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2015.10.30 | 環遊世界(2/2)

[Volume 10 Issue 10, #2069]
Some Thoughts On Travelling (Part 2 of 2)
Map of The World
今日呢篇貼係一開二嘅第二篇, 可點擊此處閱覽第一篇..

我通常都唔會同其他人多講關於我啲trip嘅, 除非係(1)為咗寫blog, (2)某人顯得興致勃勃而不停咁問問題, (3)大家都去過同樣地方而純粹分享經歷.. 因為本人認為(1)自己親身去感受始終都好過聽返緊㗎啦, (2)其他人未去過去肯定會覺悶, (3)我無法將我嘅悶遊記說得生動吸引, 哈哈!! 當然, 我哋平時有意無意之間都會提到自己去過嘅地方, 查實好正常.. 只不過如果係咁比較東比較西, 我就會覺得no point囉.. 每個地方都有佢自己嘅魅力及風俗習慣, 如果有人猛咁喺度比較(甚致批評), 及為佢去過嘅「眾多地方」分高低優劣, 我反而係覺得呢個人未必真係去過咁多地方, 所以先唔懂得appreciate世界各地文化嘅多樣化.. 即係咁講到, 智者係指永遠保持沉默的, 哇哈哈哈哈!! :p

以下係依據本人「定義」而分別組合嘅地方, 哈哈!! 閣下又如何呢?? :p
我去過幾次但係再去都唔會覺得悶的地方香港, 日本
我近幾年去過但係仲想再去見識多啲的地方巴黎, 京都, 北京
我好多年前去過而依家好想再去重溫嘅地方布萊頓(英國), 杜拜, 巴厘島, 威尼斯
我去過但係唔係咁想又再去的地方新加坡, 暹粒(柬埔寨)
this is the second part of a two-parts post, you may click here to read the first part..

i don't usually tell others much about my trips, except (1) for the sake of blogging, (2) someone gets excited and keep asking questions, (3) all have been to the same place and discussing experience.. because i think (1) it is way better for you to just feel the place yourself rather than just over a chat, (2) people will get bored if they have not been there, (3) i can't make my dull story interesting, haha!! of course, i admit that it is utterly common that we would intentionally or unintentionally talk about our trips.. but if one likes comparing this and that, it actually makes no point to me.. every place has their own different charms, cultures and styles, if one keeps comparing (or even complaining) and setting the levels of superiority between the "many" places they have been, i would rather think they actually have not travelled that much to learn to appreciate the diversity of the places and cultures on earth.. you know, a wise man remains silent, haha!! :p

here are the places that i kind of group under my own "definition", haha!! what about you?? :p
places i have been to few times yet will likely not get tired of going againHong Kong, Japan
places i have been to in recent years and wanted to go again to see moreParis, Kyoto, Beijing
places i have been to many years ago and feel like making a revisitBrighton (UK), Dubai, Bali, Venice
places i have been to and don't quite feel like going againSingapore, Siem Reap (Cambodia)

2015.10.27 | 環遊世界(1/2)

[Volume 10 Issue 10, #2068]
Some Thoughts On Travelling (Part 1 of 2)
Map of The World
我人生其中一個偉大夢想係能夠去環遊世界, 可以盡我能去到更多地方.. 我係實際㗎, 所以我話「盡量更多」地方, 而唔係「全部」地方.. 因為我覺得一個人係無法去得晒地球上每一個地方嘅, 即使可以做得到, 我諗都只不過係走馬看塵.. 我呢, 其實就屬於偏好於一個旅程內, 盡量cover多幾個景點嘅人, 似係唔會再去第二次咁.. 當然, 我會肯定至少留低腳印啦, 若果單單由車窗遠望就算係去某地方嘅話, 唔該殺咗我!! 所以話, 我絕對係會選擇自助旅行, 而唔喜歡旅行團嘅趕鴨模式㗎.. anyway, 我唔係要以呢篇預告啲咩, 因為我都冇去玩, 嗚嗚~~ :(

以下係依據本人「定義」而分別組合嘅地方, 哈哈!! 閣下又如何呢?? :p
我從未想過會去但係又真係去過哌咗的地方尼泊爾, 印度(新德里, 阿格拉, 齋浦爾), 杜拜
我好想去但係至今都從未踏足過的地方西藏, 北歐, 西歐, 希臘, 土耳其, 馬爾代夫, 熱浪島, 停泊島, 仲有好多好多.. :p
我從未去過但係依家變為去唔去都冇乜所謂的地方美國, 加拿大, 澳洲, 韓國
今日呢篇貼係一開二嘅第一篇, 可點擊此處閱覽第二篇..
one of my biggest dreams is to be able to travel around the world and been to as many places as i could in my life.. okay, i am being realistic here to say "as many as" rather than "all the" places, because i think it is actually impossible for one to be able to go to every single place on earth.. even if one could, i do not think he or she has seen much of the place.. i am one who likes to cover as many as possible the places or spots of a city if i go on a trip, as if i will never go back again.. of course, i will make sure i have at least left my footprints there and not just through the windows of the vehicles.. i hate that and this explains why i definitely prefer DIY trips than the always-rushing group package tours.. BTW, this is not any "pre-post" to my vacation, because i am not going anywhere!! boohoohoo~~ :(

here are the places that i kind of group under my own "definition", haha!! what about you?? :p
places i have never thought of going but i actually have beenNepal, India (New Delhi, Agra and Jaipur), Dubai
places i wish i could go but still have not stepped foot onTibet, Scandinavian Europe, Eastern Europe, Greece, Turkey, Maldives, Pulau Redang, Pulau Perhentian and many many more :p
places i have never been to and seems quite optional to me at the meantimeAmerica, Canada, Australia, Korea
this is the first part of a two-parts post, you may click here to read the second part..

2015.10.23 | 可愛的他

[Volume 10 Issue 10, #2067]
The Adorable HIM..
Guess Who Am I??
如果閣下有跟開我呢個blog一段時間(大概兩年以上度??)嘅話, 應該都會好掛住佢, 同時間想知我做乜咁耐都唔寫下佢咁.. 如果閣下係初來報到嘅話, 咁我更應該介紹佢俾你識, 話唔定你會對佢一見鍾情喔!! 哈哈~~
if you have been following my blog for some time (maybe for two years or more??), you would probably be missing HIM and wonder why i have not been blogging about HIM for a very long time.. if you are new here, then i shall introduce HIM to you, and you will probably fall in love with HIM instantly!! muahahahaha~~

2015.10.20 | 老計數機

[Volume 10 Issue 10, #2066]
The Antique Scientific Calculator (you may not know how to use)
Scientific Calculator Casio fx-991W
無意中搵到幛中學時期所用過嘅對數表册子後, 我又發現有呢部成廿歲老嘅科學計數機.. 好, 我知啦, 你肯定又要話我做乜又收埋咁多往日「垃圾」?? 慘得過我大把位, 而且部機都仲新淨又用得, 做乜要掟咗去?? 最重要係當我諗唔到要寫咩嘅時候, 可以去我呢個「藏寶箱」摷一摷, 又可以有啲嘢俾我作估仔咯.. 我哋身為博客嘅, 好應該時時有後備題材嘛, 係唔係先?? 你睇, 今日又有(無聊)估仔講喇, 哇哈哈..

其實幾日前已貼上面卜喇, 綜合朋友留言所得, 原來呢部並非我第一部科學計數機.. 第一部係Casio FX-570W, 因為呢一個型號係唯一可在學校及各考試中使用(有冇印象??), 可惜已不知去向.. 呢部係當年家樂富做緊特價時買落嘅, 不過買咗之後又冇乜用到, 唔記得咩情況之下就收長期收入個「藏寶箱」內喇嘛.. 抹走機上的灰塵, 㩒咗隻開機鍵, 嘩, 原來仲用得噃!! 以前啲嘢, 點都係襟用兼耐固啲嘅.. 當然今時今日嘅我, 只識得用下半部較大嘅灰色鍵, 上半部較細嘅黑色鍵及印落機身嘅彩色功能, 全部是什麼?? 好混淆, 我嘗試去玩一玩, 但係好多都出晒error.. 以前學校學過啲嘢, 依家好多都高深得似PhD課題咁, 哈哈!! 搞到我喺度諗, 點解以前學識咁多, 但係依家全無用武之地呢?? 嗯.. :p
after finding the log table booklet that i used in high school, i further found this scientific calculator which is now almost two decades old.. okay okay, i know i know, you are going to say why i still keep so many rubbish from the past?? why not if i still have room for them, while this calculator was still functioning, and most importantly when i cannot think of anything to blog about, i can just go dig out stuffs from that "treasure" box and write up a story!! we bloggers must always have back-up topics, don't you agree?? see, here's the (nonsense) story for today, muahahaha..

this was actually posted on my Facelook several days ago, and after reading comments from friends, i recall this was my second scientific calculator.. the first being Casio FX-570W, which i guess all of us were using since that was the only model allowed in schools and exams (ring a bell??), but sadly i have no idea where it has gone now.. i remember i bought this calculator from Carrefour back then during promotion, but didn't really use it that much and under some forgotten circumstances it ended up in my "treasure" box.. i wiped off the dust and pressed the ON button, viola, it is still functioning!! talk about stuffs made in the past, definitely more durable and long-lasting huh?? of course now that i only know how to use those bigger grey buttons at the bottom half, what are those smaller black buttons at the top half as well as those color printed functions all over the device?? confused, i tried to figure them out, but got errors for most of the attempts, haha!! talk about things we learned in school, many already looked very "chim" like PhD syllabus to us now huh?? haha.. now makes me wonder why learned so much but never need to use them now?? ooopsss.. :p

2015.10.16 | 早餐盛事

[Volume 10 Issue 10, #2065]
Do You (BIG) Breakfast??
My Big Breakfast: Oats, Fruits & Crackers
閣下是否早餐之人?? 我知有啲人係唔食早餐慨, 不過我(好慶幸)絕對唔係其中一個.. 我一定要食早餐, 凖確啲講係豐富的早餐.. 我成日都覺得我哋早餐應該食得似個皇帝一樣, 以為一日作好凖備, 一頓好嘅早餐絕對可以令人開心.. 雖然(因為時間, 經濟同健康因素)唔可以日日都食到我至愛嘅西式早餐浦飛, 五星級酒店嗰啲呢, 有煙肉, 火腿, 香腸, 多士, 蛋, 烤蔬菜, 炒菇, 薯餅, 谷麥, 乳酪, 果汁, 人水果, 芝士等等(流晒口水), 不過有幾款簡單嘅嘢食湊埋一齊, 我都覺OK㗎!! 就嗰一日, 唔知早餐要食啲乜, 於是喺公司茶水間同雪櫃摷下, 就為自己整咗呢份早餐.. 齋麥皮配提子乾, 柚子肉, 全麥餅配芝士和乾果.. 係冇乜嘢睇頭但相當滿足, 很多時候, 簡單就是幸福嘛.. :)
今日之所以有呢篇咁「簡單」嘅貼, 係因為有讀者話我平時啲貼都要佢哋「絞盡腦汁」喎, 哈哈!! 祝大家有個愉快嘅迵週末~~ :D
are you a breakfast person?? i know some people who don't eat breakfast, but i am (happy that i am) not one of them.. i must eat breakfast, BIG BREAKFAST to be exact.. i always believe we should eat breakfast like a king to kick start our day, and that a nice breakfast definitely makes my day.. though i could not afford (due to time, financial and health reasons) to have my favorite continental breakfast buffet everyday like those we have in 5-star hotels - you know, those bacons, ham, sausages, toasts, eggs, grilled veggie, sauteed mushrooms, hash browns, muesli, yoghurt, juice, fruits, cheese etc (slurps!!), a variety of simple things combined together could be great too!! so on that one day i didn't know what to have for breakfast, i searched for what i had in the pantry and fridge in the office, and made myself these.. plain oats with raisins, pomelo, wheat crackers with cheese and dried fruits.. nothing fancy but it was satisfying, happiness often comes from very basic and simple things.. :)
this "simple" post is written for today because i received feedback saying that my posts are often too "brain-juice consuming", haha!! have a great weekend~~ :D

2015.10.13 | 小心為上

[Volume 10 Issue 10, #2064]
Stay Alert, Don't Get Hurt
Be Careful: Stay Alert and Don't Get Hurt
由小一七歲開始, 我就已經自己一個搭巴士返學.. 我記得一定要喺早上6:30前上巴士, 如果唔係就實塞車遲大到.. 所以當時係天摸黑, 由屋企到車站要行幾百公尺, 由車站到學校又再行幾百公尺.. 我冇其他人咁好命有專車接送, 整個學生生涯都係要自己搭車, 從來都未覺得怕或唔安全..

嗰陣係超過廿年前嘅時候, 當然我哋都明白今時今日唔會再有呢隻歌仔唱啦.. 小朋友都係(或者我應該話「一定」)要有人接送返學放學, 但係就算咁都未必係百分之百安全.. 我哋每隔幾日就可以聽到驚人新聞, 打劫/拐带/謀殺樣樣齊.. 莫講小朋友, 就算我哋成年人行過暗巷, 夜晩揸車, 不論單獨或成群, 都會覺得唔安全.. 更離譜嘅係光天白日眾目癸癸之下, 罪案事件都照樣發生.. 就連為社會伸張正義, 都可能落得俾人拋落樓, 俾人炸到粉身碎骨, 俾人埋入石屎桶内等等嘅下場.. 極度恐怖!! 我哋嘅安全受到威脅, 呢個社會究竟發生咗咩事?? 點解我哋並未在執法之下得到應有嘅保護??
since i was in standard one at age 7, i already took public bus to school all by myself.. i still remember i had to board the bus before 6:30am to avoid traffic congestion.. so it was all dark and i had to walk hundreds of metres from home to the bus stand, and then from the bus stand to school.. nope, i have never had the luxury to be chauffeured right to the gate of school for my entire schooling life, yet i did not ever feel scared or unsafe back then at all..

that was more than two decades ago, of course we understand this could never happen nowadays.. children are (or shall i say, must be) all chauffeured and escorted to school, even that does not necessarily mean total safety.. we have seen shocking news on kidnappings, robberies and murders almost every several days, leave aside children, even we adults do not feel safe walking down dark alleys, driving at night, be it alone or in group.. worst still, crimes choose no time but happen under daylight and the witness of public.. even if one tries to do good for justice, one could end up thrown down from building, bombed into ashes or chucked into cement barrel.. extremely scary!! our safety is threatened, what has happened to our society?? why are we not reasonably protected under enforcement??

2015.10.09 | 更衣間內

[Volume 10 Issue 10, #2063]
That Day, In The Changing Room..
Storage Locker in Gym
今日呢篇貼係以英文寫咗先嘅, 英文部份寫完要繼續中文部份, 先發覺其實要用中文去寫今日此貼係有些難度.. 譯成中文一個難度, 長篇幅又係一個考驗, 最後當然要怪自己懶, 哈哈!! 所以最終便放棄了, 懇請中文讀書見諒, 今日大家齊齊睇英文版啦!! :)
i was in the gym on sunday and in the changing room, i saw one of the club staff escorting a member, using his master key to open every single locker and get that member to identify the locker he stored his belongings.. obviously, that member lost his key-card and has forgotten which locker he used.. before i continue, maybe i shall ask if you feel something not right after imagining what was happening back then??
You do not think there was anything unright
well, in that case, maybe there is no further discussion needed here, hahaha.. okay, bye.. have a great day and a wonderful weekend ahead!! :)
You think there was something not right
yeah, give me five for having the same thought!! let me express my concerns, views and suggestions in the tabs below, let's see if you agree or diagree with me?? it's a rather long post today, thank you for your patient to read on.. :)
My Concerns
My Views
My Suggestions
  • okay, by using the facilities, we agreed that the club has the right to open all lockers at the time of closing to ensure there is none occupied end of the day.. that does not mean the club can open the lockers anytime they like!!
  • the staff used the master key to open all lockers without first informing the members.. i am sure if we locked up our lockers, we would not agree and will not allow anyone unauthorised to open up our lockers, right??
  • the staff opened all lockers on his own discretion not under the presence of the individual member.. putting infringement of privacy aside, there can easily be dispute if something is claimed missing, think about this!!
  • if that member cannot remember which locker he used, it should only be limited to a an approximate section and not the entire changing room, agree?? it is unacceptable to get the staff to open up so many lockers..
  • i was observing and realized that for each locker opened, the staff just casually asked the member if those are his belongings.. if that member is not honest, he can just claim any and there he goes with other member's belongings!!
  • using his master key to open up lockers and the relock them, the staff reset the locks.. all messed up and members were unable to open their lockers with their own cards again.. that created confusion as well as inconvenience!!

2015.10.06 | 微不足道

[Volume 10 Issue 10, #2062]
Trivially Unimportant Topics
Of course it's trivial, but then most things are
我鍾意演員John Malkovich以上嘅一句說話「這當然是微不足道, 不過好多事情都一樣」, 正是道盡本人心底話.. [繼續閱讀]係嘅, 我知我經常都喜歡拎啲微不足道嘅嘢嚟大作文章.. 當其他博客都愛報導自己食咗啲咩時, 我就去寫屎尿屁.. 當其他博客都愛報導自己平日嘅活動時, 我就去寫上廁所的事.. 我呢個blog真係乜都可以寫餐飽, 哈哈!! 我成日喺度諗, 呢個博客世界如果個個都寫埋大同小異嘅嘢, 會好悶噃.. 或者我應該偏離主流盡量觲另類啲, 至少當大家睇blog睇到悶嗰陣, 我可以帶俾大家一啲不同嘅感覺及未預料到的驚喜(甚至偶爾的驚嚇)?? 但係講開又講, 我個blog可能已偏離所謂blog嘅原意, 源自weblog本來就係記錄(log)一個低一日的事或想法, 而唔係好似我咁喺度討論喎!! 嗯噢.. :p

點都好, 今日照樣地, 例牌地, 再次地微不足道, 哈哈!!
  • 你正在冲緊一杯熱朱古力, 你係先落粉后加水, 定係先導斟水後落粉呢??
  • 你喺片靤麵包上搽好醤, 之後喜歡如何食咗佢?? 對角折成半, 一成片就咁食, 或者再拎多片疊上去呢??
  • 你個碟上面有啝幾種不同食物, 你會逐一分開依先後食, 定係撈埋一齊呢樣食啲嗰樣食啲?? 最愛嗰樣會食咗先, 定會留返最後先食??
  • 你食緊個蘋果, 你喜歡批咗層皮定帶皮食呢?? 會將蘋果切成片慢慢食, 定係成個咁慢慢咬??
如果有興趣知道本人偏好, 請點擊 ..
i love this quote above by John Malkovich, "Of course it's trivial, but then most things are", that totally speaks out all i wanted to say.. [Read on]yeah, i know i always like to bring about trivial topics that are so mundane for discussion in my blog.. when other bloggers talk big about whatever food they eat, i talk about SPF (shit piss fart).. when other bloggers talk big about their daily activities, i talk about going to the toilet.. and the list goes on for my blog, hahaha!! i always think the blogsphere would be so boring if everyone is doing the same thing.. maybe i shall stay away from mainstream and be unorthodox, at least i can give you a breather and unexpected surprise (or even shock sometimes) when you are bloghopping?? having that said, probably my blog deviates from the real purpose of a blog, which comes from the word weblog, that is to record one's routine and thoughts on the web rather than discussions!! oopss.. :p

anyway, as my usual style, let's continue to be trivial again today, hahaha!!
  • you are making a cup of hot chocolate, do you put in the powder first and then pour in water, or you fill in water first and then stir in the powder??
  • you spreaded jam on your slice of bread, how do you usually like it?? fold into half, whole piece flat or you take another slice to top it??
  • you have a few types of food on one plate, do you eat them separately one after another, or mix them and eat all together?? do you eat your favorite one first or last??
  • you are eating an apple, do you like to peel the skin or leave the skin?? do you cut it into pieces or you like to bite it as a whole??
click if you are interested to see my preferences..

2015.10.02 | 電郵禮儀

[Volume 10 Issue 10, #2061]
Some Very Basic Email Ettique


廿年前當我哋仲係收緊信件嘅年代, 偶爾有一封電郵入嚟, 都可能會好興奮.. 廿年後嘅今日, 分分鐘每日都有廿封未讀電郵, 偶爾收到一封信都可能覺得驚奇(電水雜等費除外).. 我諗今時今日我哋睇電郵多過睇報紙啦, 哈哈.. 不過可悲的是, 仲有啲人尚係不懂得所謂嘅「電郵禮儀」㗎噃..

就拎最基本嘅稱呼收件人及署名為例啦, 我覺得仲有好多人認為係唔需要稱呼同署名嘅.. 好啦, 當大家相熟又或者回緊封包括之前所有通訊嘅電郵, 可以省略啦, 不過呢啲情況以外, 我其實覺得有點不禮貌囉.. 可能覺得都有個To:From:啦, 做乜要重複唧?? 我都為他們著想嘅, 如果電郵內容係寫得恭敬客氣嘅話, 又唔係咩大問題, 可以忽略嘅.. 之但係大家知唔知我最憎係咩?? 一啲人就咁寄個附件俾你, 唔稱呼唔署名, 連內容寫個字都費事嗰啲.. 對我而言係十分之冇禮貌嘅, 感覺似係某人將一疊文件由你身後拋去你檯面然後就咁行開, 想像一下!!冇稱呼冇署名都算喇, 至少寫兩隻字話下個附件係乜要做乜吖.. 如果不能做到恭敬客氣, 都唔好俾人覺得冇禮貌啦, 贊唔贊成??[繼續閱讀]

多謝賞面閱讀, 祝各位有個愉快的一天及快樂嘅週末.. :)

Yours sincerely,
[SK] @ http://sk0617.blogspot.com

To My Dearest You,

20 years ago, we were still receiving letters and would probably be excited to get an email in our inbox.. 20 years later today, we will probably have 20 unread messages in our inbox and would definitely be thrilled to receive a letter (utilities bills excluded).. i think we all read emails more than we read newspapers now huh?? haha.. but sadly, i still find some people who are still not bothered with the so-called "email etiquette"..

take for example the very basic addressing the recipient(s) and signing-off, i think there are still many who think these are not necessary.. okay, probably not needed for close friends, or when replying email with a long history thread, but IMHO i find that rather rude.. alright, maybe they think there are already a To: and a From: in the email header, why repeat?? i just try to think from their point of view, so if the body of the email is nicely put, then okay lah, no big deal.. but know what i hate most?? people who just attach files without any words typed in the email.. that is hyper-rude to me, it feels like someone just throw you a pile of loose documents on the table from behind and then walk away, feel that!! never mind if one doesn't address and sign-off, but at least say a few words what and for what the attachment is.. if can't be courteous then don't make ourselves sound rude, agree??[Read on]

thank you for reading, have a great day and a wonderful weekend ahead.. :)

Yours sincerely,
[SK] @ http://sk0617.blogspot.com