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30.06.2012 | 本週金榜

[Volume 7 Issue 6, #1461]
第26週留言排行榜 Comment Chart for Week 26
[00:01HRS 23.06.2012 - 23:59HRS 29.06.2012]
#(#)博客 Blogger得分 Score
1(3)Yan @ Blog with Yan13.1
2(4)Twilight Man @ Twilight Zone12.2
3(1)yvonne @ From TAIPING with LOVE11.1
4(6)Small Kucing @ Small Kucing11.0
5(5)Simple Person @ Simple Life9.9
6(4)lina @ Life, In My Own Backyard9.7
7(2)bluedreamer27 @ It's Me! Blue Dreamer!8.8
8(14)HappySurfer @ From where I am...Kuala Lumpur8.6
9(8)MEcoy @ i am ME coy8.2

edward @ 乐天小筑
suituapui @ ...Still crazy after all these years!
六月最新走勢 Latest standing for June
(得分累積截至 Score accumulated up to: 08:00am 30.06.2012)
#1. Simple Person (60.4)... #2. yvonne (59.8)... #3. lina (50.6)... #4. Twilight Man (49.3)... #5. Yan (43.7)... #6. Small Kucing (41.5)... #7. bluedreamer27 (38.7)... #8. wenn (36.7)... #9. 海市蜃樓 (31.0)... #10. suituapui (30.3)...
各位好, 本週金榜有兩個星期冇同大家見面喇.. 闊別兩個星期之後, 嘩嘩嘩, 不得了喇, 原來排位大洗牌, 非常之有驚喜!! 今日係六月份最後一日最後一貼, 嚟緊嘅7月4日, 我就會公佈六月份同埋第二季嘅成績喇.. 尚未發功嘅朋友, 記得一定要盡你最後一分鐘嘅努力喇, 哈哈!! 又係嗰一句啦, 恭喜榜上題名嘅各位讀者, 祝大家週末愉快!! :)
hello everybody, the weekly chart has missed you for two weeks.. after two weeks of absence, wow wow wow, the placing seems to be reshuffled, and that is a lot of surprises!! today is the last day of june and this is the last post of the month, coming 4th july, i will announce the results for june as well as for the second quarter.. for those who have not commented enough, do remember to put in your last minute effort, haha!! again, congratulations for those who made it to top 10 and happy weekend everyone!! :)

29.06.2012 | 生日禮物

[Volume 7 Issue 6, #1460]
今年嘅生日(無意中)喺香港渡過, 其實都一把年紀, 對慶祝生日呢回事真係已經完全不在乎.. 不過香港嘅朋友竟然非常上心, 知道我生日就為我慶祝, 又燒嘢食又請我食生日大餐, 大家咁愛我, 其實都好感動㗎!! 仲有呢個令到我有少少尷尬嘅蛋糕, 同埋圖片中嘅呢一大堆生日小禮物, 以及博客朋友送嘅呢件tee恤, 真係冇諗過原來食到咁老都仲有禮物收喎, 哈哈!! 多謝晒各位~~ :)
my birthday this year was (accidentally) spent in hongkong, actually at this age i really have not much concerns about celebrating my birthday anymore.. but thanks to my hongkong friends for being so sincere to celebrate my birthday for me, having BBQ and all the free meal treats, i was really touched!! also i was given this cake that made me quite embarrassed, a whole load of birthday goodies shown above, as well as a t-shirt from blogger friends.. really never expect i still have birthday presents at this old age, haha!! thank you so much everyone~~ :)

28.06.2012 | 香江花月(三)

[Volume 7 Issue 6, #1459]
我的香港之旅, 我的生日之旅.. part THREE
my hongkong trip, my birthday trip.. part THREE
好好好, 我知大家睇我香港啲相已經睇到悶晒, 我保證呢篇會係最後一貼.. 呢個trip嘅最後一貼係主打美食, 大家都知香港係一個美食天堂, 區區14張相當然只是冰山一角啦.. 其實都錯過好多影相機會, 因為好多時候需要搭檯, 唔係幾好意思掛住影相嘅, 哈哈!! 話雖如此, 我硬係覺得自己食得唔夠多, 唔係好盡興咁囉其實~~ :D
ok ok ok, i know you're bored looking at my HK photos again, i promise this will be the last post.. this last part is all about food, but these are just an iceberg-tip collection of the food i had as you know HK is really a food heaven.. there are lots of photos i have missed, because most of the time we were sharing table with strangers and it's really not good to keep taking food photos, haha!! anyway, i think i didn't eat enough good food throughout the trip, so not contented actually~~ :D

27.06.2012 | 香江花月(二)

[Volume 7 Issue 6, #1458]
我的香港之旅, 我的生日之旅.. part TWO
my hongkong trip, my birthday trip.. part TWO
呢一個trip影咗超過1500張相, 要在其中挑選出區區幾十張擺上blog交待整個trip, 其實都幾挑戰同幾食時間㗎.. 所以唔好話我懶, 淨係貼相唔寫字喇, 哈哈!! 暫時擺住呢28張先, 嚟緊part three會主打美食, 冇錯, 係美食!! 遲下會放多啲相入facebook㗎喇, 到時大家可以去慢慢欣賞啦, 哈哈!! 大家如果有咩疑問或者想知多啲, 歡迎留言噃~~ :)
taken more than 1500 photos during the trip, and to select a few tens of photos for the blog to conclude the whole trip is rather challenging and time consuming.. so please don't complain that i'm lazy for just posting photos without writing stories, haha!! so it will be these 28 photos as for now, the coming part three will be on food, yeah you read that, food!! will be posting more photos onto facebook later, you can go take a look if you're still interested then, haha!! if you have any queries or want to get more info, you are most welcome to leave a comment~~ :)

26.06.2012 | 香江花月(一)

[Volume 7 Issue 6, #1457]
我的香港之旅, 我的生日之旅.. part ONE
my hongkong trip, my birthday trip.. part ONE
打鐵趁熱之際, 終於都係時候要寫我嘅香港之旅喇, 不過我會儘量從簡, 幾篇貼概括我呢九日之旅, 貼多啲相寫少啲字咁啦.. 始終讀者都係比較有興趣(同耐心)睇相同精簡描述啫, 而且我覺得香港其實都冇咩特別嘢好寫啦(因為實在太多人去過呢個地方), 哈哈!! 希望大家會喜歡我精挑細選嘅相啦~~ :p
finally it's time to blog something about my HK trip while it's still anew, but i'll cut things short and conclude the whole 9-day trip in a few posts, less words but more photos.. afterall readers are more interested (and patient) to see photos with short description, and i think really there's nothing much to blog about HK (and that many people have been to this place), haha!! i hope you'll enjoy the photos i delicately selected~~ :p

25.06.2012 | 博客有禮

[Volume 7 Issue 6, #1456]
唔係, 呢件唔係我由香港買返嚟嘅衫(況且我冇可能只買一件衫咁大把啦, 呵呵!!).. 星期日凌晨返到屋企, 見到檯面上有一個郵包, 非常十分之多謝Yan以及Yvonne送俾我呢件由韓國買返嚟嘅tee!! 嘩, 真係有點受寵若驚, 博客朋友送生日禮物俾我喎, 件衫仲要好啱身添.. 件衫個圖案好可愛好靚, 我好鐘意呀!! 點解佢哋會知道我size呢?? 不過好傷心, 件衫係加大碼, 又要提醒自己要減肥喇!! 呵呵~~ :p
nope, this is not what i've bought from HK (obviously i won't just get only one tee from my shopping spree, haha!!).. arrived home from my tiring trip at wee hours on sunday morning and saw a parcel on my desk, millions of thanks to Yan and Yvonne for this marvellous tee from korea!! wow, i was thrilled for this birthday gift from blogger friends, and it fits me so well.. the print is so cute and i love it so much!! hmmm, how do they know my size huh?? but so sad it's an XL, reminds me it's time to loose some weight again!! haha~~ :p

24.06.2012 | 我回來了

[Volume 7 Issue 6, #1455]
各位親愛的讀者, 我終於返嚟喇!! 噚晚近半夜抵達吉隆坡, 返到屋企已是凌晨時分.. 呢次港澳九日行程俾我安排到針插都唔入, 身軀疲憊但係盡興而歸, 哈哈.. 人哋話旅遊需要時間, 假期結束之後要平伏心情都一樣需要時間!! 等我恢復元氣, 遲啲再同大家分享呢次嘅旅遊點滴啦, 不過放心, 我唔會一次過寫20篇貼幫你洗腦嘅, 哈哈!! 精簡兩三篇交代一下就好啦~~ :)
my dearest readers, i'm finally back!! touched down KL near midnight yesterday and by the time i reached home and unpacked it was already the wee hours.. for this 9-day trip to HK and Macau, i've planned my itinerary so pack even needles cannot get it, tiring but definitely enjoyable, haha!! they say you take time to go travel, and when you come back from a holiday you need more time to recover!! so let me recover and i shall share with you my trip later, anyway no worries that i will write 20 posts one shot and brainwash you, haha!! just simple two to three posts to make an account of the trip will do~~ :)

23.06.2012 | 作文喜惡

[Volume 7 Issue 6, #1454]
之前講到假期作業, 有讀者話咩都唔討厭, 唯獨最討厭作文.. 其實我都有同感, 覺得要嘔一篇作文出簡直係要我條命咁.. 講到小時候作文科, 你有冇發覺來來去去都係嗰幾個題目?? 其中印象最深刻嘅有以下呢兩個..
  • 《我的志願》 如果冇記錯, 好似每一年都會有唔同嘅志願, 曾經寫過要做醫生/教師/工程師/律師/作家/科學家等等(好有理想㗎當時, 哈哈!!), 不過而家我做IT呢一行, 命中率係零囉!! :D
  • 《我的嗜好》 老實講, 我真係唔清楚自己有咩特別嗜好囉.. 以前係先參考隔離同學寫咩, 跟住我就寫咩.. 什麼閱讀/集郵/畫畫等等, 其實都係跟風, 寫一啲老師會接受嘅嗜好為咗交功課啫.. :p
i blogged about holiday homework and there were readers who commented nothing else more hatred than composition.. i have the same thought too, just felt like it's something that is killing me.. did you actually realise the topics were always only those few?? the two below are amongst the ones deeply embedded in my mind..
  • "My Ambition" if i could still remember, i had different ambition each year and amongst the ambitions, doctor/ teacher/ engineer/ lawyer/ writer/ scientist etc were what i had written before.. but i am now working in the IT industry, what a perfect zero probability, haha!! :D
  • "My Hobby" frankly i can never find an answer for this, for i do not have anything particular in mind.. i always referred to classmates around me before deciding on which to write, could be reading or collecting stamps or drawing etc, but really just to write for the sake of writing something the teacher would accept and so that i can hand-in the work.. :p

22.06.2012 | 撲朔迷離

[Volume 7 Issue 6, #1453]
仍然好記得多年前仲係中二學生嘅時候, 一個為咗第二朝嘅歷史測驗而挑燈夜讀嘅晚上.. 應該係凌晨兩點幾鐘, 忽然間聽到屋外有一班小朋友喺度嘻戲, 聽佢哋啲嘻哈聲, 應該有五六個小朋友度.. 好奇怪, 深夜時份點會有小朋友喺度玩, 而且仲係成班添?? 啲家長冇理由俾啲小朋友唔瞓覺, 自己喺出邊玩?? 佢哋好嘈喎, 點解都冇人鬧佢哋?? 而且印象中左鄰右里都冇小朋友喎.. 突然心一寒, 唔係咁邪係嘛?? 嘻哈聲持續十幾分鐘咁耐, 我嘅心就卜卜跳咁耐.. 係之後聽到有架車經過, 先冇晒聲氣.. 究竟係發生咩事?? 至今都係一個迷..
i still remember one night while i was a form 2 student many years ago, i stayed up late to study for the history exam the next day.. it was about 2am when i suddenly heard a group of kids playing and shouting outside my house, by hearing their noises i supposed there were like 5 to 6 of them.. i felt weird, how could there be kids playing in these wee hours, not only one but a whole group?? how would their parents allow them to stay up this late, and let them play out there alone?? the kids were making noise, why wasn't there anyone to yell at them at all?? furthermore, i don't remember there were any little kids in my neighbourhood.. i suddenly was petrified, don't tell me it's that creepy.. it stayed for a good 10+ minutes, and my heart pumping fast for that entire period.. until i heard a car passed by, then everything just stopped and back to normal.. what was actually happening out there?? it's still a mystery..