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29.03.2006 | 刀光劍影

先頭去左一個website度試聽D新歌, 隨手click左一pair青春偶像派合唱既歌.. 男既已經單飛, 女既有傳會單飛.. 過門音樂響起, 都幾好.. 但係好唔到幾耐.. 一聽到佢地開聲我就立即close左個window喇.. 嘩! 大佬, 我真係忍受唔住兩把咁幼嫩既聲啊..

唱功同埋演繹技巧真係須要時間同埋經驗磨煉既.. 聽番兩個前輩早兩三年前合唱既一首電台話劇主題曲, 覺得呢句話果然一D都冇錯.. 女前輩一出聲就好似向男前輩揮出一把利劍, 跟住男前輩就以佢渾厚歌聲回敬寶刀一擊, 兩人合唱時就好似兩把刀劍係上空交鋒咁鏗鏘有力.. 都真係過癮架..

Hmm.. 可能就係三五年同埋十幾年既差別呱? 或者我都應該俾D時間兩位青春偶像既.. 個女前輩廿年前出道個陣又唔係得個東洋肥妹樣?? 呢個世界只要肯努力都應該可以架喇..


  1. I got to agree with you nowadays those "singers" really don't know what singing is. I mean, c'mon, even though I am not against there are a lot of so-called idols around, but at least there must be one or two Jacky-Chan-alike people around right? Oh well, I guess time has changed. I am getting old. But somehow, I enjoy musics from SHE, Jolin, JJ, Jay, etc. but surprisingly there are NO HK singers in the list (as I was in high school). Oh well....

  2. Tee, you remind me of Jenny and Roman!

  3. actually when we sing their songs in karaoke also quite 刀劍交鋒 right?? haha..
