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28.02.2011 | 銀紙靚靚

有朋友話我係完美主意者, 不過我覺得可能係我小事姿整嘅原因啩?? 譬如話荷包內嘅銀紙, 我會頭對頭邊對邊咁折得整整齊齊, 然後跟住銀碼一張張循序排好.. 不過呢啲都係個人習慣啫, 荷包有幾整齊幾亂都冇乜所謂..

我有所謂嘅係啲人點樣畀錢囉.. 好討厭見到啲人哩, 喺手袋或褲袋摷出皺皺嘅銀紙, 然後就咁掟落檯面等收銀「一咋咋」執起.. 我覺得好冇禮貌好唔尊重別人囉, 所以我一定會將啲銀紙整直再排好先畀人嘅.. 雖則係小事, 但係都應該顧慮到別人感受嘅.. :)
there are friends who said i am a perfectionist, but i think maybe what they see is just myself being a little fussy?? for example, i will fold my money neatly edge on edge and then arrange them according to denominations in my wallet.. but this is of course personal preference that i can't bother how tidy or messy the wallet is..

what actually bothers me is how the money is given, especially over cashiers.. i hate people drawing money out from their bags or pockets in crumples and then just dump them onto the table, expecting the cashier to pick them up one by one.. i think this is kind of rude and irrespectful, that is why i always will straighten my notes and arrange them properly before i hand them the cashier.. though minor, but i guess we should also be considerate right?? :)

25.02.2011 | 柚日料理

食日本料理, 我其實非常麻麻地壽司架, 所以我通常主攻便當.. 因為一份便當裡邊乜嘢都有, 沙律/湯/飯/肉/蒸蛋/魚生/天婦羅/甜品每樣有啲, 啱晒我呢啲鐘意多樣化嘅(貪心)人啦..

when it comes to japanese, i must be frank that i don't really fancy sushi, that is why i always opt for bento.. because you have a little of everything in a bento set, with salad/ soup/ rice/ meat/ steam egg/ sashimi/ tempura/ dessert, that is definitely the best choice for somebody (greedy) who prefers variety like me..

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位于花園商場嘅呢間「柚」日本料理, 其實單係個門面就已經畀人一種高格調嘅感覺, 食物都應該有番咁上下..
Yuzu japanese restaurant in The Gardens, by just the outlook it already gives a classy feel, and also a kind of confidence on the standard of food..

23.02.2011 | 嗜辣程度

我覺得人年紀越大, 食嘢嘅口味真係會變, 尤其係接受食物味道嘅程度.. 我記得以前自己都幾食得辣架, 咖哩辣椒有幾辣我都可以處之泰然.. 但係數年前開始覺得自己已經不復當年勇喇, 腸胃開始對辣敏感, 尤其係油辣食物就肯定可以搞到我終日與馬桶為伴, 哈哈.. 係可憐到咩程度呢?? 譬如話經已被我證實嘅崎A芙斯辣味炸雞效應, 可以話係一擊即中, 六合彩都冇咁準嗰隻囉.. 唔知大家又有咩食物係一定要避忌下咁嘅呢??
i think as you aged, most probably your taste on food will change, and especially you tolerance level to the taste of the food.. i remember i could take very spicy food, no matter to what degree i can still manage to take the spiciness.. but couple of years back i started to realise i wasn't as good, my stomach started to get sensitive to spicy food, especially oily and spicy food will definitely get me frequent the toilet like no business, haha.. to give you an idea how bad it is, i've already proven to myself that kay-eff-cee hot-and-spicy is definitely a culprit that i must avoid.. so, do you have any food that you must refrain from eating??

20.02.2011 | 先洗後穿

過時過節大家都應該會買新衫新褲著架啦.. 穿新衫褲之前, 大家有冇習慣拎去洗過先咁架呢?? 有啲人鐘意新衫褲陣味, 覺得洗過後就唔算新, 所以會新新淨淨就咁著上身.. 有啲人就覺得啲衫褲擺喺貨艙入邊, 都不知有幾多蛇蟲鼠蟻懶過, 一定要洗過先可以穿得安心..

其實我覺得都係乾淨啲好, 所以我通常都會洗咗先著嘅, 不過有時候件衫橫掂都已經試過上身啦, 應該冇問題啩?? (正在自打嘴巴中 :p) 唔知大家又如何處理新新衫褲呢??
i'm sure most of us will buy new clothes for festives.. before you wear your new clothes, do you normally wash them first?? some just like the smell of brand new clothes, and they think if new clothes are washed then they are not new anymore, so they will put them on just like that.. some think that clothes are stocked inside dodgy store rooms, and wonder how many insects have crawled over them, thus a wash is a must before wearing..

for me, i actually think it's better to be hygienic, that is why i normally will bring new clothes to wash, but there are times when i think it shouldn't be a problem since i've tried the clothes on before buying.. (a little contradict now :p).. so how do you normally deal with your new clothes??

17.02.2011 | 元宵快樂

農曆新年假期後開工都超過一個星期喇, 公司餐開工宴竟然遲至年十四先有得食.. 不過總算趕得切元宵前, 都算係咁無話可說喇.. 再次多謝籌委會悉心安排, 呢一餐真係食得好滿足好富貴囉.. 大家睇睇相, 順便祝大家元宵節快樂~~ :)

it has been more than a week we're back to work since the CNY holidays, but the company's "start work" lunch was only held yesterday.. anyway, still manage to have it before the last day of CNY though.. many thanks to the committe again for the event, this was indeed a very satisfying and rich lunch for me.. take a look at the photos, and at the same time wishing everyone happy chap goh meh~~ :)

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漢城酒家 @ The Gardens
The Han Room @ The Gardens

14.02.2011 | 叮噹再現

幾日前當我正在猶疑緊要食乜而在商場遊離浪蕩嘅時候, 忽然間唔小心瞥到麥當當某角落告示牌有多個多啦A夢影蹤.. 於是就唔覺意咁行咗入去, 不經意地買咗兩隻多啦A夢同一隻多啦美..

每買一份麥當當兒童歡樂套餐就免費附送一個!! 係唔係好趣緻呢?? 好嘢, 我嘅收藏又再添三個成員喇, 呵呵呵呵~~ :D
few days ago while i was wandering around in the shopping mall undecisive of what to have for lunch, i suddenly saw a few images of Doraemon on the bulletin board at a corner in McD.. i hence instinctively walked in and then *accidentally* bought two Doraemon and a Doraemi toys..

comes free with every McD happy meal purchase!! utterly adorable aren't they?? yes, and that's another three new items to my collection, hehehehe~~ :D

11.02.2011 | 新年賀卡

農曆新年都過咗一大半喇, 我仲記得以前讀書嘅時候, 大人忙著辦年貨, 我哋就忙著四週圍張羅新年賀卡.. 以前我幾乎每個同學每位朋友都會送上一張賀卡, 仲會喺內頁寫上大堆新年賀詞.. 之後比較邊個收到最多張賀卡, 越多就表示越受歡迎噃~~ :p

呢啲都係咸豐年前嘅事喇, 今時今日我相信都冇咩人會送賀卡啩?? 廿一世紀, 一般都係通過電郵, 短訊, 甚至係面卜祝賀啦, 不過我始終認為可以收到張真正嘅賀卡, 個感覺係比較實在, 而且係特別溫暖貼心囉.. :)
the CNY period has passed more than a half now.. i still remember during school days, while the adults were busy buying CNY goodies, we were busy looking for greeting cards everywhere.. back then i used to write lots of greetings in the cards and then give them away to (almost) all my classmates and friends.. and then we would compare who received the most cards, because the more you received the more popular you were amongst friends~~ :p

those were the days but i don't really think it's a trend to give physical greeting cards now right?? nowadays we normally greet others via emails, SMS or even FB.. but still, i think greetings during a festive season is best felt through physical greeting cards, still more real and more warmth.. :)

08.02.2011 | 朱古媽蜜

與我相識廿八年嘅友人, 知道我早前有事唔開心, 專登由倫敦寄來一排朱古力氹我開心.. 非常之窩心, 多謝晒~~ 見到排朱古力時, 可以用啼笑皆非嚟到形容, 事關呢排睇落普通嘅朱古力, 原來係媽蜜(marmite)味朱古力!!

媽蜜撈粥你食得多, 媽蜜朱古力算係新奇啩?? 我都係第一次見, 所以覺得頗搞笑, 果然係達到朱古力令人開心嘅效果囉, 哈哈!! 拆開之後, 一陣好香濃嘅媽蜜味撲鼻而來; 擺落口反而唔會喧賓奪主, 恰到好處一絲媽蜜味融入順滑朱古力內.. 同佢之前寄畀我嘅辣椒朱古力同出一轍, 我鐘意~~
a friend whom i've known for 28 years heard that i wasn't too happy a while ago, and hence all the way from london she sent me a bar of chocolate to cheer me up.. it's really a heart felt act and i really appreciate that.. when i saw that bar of chocolate, i was between laughter and tears, because that normal looking chocolate is actually (quite peculiar like it's name suggests) marmite flavoured!!

i guess you're familiar eating congee with marmite, but what about marmite chocolate?? this is my first time too, hence i find it quite amusing, definitely proven that chocolate can make people happy, hahaha!! i unwrapped it and smell the marmite fragrant, but when put into mouth it's not too much but just a hint of marmite in the milk chocolate.. exactly similarity of the chili chocolate she sent me before, i like that~~

05.02.2011 | 迎春新衣

相信大家都會買番幾件新衫過新年啦, 可能係年紀大咗, 我覺得自己對於新年買新衣呢件事都開始抱著可有可無嘅態度.. 點知就喺新年前嘅幾日, 因為陪某位友人濕平買衫, 竟然搞到陰溝裡翻船, 激起不可收拾嘅購買慾, 一口氣買咗以下兩對波鞋同八件衣服!!

幸好我不嬲唔買名牌, 再加上公司之前送嘅一百蚊購物禮券, 所以都不至於損手爛腳.. 濕平之後發現啲衫嘅色水都差無多喎, 原來我喜歡藍白兩色~~ :)
i believe it's a tradition for many people to buy new clothes for CNY, but as i grow older i don't really find this quite necessary.. however it was just a few days before CNY when i kept a friend's company for his CNY shopping, that i unexpectedly get into the insatiable mood of buying, and in one shot i got myself two sports shoes and eight pieces of shirts per above!!

the lucky thing is that i hardly buy branded clothes, and with the RM100 voucher we each received from the company, i can say i didn't really spent a lot on those items.. post-shopping, i realised the colors of the clothes are quite close, now i know i actually like white and blue.. :)

02.02.2011 | 兔年發財

2011辛卯年, 喺度為大家精心揀嚟以下又應景又懷舊又經典嘅賀年歌曲.. 祝各位兔年快樂, 萬事如意, 身體健康, 心想事成!!! :)
it's the new year of rabbit 2011, i heartfully picked the following nostalgic and classic CNY greeting songs to share with everyone.. wishing all a happy and prosperous CNY celebrated with health, wealth and togetherness!!! :)



