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19.05.2006 | 神奇印度(VI) 忽然一黑

係印度, 原來停電呢家野其實係如同食野一樣咁平常既事黎架.. 第一晚黎到就領教三次短暫停電, 都幾驚人架, 想象下你一個人係個龍蛇混雜既夜晚獨自呆係間旅館斗士內.. 跟住training既時候都會無端端停電, 專心聽講既時候會突然眼前一黑, 只係聽見個trainer係度講野.. 不過好彩, 通常D旅館酒店機構都會有24小時後備發電機, 當停電既時候就會自動供應電流, 所以都唔覺有乜不便.. 之但係好多時候你會唔知究竟D電係由邊黎架喇..


  1. Haha ... I have this image in mind --- black out with anehneh around you, you are surrounded by pairs of white eyes staring at you lorr ...
    I hope this is not a racist 'picture' horr ... you know me la i very friend with anehneh ga.. maybe the next language i want to learn is hindi ... achar?

  2. harlo, it's me, debra :) surprise to see my comments here??! hahaha, power failure ah, can be quite scarry huh? when r u comin back ar? have you visited taj mahal? hmm, i must go visit one day... ok la, have a safe journey home ;)

  3. oh debra! :) what's up. i also had the same experience here in netherlands. can you believe it? even in my office... twice already i have experienced that
