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2016.03.13 | 十年旅程

[Volume 11 Issue 3, #2109]
10th Blog Anniversary
10th Blog Anniversary
10th Blog Anniversary

2016.03.10 | 博客致敬(2/2)

[Volume 11 Issue 3, #2108]
Tribute to My Incredible Top Readers (2 of 2)
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A Tribute to Bloggers
A Tribute to Bloggers
A Tribute to Bloggers
A Tribute to Bloggers
A Tribute to Bloggers
A Tribute to Bloggers

2016.03.07 | 博客致敬(1/2)

[Volume 11 Issue 3, #2107]
Tribute to My Incredible Top Readers (1 of 2)
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A Tribute to Bloggers
A Tribute to Bloggers
A Tribute to Bloggers
A Tribute to Bloggers
A Tribute to Bloggers
A Tribute to Bloggers

2016.03.03 | 新西游記

[Volume 11 Issue 3, #2106]
A Journey To The West
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The Journey To The West
Minions To The West
Minions To The West
Minions To The West
Minions To The West
Minions To The West
Minions To The West

2016.02.29 | 真真假假

[Volume 11 Issue 2, #2105]
What You See May Not Be What You Get
我正在面卜上(試玩最新推出嘅「憤怒」回應功能), 咁啱有某朋友分享咗篇好有趣嘅文.. 我記得自己冇寫過分享其他貼文嘅貼, 所以不如就今日試下啦, 因為真心覺得佢好高娛樂性.. 就係下面呢幾張好靚嘅相喇, 話時話, 真係挑起我想去旅行鋪癮, 哈哈!! :D
i was on Facelook (to try out the new "Angry" reaction feature) and saw a very interesting post shared by one of my friends.. i thought i have not actually done a post-sharing post before, so why not just do it today, as i really find that post entertaining.. so here you are, some beautiful photos that can be seen on that post itself, which also triggered my travel bug, haha!! :D
注: 大家可能會發覺以下圖片加載緩慢, 因為所有圖片皆非本人擁有而由此處直接讀取
NOTE: You may experience delay in loading the images below, because I don't own the photos but they are directly read from here
Great Wall of ChinaGreat Wall of China
Howrah Bridge KolkataGHowrah Bridge Kolkata
Eiffel Tower ParisEiffel Tower Paris
Thailand BeachThailand Beach
Santorini GreeceSantorini Greece
仲未完㗎~~ 乜你覺得我真係只會寫篇咁簡單嘅貼咩?? 哈哈.. 麻煩大家再倒返去click一click之前嘅每張照片, 就會明白我今日呢篇貼點解叫做「真真假假」喇.. 祝大家有個充實嘅一週!! :)
that's not the end yet!! do you really think yours sincerely will just publish such a simple post?? hehe.. now, go back to click on each of the previous photos, and you will understand why i titled this post as "What You See May Not Be What You Get".. have a great week ahead!! :)

2016.02.25 | 潛意識的

[Volume 11 Issue 2, #2104]
Some of the Things We Don't Realize We Do
我相信我哋大家都會有啲動作係慣性地做, 但係自己又唔會發覺自己原來喺度做緊.. 例子係多到一籮籮, 不過基於本貼關係(係㗎, 我每次都會慎重考慮篇幅㗎!!), 今日就放六個發貼之時出現在腦袋中嘅.. 你又會諗到邊啲動作可以同大家分享嘅?? 越係有趣嘅就越好, 哈哈!! :)
i believe there are things that we always do and yet we do not realize we are doing them.. the list goes on but for the sake of this post (yes, i always make serious considerations on the length of my posts), i will just put in six that comes into my mind at the time of posting.. what else could you think of to share?? the funnier the better, haha!! :)
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Cleaning Phone Using Clothes
Licking Own Fingers
Looking At Watch Frequently
Pressing Hard on Remote Control
Smelling Laundry to Differentiate
Talking To Yourself

2016.02.23 | 新年過後

[Volume 11 Issue 2, #2103]
A Post Chinese New Year Post
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Post Chinese New Year
Post Chinese New Year
Post Chinese New Year
Post Chinese New Year
Post Chinese New Year
Post Chinese New Year

2016.02.19 | 叮噹與友

[Volume 11 Issue 2, #2102]
Doraemon And Friends
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Doraemon and Friends
Doraemon and Friends
Doraemon and Friends
Doraemon and Friends
Doraemon and Friends
Doraemon and Friends