出門.. 姍姍來遲仲係扮晒大牌咁, 完全冇一點歉意喎.. 曾經有一次足足遲到兩個幾鐘, 仲氣定神爽咁蓮步姍姍, 好似全世界奉旨要等我咁.. 好清楚記得嗰一次, 冚棚人走晒淨返老友FN犧牲自己留低等我, 真係夠朋友喇, 事隔15年, 再講多次對唔住啦, 哈哈!!
不過人會變, 唔清楚由幾時開始我搣甩咗呢個壞習慣, 我會預早時間準備出門, 準時赴約.. 忽然變成一個守時嘅人之後, 竟然有一個出晒名遲到嘅朋友(呢個係殿堂級人馬, 可以遲幾個鐘添架), 因為某次我畀面色嚴厲單打之後, 從此佢凡係約開我就一定準時, 就算要遲到都第一時間知會我先.. 哈哈, 真係覺得自己有威嚴, 正氣懍懍到可以令人肅然起敬, 嘿嘿!!i really don't like people being late and yet never bother to give prior notifice..
you must think that i'm for sure a punctual person by saying that.. yes, i would now say i am definitely!! but frankly, i confess that i have been a person without any time conciousness, i was always late for appointment, and i can even only left home at the appointment hour.. never arrived on time and yet never felt guilty at all to all the waiting buddies.. there was once i was late for more than two hours but still taking my own sweet time, when everyone has left and only good old friend FN was willing to stay to wait for me.. it was like 15 years ago, and perhaps let me apologise for being so nasty by then, hahaha!!
but i have changed, can't remember when but i've now been quite a puntual person, i will estimate and arrive on time for any appointments.. since then, even one of my friends being notorious for being late (he is a legend for that, at least few hours late everytime), because of being late and i showed great fuss over him, he will always remember to be on time whenever going out with me, even if he shall be late he will always give me a call at the first minute.. haha, seems like i'm quite solemn on this till people started to respect me huh?? hehe..
我講得出呢句嘢, 你係唔係覺得我會係個守時嘅人?? 今時今日我會斬釘截鐵話係!! 不過實不相蠻, 以前嘅我的的確確係個令人聞風喪膽嘅遲到大王, 係完全冇時間觀念架.. 每次約咗同學出街, 我冇一次係準時嘅, 我可以喺約咗嗰個時間先出門.. 姍姍來遲仲係扮晒大牌咁, 完全冇一點歉意喎.. 曾經有一次足足遲到兩個幾鐘, 仲氣定神爽咁蓮步姍姍, 好似全世界奉旨要等我咁.. 好清楚記得嗰一次, 冚棚人走晒淨返老友FN犧牲自己留低等我, 真係夠朋友喇, 事隔15年, 再講多次對唔住啦, 哈哈!!
不過人會變, 唔清楚由幾時開始我搣甩咗呢個壞習慣, 我會預早時間準備出門, 準時赴約.. 忽然變成一個守時嘅人之後, 竟然有一個出晒名遲到嘅朋友(呢個係殿堂級人馬, 可以遲幾個鐘添架), 因為某次我畀面色嚴厲單打之後, 從此佢凡係約開我就一定準時, 就算要遲到都第一時間知會我先.. 哈哈, 真係覺得自己有威嚴, 正氣懍懍到可以令人肅然起敬, 嘿嘿!!i really don't like people being late and yet never bother to give prior notifice..
you must think that i'm for sure a punctual person by saying that.. yes, i would now say i am definitely!! but frankly, i confess that i have been a person without any time conciousness, i was always late for appointment, and i can even only left home at the appointment hour.. never arrived on time and yet never felt guilty at all to all the waiting buddies.. there was once i was late for more than two hours but still taking my own sweet time, when everyone has left and only good old friend FN was willing to stay to wait for me.. it was like 15 years ago, and perhaps let me apologise for being so nasty by then, hahaha!!
but i have changed, can't remember when but i've now been quite a puntual person, i will estimate and arrive on time for any appointments.. since then, even one of my friends being notorious for being late (he is a legend for that, at least few hours late everytime), because of being late and i showed great fuss over him, he will always remember to be on time whenever going out with me, even if he shall be late he will always give me a call at the first minute.. haha, seems like i'm quite solemn on this till people started to respect me huh?? hehe..
02.10.2008 | 媽媽咪亞!
多個月前友人小春已經開始再三催促我去睇呢齣電影, 不過呢度遲至上兩個星期先上映, 上映後又就唔到時間去睇, 之後見到好多blog友都去睇咗而且評價普遍上都唔錯.. 今日終於輪到我喇, 真係懷著好開心嘅心情去睇囉~~
Mamma Mia!嘅原著音樂舞台劇我就未睇過喇, 而家改編成電影其實我都相當感興趣.. 改編忠於原著, 其中貫穿多首ABBA嘅經典歌曲(例如I Have A Dream, Honey Honey, Money Money Money, 點題之作Mamma Mia, 大熱之作Dancing Queen, Gimme Gimme Gimme, The Winner Takes It All)順序亦都相同, 睇嘅時候真係忍唔住跟住唱囉, 所以成場戲我係非常之enjoy架囉..
女主角Donna由殿堂影后Meryl Streep飾演, 不過我硬係覺得佢演同唱好似爭咁啲嘢咁, 未去到淋漓盡致.. 飾演佢個女Sophie嘅係新人Amanda Seyfried, 人美聲甜, 幾唔錯.. 飾演其中一個爸爸Sam嘅Pierce Brosnan, 聽佢唱歌嘅好多時候都戥佢提心吊膽.. 要數最搶鏡嘅, 應該就係Donna兩位金蘭姐妹Rosie同Tanya, 可能係角色鮮明, 所以呢兩個綠葉我最鐘意..
好似好耐都冇睇戲, 呢齣戲我睇得好enjoy好開心, 係笑住出嚟架囉.. 之後個腦海仲不時浮現緊戲中幾首經典歌曲嘅旋律添!! **Mamma Mia, here i go again, my my, how can i resist you??**csws has been pushing me to watch this movie since few months back, but too bad the movie was just opened here a fortnight ago, and unluckily i just couldn't manage to catch the movie after it's in the cinema.. found out quite a lot of blogger friends has watch the movie and the review was generally good, finally it's my turn to watch it today, and i gotta say i was in a very excited mood entering the theatre..
have not watched Mamma Mia! in it's original musical stage performance, and hence when it's adapted into this movie i really felt eager about it.. very loyal to the original score, the story and rundown of the classic ABBA songs are just a good replicate.. i really enjoyed the movie very much, especially can't resist to sing along with some of the classics like I Have A Dream (covered by Westlife), Honey Honey, Money Money Money, Mamma Mia (the theme), Dancing Queen (hot hot), Gimme Gimme Gimme (Madonna's sampling for Hung Up), The Winner Takes It All etc etc..
multi-best actress Mery Streep plays Donna, but i just find something missing from her, not to the best extent she could deliver.. newcomer Amanda Seyfried plays her daughter Sophie, and i think she is pretty and can sing very well indeed.. Pierce Brosnan plays one of the father Sam, and i've been quite worried he's gonna get out of pitch whenever he sings in the movie.. generally, i think the Dynamo (Donna's best friends) Rosie and Tanya both are equally great, perhaps their character are very obvious, and hence they are my two most favourite of the movie..
seems like i've not been watching any movie recently, i truly enjoy and am happy with this one, i left the cinema smiling satisfactorily.. and still, the rythm of the classics kept spinning around in my mind, haha!! **Mamma Mia, here i go again, my my, how can i resist you??**
Mamma Mia!嘅原著音樂舞台劇我就未睇過喇, 而家改編成電影其實我都相當感興趣.. 改編忠於原著, 其中貫穿多首ABBA嘅經典歌曲(例如I Have A Dream, Honey Honey, Money Money Money, 點題之作Mamma Mia, 大熱之作Dancing Queen, Gimme Gimme Gimme, The Winner Takes It All)順序亦都相同, 睇嘅時候真係忍唔住跟住唱囉, 所以成場戲我係非常之enjoy架囉..
女主角Donna由殿堂影后Meryl Streep飾演, 不過我硬係覺得佢演同唱好似爭咁啲嘢咁, 未去到淋漓盡致.. 飾演佢個女Sophie嘅係新人Amanda Seyfried, 人美聲甜, 幾唔錯.. 飾演其中一個爸爸Sam嘅Pierce Brosnan, 聽佢唱歌嘅好多時候都戥佢提心吊膽.. 要數最搶鏡嘅, 應該就係Donna兩位金蘭姐妹Rosie同Tanya, 可能係角色鮮明, 所以呢兩個綠葉我最鐘意..
好似好耐都冇睇戲, 呢齣戲我睇得好enjoy好開心, 係笑住出嚟架囉.. 之後個腦海仲不時浮現緊戲中幾首經典歌曲嘅旋律添!! **Mamma Mia, here i go again, my my, how can i resist you??**csws has been pushing me to watch this movie since few months back, but too bad the movie was just opened here a fortnight ago, and unluckily i just couldn't manage to catch the movie after it's in the cinema.. found out quite a lot of blogger friends has watch the movie and the review was generally good, finally it's my turn to watch it today, and i gotta say i was in a very excited mood entering the theatre..
have not watched Mamma Mia! in it's original musical stage performance, and hence when it's adapted into this movie i really felt eager about it.. very loyal to the original score, the story and rundown of the classic ABBA songs are just a good replicate.. i really enjoyed the movie very much, especially can't resist to sing along with some of the classics like I Have A Dream (covered by Westlife), Honey Honey, Money Money Money, Mamma Mia (the theme), Dancing Queen (hot hot), Gimme Gimme Gimme (Madonna's sampling for Hung Up), The Winner Takes It All etc etc..
multi-best actress Mery Streep plays Donna, but i just find something missing from her, not to the best extent she could deliver.. newcomer Amanda Seyfried plays her daughter Sophie, and i think she is pretty and can sing very well indeed.. Pierce Brosnan plays one of the father Sam, and i've been quite worried he's gonna get out of pitch whenever he sings in the movie.. generally, i think the Dynamo (Donna's best friends) Rosie and Tanya both are equally great, perhaps their character are very obvious, and hence they are my two most favourite of the movie..
seems like i've not been watching any movie recently, i truly enjoy and am happy with this one, i left the cinema smiling satisfactorily.. and still, the rythm of the classics kept spinning around in my mind, haha!! **Mamma Mia, here i go again, my my, how can i resist you??**
01.10.2008 | 開齋節日
回教徒守齋一個月之後, 今日為開齋之日, 喺度祝各界人士開齋節快樂!! 其實呢個節日對我嚟講, 除咗有兩日公假咁大把之外, 應該都冇乜重要性架喇.. 一如過往, 凡係遇著呢啲喜慶日子, 我覺得有兩件事係值得開心嘅..
第一, 通常好多人都趁機攞假, 尤其而家年尾就更多人需要清假啦, 所以工作上可以話係冷清期.. 好似今年咁, 好多project都冇乜進度, 其中有個客就索性成個星期都唔駛返工, 有咩事留返下星期先講啦..
第二, 佳節期間, 城中游子十之八九都一定會回鄉.. 上個禮拜六開始就陸續有人離開城市返回鄉下同家人齊慶佳節.. 最peak應該係噚日同買跟住落嚟嘅禮拜五, 所以呢幾日搭輕鐵返工會好快捷, 因為冇乜人同你爭, 馬路上都交通順暢兼車影少見, 商場內更係比平時少咗幾成人.. 我最鐘呢段時間嘅意吉隆坡, 因為實在係冇晒平時嘅壓迫感囉..after fasting for one whole month, the muslims celebrates the fasting break today, eid ul-fitr.. would like to wish everyone a happy eid mubarak over here!! to me there is nothing really more important than having a luxurious two days break, and as the past, there are always two things that i have been very happy about..
firstly, a lot of people will take the golden opportunity to take leave to enjoy the holiday, and because it's year end now hence people are trying to clear their annual leaves as well, work wise i would call this a cool period.. this year for example, most of the projects are quiet with minimum activities, and one of my customers even declare an entire week of operations closure.. anything please leave it till after the festive next week, haha..
secondly, during the festive season, the non-locals working in the city will definitely have to go back to hometown to celebrate the festive with their families.. the peak shall be tuesday and friday i would predict, thus it would be quiet in the city area.. taking the LRT will be less of an effort as there are not many other competing passengers, cars are less on the road and traffic hence becomes fairly smooth, crowds in shopping malls are reduced a few folds.. i always love KL during the festive seasons, because it is just so relax as compared to the hectic normal days..
第一, 通常好多人都趁機攞假, 尤其而家年尾就更多人需要清假啦, 所以工作上可以話係冷清期.. 好似今年咁, 好多project都冇乜進度, 其中有個客就索性成個星期都唔駛返工, 有咩事留返下星期先講啦..
第二, 佳節期間, 城中游子十之八九都一定會回鄉.. 上個禮拜六開始就陸續有人離開城市返回鄉下同家人齊慶佳節.. 最peak應該係噚日同買跟住落嚟嘅禮拜五, 所以呢幾日搭輕鐵返工會好快捷, 因為冇乜人同你爭, 馬路上都交通順暢兼車影少見, 商場內更係比平時少咗幾成人.. 我最鐘呢段時間嘅意吉隆坡, 因為實在係冇晒平時嘅壓迫感囉..after fasting for one whole month, the muslims celebrates the fasting break today, eid ul-fitr.. would like to wish everyone a happy eid mubarak over here!! to me there is nothing really more important than having a luxurious two days break, and as the past, there are always two things that i have been very happy about..
firstly, a lot of people will take the golden opportunity to take leave to enjoy the holiday, and because it's year end now hence people are trying to clear their annual leaves as well, work wise i would call this a cool period.. this year for example, most of the projects are quiet with minimum activities, and one of my customers even declare an entire week of operations closure.. anything please leave it till after the festive next week, haha..
secondly, during the festive season, the non-locals working in the city will definitely have to go back to hometown to celebrate the festive with their families.. the peak shall be tuesday and friday i would predict, thus it would be quiet in the city area.. taking the LRT will be less of an effort as there are not many other competing passengers, cars are less on the road and traffic hence becomes fairly smooth, crowds in shopping malls are reduced a few folds.. i always love KL during the festive seasons, because it is just so relax as compared to the hectic normal days..
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